Module refinery.units.formats
A package containing several sub-packages for various data formats.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A package containing several sub-packages for various data formats.
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import collections
import fnmatch
import os
import re
from zlib import adler32
from collections import Counter
from typing import ByteString, Iterable, Callable, List, Union, Optional
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit, RefineryPartialResult, RefineryPotentialUserError
from refinery.lib.meta import metavars, ByteStringWrapper, LazyMetaOracle
from refinery.lib.xml import XMLNodeBase
from import exception_to_string
def pathspec(expression):
Normalizes a path which is separated by backward or forward slashes to be
separated by forward slashes.
return '/'.join(re.split(R'[\\\/]', expression))
class UnpackResult:
def get_data(self) -> ByteString:
if callable( =
def __init__(self, _br__path: str, _br__data: Union[ByteString, Callable[[], ByteString]], **_br__meta):
self.path = _br__path = _br__data
self.meta = _br__meta
for key in [key for key, value in _br__meta.items() if value is None]:
del _br__meta[key]
class EndOfStringNotFound(ValueError):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('end of string could not be determined')
class PathPattern:
def __init__(self, query: Union[str, re.Pattern], regex=False, fuzzy=0):
self.query = query
self.regex = regex
self.fuzzy = fuzzy
def compile(self, **kw):
query = self.query
if isinstance(query, re.Pattern):
self.stops = []
self.pattern = query
elif not self.regex:
self.stops = re.split(R'([/*?]+)', query)
query, _, _ = fnmatch.translate(query).partition(r'\Z')
p1 = re.compile(query, **kw)
p2 = re.compile(F'.*?{query}')
self.matchers = [p1.fullmatch, p2.fullmatch,]
def reach(self, path):
if not any(self.stops):
return True
for stop in self.stops[0::2]:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, F'*{stop}'):
return True
return False
def check(self, path, fuzzy=0):
fuzzy = min(max(fuzzy, self.fuzzy), 2)
return self.matchers[fuzzy](path)
def __repr__(self):
return F'<PathPattern:{"".join(self.stops) or "RE"}>'
class PathExtractorUnit(Unit, abstract=True):
CustomPathSeparator = None
This class variable can be overwritten by child classes to change the path separator from the
default forward slash to something else.
def __init__(
*paths: Arg.Binary(metavar='path', nargs='*', help=(
'Wildcard pattern for the path of the item to be extracted. Each item is returned '
'as a separate output of this unit. Paths may contain wildcards; The default '
'argument is a single wildcard, which means that every item will be extracted. If '
'a given path yields no results, the unit performs increasingly fuzzy searches '
'with it. This can be disabled using the --exact switch.')),
list: Arg.Switch('-l',
help='Return all matching paths as UTF8-encoded output chunks.') = False,
join_path: Arg.Switch('-j', group='PATH', help=(
'Join path names with the previously existing one. If the previously existing path has '
'a file extension, it is removed. Then, if that path already exists on disk, a numeric '
'extension is appended to avoid conflict with the file system.')) = False,
drop_path: Arg.Switch('-d', group='PATH',
help='Do not modify the path variable for output chunks.') = False,
fuzzy: Arg.Counts('-z', group='MATCH', help=(
'Specify once to add a leading wildcard to each patterns, twice to also add a '
'trailing wildcard.')) = 0,
exact: Arg.Switch('-e', group='MATCH',
help='Path patterns never match on substrings.') = False,
regex: Arg.Switch('-r',
help='Use regular expressions instead of wildcard patterns.') = False,
path: Arg('-P', metavar='NAME', help=(
'Name of the meta variable to receive the extracted path. The default value is '
'"{default}".')) = b'path',
def _get_path_separator(self) -> str:
return self.CustomPathSeparator or '/'
def _patterns(self):
paths = self.args.paths
if not paths:
if self.args.regex:
paths = ['.*']
paths = [u'*']
def to_string(t: Union[str, bytes]) -> str:
if isinstance(t, str):
return t
return t.decode(self.codec)
except Exception as E:
raise RefineryPotentialUserError(
F'invalid path pattern of length {len(t)};'
U' if that path exists on disk, these are the file contents.'
U' to prevent this, specify s:path.txt rather than path.txt.'
) from E
paths = [to_string(p) for p in paths]
for path in paths:
self.log_debug('path:', path)
return [
) for path in paths
def unpack(self, data: ByteString) -> Iterable[UnpackResult]:
raise NotImplementedError
def process(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString:
meta = metavars(data)
results: List[UnpackResult] = list(self.unpack(data))
patterns = self._patterns
metavar = self.args.path.decode(self.codec)
occurrences = collections.defaultdict(int)
checksums = collections.defaultdict(set)
root = ''
uuid = 0
def path_exists(p: str):
return os.path.exists(p) and not os.path.isdir(p)
except Exception:
return False
def get_data(result: UnpackResult):
data = result.get_data()
except RefineryPartialResult as error:
if not self.args.lenient:
raise = data = error.partial
return data
def _uuid():
nonlocal uuid
crc = meta['crc32'].decode('ascii').upper()
uid = uuid
uuid += 1
return F'_{crc}.{uid:04X}'
def normalize(_path: str) -> str:
pathsep = self.CustomPathSeparator
pattern = '[\\\\/]'
if pathsep is None:
pathsep = '/'
pattern = re.escape(pathsep)
parts = re.split(pattern, F'{root}{pathsep}{_path}')
while True:
for k, part in enumerate(parts):
if not part.strip('.'):
size = len(part)
j = max(k - size, 0)
del parts[j:k + 1]
path = pathsep.join(parts)
return path
if self.args.join:
root = str(ByteStringWrapper(meta[metavar], self.codec))
except KeyError:
if path_exists(root):
root, _, rest = root.rpartition('.')
root = root or rest
_rr = root
_rk = 1
while path_exists(root):
root = F'{_rr}.{_rk}'
for result in results:
path = normalize(result.path)
if not path:
from refinery.lib.mime import FileMagicInfo
path = _uuid()
ext = FileMagicInfo(get_data(result)).extension
if ext != 'bin':
path = F'{path}.{ext}'
self.log_warn(F'read chunk with empty path; using generated name {path}')
result.path = path
occurrences[path] += 1
for result in results:
path = result.path
if occurrences[path] > 1:
checksum = adler32(get_data(result))
if checksum in checksums[path]:
counter = len(checksums[path])
base, extension = os.path.splitext(path)
width = len(str(occurrences[path]))
if any(F'{base}.v{c:0{width}d}{extension}' in occurrences for c in range(occurrences[path])):
result.path = F'{base}.{_uuid()}{extension}'
result.path = F'{base}.v{counter:0{width}d}{extension}'
self.log_warn(F'read chunk with duplicate path; deduplicating to {result.path}')
if len({r.path.lower() for r in results}) == len(results):
for p in patterns:
for p in patterns:
for fuzzy in range(3):
done = self.args.exact
for result in results:
path = result.path
if not p.check(path, fuzzy):
done = True
if self.args.list:
yield self.labelled(path.encode(self.codec), **result.meta)
if not self.args.drop:
result.meta[metavar] = path
chunk = get_data(result)
except Exception as error:
if self.log_debug():
self.log_warn(F'extraction failure for {path}: {exception_to_string(error)}')
self.log_debug(F'extraction success for {path}')
yield self.labelled(chunk, **result.meta)
if done or self.args.fuzzy:
class XMLToPathExtractorUnit(PathExtractorUnit, abstract=True):
def __init__(
self, *paths,
format: Arg('-f', type=str, metavar='F', help=(
'A format expression to be applied for computing the path of an item. This must use '
'metadata that is available on the item. The current tag can be accessed as {{tag}}. '
'If no format is specified, the unit attempts to derive a good attribute from the XML '
'tree to use for generating paths.'
)) = None,
list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False,
path=b'path', **keywords
def _normalize_val(attr: str):
_bad = '[/\\$&%#:.]'
attr = attr.replace('[', '(')
attr = attr.replace(']', ')')
attr = re.sub(F'\\s*{_bad}+\\s+', ' ', attr)
attr = re.sub(F'\\s*{_bad}+\\s*', '.', attr)
return attr.strip()
def _normalize_key(attribute: str):
_, _, a = attribute.rpartition(':')
return a
def _make_path_builder(
meta: LazyMetaOracle,
root: XMLNodeBase
) -> Callable[[XMLNodeBase, Optional[int]], str]:
nfmt = self.args.format
nkey = self._normalize_key
nval = self._normalize_val
nmap = {}
if nfmt is None:
def rank_attribute(attribute: str):
length = len(attribute)
scount = length - len(re.sub(r'\s+', '', attribute))
return (1 / length, scount)
def walk(node: XMLNodeBase):
candidates = [
candidate for candidate, count in Counter(
key for child in node.children for key, val in child.attributes.items()
if len(val) in range(2, 65) and re.fullmatch(R'[-\s\w+,.;@()]+', nval(val))
if count == len(node.children) == len(
{child.attributes[candidate] for child in node.children})
if not candidates:
attr = None
attr = candidates[0]
for child in node.children:
nmap[child.path] = attr
def path_builder(node: XMLNodeBase) -> str:
attrs = node.attributes
if nfmt and meta is not None:
symbols = {nkey(key): nval(val) for key, val in attrs.items()}
return meta.format_str(nfmt, self.codec, node.tag, symbols)
except KeyError:
return nval(attrs[nmap[node.path]])
except KeyError:
index = node.index
name = nval(node.tag)
if index is not None:
name = F'{name}/{index}'
return name
return path_builder
A package with units for generic executables. Usually, PE, ELF, and MachO formats are covered.
The code is based on the logic implemented in IFPSTools:
Units that process Java related binary formats such as class files and serialized Java objects.
These units process data formats related to Microsoft Office.
A package containing Portable Executable (PE) file related units.
def pathspec(expression)
Normalizes a path which is separated by backward or forward slashes to be separated by forward slashes.
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def pathspec(expression): """ Normalizes a path which is separated by backward or forward slashes to be separated by forward slashes. """ return '/'.join(re.split(R'[\\\/]', expression))
class UnpackResult (_br__path, _br__data, **_br__meta)
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class UnpackResult: def get_data(self) -> ByteString: if callable( = return def __init__(self, _br__path: str, _br__data: Union[ByteString, Callable[[], ByteString]], **_br__meta): self.path = _br__path = _br__data self.meta = _br__meta for key in [key for key, value in _br__meta.items() if value is None]: del _br__meta[key]
def get_data(self)
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def get_data(self) -> ByteString: if callable( = return
class EndOfStringNotFound
Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).
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class EndOfStringNotFound(ValueError): def __init__(self): super().__init__('end of string could not be determined')
- builtins.ValueError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class PathPattern (query, regex=False, fuzzy=0)
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class PathPattern: def __init__(self, query: Union[str, re.Pattern], regex=False, fuzzy=0): self.query = query self.regex = regex self.fuzzy = fuzzy self.compile() def compile(self, **kw): query = self.query if isinstance(query, re.Pattern): self.stops = [] self.pattern = query return elif not self.regex: self.stops = re.split(R'([/*?]+)', query) query, _, _ = fnmatch.translate(query).partition(r'\Z') p1 = re.compile(query, **kw) p2 = re.compile(F'.*?{query}') self.matchers = [p1.fullmatch, p2.fullmatch,] def reach(self, path): if not any(self.stops): return True for stop in self.stops[0::2]: if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, F'*{stop}'): return True return False def check(self, path, fuzzy=0): fuzzy = min(max(fuzzy, self.fuzzy), 2) return self.matchers[fuzzy](path) def __repr__(self): return F'<PathPattern:{"".join(self.stops) or "RE"}>'
def compile(self, **kw)
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def compile(self, **kw): query = self.query if isinstance(query, re.Pattern): self.stops = [] self.pattern = query return elif not self.regex: self.stops = re.split(R'([/*?]+)', query) query, _, _ = fnmatch.translate(query).partition(r'\Z') p1 = re.compile(query, **kw) p2 = re.compile(F'.*?{query}') self.matchers = [p1.fullmatch, p2.fullmatch,]
def reach(self, path)
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def reach(self, path): if not any(self.stops): return True for stop in self.stops[0::2]: if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, F'*{stop}'): return True return False
def check(self, path, fuzzy=0)
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def check(self, path, fuzzy=0): fuzzy = min(max(fuzzy, self.fuzzy), 2) return self.matchers[fuzzy](path)
class PathExtractorUnit (*paths, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path', **keywords)
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class PathExtractorUnit(Unit, abstract=True): CustomPathSeparator = None """ This class variable can be overwritten by child classes to change the path separator from the default forward slash to something else. """ def __init__( self, *paths: Arg.Binary(metavar='path', nargs='*', help=( 'Wildcard pattern for the path of the item to be extracted. Each item is returned ' 'as a separate output of this unit. Paths may contain wildcards; The default ' 'argument is a single wildcard, which means that every item will be extracted. If ' 'a given path yields no results, the unit performs increasingly fuzzy searches ' 'with it. This can be disabled using the --exact switch.')), list: Arg.Switch('-l', help='Return all matching paths as UTF8-encoded output chunks.') = False, join_path: Arg.Switch('-j', group='PATH', help=( 'Join path names with the previously existing one. If the previously existing path has ' 'a file extension, it is removed. Then, if that path already exists on disk, a numeric ' 'extension is appended to avoid conflict with the file system.')) = False, drop_path: Arg.Switch('-d', group='PATH', help='Do not modify the path variable for output chunks.') = False, fuzzy: Arg.Counts('-z', group='MATCH', help=( 'Specify once to add a leading wildcard to each patterns, twice to also add a ' 'trailing wildcard.')) = 0, exact: Arg.Switch('-e', group='MATCH', help='Path patterns never match on substrings.') = False, regex: Arg.Switch('-r', help='Use regular expressions instead of wildcard patterns.') = False, path: Arg('-P', metavar='NAME', help=( 'Name of the meta variable to receive the extracted path. The default value is ' '"{default}".')) = b'path', **keywords ): super().__init__( paths=paths, list=list, join=join_path, drop=drop_path, path=path, fuzzy=fuzzy, exact=exact, regex=regex, **keywords ) def _get_path_separator(self) -> str: return self.CustomPathSeparator or '/' @property def _patterns(self): paths = self.args.paths if not paths: if self.args.regex: paths = ['.*'] else: paths = [u'*'] else: def to_string(t: Union[str, bytes]) -> str: if isinstance(t, str): return t try: return t.decode(self.codec) except Exception as E: raise RefineryPotentialUserError( F'invalid path pattern of length {len(t)};' U' if that path exists on disk, these are the file contents.' U' to prevent this, specify s:path.txt rather than path.txt.' ) from E paths = [to_string(p) for p in paths] for path in paths: self.log_debug('path:', path) return [ PathPattern( path, self.args.regex, self.args.fuzzy, ) for path in paths ] @abc.abstractmethod def unpack(self, data: ByteString) -> Iterable[UnpackResult]: raise NotImplementedError def process(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString: meta = metavars(data) results: List[UnpackResult] = list(self.unpack(data)) patterns = self._patterns metavar = self.args.path.decode(self.codec) occurrences = collections.defaultdict(int) checksums = collections.defaultdict(set) root = '' uuid = 0 def path_exists(p: str): try: return os.path.exists(p) and not os.path.isdir(p) except Exception: return False def get_data(result: UnpackResult): try: data = result.get_data() except RefineryPartialResult as error: if not self.args.lenient: raise = data = error.partial return data def _uuid(): nonlocal uuid crc = meta['crc32'].decode('ascii').upper() uid = uuid uuid += 1 return F'_{crc}.{uid:04X}' def normalize(_path: str) -> str: pathsep = self.CustomPathSeparator pattern = '[\\\\/]' if pathsep is None: pathsep = '/' else: pattern = re.escape(pathsep) parts = re.split(pattern, F'{root}{pathsep}{_path}') while True: for k, part in enumerate(parts): if not part.strip('.'): break else: break size = len(part) j = max(k - size, 0) del parts[j:k + 1] path = pathsep.join(parts) return path if self.args.join: try: root = str(ByteStringWrapper(meta[metavar], self.codec)) except KeyError: pass if path_exists(root): root, _, rest = root.rpartition('.') root = root or rest _rr = root _rk = 1 while path_exists(root): root = F'{_rr}.{_rk}' for result in results: path = normalize(result.path) if not path: from refinery.lib.mime import FileMagicInfo path = _uuid() ext = FileMagicInfo(get_data(result)).extension if ext != 'bin': path = F'{path}.{ext}' self.log_warn(F'read chunk with empty path; using generated name {path}') result.path = path occurrences[path] += 1 for result in results: path = result.path if occurrences[path] > 1: checksum = adler32(get_data(result)) if checksum in checksums[path]: continue checksums[path].add(checksum) counter = len(checksums[path]) base, extension = os.path.splitext(path) width = len(str(occurrences[path])) if any(F'{base}.v{c:0{width}d}{extension}' in occurrences for c in range(occurrences[path])): result.path = F'{base}.{_uuid()}{extension}' else: result.path = F'{base}.v{counter:0{width}d}{extension}' self.log_warn(F'read chunk with duplicate path; deduplicating to {result.path}') if len({r.path.lower() for r in results}) == len(results): for p in patterns: p.compile(flags=re.IGNORECASE) for p in patterns: for fuzzy in range(3): done = self.args.exact for result in results: path = result.path if not p.check(path, fuzzy): continue done = True if self.args.list: yield self.labelled(path.encode(self.codec), **result.meta) continue if not self.args.drop: result.meta[metavar] = path try: chunk = get_data(result) except Exception as error: if self.log_debug(): raise self.log_warn(F'extraction failure for {path}: {exception_to_string(error)}') else: self.log_debug(F'extraction success for {path}') yield self.labelled(chunk, **result.meta) if done or self.args.fuzzy: break
- XMLToPathExtractorUnit
- a3x
- ArchiveUnit
- xtnuitka
- xtsql
- xtmail
- vsect
- jvdasm
- xtjson
- docmeta
- vbastr
- xtdoc
- xtone
- xtrtf
- xtvba
- xtpdf
- dnfields
- dnmr
- dnrc
- dnsfx
- perc
- winreg
- carve_pe
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
var CustomPathSeparator
This class variable can be overwritten by child classes to change the path separator from the default forward slash to something else.
def unpack(self, data)
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@abc.abstractmethod def unpack(self, data: ByteString) -> Iterable[UnpackResult]: raise NotImplementedError
Inherited members
class XMLToPathExtractorUnit (*paths, format=None, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path', **keywords)
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class XMLToPathExtractorUnit(PathExtractorUnit, abstract=True): def __init__( self, *paths, format: Arg('-f', type=str, metavar='F', help=( 'A format expression to be applied for computing the path of an item. This must use ' 'metadata that is available on the item. The current tag can be accessed as {{tag}}. ' 'If no format is specified, the unit attempts to derive a good attribute from the XML ' 'tree to use for generating paths.' )) = None, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path', **keywords ): super().__init__( *paths, format=format, list=list, path=path, join_path=join_path, drop_path=drop_path, fuzzy=fuzzy, exact=exact, regex=regex, **keywords ) @staticmethod def _normalize_val(attr: str): _bad = '[/\\$&%#:.]' attr = attr.replace('[', '(') attr = attr.replace(']', ')') attr = re.sub(F'\\s*{_bad}+\\s+', ' ', attr) attr = re.sub(F'\\s*{_bad}+\\s*', '.', attr) return attr.strip() @staticmethod def _normalize_key(attribute: str): _, _, a = attribute.rpartition(':') return a def _make_path_builder( self, meta: LazyMetaOracle, root: XMLNodeBase ) -> Callable[[XMLNodeBase, Optional[int]], str]: nfmt = self.args.format nkey = self._normalize_key nval = self._normalize_val nmap = {} if nfmt is None: def rank_attribute(attribute: str): length = len(attribute) scount = length - len(re.sub(r'\s+', '', attribute)) return (1 / length, scount) def walk(node: XMLNodeBase): candidates = [ candidate for candidate, count in Counter( key for child in node.children for key, val in child.attributes.items() if len(val) in range(2, 65) and re.fullmatch(R'[-\s\w+,.;@()]+', nval(val)) ).items() if count == len(node.children) == len( {child.attributes[candidate] for child in node.children}) ] if not candidates: attr = None else: candidates.sort(key=rank_attribute) attr = candidates[0] for child in node.children: nmap[child.path] = attr walk(child) walk(root) def path_builder(node: XMLNodeBase) -> str: attrs = node.attributes if nfmt and meta is not None: try: symbols = {nkey(key): nval(val) for key, val in attrs.items()} return meta.format_str(nfmt, self.codec, node.tag, symbols) except KeyError: pass try: return nval(attrs[nmap[node.path]]) except KeyError: index = node.index name = nval(node.tag) if index is not None: name = F'{name}/{index}' return name return path_builder
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Inherited members