Module refinery.units.formats.archive.xtsql

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations

import sqlite3
import sys
import functools

from refinery.units.formats import PathExtractorUnit, UnpackResult
from refinery.lib.json import BytesAsStringEncoder

class xtsql(PathExtractorUnit):
    Extract files from SQLite3 databases.
    def unpack(self, data: bytearray):
        def _json(object):
            with BytesAsStringEncoder as encoder:
                return encoder.dumps(object).encode(self.codec)

        if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 11):
            raise NotImplementedError(F'python 3.11 is required to use {self.__class__.__name__}.')

        database = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
        cursor = database.cursor()
        result: dict[str, list[dict[str, int | float | str | bytes]]] = {}

        listing: list[tuple[str, str]] = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall()

        for table, spec in listing:
            result[table] = t = []
            ct, _table, names = spec.partition(table)
            names = names.strip()
            if (
                table != _table
                or ct.strip().upper().split() != ['CREATE', 'TABLE']
                or not names.endswith(')')
                or not names.startswith('(')
                raise ValueError(F'Unexpeted SQL statement in master table: {spec}')
            names = [next(iter(name.strip().split()))
                for name in names[1:-1].split(',')]
            for row in cursor.execute(F'SELECT * FROM {table}').fetchall():
                t.append(dict(zip(names, row)))

        yield UnpackResult('db', functools.partial(_json, result))

        for table, rows in result.items():

            yield UnpackResult(F'db/{table}', functools.partial(_json, rows))

            for k, row in enumerate(rows):

                root = F'db/{table}/{k}'
                yield UnpackResult(root, functools.partial(_json, row))

                for name, value in row.items():
                    path = F'{root}/{name}'
                    if value is None:
                    if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
                        value = str(value)
                    if isinstance(value, str):
                        value = value.encode(self.codec)
                    if isinstance(value, bytes):
                        yield UnpackResult(path, value)

    def handles(cls, data: bytearray):
        return memoryview(data)[:15] == B'SQLite format 3'


class xtsql (*paths, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path')

Extract files from SQLite3 databases.

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class xtsql(PathExtractorUnit):
    Extract files from SQLite3 databases.
    def unpack(self, data: bytearray):
        def _json(object):
            with BytesAsStringEncoder as encoder:
                return encoder.dumps(object).encode(self.codec)

        if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 11):
            raise NotImplementedError(F'python 3.11 is required to use {self.__class__.__name__}.')

        database = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
        cursor = database.cursor()
        result: dict[str, list[dict[str, int | float | str | bytes]]] = {}

        listing: list[tuple[str, str]] = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall()

        for table, spec in listing:
            result[table] = t = []
            ct, _table, names = spec.partition(table)
            names = names.strip()
            if (
                table != _table
                or ct.strip().upper().split() != ['CREATE', 'TABLE']
                or not names.endswith(')')
                or not names.startswith('(')
                raise ValueError(F'Unexpeted SQL statement in master table: {spec}')
            names = [next(iter(name.strip().split()))
                for name in names[1:-1].split(',')]
            for row in cursor.execute(F'SELECT * FROM {table}').fetchall():
                t.append(dict(zip(names, row)))

        yield UnpackResult('db', functools.partial(_json, result))

        for table, rows in result.items():

            yield UnpackResult(F'db/{table}', functools.partial(_json, rows))

            for k, row in enumerate(rows):

                root = F'db/{table}/{k}'
                yield UnpackResult(root, functools.partial(_json, row))

                for name, value in row.items():
                    path = F'{root}/{name}'
                    if value is None:
                    if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
                        value = str(value)
                    if isinstance(value, str):
                        value = value.encode(self.codec)
                    if isinstance(value, bytes):
                        yield UnpackResult(path, value)

    def handles(cls, data: bytearray):
        return memoryview(data)[:15] == B'SQLite format 3'


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies


def unpack(self, data)
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def unpack(self, data: bytearray):
    def _json(object):
        with BytesAsStringEncoder as encoder:
            return encoder.dumps(object).encode(self.codec)

    if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 11):
        raise NotImplementedError(F'python 3.11 is required to use {self.__class__.__name__}.')

    database = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
    cursor = database.cursor()
    result: dict[str, list[dict[str, int | float | str | bytes]]] = {}

    listing: list[tuple[str, str]] = cursor.execute(
        "SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall()

    for table, spec in listing:
        result[table] = t = []
        ct, _table, names = spec.partition(table)
        names = names.strip()
        if (
            table != _table
            or ct.strip().upper().split() != ['CREATE', 'TABLE']
            or not names.endswith(')')
            or not names.startswith('(')
            raise ValueError(F'Unexpeted SQL statement in master table: {spec}')
        names = [next(iter(name.strip().split()))
            for name in names[1:-1].split(',')]
        for row in cursor.execute(F'SELECT * FROM {table}').fetchall():
            t.append(dict(zip(names, row)))

    yield UnpackResult('db', functools.partial(_json, result))

    for table, rows in result.items():

        yield UnpackResult(F'db/{table}', functools.partial(_json, rows))

        for k, row in enumerate(rows):

            root = F'db/{table}/{k}'
            yield UnpackResult(root, functools.partial(_json, row))

            for name, value in row.items():
                path = F'{root}/{name}'
                if value is None:
                if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
                    value = str(value)
                if isinstance(value, str):
                    value = value.encode(self.codec)
                if isinstance(value, bytes):
                    yield UnpackResult(path, value)

Inherited members