Module refinery.units.formats.pym

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from refinery.units import Unit
from refinery.lib.json import BytesAsStringEncoder

import marshal

class pym(Unit):
    Converts Python-Marshaled code objects to the PYC (Python Bytecode) format. If it is an
    older Python version, you can use the `refinery.pyc` unit to then decompile the code, but
    for more recent versions a separate Python decompiler will be required.

    WARNING: This unit will invoke the `marshal.loads` function, which may be unsafe. Please
    refer to the official Python documentation for more details.

    def reverse(self, data):
        return marshal.dumps(data)

    def process(self, data):
        data = marshal.loads(data)
        code = (lambda: 0).__code__.__class__

        def toblob(data):
            if isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
                self.log_info(U'unmarshalled a byte string, returning as is')
                return data
            if isinstance(data, str):
                self.log_info(F'unmarshalled a string object, encoding as {self.codec}')
                return data.encode(self.codec)
            if isinstance(data, code):
                self.log_info(U'unmarshalled a code object, converting to pyc')
                import importlib
                return importlib._bootstrap_external._code_to_timestamp_pyc(data)
            if isinstance(data, int):
                self.log_info(U'unmarshalled an integer, returning big endian encoding')
                q, r = divmod(data.bit_length(), 8)
                q += int(bool(r))
                return data.to_bytes(q, 'big')
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                with BytesAsStringEncoder as encoder:
                    return encoder.dumps(data).encode(self.codec)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                F'No serialization implemented for object of type {data.__class__.__name__}')

        if isinstance(data, list):
            self.log_info('object is a list, converting each item individually')
            for item in data:
                yield toblob(item)
            yield toblob(data)


class pym

Converts Python-Marshaled code objects to the PYC (Python Bytecode) format. If it is an older Python version, you can use the pyc unit to then decompile the code, but for more recent versions a separate Python decompiler will be required.

WARNING: This unit will invoke the marshal.loads function, which may be unsafe. Please refer to the official Python documentation for more details.

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class pym(Unit):
    Converts Python-Marshaled code objects to the PYC (Python Bytecode) format. If it is an
    older Python version, you can use the `refinery.pyc` unit to then decompile the code, but
    for more recent versions a separate Python decompiler will be required.

    WARNING: This unit will invoke the `marshal.loads` function, which may be unsafe. Please
    refer to the official Python documentation for more details.

    def reverse(self, data):
        return marshal.dumps(data)

    def process(self, data):
        data = marshal.loads(data)
        code = (lambda: 0).__code__.__class__

        def toblob(data):
            if isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
                self.log_info(U'unmarshalled a byte string, returning as is')
                return data
            if isinstance(data, str):
                self.log_info(F'unmarshalled a string object, encoding as {self.codec}')
                return data.encode(self.codec)
            if isinstance(data, code):
                self.log_info(U'unmarshalled a code object, converting to pyc')
                import importlib
                return importlib._bootstrap_external._code_to_timestamp_pyc(data)
            if isinstance(data, int):
                self.log_info(U'unmarshalled an integer, returning big endian encoding')
                q, r = divmod(data.bit_length(), 8)
                q += int(bool(r))
                return data.to_bytes(q, 'big')
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                with BytesAsStringEncoder as encoder:
                    return encoder.dumps(data).encode(self.codec)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                F'No serialization implemented for object of type {data.__class__.__name__}')

        if isinstance(data, list):
            self.log_info('object is a list, converting each item individually')
            for item in data:
                yield toblob(item)
            yield toblob(data)


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members