Module refinery.units.formats.xml

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from refinery.lib.structures import MemoryFile
from refinery.lib.meta import metavars, is_valid_variable_name
from refinery.lib import xml
from refinery.units.sinks.ppxml import ppxml
from refinery.units.formats import XMLToPathExtractorUnit, UnpackResult

class xtxml(XMLToPathExtractorUnit):
    Extract values from an XML document.
    def unpack(self, data):
        root = xml.parse(data.strip())
        meta = metavars(data)
        path = self._make_path_builder(meta, root)

        def walk(node: xml.XMLNode, *parts: str):
            def extract(node: xml.XMLNode = node):
                if not node.children:
                    return node.content.encode(self.codec)
                with MemoryFile() as stream:
                    return bytes(stream.getbuffer() | ppxml)

            attributes = {
                self._normalize_key(k): self._normalize_val(v)
                for k, v in node.attributes.items()

            if not all(is_valid_variable_name(k) for k in attributes):
                attributes = {F'_{k}': v for k, v in attributes.items()}

            yield UnpackResult('/'.join(parts), extract, **attributes)

            for child in node.children:
                yield from walk(child, *parts, path(child))

        yield from walk(root, path(root))


class xtxml (*paths, format=None, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path')

Extract values from an XML document.

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class xtxml(XMLToPathExtractorUnit):
    Extract values from an XML document.
    def unpack(self, data):
        root = xml.parse(data.strip())
        meta = metavars(data)
        path = self._make_path_builder(meta, root)

        def walk(node: xml.XMLNode, *parts: str):
            def extract(node: xml.XMLNode = node):
                if not node.children:
                    return node.content.encode(self.codec)
                with MemoryFile() as stream:
                    return bytes(stream.getbuffer() | ppxml)

            attributes = {
                self._normalize_key(k): self._normalize_val(v)
                for k, v in node.attributes.items()

            if not all(is_valid_variable_name(k) for k in attributes):
                attributes = {F'_{k}': v for k, v in attributes.items()}

            yield UnpackResult('/'.join(parts), extract, **attributes)

            for child in node.children:
                yield from walk(child, *parts, path(child))

        yield from walk(root, path(root))


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies


def unpack(self, data)
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def unpack(self, data):
    root = xml.parse(data.strip())
    meta = metavars(data)
    path = self._make_path_builder(meta, root)

    def walk(node: xml.XMLNode, *parts: str):
        def extract(node: xml.XMLNode = node):
            if not node.children:
                return node.content.encode(self.codec)
            with MemoryFile() as stream:
                return bytes(stream.getbuffer() | ppxml)

        attributes = {
            self._normalize_key(k): self._normalize_val(v)
            for k, v in node.attributes.items()

        if not all(is_valid_variable_name(k) for k in attributes):
            attributes = {F'_{k}': v for k, v in attributes.items()}

        yield UnpackResult('/'.join(parts), extract, **attributes)

        for child in node.children:
            yield from walk(child, *parts, path(child))

    yield from walk(root, path(root))

Inherited members