Module refinery.units.formats.stego

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from enum import IntEnum

from refinery.units import Unit, Arg
from refinery.lib.structures import MemoryFile

class PIXEL_PART(IntEnum):
    r = 0
    g = 1
    b = 2
    a = 3

class stego(Unit):
    Decodes the RGBA (red/green/blue/alpha) values of the pixels of a given image file and outputs
    these values as bytes. By default, the pixels are converted left to right, top to bottom.
    def __init__(
        transpose: Arg.Switch('-t', help='Return the columns of the image rather than the rows.'),
        split: Arg.Switch('-m', help='Emit the individual rows or columns as separate outputs.') = False,
        parts: Arg('parts', nargs='?', type=str, help=(
            'A string containing any ordering of the letters R, G, B, and A (case-insensitive). '
            'These pixel components will be extracted from every pixel in the given order. The '
            'default value is {default}.'
        )) = 'RGB'
            parts=tuple(Arg.AsOption(p, PIXEL_PART) for p in parts)

    @Unit.Requires('Pillow', 'formats')
    def _image():
        from PIL import Image
        return Image

    def process(self, data):
        split = self.args.split
        parts =
        image =
        if self.args.transpose:
            image = image.transpose(self._image.Transpose.ROTATE_90)
        width, height = image.size
        chunk_size = len(parts)
        output = MemoryFile()
        buffer = bytearray(chunk_size * width)
        for y in range(height):
            offset = 0
            for x in range(width):
                pixel = image.getpixel((x, y))
                next_offset = offset + chunk_size
                buffer[offset:next_offset] = (pixel[p] for p in parts)
                offset = next_offset
            if split:
                yield buffer
        if not split:
            yield output.getvalue()


class PIXEL_PART (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class PIXEL_PART(IntEnum):
    r = 0
    g = 1
    b = 2
    a = 3


  • enum.IntEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var r
var g
var b
var a
class stego (transpose, split=False, parts='RGB')

Decodes the RGBA (red/green/blue/alpha) values of the pixels of a given image file and outputs these values as bytes. By default, the pixels are converted left to right, top to bottom.

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class stego(Unit):
    Decodes the RGBA (red/green/blue/alpha) values of the pixels of a given image file and outputs
    these values as bytes. By default, the pixels are converted left to right, top to bottom.
    def __init__(
        transpose: Arg.Switch('-t', help='Return the columns of the image rather than the rows.'),
        split: Arg.Switch('-m', help='Emit the individual rows or columns as separate outputs.') = False,
        parts: Arg('parts', nargs='?', type=str, help=(
            'A string containing any ordering of the letters R, G, B, and A (case-insensitive). '
            'These pixel components will be extracted from every pixel in the given order. The '
            'default value is {default}.'
        )) = 'RGB'
            parts=tuple(Arg.AsOption(p, PIXEL_PART) for p in parts)

    @Unit.Requires('Pillow', 'formats')
    def _image():
        from PIL import Image
        return Image

    def process(self, data):
        split = self.args.split
        parts =
        image =
        if self.args.transpose:
            image = image.transpose(self._image.Transpose.ROTATE_90)
        width, height = image.size
        chunk_size = len(parts)
        output = MemoryFile()
        buffer = bytearray(chunk_size * width)
        for y in range(height):
            offset = 0
            for x in range(width):
                pixel = image.getpixel((x, y))
                next_offset = offset + chunk_size
                buffer[offset:next_offset] = (pixel[p] for p in parts)
                offset = next_offset
            if split:
                yield buffer
        if not split:
            yield output.getvalue()


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members