Module refinery.units.formats.pcap

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf - 8 -* -
from typing import NamedTuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

from refinery.units import Arg, Unit
from refinery.lib.vfs import VirtualFileSystem, VirtualFile
from refinery.lib.structures import MemoryFile
from import NoLogging

import logging

    from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address
    TIPAddr = Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]

class Conversation(NamedTuple):
    src_addr: str
    dst_addr: str
    src_port: int
    dst_port: int

    def FromID(cls, stream_id):
        src, sp = stream_id.src
        dst, dp = stream_id.dst
        return cls(str(src), str(dst), sp, dp)

    def src(self):
        return F'{self.src_addr}:{self.src_port}'

    def dst(self):
        return F'{self.dst_addr}:{self.dst_port}'

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(frozenset((self.src, self.dst)))

    def swapped(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        return cls(self.dst_addr, self.src_addr, self.dst_port, self.src_port)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return hash(self) == hash(other)

    def __str__(self):
        return F'[{self.src}] --> [{self.dst}]'

    def src_to_dst(self):
        return {'src': self.src, 'dst': self.dst}

    def dst_to_src(self):
        return {'src': self.dst, 'dst': self.src}

class pcap(Unit):
    Performs TCP stream reassembly from packet capture (PCAP) files. By default, the unit emits the parts of
    each TCP conversation, attaching several pieces of metadata to each such output: Included are the source
    and destination socket address as well as the variable `stream` which identifies the conversation which
    it was part of. The chunks are returned in the order that the bytes were exchanged between source and
    destination. When the `--merge` parameter is specified, the unit instead collects all bytes going forward
    and backwards, respectively, and emitting these as two chunks, for each TCP conversation that took place.

    def __init__(self, merge: Arg.Switch('-m', help='Merge both parts of each TCP conversation into one chunk.') = False):

    @Unit.Requires('pypcapkit[scapy]<0.16.0', 'all')
    def _pcapkit():
        import pcapkit
        return pcapkit

    def process(self, data):
        with NoLogging():
            pcapkit = self._pcapkit
            logging.getLogger('pcapkit').disabled = True

        merge = self.args.merge

        with VirtualFileSystem() as fs:
            vf = VirtualFile(fs, data, 'pcap')
            extraction = pcapkit.extract(
                fin=vf.path, engine='scapy', store=False, nofile=True, extension=False, tcp=True, strict=True)
            tcp: list = list(extraction.reassembly.tcp)

        tcp.sort(key=lambda p: min(p.index, default=0))

        count, convo = 0, None
        src_buffer = MemoryFile()
        dst_buffer = MemoryFile()
        for stream in tcp:
            this_convo = Conversation.FromID(
            if this_convo != convo:
                if count and merge:
                    if src_buffer.tell():
                        yield self.labelled(src_buffer.getvalue(), **convo.src_to_dst())
                    if dst_buffer.tell():
                        yield self.labelled(dst_buffer.getvalue(), **convo.dst_to_src())
                count = count + 1
                convo = this_convo
            for packet in stream.packets:
                if not merge:
                    yield self.labelled(, **this_convo.src_to_dst(), stream=count)
                elif this_convo.src == convo.src:
                elif this_convo.dst == convo.src:
                    raise RuntimeError(F'direction of packet {convo!s} in conversation {count} is unknown')


class Conversation (src_addr, dst_addr, src_port, dst_port)

Conversation(src_addr, dst_addr, src_port, dst_port)

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class Conversation(NamedTuple):
    src_addr: str
    dst_addr: str
    src_port: int
    dst_port: int

    def FromID(cls, stream_id):
        src, sp = stream_id.src
        dst, dp = stream_id.dst
        return cls(str(src), str(dst), sp, dp)

    def src(self):
        return F'{self.src_addr}:{self.src_port}'

    def dst(self):
        return F'{self.dst_addr}:{self.dst_port}'

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(frozenset((self.src, self.dst)))

    def swapped(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        return cls(self.dst_addr, self.src_addr, self.dst_port, self.src_port)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return hash(self) == hash(other)

    def __str__(self):
        return F'[{self.src}] --> [{self.dst}]'

    def src_to_dst(self):
        return {'src': self.src, 'dst': self.dst}

    def dst_to_src(self):
        return {'src': self.dst, 'dst': self.src}


  • builtins.tuple

Static methods

def FromID(stream_id)
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def FromID(cls, stream_id):
    src, sp = stream_id.src
    dst, dp = stream_id.dst
    return cls(str(src), str(dst), sp, dp)

Instance variables

var src_addr

Alias for field number 0

var dst_addr

Alias for field number 1

var src_port

Alias for field number 2

var dst_port

Alias for field number 3

var src
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def src(self):
    return F'{self.src_addr}:{self.src_port}'
var dst
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def dst(self):
    return F'{self.dst_addr}:{self.dst_port}'


def swapped(self)
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def swapped(self):
    cls = self.__class__
    return cls(self.dst_addr, self.src_addr, self.dst_port, self.src_port)
def src_to_dst(self)
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def src_to_dst(self):
    return {'src': self.src, 'dst': self.dst}
def dst_to_src(self)
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def dst_to_src(self):
    return {'src': self.dst, 'dst': self.src}
class pcap (merge=False)

Performs TCP stream reassembly from packet capture (PCAP) files. By default, the unit emits the parts of each TCP conversation, attaching several pieces of metadata to each such output: Included are the source and destination socket address as well as the variable stream which identifies the conversation which it was part of. The chunks are returned in the order that the bytes were exchanged between source and destination. When the --merge parameter is specified, the unit instead collects all bytes going forward and backwards, respectively, and emitting these as two chunks, for each TCP conversation that took place.

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class pcap(Unit):
    Performs TCP stream reassembly from packet capture (PCAP) files. By default, the unit emits the parts of
    each TCP conversation, attaching several pieces of metadata to each such output: Included are the source
    and destination socket address as well as the variable `stream` which identifies the conversation which
    it was part of. The chunks are returned in the order that the bytes were exchanged between source and
    destination. When the `--merge` parameter is specified, the unit instead collects all bytes going forward
    and backwards, respectively, and emitting these as two chunks, for each TCP conversation that took place.

    def __init__(self, merge: Arg.Switch('-m', help='Merge both parts of each TCP conversation into one chunk.') = False):

    @Unit.Requires('pypcapkit[scapy]<0.16.0', 'all')
    def _pcapkit():
        import pcapkit
        return pcapkit

    def process(self, data):
        with NoLogging():
            pcapkit = self._pcapkit
            logging.getLogger('pcapkit').disabled = True

        merge = self.args.merge

        with VirtualFileSystem() as fs:
            vf = VirtualFile(fs, data, 'pcap')
            extraction = pcapkit.extract(
                fin=vf.path, engine='scapy', store=False, nofile=True, extension=False, tcp=True, strict=True)
            tcp: list = list(extraction.reassembly.tcp)

        tcp.sort(key=lambda p: min(p.index, default=0))

        count, convo = 0, None
        src_buffer = MemoryFile()
        dst_buffer = MemoryFile()
        for stream in tcp:
            this_convo = Conversation.FromID(
            if this_convo != convo:
                if count and merge:
                    if src_buffer.tell():
                        yield self.labelled(src_buffer.getvalue(), **convo.src_to_dst())
                    if dst_buffer.tell():
                        yield self.labelled(dst_buffer.getvalue(), **convo.dst_to_src())
                count = count + 1
                convo = this_convo
            for packet in stream.packets:
                if not merge:
                    yield self.labelled(, **this_convo.src_to_dst(), stream=count)
                elif this_convo.src == convo.src:
                elif this_convo.dst == convo.src:
                    raise RuntimeError(F'direction of packet {convo!s} in conversation {count} is unknown')


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members