Module refinery.units.formats.pkcs7sig

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from refinery.units import Unit, Arg
from import pemeta
from refinery.units.sinks.ppjson import ppjson

class pkcs7sig(Unit):
    Converts PKCS7 encoded signatures into a human-readable JSON representation. This can be used
    to parse authenticode signatures appended to files that are not PE files to get the same output
    that is produced by the pemeta unit.
    def __init__(self, tabular: Arg('-t', help='Print information in a table rather than as JSON') = False):

    def process(self, data: bytes):
        json = pemeta.parse_signature(data)
        yield from ppjson(tabular=self.args.tabular)._pretty_output(json, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)


class pkcs7sig (tabular=False)

Converts PKCS7 encoded signatures into a human-readable JSON representation. This can be used to parse authenticode signatures appended to files that are not PE files to get the same output that is produced by the pemeta unit.

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class pkcs7sig(Unit):
    Converts PKCS7 encoded signatures into a human-readable JSON representation. This can be used
    to parse authenticode signatures appended to files that are not PE files to get the same output
    that is produced by the pemeta unit.
    def __init__(self, tabular: Arg('-t', help='Print information in a table rather than as JSON') = False):

    def process(self, data: bytes):
        json = pemeta.parse_signature(data)
        yield from ppjson(tabular=self.args.tabular)._pretty_output(json, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members