Module refinery.units.formats.bat

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations

from refinery.units import Unit
from refinery.lib.thirdparty.batch_interpreter import STRIP, BatchDeobfuscator
from refinery.lib.decorators import unicoded

class bat(Unit):
    Deobfuscates batch files, based on the batch deobfuscator by DissectMalware. The input script
    is interpreted, variables are substituted for previously defined values, including commonly
    defined operating system environment variables. Variable definitions that are later evaluated
    are removed from the script, as are all echo commands and comments.
    def __init__(
        keep_all         : Unit.Arg.Switch('-a', help='Do not strip anything after deobfuscation.') = False,
        keep_comment     : Unit.Arg.Switch('-c', help='Do not strip comments from the script.') = False,
        keep_definitions : Unit.Arg.Switch('-d', help='Do not strip variable definitions.') = False,
        keep_echo        : Unit.Arg.Switch('-e', help='Do not strip echo calls in the script.') = False,
    ): ...

    def process(self, data: str) -> str:
        mode = STRIP.ALL
        if self.args.keep_all:
            mode = STRIP.NONE
        elif self.args.keep_comment:
            mode ^= STRIP.COMMENT
        elif self.args.keep_definitions:
            mode ^= STRIP.DEFINITION
        elif self.args.keep_echo:
            mode ^= STRIP.ECHO
        return BatchDeobfuscator().deobfuscate(data, mode)


class bat (keep_all=False, keep_comment=False, keep_definitions=False, keep_echo=False)

Deobfuscates batch files, based on the batch deobfuscator by DissectMalware. The input script is interpreted, variables are substituted for previously defined values, including commonly defined operating system environment variables. Variable definitions that are later evaluated are removed from the script, as are all echo commands and comments.

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class bat(Unit):
    Deobfuscates batch files, based on the batch deobfuscator by DissectMalware. The input script
    is interpreted, variables are substituted for previously defined values, including commonly
    defined operating system environment variables. Variable definitions that are later evaluated
    are removed from the script, as are all echo commands and comments.
    def __init__(
        keep_all         : Unit.Arg.Switch('-a', help='Do not strip anything after deobfuscation.') = False,
        keep_comment     : Unit.Arg.Switch('-c', help='Do not strip comments from the script.') = False,
        keep_definitions : Unit.Arg.Switch('-d', help='Do not strip variable definitions.') = False,
        keep_echo        : Unit.Arg.Switch('-e', help='Do not strip echo calls in the script.') = False,
    ): ...

    def process(self, data: str) -> str:
        mode = STRIP.ALL
        if self.args.keep_all:
            mode = STRIP.NONE
        elif self.args.keep_comment:
            mode ^= STRIP.COMMENT
        elif self.args.keep_definitions:
            mode ^= STRIP.DEFINITION
        elif self.args.keep_echo:
            mode ^= STRIP.ECHO
        return BatchDeobfuscator().deobfuscate(data, mode)


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members