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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import struct
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Dict, Tuple
from collections import Counter
from refinery.units.formats import PathExtractorUnit, UnpackResult
from import CodePath
from refinery.lib.dotnet import integer_from_ldc
from refinery.lib.dotnet.header import DotNetHeader
class FieldInfo(NamedTuple):
type: str
count: int
size: int
offset: int
class dnfields(PathExtractorUnit):
This unit can extract data from constant field variables in classes of .NET
executables. Since the .NET header stores only the offset and not the size of
constant fields, heuristics are used to search for opcode sequences that load
the data and additional heuristics are used to guess the size of the data
def handles(cls, data):
from import is_likely_pe_dotnet
return is_likely_pe_dotnet(data)
def unpack(self, data):
header = DotNetHeader(data, parse_resources=False)
tables = header.meta.Streams.Tables
fields = tables.FieldRVA
cpaths = CodePath(header)
if not fields:
icache: Dict[bytes, FieldInfo] = {}
memory = memoryview(data)
def _guess_field_info(t: int, signature: bytes, field_name: Optional[str] = None, sizemap: dict = {
'^s?byte$' : 1,
'^s?char$' : 2,
'^[us]?int.?16$' : 2,
'^[us]?int.?32$' : 4,
'^[us]?int.?64$' : 8,
}) -> Tuple[Optional[str], FieldInfo]:
info = icache[signature]
except KeyError:
info = None
if field_name is not None:
return field_name, info
pattern = (
BR'(\x20....|\x1F.|[\x17-\x1E])' # ldc.i4 count
BR'\x8D(...)([\x01\x02])' # newarr col|row
BR'\x25' # dup
BR'\xD0\x%02x\x%02x\x%02x\x04' # ldtoken t
BR'(?:.{0,12}?' # ...
BR'\x80(...)\x04)?' % ( # stsfld variable
(t >> 0x00) & 0xFF,
(t >> 0x08) & 0xFF,
(t >> 0x10) & 0xFF
for match in re.finditer(pattern, memory, flags=re.DOTALL):
if info is None:
count, j, r, name = match.groups()
count = integer_from_ldc(count)
j, r = struct.unpack('<LB', B'%s\0%s' % (j, r))
typename = tables[r][j - 1].TypeName
name =
typename = info.type
for pattern, size in sizemap.items():
if not re.match(pattern, typename, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
if name:
name = struct.unpack('<L', B'%s\0' % name)
name = name[0]
name = tables[4][name - 1].Name
except Exception as E:
self.log_info(F'attempt to parse field name failed: {E!s}')
name = None
if name is None:
name = field_name
if info is None:
info = FieldInfo(typename, count, size, match.start())
icache[signature] = info
return name, info
return None, None
iwidth = len(str(len(fields)))
rwidth = max(len(F'{field.RVA:X}') for field in fields)
rwidth = max(rwidth, 4)
remaining_field_indices = set(range(len(tables.Field)))
unpack = []
name_count = Counter(tables.Field[rv.Field.Index - 1].Name for rv in fields)
name_width = len(str(len(fields)))
for k, rv in enumerate(fields):
_index = rv.Field.Index
field = tables.Field[_index - 1]
remaining_field_indices.discard(_index - 1)
if not field.Flags.HasFieldRVA:
fname = field.Name
type = None
signature: bytes = field.Signature
offset =
if len(signature) == 2:
# Crude signature parser for non-array case. Reference:
guess = {
0x03: FieldInfo('Char', 1, 1, 0), # noqa
0x04: FieldInfo('SByte', 1, 1, 0), # noqa
0x05: FieldInfo('Byte', 1, 1, 0), # noqa
0x06: FieldInfo('Int16', 1, 2, 0), # noqa
0x07: FieldInfo('UInt16', 1, 2, 0), # noqa
0x08: FieldInfo('Int32', 1, 4, 0), # noqa
0x09: FieldInfo('UInt32', 1, 4, 0), # noqa
0x0A: FieldInfo('Int64', 1, 8, 0), # noqa
0x0B: FieldInfo('UInt64', 1, 8, 0), # noqa
0x0C: FieldInfo('Single', 1, 4, 0), # noqa
0x0D: FieldInfo('Double', 1, 8, 0), # noqa
}.get(signature[1], None)
fname, guess = _guess_field_info(_index, signature, fname)
if guess is None:
self.log_warn(lambda: F'field {k:0{iwidth}d} with signature {field.Signature.hex()}: unable to guess type information')
if not fname.isprintable() or name_count[fname] > 1:
fname = F'Field{k + 1:0{name_width}d}'
type = guess.type.lower()
if guess.count > 1:
type += F'[{guess.count}]'
F'field {k:0{iwidth}d}; token 0x{_index:06X}; RVA 0x{rv.RVA:04X}; count {guess.count}; type {guess.type}; name {fname}')
end = offset + guess.count * guess.size
path = cpaths.method_path(guess.offset) if guess.offset else ''
unpack.append(UnpackResult(F'{path}/{fname}', memory[offset:end], name=fname, type=type))
for _index in remaining_field_indices:
field = tables.Field[_index]
index = _index + 1
name = field.Name
if field.Flags.HasFieldRVA:
self.log_warn(F'field {name} has RVA flag set, but no RVA was found')
token = index.to_bytes(3, 'little')
values = {}
for match in re.finditer((
BR'\x72(?P<token>...)\x70' # ldstr
BR'(?:\x6F(?P<function>...)\x0A)?' # call GetBytes
BR'\x80%s\x04' # stsfld
) % re.escape(token), data, re.DOTALL):
md = match.groupdict()
fn_token = md.get('function')
fn_index = fn_token and int.from_bytes(fn_token, 'little') or None
if fn_index is not None:
fn_name = tables.MemberRef[fn_index].Name
if fn_name != 'GetBytes':
self.log_info(F'skipping string assignment passing through call to {fn_name}')
k = int.from_bytes(md['token'], 'little')
values[match.start()] = header.meta.Streams.US[k].encode(self.codec)
if not values:
if len(values) == 1:
offset, value = values.popitem()
path = cpaths.method_path(offset)
unpack.append(UnpackResult(F'{path}/{name}', value, name=name, type='string'))
unpack.sort(key=lambda u: u.path)
yield from unpack
class FieldInfo (type, count, size, offset)
FieldInfo(type, count, size, offset)
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class FieldInfo(NamedTuple): type: str count: int size: int offset: int
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var type
Alias for field number 0
var count
Alias for field number 1
var size
Alias for field number 2
var offset
Alias for field number 3
class dnfields (*paths, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path')
This unit can extract data from constant field variables in classes of .NET executables. Since the .NET header stores only the offset and not the size of constant fields, heuristics are used to search for opcode sequences that load the data and additional heuristics are used to guess the size of the data type.
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class dnfields(PathExtractorUnit): """ This unit can extract data from constant field variables in classes of .NET executables. Since the .NET header stores only the offset and not the size of constant fields, heuristics are used to search for opcode sequences that load the data and additional heuristics are used to guess the size of the data type. """ @classmethod def handles(cls, data): from import is_likely_pe_dotnet return is_likely_pe_dotnet(data) def unpack(self, data): header = DotNetHeader(data, parse_resources=False) tables = header.meta.Streams.Tables fields = tables.FieldRVA cpaths = CodePath(header) if not fields: return icache: Dict[bytes, FieldInfo] = {} memory = memoryview(data) def _guess_field_info(t: int, signature: bytes, field_name: Optional[str] = None, sizemap: dict = { '^s?byte$' : 1, '^s?char$' : 2, '^[us]?int.?16$' : 2, '^[us]?int.?32$' : 4, '^[us]?int.?64$' : 8, }) -> Tuple[Optional[str], FieldInfo]: try: info = icache[signature] except KeyError: info = None else: if field_name is not None: return field_name, info pattern = ( BR'(\x20....|\x1F.|[\x17-\x1E])' # ldc.i4 count BR'\x8D(...)([\x01\x02])' # newarr col|row BR'\x25' # dup BR'\xD0\x%02x\x%02x\x%02x\x04' # ldtoken t BR'(?:.{0,12}?' # ... BR'\x80(...)\x04)?' % ( # stsfld variable (t >> 0x00) & 0xFF, (t >> 0x08) & 0xFF, (t >> 0x10) & 0xFF ) ) for match in re.finditer(pattern, memory, flags=re.DOTALL): if info is None: count, j, r, name = match.groups() count = integer_from_ldc(count) j, r = struct.unpack('<LB', B'%s\0%s' % (j, r)) typename = tables[r][j - 1].TypeName else: name = typename = info.type for pattern, size in sizemap.items(): if not re.match(pattern, typename, flags=re.IGNORECASE): continue if name: try: name = struct.unpack('<L', B'%s\0' % name) name = name[0] name = tables[4][name - 1].Name except Exception as E: self.log_info(F'attempt to parse field name failed: {E!s}') name = None if name is None: name = field_name if info is None: info = FieldInfo(typename, count, size, match.start()) icache[signature] = info return name, info else: return None, None iwidth = len(str(len(fields))) rwidth = max(len(F'{field.RVA:X}') for field in fields) rwidth = max(rwidth, 4) remaining_field_indices = set(range(len(tables.Field))) unpack = [] name_count = Counter(tables.Field[rv.Field.Index - 1].Name for rv in fields) name_width = len(str(len(fields))) for k, rv in enumerate(fields): _index = rv.Field.Index field = tables.Field[_index - 1] remaining_field_indices.discard(_index - 1) if not field.Flags.HasFieldRVA: continue fname = field.Name type = None signature: bytes = field.Signature offset = if len(signature) == 2: # Crude signature parser for non-array case. Reference: # # guess = { 0x03: FieldInfo('Char', 1, 1, 0), # noqa 0x04: FieldInfo('SByte', 1, 1, 0), # noqa 0x05: FieldInfo('Byte', 1, 1, 0), # noqa 0x06: FieldInfo('Int16', 1, 2, 0), # noqa 0x07: FieldInfo('UInt16', 1, 2, 0), # noqa 0x08: FieldInfo('Int32', 1, 4, 0), # noqa 0x09: FieldInfo('UInt32', 1, 4, 0), # noqa 0x0A: FieldInfo('Int64', 1, 8, 0), # noqa 0x0B: FieldInfo('UInt64', 1, 8, 0), # noqa 0x0C: FieldInfo('Single', 1, 4, 0), # noqa 0x0D: FieldInfo('Double', 1, 8, 0), # noqa }.get(signature[1], None) else: fname, guess = _guess_field_info(_index, signature, fname) if guess is None: self.log_warn(lambda: F'field {k:0{iwidth}d} with signature {field.Signature.hex()}: unable to guess type information') continue if not fname.isprintable() or name_count[fname] > 1: fname = F'Field{k + 1:0{name_width}d}' type = guess.type.lower() if guess.count > 1: type += F'[{guess.count}]' self.log_debug( F'field {k:0{iwidth}d}; token 0x{_index:06X}; RVA 0x{rv.RVA:04X}; count {guess.count}; type {guess.type}; name {fname}') end = offset + guess.count * guess.size path = cpaths.method_path(guess.offset) if guess.offset else '' unpack.append(UnpackResult(F'{path}/{fname}', memory[offset:end], name=fname, type=type)) for _index in remaining_field_indices: field = tables.Field[_index] index = _index + 1 name = field.Name if field.Flags.HasFieldRVA: self.log_warn(F'field {name} has RVA flag set, but no RVA was found') token = index.to_bytes(3, 'little') values = {} for match in re.finditer(( BR'\x72(?P<token>...)\x70' # ldstr BR'(?:\x6F(?P<function>...)\x0A)?' # call GetBytes BR'\x80%s\x04' # stsfld ) % re.escape(token), data, re.DOTALL): md = match.groupdict() fn_token = md.get('function') fn_index = fn_token and int.from_bytes(fn_token, 'little') or None if fn_index is not None: fn_name = tables.MemberRef[fn_index].Name if fn_name != 'GetBytes': self.log_info(F'skipping string assignment passing through call to {fn_name}') continue k = int.from_bytes(md['token'], 'little') values[match.start()] = header.meta.Streams.US[k].encode(self.codec) if not values: continue if len(values) == 1: offset, value = values.popitem() path = cpaths.method_path(offset) unpack.append(UnpackResult(F'{path}/{name}', value, name=name, type='string')) unpack.sort(key=lambda u: u.path) yield from unpack
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
def unpack(self, data)
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def unpack(self, data): header = DotNetHeader(data, parse_resources=False) tables = header.meta.Streams.Tables fields = tables.FieldRVA cpaths = CodePath(header) if not fields: return icache: Dict[bytes, FieldInfo] = {} memory = memoryview(data) def _guess_field_info(t: int, signature: bytes, field_name: Optional[str] = None, sizemap: dict = { '^s?byte$' : 1, '^s?char$' : 2, '^[us]?int.?16$' : 2, '^[us]?int.?32$' : 4, '^[us]?int.?64$' : 8, }) -> Tuple[Optional[str], FieldInfo]: try: info = icache[signature] except KeyError: info = None else: if field_name is not None: return field_name, info pattern = ( BR'(\x20....|\x1F.|[\x17-\x1E])' # ldc.i4 count BR'\x8D(...)([\x01\x02])' # newarr col|row BR'\x25' # dup BR'\xD0\x%02x\x%02x\x%02x\x04' # ldtoken t BR'(?:.{0,12}?' # ... BR'\x80(...)\x04)?' % ( # stsfld variable (t >> 0x00) & 0xFF, (t >> 0x08) & 0xFF, (t >> 0x10) & 0xFF ) ) for match in re.finditer(pattern, memory, flags=re.DOTALL): if info is None: count, j, r, name = match.groups() count = integer_from_ldc(count) j, r = struct.unpack('<LB', B'%s\0%s' % (j, r)) typename = tables[r][j - 1].TypeName else: name = typename = info.type for pattern, size in sizemap.items(): if not re.match(pattern, typename, flags=re.IGNORECASE): continue if name: try: name = struct.unpack('<L', B'%s\0' % name) name = name[0] name = tables[4][name - 1].Name except Exception as E: self.log_info(F'attempt to parse field name failed: {E!s}') name = None if name is None: name = field_name if info is None: info = FieldInfo(typename, count, size, match.start()) icache[signature] = info return name, info else: return None, None iwidth = len(str(len(fields))) rwidth = max(len(F'{field.RVA:X}') for field in fields) rwidth = max(rwidth, 4) remaining_field_indices = set(range(len(tables.Field))) unpack = [] name_count = Counter(tables.Field[rv.Field.Index - 1].Name for rv in fields) name_width = len(str(len(fields))) for k, rv in enumerate(fields): _index = rv.Field.Index field = tables.Field[_index - 1] remaining_field_indices.discard(_index - 1) if not field.Flags.HasFieldRVA: continue fname = field.Name type = None signature: bytes = field.Signature offset = if len(signature) == 2: # Crude signature parser for non-array case. Reference: # # guess = { 0x03: FieldInfo('Char', 1, 1, 0), # noqa 0x04: FieldInfo('SByte', 1, 1, 0), # noqa 0x05: FieldInfo('Byte', 1, 1, 0), # noqa 0x06: FieldInfo('Int16', 1, 2, 0), # noqa 0x07: FieldInfo('UInt16', 1, 2, 0), # noqa 0x08: FieldInfo('Int32', 1, 4, 0), # noqa 0x09: FieldInfo('UInt32', 1, 4, 0), # noqa 0x0A: FieldInfo('Int64', 1, 8, 0), # noqa 0x0B: FieldInfo('UInt64', 1, 8, 0), # noqa 0x0C: FieldInfo('Single', 1, 4, 0), # noqa 0x0D: FieldInfo('Double', 1, 8, 0), # noqa }.get(signature[1], None) else: fname, guess = _guess_field_info(_index, signature, fname) if guess is None: self.log_warn(lambda: F'field {k:0{iwidth}d} with signature {field.Signature.hex()}: unable to guess type information') continue if not fname.isprintable() or name_count[fname] > 1: fname = F'Field{k + 1:0{name_width}d}' type = guess.type.lower() if guess.count > 1: type += F'[{guess.count}]' self.log_debug( F'field {k:0{iwidth}d}; token 0x{_index:06X}; RVA 0x{rv.RVA:04X}; count {guess.count}; type {guess.type}; name {fname}') end = offset + guess.count * guess.size path = cpaths.method_path(guess.offset) if guess.offset else '' unpack.append(UnpackResult(F'{path}/{fname}', memory[offset:end], name=fname, type=type)) for _index in remaining_field_indices: field = tables.Field[_index] index = _index + 1 name = field.Name if field.Flags.HasFieldRVA: self.log_warn(F'field {name} has RVA flag set, but no RVA was found') token = index.to_bytes(3, 'little') values = {} for match in re.finditer(( BR'\x72(?P<token>...)\x70' # ldstr BR'(?:\x6F(?P<function>...)\x0A)?' # call GetBytes BR'\x80%s\x04' # stsfld ) % re.escape(token), data, re.DOTALL): md = match.groupdict() fn_token = md.get('function') fn_index = fn_token and int.from_bytes(fn_token, 'little') or None if fn_index is not None: fn_name = tables.MemberRef[fn_index].Name if fn_name != 'GetBytes': self.log_info(F'skipping string assignment passing through call to {fn_name}') continue k = int.from_bytes(md['token'], 'little') values[match.start()] = header.meta.Streams.US[k].encode(self.codec) if not values: continue if len(values) == 1: offset, value = values.popitem() path = cpaths.method_path(offset) unpack.append(UnpackResult(F'{path}/{name}', value, name=name, type='string')) unpack.sort(key=lambda u: u.path) yield from unpack
Inherited members