Module refinery.units.formats.exe.vsect

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from refinery.units.formats import UnpackResult, PathExtractorUnit, Arg
from refinery.lib.executable import Executable

class vsect(PathExtractorUnit):
    Extract sections/segments from PE, ELF, and MachO executables.
    def __init__(
        self, *paths,
        meta: Arg.Switch('-m', help=(
            'Populates the metadata variables vaddr and vsize containing the virtual address and size '
            'of each section, respectively.')) = False,
        synthetic: Arg.Switch('-s', help=(
            'Include synthesized sections: These represent data regions that are outside the sections '
            'as listed by the executable metadata, such as headers and overlays.')) = False,
        super().__init__(*paths, meta=meta, synthetic=synthetic, **keywords)

    def unpack(self, data):
        exe = Executable.Load(data)
        mv = memoryview(data)
        for k, section in enumerate(exe.sections()):
            if section.synthetic and not self.args.synthetic:
            start = section.physical.lower
            end = section.physical.upper
            va = section.virtual.lower
            vs = len(section.virtual)
            kwargs = {'offset': start}
            if self.args.meta:
                if va is not None:
                    kwargs['vaddr'] = va
                if vs is not None:
                    kwargs['vsize'] = vs
            name =
            if not name:
                addr = F'{section.virtual.lower:0{exe.pointer_size // 4}X}'
                self.log_warn(F'section {k} had no name, synthesizing name from virtual address 0x{addr}')
                name = F'.{addr}'
            yield UnpackResult(name, mv[start:end], **kwargs)


class vsect (*paths, meta=False, synthetic=False, path=b'path', regex=False, exact=False, fuzzy=0, drop_path=False, join_path=False, list=False)

Extract sections/segments from PE, ELF, and MachO executables.

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class vsect(PathExtractorUnit):
    Extract sections/segments from PE, ELF, and MachO executables.
    def __init__(
        self, *paths,
        meta: Arg.Switch('-m', help=(
            'Populates the metadata variables vaddr and vsize containing the virtual address and size '
            'of each section, respectively.')) = False,
        synthetic: Arg.Switch('-s', help=(
            'Include synthesized sections: These represent data regions that are outside the sections '
            'as listed by the executable metadata, such as headers and overlays.')) = False,
        super().__init__(*paths, meta=meta, synthetic=synthetic, **keywords)

    def unpack(self, data):
        exe = Executable.Load(data)
        mv = memoryview(data)
        for k, section in enumerate(exe.sections()):
            if section.synthetic and not self.args.synthetic:
            start = section.physical.lower
            end = section.physical.upper
            va = section.virtual.lower
            vs = len(section.virtual)
            kwargs = {'offset': start}
            if self.args.meta:
                if va is not None:
                    kwargs['vaddr'] = va
                if vs is not None:
                    kwargs['vsize'] = vs
            name =
            if not name:
                addr = F'{section.virtual.lower:0{exe.pointer_size // 4}X}'
                self.log_warn(F'section {k} had no name, synthesizing name from virtual address 0x{addr}')
                name = F'.{addr}'
            yield UnpackResult(name, mv[start:end], **kwargs)


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies


def unpack(self, data)
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def unpack(self, data):
    exe = Executable.Load(data)
    mv = memoryview(data)
    for k, section in enumerate(exe.sections()):
        if section.synthetic and not self.args.synthetic:
        start = section.physical.lower
        end = section.physical.upper
        va = section.virtual.lower
        vs = len(section.virtual)
        kwargs = {'offset': start}
        if self.args.meta:
            if va is not None:
                kwargs['vaddr'] = va
            if vs is not None:
                kwargs['vsize'] = vs
        name =
        if not name:
            addr = F'{section.virtual.lower:0{exe.pointer_size // 4}X}'
            self.log_warn(F'section {k} had no name, synthesizing name from virtual address 0x{addr}')
            name = F'.{addr}'
        yield UnpackResult(name, mv[start:end], **kwargs)

Inherited members