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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Union

from import isbuffer
from refinery.units.formats import PathExtractorUnit, UnpackResult

def _txt(value: Union[bytes, str]):
    if value is None:
        return None
    if not isinstance(value, str):
        value = value.decode(vbastr.codec)
    return value

def _bin(value):
    if value is None:
        return None
    if not isbuffer(value):
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            value = str(value)
        value = value.encode(vbastr.codec)
    return value

class vbastr(PathExtractorUnit):
    Extract VBA macro variables from Office documents. The items are extracted in a directory
    hierarchy that specifies their corresponding OLE stream. The stem of their file name is the
    same as the variable's name. The variable can define a caption, a control tip text, and a
    value; the unit extracts these with the synthesized file extension "cap", "tip", and "val",
    @PathExtractorUnit.Requires('oletools', 'formats', 'office')
    def _olevba():
        from oletools import olevba
        return olevba

    def unpack(self, value):
            parser = self._olevba.VBA_Parser('.', data=bytes(value), relaxed=True)
        except self._olevba.FileOpenError:
            raise ValueError('Input data not recognized by VBA parser')
            for path, name, vars in parser.extract_form_strings_extended():
                if not vars:
                name = _txt(vars['name'])
                for ext, key in {
                    'cap': 'caption',
                    'tip': 'control_tip_text',
                    'val': 'value',
                    value = _bin(vars.get(key))
                    if not value:
                    yield UnpackResult(F'{path!s}/{name!s}/{name}.{ext}', value)
        except self._olevba.oleform.OleFormParsingError as error:
            from collections import Counter
            self.log_info('extended form extraction failed with error; falling back to simple method')
            form_strings = list(parser.extract_form_strings())
            name_counter = Counter(name for _, name, _ in form_strings)
            dedup = Counter()
            for path, name, string in form_strings:
                if string is None:
                if name_counter[name] > 1:
                    dedup[name] += 1
                    name = F'{name!s}.v{dedup[name]}'
                yield UnpackResult(F'{path!s}/{name!s}.val', _bin(string))


class vbastr (*paths, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path')

Extract VBA macro variables from Office documents. The items are extracted in a directory hierarchy that specifies their corresponding OLE stream. The stem of their file name is the same as the variable's name. The variable can define a caption, a control tip text, and a value; the unit extracts these with the synthesized file extension "cap", "tip", and "val", respectively.

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class vbastr(PathExtractorUnit):
    Extract VBA macro variables from Office documents. The items are extracted in a directory
    hierarchy that specifies their corresponding OLE stream. The stem of their file name is the
    same as the variable's name. The variable can define a caption, a control tip text, and a
    value; the unit extracts these with the synthesized file extension "cap", "tip", and "val",
    @PathExtractorUnit.Requires('oletools', 'formats', 'office')
    def _olevba():
        from oletools import olevba
        return olevba

    def unpack(self, value):
            parser = self._olevba.VBA_Parser('.', data=bytes(value), relaxed=True)
        except self._olevba.FileOpenError:
            raise ValueError('Input data not recognized by VBA parser')
            for path, name, vars in parser.extract_form_strings_extended():
                if not vars:
                name = _txt(vars['name'])
                for ext, key in {
                    'cap': 'caption',
                    'tip': 'control_tip_text',
                    'val': 'value',
                    value = _bin(vars.get(key))
                    if not value:
                    yield UnpackResult(F'{path!s}/{name!s}/{name}.{ext}', value)
        except self._olevba.oleform.OleFormParsingError as error:
            from collections import Counter
            self.log_info('extended form extraction failed with error; falling back to simple method')
            form_strings = list(parser.extract_form_strings())
            name_counter = Counter(name for _, name, _ in form_strings)
            dedup = Counter()
            for path, name, string in form_strings:
                if string is None:
                if name_counter[name] > 1:
                    dedup[name] += 1
                    name = F'{name!s}.v{dedup[name]}'
                yield UnpackResult(F'{path!s}/{name!s}.val', _bin(string))


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies


def unpack(self, value)
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def unpack(self, value):
        parser = self._olevba.VBA_Parser('.', data=bytes(value), relaxed=True)
    except self._olevba.FileOpenError:
        raise ValueError('Input data not recognized by VBA parser')
        for path, name, vars in parser.extract_form_strings_extended():
            if not vars:
            name = _txt(vars['name'])
            for ext, key in {
                'cap': 'caption',
                'tip': 'control_tip_text',
                'val': 'value',
                value = _bin(vars.get(key))
                if not value:
                yield UnpackResult(F'{path!s}/{name!s}/{name}.{ext}', value)
    except self._olevba.oleform.OleFormParsingError as error:
        from collections import Counter
        self.log_info('extended form extraction failed with error; falling back to simple method')
        form_strings = list(parser.extract_form_strings())
        name_counter = Counter(name for _, name, _ in form_strings)
        dedup = Counter()
        for path, name, string in form_strings:
            if string is None:
            if name_counter[name] > 1:
                dedup[name] += 1
                name = F'{name!s}.v{dedup[name]}'
            yield UnpackResult(F'{path!s}/{name!s}.val', _bin(string))

Inherited members