
Java disassembler. The main logic is implemented int JvOpCode.

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Java disassembler. The main logic is implemented int ``.
import re
import io

from refinery.units.formats import PathExtractorUnit, UnpackResult
from import JvClassFile, JvCode, opc

class jvdasm(PathExtractorUnit):
    Disassembles the JVM bytecode instructions of methods of classes defined in Java class
    files. The unit is implemented as a path extractor and each path name corresponds to the
    name of one method defined in the class file.
    _OPC_STRLEN = max(len( for op in opc)

    def _hex(self, bytestring, sep=''):
        return sep.join(F'{x:02x}' for x in bytestring)

    def unpack(self, data):
        jc = JvClassFile(data)
        tt = '  '
        opcw = self._OPC_STRLEN
        for method in jc.methods:
            for attribute in method.attributes:
                if == 'Code': break
                self.log_warn(F'no code found for method: {}')
            code: JvCode = attribute.parse(JvCode)
            with io.StringIO() as display:
                args, retval = re.match(R'^\((.*?)\)(.*?)$', method.descriptor).groups()
                print(F'{jc.this!s}::{method!s}{method.descriptor}', file=display)
                for op in code.disassembly:
                    olen = len(op.raw)
                    if op.table is None:
                        args = ', '.join(repr(a) for a in op.arguments)
                        ow = 4 if op.code is opc.tableswitch else 8
                        olen = olen - (len(op.table) - 1) * ow
                        args = F'defaultjmp => {op.table[None]:#010x}'
                        jmps = []
                        for k, (key, jmp) in enumerate(op.table.items()):
                            if key is None:
                            raw = self._hex(op.raw[olen + k * ow: olen + k * ow + ow], ' ')
                            jmps.append(F'{tt}{raw!s:<{opcw + 15}} {key:#010x} => {jmp:#010x}')
                        args = '\n'.join((args, *jmps))
                    opch = self._hex(op.raw[:olen], ' ')
                    if len(opch) > 14:
                        opch += F'\n{tt}{tt:<15}'
                    print(F'{tt}{opch:<15}{op.code!r:<{opcw}} {args}', file=display)
                name =
                if name.startswith('<'):
                    this = jc.this.value.split('/')
                    this = this[-1]
                    name = F'{this}${name[1:-1]}'
                yield UnpackResult(F'{name}.jd', display.getvalue().encode(self.codec))


class jvdasm (*paths, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path')

Disassembles the JVM bytecode instructions of methods of classes defined in Java class files. The unit is implemented as a path extractor and each path name corresponds to the name of one method defined in the class file.

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class jvdasm(PathExtractorUnit):
    Disassembles the JVM bytecode instructions of methods of classes defined in Java class
    files. The unit is implemented as a path extractor and each path name corresponds to the
    name of one method defined in the class file.
    _OPC_STRLEN = max(len( for op in opc)

    def _hex(self, bytestring, sep=''):
        return sep.join(F'{x:02x}' for x in bytestring)

    def unpack(self, data):
        jc = JvClassFile(data)
        tt = '  '
        opcw = self._OPC_STRLEN
        for method in jc.methods:
            for attribute in method.attributes:
                if == 'Code': break
                self.log_warn(F'no code found for method: {}')
            code: JvCode = attribute.parse(JvCode)
            with io.StringIO() as display:
                args, retval = re.match(R'^\((.*?)\)(.*?)$', method.descriptor).groups()
                print(F'{jc.this!s}::{method!s}{method.descriptor}', file=display)
                for op in code.disassembly:
                    olen = len(op.raw)
                    if op.table is None:
                        args = ', '.join(repr(a) for a in op.arguments)
                        ow = 4 if op.code is opc.tableswitch else 8
                        olen = olen - (len(op.table) - 1) * ow
                        args = F'defaultjmp => {op.table[None]:#010x}'
                        jmps = []
                        for k, (key, jmp) in enumerate(op.table.items()):
                            if key is None:
                            raw = self._hex(op.raw[olen + k * ow: olen + k * ow + ow], ' ')
                            jmps.append(F'{tt}{raw!s:<{opcw + 15}} {key:#010x} => {jmp:#010x}')
                        args = '\n'.join((args, *jmps))
                    opch = self._hex(op.raw[:olen], ' ')
                    if len(opch) > 14:
                        opch += F'\n{tt}{tt:<15}'
                    print(F'{tt}{opch:<15}{op.code!r:<{opcw}} {args}', file=display)
                name =
                if name.startswith('<'):
                    this = jc.this.value.split('/')
                    this = this[-1]
                    name = F'{this}${name[1:-1]}'
                yield UnpackResult(F'{name}.jd', display.getvalue().encode(self.codec))


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies


def unpack(self, data)
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def unpack(self, data):
    jc = JvClassFile(data)
    tt = '  '
    opcw = self._OPC_STRLEN
    for method in jc.methods:
        for attribute in method.attributes:
            if == 'Code': break
            self.log_warn(F'no code found for method: {}')
        code: JvCode = attribute.parse(JvCode)
        with io.StringIO() as display:
            args, retval = re.match(R'^\((.*?)\)(.*?)$', method.descriptor).groups()
            print(F'{jc.this!s}::{method!s}{method.descriptor}', file=display)
            for op in code.disassembly:
                olen = len(op.raw)
                if op.table is None:
                    args = ', '.join(repr(a) for a in op.arguments)
                    ow = 4 if op.code is opc.tableswitch else 8
                    olen = olen - (len(op.table) - 1) * ow
                    args = F'defaultjmp => {op.table[None]:#010x}'
                    jmps = []
                    for k, (key, jmp) in enumerate(op.table.items()):
                        if key is None:
                        raw = self._hex(op.raw[olen + k * ow: olen + k * ow + ow], ' ')
                        jmps.append(F'{tt}{raw!s:<{opcw + 15}} {key:#010x} => {jmp:#010x}')
                    args = '\n'.join((args, *jmps))
                opch = self._hex(op.raw[:olen], ' ')
                if len(opch) > 14:
                    opch += F'\n{tt}{tt:<15}'
                print(F'{tt}{opch:<15}{op.code!r:<{opcw}} {args}', file=display)
            name =
            if name.startswith('<'):
                this = jc.this.value.split('/')
                this = this[-1]
                name = F'{this}${name[1:-1]}'
            yield UnpackResult(F'{name}.jd', display.getvalue().encode(self.codec))

Inherited members