Java disassembler. The main logic is implemented int JvOpCode
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Java disassembler. The main logic is implemented int ``.
import re
import io
import collections
from refinery.units.formats import PathExtractorUnit, UnpackResult
from import (
def _parse_descriptor(
descriptor: str,
color_reset: str,
color_space: str,
color_types: str,
color_array: str,
def parse_type_list(args: str):
while args:
suffix = ''
while args.startswith('['):
args = args[1:]
suffix += '[]'
code, args = args[0], args[1:]
if code == 'L':
spec, _, args = args.partition(';')
*ns, t = spec.split('/')
ns = '.'.join([F'{color_space}{part}{color_reset}' for part in ns])
spec = F'{ns}.{color_types}{t}{color_reset}'
spec = {
'Z': 'boolean',
'B': 'byte',
'S': 'short',
'I': 'int',
'J': 'long',
'F': 'float',
'D': 'double',
'C': 'char',
'V': 'void',
spec = F'{color_types}{spec}{color_reset}'
yield F'{spec}{color_array}{suffix}{color_reset}'
args, retval = re.match(R'^\((.*?)\)(.*?)$', descriptor).groups()
retval, = parse_type_list(retval)
return retval, tuple(parse_type_list(args))
class jvdasm(PathExtractorUnit):
Disassembles the JVM bytecode instructions of methods of classes defined in Java class
files. The unit is implemented as a path extractor and each path name corresponds to the
name of one method defined in the class file.
_OPC_STRLEN = max(len( for op in opc)
def _hex(self, bytestring, sep=''):
return sep.join(F'{x:02x}' for x in bytestring)
def __init__(
self, *paths,
gray: PathExtractorUnit.Arg.Switch('-g', help='Disable colored output.') = False,
super().__init__(*paths, gray=gray, **keywords)
def unpack(self, data):
def _name(method: JvClassMember):
name =
if name == '<init>':
_, _, name = str(jc.this).rpartition('/')
elif m := re.fullmatch('<(.*?)>', name):
name = F'.{m[0]}'
return name
def _path(method: JvClassMember):
return F'{jc.this!s}/{_name(method)}'
if self.args.gray or not self.isatty:
raise ImportError
import colorama
except ImportError:
class _FG():
def __getattr__(self, _):
return ''
FG = _FG()
RS = ''
FG = colorama.Fore
RS = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
c_none = RS
c_const = FG.LIGHTRED_EX
c_string = FG.LIGHTRED_EX
c_address = FG.LIGHTBLACK_EX
c_label = RS
def _color(arg, offset):
if isinstance(arg, (str, JvString)):
color = c_string
elif isinstance(arg, (JvClassProperty, JvTypePath)):
ns, dd, prop = str(arg).partition('::')
if not dd:
return repr(arg)
ns = ns.split('.')
ns = '.'.join(F'{c_space}{p}{c_none}' for p in ns)
return F'{ns}{dd}{c_member}{prop}{c_none}'
elif isinstance(arg, int) and arg + offset in labels:
return F'{c_label}0x{arg + offset:08X}{c_none}'
elif isinstance(arg, (bool, int, float)):
color = c_const
elif isinstance(arg, JvBaseType):
color = c_kwd
return repr(arg)
return F'{color}{arg!r}{c_none}'
jc = JvClassFile(data)
tab = ' '
namespace = '.'.join(str(jc.this).split('/'))
opcw = self._OPC_STRLEN
path_counter = collections.defaultdict(int)
path_index = collections.defaultdict(int)
for method in jc.methods:
path_counter[_path(method)] += 1
for method in jc.methods:
for attribute in method.attributes:
if == 'Code': break
self.log_warn(F'no code found for method: {}')
code: JvCode = attribute.parse(JvCode)
with io.StringIO() as display:
rv, args = _parse_descriptor(method.descriptor, c_none, c_space, c_types, c_kwd)
args = ', '.join(args)
F'{c_types}{rv}{c_none} {c_space}{namespace}{c_none}'
F'::{c_member}{_name(method)}{c_none}({args})', file=display)
offset = 0
labels = set()
addresses = set()
for op in code.disassembly:
if op.table:
labels.update(offset + jmp for jmp in op.table.values())
elif op.code in (opc.goto, opc.goto_w):
labels.update(offset + arg for arg in op.arguments if isinstance(arg, int))
offset += len(op.raw)
offset = 0
labels = labels & addresses
for op in code.disassembly:
if offset in labels:
label = F'{c_label}{offset:08X}{c_none}:'
label = F'{c_address}{offset:08X}{c_none}:'
addr = offset
olen = len(op.raw)
offset += olen
if op.table is None:
args = ', '.join(_color(a, addr) for a in op.arguments)
ow = 4 if op.code is opc.tableswitch else 8
olen = olen - (len(op.table) - 1) * ow
args = F'___default => {c_label}{op.table[None] + addr:#010x}{c_none}'
jmps = []
for k, (key, jmp) in enumerate(op.table.items()):
if key is None:
raw = self._hex(op.raw[olen + k * ow: olen + k * ow + ow], ' ')
F'{raw!s:<{opcw + 15}} '
F'{c_const}{key:#010x}{c_none} => '
F'{c_label}{jmp + addr:#010x}{c_none}')
args = '\n'.join((args, *jmps))
opch = self._hex(op.raw[:olen], ' ')
if len(opch) > 14:
opch += F'\n{label}{tab}{tab:<15}'
F'{c_kwd}{op.code!r:<{opcw}}{c_none} {args}', file=display)
path = _path(method)
if path_counter[path] > 1:
k = path_index[path]
path_index[path] = k + 1
path = F'{path}[{k}]'
yield UnpackResult(path, display.getvalue().encode(self.codec))
def handles(self, data):
return data[:4] == B'\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE'
class jvdasm (*paths, gray=False, path=b'path', regex=False, exact=False, fuzzy=0, drop_path=False, join_path=False, list=False)
Disassembles the JVM bytecode instructions of methods of classes defined in Java class files. The unit is implemented as a path extractor and each path name corresponds to the name of one method defined in the class file.
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class jvdasm(PathExtractorUnit): """ Disassembles the JVM bytecode instructions of methods of classes defined in Java class files. The unit is implemented as a path extractor and each path name corresponds to the name of one method defined in the class file. """ _OPC_STRLEN = max(len( for op in opc) def _hex(self, bytestring, sep=''): return sep.join(F'{x:02x}' for x in bytestring) def __init__( self, *paths, gray: PathExtractorUnit.Arg.Switch('-g', help='Disable colored output.') = False, **keywords ): super().__init__(*paths, gray=gray, **keywords) def unpack(self, data): def _name(method: JvClassMember): name = if name == '<init>': _, _, name = str(jc.this).rpartition('/') elif m := re.fullmatch('<(.*?)>', name): name = F'.{m[0]}' return name def _path(method: JvClassMember): return F'{jc.this!s}/{_name(method)}' try: if self.args.gray or not self.isatty: raise ImportError import colorama except ImportError: class _FG(): def __getattr__(self, _): return '' FG = _FG() RS = '' else: FG = colorama.Fore RS = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL finally: c_none = RS c_space = FG.LIGHTCYAN_EX c_types = FG.LIGHTCYAN_EX c_member = FG.LIGHTYELLOW_EX c_kwd = FG.LIGHTYELLOW_EX c_const = FG.LIGHTRED_EX c_string = FG.LIGHTRED_EX c_address = FG.LIGHTBLACK_EX c_label = RS def _color(arg, offset): if isinstance(arg, (str, JvString)): color = c_string elif isinstance(arg, (JvClassProperty, JvTypePath)): ns, dd, prop = str(arg).partition('::') if not dd: return repr(arg) ns = ns.split('.') ns = '.'.join(F'{c_space}{p}{c_none}' for p in ns) return F'{ns}{dd}{c_member}{prop}{c_none}' elif isinstance(arg, int) and arg + offset in labels: return F'{c_label}0x{arg + offset:08X}{c_none}' elif isinstance(arg, (bool, int, float)): color = c_const elif isinstance(arg, JvBaseType): color = c_kwd else: return repr(arg) return F'{color}{arg!r}{c_none}' jc = JvClassFile(data) tab = ' ' namespace = '.'.join(str(jc.this).split('/')) opcw = self._OPC_STRLEN path_counter = collections.defaultdict(int) path_index = collections.defaultdict(int) for method in jc.methods: path_counter[_path(method)] += 1 for method in jc.methods: for attribute in method.attributes: if == 'Code': break else: self.log_warn(F'no code found for method: {}') continue code: JvCode = attribute.parse(JvCode) with io.StringIO() as display: rv, args = _parse_descriptor(method.descriptor, c_none, c_space, c_types, c_kwd) args = ', '.join(args) print( F'{c_types}{rv}{c_none} {c_space}{namespace}{c_none}' F'::{c_member}{_name(method)}{c_none}({args})', file=display) offset = 0 labels = set() addresses = set() for op in code.disassembly: addresses.add(offset) if op.table: labels.update(offset + jmp for jmp in op.table.values()) elif op.code in (opc.goto, opc.goto_w): labels.update(offset + arg for arg in op.arguments if isinstance(arg, int)) offset += len(op.raw) offset = 0 labels = labels & addresses for op in code.disassembly: if offset in labels: label = F'{c_label}{offset:08X}{c_none}:' else: label = F'{c_address}{offset:08X}{c_none}:' addr = offset olen = len(op.raw) offset += olen if op.table is None: args = ', '.join(_color(a, addr) for a in op.arguments) else: ow = 4 if op.code is opc.tableswitch else 8 olen = olen - (len(op.table) - 1) * ow args = F'___default => {c_label}{op.table[None] + addr:#010x}{c_none}' jmps = [] for k, (key, jmp) in enumerate(op.table.items()): if key is None: continue raw = self._hex(op.raw[olen + k * ow: olen + k * ow + ow], ' ') jmps.append( F'{label}{tab}' F'{raw!s:<{opcw + 15}} ' F'{c_const}{key:#010x}{c_none} => ' F'{c_label}{jmp + addr:#010x}{c_none}') args = '\n'.join((args, *jmps)) opch = self._hex(op.raw[:olen], ' ') if len(opch) > 14: opch += F'\n{label}{tab}{tab:<15}' print( F'{label}{tab}' F'{opch:<15}' F'{c_kwd}{op.code!r:<{opcw}}{c_none} {args}', file=display) path = _path(method) if path_counter[path] > 1: k = path_index[path] path_index[path] = k + 1 path = F'{path}[{k}]' yield UnpackResult(path, display.getvalue().encode(self.codec)) @classmethod def handles(self, data): return data[:4] == B'\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE'
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
def unpack(self, data)
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def unpack(self, data): def _name(method: JvClassMember): name = if name == '<init>': _, _, name = str(jc.this).rpartition('/') elif m := re.fullmatch('<(.*?)>', name): name = F'.{m[0]}' return name def _path(method: JvClassMember): return F'{jc.this!s}/{_name(method)}' try: if self.args.gray or not self.isatty: raise ImportError import colorama except ImportError: class _FG(): def __getattr__(self, _): return '' FG = _FG() RS = '' else: FG = colorama.Fore RS = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL finally: c_none = RS c_space = FG.LIGHTCYAN_EX c_types = FG.LIGHTCYAN_EX c_member = FG.LIGHTYELLOW_EX c_kwd = FG.LIGHTYELLOW_EX c_const = FG.LIGHTRED_EX c_string = FG.LIGHTRED_EX c_address = FG.LIGHTBLACK_EX c_label = RS def _color(arg, offset): if isinstance(arg, (str, JvString)): color = c_string elif isinstance(arg, (JvClassProperty, JvTypePath)): ns, dd, prop = str(arg).partition('::') if not dd: return repr(arg) ns = ns.split('.') ns = '.'.join(F'{c_space}{p}{c_none}' for p in ns) return F'{ns}{dd}{c_member}{prop}{c_none}' elif isinstance(arg, int) and arg + offset in labels: return F'{c_label}0x{arg + offset:08X}{c_none}' elif isinstance(arg, (bool, int, float)): color = c_const elif isinstance(arg, JvBaseType): color = c_kwd else: return repr(arg) return F'{color}{arg!r}{c_none}' jc = JvClassFile(data) tab = ' ' namespace = '.'.join(str(jc.this).split('/')) opcw = self._OPC_STRLEN path_counter = collections.defaultdict(int) path_index = collections.defaultdict(int) for method in jc.methods: path_counter[_path(method)] += 1 for method in jc.methods: for attribute in method.attributes: if == 'Code': break else: self.log_warn(F'no code found for method: {}') continue code: JvCode = attribute.parse(JvCode) with io.StringIO() as display: rv, args = _parse_descriptor(method.descriptor, c_none, c_space, c_types, c_kwd) args = ', '.join(args) print( F'{c_types}{rv}{c_none} {c_space}{namespace}{c_none}' F'::{c_member}{_name(method)}{c_none}({args})', file=display) offset = 0 labels = set() addresses = set() for op in code.disassembly: addresses.add(offset) if op.table: labels.update(offset + jmp for jmp in op.table.values()) elif op.code in (opc.goto, opc.goto_w): labels.update(offset + arg for arg in op.arguments if isinstance(arg, int)) offset += len(op.raw) offset = 0 labels = labels & addresses for op in code.disassembly: if offset in labels: label = F'{c_label}{offset:08X}{c_none}:' else: label = F'{c_address}{offset:08X}{c_none}:' addr = offset olen = len(op.raw) offset += olen if op.table is None: args = ', '.join(_color(a, addr) for a in op.arguments) else: ow = 4 if op.code is opc.tableswitch else 8 olen = olen - (len(op.table) - 1) * ow args = F'___default => {c_label}{op.table[None] + addr:#010x}{c_none}' jmps = [] for k, (key, jmp) in enumerate(op.table.items()): if key is None: continue raw = self._hex(op.raw[olen + k * ow: olen + k * ow + ow], ' ') jmps.append( F'{label}{tab}' F'{raw!s:<{opcw + 15}} ' F'{c_const}{key:#010x}{c_none} => ' F'{c_label}{jmp + addr:#010x}{c_none}') args = '\n'.join((args, *jmps)) opch = self._hex(op.raw[:olen], ' ') if len(opch) > 14: opch += F'\n{label}{tab}{tab:<15}' print( F'{label}{tab}' F'{opch:<15}' F'{c_kwd}{op.code!r:<{opcw}}{c_none} {args}', file=display) path = _path(method) if path_counter[path] > 1: k = path_index[path] path_index[path] = k + 1 path = F'{path}[{k}]' yield UnpackResult(path, display.getvalue().encode(self.codec))
Inherited members