Module refinery.units.formats.ifps

The code is based on the logic implemented in IFPSTools:

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The code is based on the logic implemented in IFPSTools:
from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import io
import uuid

from typing import Callable, Dict, Generator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS, update_wrapper

from refinery.units.formats import Unit
from refinery.lib.structures import Struct, StructReader, StreamDetour

_CLS = TypeVar('_CLS')
_TAB = '\x20\x20'

def extended(_data: bytes):
    if len(_data) != 10:
        raise ValueError
    data = int.from_bytes(_data, 'little')
    sign = data >> 79
    data = data ^ (sign << 79)
    sign = -1.0 if sign else +1.0
    exponent = data >> 64
    data = data ^ (exponent << 64)
    if exponent == 0:
        if data == 0:
            return sign * 0
        exponent = -16382
    elif exponent == 0b111111111111111:
        if data == 0:
            return sign * float('Inf')
            return sign * float('NaN')
        exponent = exponent - 16383
    mantissa = data / (1 << 64)
    return sign * mantissa * (2 ** exponent)

def rfix(cls: _CLS) -> _CLS:
    cls.__repr__ = lambda self: F'{self.__class__.__name__}.{}'
    cls.__str__ = lambda self:
    return cls

class Op(enum.IntEnum):
    Assign       = 0x00  # noqa
    Calculate    = 0x01  # noqa
    Push         = 0x02  # noqa
    PushVar      = 0x03  # noqa
    Pop          = 0x04  # noqa
    Call         = 0x05  # noqa
    Jump         = 0x06  # noqa
    JumpTrue     = 0x07  # noqa
    JumpFalse    = 0x08  # noqa
    Ret          = 0x09  # noqa
    StackType    = 0x0A  # noqa
    PushType     = 0x0B  # noqa
    Compare      = 0x0C  # noqa
    CallVar      = 0x0D  # noqa
    SetPtr       = 0x0E  # noqa
    LogicalNot   = 0x0F  # noqa
    Neg          = 0x10  # noqa
    SetFlag      = 0x11  # noqa
    JumpFlag     = 0x12  # noqa
    PushEH       = 0x13  # noqa
    PopEH        = 0x14  # noqa
    Not          = 0x15  # noqa
    SetCopyPtr   = 0x16  # noqa
    Inc          = 0x17  # noqa
    Dec          = 0x18  # noqa
    JumpPop1     = 0x19  # noqa
    JumpPop2     = 0x1A  # noqa
    Nop          = 0xFF  # noqa
    _INVALID     = 0xDD  # noqa

    def FromInt(cls, code: int):
            return cls(code)
        except ValueError:
            return cls._INVALID

class TC(int, enum.Enum):
    ReturnAddress       = 0x00  # noqa
    U08                 = 0x01  # noqa
    S08                 = 0x02  # noqa
    U16                 = 0x03  # noqa
    S16                 = 0x04  # noqa
    U32                 = 0x05  # noqa
    S32                 = 0x06  # noqa
    Single              = 0x07  # noqa
    Double              = 0x08  # noqa
    Extended            = 0x09  # noqa
    String              = 0x0A  # noqa
    Record              = 0x0B  # noqa
    Array               = 0x0C  # noqa
    Pointer             = 0x0D  # noqa
    PChar               = 0x0E  # noqa
    ResourcePointer     = 0x0F  # noqa
    Variant             = 0x10  # noqa
    S64                 = 0x11  # noqa
    Char                = 0x12  # noqa
    WideString          = 0x13  # noqa
    WideChar            = 0x14  # noqa
    ProcPtr             = 0x15  # noqa
    Tuple               = 0x16  # noqa
    Set                 = 0x17  # noqa
    Currency            = 0x18  # noqa
    Class               = 0x19  # noqa
    Interface           = 0x1A  # noqa
    NotificationVariant = 0x1B  # noqa
    UnicodeString       = 0x1C  # noqa
    Enum                = 0x81  # noqa
    Type                = 0x82  # noqa
    ExtClass            = 0x83  # noqa

    def width(self):
        return {
            TC.Variant       : 0x10,
            TC.Char          : 0x01,
            TC.S08           : 0x01,
            TC.U08           : 0x01,
            TC.WideChar      : 0x02,
            TC.S16           : 0x02,
            TC.U16           : 0x02,
            TC.WideString    : 0x04,
            TC.UnicodeString : 0x04,
            TC.Interface     : 0x04,
            TC.Class         : 0x04,
            TC.PChar         : 0x04,
            TC.String        : 0x04,
            TC.Single        : 0x04,
            TC.S32           : 0x04,
            TC.U32           : 0x04,
            TC.ProcPtr       : 0x0C,
            TC.Currency      : 0x08,
            TC.Pointer       : 0x0C,
            TC.Double        : 0x08,
            TC.S64           : 0x08,
            TC.Extended      : 0x0A,
            TC.ReturnAddress : 0x1C,
        }.get(self, 0)

class _OptionsMixin:
    symbol: Optional[str] = None
    attributes: Optional[List[Attribute]] = None

    def __str__(self):
        if self.symbol is not None:
            return self.symbol
        return super().__str__()

class _TypeBase:
    code: TC

    def display(self, indent=0):
        return indent * _TAB +

    def simple(self, nested=False):
        return True

    def __str__(self):
        return self.display(0)

def optionals(cls: _CLS) -> Union[_CLS, Type[_OptionsMixin]]:
    class _mixed(_OptionsMixin, cls):
    assigned = set(WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) - {'__annotations__'}
    update_wrapper(_mixed, cls, assigned=assigned, updated=())
    return dataclass(_mixed)

class TGeneric(_TypeBase):

class TProcPtr(_TypeBase):
    body: bytes

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = super().display(indent)
        return F'{display}({self.body.hex()})'

class TInterface(_TypeBase):
    uuid: uuid.UUID

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = super().display(indent)
        return F'{display}({self.uuid!s})'

class TClass(_TypeBase):
    name: str

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = super().display(indent)
        return F'{display}({})'

class TSet(_TypeBase):
    size: int

    def size_in_bytes(self):
        q, r = divmod(self.size, 8)
        return q + (r and 1 or 0)

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = super().display(indent)
        return F'{display}({self.size})'

class TArray(_TypeBase):
    type: TGeneric

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}'
        return F'{display}[]'

    def simple(self, nested=False):
        return self.type.simple(nested)

class TTuple(_TypeBase):
    type: TGeneric
    size: int
    offset: Optional[int] = None

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}'
        return F'{display}[{self.size}]'

    def simple(self, nested=False):
        return self.type.simple(nested)

class TRecord(_TypeBase):
    members: Tuple[TGeneric, ...]

    def simple(self, nested=False):
        if nested:
            return False
        if len(self.members) > 10:
            return False
        return all(m.simple(True) for m in self.members)

    def display(self, indent=0):
        output = io.StringIO()
        output.write(indent * _TAB)
        output.write('struct {')
        if self.simple():
            output.write(', '.join(str(m) for m in self.members))
            for k, member in enumerate(self.members):
                if k > 0:
                output.write(member.display(indent + 1))
            if self.members:
                output.write(F'\n{_TAB * indent}')
        return output.getvalue()

TType = Union[TRecord, TTuple, TArray, TSet, TProcPtr, TClass, TInterface, TGeneric]

class Value(NamedTuple):
    type: TGeneric
    value: Union[str, int, float, bytes]

    def __repr__(self):
        value = self.value
        if isinstance(value, bytes):
            value = value.hex()
        return F'{}({value!r})'

    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.value)

class Attribute(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    fields: Tuple[Value, ...]

    def __repr__(self):
        name =
        if self.fields:
            name += '[{}]'.format(','.join(repr(f) for f in self.fields))
        return name

class DeclSpecParam(NamedTuple):
    mode_in: bool
    type: Optional[TGeneric] = None

class DeclSpec:

    void: bool
    parameters: List[DeclSpecParam]
    name: str = ''
    calling_convention: Optional[str] = None
    return_type: Optional[TGeneric] = None
    module: Optional[str] = None
    classname: Optional[str] = None
    delay_load: bool = False
    load_with_altered_search_path: bool = False
    is_property: bool = False

    def represent(self, name: str, ref: bool = False):
        def pparam(k: int, p: DeclSpecParam):
            name = F'{VariantType.Argument!s}{k}'
            if p.type is not None:
                name = F'{name}: {p.type!s}'
            if not p.mode_in:
                name = F'*{name}'
            return name
        if and name in
            name =
        spec = name
        if self.classname:
            spec = F'{self.classname}.{spec}'
        if self.module:
            spec = F'{self.module}::{spec}'
        if not ref:
            if self.delay_load:
                spec = F'__delay_load {spec}'
            if self.calling_convention:
                spec = F'__{self.calling_convention} {spec}'
            spec = F'{self.type} {spec}'
            args = self.parameters
            args = args and ', '.join(pparam(*t) for t in enumerate(args)) or ''
            spec = F'{spec}({args})'
            if self.return_type:
                spec = F'{spec} -> {}'
        return spec

    def type(self):
        return 'sub' if self.void else 'function'

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.represent( or '(*)')

    def ParseF(cls, reader: StructReader[bytes], load_flags: bool):
        def ascii():
            return reader.read_c_string('latin1')

        def boolean():
            return bool(reader.u8())

        def cc():
            return {
                0: 'register',
                1: 'pascal',
                2: 'cdecl',
                3: 'stdcall',
            }.get(reader.u8(), cls.calling_convention)

        kw = {}
        parameters = None
        if reader.peek(4) == b'dll:':
            if reader.peek(6) == B'files:':
            kw.update(module=ascii(), name=ascii(), calling_convention=cc())
            if load_flags:
                kw.update(delay_load=boolean(), load_with_altered_search_path=boolean())
            void = not boolean()
        elif reader.peek(6) == b'class:':
            if reader.remaining_bytes == 1:
                rest = reader.peek(1)
                void = False
                parameters = [DeclSpecParam(False)]
                    name={b'+': 'CastToType', B'-': 'SetNil'}.get(rest),
                name = reader.read_terminated_array(b'|').decode('latin1')
                if name[-1] == '@':
                    name = name[:-1]
                kw.update(name=name, calling_convention=cc())
                void = not reader.u8()
            void = not reader.u8()
        if parameters is not None:
            parameters = [DeclSpecParam(bool(b)) for b in]
        return cls(void, parameters, **kw)

    def ParseE(cls, data: bytes, ipfs: IFPSFile):
        decl = data.split(B'\x20')
        return_type = int(decl.pop(0))
        void = return_type == -1
        if not void:
            return_type = ipfs.types[return_type]
            return_type = None
        parameters = []
        for param in decl:
            mode_in = param[0] == B'@'[0]
            ti = int(param[1:])
            parameters.append(DeclSpecParam(mode_in, ipfs.types[ti]))
        return cls(void, parameters, return_type=return_type)

class Function(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    decl: Optional[DeclSpec]
    body: Optional[List[Instruction]] = None
    exported: bool = False
    attributes: Optional[List[Attribute]] = None

    def reference(self) -> str:
        if self.decl is None:
        return self.decl.represent(, ref=True)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.decl is None:
            return F'symbol {}'
        return self.decl.represent(

    def type(self):
        if self.decl is None:
            return 'symbol'
        return self.decl.type

class Variable(NamedTuple):
    index: int
    flags: int
    type: TGeneric
    name: str

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'{}: {self.type!s}'

class OperandType(enum.IntEnum):
    Variant = 0
    Value = 1
    IndexedInt = 2
    IndexedVar = 3

class VariantType(str, enum.Enum):
    Global = 'GlobalVar'
    ReturnValue = 'ReturnValue'
    Variable = 'LocalVar'
    Argument = 'Argument'

    def __repr__(self):

    def __str__(self):
        return self.value

class Variant(NamedTuple):
    index: int
    type: VariantType

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'{self.type!s}{self.index}'

class Operand(NamedTuple):
    type: OperandType
    variant: Optional[Variant] = None
    value: Optional[Value] = None
    index: Optional[Union[Variant, int]] = None

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.type is OperandType.Value:
            return str(self.value)
        if self.type is OperandType.Variant:
            return F'{self.variant}'
        if self.type is OperandType.IndexedInt:
            return F'{self.variant}[0x{self.index:02X}]'
        if self.type is OperandType.IndexedVar:
            return F'{self.variant}[{self.index!s}]'
        raise RuntimeError(F'Unexpected OperandType {self.type!r} in {self.__class__.__name__}')

_Op_Maxlen = max(len( for op in Op)

class Instruction:
    offset: int
    opcode: Op
    operands: List[Union[str, int, Operand, TGeneric]] = field(default_factory=list)
    jumptarget: bool = False

    def _oprep(self, fuse_index=None, is_jump=False):
        if fuse_index is None:
            operands = list(self.operands)
            rest = self.operands[fuse_index:]
            rest = '\x20'.join((str(op) for op in rest))
            operands = [*self.operands[:fuse_index], rest]
        if is_jump:
            operands[0] = F'0x{operands[0]:X}'
        return ', '.join(str(op) for op in operands)

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'{}({self._oprep()})'

    def __str__(self):
        fuse = None
        if self.opcode is Op.Compare:
            fuse = 1
        if self.opcode is Op.Calculate:
            fuse = 0
        jmp = self.opcode in (
        return F'{self.opcode!s:<{_Op_Maxlen}}{_TAB}{self._oprep(fuse, jmp)}'

class IFPSFile(Struct):
    MinVer = 12
    MaxVer = 23

    Magic = B'IFPS'

    def __init__(self, reader: StructReader[memoryview], codec: str):
        self.codec = codec
        self.types: List[TType] = []
        self.functions: List[Function] = []
        self.variables: List[Variable] = []
        self.strings: List[str] = []
        self.reader = reader
        if reader.remaining_bytes < 28:
            raise ValueError('Less than 28 bytes in file, not enough data to parse.')
        magic =
        if magic != self.Magic:
            raise ValueError(F'Invalid magic sequence: {magic.hex()}')
        self.version = reader.u32()
        self.count_types = reader.u32()
        self.count_functions = reader.u32()
        self.count_variables = reader.u32()
        self.entry = reader.u32()
        self.import_size = reader.u32()
        self.void = False
        if self.version not in range(self.MinVer, self.MaxVer + 1):
                F'This IFPS file has version {self.version}, which is not in the supported range '

    def _load_flags(self):
        return self.version >= 23

    def _load_types(self):
        reader = self.reader
        types = self.types
        for k in range(self.count_types):
            typecode = reader.u8()
            exported = bool(typecode & 0x80)
            typecode = typecode & 0x7F
                code = TC(typecode)
            except ValueError as V:
                raise ValueError(F'Unknown type code value 0x{typecode:02X}.') from V
            if code is TC.Class:
                t = TClass(code, reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii())
            elif code is TC.ProcPtr:
                t = TProcPtr(code, reader.read_length_prefixed())
            elif code is TC.Interface:
                guid = uuid.UUID(bytes=bytes(
                t = TInterface(code, guid)
            elif code is TC.Set:
                t = TSet(code, reader.u32())
            elif code is TC.Tuple:
                type = types[reader.u32()]
                size = reader.u32()
                offset = None if self.version <= 22 else reader.u32()
                t = TTuple(code, type, size, offset)
            elif code is TC.Array:
                t = TArray(code, types[reader.u32()])
            elif code is TC.Record:
                length = reader.u32()
                members = tuple(types[reader.u32()] for _ in range(length))
                t = TRecord(code, members, symbol=F'RECORD{k}')
                t = TGeneric(code,
            if exported:
                t.symbol = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
                if self.version <= 21:
           = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
            if self.version >= 21:
                t.attributes = list(self._read_attributes())

    def _read_value(self, reader: Optional[StructReader] = None) -> Value:
        if reader is None:
            reader = self.reader
        type = self.types[reader.u32()]
        size = type.code.width
        processor: Optional[Callable[[], Union[int, float, str, bytes]]] = {
            TC.U08           : reader.u8,
            TC.S08           : reader.i8,
            TC.U16           : reader.u16,
            TC.S16           : reader.i16,
            TC.U32           : reader.u32,
            TC.S32           : reader.i32,
            TC.S64           : reader.i64,
            TC.Single        : reader.f32,
            TC.Double        : reader.f64,
            TC.Extended      : lambda: extended(,
            TC.String        : lambda: reader.read_length_prefixed(encoding=self.codec),
            TC.PChar         : lambda: reader.read_length_prefixed(encoding=self.codec),
            TC.WideString    : reader.read_length_prefixed_utf16,
            TC.UnicodeString : reader.read_length_prefixed_utf16,
            TC.Char          : lambda: chr(reader.u8()),
            TC.WideChar      : lambda: chr(reader.u16()),
            TC.ProcPtr       : reader.u32,
            TC.Set           : lambda: bytes(,
            TC.Currency      : lambda: reader.u64() / 10_000,
        }.get(type.code, None)
        if processor is not None:
            data = processor()
        elif size > 0:
            data = bytes(
            raise ValueError(F'Unable to read attribute of type {type!s}.')
        if isinstance(data, str) and data not in self.strings:
        return Value(type, data)

    def _read_attributes(self) -> Generator[Attribute, None, None]:
        reader = self.reader
        count = reader.u32()
        for _ in range(count):
            name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
            fields = tuple(self._read_value() for _ in range(reader.u32()))
            yield Attribute(name, fields)

    def _load_functions(self):
        reader = self.reader
        width = len(F'{self.count_functions:X}')
        for k in range(self.count_functions):
            decl = None
            body = None
            name = F'F{k:0{width}X}'
            function_flags = reader.u8()
            attributes = None
            has_attributes = bool(function_flags & 4)
            imported = bool(function_flags & 1)
            exported = bool(function_flags & 2)
            if imported:
                name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii(8)
                if exported:
                    read = StructReader(bytes(reader.read_length_prefixed()))
                    decl = DeclSpec.ParseF(read, self._load_flags)
                offset = reader.u32()
                size = reader.u32()
                with StreamDetour(reader, offset):
                    body = list(self._parse_bytecode(
                self.void = False
                if exported:
                    name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
                    decl = DeclSpec.ParseE(bytes(reader.read_length_prefixed()), self)
                    self.void = decl.void
            if has_attributes:
                attributes = list(self._read_attributes())
            self.functions.append(Function(name, decl, body, exported, attributes))
        for function in self.functions:
            if function.body is None:
            for instruction in function.body:
                if instruction.opcode is Op.Call:
                    t: Function = self.functions[instruction.operands[0]]
                    instruction.operands[0] = t.reference()

    def _load_variables(self):
        reader = self.reader
        width = len(str(self.count_variables))
        for index in range(self.count_variables):
            tcode = reader.u32()
            flags = reader.u8()
            name = F'{VariantType.Global!s}{index:0{width}}'
            if flags & 1:
                name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
            self.variables.append(Variable(index, flags, self.types[tcode], name))

    def _read_variant(self, index: int) -> Variant:
        if index < 0x40000000:
            return Variant(index, VariantType.Global)
        index -= 0x60000000
        if index == -1 and not self.void:
            type = VariantType.ReturnValue
        if index >= 0:
            type = VariantType.Variable
            type = VariantType.Argument
            index = -index
            if self.void:
                index -= 1
        return Variant(index, type)

    def _read_operand(self, reader: StructReader) -> Operand:
        ot = OperandType(reader.u8())
        kw = {}
        if ot is OperandType.Variant:
        if ot is OperandType.Value:
        if ot >= OperandType.IndexedInt:
            index = reader.u32()
            if ot is OperandType.IndexedVar:
                index = self._read_variant(index)
        return Operand(ot, **kw)

    def _parse_bytecode(self, data: memoryview) -> Generator[Instruction, None, None]:
        disassembly: Dict[int, Instruction] = OrderedDict()
        reader = StructReader(data)

        argcount = {
            Op.Assign: 2,
            Op.CallVar: 1,
            Op.Dec: 1,
            Op.Inc: 1,
            Op.LogicalNot: 1,
            Op.Neg: 1,
            Op.Not: 1,
            Op.SetCopyPtr: 2,
            Op.SetPtr: 2,

        while not reader.eof:
            def arg(k=1):
                for _ in range(k):
            addr = reader.tell()
            cval = reader.u8()
            code = Op.FromInt(cval)
            insn = Instruction(addr, code)
            args = insn.operands
            disassembly[insn.offset] = insn
            aryness = argcount.get(code)
            if aryness is not None:
            elif code in (Op.Ret, Op.Nop, Op.Pop):
            elif code is Op.Calculate:
                infix = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '<<', '>>', '&', '|', '^'][reader.u8()]
                infix = F'{infix}='
                a = self._read_operand(reader)
                b = self._read_operand(reader)
                args.extend((a, infix, b))
            elif code in (Op.Push, Op.PushVar):
            elif code in (Op.Jump, Op.JumpFlag):
                target = reader.i32()
                args.append(reader.tell() + target)
            elif code is Op.Call:
            elif code in (Op.JumpTrue, Op.JumpFalse):
                target = reader.i32()
                val = self._read_operand(reader)
                args.append(reader.tell() + target)
            elif code is Op.JumpPop1:
                target = reader.i32()
                args.append(reader.tell() + target)
            elif code is Op.JumpPop2:
                target = reader.i32()
                args.append(reader.tell() + target)
            elif code is Op.StackType:
            elif code is Op.PushType:
            elif code is Op.Compare:
                infix = ['>=', '<=', '>', '<', '!=', '==', 'in', 'is'][reader.u8()]
            elif code is Op.SetFlag:
            elif code is Op.PushEH:
                args.extend(reader.u32() for _ in range(4))
            elif code is Op.PopEH:
            elif code is Op._INVALID:
                raise ValueError(F'Unsupported opcode: 0x{cval:02X}')
                raise ValueError(F'Unhandled opcode: {}')

        for k, instruction in enumerate(disassembly.values()):
            if instruction.opcode in (
                target = instruction.operands[0]
                    disassembly[target].jumptarget = True
                except KeyError as K:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        F'The jump target of instruction {k} at 0x{instruction.offset:X} is invalid; '
                        F'the invalid instruction is a {} to 0x{target:X}.'
                    ) from K

        yield from disassembly.values()

    def __str__(self):
        output = io.StringIO()
        _omax = max((
            max(insn.offset for insn in fn.body)
            for fn in self.functions if fn.body
        ), default=0)
        _omax = max(len(self.types), len(self.variables), _omax)
        width = len(F'{_omax:X}')

        if self.types:
            for type in self.types:
                if type.code is not TC.Record:
                output.write(F'typedef {type.symbol} = {type.display()}\n')

        if self.variables:
            for variable in self.variables:

        if self.functions:
            for function in self.functions:
                if function.body is None:
                    output.write(F'external {function!s};\n')
            for function in self.functions:
                if function.body is None:
                output.write(F'begin {function!s}\n')
                for instruction in function.body:
                output.write(F'end {function.type}\n\n')

        return output.getvalue()

class IFPSBase(Unit, abstract=True):
    def __init__(
        codec: Unit.Arg.String(
            help='Optionally specify the string encoding. The default is "{default}".') = 'cp1252'

class ifps(IFPSBase):
    Disassembles compiled Pascal script files that start with the magic sequence "IFPS". These
    scripts can be found, for example, when unpacking InnoSetup installers using innounp.
    def process(self, data):
        return str(IFPSFile(data, self.args.codec)).encode(self.codec)

    def handles(self, data: bytearray) -> bool:
        return data.startswith(IFPSFile.Magic)


def extended(_data)
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def extended(_data: bytes):
    if len(_data) != 10:
        raise ValueError
    data = int.from_bytes(_data, 'little')
    sign = data >> 79
    data = data ^ (sign << 79)
    sign = -1.0 if sign else +1.0
    exponent = data >> 64
    data = data ^ (exponent << 64)
    if exponent == 0:
        if data == 0:
            return sign * 0
        exponent = -16382
    elif exponent == 0b111111111111111:
        if data == 0:
            return sign * float('Inf')
            return sign * float('NaN')
        exponent = exponent - 16383
    mantissa = data / (1 << 64)
    return sign * mantissa * (2 ** exponent)
def rfix(cls)
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def rfix(cls: _CLS) -> _CLS:
    cls.__repr__ = lambda self: F'{self.__class__.__name__}.{}'
    cls.__str__ = lambda self:
    return cls
def optionals(cls)
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def optionals(cls: _CLS) -> Union[_CLS, Type[_OptionsMixin]]:
    class _mixed(_OptionsMixin, cls):
    assigned = set(WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) - {'__annotations__'}
    update_wrapper(_mixed, cls, assigned=assigned, updated=())
    return dataclass(_mixed)


class Op (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class Op(enum.IntEnum):
    Assign       = 0x00  # noqa
    Calculate    = 0x01  # noqa
    Push         = 0x02  # noqa
    PushVar      = 0x03  # noqa
    Pop          = 0x04  # noqa
    Call         = 0x05  # noqa
    Jump         = 0x06  # noqa
    JumpTrue     = 0x07  # noqa
    JumpFalse    = 0x08  # noqa
    Ret          = 0x09  # noqa
    StackType    = 0x0A  # noqa
    PushType     = 0x0B  # noqa
    Compare      = 0x0C  # noqa
    CallVar      = 0x0D  # noqa
    SetPtr       = 0x0E  # noqa
    LogicalNot   = 0x0F  # noqa
    Neg          = 0x10  # noqa
    SetFlag      = 0x11  # noqa
    JumpFlag     = 0x12  # noqa
    PushEH       = 0x13  # noqa
    PopEH        = 0x14  # noqa
    Not          = 0x15  # noqa
    SetCopyPtr   = 0x16  # noqa
    Inc          = 0x17  # noqa
    Dec          = 0x18  # noqa
    JumpPop1     = 0x19  # noqa
    JumpPop2     = 0x1A  # noqa
    Nop          = 0xFF  # noqa
    _INVALID     = 0xDD  # noqa

    def FromInt(cls, code: int):
            return cls(code)
        except ValueError:
            return cls._INVALID


  • enum.IntEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var Assign
var Calculate
var Push
var PushVar
var Pop
var Call
var Jump
var JumpTrue
var JumpFalse
var Ret
var StackType
var PushType
var Compare
var CallVar
var SetPtr
var LogicalNot
var Neg
var SetFlag
var JumpFlag
var PushEH
var PopEH
var Not
var SetCopyPtr
var Inc
var Dec
var JumpPop1
var JumpPop2
var Nop

Static methods

def FromInt(code)
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def FromInt(cls, code: int):
        return cls(code)
    except ValueError:
        return cls._INVALID
class TC (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class TC(int, enum.Enum):
    ReturnAddress       = 0x00  # noqa
    U08                 = 0x01  # noqa
    S08                 = 0x02  # noqa
    U16                 = 0x03  # noqa
    S16                 = 0x04  # noqa
    U32                 = 0x05  # noqa
    S32                 = 0x06  # noqa
    Single              = 0x07  # noqa
    Double              = 0x08  # noqa
    Extended            = 0x09  # noqa
    String              = 0x0A  # noqa
    Record              = 0x0B  # noqa
    Array               = 0x0C  # noqa
    Pointer             = 0x0D  # noqa
    PChar               = 0x0E  # noqa
    ResourcePointer     = 0x0F  # noqa
    Variant             = 0x10  # noqa
    S64                 = 0x11  # noqa
    Char                = 0x12  # noqa
    WideString          = 0x13  # noqa
    WideChar            = 0x14  # noqa
    ProcPtr             = 0x15  # noqa
    Tuple               = 0x16  # noqa
    Set                 = 0x17  # noqa
    Currency            = 0x18  # noqa
    Class               = 0x19  # noqa
    Interface           = 0x1A  # noqa
    NotificationVariant = 0x1B  # noqa
    UnicodeString       = 0x1C  # noqa
    Enum                = 0x81  # noqa
    Type                = 0x82  # noqa
    ExtClass            = 0x83  # noqa

    def width(self):
        return {
            TC.Variant       : 0x10,
            TC.Char          : 0x01,
            TC.S08           : 0x01,
            TC.U08           : 0x01,
            TC.WideChar      : 0x02,
            TC.S16           : 0x02,
            TC.U16           : 0x02,
            TC.WideString    : 0x04,
            TC.UnicodeString : 0x04,
            TC.Interface     : 0x04,
            TC.Class         : 0x04,
            TC.PChar         : 0x04,
            TC.String        : 0x04,
            TC.Single        : 0x04,
            TC.S32           : 0x04,
            TC.U32           : 0x04,
            TC.ProcPtr       : 0x0C,
            TC.Currency      : 0x08,
            TC.Pointer       : 0x0C,
            TC.Double        : 0x08,
            TC.S64           : 0x08,
            TC.Extended      : 0x0A,
            TC.ReturnAddress : 0x1C,
        }.get(self, 0)


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var ReturnAddress
var U08
var S08
var U16
var S16
var U32
var S32
var Single
var Double
var Extended
var String
var Record
var Array
var Pointer
var PChar
var ResourcePointer
var Variant
var S64
var Char
var WideString
var WideChar
var ProcPtr
var Tuple
var Set
var Currency
var Class
var Interface
var NotificationVariant
var UnicodeString
var Enum
var Type
var ExtClass

Instance variables

var width
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def width(self):
    return {
        TC.Variant       : 0x10,
        TC.Char          : 0x01,
        TC.S08           : 0x01,
        TC.U08           : 0x01,
        TC.WideChar      : 0x02,
        TC.S16           : 0x02,
        TC.U16           : 0x02,
        TC.WideString    : 0x04,
        TC.UnicodeString : 0x04,
        TC.Interface     : 0x04,
        TC.Class         : 0x04,
        TC.PChar         : 0x04,
        TC.String        : 0x04,
        TC.Single        : 0x04,
        TC.S32           : 0x04,
        TC.U32           : 0x04,
        TC.ProcPtr       : 0x0C,
        TC.Currency      : 0x08,
        TC.Pointer       : 0x0C,
        TC.Double        : 0x08,
        TC.S64           : 0x08,
        TC.Extended      : 0x0A,
        TC.ReturnAddress : 0x1C,
    }.get(self, 0)
class TGeneric (code)

TGeneric(code: 'TC')

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class TGeneric(_TypeBase):


  • refinery.units.formats.ifps._TypeBase


Class variables

var code
class TProcPtr (code, body)

TProcPtr(code: 'TC', body: 'bytes')

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class TProcPtr(_TypeBase):
    body: bytes

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = super().display(indent)
        return F'{display}({self.body.hex()})'


  • refinery.units.formats.ifps._TypeBase


Class variables

var body


def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0):
    display = super().display(indent)
    return F'{display}({self.body.hex()})'
class TInterface (code, uuid)

TInterface(code: 'TC', uuid: 'uuid.UUID')

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class TInterface(_TypeBase):
    uuid: uuid.UUID

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = super().display(indent)
        return F'{display}({self.uuid!s})'


  • refinery.units.formats.ifps._TypeBase


Class variables

var uuid


def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0):
    display = super().display(indent)
    return F'{display}({self.uuid!s})'
class TClass (code, name)

TClass(code: 'TC', name: 'str')

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class TClass(_TypeBase):
    name: str

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = super().display(indent)
        return F'{display}({})'


  • refinery.units.formats.ifps._TypeBase


Class variables

var name


def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0):
    display = super().display(indent)
    return F'{display}({})'
class TSet (code, size)

TSet(code: 'TC', size: 'int')

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class TSet(_TypeBase):
    size: int

    def size_in_bytes(self):
        q, r = divmod(self.size, 8)
        return q + (r and 1 or 0)

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = super().display(indent)
        return F'{display}({self.size})'


  • refinery.units.formats.ifps._TypeBase


Class variables

var size

Instance variables

var size_in_bytes
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def size_in_bytes(self):
    q, r = divmod(self.size, 8)
    return q + (r and 1 or 0)


def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0):
    display = super().display(indent)
    return F'{display}({self.size})'
class TArray (code, type)

TArray(code: 'TC', type: 'TGeneric')

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class TArray(_TypeBase):
    type: TGeneric

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}'
        return F'{display}[]'

    def simple(self, nested=False):
        return self.type.simple(nested)


  • refinery.units.formats.ifps._TypeBase


Class variables

var type


def display(self, indent=0)
Expand source code Browse git
def display(self, indent=0):
    display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}'
    return F'{display}[]'
def simple(self, nested=False)
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def simple(self, nested=False):
    return self.type.simple(nested)
class TTuple (code, type, size, offset=None)

TTuple(code: 'TC', type: 'TGeneric', size: 'int', offset: 'Optional[int]' = None)

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class TTuple(_TypeBase):
    type: TGeneric
    size: int
    offset: Optional[int] = None

    def display(self, indent=0):
        display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}'
        return F'{display}[{self.size}]'

    def simple(self, nested=False):
        return self.type.simple(nested)


  • refinery.units.formats.ifps._TypeBase


Class variables

var type
var size
var offset


def display(self, indent=0)
Expand source code Browse git
def display(self, indent=0):
    display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}'
    return F'{display}[{self.size}]'
def simple(self, nested=False)
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def simple(self, nested=False):
    return self.type.simple(nested)
class TRecord (code, members)

TRecord(code: 'TC', members: 'Tuple[TGeneric, …]')

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class TRecord(_TypeBase):
    members: Tuple[TGeneric, ...]

    def simple(self, nested=False):
        if nested:
            return False
        if len(self.members) > 10:
            return False
        return all(m.simple(True) for m in self.members)

    def display(self, indent=0):
        output = io.StringIO()
        output.write(indent * _TAB)
        output.write('struct {')
        if self.simple():
            output.write(', '.join(str(m) for m in self.members))
            for k, member in enumerate(self.members):
                if k > 0:
                output.write(member.display(indent + 1))
            if self.members:
                output.write(F'\n{_TAB * indent}')
        return output.getvalue()


  • refinery.units.formats.ifps._TypeBase


Class variables

var members


def simple(self, nested=False)
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def simple(self, nested=False):
    if nested:
        return False
    if len(self.members) > 10:
        return False
    return all(m.simple(True) for m in self.members)
def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0):
    output = io.StringIO()
    output.write(indent * _TAB)
    output.write('struct {')
    if self.simple():
        output.write(', '.join(str(m) for m in self.members))
        for k, member in enumerate(self.members):
            if k > 0:
            output.write(member.display(indent + 1))
        if self.members:
            output.write(F'\n{_TAB * indent}')
    return output.getvalue()
class Value (type, value)

Value(type, value)

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class Value(NamedTuple):
    type: TGeneric
    value: Union[str, int, float, bytes]

    def __repr__(self):
        value = self.value
        if isinstance(value, bytes):
            value = value.hex()
        return F'{}({value!r})'

    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.value)


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var type

Alias for field number 0

var value

Alias for field number 1

class Attribute (name, fields)

Attribute(name, fields)

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class Attribute(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    fields: Tuple[Value, ...]

    def __repr__(self):
        name =
        if self.fields:
            name += '[{}]'.format(','.join(repr(f) for f in self.fields))
        return name


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var name

Alias for field number 0

var fields

Alias for field number 1

class DeclSpecParam (mode_in, type=None)

DeclSpecParam(mode_in, type)

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class DeclSpecParam(NamedTuple):
    mode_in: bool
    type: Optional[TGeneric] = None


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var mode_in

Alias for field number 0

var type

Alias for field number 1

class DeclSpec (void, parameters, name='', calling_convention=None, return_type=None, module=None, classname=None, delay_load=False, load_with_altered_search_path=False, is_property=False)

DeclSpec(void: 'bool', parameters: 'List[DeclSpecParam]', name: 'str' = '', calling_convention: 'Optional[str]' = None, return_type: 'Optional[TGeneric]' = None, module: 'Optional[str]' = None, classname: 'Optional[str]' = None, delay_load: 'bool' = False, load_with_altered_search_path: 'bool' = False, is_property: 'bool' = False)

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class DeclSpec:

    void: bool
    parameters: List[DeclSpecParam]
    name: str = ''
    calling_convention: Optional[str] = None
    return_type: Optional[TGeneric] = None
    module: Optional[str] = None
    classname: Optional[str] = None
    delay_load: bool = False
    load_with_altered_search_path: bool = False
    is_property: bool = False

    def represent(self, name: str, ref: bool = False):
        def pparam(k: int, p: DeclSpecParam):
            name = F'{VariantType.Argument!s}{k}'
            if p.type is not None:
                name = F'{name}: {p.type!s}'
            if not p.mode_in:
                name = F'*{name}'
            return name
        if and name in
            name =
        spec = name
        if self.classname:
            spec = F'{self.classname}.{spec}'
        if self.module:
            spec = F'{self.module}::{spec}'
        if not ref:
            if self.delay_load:
                spec = F'__delay_load {spec}'
            if self.calling_convention:
                spec = F'__{self.calling_convention} {spec}'
            spec = F'{self.type} {spec}'
            args = self.parameters
            args = args and ', '.join(pparam(*t) for t in enumerate(args)) or ''
            spec = F'{spec}({args})'
            if self.return_type:
                spec = F'{spec} -> {}'
        return spec

    def type(self):
        return 'sub' if self.void else 'function'

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.represent( or '(*)')

    def ParseF(cls, reader: StructReader[bytes], load_flags: bool):
        def ascii():
            return reader.read_c_string('latin1')

        def boolean():
            return bool(reader.u8())

        def cc():
            return {
                0: 'register',
                1: 'pascal',
                2: 'cdecl',
                3: 'stdcall',
            }.get(reader.u8(), cls.calling_convention)

        kw = {}
        parameters = None
        if reader.peek(4) == b'dll:':
            if reader.peek(6) == B'files:':
            kw.update(module=ascii(), name=ascii(), calling_convention=cc())
            if load_flags:
                kw.update(delay_load=boolean(), load_with_altered_search_path=boolean())
            void = not boolean()
        elif reader.peek(6) == b'class:':
            if reader.remaining_bytes == 1:
                rest = reader.peek(1)
                void = False
                parameters = [DeclSpecParam(False)]
                    name={b'+': 'CastToType', B'-': 'SetNil'}.get(rest),
                name = reader.read_terminated_array(b'|').decode('latin1')
                if name[-1] == '@':
                    name = name[:-1]
                kw.update(name=name, calling_convention=cc())
                void = not reader.u8()
            void = not reader.u8()
        if parameters is not None:
            parameters = [DeclSpecParam(bool(b)) for b in]
        return cls(void, parameters, **kw)

    def ParseE(cls, data: bytes, ipfs: IFPSFile):
        decl = data.split(B'\x20')
        return_type = int(decl.pop(0))
        void = return_type == -1
        if not void:
            return_type = ipfs.types[return_type]
            return_type = None
        parameters = []
        for param in decl:
            mode_in = param[0] == B'@'[0]
            ti = int(param[1:])
            parameters.append(DeclSpecParam(mode_in, ipfs.types[ti]))
        return cls(void, parameters, return_type=return_type)

Class variables

var void
var parameters
var name
var calling_convention
var return_type
var module
var classname
var delay_load
var load_with_altered_search_path
var is_property

Static methods

def ParseF(reader, load_flags)
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def ParseF(cls, reader: StructReader[bytes], load_flags: bool):
    def ascii():
        return reader.read_c_string('latin1')

    def boolean():
        return bool(reader.u8())

    def cc():
        return {
            0: 'register',
            1: 'pascal',
            2: 'cdecl',
            3: 'stdcall',
        }.get(reader.u8(), cls.calling_convention)

    kw = {}
    parameters = None
    if reader.peek(4) == b'dll:':
        if reader.peek(6) == B'files:':
        kw.update(module=ascii(), name=ascii(), calling_convention=cc())
        if load_flags:
            kw.update(delay_load=boolean(), load_with_altered_search_path=boolean())
        void = not boolean()
    elif reader.peek(6) == b'class:':
        if reader.remaining_bytes == 1:
            rest = reader.peek(1)
            void = False
            parameters = [DeclSpecParam(False)]
                name={b'+': 'CastToType', B'-': 'SetNil'}.get(rest),
            name = reader.read_terminated_array(b'|').decode('latin1')
            if name[-1] == '@':
                name = name[:-1]
            kw.update(name=name, calling_convention=cc())
            void = not reader.u8()
        void = not reader.u8()
    if parameters is not None:
        parameters = [DeclSpecParam(bool(b)) for b in]
    return cls(void, parameters, **kw)
def ParseE(data, ipfs)
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def ParseE(cls, data: bytes, ipfs: IFPSFile):
    decl = data.split(B'\x20')
    return_type = int(decl.pop(0))
    void = return_type == -1
    if not void:
        return_type = ipfs.types[return_type]
        return_type = None
    parameters = []
    for param in decl:
        mode_in = param[0] == B'@'[0]
        ti = int(param[1:])
        parameters.append(DeclSpecParam(mode_in, ipfs.types[ti]))
    return cls(void, parameters, return_type=return_type)

Instance variables

var type
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def type(self):
    return 'sub' if self.void else 'function'


def represent(self, name, ref=False)
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def represent(self, name: str, ref: bool = False):
    def pparam(k: int, p: DeclSpecParam):
        name = F'{VariantType.Argument!s}{k}'
        if p.type is not None:
            name = F'{name}: {p.type!s}'
        if not p.mode_in:
            name = F'*{name}'
        return name
    if and name in
        name =
    spec = name
    if self.classname:
        spec = F'{self.classname}.{spec}'
    if self.module:
        spec = F'{self.module}::{spec}'
    if not ref:
        if self.delay_load:
            spec = F'__delay_load {spec}'
        if self.calling_convention:
            spec = F'__{self.calling_convention} {spec}'
        spec = F'{self.type} {spec}'
        args = self.parameters
        args = args and ', '.join(pparam(*t) for t in enumerate(args)) or ''
        spec = F'{spec}({args})'
        if self.return_type:
            spec = F'{spec} -> {}'
    return spec
class Function (name, decl, body=None, exported=False, attributes=None)

Function(name, decl, body, exported, attributes)

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class Function(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    decl: Optional[DeclSpec]
    body: Optional[List[Instruction]] = None
    exported: bool = False
    attributes: Optional[List[Attribute]] = None

    def reference(self) -> str:
        if self.decl is None:
        return self.decl.represent(, ref=True)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.decl is None:
            return F'symbol {}'
        return self.decl.represent(

    def type(self):
        if self.decl is None:
            return 'symbol'
        return self.decl.type


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var name

Alias for field number 0

var decl

Alias for field number 1

var body

Alias for field number 2

var exported

Alias for field number 3

var attributes

Alias for field number 4

var type
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def type(self):
    if self.decl is None:
        return 'symbol'
    return self.decl.type


def reference(self)
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def reference(self) -> str:
    if self.decl is None:
    return self.decl.represent(, ref=True)
class Variable (index, flags, type, name)

Variable(index, flags, type, name)

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class Variable(NamedTuple):
    index: int
    flags: int
    type: TGeneric
    name: str

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'{}: {self.type!s}'


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var index

Alias for field number 0

var flags

Alias for field number 1

var type

Alias for field number 2

var name

Alias for field number 3

class OperandType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class OperandType(enum.IntEnum):
    Variant = 0
    Value = 1
    IndexedInt = 2
    IndexedVar = 3


  • enum.IntEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var Variant
var Value
var IndexedInt
var IndexedVar
class VariantType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class VariantType(str, enum.Enum):
    Global = 'GlobalVar'
    ReturnValue = 'ReturnValue'
    Variable = 'LocalVar'
    Argument = 'Argument'

    def __repr__(self):

    def __str__(self):
        return self.value


  • builtins.str
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var Global
var ReturnValue
var Variable
var Argument
class Variant (index, type)

Variant(index, type)

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class Variant(NamedTuple):
    index: int
    type: VariantType

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'{self.type!s}{self.index}'


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var index

Alias for field number 0

var type

Alias for field number 1

class Operand (type, variant=None, value=None, index=None)

Operand(type, variant, value, index)

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class Operand(NamedTuple):
    type: OperandType
    variant: Optional[Variant] = None
    value: Optional[Value] = None
    index: Optional[Union[Variant, int]] = None

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.type is OperandType.Value:
            return str(self.value)
        if self.type is OperandType.Variant:
            return F'{self.variant}'
        if self.type is OperandType.IndexedInt:
            return F'{self.variant}[0x{self.index:02X}]'
        if self.type is OperandType.IndexedVar:
            return F'{self.variant}[{self.index!s}]'
        raise RuntimeError(F'Unexpected OperandType {self.type!r} in {self.__class__.__name__}')


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var type

Alias for field number 0

var variant

Alias for field number 1

var value

Alias for field number 2

var index

Alias for field number 3

class Instruction (offset, opcode, operands=<factory>, jumptarget=False)

Instruction(offset: 'int', opcode: 'Op', operands: 'List[Union[str, int, Operand, TGeneric]]' = , jumptarget: 'bool' = False)

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class Instruction:
    offset: int
    opcode: Op
    operands: List[Union[str, int, Operand, TGeneric]] = field(default_factory=list)
    jumptarget: bool = False

    def _oprep(self, fuse_index=None, is_jump=False):
        if fuse_index is None:
            operands = list(self.operands)
            rest = self.operands[fuse_index:]
            rest = '\x20'.join((str(op) for op in rest))
            operands = [*self.operands[:fuse_index], rest]
        if is_jump:
            operands[0] = F'0x{operands[0]:X}'
        return ', '.join(str(op) for op in operands)

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'{}({self._oprep()})'

    def __str__(self):
        fuse = None
        if self.opcode is Op.Compare:
            fuse = 1
        if self.opcode is Op.Calculate:
            fuse = 0
        jmp = self.opcode in (
        return F'{self.opcode!s:<{_Op_Maxlen}}{_TAB}{self._oprep(fuse, jmp)}'

Class variables

var offset
var opcode
var operands
var jumptarget
class IFPSFile (reader, codec)

A class to parse structured data. A Struct class can be instantiated as follows:

foo = Struct(data, bar=29)

The initialization routine of the structure will be called with a single argument reader. If the object data is already a StructReader, then it will be passed as reader. Otherwise, the argument will be wrapped in a StructReader. Additional arguments to the struct are passed through.

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class IFPSFile(Struct):
    MinVer = 12
    MaxVer = 23

    Magic = B'IFPS'

    def __init__(self, reader: StructReader[memoryview], codec: str):
        self.codec = codec
        self.types: List[TType] = []
        self.functions: List[Function] = []
        self.variables: List[Variable] = []
        self.strings: List[str] = []
        self.reader = reader
        if reader.remaining_bytes < 28:
            raise ValueError('Less than 28 bytes in file, not enough data to parse.')
        magic =
        if magic != self.Magic:
            raise ValueError(F'Invalid magic sequence: {magic.hex()}')
        self.version = reader.u32()
        self.count_types = reader.u32()
        self.count_functions = reader.u32()
        self.count_variables = reader.u32()
        self.entry = reader.u32()
        self.import_size = reader.u32()
        self.void = False
        if self.version not in range(self.MinVer, self.MaxVer + 1):
                F'This IFPS file has version {self.version}, which is not in the supported range '

    def _load_flags(self):
        return self.version >= 23

    def _load_types(self):
        reader = self.reader
        types = self.types
        for k in range(self.count_types):
            typecode = reader.u8()
            exported = bool(typecode & 0x80)
            typecode = typecode & 0x7F
                code = TC(typecode)
            except ValueError as V:
                raise ValueError(F'Unknown type code value 0x{typecode:02X}.') from V
            if code is TC.Class:
                t = TClass(code, reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii())
            elif code is TC.ProcPtr:
                t = TProcPtr(code, reader.read_length_prefixed())
            elif code is TC.Interface:
                guid = uuid.UUID(bytes=bytes(
                t = TInterface(code, guid)
            elif code is TC.Set:
                t = TSet(code, reader.u32())
            elif code is TC.Tuple:
                type = types[reader.u32()]
                size = reader.u32()
                offset = None if self.version <= 22 else reader.u32()
                t = TTuple(code, type, size, offset)
            elif code is TC.Array:
                t = TArray(code, types[reader.u32()])
            elif code is TC.Record:
                length = reader.u32()
                members = tuple(types[reader.u32()] for _ in range(length))
                t = TRecord(code, members, symbol=F'RECORD{k}')
                t = TGeneric(code,
            if exported:
                t.symbol = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
                if self.version <= 21:
           = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
            if self.version >= 21:
                t.attributes = list(self._read_attributes())

    def _read_value(self, reader: Optional[StructReader] = None) -> Value:
        if reader is None:
            reader = self.reader
        type = self.types[reader.u32()]
        size = type.code.width
        processor: Optional[Callable[[], Union[int, float, str, bytes]]] = {
            TC.U08           : reader.u8,
            TC.S08           : reader.i8,
            TC.U16           : reader.u16,
            TC.S16           : reader.i16,
            TC.U32           : reader.u32,
            TC.S32           : reader.i32,
            TC.S64           : reader.i64,
            TC.Single        : reader.f32,
            TC.Double        : reader.f64,
            TC.Extended      : lambda: extended(,
            TC.String        : lambda: reader.read_length_prefixed(encoding=self.codec),
            TC.PChar         : lambda: reader.read_length_prefixed(encoding=self.codec),
            TC.WideString    : reader.read_length_prefixed_utf16,
            TC.UnicodeString : reader.read_length_prefixed_utf16,
            TC.Char          : lambda: chr(reader.u8()),
            TC.WideChar      : lambda: chr(reader.u16()),
            TC.ProcPtr       : reader.u32,
            TC.Set           : lambda: bytes(,
            TC.Currency      : lambda: reader.u64() / 10_000,
        }.get(type.code, None)
        if processor is not None:
            data = processor()
        elif size > 0:
            data = bytes(
            raise ValueError(F'Unable to read attribute of type {type!s}.')
        if isinstance(data, str) and data not in self.strings:
        return Value(type, data)

    def _read_attributes(self) -> Generator[Attribute, None, None]:
        reader = self.reader
        count = reader.u32()
        for _ in range(count):
            name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
            fields = tuple(self._read_value() for _ in range(reader.u32()))
            yield Attribute(name, fields)

    def _load_functions(self):
        reader = self.reader
        width = len(F'{self.count_functions:X}')
        for k in range(self.count_functions):
            decl = None
            body = None
            name = F'F{k:0{width}X}'
            function_flags = reader.u8()
            attributes = None
            has_attributes = bool(function_flags & 4)
            imported = bool(function_flags & 1)
            exported = bool(function_flags & 2)
            if imported:
                name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii(8)
                if exported:
                    read = StructReader(bytes(reader.read_length_prefixed()))
                    decl = DeclSpec.ParseF(read, self._load_flags)
                offset = reader.u32()
                size = reader.u32()
                with StreamDetour(reader, offset):
                    body = list(self._parse_bytecode(
                self.void = False
                if exported:
                    name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
                    decl = DeclSpec.ParseE(bytes(reader.read_length_prefixed()), self)
                    self.void = decl.void
            if has_attributes:
                attributes = list(self._read_attributes())
            self.functions.append(Function(name, decl, body, exported, attributes))
        for function in self.functions:
            if function.body is None:
            for instruction in function.body:
                if instruction.opcode is Op.Call:
                    t: Function = self.functions[instruction.operands[0]]
                    instruction.operands[0] = t.reference()

    def _load_variables(self):
        reader = self.reader
        width = len(str(self.count_variables))
        for index in range(self.count_variables):
            tcode = reader.u32()
            flags = reader.u8()
            name = F'{VariantType.Global!s}{index:0{width}}'
            if flags & 1:
                name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
            self.variables.append(Variable(index, flags, self.types[tcode], name))

    def _read_variant(self, index: int) -> Variant:
        if index < 0x40000000:
            return Variant(index, VariantType.Global)
        index -= 0x60000000
        if index == -1 and not self.void:
            type = VariantType.ReturnValue
        if index >= 0:
            type = VariantType.Variable
            type = VariantType.Argument
            index = -index
            if self.void:
                index -= 1
        return Variant(index, type)

    def _read_operand(self, reader: StructReader) -> Operand:
        ot = OperandType(reader.u8())
        kw = {}
        if ot is OperandType.Variant:
        if ot is OperandType.Value:
        if ot >= OperandType.IndexedInt:
            index = reader.u32()
            if ot is OperandType.IndexedVar:
                index = self._read_variant(index)
        return Operand(ot, **kw)

    def _parse_bytecode(self, data: memoryview) -> Generator[Instruction, None, None]:
        disassembly: Dict[int, Instruction] = OrderedDict()
        reader = StructReader(data)

        argcount = {
            Op.Assign: 2,
            Op.CallVar: 1,
            Op.Dec: 1,
            Op.Inc: 1,
            Op.LogicalNot: 1,
            Op.Neg: 1,
            Op.Not: 1,
            Op.SetCopyPtr: 2,
            Op.SetPtr: 2,

        while not reader.eof:
            def arg(k=1):
                for _ in range(k):
            addr = reader.tell()
            cval = reader.u8()
            code = Op.FromInt(cval)
            insn = Instruction(addr, code)
            args = insn.operands
            disassembly[insn.offset] = insn
            aryness = argcount.get(code)
            if aryness is not None:
            elif code in (Op.Ret, Op.Nop, Op.Pop):
            elif code is Op.Calculate:
                infix = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '<<', '>>', '&', '|', '^'][reader.u8()]
                infix = F'{infix}='
                a = self._read_operand(reader)
                b = self._read_operand(reader)
                args.extend((a, infix, b))
            elif code in (Op.Push, Op.PushVar):
            elif code in (Op.Jump, Op.JumpFlag):
                target = reader.i32()
                args.append(reader.tell() + target)
            elif code is Op.Call:
            elif code in (Op.JumpTrue, Op.JumpFalse):
                target = reader.i32()
                val = self._read_operand(reader)
                args.append(reader.tell() + target)
            elif code is Op.JumpPop1:
                target = reader.i32()
                args.append(reader.tell() + target)
            elif code is Op.JumpPop2:
                target = reader.i32()
                args.append(reader.tell() + target)
            elif code is Op.StackType:
            elif code is Op.PushType:
            elif code is Op.Compare:
                infix = ['>=', '<=', '>', '<', '!=', '==', 'in', 'is'][reader.u8()]
            elif code is Op.SetFlag:
            elif code is Op.PushEH:
                args.extend(reader.u32() for _ in range(4))
            elif code is Op.PopEH:
            elif code is Op._INVALID:
                raise ValueError(F'Unsupported opcode: 0x{cval:02X}')
                raise ValueError(F'Unhandled opcode: {}')

        for k, instruction in enumerate(disassembly.values()):
            if instruction.opcode in (
                target = instruction.operands[0]
                    disassembly[target].jumptarget = True
                except KeyError as K:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        F'The jump target of instruction {k} at 0x{instruction.offset:X} is invalid; '
                        F'the invalid instruction is a {} to 0x{target:X}.'
                    ) from K

        yield from disassembly.values()

    def __str__(self):
        output = io.StringIO()
        _omax = max((
            max(insn.offset for insn in fn.body)
            for fn in self.functions if fn.body
        ), default=0)
        _omax = max(len(self.types), len(self.variables), _omax)
        width = len(F'{_omax:X}')

        if self.types:
            for type in self.types:
                if type.code is not TC.Record:
                output.write(F'typedef {type.symbol} = {type.display()}\n')

        if self.variables:
            for variable in self.variables:

        if self.functions:
            for function in self.functions:
                if function.body is None:
                    output.write(F'external {function!s};\n')
            for function in self.functions:
                if function.body is None:
                output.write(F'begin {function!s}\n')
                for instruction in function.body:
                output.write(F'end {function.type}\n\n')

        return output.getvalue()


Class variables

var MinVer
var MaxVer
var Magic
class IFPSBase (codec='cp1252')
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class IFPSBase(Unit, abstract=True):
    def __init__(
        codec: Unit.Arg.String(
            help='Optionally specify the string encoding. The default is "{default}".') = 'cp1252'



Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members

class ifps (codec='cp1252')

Disassembles compiled Pascal script files that start with the magic sequence "IFPS". These scripts can be found, for example, when unpacking InnoSetup installers using innounp.

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class ifps(IFPSBase):
    Disassembles compiled Pascal script files that start with the magic sequence "IFPS". These
    scripts can be found, for example, when unpacking InnoSetup installers using innounp.
    def process(self, data):
        return str(IFPSFile(data, self.args.codec)).encode(self.codec)

    def handles(self, data: bytearray) -> bool:
        return data.startswith(IFPSFile.Magic)


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members