Module refinery.units.crypto.cipher
Implements several popular block and stream ciphers.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implements several popular block and stream ciphers.
import abc
from typing import (
from refinery.lib.crypto import (
from refinery.lib.argformats import (
from refinery.units import (
class CipherUnit(Unit, abstract=True):
key_size: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None
block_size: int
def __init__(self, key: Arg(help='The encryption key.'), **keywords):
super().__init__(key=key, **keywords)
def decrypt(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString:
raise NotImplementedError
def encrypt(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString:
raise NotImplementedError
def process(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString:
ks = self.key_size
if ks and len(self.args.key) not in ks:
import itertools
key_size_iter = iter(ks)
key_size_options = [str(k) for k in itertools.islice(key_size_iter, 0, 5)]
except StopIteration:
pt = '.'
pt = ', ...'
if isinstance(ks, range):
pt = F'{pt}, {ks.stop - 1}'
if len(key_size_options) == 1:
msg = F'{} requires a key size of {key_size_options[0]}'
msg = R', '.join(key_size_options)
msg = F'possible key sizes for {} are: {msg}'
raise ValueError(F'the given key has an invalid length of {len(self.args.key)} bytes; {msg}{pt}')
return self.decrypt(data)
def reverse(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString:
return self.encrypt(data)
class StreamCipherUnit(CipherUnit, abstract=True):
block_size = 1
def __init__(
self, key,
discard: Arg.Number('-d', help='Discard the first {varname} bytes of the keystream, {default} by default.') = 0,
stateful: Arg.Switch('-s', help='Do not reset the key stream while processing the chunks of one frame.') = False,
super().__init__(key=key, stateful=stateful, discard=discard, **keywords)
self._keystream = None
def keystream(self) -> Iterable[int]:
raise NotImplementedError
@Unit.Requires('numpy', 'speed', 'default', 'extended')
def _numpy():
import numpy
return numpy
def encrypt(self, data: bytearray) -> bytearray:
it = self._keystream or self.keystream()
for _ in range(self.args.discard):
np = self._numpy
except ImportError:
self.log_info('this unit could perform faster if numpy was installed.')
out = bytearray(a ^ b for a, b in zip(it, data))
key = np.fromiter(it, dtype=np.uint8, count=len(data))
out = np.frombuffer(
memoryview(data), dtype=np.uint8, count=len(data))
out ^= key
return out
def filter(self, chunks: Iterable):
if self.args.stateful:
self._keystream = self.keystream()
yield from chunks
self._keystream = None
decrypt = encrypt
PADDINGS_LIB = ['pkcs7', 'iso7816', 'x923']
class BlockCipherUnitBase(CipherUnit, abstract=True):
def __init__(
self, key, iv: Arg('-i', '--iv', help=(
'Specifies the initialization vector. If none is specified, then a block of zero bytes is used.')) = None,
padding: Arg.Choice('-p', type=str.lower, choices=PADDINGS_ALL, metavar='P', help=(
'Choose a padding algorithm ({choices}). The raw algorithm does nothing. By default, all other algorithms '
'are attempted. In most cases, the data was not correctly decrypted if none of these work.')
) = None,
raw: Arg.Switch('-r', '--raw', help='Set the padding to raw; ignored when a padding is specified.') = False,
if not padding and raw:
padding = PADDING_NONE
super().__init__(key=key, iv=iv, padding=padding, **keywords)
def block_size(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
def iv(self) -> ByteString:
return self.args.iv or bytes(self.block_size)
def _default_padding(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.args.padding
def reverse(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString:
padding = self._default_padding()
if padding is not None:
self.log_info('padding method:', padding)
if padding in PADDINGS_LIB:
from Cryptodome.Util.Padding import pad
data = pad(data, self.block_size, padding)
return super().reverse(data)
def process(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString:
padding = self._default_padding()
result = super().process(data)
if padding is None:
return result
from Cryptodome.Util.Padding import unpad
padding = [padding, *(p for p in PADDINGS_LIB if p != padding)]
for p in padding:
return result
unpadded = unpad(result, self.block_size, p.lower())
except Exception:
self.log_info(F'unpadding worked using {p}')
return unpadded
raise RefineryPartialResult(
'None of these paddings worked: {}'.format(', '.join(padding)),
class StandardCipherExecutable(Executable):
_available_block_cipher_modes: ClassVar[Type[Option]]
_cipher_factory: ClassVar[Optional[CipherObjectFactory]]
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, nmspc, cipher: Optional[CipherObjectFactory] = None):
keywords = dict(abstract=(cipher is None))
return super(StandardCipherExecutable, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, nmspc, **keywords)
def __init__(_class, name, bases, nmspc, cipher: Optional[CipherObjectFactory] = None):
abstract = cipher is None
super(StandardCipherExecutable, _class).__init__(name, bases, nmspc, abstract=abstract)
_class._cipher_factory = cipher
if abstract:
b_size = cipher.block_size
k_size = cipher.key_size
if b_size is not None:
_class.block_size = b_size
b_size = getattr(_class, 'block_size', 2)
if not isinstance(b_size, int):
b_size = None
if k_size is not None:
_class.key_size = k_size
if b_size and b_size <= 1:
if 'mode' not in _class._argument_specification:
modes = extract_options(cipher, 'MODE_', 'SIV', 'OPENPGP')
check = set(modes)
if not modes:
raise RefineryCriticalException(F'No cipher block mode constants found in {cipher!r}')
if not check & {'CFB'}:
_class._argument_specification.pop('segment_size', None)
if not check & {'EAX', 'GCM', 'OCB', 'CCM'}:
_class._argument_specification.pop('mac_len', None)
if not check & {'CCM'}:
_class._argument_specification.pop('assoc_len', None)
_class._available_block_cipher_modes = OptionFactory(modes, ignorecase=True)
'-m', '--mode', type=str.upper, metavar='M', nargs=Arg.delete, choices=list(modes),
'Choose cipher mode to be used. Possible values are: {}. By default, the CBC mode'
' is used when an IV is is provided, and ECB otherwise.'.format(', '.join(modes))
class StandardCipherUnit(CipherUnit, metaclass=StandardCipherExecutable):
_available_block_cipher_modes: ClassVar[Type[Option]]
_cipher_factory: ClassVar[CipherObjectFactory]
_cipher_interface: Optional[CipherInterface] = None
def _new_cipher(self, **optionals) -> CipherInterface:
self.log_info(lambda: F'encryption key: {self.args.key.hex()}')
return, **optionals)
def _get_cipher(self, reset_cache=False) -> CipherInterface:
co = self._cipher_interface
if co is None or reset_cache:
self._cipher_interface = co = self._new_cipher()
return co
def block_size(self) -> int:
return self._get_cipher().block_size
def key_size(self) -> Optional[Sequence[int]]:
return self._get_cipher().key_size
def encrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
cipher = self._get_cipher(True)
assert cipher.block_size == self.block_size
return cipher.encrypt(data)
def decrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
cipher = self._get_cipher(True)
assert cipher.block_size == self.block_size
return cipher.decrypt(data)
except ValueError:
overlap = len(data) % self.block_size
if not overlap:
data[-overlap:] = []
self.log_warn(F'removing {overlap} bytes from the input to make it a multiple of the {self.block_size}-byte block size')
return cipher.decrypt(data)
class StandardBlockCipherUnit(BlockCipherUnitBase, StandardCipherUnit):
def __init__(
self, key, iv=B'', *,
padding=None, mode=None, raw=False,
little_endian: Arg.Switch('-e', '--little-endian',
help='Only for CTR: Use a little endian counter instead of the default big endian.') = False,
segment_size: Arg.Number('-S', '--segment-size', help=(
'Only for CFB: Number of bits into which data is segmented. It must be a multiple of 8. The default of {default} means '
'that the block size will be used as the segment size.')) = 0,
mac_len: Arg.Number('-M', '--mac-len', bound=(4, 16),
help='Only for EAX, GCM, OCB, and CCM: Length of the authentication tag, in bytes.') = 0,
assoc_len: Arg.Number('-A', '--assoc-len',
help='Only for CCM: Length of the associated data. If not specified, all associated data is buffered internally.') = 0,
mode = self._available_block_cipher_modes(mode or iv and 'CBC' or 'ECB')
if iv and == 'ECB':
raise ValueError('No initialization vector can be specified for ECB mode.')
def _default_padding(self) -> Optional[str]:
padding = super()._default_padding()
if padding is not None:
return padding
elif in {'ECB', 'CBC', 'PCBC'}:
return PADDINGS_LIB[0]
def block_size(self) -> int:
provider = StandardCipherUnit
return provider.block_size.fget(self)
def key_size(self) -> Sequence[int]:
provider = StandardCipherUnit
return provider.key_size.fget(self)
def _new_cipher(self, **optionals) -> CipherInterface:
mode =
if mode != 'ECB':
iv = bytes(self.iv)
if mode == 'CTR':
from Cryptodome.Util import Counter
little_endian = self.args.little_endian
order = 'little' if little_endian else 'big'
counter =
self.block_size * 8,
initial_value=int.from_bytes(iv, order),
optionals['counter'] = counter
elif mode in ('CCM', 'EAX', 'GCM', 'SIV', 'OCB', 'CTR'):
if mode in ('CCM', 'EAX', 'GCM', 'OCB'):
ml = self.args.mac_len
if ml > 0:
if ml not in range(4, 17):
raise ValueError(F'The given mac length {ml} is not in range [4,16].')
optionals['mac_len'] = ml
if mode == 'CCM':
al = self.args.assoc_len
if al > 0:
optionals['assoc_len'] = al
bounds = {
'CCM': (7, self.block_size - 2),
'OCB': (1, self.block_size),
'CTR': (1, self.block_size),
}.get(mode, None)
if bounds and len(iv) not in range(*bounds):
raise ValueError(F'Invalid nonce length, must be in {bounds} for {mode}.')
optionals['nonce'] = iv
elif mode in ('PCBC', 'CBC', 'CFB', 'OFB', 'OPENPGP'):
if mode == 'CFB':
sz = self.args.segment_size
if sz % 8 != 0:
raise ValueError(F'The given segment size {sz} is not a multiple of 8.')
if not sz:
sz = self.block_size * 8
optionals['segment_size'] = sz
if len(iv) > self.block_size:
self.log_warn(F'The IV has length {len(self.args.iv)} and will be truncated to the block size {self.block_size}.')
iv = iv[:self.block_size]
elif len(iv) < self.block_size:
raise ValueError(F'The IV has length {len(self.args.iv)} but the block size is {self.block_size}.')
optionals['iv'] = iv
self.log_info('initial vector:', iv.hex())
if self.args.mode:
optionals['mode'] = self.args.mode.value
return super()._new_cipher(**optionals)
class LatinCipherUnit(StreamCipherUnit, abstract=True):
key_size = {16, 32, 64}
block_size = 1
def __init__(
self, key, stateful=False, discard=0,
nonce: Arg(help='The nonce. Default is the string {default}.') = B'REFINERY',
magic: Arg('-m', help='The magic constant; depends on the key size by default.') = B'',
offset: Arg.Number('-x', help='Optionally specify the stream index, default is {default}.') = 0,
rounds: Arg.Number('-r', help='The number of rounds. Has to be an even number. Default is {default}.') = 20,
class LatinCipherStandardUnit(StandardCipherUnit):
def __init__(self, key, nonce: Arg(help='The nonce. Default is the string {default}.') = B'REFINERY'):
super().__init__(key, nonce=nonce)
def _new_cipher(self, **optionals) -> Any:
self.log_info('one-time nonce:', self.args.nonce.hex())
return super()._new_cipher(nonce=self.args.nonce)
Pure Python implementation of HC-128
Pure Python implementation of HC-128
Pure Python implementation of the RABBIT stream cipher.
The source code for this refinery unit is based on RNCryptor for Python: …
Pure Python implementation of SEAL3 …
class CipherUnit (key, **keywords)
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class CipherUnit(Unit, abstract=True): key_size: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None block_size: int def __init__(self, key: Arg(help='The encryption key.'), **keywords): super().__init__(key=key, **keywords) @abc.abstractmethod def decrypt(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString: raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def encrypt(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString: raise NotImplementedError def process(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString: ks = self.key_size if ks and len(self.args.key) not in ks: import itertools key_size_iter = iter(ks) key_size_options = [str(k) for k in itertools.islice(key_size_iter, 0, 5)] try: next(key_size_iter) except StopIteration: pt = '.' else: pt = ', ...' if isinstance(ks, range): pt = F'{pt}, {ks.stop - 1}' if len(key_size_options) == 1: msg = F'{} requires a key size of {key_size_options[0]}' else: msg = R', '.join(key_size_options) msg = F'possible key sizes for {} are: {msg}' raise ValueError(F'the given key has an invalid length of {len(self.args.key)} bytes; {msg}{pt}') return self.decrypt(data) def reverse(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString: return self.encrypt(data)
Class variables
var block_size
var key_size
def decrypt(self, data)
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@abc.abstractmethod def decrypt(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString: raise NotImplementedError
def encrypt(self, data)
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@abc.abstractmethod def encrypt(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString: raise NotImplementedError
Inherited members
class StreamCipherUnit (key, discard=0, stateful=False, **keywords)
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class StreamCipherUnit(CipherUnit, abstract=True): block_size = 1 def __init__( self, key, discard: Arg.Number('-d', help='Discard the first {varname} bytes of the keystream, {default} by default.') = 0, stateful: Arg.Switch('-s', help='Do not reset the key stream while processing the chunks of one frame.') = False, **keywords ): super().__init__(key=key, stateful=stateful, discard=discard, **keywords) self._keystream = None @abc.abstractmethod def keystream(self) -> Iterable[int]: raise NotImplementedError @Unit.Requires('numpy', 'speed', 'default', 'extended') def _numpy(): import numpy return numpy def encrypt(self, data: bytearray) -> bytearray: it = self._keystream or self.keystream() for _ in range(self.args.discard): next(it) try: np = self._numpy except ImportError: self.log_info('this unit could perform faster if numpy was installed.') out = bytearray(a ^ b for a, b in zip(it, data)) else: key = np.fromiter(it, dtype=np.uint8, count=len(data)) out = np.frombuffer( memoryview(data), dtype=np.uint8, count=len(data)) out ^= key return out def filter(self, chunks: Iterable): if self.args.stateful: self._keystream = self.keystream() yield from chunks self._keystream = None decrypt = encrypt
Class variables
var key_size
var block_size
var optional_dependencies
def keystream(self)
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@abc.abstractmethod def keystream(self) -> Iterable[int]: raise NotImplementedError
def encrypt(self, data)
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def encrypt(self, data: bytearray) -> bytearray: it = self._keystream or self.keystream() for _ in range(self.args.discard): next(it) try: np = self._numpy except ImportError: self.log_info('this unit could perform faster if numpy was installed.') out = bytearray(a ^ b for a, b in zip(it, data)) else: key = np.fromiter(it, dtype=np.uint8, count=len(data)) out = np.frombuffer( memoryview(data), dtype=np.uint8, count=len(data)) out ^= key return out
def decrypt(self, data)
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def encrypt(self, data: bytearray) -> bytearray: it = self._keystream or self.keystream() for _ in range(self.args.discard): next(it) try: np = self._numpy except ImportError: self.log_info('this unit could perform faster if numpy was installed.') out = bytearray(a ^ b for a, b in zip(it, data)) else: key = np.fromiter(it, dtype=np.uint8, count=len(data)) out = np.frombuffer( memoryview(data), dtype=np.uint8, count=len(data)) out ^= key return out
Inherited members
class BlockCipherUnitBase (key, iv=None, padding=None, raw=False, **keywords)
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class BlockCipherUnitBase(CipherUnit, abstract=True): def __init__( self, key, iv: Arg('-i', '--iv', help=( 'Specifies the initialization vector. If none is specified, then a block of zero bytes is used.')) = None, padding: Arg.Choice('-p', type=str.lower, choices=PADDINGS_ALL, metavar='P', help=( 'Choose a padding algorithm ({choices}). The raw algorithm does nothing. By default, all other algorithms ' 'are attempted. In most cases, the data was not correctly decrypted if none of these work.') ) = None, raw: Arg.Switch('-r', '--raw', help='Set the padding to raw; ignored when a padding is specified.') = False, **keywords ): if not padding and raw: padding = PADDING_NONE super().__init__(key=key, iv=iv, padding=padding, **keywords) @property @abc.abstractmethod def block_size(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError @property def iv(self) -> ByteString: return self.args.iv or bytes(self.block_size) def _default_padding(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.args.padding def reverse(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString: padding = self._default_padding() if padding is not None: self.log_info('padding method:', padding) if padding in PADDINGS_LIB: from Cryptodome.Util.Padding import pad data = pad(data, self.block_size, padding) return super().reverse(data) def process(self, data: ByteString) -> ByteString: padding = self._default_padding() result = super().process(data) if padding is None: return result from Cryptodome.Util.Padding import unpad padding = [padding, *(p for p in PADDINGS_LIB if p != padding)] for p in padding: if p == PADDING_NONE: return result try: unpadded = unpad(result, self.block_size, p.lower()) except Exception: pass else: self.log_info(F'unpadding worked using {p}') return unpadded raise RefineryPartialResult( 'None of these paddings worked: {}'.format(', '.join(padding)), partial=result)
Class variables
var key_size
Instance variables
var block_size
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@property @abc.abstractmethod def block_size(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError
var iv
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@property def iv(self) -> ByteString: return self.args.iv or bytes(self.block_size)
Inherited members
class StandardCipherExecutable (name, bases, nmspc, cipher=None)
This is the metaclass for refinery units. A class which is of this type is required to implement a method
. If the class is created in the currently executing module, then an instance of the class is automatically created after it is defined and itsrun()
method is invoked.Expand source code Browse git
class StandardCipherExecutable(Executable): _available_block_cipher_modes: ClassVar[Type[Option]] _cipher_factory: ClassVar[Optional[CipherObjectFactory]] def __new__(mcs, name, bases, nmspc, cipher: Optional[CipherObjectFactory] = None): keywords = dict(abstract=(cipher is None)) return super(StandardCipherExecutable, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, nmspc, **keywords) def __init__(_class, name, bases, nmspc, cipher: Optional[CipherObjectFactory] = None): abstract = cipher is None super(StandardCipherExecutable, _class).__init__(name, bases, nmspc, abstract=abstract) _class._cipher_factory = cipher if abstract: return b_size = cipher.block_size k_size = cipher.key_size if b_size is not None: _class.block_size = b_size else: b_size = getattr(_class, 'block_size', 2) if not isinstance(b_size, int): b_size = None if k_size is not None: _class.key_size = k_size if b_size and b_size <= 1: return if 'mode' not in _class._argument_specification: return modes = extract_options(cipher, 'MODE_', 'SIV', 'OPENPGP') check = set(modes) if not modes: raise RefineryCriticalException(F'No cipher block mode constants found in {cipher!r}') if not check & {'CFB'}: _class._argument_specification.pop('segment_size', None) if not check & {'EAX', 'GCM', 'OCB', 'CCM'}: _class._argument_specification.pop('mac_len', None) if not check & {'CCM'}: _class._argument_specification.pop('assoc_len', None) _class._available_block_cipher_modes = OptionFactory(modes, ignorecase=True) _class._argument_specification['mode'].merge_all(Arg( '-m', '--mode', type=str.upper, metavar='M', nargs=Arg.delete, choices=list(modes), help=( 'Choose cipher mode to be used. Possible values are: {}. By default, the CBC mode' ' is used when an IV is is provided, and ECB otherwise.'.format(', '.join(modes)) ) ))
- Executable
- abc.ABCMeta
- builtins.type
Inherited members
class StandardCipherUnit (key, **keywords)
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class StandardCipherUnit(CipherUnit, metaclass=StandardCipherExecutable): _available_block_cipher_modes: ClassVar[Type[Option]] _cipher_factory: ClassVar[CipherObjectFactory] _cipher_interface: Optional[CipherInterface] = None def _new_cipher(self, **optionals) -> CipherInterface: self.log_info(lambda: F'encryption key: {self.args.key.hex()}') return, **optionals) def _get_cipher(self, reset_cache=False) -> CipherInterface: co = self._cipher_interface if co is None or reset_cache: self._cipher_interface = co = self._new_cipher() return co @property def block_size(self) -> int: return self._get_cipher().block_size @property def key_size(self) -> Optional[Sequence[int]]: return self._get_cipher().key_size def encrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: cipher = self._get_cipher(True) assert cipher.block_size == self.block_size return cipher.encrypt(data) def decrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: cipher = self._get_cipher(True) assert cipher.block_size == self.block_size try: return cipher.decrypt(data) except ValueError: overlap = len(data) % self.block_size if not overlap: raise data[-overlap:] = [] self.log_warn(F'removing {overlap} bytes from the input to make it a multiple of the {self.block_size}-byte block size') return cipher.decrypt(data)
Instance variables
var block_size
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@property def block_size(self) -> int: return self._get_cipher().block_size
var key_size
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@property def key_size(self) -> Optional[Sequence[int]]: return self._get_cipher().key_size
def encrypt(self, data)
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def encrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: cipher = self._get_cipher(True) assert cipher.block_size == self.block_size return cipher.encrypt(data)
def decrypt(self, data)
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def decrypt(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: cipher = self._get_cipher(True) assert cipher.block_size == self.block_size try: return cipher.decrypt(data) except ValueError: overlap = len(data) % self.block_size if not overlap: raise data[-overlap:] = [] self.log_warn(F'removing {overlap} bytes from the input to make it a multiple of the {self.block_size}-byte block size') return cipher.decrypt(data)
Inherited members
class StandardBlockCipherUnit (key, iv=b'', *, padding=None, mode=None, raw=False, little_endian=False, segment_size=0, mac_len=0, assoc_len=0, **keywords)
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class StandardBlockCipherUnit(BlockCipherUnitBase, StandardCipherUnit): def __init__( self, key, iv=B'', *, padding=None, mode=None, raw=False, little_endian: Arg.Switch('-e', '--little-endian', help='Only for CTR: Use a little endian counter instead of the default big endian.') = False, segment_size: Arg.Number('-S', '--segment-size', help=( 'Only for CFB: Number of bits into which data is segmented. It must be a multiple of 8. The default of {default} means ' 'that the block size will be used as the segment size.')) = 0, mac_len: Arg.Number('-M', '--mac-len', bound=(4, 16), help='Only for EAX, GCM, OCB, and CCM: Length of the authentication tag, in bytes.') = 0, assoc_len: Arg.Number('-A', '--assoc-len', help='Only for CCM: Length of the associated data. If not specified, all associated data is buffered internally.') = 0, **keywords ): mode = self._available_block_cipher_modes(mode or iv and 'CBC' or 'ECB') if iv and == 'ECB': raise ValueError('No initialization vector can be specified for ECB mode.') super().__init__( key=key, iv=iv, padding=padding, mode=mode, raw=raw, segment_size=segment_size, mac_len=mac_len, assoc_len=assoc_len, little_endian=little_endian, **keywords ) def _default_padding(self) -> Optional[str]: padding = super()._default_padding() if padding is not None: return padding elif in {'ECB', 'CBC', 'PCBC'}: return PADDINGS_LIB[0] @property def block_size(self) -> int: provider = StandardCipherUnit return provider.block_size.fget(self) @property def key_size(self) -> Sequence[int]: provider = StandardCipherUnit return provider.key_size.fget(self) def _new_cipher(self, **optionals) -> CipherInterface: mode = if mode != 'ECB': iv = bytes(self.iv) if mode == 'CTR': from Cryptodome.Util import Counter little_endian = self.args.little_endian order = 'little' if little_endian else 'big' counter = self.block_size * 8, initial_value=int.from_bytes(iv, order), little_endian=little_endian) optionals['counter'] = counter elif mode in ('CCM', 'EAX', 'GCM', 'SIV', 'OCB', 'CTR'): if mode in ('CCM', 'EAX', 'GCM', 'OCB'): ml = self.args.mac_len if ml > 0: if ml not in range(4, 17): raise ValueError(F'The given mac length {ml} is not in range [4,16].') optionals['mac_len'] = ml if mode == 'CCM': al = self.args.assoc_len if al > 0: optionals['assoc_len'] = al bounds = { 'CCM': (7, self.block_size - 2), 'OCB': (1, self.block_size), 'CTR': (1, self.block_size), }.get(mode, None) if bounds and len(iv) not in range(*bounds): raise ValueError(F'Invalid nonce length, must be in {bounds} for {mode}.') optionals['nonce'] = iv elif mode in ('PCBC', 'CBC', 'CFB', 'OFB', 'OPENPGP'): if mode == 'CFB': sz = self.args.segment_size if sz % 8 != 0: raise ValueError(F'The given segment size {sz} is not a multiple of 8.') if not sz: sz = self.block_size * 8 optionals['segment_size'] = sz if len(iv) > self.block_size: self.log_warn(F'The IV has length {len(self.args.iv)} and will be truncated to the block size {self.block_size}.') iv = iv[:self.block_size] elif len(iv) < self.block_size: raise ValueError(F'The IV has length {len(self.args.iv)} but the block size is {self.block_size}.') optionals['iv'] = iv self.log_info('initial vector:', iv.hex()) if self.args.mode: optionals['mode'] = self.args.mode.value return super()._new_cipher(**optionals)
Instance variables
var block_size
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@property def block_size(self) -> int: provider = StandardCipherUnit return provider.block_size.fget(self)
var key_size
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@property def key_size(self) -> Sequence[int]: provider = StandardCipherUnit return provider.key_size.fget(self)
Inherited members
class LatinCipherUnit (key, stateful=False, discard=0, nonce=b'REFINERY', magic=b'', offset=0, rounds=20)
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class LatinCipherUnit(StreamCipherUnit, abstract=True): key_size = {16, 32, 64} block_size = 1 def __init__( self, key, stateful=False, discard=0, nonce: Arg(help='The nonce. Default is the string {default}.') = B'REFINERY', magic: Arg('-m', help='The magic constant; depends on the key size by default.') = B'', offset: Arg.Number('-x', help='Optionally specify the stream index, default is {default}.') = 0, rounds: Arg.Number('-r', help='The number of rounds. Has to be an even number. Default is {default}.') = 20, ): super().__init__( key=key, nonce=nonce, magic=magic, offset=offset, rounds=rounds, stateful=stateful, discard=discard )
Class variables
var key_size
var block_size
Inherited members
class LatinCipherStandardUnit (key, nonce=b'REFINERY')
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class LatinCipherStandardUnit(StandardCipherUnit): def __init__(self, key, nonce: Arg(help='The nonce. Default is the string {default}.') = B'REFINERY'): super().__init__(key, nonce=nonce) def _new_cipher(self, **optionals) -> Any: self.log_info('one-time nonce:', self.args.nonce.hex()) return super()._new_cipher(nonce=self.args.nonce)
Inherited members