Module refinery.units.crypto.cipher.rc4

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Cryptodome.Cipher import ARC4

from refinery.units.crypto.cipher import StandardCipherUnit, Arg
from refinery.lib.crypto import PyCryptoFactoryWrapper

ARC4.key_size = range(1, 257)

class rc4(StandardCipherUnit, cipher=PyCryptoFactoryWrapper(ARC4)):
    RC4 encryption and decryption.
    def __init__(
        self, key,
        discard: Arg.Number('-d', help='Discard the first {varname} bytes of the keystream, {default} by default.') = 0,
        super().__init__(key, discard=discard)

    def _new_cipher(self, **optionals):
        return super()._new_cipher(drop=self.args.discard, **optionals)


class rc4 (key, discard=0)

RC4 encryption and decryption.

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class rc4(StandardCipherUnit, cipher=PyCryptoFactoryWrapper(ARC4)):
    RC4 encryption and decryption.
    def __init__(
        self, key,
        discard: Arg.Number('-d', help='Discard the first {varname} bytes of the keystream, {default} by default.') = 0,
        super().__init__(key, discard=discard)

    def _new_cipher(self, **optionals):
        return super()._new_cipher(drop=self.args.discard, **optionals)


Class variables

var block_size
var key_size

Inherited members