Module refinery.units.crypto.cipher.salsa
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import struct
from Cryptodome.Cipher import Salsa20
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Union, Sequence, Optional, Iterable, Tuple, Type, TypeVar
from refinery.units.crypto.cipher import LatinCipherUnit, LatinCipherStandardUnit
from refinery.lib.crypto import rotl32, PyCryptoFactoryWrapper
from refinery.lib.types import ByteStr
class LatinCipher(ABC):
_idx_magic: slice
_idx_key16: slice
_idx_key32: slice
_idx_nonce: slice
_idx_count: slice
_round_access_pattern: Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int, int], ...]
def FromState(cls, state: Union[Sequence[int], ByteStr]):
state = struct.unpack('<16L', state)
except TypeError:
state: List[int] = list(state)
if len(state) != 16:
raise ValueError('State must contain 16 DWORDs')
key = struct.pack(
'<8L', *state[cls._idx_key16], *state[cls._idx_key32])
nonce = struct.pack(
'<2L', *state[cls._idx_nonce])
magic = struct.pack(
'<4L', *state[cls._idx_magic])
count = int.from_bytes(struct.pack(
'<2L', *state[cls._idx_count]), 'little')
return cls(key, nonce, magic, counter=count)
def __init__(self, key: ByteStr, nonce: ByteStr, magic: Optional[ByteStr] = None, rounds: int = 20, counter: int = 0):
if len(key) == 16:
key = 2 * key
elif len(key) != 32:
raise ValueError('The key must be of length 16 or 32.')
if rounds % 2:
raise ValueError('The number of rounds has to be even.')
if not nonce:
nonce = bytearray(8)
elif len(nonce) != 8:
raise ValueError('The nonce must be of length 8.')
if magic:
if len(magic) != 16:
raise ValueError('The initialization magic must be 16 bytes in length.')
elif len(key) == 16:
magic = B'expand 16-byte k'
elif len(key) == 32:
magic = B'expand 32-byte k'
key = struct.unpack('<8L', key)
self.key16 = key[:4]
self.key32 = key[4:]
self.magic = struct.unpack('<4L', magic)
self.nonce = struct.unpack('<2L', nonce)
self.state: List[int] = [0] * 4 * 4
self.rounds = rounds // 2
def reset(self, index=0) -> None:
state = self.state
self.counter = [index & 0xFFFFFFFF, index >> 32 & 0xFFFFFFFF]
state[self._idx_magic] = self.magic
state[self._idx_key16] = self.key16
state[self._idx_key32] = self.key32
state[self._idx_nonce] = self.nonce
state[self._idx_count] = self.counter
assert len(state) == 4 * 4
def count(self):
lo, hi = self.counter
lo = lo + 1 & 0xFFFFFFFF
if not lo:
hi = hi + 1 & 0xFFFFFFFF
self.state[self._idx_count] = self.counter = lo, hi
def quarter(self, x: List[int], a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int):
raise NotImplementedError
def permute(self, x: List[int]):
for a, b, c, d in self.rounds * self._round_access_pattern:
self.quarter(x, a, b, c, d)
def __iter__(self):
x = [0] * len(self.state)
while True:
x[:] = self.state
yield from struct.pack('<16L', *(
(a + b) & 0xFFFFFFFF for a, b in zip(x, self.state)))
class SalsaCipher(LatinCipher):
_idx_magic = slice(0x00, 0x10, 0x05)
_idx_key16 = slice(0x01, 0x05)
_idx_key32 = slice(0x0B, 0x0F)
_idx_nonce = slice(0x06, 0x08)
_idx_count = slice(0x08, 0x0A)
_round_access_pattern = (
(0x0, 0x4, 0x8, 0xC),
(0x5, 0x9, 0xD, 0x1),
(0xA, 0xE, 0x2, 0x6),
(0xF, 0x3, 0x7, 0xB),
(0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3),
(0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x4),
(0xA, 0xB, 0x8, 0x9),
(0xF, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE)
def quarter(x: List[int], a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int) -> None:
x[b] ^= rotl32(x[a] + x[d] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x07)
x[c] ^= rotl32(x[b] + x[a] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x09)
x[d] ^= rotl32(x[c] + x[b] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0D)
x[a] ^= rotl32(x[d] + x[c] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x12)
_X = TypeVar('_X', bound=LatinCipher)
def LatinX(
cipher: Type[_X],
blocks: Iterable[int],
key: ByteStr,
kdn: ByteStr,
kdp: ByteStr,
nonce: ByteStr,
magic: ByteStr,
rounds: int,
offset: int,
) -> _X:
from refinery.lib import chunks
kd = cipher(key, kdn, magic, rounds, kdp)
key = chunks.pack((kd.state[i] for i in blocks), 4)
return cipher(key, nonce, magic, rounds, offset)
class salsa(LatinCipherUnit):
Salsa encryption and decryption. The nonce must be 8 bytes long. When 64 bytes are provided
as the key, this data is interpreted as the initial state box and all other parameters are
def keystream(self) -> Iterable[int]:
key = self.args.key
if len(key) == 64:
it = SalsaCipher.FromState(key)
it = SalsaCipher(
yield from it
class xsalsa(LatinCipherUnit):
XSalsa encryption and decryption. The nonce must be 24 bytes long.
def keystream(self) -> Iterable[int]:
kdn, kdp, nonce = struct.unpack('<8sQ8s', self.args.nonce)
yield from LatinX(
(0, 5, 10, 15, 6, 7, 8, 9),
class salsa20(LatinCipherStandardUnit, cipher=PyCryptoFactoryWrapper(Salsa20)):
Salsa20 encryption and decryption. This unit is functionally equivalent to `refinery.salsa`
with 20 rounds, but it uses the PyCryptodome library C implementation rather than the pure
Python implementation used by `refinery.salsa`.
def LatinX(cipher, blocks, key, kdn, kdp, nonce, magic, rounds, offset)
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def LatinX( cipher: Type[_X], blocks: Iterable[int], key: ByteStr, kdn: ByteStr, kdp: ByteStr, nonce: ByteStr, magic: ByteStr, rounds: int, offset: int, ) -> _X: from refinery.lib import chunks kd = cipher(key, kdn, magic, rounds, kdp) kd.permute(kd.state) key = chunks.pack((kd.state[i] for i in blocks), 4) return cipher(key, nonce, magic, rounds, offset)
class LatinCipher (key, nonce, magic=None, rounds=20, counter=0)
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class LatinCipher(ABC): _idx_magic: slice _idx_key16: slice _idx_key32: slice _idx_nonce: slice _idx_count: slice _round_access_pattern: Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int, int], ...] @classmethod def FromState(cls, state: Union[Sequence[int], ByteStr]): try: state = struct.unpack('<16L', state) except TypeError: pass state: List[int] = list(state) if len(state) != 16: raise ValueError('State must contain 16 DWORDs') key = struct.pack( '<8L', *state[cls._idx_key16], *state[cls._idx_key32]) nonce = struct.pack( '<2L', *state[cls._idx_nonce]) magic = struct.pack( '<4L', *state[cls._idx_magic]) count = int.from_bytes(struct.pack( '<2L', *state[cls._idx_count]), 'little') return cls(key, nonce, magic, counter=count) def __init__(self, key: ByteStr, nonce: ByteStr, magic: Optional[ByteStr] = None, rounds: int = 20, counter: int = 0): if len(key) == 16: key = 2 * key elif len(key) != 32: raise ValueError('The key must be of length 16 or 32.') if rounds % 2: raise ValueError('The number of rounds has to be even.') if not nonce: nonce = bytearray(8) elif len(nonce) != 8: raise ValueError('The nonce must be of length 8.') if magic: if len(magic) != 16: raise ValueError('The initialization magic must be 16 bytes in length.') elif len(key) == 16: magic = B'expand 16-byte k' elif len(key) == 32: magic = B'expand 32-byte k' key = struct.unpack('<8L', key) self.key16 = key[:4] self.key32 = key[4:] self.magic = struct.unpack('<4L', magic) self.nonce = struct.unpack('<2L', nonce) self.state: List[int] = [0] * 4 * 4 self.rounds = rounds // 2 self.reset(counter) def reset(self, index=0) -> None: state = self.state self.counter = [index & 0xFFFFFFFF, index >> 32 & 0xFFFFFFFF] state[self._idx_magic] = self.magic state[self._idx_key16] = self.key16 state[self._idx_key32] = self.key32 state[self._idx_nonce] = self.nonce state[self._idx_count] = self.counter assert len(state) == 4 * 4 def count(self): lo, hi = self.counter lo = lo + 1 & 0xFFFFFFFF if not lo: hi = hi + 1 & 0xFFFFFFFF self.state[self._idx_count] = self.counter = lo, hi @abstractmethod def quarter(self, x: List[int], a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int): raise NotImplementedError def permute(self, x: List[int]): for a, b, c, d in self.rounds * self._round_access_pattern: self.quarter(x, a, b, c, d) def __iter__(self): x = [0] * len(self.state) while True: x[:] = self.state self.permute(x) yield from struct.pack('<16L', *( (a + b) & 0xFFFFFFFF for a, b in zip(x, self.state))) self.count()
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def FromState(state)
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@classmethod def FromState(cls, state: Union[Sequence[int], ByteStr]): try: state = struct.unpack('<16L', state) except TypeError: pass state: List[int] = list(state) if len(state) != 16: raise ValueError('State must contain 16 DWORDs') key = struct.pack( '<8L', *state[cls._idx_key16], *state[cls._idx_key32]) nonce = struct.pack( '<2L', *state[cls._idx_nonce]) magic = struct.pack( '<4L', *state[cls._idx_magic]) count = int.from_bytes(struct.pack( '<2L', *state[cls._idx_count]), 'little') return cls(key, nonce, magic, counter=count)
def reset(self, index=0)
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def reset(self, index=0) -> None: state = self.state self.counter = [index & 0xFFFFFFFF, index >> 32 & 0xFFFFFFFF] state[self._idx_magic] = self.magic state[self._idx_key16] = self.key16 state[self._idx_key32] = self.key32 state[self._idx_nonce] = self.nonce state[self._idx_count] = self.counter assert len(state) == 4 * 4
def count(self)
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def count(self): lo, hi = self.counter lo = lo + 1 & 0xFFFFFFFF if not lo: hi = hi + 1 & 0xFFFFFFFF self.state[self._idx_count] = self.counter = lo, hi
def quarter(self, x, a, b, c, d)
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@abstractmethod def quarter(self, x: List[int], a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int): raise NotImplementedError
def permute(self, x)
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def permute(self, x: List[int]): for a, b, c, d in self.rounds * self._round_access_pattern: self.quarter(x, a, b, c, d)
class SalsaCipher (key, nonce, magic=None, rounds=20, counter=0)
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class SalsaCipher(LatinCipher): _idx_magic = slice(0x00, 0x10, 0x05) _idx_key16 = slice(0x01, 0x05) _idx_key32 = slice(0x0B, 0x0F) _idx_nonce = slice(0x06, 0x08) _idx_count = slice(0x08, 0x0A) _round_access_pattern = ( (0x0, 0x4, 0x8, 0xC), (0x5, 0x9, 0xD, 0x1), (0xA, 0xE, 0x2, 0x6), (0xF, 0x3, 0x7, 0xB), (0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3), (0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x4), (0xA, 0xB, 0x8, 0x9), (0xF, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE) ) @staticmethod def quarter(x: List[int], a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int) -> None: x[b] ^= rotl32(x[a] + x[d] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x07) x[c] ^= rotl32(x[b] + x[a] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x09) x[d] ^= rotl32(x[c] + x[b] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0D) x[a] ^= rotl32(x[d] + x[c] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x12)
- LatinCipher
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def quarter(x, a, b, c, d)
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@staticmethod def quarter(x: List[int], a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int) -> None: x[b] ^= rotl32(x[a] + x[d] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x07) x[c] ^= rotl32(x[b] + x[a] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x09) x[d] ^= rotl32(x[c] + x[b] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0D) x[a] ^= rotl32(x[d] + x[c] & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x12)
class salsa (key, stateful=False, discard=0, nonce=b'REFINERY', magic=b'', offset=0, rounds=20)
Salsa encryption and decryption. The nonce must be 8 bytes long. When 64 bytes are provided as the key, this data is interpreted as the initial state box and all other parameters are ignored.
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class salsa(LatinCipherUnit): """ Salsa encryption and decryption. The nonce must be 8 bytes long. When 64 bytes are provided as the key, this data is interpreted as the initial state box and all other parameters are ignored. """ def keystream(self) -> Iterable[int]: key = self.args.key if len(key) == 64: it = SalsaCipher.FromState(key) else: it = SalsaCipher( key, self.args.nonce, self.args.magic, self.args.rounds, self.args.offset, ) yield from it
Class variables
var key_size
var block_size
def keystream(self)
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def keystream(self) -> Iterable[int]: key = self.args.key if len(key) == 64: it = SalsaCipher.FromState(key) else: it = SalsaCipher( key, self.args.nonce, self.args.magic, self.args.rounds, self.args.offset, ) yield from it
Inherited members
class xsalsa (key, stateful=False, discard=0, nonce=b'REFINERY', magic=b'', offset=0, rounds=20)
XSalsa encryption and decryption. The nonce must be 24 bytes long.
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class xsalsa(LatinCipherUnit): """ XSalsa encryption and decryption. The nonce must be 24 bytes long. """ def keystream(self) -> Iterable[int]: kdn, kdp, nonce = struct.unpack('<8sQ8s', self.args.nonce) yield from LatinX( SalsaCipher, (0, 5, 10, 15, 6, 7, 8, 9), self.args.key, kdn, kdp, nonce, self.args.magic, self.args.rounds, self.args.offset, )
Class variables
var key_size
var block_size
def keystream(self)
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def keystream(self) -> Iterable[int]: kdn, kdp, nonce = struct.unpack('<8sQ8s', self.args.nonce) yield from LatinX( SalsaCipher, (0, 5, 10, 15, 6, 7, 8, 9), self.args.key, kdn, kdp, nonce, self.args.magic, self.args.rounds, self.args.offset, )
Inherited members
class salsa20 (key, nonce=b'REFINERY')
Salsa20 encryption and decryption. This unit is functionally equivalent to
with 20 rounds, but it uses the PyCryptodome library C implementation rather than the pure Python implementation used bysalsa
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class salsa20(LatinCipherStandardUnit, cipher=PyCryptoFactoryWrapper(Salsa20)): """ Salsa20 encryption and decryption. This unit is functionally equivalent to `refinery.salsa` with 20 rounds, but it uses the PyCryptodome library C implementation rather than the pure Python implementation used by `refinery.salsa`. """ pass
Class variables
var block_size
var key_size
Inherited members