Module refinery.units.crypto.cipher.rc5

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math

from decimal import localcontext, Decimal
from typing import List, Optional
from functools import partial

from refinery.units.crypto.cipher import StandardBlockCipherUnit, Arg
from refinery.lib import chunks
from refinery.lib.crypto import (

itob = partial(int.to_bytes, byteorder='little')
btoi = partial(int.from_bytes, byteorder='little')

def rc5constants(w: int):
    def odd(d: Decimal) -> int:
        x = math.floor(d)
        return x if x % 2 else x + 1
    with localcontext() as ctx:
        ctx.prec = w
        a = Decimal(1).exp() - 2
        b = (1 + Decimal(5).sqrt()) / 2 - 1
        p = 1 << w
        return odd(a * p), odd(b * p)

_W = 32
_R = 12

class RC5(BlockCipher):

    block_size: int
    key_size = range(256)
    _S: List[int]
    _w: int
    _r: int
    _u: int
    _m: int

    def __init__(self, key: BufferType, mode: Optional[CipherMode] = None, word_size: int = _W, rounds: int = _R):
        if word_size < 0 or word_size % 8:
            raise ValueError(F'Invalid word size: {word_size}')
        self._w = word_size
        self._u = word_size // 8
        self._r = rounds
        self._m = (1 << word_size) - 1
        super().__init__(key, mode)

    def block_size(self):
        return self._u * 2

    def block_decrypt(self, block) -> BufferType:
        u = self._u
        w = self._w
        M = self._m
        S = self._S
        A: int = btoi(block[:u])
        B: int = btoi(block[u:])
        for i in range(self._r, 0, -1):
            B = rotr(w, B - S[2 * i + 1] & M, A) ^ A
            A = rotr(w, A - S[2 * i + 0] & M, B) ^ B
        B = B - S[1] & M
        A = A - S[0] & M
        return itob(A, u) + itob(B, u)

    def block_encrypt(self, block) -> BufferType:
        u = self._u
        w = self._w
        M = self._m
        S = self._S
        A: int = btoi(block[:u]) + S[0] & M
        B: int = btoi(block[u:]) + S[1] & M
        for i in range(1, self._r + 1):
            A = rotl(w, A ^ B, B) + S[2 * i + 0] & M
            B = rotl(w, B ^ A, A) + S[2 * i + 1] & M
        return itob(A, u) + itob(B, u)

    def key(self):
        return self._S

    def key(self, key):
        w = self._w  # word size
        u = self._u  # length of a word in bytes
        r = self._r  # round count
        M = self._m  # bit mask
        L = list(chunks.unpack(key + (-len(key) % u) * B'\0', u))
        c = len(L)
        t = 2 * (r + 1)
        P, Q = rc5constants(w)
        S = [P]
        for i in range(1, t):
            S.append(S[i - 1] + Q & M)
        i = j = 0
        A = B = 0
        for _ in range(3 * max(t, c)):
            A = S[i] = rotl(w, S[i] + A + B & M, 3)
            B = L[j] = rotl(w, L[j] + A + B & M, A + B)
            i = (i + 1) % t
            j = (j + 1) % c
        self._S = S

class rc5(StandardBlockCipherUnit, cipher=BlockCipherFactory(RC5)):
    RC5 encryption and decryption.
    def __init__(
        self, key, iv=b'', *, padding=None, mode=None, raw=False, little_endian=False, segment_size=0,
        rounds    : Arg.Number('-k', help='Number of rounds to use, the default is {default}') = _R,
        word_size : Arg.Number('-w', help='The word size in bits, {default} by default.') = _W,

    def block_size(self):
        return self.args.word_size // 4

    def _new_cipher(self, **optionals) -> CipherInterface:
        return super()._new_cipher(


def rc5constants(w)
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def rc5constants(w: int):
    def odd(d: Decimal) -> int:
        x = math.floor(d)
        return x if x % 2 else x + 1
    with localcontext() as ctx:
        ctx.prec = w
        a = Decimal(1).exp() - 2
        b = (1 + Decimal(5).sqrt()) / 2 - 1
        p = 1 << w
        return odd(a * p), odd(b * p)


class RC5 (key, mode=None, word_size=32, rounds=12)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class RC5(BlockCipher):

    block_size: int
    key_size = range(256)
    _S: List[int]
    _w: int
    _r: int
    _u: int
    _m: int

    def __init__(self, key: BufferType, mode: Optional[CipherMode] = None, word_size: int = _W, rounds: int = _R):
        if word_size < 0 or word_size % 8:
            raise ValueError(F'Invalid word size: {word_size}')
        self._w = word_size
        self._u = word_size // 8
        self._r = rounds
        self._m = (1 << word_size) - 1
        super().__init__(key, mode)

    def block_size(self):
        return self._u * 2

    def block_decrypt(self, block) -> BufferType:
        u = self._u
        w = self._w
        M = self._m
        S = self._S
        A: int = btoi(block[:u])
        B: int = btoi(block[u:])
        for i in range(self._r, 0, -1):
            B = rotr(w, B - S[2 * i + 1] & M, A) ^ A
            A = rotr(w, A - S[2 * i + 0] & M, B) ^ B
        B = B - S[1] & M
        A = A - S[0] & M
        return itob(A, u) + itob(B, u)

    def block_encrypt(self, block) -> BufferType:
        u = self._u
        w = self._w
        M = self._m
        S = self._S
        A: int = btoi(block[:u]) + S[0] & M
        B: int = btoi(block[u:]) + S[1] & M
        for i in range(1, self._r + 1):
            A = rotl(w, A ^ B, B) + S[2 * i + 0] & M
            B = rotl(w, B ^ A, A) + S[2 * i + 1] & M
        return itob(A, u) + itob(B, u)

    def key(self):
        return self._S

    def key(self, key):
        w = self._w  # word size
        u = self._u  # length of a word in bytes
        r = self._r  # round count
        M = self._m  # bit mask
        L = list(chunks.unpack(key + (-len(key) % u) * B'\0', u))
        c = len(L)
        t = 2 * (r + 1)
        P, Q = rc5constants(w)
        S = [P]
        for i in range(1, t):
            S.append(S[i - 1] + Q & M)
        i = j = 0
        A = B = 0
        for _ in range(3 * max(t, c)):
            A = S[i] = rotl(w, S[i] + A + B & M, 3)
            B = L[j] = rotl(w, L[j] + A + B & M, A + B)
            i = (i + 1) % t
            j = (j + 1) % c
        self._S = S


Class variables

var key_size

Instance variables

var block_size
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def block_size(self):
    return self._u * 2
var key
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def key(self):
    return self._S


def block_decrypt(self, block)
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def block_decrypt(self, block) -> BufferType:
    u = self._u
    w = self._w
    M = self._m
    S = self._S
    A: int = btoi(block[:u])
    B: int = btoi(block[u:])
    for i in range(self._r, 0, -1):
        B = rotr(w, B - S[2 * i + 1] & M, A) ^ A
        A = rotr(w, A - S[2 * i + 0] & M, B) ^ B
    B = B - S[1] & M
    A = A - S[0] & M
    return itob(A, u) + itob(B, u)
def block_encrypt(self, block)
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def block_encrypt(self, block) -> BufferType:
    u = self._u
    w = self._w
    M = self._m
    S = self._S
    A: int = btoi(block[:u]) + S[0] & M
    B: int = btoi(block[u:]) + S[1] & M
    for i in range(1, self._r + 1):
        A = rotl(w, A ^ B, B) + S[2 * i + 0] & M
        B = rotl(w, B ^ A, A) + S[2 * i + 1] & M
    return itob(A, u) + itob(B, u)
class rc5 (key, iv=b'', *, padding=None, mode=None, raw=False, little_endian=False, segment_size=0, rounds=12, word_size=32, assoc_len=0, mac_len=0)

RC5 encryption and decryption.

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class rc5(StandardBlockCipherUnit, cipher=BlockCipherFactory(RC5)):
    RC5 encryption and decryption.
    def __init__(
        self, key, iv=b'', *, padding=None, mode=None, raw=False, little_endian=False, segment_size=0,
        rounds    : Arg.Number('-k', help='Number of rounds to use, the default is {default}') = _R,
        word_size : Arg.Number('-w', help='The word size in bits, {default} by default.') = _W,

    def block_size(self):
        return self.args.word_size // 4

    def _new_cipher(self, **optionals) -> CipherInterface:
        return super()._new_cipher(


Class variables

var key_size

Instance variables

var block_size
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def block_size(self):
    return self.args.word_size // 4

Inherited members