Module refinery.units.blockwise
Contains all units that can work on blocks a fixed length. Note that block cipher
algorithms can be found in refinery.units.crypto.cipher
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains all units that can work on blocks a fixed length. Note that block cipher
algorithms can be found in `refinery.units.crypto.cipher`.
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import itertools
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit
from refinery.lib.argformats import numseq
from refinery.lib import chunks
from import infinitize, cached_property
from refinery.lib.inline import iterspread
from refinery.lib.types import NoMask, INF
from numpy import ndarray
from typing import TypeVar, Iterable, Generator, Optional
_T = TypeVar('_T')
class FastBlockError(Exception):
class BlockTransformationBase(Unit, abstract=True):
def __init__(
bigendian: Arg.Switch('-E', help='Read chunks in big endian.') = False,
blocksize: Arg.Number('-B', help='The size of each block in bytes, default is 1.') = None,
precision: Arg.Number('-P', help=(
'The size of the variables used for computing the result. By default, this is equal to the block size. The value may be '
'zero, indicating that arbitrary precision is required.')) = None,
_truncate: Arg.Delete() = 0,
if precision is None:
precision = blocksize
self._truncate = _truncate
super().__init__(bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize, precision=precision, **keywords)
def _byte_order_symbol(self):
if self.args.bigendian:
return '>'
return '<'
def _byte_order_adjective(self):
if self.args.bigendian:
return 'big'
return 'little'
def bytestream(self):
Indicates whether or not the block size is equal to 1, i.e. whether the unit is operating
on a stream of bytes. In this case, many operations can be simplified.
return self.blocksize == 1
def blocksize(self):
return self.args.blocksize or 1
def precision(self):
precision = self.args.precision
if precision is None:
return self.blocksize
if precision == 0:
return INF
return precision
def fbits(self):
return 8 * self.precision
def fmask(self):
fbits = self.fbits
if fbits is INF:
return NoMask
return (1 << fbits) - 1
def rest(self, data: bytearray):
Returns all excess bytes at the end of the input data that do not form a full block, based on
the current operational block size of the unit.
if self.bytestream:
return B''
end = self.blocksize * (len(data) // self.blocksize)
return data[end:]
def chunk_into_bytes(self, data: _T) -> Generator[_T | bytearray, None, None]:
Returns an iterator over the blocks of the input data according to the current operational block
size. The blocks are returned as slices of the input data. Note that zero bytes may be appended if
auto padding is enabled.
n = len(data)
b = self.blocksize
m = n - n % b
for k in range(0, m, b):
yield data[k : k + b]
if self._truncate > 0 or m == n:
last = bytearray(data[m:])
last.extend(itertools.repeat(0, -n % b))
yield last
def chunk(self, data: bytearray):
Returns an iterator over the blocks of the input data according to the current operational block
size. The blocks are returned as integers that have been parsed out according to the unit's byte
order setting.
pad = self._truncate < 1
return chunks.unpack(data, self.blocksize, self.args.bigendian, pad=pad)
def unchunk(self, data: Iterable[int]):
Convert an iterable of integer blocks into a byte string representation based on the operational
block size and byte order settings of the unit.
if self.precision > self.blocksize:
mask = (1 << (8 * self.blocksize)) - 1
data = (chunk & mask for chunk in data)
return chunks.pack(data, self.blocksize, self.args.bigendian)
class BlockTransformation(BlockTransformationBase, abstract=True):
def process(self, data):
work = self.process_block
size = len(data)
temp = (work(b) for b in self.chunk(data))
out = self.unchunk(temp)
if self._truncate < 1:
del out[size:]
elif self._truncate < 2:
return out
def process_block(self, block):
A blockwise operation implements this routine to process each block, which
is given as an integer. The return value is also expected to be an integer.
raise NotImplementedError
class ArithmeticUnit(BlockTransformation, abstract=True):
def __init__(self, *argument: Arg(type=numseq, help=(
'A single numeric expression which provides the right argument to the operation, '
'where the left argument is each block in the input data. This argument can also '
'contain a sequence of bytes which is then split into blocks of the same size as '
'the input data and used cyclically.')),
bigendian=False, blocksize=None, precision=None, **kw
super().__init__(bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize, precision=precision, argument=argument, **kw)
def _argument_parse_hook(self, it):
if hasattr(it, '__len__') and len(it) == 1:
it = it[0]
return it, False
def _normalize_argument(self, it, masked=False):
def _mask(it):
warnings = 3
for block in it:
out = block & self.fmask
if warnings and out != block:
warnings -= 1
self.log_warn(F'reduced argument to 0x{out:0{self.fbits // 4}X}; original value was 0x{block:X}')
if not warnings:
self.log_warn('additional warnings are suppressed')
yield out
if not masked:
it = _mask(it)
return infinitize(it)
def operate(self, block, *args) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
def inplace(self, block: ndarray, *args) -> Optional[ndarray]:
tmp: ndarray = self.operate(block, *args)
if tmp.dtype != block.dtype:
tmp = tmp.astype(block.dtype)
block[:] = tmp
@Unit.Requires('numpy', 'speed', 'default', 'extended')
def _numpy():
import numpy
return numpy
def _fastblock(self, data):
Attempts to perform the operation more quickly by using numpy arrays.
numpy = self._numpy
except ImportError as IE:
raise FastBlockError from IE
order = self._byte_order_symbol
args = [self._argument_parse_hook(a) for a in self.args.argument]
blocks = len(data) // self.blocksize
if self.precision is None:
dtype = numpy.dtype('O')
dtype = numpy.dtype(F'{order}u{self.precision!s}')
except TypeError as T:
raise FastBlockError from T
npargs = []
for k, (it, masked) in enumerate(args):
na = self._normalize_argument(it, masked)
args[k] = na
if isinstance(it, int):
if not masked:
it &= self.fmask
npa = int(it)
elif self.precision is INF:
npa = numpy.array(list(itertools.islice(na, blocks)), dtype=dtype)
npa = numpy.fromiter(na, dtype, blocks)
overlap = len(data) - blocks * self.blocksize
stype = numpy.dtype(F'{order}u{self.blocksize}')
except TypeError as T:
raise FastBlockError from T
src = numpy.frombuffer(memoryview(data), stype, blocks)
if stype != dtype:
src = src.astype(dtype)
tmp = self.inplace(src, *npargs)
if tmp is not None:
src = tmp
if stype != dtype:
src = src.astype(stype)
dst = bytearray(memoryview(src))
if overlap and self._truncate < 2:
rest =
if self._truncate < 1:
last_ops = [next(a) for a in args]
last_int = int.from_bytes(rest, self._byte_order_adjective)
dst_tail = self.operate(last_int, *last_ops)
dst_tail = dst_tail.to_bytes(self.blocksize, self._byte_order_adjective)
rest = dst_tail[:overlap]
return dst
def process(self, data):
self.log_debug('attempting to process input using numpy method')
result = self._fastblock(data)
except FastBlockError:
except Exception as error:
self.log_warn('falling back to default method after fast block failed with error:', error)
self.log_debug('fast block method successful')
return result
arguments = [
for a in self.args.argument]
mask = self.fmask
size = len(data)
if mask is NoMask:
mask = None
spread = iterspread(self.operate, self.chunk(data), *arguments, mask=mask)
out = self.unchunk(spread(self))
if self._truncate < 1:
del out[size:]
elif self._truncate < 2:
return out
except Exception as E:
self.log_warn(F'unable to inline this operation: {E!s}')
self.log_warn(R'falling back all the way to failsafe method')
self._arg = arguments
return super().process(data)
def process_block(self, block):
return self.operate(block, *(next(a) for a in self._arg)) & self.fmask
class UnaryOperation(ArithmeticUnit, abstract=True):
def __init__(self, bigendian=False, blocksize=None, **kw):
bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize, **kw)
def inplace(self, block) -> None:
class BinaryOperation(ArithmeticUnit, abstract=True):
def __init__(self, argument: Arg.Delete(), bigendian=False, blocksize=None):
bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize)
def inplace(self, block, argument) -> None:
super().inplace(block, argument)
class BinaryOperationWithAutoBlockAdjustment(BinaryOperation, abstract=True):
def _argument_parse_hook(self, it):
it, masked = super()._argument_parse_hook(it)
if isinstance(it, int):
masked = True
if self.args.blocksize is None:
self.log_debug('detected numeric argument with no specified block size')
bits = it.bit_length()
if bits > self.blocksize * 8:
length, r = divmod(bits, 8)
length += int(bool(r))
self.log_info(F'setting block size to {length} based on the argument bit size')
self._blocksize = length
it &= self.fmask
return it, masked
def blocksize(self):
blocksize = self._blocksize
except AttributeError:
blocksize = None
return blocksize or super().blocksize
def process(self, data):
return super().process(data)
self._blocksize = None
class FastBlockError (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class FastBlockError(Exception): pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class BlockTransformationBase (bigendian=False, blocksize=None, precision=None, **keywords)
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class BlockTransformationBase(Unit, abstract=True): def __init__( self, bigendian: Arg.Switch('-E', help='Read chunks in big endian.') = False, blocksize: Arg.Number('-B', help='The size of each block in bytes, default is 1.') = None, precision: Arg.Number('-P', help=( 'The size of the variables used for computing the result. By default, this is equal to the block size. The value may be ' 'zero, indicating that arbitrary precision is required.')) = None, _truncate: Arg.Delete() = 0, **keywords ): if precision is None: precision = blocksize self._truncate = _truncate super().__init__(bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize, precision=precision, **keywords) @cached_property def _byte_order_symbol(self): if self.args.bigendian: return '>' else: return '<' @cached_property def _byte_order_adjective(self): if self.args.bigendian: return 'big' else: return 'little' @property def bytestream(self): """ Indicates whether or not the block size is equal to 1, i.e. whether the unit is operating on a stream of bytes. In this case, many operations can be simplified. """ return self.blocksize == 1 @property def blocksize(self): return self.args.blocksize or 1 @property def precision(self): precision = self.args.precision if precision is None: return self.blocksize if precision == 0: return INF return precision @property def fbits(self): return 8 * self.precision @property def fmask(self): fbits = self.fbits if fbits is INF: return NoMask return (1 << fbits) - 1 def rest(self, data: bytearray): """ Returns all excess bytes at the end of the input data that do not form a full block, based on the current operational block size of the unit. """ if self.bytestream: return B'' end = self.blocksize * (len(data) // self.blocksize) return data[end:] def chunk_into_bytes(self, data: _T) -> Generator[_T | bytearray, None, None]: """ Returns an iterator over the blocks of the input data according to the current operational block size. The blocks are returned as slices of the input data. Note that zero bytes may be appended if auto padding is enabled. """ n = len(data) b = self.blocksize m = n - n % b for k in range(0, m, b): yield data[k : k + b] if self._truncate > 0 or m == n: return last = bytearray(data[m:]) last.extend(itertools.repeat(0, -n % b)) yield last def chunk(self, data: bytearray): """ Returns an iterator over the blocks of the input data according to the current operational block size. The blocks are returned as integers that have been parsed out according to the unit's byte order setting. """ pad = self._truncate < 1 return chunks.unpack(data, self.blocksize, self.args.bigendian, pad=pad) def unchunk(self, data: Iterable[int]): """ Convert an iterable of integer blocks into a byte string representation based on the operational block size and byte order settings of the unit. """ if self.precision > self.blocksize: mask = (1 << (8 * self.blocksize)) - 1 data = (chunk & mask for chunk in data) return chunks.pack(data, self.blocksize, self.args.bigendian)
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Instance variables
var bytestream
Indicates whether or not the block size is equal to 1, i.e. whether the unit is operating on a stream of bytes. In this case, many operations can be simplified.
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@property def bytestream(self): """ Indicates whether or not the block size is equal to 1, i.e. whether the unit is operating on a stream of bytes. In this case, many operations can be simplified. """ return self.blocksize == 1
var blocksize
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@property def blocksize(self): return self.args.blocksize or 1
var precision
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@property def precision(self): precision = self.args.precision if precision is None: return self.blocksize if precision == 0: return INF return precision
var fbits
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@property def fbits(self): return 8 * self.precision
var fmask
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@property def fmask(self): fbits = self.fbits if fbits is INF: return NoMask return (1 << fbits) - 1
def rest(self, data)
Returns all excess bytes at the end of the input data that do not form a full block, based on the current operational block size of the unit.
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def rest(self, data: bytearray): """ Returns all excess bytes at the end of the input data that do not form a full block, based on the current operational block size of the unit. """ if self.bytestream: return B'' end = self.blocksize * (len(data) // self.blocksize) return data[end:]
def chunk_into_bytes(self, data)
Returns an iterator over the blocks of the input data according to the current operational block size. The blocks are returned as slices of the input data. Note that zero bytes may be appended if auto padding is enabled.
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def chunk_into_bytes(self, data: _T) -> Generator[_T | bytearray, None, None]: """ Returns an iterator over the blocks of the input data according to the current operational block size. The blocks are returned as slices of the input data. Note that zero bytes may be appended if auto padding is enabled. """ n = len(data) b = self.blocksize m = n - n % b for k in range(0, m, b): yield data[k : k + b] if self._truncate > 0 or m == n: return last = bytearray(data[m:]) last.extend(itertools.repeat(0, -n % b)) yield last
def chunk(self, data)
Returns an iterator over the blocks of the input data according to the current operational block size. The blocks are returned as integers that have been parsed out according to the unit's byte order setting.
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def chunk(self, data: bytearray): """ Returns an iterator over the blocks of the input data according to the current operational block size. The blocks are returned as integers that have been parsed out according to the unit's byte order setting. """ pad = self._truncate < 1 return chunks.unpack(data, self.blocksize, self.args.bigendian, pad=pad)
def unchunk(self, data)
Convert an iterable of integer blocks into a byte string representation based on the operational block size and byte order settings of the unit.
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def unchunk(self, data: Iterable[int]): """ Convert an iterable of integer blocks into a byte string representation based on the operational block size and byte order settings of the unit. """ if self.precision > self.blocksize: mask = (1 << (8 * self.blocksize)) - 1 data = (chunk & mask for chunk in data) return chunks.pack(data, self.blocksize, self.args.bigendian)
Inherited members
class BlockTransformation (bigendian=False, blocksize=None, precision=None, **keywords)
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class BlockTransformation(BlockTransformationBase, abstract=True): def process(self, data): work = self.process_block size = len(data) temp = (work(b) for b in self.chunk(data)) out = self.unchunk(temp) if self._truncate < 1: del out[size:] elif self._truncate < 2: out.extend( return out @abc.abstractmethod def process_block(self, block): """ A blockwise operation implements this routine to process each block, which is given as an integer. The return value is also expected to be an integer. """ raise NotImplementedError
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
def process_block(self, block)
A blockwise operation implements this routine to process each block, which is given as an integer. The return value is also expected to be an integer.
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@abc.abstractmethod def process_block(self, block): """ A blockwise operation implements this routine to process each block, which is given as an integer. The return value is also expected to be an integer. """ raise NotImplementedError
Inherited members
class ArithmeticUnit (*argument, bigendian=False, blocksize=None, precision=None, **kw)
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class ArithmeticUnit(BlockTransformation, abstract=True): def __init__(self, *argument: Arg(type=numseq, help=( 'A single numeric expression which provides the right argument to the operation, ' 'where the left argument is each block in the input data. This argument can also ' 'contain a sequence of bytes which is then split into blocks of the same size as ' 'the input data and used cyclically.')), bigendian=False, blocksize=None, precision=None, **kw ): super().__init__(bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize, precision=precision, argument=argument, **kw) def _argument_parse_hook(self, it): if hasattr(it, '__len__') and len(it) == 1: it = it[0] return it, False def _normalize_argument(self, it, masked=False): def _mask(it): warnings = 3 for block in it: out = block & self.fmask if warnings and out != block: warnings -= 1 self.log_warn(F'reduced argument to 0x{out:0{self.fbits // 4}X}; original value was 0x{block:X}') if not warnings: self.log_warn('additional warnings are suppressed') yield out if not masked: it = _mask(it) return infinitize(it) @abc.abstractmethod def operate(self, block, *args) -> int: raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def inplace(self, block: ndarray, *args) -> Optional[ndarray]: tmp: ndarray = self.operate(block, *args) if tmp.dtype != block.dtype: tmp = tmp.astype(block.dtype) block[:] = tmp @Unit.Requires('numpy', 'speed', 'default', 'extended') def _numpy(): import numpy return numpy def _fastblock(self, data): """ Attempts to perform the operation more quickly by using numpy arrays. """ try: numpy = self._numpy except ImportError as IE: raise FastBlockError from IE order = self._byte_order_symbol args = [self._argument_parse_hook(a) for a in self.args.argument] blocks = len(data) // self.blocksize try: if self.precision is None: dtype = numpy.dtype('O') else: dtype = numpy.dtype(F'{order}u{self.precision!s}') except TypeError as T: raise FastBlockError from T npargs = [] for k, (it, masked) in enumerate(args): na = self._normalize_argument(it, masked) args[k] = na if isinstance(it, int): if not masked: it &= self.fmask npa = int(it) elif self.precision is INF: npa = numpy.array(list(itertools.islice(na, blocks)), dtype=dtype) else: npa = numpy.fromiter(na, dtype, blocks) npargs.append(npa) overlap = len(data) - blocks * self.blocksize try: stype = numpy.dtype(F'{order}u{self.blocksize}') except TypeError as T: raise FastBlockError from T src = numpy.frombuffer(memoryview(data), stype, blocks) if stype != dtype: src = src.astype(dtype) tmp = self.inplace(src, *npargs) if tmp is not None: src = tmp if stype != dtype: src = src.astype(stype) dst = bytearray(memoryview(src)) if overlap and self._truncate < 2: rest = if self._truncate < 1: last_ops = [next(a) for a in args] last_int = int.from_bytes(rest, self._byte_order_adjective) dst_tail = self.operate(last_int, *last_ops) dst_tail = dst_tail.to_bytes(self.blocksize, self._byte_order_adjective) rest = dst_tail[:overlap] dst.extend(rest) return dst def process(self, data): try: self.log_debug('attempting to process input using numpy method') result = self._fastblock(data) except FastBlockError: pass except Exception as error: self.log_warn('falling back to default method after fast block failed with error:', error) else: self.log_debug('fast block method successful') return result arguments = [ self._normalize_argument(*self._argument_parse_hook(a)) for a in self.args.argument] try: mask = self.fmask size = len(data) if mask is NoMask: mask = None spread = iterspread(self.operate, self.chunk(data), *arguments, mask=mask) out = self.unchunk(spread(self)) if self._truncate < 1: del out[size:] elif self._truncate < 2: out.extend( return out except Exception as E: self.log_warn(F'unable to inline this operation: {E!s}') self.log_warn(R'falling back all the way to failsafe method') self._arg = arguments return super().process(data) def process_block(self, block): return self.operate(block, *(next(a) for a in self._arg)) & self.fmask
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
def operate(self, block, *args)
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@abc.abstractmethod def operate(self, block, *args) -> int: raise NotImplementedError
def inplace(self, block, *args)
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@abc.abstractmethod def inplace(self, block: ndarray, *args) -> Optional[ndarray]: tmp: ndarray = self.operate(block, *args) if tmp.dtype != block.dtype: tmp = tmp.astype(block.dtype) block[:] = tmp
Inherited members
class UnaryOperation (bigendian=False, blocksize=None, **kw)
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class UnaryOperation(ArithmeticUnit, abstract=True): def __init__(self, bigendian=False, blocksize=None, **kw): super().__init__( bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize, **kw) def inplace(self, block) -> None: super().inplace(block)
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
def inplace(self, block)
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def inplace(self, block) -> None: super().inplace(block)
Inherited members
class BinaryOperation (argument, bigendian=False, blocksize=None)
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class BinaryOperation(ArithmeticUnit, abstract=True): def __init__(self, argument: Arg.Delete(), bigendian=False, blocksize=None): super().__init__(argument, bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize) def inplace(self, block, argument) -> None: super().inplace(block, argument)
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
def inplace(self, block, argument)
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def inplace(self, block, argument) -> None: super().inplace(block, argument)
Inherited members
class BinaryOperationWithAutoBlockAdjustment (argument, bigendian=False, blocksize=None)
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class BinaryOperationWithAutoBlockAdjustment(BinaryOperation, abstract=True): def _argument_parse_hook(self, it): it, masked = super()._argument_parse_hook(it) if isinstance(it, int): masked = True if self.args.blocksize is None: self.log_debug('detected numeric argument with no specified block size') bits = it.bit_length() if bits > self.blocksize * 8: length, r = divmod(bits, 8) length += int(bool(r)) self.log_info(F'setting block size to {length} based on the argument bit size') self._blocksize = length else: it &= self.fmask return it, masked @property def blocksize(self): try: blocksize = self._blocksize except AttributeError: blocksize = None return blocksize or super().blocksize def process(self, data): try: return super().process(data) finally: self._blocksize = None
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Instance variables
var blocksize
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@property def blocksize(self): try: blocksize = self._blocksize except AttributeError: blocksize = None return blocksize or super().blocksize
Inherited members