Module refinery.units.blockwise.bitrev

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from refinery.units.blockwise import UnaryOperation

class bitrev(UnaryOperation):
    Reverse the bits of every block. Any excess bytes at the end of the input that are not
    an integer multiple of the block size are ignored.
    def operate(arg):
        raise RuntimeError('operate was called before the unit was initialized')

    def __init__(self, bigendian=False, blocksize=None):
        Unreadable bit reversal operations due to:
        super().__init__(bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize, _truncate=1)

        if self.bytestream:
            def operate(v):
                return ((v * 0x202020202) & 0x10884422010) % 1023
        elif self.blocksize in (2, 4, 8):
            def operate(v):
                s = self.fbits
                m = self.fmask
                w = v
                while s > 1:
                    s >>= 1
                    m = m ^ (m << s)
                    w = ((w << s) & ~m) | ((w >> s) & m)
                return w
            def operate(v):
                w = v & 0
                for s in range(self.fbits):
                    w |= ((v >> s) & 1) << (self.fbits - s - 1)
                return w
        self.operate = operate


class bitrev (bigendian=False, blocksize=None)

Reverse the bits of every block. Any excess bytes at the end of the input that are not an integer multiple of the block size are ignored.

Unreadable bit reversal operations due to:

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class bitrev(UnaryOperation):
    Reverse the bits of every block. Any excess bytes at the end of the input that are not
    an integer multiple of the block size are ignored.
    def operate(arg):
        raise RuntimeError('operate was called before the unit was initialized')

    def __init__(self, bigendian=False, blocksize=None):
        Unreadable bit reversal operations due to:
        super().__init__(bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize, _truncate=1)

        if self.bytestream:
            def operate(v):
                return ((v * 0x202020202) & 0x10884422010) % 1023
        elif self.blocksize in (2, 4, 8):
            def operate(v):
                s = self.fbits
                m = self.fmask
                w = v
                while s > 1:
                    s >>= 1
                    m = m ^ (m << s)
                    w = ((w << s) & ~m) | ((w >> s) & m)
                return w
            def operate(v):
                w = v & 0
                for s in range(self.fbits):
                    w |= ((v >> s) & 1) << (self.fbits - s - 1)
                return w
        self.operate = operate


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Static methods

def operate(arg)
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def operate(arg):
    raise RuntimeError('operate was called before the unit was initialized')

Inherited members