Module refinery.units.blockwise.bitsnip

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple
from refinery.units.blockwise import Arg, BlockTransformationBase

class bitsnip(BlockTransformationBase):
    Pick a certain range of bits from each block of the input. The extracted ranges of bits are
    concatenated. Leftover bits that do not form at least one full byte are discarded. Bits are
    indexed from least significant at index 0 to most significant in each block. When the unit
    operates in big endian mode, the internal bit buffer is shifted left in each step and new bits
    are inserted as the least significant portion. Conversely, in default (little endian) mode,
    newly extracted bits are added as the now most significant ones. After concatenating all bit
    slices into a large integer, this integer is converted into a byte string according to the
    given byte ordering.
    def __init__(
        self, slices: Arg(help=(
            'Specify start:stop:size, where size can be used to pad or truncate the extracted '
            'bits. If size is omitted, it defaults to (stop-start). If no slice is specified, '
            'it defaults to 0, which corresponds to 0:1:1, i.e. extracting the lowest bit.')
        ) = [slice(0, 1)],
        bigendian=False, blocksize=None
        super().__init__(slices=slices, bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize)

    def process(self, data: bytearray):
        bitsnip_data = 0
        bitsnip_size = 0
        slices: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] = []
        maxbits = 8 * self.blocksize
        args: Iterable[slice] = iter(self.args.slices)
        bigendian: bool = self.args.bigendian

        for s in args:
            start = s.start
            stop = s.stop
            if start is None:
                start = 0
            if stop is None:
                stop = maxbits
            elif stop > maxbits:
                raise ValueError(F'the selection {start}:{stop} is out of bounds for the block size {self.blocksize}')
            if start >= stop:
            size = stop - start
            mask = (1 << size) - 1
            size = s.step or size
            slices.append((start, mask, size))

        for item in self.chunk(data):
            for shift, mask, size in slices:
                bits = (item >> shift) & mask
                if bigendian:
                    bitsnip_data <<= size
                    bitsnip_data |= bits
                    bitsnip_data |= bits << bitsnip_size
                bitsnip_size += size

        length, remainder = divmod(bitsnip_size, 8)

        if remainder != 0:
            self.log_info(F'discarding {bitsnip_size % 8} bits')
            if bigendian:
                bitsnip_data >>= remainder
                bitsnip_data &= (1 << (8 * length)) - 1

        if bigendian:
            return bitsnip_data.to_bytes(length, 'big')
            return bitsnip_data.to_bytes(length, 'little')


class bitsnip (slices=[slice(0, 1, None)], bigendian=False, blocksize=None)

Pick a certain range of bits from each block of the input. The extracted ranges of bits are concatenated. Leftover bits that do not form at least one full byte are discarded. Bits are indexed from least significant at index 0 to most significant in each block. When the unit operates in big endian mode, the internal bit buffer is shifted left in each step and new bits are inserted as the least significant portion. Conversely, in default (little endian) mode, newly extracted bits are added as the now most significant ones. After concatenating all bit slices into a large integer, this integer is converted into a byte string according to the given byte ordering.

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class bitsnip(BlockTransformationBase):
    Pick a certain range of bits from each block of the input. The extracted ranges of bits are
    concatenated. Leftover bits that do not form at least one full byte are discarded. Bits are
    indexed from least significant at index 0 to most significant in each block. When the unit
    operates in big endian mode, the internal bit buffer is shifted left in each step and new bits
    are inserted as the least significant portion. Conversely, in default (little endian) mode,
    newly extracted bits are added as the now most significant ones. After concatenating all bit
    slices into a large integer, this integer is converted into a byte string according to the
    given byte ordering.
    def __init__(
        self, slices: Arg(help=(
            'Specify start:stop:size, where size can be used to pad or truncate the extracted '
            'bits. If size is omitted, it defaults to (stop-start). If no slice is specified, '
            'it defaults to 0, which corresponds to 0:1:1, i.e. extracting the lowest bit.')
        ) = [slice(0, 1)],
        bigendian=False, blocksize=None
        super().__init__(slices=slices, bigendian=bigendian, blocksize=blocksize)

    def process(self, data: bytearray):
        bitsnip_data = 0
        bitsnip_size = 0
        slices: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] = []
        maxbits = 8 * self.blocksize
        args: Iterable[slice] = iter(self.args.slices)
        bigendian: bool = self.args.bigendian

        for s in args:
            start = s.start
            stop = s.stop
            if start is None:
                start = 0
            if stop is None:
                stop = maxbits
            elif stop > maxbits:
                raise ValueError(F'the selection {start}:{stop} is out of bounds for the block size {self.blocksize}')
            if start >= stop:
            size = stop - start
            mask = (1 << size) - 1
            size = s.step or size
            slices.append((start, mask, size))

        for item in self.chunk(data):
            for shift, mask, size in slices:
                bits = (item >> shift) & mask
                if bigendian:
                    bitsnip_data <<= size
                    bitsnip_data |= bits
                    bitsnip_data |= bits << bitsnip_size
                bitsnip_size += size

        length, remainder = divmod(bitsnip_size, 8)

        if remainder != 0:
            self.log_info(F'discarding {bitsnip_size % 8} bits')
            if bigendian:
                bitsnip_data >>= remainder
                bitsnip_data &= (1 << (8 * length)) - 1

        if bigendian:
            return bitsnip_data.to_bytes(length, 'big')
            return bitsnip_data.to_bytes(length, 'little')


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members