Module refinery.units.pattern
Pattern matching based extraction and substitution units.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Pattern matching based extraction and substitution units.
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Callable, Union, Tuple, ByteString, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
from itertools import islice
from hashlib import blake2b
from refinery.lib.types import INF, AST, BufferOrStr
from refinery.lib.argformats import regexp
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit
MT = Tuple[int, re.Match[bytes]]
class PatternExtractorBase(Unit, abstract=True):
def __init__(
min : Arg.Number('-n', help='Matches must have length at least N.') = 1,
max : Arg.Number('-m', help='Matches must have length at most N.') = None,
len : Arg.Number('-e', help='Matches must be of length N.') = None,
stripspace : Arg.Switch('-x', help='Strip all whitespace from input data.') = False,
duplicates : Arg.Switch('-r', help='Yield every (transformed) Match, even when it was found before.') = False,
longest : Arg.Switch('-l', help='Sort results by length.') = False,
take : Arg.Number('-t', help='Return only the first N occurrences in order of appearance.') = None,
keywords.setdefault('ascii', True)
keywords.setdefault('utf16', True)
max=max or INF,
len=len or AST,
take=take or INF,
def matches(self, data: ByteString, pattern: Union[ByteString, re.Pattern]):
Searches the input data for the given regular expression pattern. If the
argument `utf16` is `True`, search for occurrences where a zero byte
is between every character of the match. The `ascii` option allows to
control whether normal matching results are also returned.
if not isinstance(pattern, re.Pattern):
pattern = re.compile(pattern)
if self.args.ascii:
for match in pattern.finditer(data):
yield match.start(), match
if self.args.utf16:
for zm in re.finditer(BR'(.?)((?:.\0)+)', data, flags=re.DOTALL):
a, b = zm.span(2)
# Look one character further if there is evidence that this is UTF16-BE
b += bool(zm[1] and data[a])
for match in pattern.finditer(bytes(data[a:b:2])):
start = a + match.start() * 2
yield start, match
def _prefilter(self, matches: Iterable[MT]) -> Iterable[MT]:
barrier = set()
taken = 0
for offset, match in matches:
hit = memoryview(match[0])
if not hit or len(hit) != self.args.len or len(hit) < self.args.min or len(hit) > self.args.max:
if not self.args.duplicates:
uid = int.from_bytes(blake2b(hit, digest_size=8).digest(), 'big')
if uid in barrier:
yield offset, match
taken += 1
if not self.args.longest and taken >= self.args.take:
def _postfilter(self, matches: Iterable[MT]) -> Iterable[MT]:
result = matches
if self.args.longest and self.args.take and self.args.take is not INF:
length = len(result)
except TypeError:
result = list(result)
length = len(result)
indices = sorted(range(length), key=lambda k: len(result[k][1][0]), reverse=True)
for k in sorted(islice(indices, abs(self.args.take))):
yield result[k]
elif self.args.longest:
yield from sorted(result, key=lambda m: m[1].end() - m[1].start(), reverse=True)
elif self.args.take:
yield from islice(result, abs(self.args.take))
def matchfilter(self, matches: Iterable[MT]) -> Iterable[MT]:
yield from self._postfilter(self._prefilter(matches))
def matches_filtered(
data: ByteString,
pattern: Union[ByteString, re.Pattern],
*transforms: Optional[Iterable[Callable[[re.Match], Optional[Union[Dict, ByteString]]]]]
) -> Iterable[Union[Dict, ByteString]]:
This is a wrapper for `AbstractRegexUint.matches` which filters the
results according to the given commandline arguments. Returns a
dictionary mapping its position (start, end) in the input data to the
filtered and transformed match that was found at this position.
transforms = [(f if callable(f) else lambda _: f) for f in transforms]
transforms = transforms or [lambda m: m[0]]
if self.args.stripspace:
data = re.sub(BR'\s+', B'', data)
for k, (offset, match) in enumerate(self.matchfilter(self.matches(memoryview(data), pattern))):
for transform in transforms:
t = transform(match)
if t is None:
t = self.labelled(t, offset=offset)
yield t
class PatternExtractor(PatternExtractorBase, abstract=True):
def __init__(
self, min=1, max=None, len=None, stripspace=False, duplicates=False, longest=False, take=None,
ascii: Arg.Switch('-u', '--no-ascii', group='AvsU', help='Search for UTF16 encoded patterns only.') = True,
utf16: Arg.Switch('-a', '--no-utf16', group='AvsU', help='Search for ASCII encoded patterns only.') = True,
class RegexUnit(Unit, abstract=True):
def __init__(
fullmatch: Arg.Switch('-U', help=(
'Regular expressions are matched against the full input, not substrings of it.')) = False,
multiline: Arg.Switch('-M', help=(
'Caret and dollar in regular expressions match the beginning and end of a line and '
'a dot does not match line breaks.')) = False,
ignorecase: Arg.Switch('-I', help=(
'Ignore capitalization for alphabetic characters in regular expressions.')) = False,
flags = re.MULTILINE if multiline else re.DOTALL
if ignorecase:
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
super().__init__(flags=flags, fullmatch=fullmatch, **keywords)
def _make_matcher(self, pattern: Optional[BufferOrStr], default=None):
if pattern is None:
return default
if self.args.fullmatch:
return self._make_regex(pattern).fullmatch
return self._make_regex(pattern).search
def _make_regex(self, pattern: Optional[BufferOrStr]):
if pattern is None:
return None
if isinstance(pattern, str):
pattern = pattern.encode(self.codec)
elif not isinstance(pattern, bytes):
pattern = bytes(pattern)
return re.compile(pattern, flags=self.args.flags)
class SingleRegexUnit(RegexUnit, abstract=True):
def __init__(
self, regex: Arg(type=regexp, help='Regular expression to match.'),
count: Arg.Number('-c', help='Specify the maximum number of operations to perform.') = 0,
fullmatch=False, multiline=False, ignorecase=False, **keywords
def regex(self):
return self._make_regex(self.args.regex)
def matcher(self):
return self._make_matcher(self.args.regex)
class PatternExtractorBase (min=1, max=None, len=None, stripspace=False, duplicates=False, longest=False, take=None, **keywords)
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class PatternExtractorBase(Unit, abstract=True): def __init__( self, min : Arg.Number('-n', help='Matches must have length at least N.') = 1, max : Arg.Number('-m', help='Matches must have length at most N.') = None, len : Arg.Number('-e', help='Matches must be of length N.') = None, stripspace : Arg.Switch('-x', help='Strip all whitespace from input data.') = False, duplicates : Arg.Switch('-r', help='Yield every (transformed) Match, even when it was found before.') = False, longest : Arg.Switch('-l', help='Sort results by length.') = False, take : Arg.Number('-t', help='Return only the first N occurrences in order of appearance.') = None, **keywords ): keywords.setdefault('ascii', True) keywords.setdefault('utf16', True) super().__init__( min=min, max=max or INF, len=len or AST, stripspace=stripspace, duplicates=duplicates, longest=longest, take=take or INF, **keywords ) def matches(self, data: ByteString, pattern: Union[ByteString, re.Pattern]): """ Searches the input data for the given regular expression pattern. If the argument `utf16` is `True`, search for occurrences where a zero byte is between every character of the match. The `ascii` option allows to control whether normal matching results are also returned. """ if not isinstance(pattern, re.Pattern): pattern = re.compile(pattern) if self.args.ascii: for match in pattern.finditer(data): yield match.start(), match if self.args.utf16: for zm in re.finditer(BR'(.?)((?:.\0)+)', data, flags=re.DOTALL): a, b = zm.span(2) # Look one character further if there is evidence that this is UTF16-BE b += bool(zm[1] and data[a]) for match in pattern.finditer(bytes(data[a:b:2])): start = a + match.start() * 2 yield start, match def _prefilter(self, matches: Iterable[MT]) -> Iterable[MT]: barrier = set() taken = 0 for offset, match in matches: hit = memoryview(match[0]) if not hit or len(hit) != self.args.len or len(hit) < self.args.min or len(hit) > self.args.max: continue if not self.args.duplicates: uid = int.from_bytes(blake2b(hit, digest_size=8).digest(), 'big') if uid in barrier: continue barrier.add(uid) yield offset, match taken += 1 if not self.args.longest and taken >= self.args.take: break def _postfilter(self, matches: Iterable[MT]) -> Iterable[MT]: result = matches if self.args.longest and self.args.take and self.args.take is not INF: try: length = len(result) except TypeError: result = list(result) length = len(result) indices = sorted(range(length), key=lambda k: len(result[k][1][0]), reverse=True) for k in sorted(islice(indices, abs(self.args.take))): yield result[k] elif self.args.longest: yield from sorted(result, key=lambda m: m[1].end() - m[1].start(), reverse=True) elif self.args.take: yield from islice(result, abs(self.args.take)) def matchfilter(self, matches: Iterable[MT]) -> Iterable[MT]: yield from self._postfilter(self._prefilter(matches)) def matches_filtered( self, data: ByteString, pattern: Union[ByteString, re.Pattern], *transforms: Optional[Iterable[Callable[[re.Match], Optional[Union[Dict, ByteString]]]]] ) -> Iterable[Union[Dict, ByteString]]: """ This is a wrapper for `AbstractRegexUint.matches` which filters the results according to the given commandline arguments. Returns a dictionary mapping its position (start, end) in the input data to the filtered and transformed match that was found at this position. """ transforms = [(f if callable(f) else lambda _: f) for f in transforms] transforms = transforms or [lambda m: m[0]] if self.args.stripspace: data = re.sub(BR'\s+', B'', data) for k, (offset, match) in enumerate(self.matchfilter(self.matches(memoryview(data), pattern))): for transform in transforms: t = transform(match) if t is None: continue t = self.labelled(t, offset=offset) t.set_next_batch(k) yield t
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
def matches(self, data, pattern)
Searches the input data for the given regular expression pattern. If the argument
, search for occurrences where a zero byte is between every character of the match. Theascii
option allows to control whether normal matching results are also returned.Expand source code Browse git
def matches(self, data: ByteString, pattern: Union[ByteString, re.Pattern]): """ Searches the input data for the given regular expression pattern. If the argument `utf16` is `True`, search for occurrences where a zero byte is between every character of the match. The `ascii` option allows to control whether normal matching results are also returned. """ if not isinstance(pattern, re.Pattern): pattern = re.compile(pattern) if self.args.ascii: for match in pattern.finditer(data): yield match.start(), match if self.args.utf16: for zm in re.finditer(BR'(.?)((?:.\0)+)', data, flags=re.DOTALL): a, b = zm.span(2) # Look one character further if there is evidence that this is UTF16-BE b += bool(zm[1] and data[a]) for match in pattern.finditer(bytes(data[a:b:2])): start = a + match.start() * 2 yield start, match
def matchfilter(self, matches)
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def matchfilter(self, matches: Iterable[MT]) -> Iterable[MT]: yield from self._postfilter(self._prefilter(matches))
def matches_filtered(self, data, pattern, *transforms)
This is a wrapper for
which filters the results according to the given commandline arguments. Returns a dictionary mapping its position (start, end) in the input data to the filtered and transformed match that was found at this position.Expand source code Browse git
def matches_filtered( self, data: ByteString, pattern: Union[ByteString, re.Pattern], *transforms: Optional[Iterable[Callable[[re.Match], Optional[Union[Dict, ByteString]]]]] ) -> Iterable[Union[Dict, ByteString]]: """ This is a wrapper for `AbstractRegexUint.matches` which filters the results according to the given commandline arguments. Returns a dictionary mapping its position (start, end) in the input data to the filtered and transformed match that was found at this position. """ transforms = [(f if callable(f) else lambda _: f) for f in transforms] transforms = transforms or [lambda m: m[0]] if self.args.stripspace: data = re.sub(BR'\s+', B'', data) for k, (offset, match) in enumerate(self.matchfilter(self.matches(memoryview(data), pattern))): for transform in transforms: t = transform(match) if t is None: continue t = self.labelled(t, offset=offset) t.set_next_batch(k) yield t
Inherited members
class PatternExtractor (min=1, max=None, len=None, stripspace=False, duplicates=False, longest=False, take=None, ascii=True, utf16=True, **keywords)
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class PatternExtractor(PatternExtractorBase, abstract=True): def __init__( self, min=1, max=None, len=None, stripspace=False, duplicates=False, longest=False, take=None, ascii: Arg.Switch('-u', '--no-ascii', group='AvsU', help='Search for UTF16 encoded patterns only.') = True, utf16: Arg.Switch('-a', '--no-utf16', group='AvsU', help='Search for ASCII encoded patterns only.') = True, **keywords ): super().__init__( min=min, max=max, len=len, stripspace=stripspace, duplicates=duplicates, longest=longest, take=take, ascii=ascii, utf16=utf16, **keywords )
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Inherited members
class RegexUnit (fullmatch=False, multiline=False, ignorecase=False, **keywords)
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class RegexUnit(Unit, abstract=True): def __init__( self, fullmatch: Arg.Switch('-U', help=( 'Regular expressions are matched against the full input, not substrings of it.')) = False, multiline: Arg.Switch('-M', help=( 'Caret and dollar in regular expressions match the beginning and end of a line and ' 'a dot does not match line breaks.')) = False, ignorecase: Arg.Switch('-I', help=( 'Ignore capitalization for alphabetic characters in regular expressions.')) = False, **keywords ): flags = re.MULTILINE if multiline else re.DOTALL if ignorecase: flags |= re.IGNORECASE super().__init__(flags=flags, fullmatch=fullmatch, **keywords) def _make_matcher(self, pattern: Optional[BufferOrStr], default=None): if pattern is None: return default if self.args.fullmatch: return self._make_regex(pattern).fullmatch else: return self._make_regex(pattern).search def _make_regex(self, pattern: Optional[BufferOrStr]): if pattern is None: return None if isinstance(pattern, str): pattern = pattern.encode(self.codec) elif not isinstance(pattern, bytes): pattern = bytes(pattern) return re.compile(pattern, flags=self.args.flags)
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Inherited members
class SingleRegexUnit (regex, count=0, fullmatch=False, multiline=False, ignorecase=False, **keywords)
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class SingleRegexUnit(RegexUnit, abstract=True): def __init__( self, regex: Arg(type=regexp, help='Regular expression to match.'), count: Arg.Number('-c', help='Specify the maximum number of operations to perform.') = 0, fullmatch=False, multiline=False, ignorecase=False, **keywords ): super().__init__( regex=regex, count=count, fullmatch=fullmatch, multiline=multiline, ignorecase=ignorecase, **keywords ) @property def regex(self): return self._make_regex(self.args.regex) @property def matcher(self): return self._make_matcher(self.args.regex)
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Instance variables
var regex
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@property def regex(self): return self._make_regex(self.args.regex)
var matcher
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@property def matcher(self): return self._make_matcher(self.args.regex)
Inherited members