Module refinery.units.pattern.defang

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import itertools

from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse

from refinery.units import Arg, Unit
from refinery.lib.patterns import defanged, indicators, tlds

class defang(Unit):
    Defangs all URL, domain and IPv4 address indicators in the input data by replacing the last dot
    in the expression by `[.]`. For example, `` will be replaced by `127.0.0[.]1`. For URL
    indicators, the colon after the procol scheme is also wrapped in brackets.

    _WHITELIST = [

        B'http': B'hxxp',
        B'https': B'hxxps',
        B'ftp': B'fxp',
        B'ftps': B'fxps',

    def __init__(
        url_only: Arg.Switch('-u', help='Only defang URLs, do not look for domains or IPs.') = False,
        url_protocol: Arg.Switch('-p', help='Escape the protocol in URLs.') = False,
        dot_only: Arg.Switch('-d', help='Do not escape the protocol colon in URLs.') = False,
        quote_md: Arg.Switch('-q', help='Wrap all indicators in backticks for markdown code.') = False
        self.superinit(super(), **vars())

    def _quote(self, word):
        return word if not self.args.quote_md else B'`%s`' % word

    def reverse(self, data: bytearray):
        def refang(hostname):
            return hostname[0].replace(B'[.]', B'.')
        data = defanged.hostname.sub(refang, data)
        data = data.replace(B'[:]//', B'://')
        data = data.replace(B'[://]', B'://')
        data = re.sub(B'h.{3}?(s?)://', B'http\\1://', data)
        data = re.sub(B'fxp(s?)://', B'ftp\\1://', data)
        return data

    def process(self, data):
        def replace_hostname(hostname: bytes, match=True):
            if match:
                return self._quote(replace_hostname(hostname[0], False))
            self.log_info('replace:', hostname)
            host = hostname
            user, atsgn, host = host.rpartition(B'@')
            host, colon, port = host.rpartition(B':')
            host = host.lower()
            if not colon:
                host = port
                port = B''
            if host in self._WHITELIST:
                return hostname
            host = re.split(R'(?:\[\.\]|\.)', host.decode('latin1'))
            if len(host) == 1:
                return hostname
            components = iter(reversed(host))
            defanged_parts = [next(components)]
            separator = '[.]'
            for part in components:
                separator = '[.]' if part in tlds else '.'
            defanged_host = ''.join(reversed(defanged_parts)).encode('latin1')
            return user + atsgn + defanged_host + colon + port

        def replace_url(url: bytes):
            if not url:
                return url
            self.log_info('replace:', url)
            url = url.replace(B'[:]//', B'://', 1)
            url = url.replace(B'[.]', B'.')
            prefix = B'tcp'
            if url.startswith(B'://'):
                scheme = 0
            elif url.startswith(B'//'):
                scheme = 1
                prefix = prefix + B':'
                scheme = 2
                prefix = B''
            parsed = urlparse(prefix + url)
            operations = {
                name: self.process(getattr(parsed, name))
                for name in ('path', 'params', 'query', 'fragment')
            if self.args.url_protocol and parsed.scheme:
                operations.update(scheme=self._PROTOCOL_ESCAPES.get(parsed.scheme.lower(), scheme))
            if scheme < 2:
            operations.update(netloc=replace_hostname(parsed.netloc, False))
            url = urlunparse(parsed._replace(**operations))
            if scheme == 0:
                url = B':' + url
            if not self.args.dot_only:
                url = url.replace(B'://', B'[:]//')
            return self._quote(url)

        urlsplit = defanged.url.split(data)
        step = defanged.url.value.groups + 1
        urlsplit[1::step] = [replace_url(t) for t in itertools.islice(iter(urlsplit), 1, None, step)]

        if not self.args.url_only:
            urlsplit[0::step] = [
                indicators.hostname.sub(replace_hostname, t)
                for t in itertools.islice(iter(urlsplit), 0, None, step)

        def fuse(urlsplit):
            txt = itertools.islice(iter(urlsplit), 0, None, step)
            url = itertools.islice(iter(urlsplit), 1, None, step)
            while True:
                    yield next(txt)
                    yield next(url)
                except StopIteration:

        return B''.join(fuse(urlsplit))


class defang (url_only=False, url_protocol=False, dot_only=False, quote_md=False)

Defangs all URL, domain and IPv4 address indicators in the input data by replacing the last dot in the expression by [.]. For example, will be replaced by 127.0.0[.]1. For URL indicators, the colon after the procol scheme is also wrapped in brackets.

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class defang(Unit):
    Defangs all URL, domain and IPv4 address indicators in the input data by replacing the last dot
    in the expression by `[.]`. For example, `` will be replaced by `127.0.0[.]1`. For URL
    indicators, the colon after the procol scheme is also wrapped in brackets.

    _WHITELIST = [

        B'http': B'hxxp',
        B'https': B'hxxps',
        B'ftp': B'fxp',
        B'ftps': B'fxps',

    def __init__(
        url_only: Arg.Switch('-u', help='Only defang URLs, do not look for domains or IPs.') = False,
        url_protocol: Arg.Switch('-p', help='Escape the protocol in URLs.') = False,
        dot_only: Arg.Switch('-d', help='Do not escape the protocol colon in URLs.') = False,
        quote_md: Arg.Switch('-q', help='Wrap all indicators in backticks for markdown code.') = False
        self.superinit(super(), **vars())

    def _quote(self, word):
        return word if not self.args.quote_md else B'`%s`' % word

    def reverse(self, data: bytearray):
        def refang(hostname):
            return hostname[0].replace(B'[.]', B'.')
        data = defanged.hostname.sub(refang, data)
        data = data.replace(B'[:]//', B'://')
        data = data.replace(B'[://]', B'://')
        data = re.sub(B'h.{3}?(s?)://', B'http\\1://', data)
        data = re.sub(B'fxp(s?)://', B'ftp\\1://', data)
        return data

    def process(self, data):
        def replace_hostname(hostname: bytes, match=True):
            if match:
                return self._quote(replace_hostname(hostname[0], False))
            self.log_info('replace:', hostname)
            host = hostname
            user, atsgn, host = host.rpartition(B'@')
            host, colon, port = host.rpartition(B':')
            host = host.lower()
            if not colon:
                host = port
                port = B''
            if host in self._WHITELIST:
                return hostname
            host = re.split(R'(?:\[\.\]|\.)', host.decode('latin1'))
            if len(host) == 1:
                return hostname
            components = iter(reversed(host))
            defanged_parts = [next(components)]
            separator = '[.]'
            for part in components:
                separator = '[.]' if part in tlds else '.'
            defanged_host = ''.join(reversed(defanged_parts)).encode('latin1')
            return user + atsgn + defanged_host + colon + port

        def replace_url(url: bytes):
            if not url:
                return url
            self.log_info('replace:', url)
            url = url.replace(B'[:]//', B'://', 1)
            url = url.replace(B'[.]', B'.')
            prefix = B'tcp'
            if url.startswith(B'://'):
                scheme = 0
            elif url.startswith(B'//'):
                scheme = 1
                prefix = prefix + B':'
                scheme = 2
                prefix = B''
            parsed = urlparse(prefix + url)
            operations = {
                name: self.process(getattr(parsed, name))
                for name in ('path', 'params', 'query', 'fragment')
            if self.args.url_protocol and parsed.scheme:
                operations.update(scheme=self._PROTOCOL_ESCAPES.get(parsed.scheme.lower(), scheme))
            if scheme < 2:
            operations.update(netloc=replace_hostname(parsed.netloc, False))
            url = urlunparse(parsed._replace(**operations))
            if scheme == 0:
                url = B':' + url
            if not self.args.dot_only:
                url = url.replace(B'://', B'[:]//')
            return self._quote(url)

        urlsplit = defanged.url.split(data)
        step = defanged.url.value.groups + 1
        urlsplit[1::step] = [replace_url(t) for t in itertools.islice(iter(urlsplit), 1, None, step)]

        if not self.args.url_only:
            urlsplit[0::step] = [
                indicators.hostname.sub(replace_hostname, t)
                for t in itertools.islice(iter(urlsplit), 0, None, step)

        def fuse(urlsplit):
            txt = itertools.islice(iter(urlsplit), 0, None, step)
            url = itertools.islice(iter(urlsplit), 1, None, step)
            while True:
                    yield next(txt)
                    yield next(url)
                except StopIteration:

        return B''.join(fuse(urlsplit))


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members