Module refinery.units.pattern.dnsdomain

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from refinery.units.pattern import PatternExtractorBase

def _lps(maxlen):
    Brute force regular expression pattern for a length prefixed domain name component.
    return BR'|'.join(BR'\x%02x[a-z0-9\-\_]{%d}' % (d, d) for d in range(1, maxlen + 1))

class dnsdomain(PatternExtractorBase):
    Extracts domain names in the format as they appear in DNS requests. This
    can be used as a quick and dirty way to extract domains from PCAP files,
    for example.


    _DOMAIN_PATTERN = BR'(?:%s){1,20}(?:%s)\b' % (_lps(0xFF), _lps(25))

    def process(self, data):

        def transform(match):
            match = bytearray(match[0])
            pos = 0
            while pos < len(match):
                length = match[pos]
                match[pos] = 0x2E
                if len(match) < length + pos:
                    return None
                if any(x not in self._DOMAIN_CHARACTERS for x in match[pos + 1 : pos + length]):
                    return None
                pos += 1 + length
            return match[1:]

        yield from self.matches_filtered(memoryview(data), self._DOMAIN_PATTERN, transform)


class dnsdomain (min=1, max=None, len=None, stripspace=False, duplicates=False, longest=False, take=None)

Extracts domain names in the format as they appear in DNS requests. This can be used as a quick and dirty way to extract domains from PCAP files, for example.

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class dnsdomain(PatternExtractorBase):
    Extracts domain names in the format as they appear in DNS requests. This
    can be used as a quick and dirty way to extract domains from PCAP files,
    for example.


    _DOMAIN_PATTERN = BR'(?:%s){1,20}(?:%s)\b' % (_lps(0xFF), _lps(25))

    def process(self, data):

        def transform(match):
            match = bytearray(match[0])
            pos = 0
            while pos < len(match):
                length = match[pos]
                match[pos] = 0x2E
                if len(match) < length + pos:
                    return None
                if any(x not in self._DOMAIN_CHARACTERS for x in match[pos + 1 : pos + length]):
                    return None
                pos += 1 + length
            return match[1:]

        yield from self.matches_filtered(memoryview(data), self._DOMAIN_PATTERN, transform)


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members