Module refinery.units.formats.archive.xtsim

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import NamedTuple, Optional

import struct
import json
import re
import difflib

from refinery.units.formats.archive import ArchiveUnit
from refinery.lib.structures import StructReader
from refinery.lib.lcid import DEFAULT_CODEPAGE, LCID
from import Cabinet

class SIMOffsets(NamedTuple):
    archive_end: int
    strings_offset: int = 0
    runtime_length: int = 0
    runtime_offset: int = 0
    content_offset: int = 0
    runtime_is_cab: bool = False
    nr_of_runtime: int = 0
    nr_of_strings: int = 0
    sim_signature: int = 0

    def rebase(self, strings_offset: int):
        delta = strings_offset - self.strings_offset
        a, s, n, r, c, *p = self
        s += delta
        r += delta
        c += delta
        return SIMOffsets(a, s, n, r, c, *p)

def tojson(cls):
    class mix(cls):
        def json(self: NamedTuple):
            return dict(zip(self._fields, self))
    return mix

_SIMNAME = b'Smart Install Maker v.'

def longest_common_substring(string1: str, string2: str):
    return difflib.SequenceMatcher(
        None, string1, string2
        0, len(string1),
        0, len(string2),

class xtsim(ArchiveUnit):
    Extract files from Smart Install Maker (SIM) executables.

        '4.tmp'  : 'header.png',
        '5.tmp'  : 'wizard.bmp',
        '6.tmp'  : 'background.bmp',
        '7.tmp'  : 'folder.png',
        '8.tmp'  : 'group.png',
        '9.tmp'  : 'password.png',
        '15.tmp' : 'license1.rtf',
        '16.tmp' : 'information.rtf',
        '20.tmp' : 'license2.rtf',

        '@$&%01': 'ProgramFiles',
        '@$&%02': 'WindowsDir',
        '@$&%03': 'SystemDir',
        '@$&%04': 'InstallPath',
        '@$&%05': 'TempDir',
        '@$&%06': 'Desktop',
        '@$&%07': 'QuickLaunch',
        '@$&%08': 'ProgramsDir',
        '@$&%09': 'StartMenu',
        '@$&%10': 'MyDocuments',
        '@$&%11': 'Favorites',
        '@$&%12': 'SendTo',
        '@$&%13': 'UserProfile',
        '@$&%14': 'StartUp',
        '@$&%15': 'FontsDir',
        '@$&%16': 'CommonFiles',
        '@$&%17': 'SystemDrive',
        '@$&%18': 'CurrentDirectory',
        '@$&%20': 'UserName',
        '@$&%21': 'Language',
        '@$&%22': 'ComputerName',
        '@$&%26': 'AppData',
        '@$&%27': 'CommonAppData',
        '@$&%28': 'CommonDesktop',
        '@$&%29': 'CommonDocuments',
        '@$&%30': 'CommonFavourites',
        '@$&%31': 'CommonPrograms',
        '@$&%32': 'CommonStartMenu',
        '@$&%33': 'CommonStartup',
        '@$&%34': 'Templates',
        '@$&%35': 'CommonTemplates',
        '@$&%36': 'ProgramFiles64',

    def unpack(self, data):
        mem = memoryview(data)
        sim = self.get_offsets(data)

        if sim is None:
            return B''

        strings = StructReader(mem[sim.strings_offset:sim.runtime_offset])
        runtime = StructReader(mem[sim.runtime_offset:sim.content_offset])
        content = StructReader(mem[sim.content_offset:sim.archive_end])

        header = [strings.read_c_string() for _ in range(sim.nr_of_strings)]
        tables: dict[str, list[list[str | int]]] = {}
        unknown_tables: dict[str, list[list[str | int]]] = {}

        def sc(k: int):
            return int(header[k])

        for size, index, name in [
            (4, 98, None),
            (7, 50, 'registry'),    # (2=HKLM/1=HKCU,key)
            (3, 96, None),
            (2, 31, 'fonts'),
            (8, 54, 'shortcuts'),   # (?,0=Menu/1=Desktop,filename,target_path,comment,icon_path1,icon_path2)
            (3, 67, 'filenames'),
            (2, 93, None),
            (6, 40, 'install'),     #
            (6, 25, 'uninstall'),
            (6, 24, 'ini'),         # 34991da998ece07d4a941394c6630ce74955fb4800e5915f6766180d12a8dc61
            (2, 45, None),
            (2, 20, None),
            (4, 26, 'languages'),
            count = sc(index)
            if not count:
            table = [[
                strings.read_c_string() for _ in range(size)
            ] for _ in range(count)]
            if name is None:
                unknown_tables[F'T{index}'] = table
                tables[name] = table

        unknown_marker = strings.read_c_string()

        language_count = sc(26)
        message_matrix = [[
            strings.read_c_string() for _ in range(sc(57))
        ] for _ in range(language_count)]

        len_chunks = sc(117)
        chunk_size = sc(95)
        chunk_rest = sc(118)

        def check_empty_reader(r: StructReader, name: str):
            if _c := r.remaining_bytes:
                self.log_warn(F'{name} reader had 0x{_c:08X} bytes remaining:', r.peek(), clip=True)

        check_empty_reader(strings, 'strings')

        lngid = tables['languages'][0]
        if not lngid[2].isdigit():
            lname: bytes = lngid[1]
            lname = lname.decode('latin1')
            lngid = max(LCID, key=lambda k: longest_common_substring(LCID[k], lname))
            lngid = int(lngid[2])

        codec = DEFAULT_CODEPAGE.get(lngid, 'latin1')

        def decode(cell: bytes, codec: str):
                cell = cell.decode(codec)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                cell = cell.decode('latin1')
                self.log_debug('failed to decode string:', cell, clip=True)
            if cell.isdigit():
                return int(cell)
            if not cell:
                return None
            for key, val in self._DIRECTORY_MASKS.items():
                cell = cell.replace(key, F'${val}')
            return cell

        header[:] = [decode(s, codec) for s in header]

        for t in (tables, unknown_tables):
            for name, table in t.items():
                for row in table:
                    row[:] = [decode(cell, codec) for cell in row]

        messages = {}

        for array, lng in zip(message_matrix, tables['languages']):
            lng_codec = DEFAULT_CODEPAGE.get(lng[2], 'latin1')
            messages[lng[1]] = [decode(cell, lng_codec) for cell in array]

        tables['messages'] = messages
        tables['header'] = header

        if unknown_tables:
            tables['unknown_tables'] = unknown_tables
        if unknown_marker:
            tables['unknown_marker'] = decode(unknown_marker, codec)

        yield self._pack('setup.json', None,
            json.dumps(tables, indent=4).encode(self.codec))

        def runtime_path(name: str):
            root, backslash, temp = name.rpartition('\\')
            if backslash and root == '$inst' and (t := self._RUNTIME_MAPPING.get(temp)):
                name = t
            return F'runtime/{name}'

        if sim.runtime_is_cab:
            runtime_cab = Cabinet(, no_magic=True)
            for file in runtime_cab.process().get_files():
                yield self._pack(runtime_path(, file.timestamp, lambda f=file: f.decompress())
            for _ in range(sim.nr_of_runtime):
                name = decode(runtime.read_c_string(), codec)
                path = runtime_path(name)
                size = int(runtime.read_c_string())
                yield self._pack(path, None,
            check_empty_reader(runtime, 'runtime')

        def no_abs_path(p: str):
            drive, d, rest = p.partition(':\\')
            if d and len(drive) == 1:
                return F'$Drive{drive.upper()}\\{rest}'
            return p

        if len_chunks + chunk_rest == 0:
            for file in tables['filenames']:
                path = no_abs_path(file[1])
                content.u32() # unknown
                size = content.u32()
                content.u32() # unknown
                content.u32() # unknown
                content.u32() # unknown
                content.u32() # unknown
                yield self._pack(F'data/{path}', None,
            content_cab = Cabinet(no_magic=True)
            content_cab.extend( for _ in range(len_chunks))
            if chunk_rest > 0:
            for file in content_cab.process().get_files():
                    path = tables['filenames'][int(][1]
                except Exception:
                    path =
                path = F'content/{no_abs_path(path)}'
                yield self._pack(path, file.timestamp, lambda f=file: f.decompress())

        check_empty_reader(content, 'content')

    def get_offsets(cls, data: bytearray) -> Optional[SIMOffsets]:
        if len(data) < 0x1000:
            return None

        def sane(offsets: SIMOffsets):
            if offsets.sim_signature != _SIGBYTE:
                return False
            for offset in (
                if offset not in range(0x1000, 0x100000000):
                    return False
            if offsets.strings_offset >= offsets.runtime_offset:
                return False
            return offsets.content_offset >= offsets.runtime_offset + offsets.runtime_length

        end = len(data) - 0x24
        offsets = SIMOffsets(end, *struct.unpack('<QQQQ?BBB', data[end:]))

        if sane(offsets):
            pos = offsets.strings_offset
            end = pos + len(_SIMNAME)
            if data[pos:end] == _SIMNAME:
                return offsets
            pos = data.rfind(_SIMNAME)
            if pos > 0:
                return offsets.rebase(pos)

        view = memoryview(data)

        for stub in re.finditer(rb'MZ.{78}This program must be run under Win', data):
            pos_zero = stub.start()
            pos_data = data.find(_SIMNAME, pos_zero)
            if pos_data < 0:
            pattern = re.escape((pos_data - pos_zero).to_bytes(8, 'little')) + B'.{27}\\xF1'
            if match :=, view[pos_zero:]):
                end = match.start()
                offsets = SIMOffsets(end, *struct.unpack('<QQQQ?BBB', match[0]))
                if sane(offsets):
                    return offsets.rebase(pos_zero)

    def handles(cls, data: bytearray) -> bool:
        return cls.get_offsets(data) is not None


def tojson(cls)
Expand source code Browse git
def tojson(cls):
    class mix(cls):
        def json(self: NamedTuple):
            return dict(zip(self._fields, self))
    return mix
def longest_common_substring(string1, string2)
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def longest_common_substring(string1: str, string2: str):
    return difflib.SequenceMatcher(
        None, string1, string2
        0, len(string1),
        0, len(string2),


class SIMOffsets (archive_end, strings_offset=0, runtime_length=0, runtime_offset=0, content_offset=0, runtime_is_cab=False, nr_of_runtime=0, nr_of_strings=0, sim_signature=0)

SIMOffsets(archive_end, strings_offset, runtime_length, runtime_offset, content_offset, runtime_is_cab, nr_of_runtime, nr_of_strings, sim_signature)

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class SIMOffsets(NamedTuple):
    archive_end: int
    strings_offset: int = 0
    runtime_length: int = 0
    runtime_offset: int = 0
    content_offset: int = 0
    runtime_is_cab: bool = False
    nr_of_runtime: int = 0
    nr_of_strings: int = 0
    sim_signature: int = 0

    def rebase(self, strings_offset: int):
        delta = strings_offset - self.strings_offset
        a, s, n, r, c, *p = self
        s += delta
        r += delta
        c += delta
        return SIMOffsets(a, s, n, r, c, *p)


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var archive_end

Alias for field number 0

var strings_offset

Alias for field number 1

var runtime_length

Alias for field number 2

var runtime_offset

Alias for field number 3

var content_offset

Alias for field number 4

var runtime_is_cab

Alias for field number 5

var nr_of_runtime

Alias for field number 6

var nr_of_strings

Alias for field number 7

var sim_signature

Alias for field number 8


def rebase(self, strings_offset)
Expand source code Browse git
def rebase(self, strings_offset: int):
    delta = strings_offset - self.strings_offset
    a, s, n, r, c, *p = self
    s += delta
    r += delta
    c += delta
    return SIMOffsets(a, s, n, r, c, *p)
class xtsim (*paths, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path', date=b'date', pwd=b'')

Extract files from Smart Install Maker (SIM) executables.

Expand source code Browse git
class xtsim(ArchiveUnit):
    Extract files from Smart Install Maker (SIM) executables.

        '4.tmp'  : 'header.png',
        '5.tmp'  : 'wizard.bmp',
        '6.tmp'  : 'background.bmp',
        '7.tmp'  : 'folder.png',
        '8.tmp'  : 'group.png',
        '9.tmp'  : 'password.png',
        '15.tmp' : 'license1.rtf',
        '16.tmp' : 'information.rtf',
        '20.tmp' : 'license2.rtf',

        '@$&%01': 'ProgramFiles',
        '@$&%02': 'WindowsDir',
        '@$&%03': 'SystemDir',
        '@$&%04': 'InstallPath',
        '@$&%05': 'TempDir',
        '@$&%06': 'Desktop',
        '@$&%07': 'QuickLaunch',
        '@$&%08': 'ProgramsDir',
        '@$&%09': 'StartMenu',
        '@$&%10': 'MyDocuments',
        '@$&%11': 'Favorites',
        '@$&%12': 'SendTo',
        '@$&%13': 'UserProfile',
        '@$&%14': 'StartUp',
        '@$&%15': 'FontsDir',
        '@$&%16': 'CommonFiles',
        '@$&%17': 'SystemDrive',
        '@$&%18': 'CurrentDirectory',
        '@$&%20': 'UserName',
        '@$&%21': 'Language',
        '@$&%22': 'ComputerName',
        '@$&%26': 'AppData',
        '@$&%27': 'CommonAppData',
        '@$&%28': 'CommonDesktop',
        '@$&%29': 'CommonDocuments',
        '@$&%30': 'CommonFavourites',
        '@$&%31': 'CommonPrograms',
        '@$&%32': 'CommonStartMenu',
        '@$&%33': 'CommonStartup',
        '@$&%34': 'Templates',
        '@$&%35': 'CommonTemplates',
        '@$&%36': 'ProgramFiles64',

    def unpack(self, data):
        mem = memoryview(data)
        sim = self.get_offsets(data)

        if sim is None:
            return B''

        strings = StructReader(mem[sim.strings_offset:sim.runtime_offset])
        runtime = StructReader(mem[sim.runtime_offset:sim.content_offset])
        content = StructReader(mem[sim.content_offset:sim.archive_end])

        header = [strings.read_c_string() for _ in range(sim.nr_of_strings)]
        tables: dict[str, list[list[str | int]]] = {}
        unknown_tables: dict[str, list[list[str | int]]] = {}

        def sc(k: int):
            return int(header[k])

        for size, index, name in [
            (4, 98, None),
            (7, 50, 'registry'),    # (2=HKLM/1=HKCU,key)
            (3, 96, None),
            (2, 31, 'fonts'),
            (8, 54, 'shortcuts'),   # (?,0=Menu/1=Desktop,filename,target_path,comment,icon_path1,icon_path2)
            (3, 67, 'filenames'),
            (2, 93, None),
            (6, 40, 'install'),     #
            (6, 25, 'uninstall'),
            (6, 24, 'ini'),         # 34991da998ece07d4a941394c6630ce74955fb4800e5915f6766180d12a8dc61
            (2, 45, None),
            (2, 20, None),
            (4, 26, 'languages'),
            count = sc(index)
            if not count:
            table = [[
                strings.read_c_string() for _ in range(size)
            ] for _ in range(count)]
            if name is None:
                unknown_tables[F'T{index}'] = table
                tables[name] = table

        unknown_marker = strings.read_c_string()

        language_count = sc(26)
        message_matrix = [[
            strings.read_c_string() for _ in range(sc(57))
        ] for _ in range(language_count)]

        len_chunks = sc(117)
        chunk_size = sc(95)
        chunk_rest = sc(118)

        def check_empty_reader(r: StructReader, name: str):
            if _c := r.remaining_bytes:
                self.log_warn(F'{name} reader had 0x{_c:08X} bytes remaining:', r.peek(), clip=True)

        check_empty_reader(strings, 'strings')

        lngid = tables['languages'][0]
        if not lngid[2].isdigit():
            lname: bytes = lngid[1]
            lname = lname.decode('latin1')
            lngid = max(LCID, key=lambda k: longest_common_substring(LCID[k], lname))
            lngid = int(lngid[2])

        codec = DEFAULT_CODEPAGE.get(lngid, 'latin1')

        def decode(cell: bytes, codec: str):
                cell = cell.decode(codec)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                cell = cell.decode('latin1')
                self.log_debug('failed to decode string:', cell, clip=True)
            if cell.isdigit():
                return int(cell)
            if not cell:
                return None
            for key, val in self._DIRECTORY_MASKS.items():
                cell = cell.replace(key, F'${val}')
            return cell

        header[:] = [decode(s, codec) for s in header]

        for t in (tables, unknown_tables):
            for name, table in t.items():
                for row in table:
                    row[:] = [decode(cell, codec) for cell in row]

        messages = {}

        for array, lng in zip(message_matrix, tables['languages']):
            lng_codec = DEFAULT_CODEPAGE.get(lng[2], 'latin1')
            messages[lng[1]] = [decode(cell, lng_codec) for cell in array]

        tables['messages'] = messages
        tables['header'] = header

        if unknown_tables:
            tables['unknown_tables'] = unknown_tables
        if unknown_marker:
            tables['unknown_marker'] = decode(unknown_marker, codec)

        yield self._pack('setup.json', None,
            json.dumps(tables, indent=4).encode(self.codec))

        def runtime_path(name: str):
            root, backslash, temp = name.rpartition('\\')
            if backslash and root == '$inst' and (t := self._RUNTIME_MAPPING.get(temp)):
                name = t
            return F'runtime/{name}'

        if sim.runtime_is_cab:
            runtime_cab = Cabinet(, no_magic=True)
            for file in runtime_cab.process().get_files():
                yield self._pack(runtime_path(, file.timestamp, lambda f=file: f.decompress())
            for _ in range(sim.nr_of_runtime):
                name = decode(runtime.read_c_string(), codec)
                path = runtime_path(name)
                size = int(runtime.read_c_string())
                yield self._pack(path, None,
            check_empty_reader(runtime, 'runtime')

        def no_abs_path(p: str):
            drive, d, rest = p.partition(':\\')
            if d and len(drive) == 1:
                return F'$Drive{drive.upper()}\\{rest}'
            return p

        if len_chunks + chunk_rest == 0:
            for file in tables['filenames']:
                path = no_abs_path(file[1])
                content.u32() # unknown
                size = content.u32()
                content.u32() # unknown
                content.u32() # unknown
                content.u32() # unknown
                content.u32() # unknown
                yield self._pack(F'data/{path}', None,
            content_cab = Cabinet(no_magic=True)
            content_cab.extend( for _ in range(len_chunks))
            if chunk_rest > 0:
            for file in content_cab.process().get_files():
                    path = tables['filenames'][int(][1]
                except Exception:
                    path =
                path = F'content/{no_abs_path(path)}'
                yield self._pack(path, file.timestamp, lambda f=file: f.decompress())

        check_empty_reader(content, 'content')

    def get_offsets(cls, data: bytearray) -> Optional[SIMOffsets]:
        if len(data) < 0x1000:
            return None

        def sane(offsets: SIMOffsets):
            if offsets.sim_signature != _SIGBYTE:
                return False
            for offset in (
                if offset not in range(0x1000, 0x100000000):
                    return False
            if offsets.strings_offset >= offsets.runtime_offset:
                return False
            return offsets.content_offset >= offsets.runtime_offset + offsets.runtime_length

        end = len(data) - 0x24
        offsets = SIMOffsets(end, *struct.unpack('<QQQQ?BBB', data[end:]))

        if sane(offsets):
            pos = offsets.strings_offset
            end = pos + len(_SIMNAME)
            if data[pos:end] == _SIMNAME:
                return offsets
            pos = data.rfind(_SIMNAME)
            if pos > 0:
                return offsets.rebase(pos)

        view = memoryview(data)

        for stub in re.finditer(rb'MZ.{78}This program must be run under Win', data):
            pos_zero = stub.start()
            pos_data = data.find(_SIMNAME, pos_zero)
            if pos_data < 0:
            pattern = re.escape((pos_data - pos_zero).to_bytes(8, 'little')) + B'.{27}\\xF1'
            if match :=, view[pos_zero:]):
                end = match.start()
                offsets = SIMOffsets(end, *struct.unpack('<QQQQ?BBB', match[0]))
                if sane(offsets):
                    return offsets.rebase(pos_zero)

    def handles(cls, data: bytearray) -> bool:
        return cls.get_offsets(data) is not None


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Static methods

def get_offsets(data)
Expand source code Browse git
def get_offsets(cls, data: bytearray) -> Optional[SIMOffsets]:
    if len(data) < 0x1000:
        return None

    def sane(offsets: SIMOffsets):
        if offsets.sim_signature != _SIGBYTE:
            return False
        for offset in (
            if offset not in range(0x1000, 0x100000000):
                return False
        if offsets.strings_offset >= offsets.runtime_offset:
            return False
        return offsets.content_offset >= offsets.runtime_offset + offsets.runtime_length

    end = len(data) - 0x24
    offsets = SIMOffsets(end, *struct.unpack('<QQQQ?BBB', data[end:]))

    if sane(offsets):
        pos = offsets.strings_offset
        end = pos + len(_SIMNAME)
        if data[pos:end] == _SIMNAME:
            return offsets
        pos = data.rfind(_SIMNAME)
        if pos > 0:
            return offsets.rebase(pos)

    view = memoryview(data)

    for stub in re.finditer(rb'MZ.{78}This program must be run under Win', data):
        pos_zero = stub.start()
        pos_data = data.find(_SIMNAME, pos_zero)
        if pos_data < 0:
        pattern = re.escape((pos_data - pos_zero).to_bytes(8, 'little')) + B'.{27}\\xF1'
        if match :=, view[pos_zero:]):
            end = match.start()
            offsets = SIMOffsets(end, *struct.unpack('<QQQQ?BBB', match[0]))
            if sane(offsets):
                return offsets.rebase(pos_zero)


def unpack(self, data)
Expand source code Browse git
def unpack(self, data):
    mem = memoryview(data)
    sim = self.get_offsets(data)

    if sim is None:
        return B''

    strings = StructReader(mem[sim.strings_offset:sim.runtime_offset])
    runtime = StructReader(mem[sim.runtime_offset:sim.content_offset])
    content = StructReader(mem[sim.content_offset:sim.archive_end])

    header = [strings.read_c_string() for _ in range(sim.nr_of_strings)]
    tables: dict[str, list[list[str | int]]] = {}
    unknown_tables: dict[str, list[list[str | int]]] = {}

    def sc(k: int):
        return int(header[k])

    for size, index, name in [
        (4, 98, None),
        (7, 50, 'registry'),    # (2=HKLM/1=HKCU,key)
        (3, 96, None),
        (2, 31, 'fonts'),
        (8, 54, 'shortcuts'),   # (?,0=Menu/1=Desktop,filename,target_path,comment,icon_path1,icon_path2)
        (3, 67, 'filenames'),
        (2, 93, None),
        (6, 40, 'install'),     #
        (6, 25, 'uninstall'),
        (6, 24, 'ini'),         # 34991da998ece07d4a941394c6630ce74955fb4800e5915f6766180d12a8dc61
        (2, 45, None),
        (2, 20, None),
        (4, 26, 'languages'),
        count = sc(index)
        if not count:
        table = [[
            strings.read_c_string() for _ in range(size)
        ] for _ in range(count)]
        if name is None:
            unknown_tables[F'T{index}'] = table
            tables[name] = table

    unknown_marker = strings.read_c_string()

    language_count = sc(26)
    message_matrix = [[
        strings.read_c_string() for _ in range(sc(57))
    ] for _ in range(language_count)]

    len_chunks = sc(117)
    chunk_size = sc(95)
    chunk_rest = sc(118)

    def check_empty_reader(r: StructReader, name: str):
        if _c := r.remaining_bytes:
            self.log_warn(F'{name} reader had 0x{_c:08X} bytes remaining:', r.peek(), clip=True)

    check_empty_reader(strings, 'strings')

    lngid = tables['languages'][0]
    if not lngid[2].isdigit():
        lname: bytes = lngid[1]
        lname = lname.decode('latin1')
        lngid = max(LCID, key=lambda k: longest_common_substring(LCID[k], lname))
        lngid = int(lngid[2])

    codec = DEFAULT_CODEPAGE.get(lngid, 'latin1')

    def decode(cell: bytes, codec: str):
            cell = cell.decode(codec)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            cell = cell.decode('latin1')
            self.log_debug('failed to decode string:', cell, clip=True)
        if cell.isdigit():
            return int(cell)
        if not cell:
            return None
        for key, val in self._DIRECTORY_MASKS.items():
            cell = cell.replace(key, F'${val}')
        return cell

    header[:] = [decode(s, codec) for s in header]

    for t in (tables, unknown_tables):
        for name, table in t.items():
            for row in table:
                row[:] = [decode(cell, codec) for cell in row]

    messages = {}

    for array, lng in zip(message_matrix, tables['languages']):
        lng_codec = DEFAULT_CODEPAGE.get(lng[2], 'latin1')
        messages[lng[1]] = [decode(cell, lng_codec) for cell in array]

    tables['messages'] = messages
    tables['header'] = header

    if unknown_tables:
        tables['unknown_tables'] = unknown_tables
    if unknown_marker:
        tables['unknown_marker'] = decode(unknown_marker, codec)

    yield self._pack('setup.json', None,
        json.dumps(tables, indent=4).encode(self.codec))

    def runtime_path(name: str):
        root, backslash, temp = name.rpartition('\\')
        if backslash and root == '$inst' and (t := self._RUNTIME_MAPPING.get(temp)):
            name = t
        return F'runtime/{name}'

    if sim.runtime_is_cab:
        runtime_cab = Cabinet(, no_magic=True)
        for file in runtime_cab.process().get_files():
            yield self._pack(runtime_path(, file.timestamp, lambda f=file: f.decompress())
        for _ in range(sim.nr_of_runtime):
            name = decode(runtime.read_c_string(), codec)
            path = runtime_path(name)
            size = int(runtime.read_c_string())
            yield self._pack(path, None,
        check_empty_reader(runtime, 'runtime')

    def no_abs_path(p: str):
        drive, d, rest = p.partition(':\\')
        if d and len(drive) == 1:
            return F'$Drive{drive.upper()}\\{rest}'
        return p

    if len_chunks + chunk_rest == 0:
        for file in tables['filenames']:
            path = no_abs_path(file[1])
            content.u32() # unknown
            size = content.u32()
            content.u32() # unknown
            content.u32() # unknown
            content.u32() # unknown
            content.u32() # unknown
            yield self._pack(F'data/{path}', None,
        content_cab = Cabinet(no_magic=True)
        content_cab.extend( for _ in range(len_chunks))
        if chunk_rest > 0:
        for file in content_cab.process().get_files():
                path = tables['filenames'][int(][1]
            except Exception:
                path =
            path = F'content/{no_abs_path(path)}'
            yield self._pack(path, file.timestamp, lambda f=file: f.decompress())

    check_empty_reader(content, 'content')

Inherited members