Module refinery.units.formats.archive.xtpyi
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, NamedTuple
import marshal
import enum
import io
import re
import uuid
import zlib
import os
import os.path
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import sys
from importlib.util import MAGIC_NUMBER
from refinery.units.formats.archive import Arg, ArchiveUnit
from refinery.units.pattern.carve import carve
from refinery.lib.structures import MemoryFile, StreamDetour, Struct, StructReader
from import NoLogging, normalize_word_separators
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
from types import CodeType
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Set, Union, Generator, Iterable
from xdis import Instruction
from refinery.lib.types import ByteStr
class Unmarshal(enum.IntEnum):
No = 0
Yes = 1
YesAndDecompile = 2
def version2tuple(version: str):
return tuple(int(k, 10) for k in re.fullmatch(R'^(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(.*)$', version).group(1).split('.'))
def decompress_peek(buffer, size=512) -> Optional[bytes]:
return zlib.decompressobj().decompress(buffer[:size])
except zlib.error:
return None
class Code(NamedTuple):
version: Tuple[int]
timestamp: int
magic: int
container: CodeType
is_pypi: bool
code_objects: dict
def extract_code_from_buffer(buffer: ByteStr, file_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Generator[Code, None, None]:
code_objects = {}
file_name = file_name or '<unknown>'
load = xtpyi._xdis.load.load_module_from_file_object
with NoLogging(NoLogging.Mode.STD_ERR):
version, timestamp, magic_int, codes, is_pypy, _, _ = load(MemoryFile(buffer), file_name, code_objects)
if not isinstance(codes, list):
codes = [codes]
for code in codes:
yield Code(version, timestamp, magic_int, code, is_pypy, code_objects)
def disassemble_code(code: CodeType, version=None) -> Iterable[Instruction]:
dis = xtpyi._xdis
opc = None
if version is not None:
if isinstance(version, float):
version = str(version)
if not isinstance(version, str):
version = dis.version_info.version_tuple_to_str(version)
with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
opc = dis.op_imports.op_imports[version]
return dis.std.Bytecode(code, opc=opc)
def decompile_buffer(buffer: Union[Code, ByteStr], file_name: Optional[str] = None) -> ByteStr:
main: xtpyi = xtpyi
errors = ''
python = ''
codes = [buffer]
if not isinstance(buffer, Code):
codes = list(extract_code_from_buffer(buffer, file_name))
def _engines():
nonlocal errors
dc = main._decompyle3
except ImportError:
errors += '# The decompiler decompyle3 is not installed.\n'
yield 'decompyle3', dc
dc = main._uncompyle6
except ImportError:
errors += '# The decompiler decompyle3 is not installed.\n'
yield 'uncompyle6', dc
engines = dict(_engines())
if not engines:
errors += '# (all missing, install one of the above to enable decompilation)'
for code in codes:
for name, engine in engines.items():
with io.StringIO(newline='') as output, NoLogging(NoLogging.Mode.ALL):
except Exception as E:
errors += '\n'.join(F'# {line}' for line in (
F'Error while decompiling with {name}:', *str(E).splitlines(True)))
errors += '\n'
python = output.getvalue()
if python:
# removes leading comments
python = python.splitlines(True)
while python[-1].strip().startswith('#'):
python = ''.join(python)
return python.encode(main.codec)
if not isinstance(buffer, Code):
embedded = bytes(buffer | carve('printable', single=True))
if len(buffer) - len(embedded) < 0x20:
return embedded
disassembly = MemoryFile()
with io.TextIOWrapper(disassembly, main.codec, newline='\n') as output:
output.write('# Generating Disassembly:\n\n')
for code in codes:
instructions = list(disassemble_code(code.container, code.version))
width_offset = max(len(str(i.offset)) for i in instructions)
for i in instructions:
opname = normalize_word_separators(i.opname, '.').lower()
offset = F'{i.offset:0{width_offset}d}'
output.write(F'# {offset:>5} {opname:<25} {i.argrepr}\n')
return disassembly.getbuffer()
class PiType(bytes, enum.Enum):
BINARY = B'b' # noqa / binary
DEPENDENCY = B'd' # noqa / runtime option
PYZ = B'z' # noqa / zlib (pyz) - frozen Python code
PACKAGE = B'M' # noqa / Python package (
MODULE = B'm' # noqa / Python module
SOURCE = B's' # noqa / Python script (v3)
DATA = B'x' # noqa / data
RUNTIME_OPTION = B'o' # noqa / runtime option
SPLASH = B'l' # noqa / splash resources
UNKNOWN = B'uk' # noqa
DECOMPILED = B'dc' # noqa
USERCODE = B'uc' # noqa
ENCRYPTED = B'ec' # noqa
class PzType(enum.IntEnum):
PKG = 1
DATA = 2
class PiMeta:
type: PiType
name: str
data: Union[Callable[[], ByteStr], ByteStr]
def unpack(self) -> ByteStr:
if callable( =
def make_decompiled_item(name: str, data: ByteStr, *magics) -> PiMeta:
def extract(data=data, magics=magics):
error = None
if any(data[:4] == m[:4] for m in magics):
return decompile_buffer(data, name)
for magic in magics:
return decompile_buffer(magic + data, name)
except Exception as exception:
error = exception
return '\n'.join(F'# {line}'
for line in str(error).splitlines(True)).encode(xtpyi.codec)
return PiMeta(PiType.DECOMPILED, F'{name}.py', extract)
class PYZ(Struct):
MagicSignature = B'PYZ\0'
def __init__(self, reader: StructReader, version: str):
reader.bigendian = True
self.base = reader.tell()
signature =
if signature != self.MagicSignature:
raise ValueError('invalid magic')
magic = bytes(
with contextlib.suppress(KeyError, AttributeError):
xdis = xtpyi._xdis
if isinstance(xdis, property):
xdis = xdis.fget()
version = xdis.magics.versions[magic]
vtuple = version2tuple(version)
padding_size = 4
if vtuple >= (3, 3):
padding_size += 4
if vtuple >= (3, 7):
padding_size += 4
self.version = version
self.magic = magic + padding_size * b'\0'
self.toc_offset = reader.i32()
self.reader = reader
self.entries: List[PiMeta] = []
def unpack(self, decompile: bool, key: Optional[bytes] = None) -> bool:
with StreamDetour(self.reader, self.base + self.toc_offset):
toc_data =
toc = marshal.loads(toc_data)
except Exception as error:
if MAGIC_NUMBER != self.magic[:4]:
xdis = xtpyi._xdis
if isinstance(xdis, property):
xdis = xdis.fget()
_ord = xdis.marsh.Ord
xdis.marsh.Ord = ord # monkey-patch workaround for bug in xdis
toc = xdis.marsh.load(
MemoryFile(, self.version)
except Exception:
error = None
xdis.marsh.Ord = _ord
if error is not None:
raise error
if isinstance(toc, list):
toc = dict(toc)
except Exception as error:
self.entries = []
self.error = error
failures = 0
attempts = len(toc)
for name, (pzt, offset, length) in toc.items():
name: str
name = name.decode('utf-8')
except AttributeError:
pzt = PzType(pzt)
except Exception:
pzt = PzType.DATA
name = name.replace('.', '/')
if pzt is PzType.PKG:
name = F'{name}/__init__'
with StreamDetour(self.reader, self.base + offset):
data =
if key:
def decompressed(data=data):
cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, bytes(data[:0x10]))
return zlib.decompress(cipher.decrypt(data[0x10:]))
elif decompress_peek(data):
def decompressed(data=data):
return zlib.decompress(data)
failures += 1
if decompile and pzt in (PzType.MODULE, PzType.PKG):
def decompiled(data=data, name=name, magic=self.magic):
data = decompressed(data)
if data[:4] != magic[:4]:
data = magic + data
return decompile_buffer(data, name)
self.entries.append(PiMeta(PiType.DECOMPILED, F'{name}.py', decompiled))
name = F'{name}.pyc'
type = PiType.SOURCE
type = PiType.DATA
self.entries.append(PiMeta(type, name, decompressed))
if key:
if failures >= 6:
xtpyi.logger.warning(F'pyz decompression failed for {failures - 5} additional items')
return True
elif failures > 0.7 * attempts:
return False
return True
class PiTOCEntry(Struct):
def __init__(self, reader: StructReader):
reader.bigendian = True
entry_start_offset = reader.tell()
self.size_of_entry = reader.i32()
self.offset = reader.i32()
self.size_of_compressed_data = reader.i32()
self.size_od_uncompressed_data = reader.i32()
self.is_compressed = bool(reader.read_byte())
entry_type = bytes(
name_length = self.size_of_entry - reader.tell() + entry_start_offset
if name_length > 0x1000:
raise RuntimeError(F'Refusing to process TOC entry with name of size {name_length}.')
name, *_ = bytes('\0')
name = name.decode('utf8', 'backslashreplace')
except Exception:
name = None
if not all(part.isprintable() for part in re.split('\\s*', name)):
raise RuntimeError('Refusing to process TOC entry with non-printable name.')
name = name or str(uuid.uuid4())
if entry_type == B'Z':
entry_type = B'z'
self.type = PiType(entry_type)
except ValueError:
xtpyi.log_warn(F'unknown type {entry_type!r} in field {name}')
self.type = PiType.UNKNOWN = name
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
class PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue(Struct):
MagicSignature = bytes.fromhex('4D45490C0B0A0B0E')
def _read_libname(self, reader: StructReader) -> Optional[str]:
position = reader.tell()
libname, t, rest = reader.read_bytes(64).partition(B'\0')
except EOFError:
return None
libname = libname.decode('utf8')
except Exception:
return None
if not t or any(rest) or len(rest) < 10 or not re.fullmatch(R'[\s!-~]+', libname):
return None
return libname
def __init__(self, reader: StructReader, offset: int, unmarshal: Unmarshal = Unmarshal.No, decompile: bool = False):
self.decompile = decompile
reader.bigendian = True
self.reader = reader
signature = reader.read_bytes(8)
if signature != self.MagicSignature:
raise ValueError(
F'offset 0x{offset:X} has invalid signature {signature.hex().upper()}; '
F'should be {self.MagicSignature.hex().upper()}')
self.size = reader.i32()
toc_offset = reader.i32()
toc_length = reader.i32()
self.py_version = '.'.join(str(reader.u32()))
self.py_libname = self._read_libname(reader)
self.offset = reader.tell() - self.size
self.toc: Dict[str, PiTOCEntry] = {}
toc_end = self.offset + toc_offset + toc_length
reader.seekset(self.offset + toc_offset)
while reader.tell() < toc_end:
entry = PiTOCEntry(reader)
except EOFError:
xtpyi.logger.warning('end of file while reading TOC')
except Exception as error:
xtpyi.logger.warning(F'unexpected error while reading TOC: {error!s}')
if in self.toc:
raise KeyError(F'duplicate name {}')
self.toc[] = entry
self.files: Dict[str, PiMeta] = {}
no_pyz_found = True
pyz_entries: Dict[str, PYZ] = {}
for entry in list(self.toc.values()):
if entry.type is not PiType.PYZ:
no_pyz_found = False
name, xt = os.path.splitext(
name_pyz = F'{name}.pyz'
if name ==
del self.toc[name]
self.toc[name_pyz] = entry = name_pyz
reader.seekset(self.offset + entry.offset)
if entry.is_compressed:
data = self.extract(
data = reader
pyz_entries[name] = PYZ(data, self.py_version)
magics = {pyz.magic for pyz in pyz_entries.values()}
if not magics:
if not no_pyz_found:
'no magic signature could be recovered from embedded pyzip archives; this is '
'unsual and means that there is no way to guess the missing magic for source '
'file entries and it will likely not be possible to decompile them.')
elif len(magics) > 1:
xtpyi.logger.warning('more than one magic signature was recovered; this is unusual.')
magics = list(magics)
keys: Set[bytes] = set()
for entry in self.toc.values():
extracted = self.extract(
if entry.type not in (PiType.SOURCE, PiType.MODULE):
self.files[] = extracted
data = extracted.unpack()
name, _ = os.path.splitext(
del self.files[] = F'{name}.pyc'
self.files[] = extracted
is_crypto_key = name.endswith('crypto_key')
if len(magics) == 1 and data[:4] != magics[0]: = magics[0] + data
if is_crypto_key or self.decompile:
decompiled = make_decompiled_item(name, data, *magics)
if entry.type is PiType.SOURCE:
decompiled.type = PiType.USERCODE
self.files[] = decompiled
if is_crypto_key:
for key in decompiled.unpack() | carve('string', decode=True):
if len(key) != 0x10:
continue'found key: {key.decode(xtpyi.codec)}')
if unmarshal is Unmarshal.No:
if not keys:
key = None
key = next(iter(keys))
for name, pyz in pyz_entries.items():
pyz.unpack(unmarshal is Unmarshal.YesAndDecompile, key)
for unpacked in pyz.entries: = path = F'{name}/{}'
if path in self.files:
raise ValueError(F'duplicate file name: {path}')
self.files[path] = unpacked
def extract(self, name: str) -> PiMeta:
return self.files[name]
except KeyError:
entry = self.toc[name]
with StreamDetour(self.reader, self.offset + entry.offset):
data =
if entry.is_compressed:
def extracted(d=data): return zlib.decompress(d)
extracted = data
result = PiMeta(entry.type, name, extracted)
self.files[name] = result
return result
class xtpyi(ArchiveUnit):
Extracts and decompiles files from a Python Installer (aka PyInstaller) archive.
def __init__(
self, *paths, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False,
path=b'path', date=b'date',
decompile: Arg.Switch('-c', help='Attempt to decompile PYC files.') = False,
user_code: Arg.Switch('-u', group='FILTER', help=(
'Extract only source code files from the root of the archive. These usually implement '
'the actual domain logic. This implies the --decompile option.')) = False,
unmarshal: Arg('-y', action='count', group='FILTER', help=(
'(DANGEROUS) Unmarshal embedded PYZ archives. Warning: Maliciously crafted packages can '
'potentially exploit this to execute code. It is advised to only use this option inside '
'an isolated environment. Specify twice to decompile unmarshalled Python bytecode.'
)) = 0
@ArchiveUnit.Requires('xdis', 'arc', 'python', 'extended')
def _xdis():
import xdis.load
import xdis.magics
import xdis.marsh
import xdis.op_imports
import xdis.version_info
import xdis
A, B, C, *_ = sys.version_info
version = F'{A}.{B}.{C}'
canonic = F'{A}.{B}'
if version not in xdis.magics.canonic_python_version:
import importlib.util
magic = importlib.util.MAGIC_NUMBER
xdis.magics.add_magic_from_int(xdis.magics.magic2int(magic), version)
xdis.magics.by_magic.setdefault(magic, set()).add(version)
xdis.magics.by_version[version] = magic
xdis.magics.magics[canonic] = magic
xdis.magics.canonic_python_version[canonic] = canonic
xdis.magics.add_canonic_versions(version, canonic)
del A, B, C, version
import xdis.std
return xdis
@ArchiveUnit.Requires('uncompyle6', 'arc', 'python', 'extended')
def _uncompyle6():
import uncompyle6
import uncompyle6.main
return uncompyle6
@ArchiveUnit.Requires('decompyle3', 'arc', 'python')
def _decompyle3():
import decompyle3
import decompyle3.main
return decompyle3
def unpack(self, data):
view = memoryview(data)
positions = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(re.escape(PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue.MagicSignature), view)]
mode = Unmarshal(min(2, int(self.args.unmarshal)))
self.log_debug(F'unmarshal mode: {}')
if not positions:
raise LookupError('unable to find PyInstaller signature')
if len(positions) > 2:
# first position is expected to be the sentinel value in the unpacker stub
width = max(len(F'{p:X}') for p in positions)
for position in positions:
self.log_info(F'magic signature found at offset 0x{position:0{width}X}')
self.log_warn(F'found {len(positions) - 1} potential PyInstaller epilogue markers; using last one.')
decompile = self.args.decompile
uc_target = PiType.USERCODE if decompile else PiType.SOURCE
archive = PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue(view, positions[-1], mode, decompile)
for name, file in archive.files.items():
if self.args.user_code:
if file.type != uc_target:
if name.startswith('pyiboot'):
yield self._pack(name, None,,
def handles(cls, data: ByteStr) -> Optional[bool]:
return PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue.MagicSignature in data
def version2tuple(version)
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def version2tuple(version: str): return tuple(int(k, 10) for k in re.fullmatch(R'^(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(.*)$', version).group(1).split('.'))
def decompress_peek(buffer, size=512)
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def decompress_peek(buffer, size=512) -> Optional[bytes]: try: return zlib.decompressobj().decompress(buffer[:size]) except zlib.error: return None
def extract_code_from_buffer(buffer, file_name=None)
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def extract_code_from_buffer(buffer: ByteStr, file_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Generator[Code, None, None]: code_objects = {} file_name = file_name or '<unknown>' load = xtpyi._xdis.load.load_module_from_file_object with NoLogging(NoLogging.Mode.STD_ERR): version, timestamp, magic_int, codes, is_pypy, _, _ = load(MemoryFile(buffer), file_name, code_objects) if not isinstance(codes, list): codes = [codes] for code in codes: yield Code(version, timestamp, magic_int, code, is_pypy, code_objects)
def disassemble_code(code, version=None)
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def disassemble_code(code: CodeType, version=None) -> Iterable[Instruction]: dis = xtpyi._xdis opc = None if version is not None: if isinstance(version, float): version = str(version) if not isinstance(version, str): version = dis.version_info.version_tuple_to_str(version) with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): opc = dis.op_imports.op_imports[version] return dis.std.Bytecode(code, opc=opc)
def decompile_buffer(buffer, file_name=None)
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def decompile_buffer(buffer: Union[Code, ByteStr], file_name: Optional[str] = None) -> ByteStr: main: xtpyi = xtpyi errors = '' python = '' codes = [buffer] if not isinstance(buffer, Code): codes = list(extract_code_from_buffer(buffer, file_name)) def _engines(): nonlocal errors try: dc = main._decompyle3 except ImportError: errors += '# The decompiler decompyle3 is not installed.\n' else: yield 'decompyle3', dc try: dc = main._uncompyle6 except ImportError: errors += '# The decompiler decompyle3 is not installed.\n' else: yield 'uncompyle6', dc engines = dict(_engines()) if not engines: errors += '# (all missing, install one of the above to enable decompilation)' for code in codes: for name, engine in engines.items(): with io.StringIO(newline='') as output, NoLogging(NoLogging.Mode.ALL): try: engine.main.decompile( co=code.container, bytecode_version=code.version, out=output, timestamp=code.timestamp, code_objects=code.code_objects, is_pypy=code.is_pypi, magic_int=code.magic, ) except Exception as E: errors += '\n'.join(F'# {line}' for line in ( F'Error while decompiling with {name}:', *str(E).splitlines(True))) errors += '\n' else: python = output.getvalue() break if python: # removes leading comments python = python.splitlines(True) python.reverse() while python[-1].strip().startswith('#'): python.pop() python.reverse() python = ''.join(python) return python.encode(main.codec) if not isinstance(buffer, Code): embedded = bytes(buffer | carve('printable', single=True)) if len(buffer) - len(embedded) < 0x20: return embedded disassembly = MemoryFile() with io.TextIOWrapper(disassembly, main.codec, newline='\n') as output: output.write(errors) output.write('# Generating Disassembly:\n\n') for code in codes: instructions = list(disassemble_code(code.container, code.version)) width_offset = max(len(str(i.offset)) for i in instructions) for i in instructions: opname = normalize_word_separators(i.opname, '.').lower() offset = F'{i.offset:0{width_offset}d}' output.write(F'# {offset:>5} {opname:<25} {i.argrepr}\n') output.write('\n') return disassembly.getbuffer()
def make_decompiled_item(name, data, *magics)
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def make_decompiled_item(name: str, data: ByteStr, *magics) -> PiMeta: def extract(data=data, magics=magics): error = None if any(data[:4] == m[:4] for m in magics): return decompile_buffer(data, name) for magic in magics: try: return decompile_buffer(magic + data, name) except Exception as exception: error = exception return '\n'.join(F'# {line}' for line in str(error).splitlines(True)).encode(xtpyi.codec) return PiMeta(PiType.DECOMPILED, F'{name}.py', extract)
class Unmarshal (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class Unmarshal(enum.IntEnum): No = 0 Yes = 1 YesAndDecompile = 2
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var No
var Yes
var YesAndDecompile
class Code (version, timestamp, magic, container, is_pypi, code_objects)
Code(version, timestamp, magic, container, is_pypi, code_objects)
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class Code(NamedTuple): version: Tuple[int] timestamp: int magic: int container: CodeType is_pypi: bool code_objects: dict
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var version
Alias for field number 0
var timestamp
Alias for field number 1
var magic
Alias for field number 2
var container
Alias for field number 3
var is_pypi
Alias for field number 4
var code_objects
Alias for field number 5
class PiType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class PiType(bytes, enum.Enum): BINARY = B'b' # noqa / binary DEPENDENCY = B'd' # noqa / runtime option PYZ = B'z' # noqa / zlib (pyz) - frozen Python code PACKAGE = B'M' # noqa / Python package ( MODULE = B'm' # noqa / Python module SOURCE = B's' # noqa / Python script (v3) DATA = B'x' # noqa / data RUNTIME_OPTION = B'o' # noqa / runtime option SPLASH = B'l' # noqa / splash resources UNKNOWN = B'uk' # noqa DECOMPILED = B'dc' # noqa USERCODE = B'uc' # noqa ENCRYPTED = B'ec' # noqa
- builtins.bytes
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var PYZ
var DATA
class PzType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class PzType(enum.IntEnum): MODULE = 0 PKG = 1 DATA = 2
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var PKG
var DATA
class PiMeta (type, name, data)
PiMeta(type: 'PiType', name: 'str', data: 'Union[Callable[[], ByteStr], ByteStr]')
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class PiMeta: type: PiType name: str data: Union[Callable[[], ByteStr], ByteStr] def unpack(self) -> ByteStr: if callable( = return
Class variables
var type
var name
var data
def unpack(self)
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def unpack(self) -> ByteStr: if callable( = return
class PYZ (reader, version)
A class to parse structured data. A
class can be instantiated as follows:foo = Struct(data, bar=29)
The initialization routine of the structure will be called with a single argument
. If the objectdata
is already aStructReader
, then it will be passed asreader
. Otherwise, the argument will be wrapped in aStructReader
. Additional arguments to the struct are passed through.Expand source code Browse git
class PYZ(Struct): MagicSignature = B'PYZ\0' def __init__(self, reader: StructReader, version: str): reader.bigendian = True self.base = reader.tell() signature = if signature != self.MagicSignature: raise ValueError('invalid magic') magic = bytes( with contextlib.suppress(KeyError, AttributeError): xdis = xtpyi._xdis if isinstance(xdis, property): xdis = xdis.fget() version = xdis.magics.versions[magic] vtuple = version2tuple(version) padding_size = 4 if vtuple >= (3, 3): padding_size += 4 if vtuple >= (3, 7): padding_size += 4 self.version = version self.magic = magic + padding_size * b'\0' self.toc_offset = reader.i32() self.reader = reader self.entries: List[PiMeta] = [] def unpack(self, decompile: bool, key: Optional[bytes] = None) -> bool: with StreamDetour(self.reader, self.base + self.toc_offset): toc_data = try: toc = marshal.loads(toc_data) except Exception as error: if MAGIC_NUMBER != self.magic[:4]: xdis = xtpyi._xdis if isinstance(xdis, property): xdis = xdis.fget() _ord = xdis.marsh.Ord xdis.marsh.Ord = ord # monkey-patch workaround for bug in xdis try: toc = xdis.marsh.load( MemoryFile(, self.version) except Exception: pass else: error = None finally: xdis.marsh.Ord = _ord if error is not None: raise error if isinstance(toc, list): try: toc = dict(toc) except Exception as error: self.entries = [] self.error = error return failures = 0 attempts = len(toc) for name, (pzt, offset, length) in toc.items(): try: name: str name = name.decode('utf-8') except AttributeError: pass try: pzt = PzType(pzt) except Exception: pzt = PzType.DATA name = name.replace('.', '/') if pzt is PzType.PKG: name = F'{name}/__init__' with StreamDetour(self.reader, self.base + offset): data = if key: def decompressed(data=data): cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, bytes(data[:0x10])) return zlib.decompress(cipher.decrypt(data[0x10:])) elif decompress_peek(data): def decompressed(data=data): return zlib.decompress(data) else: failures += 1 continue if decompile and pzt in (PzType.MODULE, PzType.PKG): def decompiled(data=data, name=name, magic=self.magic): data = decompressed(data) if data[:4] != magic[:4]: data = magic + data return decompile_buffer(data, name) self.entries.append(PiMeta(PiType.DECOMPILED, F'{name}.py', decompiled)) name = F'{name}.pyc' type = PiType.SOURCE else: type = PiType.DATA self.entries.append(PiMeta(type, name, decompressed)) if key: if failures >= 6: xtpyi.logger.warning(F'pyz decompression failed for {failures - 5} additional items') return True elif failures > 0.7 * attempts: self.entries.clear() return False else: return True
Class variables
var MagicSignature
def unpack(self, decompile, key=None)
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def unpack(self, decompile: bool, key: Optional[bytes] = None) -> bool: with StreamDetour(self.reader, self.base + self.toc_offset): toc_data = try: toc = marshal.loads(toc_data) except Exception as error: if MAGIC_NUMBER != self.magic[:4]: xdis = xtpyi._xdis if isinstance(xdis, property): xdis = xdis.fget() _ord = xdis.marsh.Ord xdis.marsh.Ord = ord # monkey-patch workaround for bug in xdis try: toc = xdis.marsh.load( MemoryFile(, self.version) except Exception: pass else: error = None finally: xdis.marsh.Ord = _ord if error is not None: raise error if isinstance(toc, list): try: toc = dict(toc) except Exception as error: self.entries = [] self.error = error return failures = 0 attempts = len(toc) for name, (pzt, offset, length) in toc.items(): try: name: str name = name.decode('utf-8') except AttributeError: pass try: pzt = PzType(pzt) except Exception: pzt = PzType.DATA name = name.replace('.', '/') if pzt is PzType.PKG: name = F'{name}/__init__' with StreamDetour(self.reader, self.base + offset): data = if key: def decompressed(data=data): cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, bytes(data[:0x10])) return zlib.decompress(cipher.decrypt(data[0x10:])) elif decompress_peek(data): def decompressed(data=data): return zlib.decompress(data) else: failures += 1 continue if decompile and pzt in (PzType.MODULE, PzType.PKG): def decompiled(data=data, name=name, magic=self.magic): data = decompressed(data) if data[:4] != magic[:4]: data = magic + data return decompile_buffer(data, name) self.entries.append(PiMeta(PiType.DECOMPILED, F'{name}.py', decompiled)) name = F'{name}.pyc' type = PiType.SOURCE else: type = PiType.DATA self.entries.append(PiMeta(type, name, decompressed)) if key: if failures >= 6: xtpyi.logger.warning(F'pyz decompression failed for {failures - 5} additional items') return True elif failures > 0.7 * attempts: self.entries.clear() return False else: return True
class PiTOCEntry (reader)
A class to parse structured data. A
class can be instantiated as follows:foo = Struct(data, bar=29)
The initialization routine of the structure will be called with a single argument
. If the objectdata
is already aStructReader
, then it will be passed asreader
. Otherwise, the argument will be wrapped in aStructReader
. Additional arguments to the struct are passed through.Expand source code Browse git
class PiTOCEntry(Struct): def __init__(self, reader: StructReader): reader.bigendian = True entry_start_offset = reader.tell() self.size_of_entry = reader.i32() self.offset = reader.i32() self.size_of_compressed_data = reader.i32() self.size_od_uncompressed_data = reader.i32() self.is_compressed = bool(reader.read_byte()) entry_type = bytes( name_length = self.size_of_entry - reader.tell() + entry_start_offset if name_length > 0x1000: raise RuntimeError(F'Refusing to process TOC entry with name of size {name_length}.') name, *_ = bytes('\0') try: name = name.decode('utf8', 'backslashreplace') except Exception: name = None if not all(part.isprintable() for part in re.split('\\s*', name)): raise RuntimeError('Refusing to process TOC entry with non-printable name.') name = name or str(uuid.uuid4()) if entry_type == B'Z': entry_type = B'z' try: self.type = PiType(entry_type) except ValueError: xtpyi.log_warn(F'unknown type {entry_type!r} in field {name}') self.type = PiType.UNKNOWN = name def __hash__(self): return hash(
class PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue (reader, offset, unmarshal=Unmarshal.No, decompile=False)
A class to parse structured data. A
class can be instantiated as follows:foo = Struct(data, bar=29)
The initialization routine of the structure will be called with a single argument
. If the objectdata
is already aStructReader
, then it will be passed asreader
. Otherwise, the argument will be wrapped in aStructReader
. Additional arguments to the struct are passed through.Expand source code Browse git
class PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue(Struct): MagicSignature = bytes.fromhex('4D45490C0B0A0B0E') def _read_libname(self, reader: StructReader) -> Optional[str]: position = reader.tell() try: libname, t, rest = reader.read_bytes(64).partition(B'\0') except EOFError: reader.seekset(position) return None try: libname = libname.decode('utf8') except Exception: reader.seekset(position) return None if not t or any(rest) or len(rest) < 10 or not re.fullmatch(R'[\s!-~]+', libname): reader.seekset(position) return None return libname def __init__(self, reader: StructReader, offset: int, unmarshal: Unmarshal = Unmarshal.No, decompile: bool = False): self.decompile = decompile reader.bigendian = True reader.seekset(offset) self.reader = reader signature = reader.read_bytes(8) if signature != self.MagicSignature: raise ValueError( F'offset 0x{offset:X} has invalid signature {signature.hex().upper()}; ' F'should be {self.MagicSignature.hex().upper()}') self.size = reader.i32() toc_offset = reader.i32() toc_length = reader.i32() self.py_version = '.'.join(str(reader.u32())) self.py_libname = self._read_libname(reader) self.offset = reader.tell() - self.size self.toc: Dict[str, PiTOCEntry] = {} toc_end = self.offset + toc_offset + toc_length reader.seekset(self.offset + toc_offset) while reader.tell() < toc_end: try: entry = PiTOCEntry(reader) except EOFError: xtpyi.logger.warning('end of file while reading TOC') break except Exception as error: xtpyi.logger.warning(F'unexpected error while reading TOC: {error!s}') break if in self.toc: raise KeyError(F'duplicate name {}') self.toc[] = entry self.files: Dict[str, PiMeta] = {} no_pyz_found = True pyz_entries: Dict[str, PYZ] = {} for entry in list(self.toc.values()): if entry.type is not PiType.PYZ: continue no_pyz_found = False name, xt = os.path.splitext( name_pyz = F'{name}.pyz' if name == del self.toc[name] self.toc[name_pyz] = entry = name_pyz reader.seekset(self.offset + entry.offset) if entry.is_compressed: data = self.extract( else: data = reader pyz_entries[name] = PYZ(data, self.py_version) magics = {pyz.magic for pyz in pyz_entries.values()} if not magics: if not no_pyz_found: xtpyi.logger.warning( 'no magic signature could be recovered from embedded pyzip archives; this is ' 'unsual and means that there is no way to guess the missing magic for source ' 'file entries and it will likely not be possible to decompile them.') return elif len(magics) > 1: xtpyi.logger.warning('more than one magic signature was recovered; this is unusual.') magics = list(magics) keys: Set[bytes] = set() for entry in self.toc.values(): extracted = self.extract( if entry.type not in (PiType.SOURCE, PiType.MODULE): self.files[] = extracted continue data = extracted.unpack() name, _ = os.path.splitext( del self.files[] = F'{name}.pyc' self.files[] = extracted is_crypto_key = name.endswith('crypto_key') if len(magics) == 1 and data[:4] != magics[0]: = magics[0] + data if is_crypto_key or self.decompile: decompiled = make_decompiled_item(name, data, *magics) if entry.type is PiType.SOURCE: decompiled.type = PiType.USERCODE self.files[] = decompiled if is_crypto_key: for key in decompiled.unpack() | carve('string', decode=True): if len(key) != 0x10: continue'found key: {key.decode(xtpyi.codec)}') keys.add(key) if unmarshal is Unmarshal.No: return if not keys: key = None else: key = next(iter(keys)) for name, pyz in pyz_entries.items(): pyz.unpack(unmarshal is Unmarshal.YesAndDecompile, key) for unpacked in pyz.entries: = path = F'{name}/{}' if path in self.files: raise ValueError(F'duplicate file name: {path}') self.files[path] = unpacked def extract(self, name: str) -> PiMeta: try: return self.files[name] except KeyError: pass entry = self.toc[name] with StreamDetour(self.reader, self.offset + entry.offset): data = if entry.is_compressed: def extracted(d=data): return zlib.decompress(d) else: extracted = data result = PiMeta(entry.type, name, extracted) self.files[name] = result return result
Class variables
var MagicSignature
def extract(self, name)
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def extract(self, name: str) -> PiMeta: try: return self.files[name] except KeyError: pass entry = self.toc[name] with StreamDetour(self.reader, self.offset + entry.offset): data = if entry.is_compressed: def extracted(d=data): return zlib.decompress(d) else: extracted = data result = PiMeta(entry.type, name, extracted) self.files[name] = result return result
class xtpyi (*paths, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path', date=b'date', decompile=False, user_code=False, unmarshal=0)
Extracts and decompiles files from a Python Installer (aka PyInstaller) archive.
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class xtpyi(ArchiveUnit): """ Extracts and decompiles files from a Python Installer (aka PyInstaller) archive. """ def __init__( self, *paths, list=False, join_path=False, drop_path=False, fuzzy=0, exact=False, regex=False, path=b'path', date=b'date', decompile: Arg.Switch('-c', help='Attempt to decompile PYC files.') = False, user_code: Arg.Switch('-u', group='FILTER', help=( 'Extract only source code files from the root of the archive. These usually implement ' 'the actual domain logic. This implies the --decompile option.')) = False, unmarshal: Arg('-y', action='count', group='FILTER', help=( '(DANGEROUS) Unmarshal embedded PYZ archives. Warning: Maliciously crafted packages can ' 'potentially exploit this to execute code. It is advised to only use this option inside ' 'an isolated environment. Specify twice to decompile unmarshalled Python bytecode.' )) = 0 ): super().__init__( *paths, list=list, join_path=join_path, drop_path=drop_path, fuzzy=fuzzy, exact=exact, regex=regex, path=path, date=date, decompile=decompile, unmarshal=unmarshal, user_code=user_code, ) @ArchiveUnit.Requires('xdis', 'arc', 'python', 'extended') def _xdis(): import xdis.load import xdis.magics import xdis.marsh import xdis.op_imports import xdis.version_info import xdis A, B, C, *_ = sys.version_info version = F'{A}.{B}.{C}' canonic = F'{A}.{B}' if version not in xdis.magics.canonic_python_version: import importlib.util magic = importlib.util.MAGIC_NUMBER xdis.magics.add_magic_from_int(xdis.magics.magic2int(magic), version) xdis.magics.by_magic.setdefault(magic, set()).add(version) xdis.magics.by_version[version] = magic xdis.magics.magics[canonic] = magic xdis.magics.canonic_python_version[canonic] = canonic xdis.magics.add_canonic_versions(version, canonic) xdis.op_imports.op_imports.setdefault(canonic, next(iter(reversed(xdis.op_imports.op_imports.values())))) del A, B, C, version import xdis.std return xdis @ArchiveUnit.Requires('uncompyle6', 'arc', 'python', 'extended') def _uncompyle6(): import uncompyle6 import uncompyle6.main return uncompyle6 @ArchiveUnit.Requires('decompyle3', 'arc', 'python') def _decompyle3(): import decompyle3 import decompyle3.main return decompyle3 def unpack(self, data): view = memoryview(data) positions = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(re.escape(PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue.MagicSignature), view)] mode = Unmarshal(min(2, int(self.args.unmarshal))) self.log_debug(F'unmarshal mode: {}') if not positions: raise LookupError('unable to find PyInstaller signature') if len(positions) > 2: # first position is expected to be the sentinel value in the unpacker stub width = max(len(F'{p:X}') for p in positions) for position in positions: self.log_info(F'magic signature found at offset 0x{position:0{width}X}') self.log_warn(F'found {len(positions) - 1} potential PyInstaller epilogue markers; using last one.') decompile = self.args.decompile uc_target = PiType.USERCODE if decompile else PiType.SOURCE archive = PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue(view, positions[-1], mode, decompile) for name, file in archive.files.items(): if self.args.user_code: if file.type != uc_target: continue if name.startswith('pyiboot'): continue yield self._pack(name, None,, @classmethod def handles(cls, data: ByteStr) -> Optional[bool]: return PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue.MagicSignature in data
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
def unpack(self, data)
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def unpack(self, data): view = memoryview(data) positions = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(re.escape(PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue.MagicSignature), view)] mode = Unmarshal(min(2, int(self.args.unmarshal))) self.log_debug(F'unmarshal mode: {}') if not positions: raise LookupError('unable to find PyInstaller signature') if len(positions) > 2: # first position is expected to be the sentinel value in the unpacker stub width = max(len(F'{p:X}') for p in positions) for position in positions: self.log_info(F'magic signature found at offset 0x{position:0{width}X}') self.log_warn(F'found {len(positions) - 1} potential PyInstaller epilogue markers; using last one.') decompile = self.args.decompile uc_target = PiType.USERCODE if decompile else PiType.SOURCE archive = PyInstallerArchiveEpilogue(view, positions[-1], mode, decompile) for name, file in archive.files.items(): if self.args.user_code: if file.type != uc_target: continue if name.startswith('pyiboot'): continue yield self._pack(name, None,,
Inherited members