Module refinery.units.obfuscation.ps1.brackets

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re

from refinery.lib.patterns import formats
from refinery.units.obfuscation import Deobfuscator
from refinery.units.obfuscation.ps1 import Ps1StringLiterals

class deob_ps1_brackets(Deobfuscator):
    PowerShell deobfuscation that removes superfluous brackets around constant
    literals, i.e. `("{0}{2}{1}")` is transformed to `"{0}{2}{1}"`. Currently,
    only integer and string constants are supported.
    _SENTINEL = re.compile(
        RF'''(?<![\w"']{{2}})'''  # this may be a function call
        RF'''(\-\w+)?'''  # not a function call but an argument

    def deobfuscate(self, data):
        strlit = Ps1StringLiterals(data)
        repeat = True

        def replacement(match):
            nonlocal repeat
            if match[3] == ')':
                repeat = True
                return (match[1] or '') + match[2]

        while repeat:
            repeat = False
            data = self._SENTINEL.sub(replacement, data)

        return data


class deob_ps1_brackets

PowerShell deobfuscation that removes superfluous brackets around constant literals, i.e. ("{0}{2}{1}") is transformed to "{0}{2}{1}". Currently, only integer and string constants are supported.

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class deob_ps1_brackets(Deobfuscator):
    PowerShell deobfuscation that removes superfluous brackets around constant
    literals, i.e. `("{0}{2}{1}")` is transformed to `"{0}{2}{1}"`. Currently,
    only integer and string constants are supported.
    _SENTINEL = re.compile(
        RF'''(?<![\w"']{{2}})'''  # this may be a function call
        RF'''(\-\w+)?'''  # not a function call but an argument

    def deobfuscate(self, data):
        strlit = Ps1StringLiterals(data)
        repeat = True

        def replacement(match):
            nonlocal repeat
            if match[3] == ')':
                repeat = True
                return (match[1] or '') + match[2]

        while repeat:
            repeat = False
            data = self._SENTINEL.sub(replacement, data)

        return data


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies


def deobfuscate(self, data)
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def deobfuscate(self, data):
    strlit = Ps1StringLiterals(data)
    repeat = True

    def replacement(match):
        nonlocal repeat
        if match[3] == ')':
            repeat = True
            return (match[1] or '') + match[2]

    while repeat:
        repeat = False
        data = self._SENTINEL.sub(replacement, data)

    return data

Inherited members