Module refinery.units.misc.xkey
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional
from itertools import product
from collections import Counter
from Cryptodome.Util.strxor import strxor
import enum
from refinery.units import Unit, Arg
def _generate_cribs(cribs: bytes | tuple[bytes | tuple[bytes, ...], ...]):
if isinstance(cribs, bytes):
yield cribs
for p in product(*[[c] if isinstance(c, bytes) else c for c in cribs]):
yield B''.join(p)
def _cyclic_base(data: bytes, min_repeat: int = 2):
if len(data) < min_repeat:
return None
repeat = 0
length = 1
n = len(data)
for k in range(1, n):
if data[k] == data[repeat]:
repeat = (repeat + 1) % length
m = k + 1
if m * min_repeat > n:
return None
repeat = 0
length = m
return data[:length]
def _S(options: bytes):
return tuple(bytes((b,)) for b in options)
class xkey(Unit):
The unit expects encrypted input which was encrypted byte-wise with a polyalphabetic key. For
both bit-wise and byte-wise addition, it can attempt do determine this key by three methods:
1. Known plaintext cribs: The unit contains a library of file signatures that are expected to
occur at specific offsets. It uses these to attempt a known-plaintext attack against the
input. If a key is found that is at most half the size of such a crib, it is returned.
2. Known alphabets: For each given key length, the input is split into slices that would have
been encrypted with a single byte for keys of that length. Each such slice undergoes a
character frequency analysis. If the histogram indicates that an alphabet of a small size
was used (i.e. base64), then the unit attempts to determine the key based on this.
3. Known high frequency glyph: Works if the plaintext contains one letter that occurs with
very high frequency, i.e. zero padding in PE or ELF files, and the space character in text.
Based on this assumption, the unit computes the most likely key. This method will work best
on uncompressed files that were encrypted with a short key.
When no option is set, the unit uses all the above methods by default. When at least one of
the methods is selected, it will attempt only selected methods. When a custom plaintext is given,
the other methods are disabled by default.
_CRIBS: dict[range, dict[str, bytes | tuple[bytes | tuple[bytes, ...], ...]]] = {
range(0, 64, 4): {
'ZIP' : (B'PK\x03\x04', (B'\x14\x00', B'\x0A\x00'), (B'\x08\x00', B'\x00\x00')),
'RAR' : (B'Rar!\x1A\x07', (B'\x01\x00', B'\x00')),
'ZPAQ' : (B'\x37\x6B\x53\x74\xA0\x31\x83\xD3\x8C\xB2\x28\xB0\xD3\x7A\x50\x51'),
'ZSTD' : (B'\x28\xB5\x2F\xFD'),
'ZZip' : (B'7z\xBC\xAF\x27\x1C', (B'\x00\x02', B'\x00\x03', B'\x00\x04')),
'APLib' : (B'AP32\x18\0\0\0'),
'BZip' : (B'BZh'),
'DDS' : (B'\x00\x00\x00\x01Bud1'),
'ELF' : (B'\x7FELF'),
'JavaClass' : (B'\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE'),
'LZIP' : (B'LZIP'),
'SZDD' : (B'SZDD\x88\xF0\x27\x33'),
'LZMA' : (B'\x5D\x00\x00\x00'),
'LZMA/XZ' : (B'\xFD7zXZ'),
'LZO' : (B'\x89\x4c\x5a\x4f\x00\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a'),
'MachO/BE' : (B'\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE'),
'MachO/LE' : (B'\xBE\xBA\xFE\xCA'),
'MSCF' : (B'\x0A\x51\xE5\xC0'),
'OleDocument' : (B'\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0', (B'', B'\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1'), (B'', B'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0')),
'PdfDocument' : (B'%PDF-', _S(B'12'), (B'.'), _S(B'0123456789'), _S(B'\r\n')),
'SQLite' : (B'SQLite format 3\0'),
'GIF' : (B'GIF87a', B'GIF89a'),
'PNG' : (B'\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n'),
'DEX' : (B'dex\n035\0'),
'JPG' : (B'\xFF\xD8\xFF', _S(B'\xE0\xE1\xEE'), (B'\x00\x10\x4A\x46\x49\x46\x00\x01', B'')),
'OneNote' : (B'\xE4\x52\x5C\x7B\x8C\xD8\xA7\x4D\xAE\xB1\x53\x78\xD0\x29\x96\xD3'),
'A3xScript' : (B'\xA3\x48\x4B\xBE\x98\x6C\x4A\xA9\x99\x4C\x53\x0A\x86\xD6\x48\x7D'),
'RTFDocument' : (B'{\\rtf1', (B'\\adeflang', B'\\ansi', B'')),
'CallToPop' : (B'\xE8\0\0\0\0', (
B'\x41\x58', B'\x41\x59', B'\x41\x5A', B'\x41\x5B',
B'\x58', B'\x59', B'\x5A', B'\x5B', # noqa
B'\x5C', B'\x5D', B'\x5E', B'\x5F', # noqa
'Cert' : (B'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'),
'PrivateKey' : (B'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----'),
'PrivateKeyDSA' : (B'-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----'),
'PrivateKeyRSA' : (B'-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'),
'PrivateKeySSH' : (B'-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----'),
'PEM' : (B'-----BEGIN '),
'PuTTY-Key' : (B'PuTTY-User-Key-File-', (B'2:', B'3:')),
'MsAccess' : (B'\0\01\0\0Standard ', (B'ACE', B'Jet'), B' DB'),
range(0x10, 0x11): {
'ASAR' : (B'{"files":{"'),
range(0x10): {
'DocTypeLower' : (B'<!doctype\x20'),
'DocTypeUpper' : (B'<!DOCTYPE\x20'),
'HTMLLower' : (B'<html>'),
'HTMLUpper' : (B'<HTML>'),
'XML' : (B'<?xml version="'),
'Ace' : (B'**ACE**'),
range(0x3C, 0x41): {
'PEStub': (
B'This program cannot be run in DOS mode.\r'
range(0x48, 0x60): {
'PEStubMsg' : B'This program cannot be run in DOS mode.\r',
'PEDelphiStub' : (B'This program must be run under Win', (B'32', B'64')),
range(0xD0, 0xD1): {
'Tar' : (B'\x00' * 0x30 + B'ustar', (B'\x20\x20\x00', B'\x00\x30\x30')),
# range(0x300): {
# 'EmailReceived' : (B'\nReceived:\x20from\x20'),
# },
_WSH_ALPHABET = bytes(set(range(0x20, 0x80)) - {0x3C, 0x3E} | {0x09})
class _rt(enum.IntEnum):
crib = 0
alph = 1
freq = 2
class _result(NamedTuple):
key: memoryview
how: xkey._rt
xor: Optional[bool] = None
def __init__(
range: Arg.Bounds(help='range of length values to try in Python slice syntax, the default is {default}.') = slice(1, 32),
plaintext: Arg.Binary('-p', help='Provide a buffer of known plaintext.') = None,
searchpos: Arg.Bounds('-s', metavar='S:E', help=(
'Only used when a known plaintext buffer is provided; In this case it narrows the search range '
'for the offset of that data to between S and E.')) = slice(0, None),
alph: Arg.Switch('-a', help='enable search for keys via known encoder alphabets') = False,
crib: Arg.Switch('-c', help='enable search for keys via known plaintext cribs') = False,
freq: Arg.Switch('-f', help='enable search for keys via frequency analysis') = False,
if not any((alph, crib, freq)) and plaintext is None:
alph = crib = freq = True
def process(self, data: bytearray):
for result in self._attack(data):
out = result.key
if how :=
out = self.labelled(out, method=how)
return out
def _attack(self, data: bytearray):
bounds: slice = self.args.range
view = memoryview(data)
length = len(view)
if length <= 1:
if length >= 0x100:
view = view[:-4]
start = bounds.start or 1
stop = min(bounds.stop or length, length)
if (step := bounds.step) is None:
step = 1
elif bounds.start is None:
start *= step
F'received input range [{bounds.start}:{bounds.stop}:{bounds.step}], '
F'using [{start}:{stop}:{step}]')
criblist: list[tuple[range, dict[str, bytes | tuple[bytes | tuple[bytes, ...], ...]]]] = []
if p := self.args.plaintext:
pos: slice = self.args.searchpos
end = len(data) - len(p) if pos.stop is None else pos.stop
criblist.append((range(pos.start or 0, end + 1), {'Plaintext': [p]}))
if self.args.crib:
for r, byname in self._CRIBS.items():
compiled = {
name: list(_generate_cribs(cribs))
for name, cribs in byname.items()
criblist.append((r, compiled))
if self.args.alph:
alphabets: dict[int, list[bytes]] = {}
for alphabet in self._ENC_ALPHABETS:
for suffix in (B'', B'\x20', B'\x0A', B'\x20\x0A'):
a = alphabet + suffix
alphabets.setdefault(len(a), []).append(a)
alphabets[len(self._WSH_ALPHABET)] = self._WSH_ALPHABET
alphabets = None
for xor in (True, False):
if key := self._process_crib(view, xor, criblist):
yield self._result(key, self._rt.crib, xor)
hist = {}
keys = set()
for xor in (True, False):
result = self._process_freq(view, (start, stop, step), alphabets, xor, hist)
if result is None:
key, via_alphabet = result
if key is None:
if via_alphabet:
yield self._result(key, self._rt.alph, xor)
if keys:
yield self._result(next(iter(keys)), self._rt.freq)
def _process_crib(
view: memoryview,
xor: bool,
criblist: list[tuple[range, dict[str, list[bytes]]]]
for offsets, cribs_by_type in criblist:
for name, cribs in cribs_by_type.items():
for crib in cribs:
cn = len(crib)
for offset in offsets:
test = view[offset:offset + cn]
if len(test) != cn:
key = strxor(test, crib) if xor else bytes(
a - b & 0xFF for a, b in zip(test, crib))
if key := _cyclic_base(key):
self.log_info(F'found key via crib {name}:', crib, clip=True)
shift = -offset % len(key)
return key[shift:] + key[:shift]
def _process_freq(
view: memoryview,
bounds: tuple[int, int, int],
alphabets: dict[int, list[bytes]] | None,
xor: bool,
hist: dict[int, tuple[list[bytes], list[Counter]]],
n = len(view)
start, stop, step = bounds
score = 0
guess = None
first = not hist
for keylen in range(start, stop + 1, step):
cached = hist[keylen]
except KeyError:
patches = [view[j::keylen] for j in range(keylen)]
histograms = [Counter(p) for p in patches]
hist[keylen] = patches, histograms
patches, histograms = cached
if alphabets is not None:
hlc = Counter(len(h) for h in histograms)
base, coverage = hlc.most_common(1)[0]
if coverage * 2 > keylen and base in alphabets:
self.log_debug(F'solving for potential plaintext alphabet of size 0x{base:02X} at {keylen}')
keys: dict[bytes, bytes] = {}
for alphabet in alphabets[base]:
key = bytearray(keylen)
for k, patch in enumerate(patches):
keybyte = set(range(0x100))
for c in patch:
keybyte &= (
{c ^ p & 0xFF for p in alphabet}
) if xor else (
{c - p & 0xFF for p in alphabet}
if len(keybyte) == 1:
key[k] = next(iter(keybyte))
key = None
if key is not None:
keys[alphabet] = key
if len(keys) == 1:
self.log_debug(F'discovered plaintext alphabet of size 0x{base:02X} at {keylen}')
alphabet, key = keys.popitem()
return bytes(key), True
if not first or not self.args.freq:
_guess = [h.most_common(1)[0] for h in histograms]
_score = sum(letter_count for _, letter_count in _guess) / n
# This scaling accounts for the smaller probability of larger keys. No proper statistical analysis has been
# conducted to derive it; there might be plenty of room for improvement here.
_score = _score * ((n - keylen) / (n - 1)) ** keylen
logmsg = F'got score {_score * 100:05.2f}% for length {keylen}'
if _score > score:
score = _score
guess = bytes(value for value, _ in _guess)
return guess, False
class xkey (range=slice(1, 32, None), plaintext=None, searchpos=slice(0, None, None), alph=False, crib=False, freq=False)
The unit expects encrypted input which was encrypted byte-wise with a polyalphabetic key. For both bit-wise and byte-wise addition, it can attempt do determine this key by three methods:
- Known plaintext cribs: The unit contains a library of file signatures that are expected to occur at specific offsets. It uses these to attempt a known-plaintext attack against the input. If a key is found that is at most half the size of such a crib, it is returned.
- Known alphabets: For each given key length, the input is split into slices that would have been encrypted with a single byte for keys of that length. Each such slice undergoes a character frequency analysis. If the histogram indicates that an alphabet of a small size was used (i.e. base64), then the unit attempts to determine the key based on this.
- Known high frequency glyph: Works if the plaintext contains one letter that occurs with very high frequency, i.e. zero padding in PE or ELF files, and the space character in text. Based on this assumption, the unit computes the most likely key. This method will work best on uncompressed files that were encrypted with a short key.
When no option is set, the unit uses all the above methods by default. When at least one of the methods is selected, it will attempt only selected methods. When a custom plaintext is given, the other methods are disabled by default.
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class xkey(Unit): """ The unit expects encrypted input which was encrypted byte-wise with a polyalphabetic key. For both bit-wise and byte-wise addition, it can attempt do determine this key by three methods: 1. Known plaintext cribs: The unit contains a library of file signatures that are expected to occur at specific offsets. It uses these to attempt a known-plaintext attack against the input. If a key is found that is at most half the size of such a crib, it is returned. 2. Known alphabets: For each given key length, the input is split into slices that would have been encrypted with a single byte for keys of that length. Each such slice undergoes a character frequency analysis. If the histogram indicates that an alphabet of a small size was used (i.e. base64), then the unit attempts to determine the key based on this. 3. Known high frequency glyph: Works if the plaintext contains one letter that occurs with very high frequency, i.e. zero padding in PE or ELF files, and the space character in text. Based on this assumption, the unit computes the most likely key. This method will work best on uncompressed files that were encrypted with a short key. When no option is set, the unit uses all the above methods by default. When at least one of the methods is selected, it will attempt only selected methods. When a custom plaintext is given, the other methods are disabled by default. """ _CRIBS: dict[range, dict[str, bytes | tuple[bytes | tuple[bytes, ...], ...]]] = { range(0, 64, 4): { 'ZIP' : (B'PK\x03\x04', (B'\x14\x00', B'\x0A\x00'), (B'\x08\x00', B'\x00\x00')), 'RAR' : (B'Rar!\x1A\x07', (B'\x01\x00', B'\x00')), 'ZPAQ' : (B'\x37\x6B\x53\x74\xA0\x31\x83\xD3\x8C\xB2\x28\xB0\xD3\x7A\x50\x51'), 'ZSTD' : (B'\x28\xB5\x2F\xFD'), 'ZZip' : (B'7z\xBC\xAF\x27\x1C', (B'\x00\x02', B'\x00\x03', B'\x00\x04')), 'APLib' : (B'AP32\x18\0\0\0'), 'BZip' : (B'BZh'), 'DDS' : (B'\x00\x00\x00\x01Bud1'), 'ELF' : (B'\x7FELF'), 'JavaClass' : (B'\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE'), 'LZIP' : (B'LZIP'), 'SZDD' : (B'SZDD\x88\xF0\x27\x33'), 'LZMA' : (B'\x5D\x00\x00\x00'), 'LZMA/XZ' : (B'\xFD7zXZ'), 'LZO' : (B'\x89\x4c\x5a\x4f\x00\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a'), 'MachO/BE' : (B'\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE'), 'MachO/LE' : (B'\xBE\xBA\xFE\xCA'), 'MSCF' : (B'\x0A\x51\xE5\xC0'), 'OleDocument' : (B'\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0', (B'', B'\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1'), (B'', B'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0')), 'PdfDocument' : (B'%PDF-', _S(B'12'), (B'.'), _S(B'0123456789'), _S(B'\r\n')), 'SQLite' : (B'SQLite format 3\0'), 'GIF' : (B'GIF87a', B'GIF89a'), 'PNG' : (B'\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n'), 'DEX' : (B'dex\n035\0'), 'JPG' : (B'\xFF\xD8\xFF', _S(B'\xE0\xE1\xEE'), (B'\x00\x10\x4A\x46\x49\x46\x00\x01', B'')), 'OneNote' : (B'\xE4\x52\x5C\x7B\x8C\xD8\xA7\x4D\xAE\xB1\x53\x78\xD0\x29\x96\xD3'), 'A3xScript' : (B'\xA3\x48\x4B\xBE\x98\x6C\x4A\xA9\x99\x4C\x53\x0A\x86\xD6\x48\x7D'), 'RTFDocument' : (B'{\\rtf1', (B'\\adeflang', B'\\ansi', B'')), 'CallToPop' : (B'\xE8\0\0\0\0', ( B'\x41\x58', B'\x41\x59', B'\x41\x5A', B'\x41\x5B', B'\x58', B'\x59', B'\x5A', B'\x5B', # noqa B'\x5C', B'\x5D', B'\x5E', B'\x5F', # noqa )), 'Cert' : (B'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'), 'PrivateKey' : (B'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----'), 'PrivateKeyDSA' : (B'-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----'), 'PrivateKeyRSA' : (B'-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'), 'PrivateKeySSH' : (B'-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----'), 'PEM' : (B'-----BEGIN '), 'PuTTY-Key' : (B'PuTTY-User-Key-File-', (B'2:', B'3:')), 'MsAccess' : (B'\0\01\0\0Standard ', (B'ACE', B'Jet'), B' DB'), }, range(0x10, 0x11): { 'ASAR' : (B'{"files":{"'), }, range(0x10): { 'DocTypeLower' : (B'<!doctype\x20'), 'DocTypeUpper' : (B'<!DOCTYPE\x20'), 'HTMLLower' : (B'<html>'), 'HTMLUpper' : (B'<HTML>'), 'XML' : (B'<?xml version="'), 'Ace' : (B'**ACE**'), }, range(0x3C, 0x41): { 'PEStub': ( B'\0\x0E\x1F\xBA\x0E\x00\xB4\x09\xCD\x21\xB8\x01\x4C\xCD\x21' B'This program cannot be run in DOS mode.\r' ) }, range(0x48, 0x60): { 'PEStubMsg' : B'This program cannot be run in DOS mode.\r', 'PEDelphiStub' : (B'This program must be run under Win', (B'32', B'64')), }, range(0xD0, 0xD1): { 'Tar' : (B'\x00' * 0x30 + B'ustar', (B'\x20\x20\x00', B'\x00\x30\x30')), }, # range(0x300): { # 'EmailReceived' : (B'\nReceived:\x20from\x20'), # }, } _ENC_ALPHABETS = [ B'0123456789,', B'0123456789;', B'0123456789ABCDEF', B'0123456789abcdef', B'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567', B'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567', B'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+/', B'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_', ] _WSH_ALPHABET = bytes(set(range(0x20, 0x80)) - {0x3C, 0x3E} | {0x09}) class _rt(enum.IntEnum): crib = 0 alph = 1 freq = 2 class _result(NamedTuple): key: memoryview how: xkey._rt xor: Optional[bool] = None def __init__( self, range: Arg.Bounds(help='range of length values to try in Python slice syntax, the default is {default}.') = slice(1, 32), plaintext: Arg.Binary('-p', help='Provide a buffer of known plaintext.') = None, searchpos: Arg.Bounds('-s', metavar='S:E', help=( 'Only used when a known plaintext buffer is provided; In this case it narrows the search range ' 'for the offset of that data to between S and E.')) = slice(0, None), alph: Arg.Switch('-a', help='enable search for keys via known encoder alphabets') = False, crib: Arg.Switch('-c', help='enable search for keys via known plaintext cribs') = False, freq: Arg.Switch('-f', help='enable search for keys via frequency analysis') = False, ): if not any((alph, crib, freq)) and plaintext is None: alph = crib = freq = True super().__init__( range=range, plaintext=plaintext, searchpos=searchpos, alph=alph, crib=crib, freq=freq, ) def process(self, data: bytearray): for result in self._attack(data): out = result.key if how := out = self.labelled(out, method=how) return out def _attack(self, data: bytearray): bounds: slice = self.args.range view = memoryview(data) length = len(view) if length <= 1: return if length >= 0x100: view = view[:-4] start = bounds.start or 1 stop = min(bounds.stop or length, length) if (step := bounds.step) is None: step = 1 elif bounds.start is None: start *= step self.log_debug( F'received input range [{bounds.start}:{bounds.stop}:{bounds.step}], ' F'using [{start}:{stop}:{step}]') criblist: list[tuple[range, dict[str, bytes | tuple[bytes | tuple[bytes, ...], ...]]]] = [] if p := self.args.plaintext: pos: slice = self.args.searchpos end = len(data) - len(p) if pos.stop is None else pos.stop criblist.append((range(pos.start or 0, end + 1), {'Plaintext': [p]})) if self.args.crib: for r, byname in self._CRIBS.items(): compiled = { name: list(_generate_cribs(cribs)) for name, cribs in byname.items() } criblist.append((r, compiled)) if self.args.alph: alphabets: dict[int, list[bytes]] = {} for alphabet in self._ENC_ALPHABETS: for suffix in (B'', B'\x20', B'\x0A', B'\x20\x0A'): a = alphabet + suffix alphabets.setdefault(len(a), []).append(a) alphabets[len(self._WSH_ALPHABET)] = self._WSH_ALPHABET else: alphabets = None for xor in (True, False): if key := self._process_crib(view, xor, criblist): yield self._result(key, self._rt.crib, xor) hist = {} keys = set() for xor in (True, False): result = self._process_freq(view, (start, stop, step), alphabets, xor, hist) if result is None: continue key, via_alphabet = result if key is None: continue if via_alphabet: yield self._result(key, self._rt.alph, xor) keys.add(key) if keys: yield self._result(next(iter(keys)), self._rt.freq) def _process_crib( self, view: memoryview, xor: bool, criblist: list[tuple[range, dict[str, list[bytes]]]] ): for offsets, cribs_by_type in criblist: for name, cribs in cribs_by_type.items(): for crib in cribs: cn = len(crib) for offset in offsets: test = view[offset:offset + cn] if len(test) != cn: continue key = strxor(test, crib) if xor else bytes( a - b & 0xFF for a, b in zip(test, crib)) if key := _cyclic_base(key): self.log_info(F'found key via crib {name}:', crib, clip=True) shift = -offset % len(key) return key[shift:] + key[:shift] def _process_freq( self, view: memoryview, bounds: tuple[int, int, int], alphabets: dict[int, list[bytes]] | None, xor: bool, hist: dict[int, tuple[list[bytes], list[Counter]]], ): n = len(view) start, stop, step = bounds score = 0 guess = None first = not hist for keylen in range(start, stop + 1, step): try: cached = hist[keylen] except KeyError: patches = [view[j::keylen] for j in range(keylen)] histograms = [Counter(p) for p in patches] hist[keylen] = patches, histograms else: patches, histograms = cached if alphabets is not None: hlc = Counter(len(h) for h in histograms) base, coverage = hlc.most_common(1)[0] if coverage * 2 > keylen and base in alphabets: self.log_debug(F'solving for potential plaintext alphabet of size 0x{base:02X} at {keylen}') keys: dict[bytes, bytes] = {} for alphabet in alphabets[base]: key = bytearray(keylen) for k, patch in enumerate(patches): keybyte = set(range(0x100)) for c in patch: keybyte &= ( {c ^ p & 0xFF for p in alphabet} ) if xor else ( {c - p & 0xFF for p in alphabet} ) if len(keybyte) == 1: key[k] = next(iter(keybyte)) break else: key = None break if key is not None: keys[alphabet] = key if len(keys) == 1: self.log_debug(F'discovered plaintext alphabet of size 0x{base:02X} at {keylen}') alphabet, key = keys.popitem() return bytes(key), True if not first or not self.args.freq: continue _guess = [h.most_common(1)[0] for h in histograms] _score = sum(letter_count for _, letter_count in _guess) / n # This scaling accounts for the smaller probability of larger keys. No proper statistical analysis has been # conducted to derive it; there might be plenty of room for improvement here. _score = _score * ((n - keylen) / (n - 1)) ** keylen logmsg = F'got score {_score * 100:05.2f}% for length {keylen}' if _score > score: self.log_info(logmsg) score = _score guess = bytes(value for value, _ in _guess) else: self.log_debug(logmsg) return guess, False
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