Module refinery.units.misc.couple

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys

from subprocess import PIPE, Popen

from refinery.units import Arg, Unit, RefineryPartialResult
from refinery.lib.meta import metavars

class couple(Unit):
    Turns any command into a refinery unit. Data is processed by feeding it to the standard input of a process spawned from
    the given command line, and then reading the standard output of that process as the result of the operation. The main
    purpose of this unit is to allow using the syntax from `refinery.lib.frame` with other command line tools. By default,
    the `refinery.couple` unit streams the output from the executed command as individual outputs, but the `buffer` option
    can be set to buffer all output of a single execution. The format string expression `{}` or `{0}` can be used as one of
    the arguments passed to the external command to represent the incoming data. In this case, the data will not be sent
    to the standard input device of the new process.

    _JOIN_TIME = 0.1

    def __init__(
        self, *commandline : Arg(nargs='...', type=str, metavar='(all remaining)', help=(
            'All remaining command line tokens form an arbitrary command line to be executed. Use format string syntax '
            'to insert meta variables and incoming data chunks.')),
        buffer: Arg.Switch('-b', help='Buffer the command output for one execution rather than streaming it.') = False,
        noerror: Arg('-e', help='do not merge stdin and stderr; stderr will only be output if -v is also specified.') = False,
        timeout: Arg('-t', metavar='T',
            help='Set an execution timeout as a floating point number in seconds, there is none by default.') = 0.0
        if not commandline:
            raise ValueError('you need to provide a command line.')
        super().__init__(commandline=commandline, noerror=noerror, buffer=buffer, timeout=timeout)

    def process(self, data):
        def shlexjoin():
            import shlex
            return ' '.join(shlex.quote(cmd) for cmd in commandline)

        meta = metavars(data)
        meta.ghost = True
        used = set()
        commandline = [
            meta.format(cmd, self.codec, [data], None, False, used=used)
            for cmd in self.args.commandline

        if 0 in used:
            self.log_info('input used as command-line argument; sending no input to process stdin')
            data = None


        posix = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names
        process = Popen(commandline,
            stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=False, close_fds=posix)

        if self.args.buffer and not self.args.timeout:
            out, err = process.communicate(data)
            for line in err.splitlines():
            yield out

        import io
        from threading import Thread, Event
        from queue import Queue, Empty
        from time import process_time, sleep

        start = 0
        result = None

        qerr = Queue()
        qout = Queue()
        done = Event()

        def adapter(stream, queue: Queue, event: Event):
            while not event.is_set():
                out = stream.read1()
                if out: queue.put(out)
                else: break

        recvout = Thread(target=adapter, args=(process.stdout, qout, done), daemon=True)
        recverr = Thread(target=adapter, args=(process.stderr, qerr, done), daemon=True)


        if data:
        start = process_time()

        if self.args.buffer or self.args.timeout:
            result = io.BytesIO()

        def queue_read(q: Queue):
            try: return q.get_nowait()
            except Empty: return None

        errbuf = io.BytesIO()

        while True:
            out = queue_read(qout)
            err = None

            if self.args.noerror:
                err = queue_read(qerr)
                out = out or queue_read(qerr)

            if err and self.log_info():
                lines = errbuf.readlines()
                if lines:
                    if not (done.is_set() or lines[~0].endswith(B'\n')):
                    for line in lines:
                        msg = line.rstrip(B'\n')
                        if msg: self.log_info(msg)
            if out:
                if self.args.buffer or self.args.timeout:
                if not self.args.buffer:
                    yield out

            if done.is_set():
                if recverr.is_alive():
                    self.log_warn('stderr receiver thread zombied')
                if recvout.is_alive():
                    self.log_warn('stdout receiver thread zombied')
            elif not err and not out and process.poll() is not None:
            elif self.args.timeout:
                if process_time() - start > self.args.timeout:
                    self.log_info('terminating process after timeout expired')
                    for wait in range(4):
                        if process.poll() is not None:
                        self.log_warn('process termination may have failed')
                    if not len(result.getbuffer()):
                        result = RuntimeError('timeout reached, process had no output')
                        result = RefineryPartialResult(
                            'timeout reached, returning all collected output',

        if isinstance(result, Exception):
            raise result
        elif self.args.buffer:
            yield result.getvalue()


class couple (*commandline, buffer=False, noerror=False, timeout=0.0)

Turns any command into a refinery unit. Data is processed by feeding it to the standard input of a process spawned from the given command line, and then reading the standard output of that process as the result of the operation. The main purpose of this unit is to allow using the syntax from refinery.lib.frame with other command line tools. By default, the couple unit streams the output from the executed command as individual outputs, but the buffer option can be set to buffer all output of a single execution. The format string expression {} or {0} can be used as one of the arguments passed to the external command to represent the incoming data. In this case, the data will not be sent to the standard input device of the new process.

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class couple(Unit):
    Turns any command into a refinery unit. Data is processed by feeding it to the standard input of a process spawned from
    the given command line, and then reading the standard output of that process as the result of the operation. The main
    purpose of this unit is to allow using the syntax from `refinery.lib.frame` with other command line tools. By default,
    the `refinery.couple` unit streams the output from the executed command as individual outputs, but the `buffer` option
    can be set to buffer all output of a single execution. The format string expression `{}` or `{0}` can be used as one of
    the arguments passed to the external command to represent the incoming data. In this case, the data will not be sent
    to the standard input device of the new process.

    _JOIN_TIME = 0.1

    def __init__(
        self, *commandline : Arg(nargs='...', type=str, metavar='(all remaining)', help=(
            'All remaining command line tokens form an arbitrary command line to be executed. Use format string syntax '
            'to insert meta variables and incoming data chunks.')),
        buffer: Arg.Switch('-b', help='Buffer the command output for one execution rather than streaming it.') = False,
        noerror: Arg('-e', help='do not merge stdin and stderr; stderr will only be output if -v is also specified.') = False,
        timeout: Arg('-t', metavar='T',
            help='Set an execution timeout as a floating point number in seconds, there is none by default.') = 0.0
        if not commandline:
            raise ValueError('you need to provide a command line.')
        super().__init__(commandline=commandline, noerror=noerror, buffer=buffer, timeout=timeout)

    def process(self, data):
        def shlexjoin():
            import shlex
            return ' '.join(shlex.quote(cmd) for cmd in commandline)

        meta = metavars(data)
        meta.ghost = True
        used = set()
        commandline = [
            meta.format(cmd, self.codec, [data], None, False, used=used)
            for cmd in self.args.commandline

        if 0 in used:
            self.log_info('input used as command-line argument; sending no input to process stdin')
            data = None


        posix = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names
        process = Popen(commandline,
            stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=False, close_fds=posix)

        if self.args.buffer and not self.args.timeout:
            out, err = process.communicate(data)
            for line in err.splitlines():
            yield out

        import io
        from threading import Thread, Event
        from queue import Queue, Empty
        from time import process_time, sleep

        start = 0
        result = None

        qerr = Queue()
        qout = Queue()
        done = Event()

        def adapter(stream, queue: Queue, event: Event):
            while not event.is_set():
                out = stream.read1()
                if out: queue.put(out)
                else: break

        recvout = Thread(target=adapter, args=(process.stdout, qout, done), daemon=True)
        recverr = Thread(target=adapter, args=(process.stderr, qerr, done), daemon=True)


        if data:
        start = process_time()

        if self.args.buffer or self.args.timeout:
            result = io.BytesIO()

        def queue_read(q: Queue):
            try: return q.get_nowait()
            except Empty: return None

        errbuf = io.BytesIO()

        while True:
            out = queue_read(qout)
            err = None

            if self.args.noerror:
                err = queue_read(qerr)
                out = out or queue_read(qerr)

            if err and self.log_info():
                lines = errbuf.readlines()
                if lines:
                    if not (done.is_set() or lines[~0].endswith(B'\n')):
                    for line in lines:
                        msg = line.rstrip(B'\n')
                        if msg: self.log_info(msg)
            if out:
                if self.args.buffer or self.args.timeout:
                if not self.args.buffer:
                    yield out

            if done.is_set():
                if recverr.is_alive():
                    self.log_warn('stderr receiver thread zombied')
                if recvout.is_alive():
                    self.log_warn('stdout receiver thread zombied')
            elif not err and not out and process.poll() is not None:
            elif self.args.timeout:
                if process_time() - start > self.args.timeout:
                    self.log_info('terminating process after timeout expired')
                    for wait in range(4):
                        if process.poll() is not None:
                        self.log_warn('process termination may have failed')
                    if not len(result.getbuffer()):
                        result = RuntimeError('timeout reached, process had no output')
                        result = RefineryPartialResult(
                            'timeout reached, returning all collected output',

        if isinstance(result, Exception):
            raise result
        elif self.args.buffer:
            yield result.getvalue()


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members