Module refinery.units.meta.xfcc

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Iterable, Dict

from refinery.units import Arg, Unit, Chunk

class xfcc(Unit):
    The cross frame chunk count unit! It computes the number of times a chunk occurs across several frames
    of input. It consumes all frames in the current and counts the number of times each item occurs. It
    converts a frame tree of depth 2 into a new frame tree of depth 2 where the parent of every leaf has
    this leaf as its only child. The leaves of this tree have been enriched with a meta variable containing
    the number of times the corresponding chunk has occurred in the input frame tree.
    def __init__(
        variable: Arg(help='The variable which is used as the accumulator') = 'count',
        relative: Arg.Switch('-r', help='Normalize the accumulator to a number between 0 and 1.') = False
        super().__init__(variable=variable, relative=relative)
        self._trunk = None
        self._store: Dict[Chunk, int] = defaultdict(int)

    def finish(self):
        vn = self.args.variable
        rc = self.args.relative
        if rc and self._store:
            maximum = max(self._store.values())
        for index, (chunk, count) in enumerate(self._store.items()):
            if rc:
                count /= maximum
            chunk.path[-2] = 0
            chunk.path[-1] = index
            chunk.meta[vn] = count
            yield chunk

    def _getcount(self, chunk):
            count = int(chunk.meta[self.args.variable])
        except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError):
            return 1
            return count

    def filter(self, chunks: Iterable[Chunk]):
        it = iter(chunks)
            head = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
        if len(head.path) < 2:
            self.log_warn(F'the current frame is nested {len(head.path)} layers deep, at least two layers are required.')
            yield head
            yield from it
        trunk = head.path[:-2]
        store = self._store
        if trunk != self._trunk:
            yield from self.finish()
            self._trunk = trunk
        store[head] += self._getcount(head)
        for chunk in it:
            store[chunk] += self._getcount(chunk)


class xfcc (variable='count', relative=False)

The cross frame chunk count unit! It computes the number of times a chunk occurs across several frames of input. It consumes all frames in the current and counts the number of times each item occurs. It converts a frame tree of depth 2 into a new frame tree of depth 2 where the parent of every leaf has this leaf as its only child. The leaves of this tree have been enriched with a meta variable containing the number of times the corresponding chunk has occurred in the input frame tree.

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class xfcc(Unit):
    The cross frame chunk count unit! It computes the number of times a chunk occurs across several frames
    of input. It consumes all frames in the current and counts the number of times each item occurs. It
    converts a frame tree of depth 2 into a new frame tree of depth 2 where the parent of every leaf has
    this leaf as its only child. The leaves of this tree have been enriched with a meta variable containing
    the number of times the corresponding chunk has occurred in the input frame tree.
    def __init__(
        variable: Arg(help='The variable which is used as the accumulator') = 'count',
        relative: Arg.Switch('-r', help='Normalize the accumulator to a number between 0 and 1.') = False
        super().__init__(variable=variable, relative=relative)
        self._trunk = None
        self._store: Dict[Chunk, int] = defaultdict(int)

    def finish(self):
        vn = self.args.variable
        rc = self.args.relative
        if rc and self._store:
            maximum = max(self._store.values())
        for index, (chunk, count) in enumerate(self._store.items()):
            if rc:
                count /= maximum
            chunk.path[-2] = 0
            chunk.path[-1] = index
            chunk.meta[vn] = count
            yield chunk

    def _getcount(self, chunk):
            count = int(chunk.meta[self.args.variable])
        except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError):
            return 1
            return count

    def filter(self, chunks: Iterable[Chunk]):
        it = iter(chunks)
            head = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
        if len(head.path) < 2:
            self.log_warn(F'the current frame is nested {len(head.path)} layers deep, at least two layers are required.')
            yield head
            yield from it
        trunk = head.path[:-2]
        store = self._store
        if trunk != self._trunk:
            yield from self.finish()
            self._trunk = trunk
        store[head] += self._getcount(head)
        for chunk in it:
            store[chunk] += self._getcount(chunk)


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members