Module refinery.units.meta.sep

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit

class sep(Unit):
    Multiple inputs are joined along a specified separator. If any of the input
    `refinery.lib.frame.Chunk`s is currently out of scope, `refinery.sep` turns
    makes them visible by default. This can be prevented by using the `-s` flag.

    def __init__(
        self, separator: Arg(help='Separator; the default is a line break.') = B'\n',
        scoped: Arg.Switch('-s', help=(
            'Maintain chunk scope; i.e. do not turn all input chunks visible.')) = False
        super().__init__(separator=separator, scoped=scoped)
        self.separate = False

    def filter(self, chunks):
        it = iter(chunks)
            chunk = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
        self.separate = True
        for upcoming in it:
            if not self.args.scoped:
                chunk.visible = True
            yield chunk
            chunk = upcoming
        self.separate = False
        yield chunk

    def process(self, data):
        yield data
        if self.separate:
            yield self.args.separator


class sep (separator=b'\n', scoped=False)

Multiple inputs are joined along a specified separator. If any of the input Chunks is currently out of scope, sep turns makes them visible by default. This can be prevented by using the -s flag.

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class sep(Unit):
    Multiple inputs are joined along a specified separator. If any of the input
    `refinery.lib.frame.Chunk`s is currently out of scope, `refinery.sep` turns
    makes them visible by default. This can be prevented by using the `-s` flag.

    def __init__(
        self, separator: Arg(help='Separator; the default is a line break.') = B'\n',
        scoped: Arg.Switch('-s', help=(
            'Maintain chunk scope; i.e. do not turn all input chunks visible.')) = False
        super().__init__(separator=separator, scoped=scoped)
        self.separate = False

    def filter(self, chunks):
        it = iter(chunks)
            chunk = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
        self.separate = True
        for upcoming in it:
            if not self.args.scoped:
                chunk.visible = True
            yield chunk
            chunk = upcoming
        self.separate = False
        yield chunk

    def process(self, data):
        yield data
        if self.separate:
            yield self.args.separator


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members