Module refinery.units.meta.pop
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Iterable, Iterator
from itertools import chain
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit, Chunk
from refinery.lib.argformats import DelayedNumSeqArgument
from refinery.lib.meta import check_variable_name
class _popcount:
def __init__(self, name: str):
self.conversion = None
self.current = 0
if name == self._MERGE_SYMBOL:
self.count = 1
self.field = ...
if isinstance(name, int):
count = name
count = int(name, 0)
except Exception:
name, colon, conversion = name.partition(':')
self.count = 1
self.field = check_variable_name(name)
if colon == ':':
self.conversion = conversion
self.count = count
self.field = None
if self.count < 1:
raise ValueError(F'Popcounts must be positive integer numbers, {self.count} is invalid.')
def done(self):
return self.current < 1
def reset(self):
self.current = self.count
return self
def into(self, meta: dict, chunk: Chunk):
if self.done:
return False
if self.field:
if self.field is ...:
if self.conversion:
delayed = DelayedNumSeqArgument(self.conversion, seed=chunk, typecheck=False)
chunk = delayed(chunk)
meta[self.field] = chunk
self.current -= 1
return True
class pop(Unit):
In processing order, remove visible chunks from the current frame and store their contents in the given
meta variables. All chunks in the input stream are consequently made visible again. If pop is used at
the end of a frame, then variables will be local to the parent frame.
def __init__(
*names: Arg(type=str, metavar=F'[name[:conversion]|count|{_popcount._MERGE_SYMBOL}]', help=(
R'Specify either the name of a single variable to receive the contents of an input chunk, or '
R'an integer expression that specifies a number of values to be removed from the input without '
F'storing them. Additionally, it is possible to specify the symbol "{_popcount._MERGE_SYMBOL}" '
R'to remove a single chunk from the input and merge its meta data into the following ones. By '
R'default, a single merge is performed. When a variable name is specified, a sequence of '
R'transformations can be appended to be applied before storing it. For example, the argument '
R'k:le:b64 would first decode the chunk using base64, then convert it to an integer in little '
R'endian format, and store the integer result in the variable `k`. The visual aid is that the '
R'content is passed from right to left through all conversions, into the variable `k`.'
if not names:
names = _popcount._MERGE_SYMBOL,
super().__init__(names=[_popcount(n) for n in names])
def process(self, data):
return data
def filter(self, chunks: Iterable[Chunk]):
invisible = []
variables = {}
remaining: Iterator[_popcount] = iter(self.args.names)
it = iter(chunks)
pop = next(remaining).reset()
done = False
for chunk in it:
if not chunk.visible:
self.log_debug('buffering invisible chunk')
while not pop.into(variables, chunk):
pop = next(remaining).reset()
except StopIteration:
done = True
if not done and pop.done:
except StopIteration:
done = True
if not done:
msg = 'Not all variables could be assigned.'
if not self.leniency:
raise ValueError(F'{msg} Increase leniency to downgrade this failure to a warning.')
nesting = self.args.nesting
for chunk in chain(invisible, it):
meta = chunk.meta
if nesting < 0:
for name in variables:
meta.set_scope(name, chunk.scope + nesting)
chunk.visible = True
yield chunk
class pop (*names)
In processing order, remove visible chunks from the current frame and store their contents in the given meta variables. All chunks in the input stream are consequently made visible again. If pop is used at the end of a frame, then variables will be local to the parent frame.
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class pop(Unit): """ In processing order, remove visible chunks from the current frame and store their contents in the given meta variables. All chunks in the input stream are consequently made visible again. If pop is used at the end of a frame, then variables will be local to the parent frame. """ def __init__( self, *names: Arg(type=str, metavar=F'[name[:conversion]|count|{_popcount._MERGE_SYMBOL}]', help=( R'Specify either the name of a single variable to receive the contents of an input chunk, or ' R'an integer expression that specifies a number of values to be removed from the input without ' F'storing them. Additionally, it is possible to specify the symbol "{_popcount._MERGE_SYMBOL}" ' R'to remove a single chunk from the input and merge its meta data into the following ones. By ' R'default, a single merge is performed. When a variable name is specified, a sequence of ' R'transformations can be appended to be applied before storing it. For example, the argument ' R'k:le:b64 would first decode the chunk using base64, then convert it to an integer in little ' R'endian format, and store the integer result in the variable `k`. The visual aid is that the ' R'content is passed from right to left through all conversions, into the variable `k`.' )) ): if not names: names = _popcount._MERGE_SYMBOL, super().__init__(names=[_popcount(n) for n in names]) def process(self, data): return data def filter(self, chunks: Iterable[Chunk]): invisible = [] variables = {} remaining: Iterator[_popcount] = iter(self.args.names) it = iter(chunks) pop = next(remaining).reset() done = False for chunk in it: if not chunk.visible: self.log_debug('buffering invisible chunk') invisible.append(chunk) continue try: while not pop.into(variables, chunk): pop = next(remaining).reset() except StopIteration: done = True invisible.append(chunk) break if not done and pop.done: try: next(remaining) except StopIteration: done = True if not done: msg = 'Not all variables could be assigned.' if not self.leniency: raise ValueError(F'{msg} Increase leniency to downgrade this failure to a warning.') self.log_warn(msg) nesting = self.args.nesting for chunk in chain(invisible, it): meta = chunk.meta meta.update(variables) if nesting < 0: for name in variables: meta.set_scope(name, chunk.scope + nesting) chunk.visible = True yield chunk
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Inherited members