Module refinery.units.meta.pad

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit

class pad(Unit):
    Allows padding of the input data.

    def __init__(
        width: Arg.Number(help='Input is padded to the nearest multiple of this size.'),
        padding: Arg(help=(
            'This custom binary sequence is used (repeatedly, if necessary) to pad the '
            'input. The default is a zero byte.')) = B'\0',
        left: Arg.Switch('-l', help='Pad on the left instead of the right.') = False,
        absolute: Arg.Switch('-a', help=(
            'The width argument specifies an absolute size, not a block size.')) = False
        super().__init__(width=width, padding=padding, left=left, absolute=absolute)

    def process(self, data):
        width = self.args.width
        if self.args.absolute and len(data) >= width:
            return data
        q, r = divmod(len(data), width)
        size = (q + bool(r)) * width
        missing = (size - len(data))
        if missing <= 0:
            return data
        pad = self.args.padding
        if missing > len(pad):
            pad *= missing // len(pad)
        if self.args.left:
            return pad[:missing] + data
            data += pad[:missing]
            return data


class pad (width, padding=b'\x00', left=False, absolute=False)

Allows padding of the input data.

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class pad(Unit):
    Allows padding of the input data.

    def __init__(
        width: Arg.Number(help='Input is padded to the nearest multiple of this size.'),
        padding: Arg(help=(
            'This custom binary sequence is used (repeatedly, if necessary) to pad the '
            'input. The default is a zero byte.')) = B'\0',
        left: Arg.Switch('-l', help='Pad on the left instead of the right.') = False,
        absolute: Arg.Switch('-a', help=(
            'The width argument specifies an absolute size, not a block size.')) = False
        super().__init__(width=width, padding=padding, left=left, absolute=absolute)

    def process(self, data):
        width = self.args.width
        if self.args.absolute and len(data) >= width:
            return data
        q, r = divmod(len(data), width)
        size = (q + bool(r)) * width
        missing = (size - len(data))
        if missing <= 0:
            return data
        pad = self.args.padding
        if missing > len(pad):
            pad *= missing // len(pad)
        if self.args.left:
            return pad[:missing] + data
            data += pad[:missing]
            return data


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members