Module refinery.units.meta.iffp

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from refinery.lib.patterns import formats, indicators, pattern

from refinery.units.meta import Arg, ConditionalUnit

_PATTERNS.update({ p.value for p in formats})
_PATTERNS.update({ p.value for p in indicators})

class iffp(ConditionalUnit, extend_docs=True):
    Filter incoming chunks depending on whether it matches any of a given set of patterns. The
    available patterns are the following: {}.

    def __init__(
        *patterns: Arg.Choice(metavar='pattern', choices=_PATTERNS),
        partial: Arg.Switch('-p', help='Allow partial matches on the data.') = False,

    def match(self, chunk):
        for name in self.args.patterns:
            p: pattern = _PATTERNS[name]
            matcher = p.match if self.args.partial else p.fullmatch
            if matcher(chunk):
                return True
        return False

iffp.__doc__ = iffp.__doc__.format(", ".join(_PATTERNS))


class iffp (*patterns, partial=False, retain=False)

Filter incoming chunks depending on whether it matches any of a given set of patterns. The available patterns are the following: integer, float, number, string, multiline_string, cmdstr, ps1str, vbastr, vbaint, printable, urlquote, urlquote_coarse, urlquote_narrow, intarray, numarray, word, letters, wshenc, alphanumeric, b32, b58, b62, b64, b85, a85, b92, b64any, b64url, hex, uppercase_hex, spaced_hex, spaced_b64, spaced_b85, spaced_a85, utf8, hexdump, hexarray, uuencode, domain, email, guid, ipv4, ipv6, md5, sha1, sha256, hostname, socket, subdomain, url, btc, pem, xmr, path, winpath, nixpath, environment_variable.

Note: The reverse operation of a conditional unit uses the logical negation of its condition.

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class iffp(ConditionalUnit, extend_docs=True):
    Filter incoming chunks depending on whether it matches any of a given set of patterns. The
    available patterns are the following: {}.

    def __init__(
        *patterns: Arg.Choice(metavar='pattern', choices=_PATTERNS),
        partial: Arg.Switch('-p', help='Allow partial matches on the data.') = False,

    def match(self, chunk):
        for name in self.args.patterns:
            p: pattern = _PATTERNS[name]
            matcher = p.match if self.args.partial else p.fullmatch
            if matcher(chunk):
                return True
        return False


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies


def match(self, chunk)
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def match(self, chunk):
    for name in self.args.patterns:
        p: pattern = _PATTERNS[name]
        matcher = p.match if self.args.partial else p.fullmatch
        if matcher(chunk):
            return True
    return False

Inherited members