Module refinery.units.meta.ef
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import os
import os.path
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Iterable, Dict, Set, Optional
from refinery.lib.meta import metavars
from refinery.lib.structures import MemoryFile
from import exception_to_string
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit
'nt': {'system volume information'}
class ef(Unit):
Short for "emit file". The unit reads files from disk and outputs them individually. Has the ability to
read large files in chunks.
def __init__(self,
*filenames: Arg(metavar='FILEMASK', nargs='+', type=str, help=(
'A list of file masks. Each matching file will be read from disk and '
'emitted. The file masks can include format string expressions which '
'will be substituted from the current meta variables. The masks can '
'use wild-card expressions, but this feature is disabled by default on '
'Posix platforms, where it has to be enabled explicitly using the -w '
'switch. On Windows, the feature is enabled by default and can be '
'disabled using the -t switch.'
list: Arg.Switch('-l', help='Only lists files with metadata.') = False,
meta: Arg.Switch('-m', help=(
'Adds the atime, mtime, ctime, and size metadata variables.'
)) = False,
size: Arg.Bounds('-s', range=True, help=(
'If specified, only files are read whose size is in the given range.')) = None,
read: Arg.Number('-r', help=(
'If specified, files will be read in chunks of size N and each '
'chunk is emitted as one element in the output list.'
)) = 0,
wild: Arg.Switch('-w', group='W', help='Force use of wildcard patterns in file masks.') = False,
tame: Arg.Switch('-t', group='W', help='Disable wildcard patterns in file masks.') = False,
symlinks: Arg.Switch('-y', help='Follow symbolic links and junctions, these are ignored by default.') = False,
linewise: Arg.Switch('-i', help=(
'Read the file linewise. By default, one line is read at a time. '
'In line mode, the --read argument can be used to read the given '
'number of lines in each chunk.'
)) = False
if wild and tame:
raise ValueError('Cannot be both wild and tame!')
def _read_chunks(self, fd):
while True:
buffer =
if not buffer:
yield buffer
def _read_lines(self, fd):
count = or 1
if count == 1:
while True:
buffer = fd.readline()
if not buffer:
yield buffer
with MemoryFile() as out:
while True:
for _ in range(count):
buffer = fd.readline()
if not buffer:
if not out.tell():
yield out.getvalue()
def _absolute_path(self, path_string: str):
path = Path(path_string).absolute()
if == 'nt' and not[0].startswith('\\\\?\\'):
# The pathlib glob method will simply fail mid-traversal if it attempts to descend into
# a folder or to a file whose path exceeds MAX_PATH on Windows. As a workaround, we use
# UNC paths throughout and truncate to relative paths after enumeration.
path = Path(F'\\\\?\\{path!s}')
return path
def _glob(self, pattern: str) -> Iterable[Path]:
if pattern.endswith('**'):
pattern += '/*'
wildcard ='[\[\?\*]', pattern)
if wildcard is None:
yield self._absolute_path(pattern)
k = wildcard.start()
base, pattern = pattern[:k], pattern[k:]
path = self._absolute_path(base or '.')
last =[-1]
if base.endswith(last):
# /base/something.*
pattern = F'{last}{pattern}'
path = path.parent
scandir = os.scandir
class EmptyIterator:
def __enter__(self): return self
def __exit__(self, *_, **__): pass
def __next__(self): raise StopIteration
def __iter__(self): return self
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
def islink(path):
return os.path.islink(path) or os.path.isjunction(path)
def islink(path):
return bool(os.readlink(path))
except OSError:
return False
paths_scanned = set()
def _patched_scandir(path):
if islink(path):
if not self.args.symlinks:
return EmptyIterator()
rp = os.path.realpath(path, strict=True)
except OSError:
return EmptyIterator()
if rp in paths_scanned:
self.log_warn(F'file system loop at: {path!s}')
return EmptyIterator()
path = rp
return scandir(path)
except Exception as e:
ignore = _ERROR_IGNORES.get(, set())
if not any(p.lower() in ignore for p in Path(path).parts):
self.log_warn(F'error calling scandir, {exception_to_string(e)}: {path}')
return EmptyIterator()
os.scandir = _patched_scandir
for match in path.glob(pattern):
yield match
os.scandir = scandir
def process(self, data):
meta = metavars(data)
size = self.args.size
size = size and range(size.start, size.stop, size.step)
meta.ghost = True
wild = ( == 'nt' or self.args.wild) and not self.args.tame
root = self._absolute_path('.')
paths = self._glob if wild else lambda mask: [self._absolute_path(mask)]
do_meta = self.args.meta
do_stat = size or do_meta
class SkipErrors:
unit = self
def __init__(self):
self._history: Set[type] = set()
self._message: Dict[type, Optional[str]] = {
ValueError: (
), PermissionError: (
'access error while scanning: {}'
), OSError: (
'system error while scanning: {}'
), FileNotFoundError: (
'file unexpectedly not found: {}'
), Exception: (
'unknown error while reading: {}'
self.path = None
def reset(self, path):
self.path = path
return self
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, et, ev, trace):
if et is None:
return False
for t, msg in self._message.items():
if issubclass(et, t):
if t not in self._history:
if msg is not None:
return True
return False
for mask in self.args.filenames:
mask = meta.format_str(mask, self.codec, [data])
self.log_debug('scanning for mask:', mask)
kwargs = dict()
skip_errors = SkipErrors()
for path in paths(mask):
filesize = None
with skip_errors:
path = path.relative_to(root)
with skip_errors:
if wild and not path.is_file():
with skip_errors:
if do_stat:
stat = path.stat()
filesize = stat.st_size
if do_meta:
atime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_atime).isoformat(' ', 'seconds'),
ctime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_ctime).isoformat(' ', 'seconds'),
mtime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_mtime).isoformat(' ', 'seconds')
if size is not None and filesize not in size:
with skip_errors:
if self.args.list:
yield self.labelled(str(path).encode(self.codec), **kwargs)
with'rb') as stream:
if self.args.linewise:
yield from self._read_lines(stream)
yield from self._read_chunks(stream)
data =
self.log_info(lambda: F'reading: {path!s} ({len(data)} bytes)')
yield self.labelled(data, path=path.as_posix(), **kwargs)
class ef (*filenames, list=False, meta=False, size=None, read=0, wild=False, tame=False, symlinks=False, linewise=False)
Short for "emit file". The unit reads files from disk and outputs them individually. Has the ability to read large files in chunks.
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class ef(Unit): """ Short for "emit file". The unit reads files from disk and outputs them individually. Has the ability to read large files in chunks. """ def __init__(self, *filenames: Arg(metavar='FILEMASK', nargs='+', type=str, help=( 'A list of file masks. Each matching file will be read from disk and ' 'emitted. The file masks can include format string expressions which ' 'will be substituted from the current meta variables. The masks can ' 'use wild-card expressions, but this feature is disabled by default on ' 'Posix platforms, where it has to be enabled explicitly using the -w ' 'switch. On Windows, the feature is enabled by default and can be ' 'disabled using the -t switch.' )), list: Arg.Switch('-l', help='Only lists files with metadata.') = False, meta: Arg.Switch('-m', help=( 'Adds the atime, mtime, ctime, and size metadata variables.' )) = False, size: Arg.Bounds('-s', range=True, help=( 'If specified, only files are read whose size is in the given range.')) = None, read: Arg.Number('-r', help=( 'If specified, files will be read in chunks of size N and each ' 'chunk is emitted as one element in the output list.' )) = 0, wild: Arg.Switch('-w', group='W', help='Force use of wildcard patterns in file masks.') = False, tame: Arg.Switch('-t', group='W', help='Disable wildcard patterns in file masks.') = False, symlinks: Arg.Switch('-y', help='Follow symbolic links and junctions, these are ignored by default.') = False, linewise: Arg.Switch('-i', help=( 'Read the file linewise. By default, one line is read at a time. ' 'In line mode, the --read argument can be used to read the given ' 'number of lines in each chunk.' )) = False ): if wild and tame: raise ValueError('Cannot be both wild and tame!') super().__init__( size=size, read=read, list=list, meta=meta, wild=wild, tame=tame, symlinks=symlinks, linewise=linewise, filenames=filenames ) def _read_chunks(self, fd): while True: buffer = if not buffer: break yield buffer def _read_lines(self, fd): count = or 1 if count == 1: while True: buffer = fd.readline() if not buffer: break yield buffer return with MemoryFile() as out: while True: for _ in range(count): buffer = fd.readline() if not buffer: break out.write(buffer) if not out.tell(): break yield out.getvalue() out.truncate() def _absolute_path(self, path_string: str): path = Path(path_string).absolute() if == 'nt' and not[0].startswith('\\\\?\\'): # The pathlib glob method will simply fail mid-traversal if it attempts to descend into # a folder or to a file whose path exceeds MAX_PATH on Windows. As a workaround, we use # UNC paths throughout and truncate to relative paths after enumeration. path = Path(F'\\\\?\\{path!s}') return path def _glob(self, pattern: str) -> Iterable[Path]: if pattern.endswith('**'): pattern += '/*' wildcard ='[\[\?\*]', pattern) if wildcard is None: yield self._absolute_path(pattern) return k = wildcard.start() base, pattern = pattern[:k], pattern[k:] path = self._absolute_path(base or '.') last =[-1] if base.endswith(last): # /base/something.* pattern = F'{last}{pattern}' path = path.parent scandir = os.scandir class EmptyIterator: def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *_, **__): pass def __next__(self): raise StopIteration def __iter__(self): return self if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): def islink(path): return os.path.islink(path) or os.path.isjunction(path) else: def islink(path): try: return bool(os.readlink(path)) except OSError: return False paths_scanned = set() def _patched_scandir(path): if islink(path): if not self.args.symlinks: return EmptyIterator() try: rp = os.path.realpath(path, strict=True) except OSError: return EmptyIterator() if rp in paths_scanned: self.log_warn(F'file system loop at: {path!s}') return EmptyIterator() paths_scanned.add(rp) path = rp try: return scandir(path) except Exception as e: ignore = _ERROR_IGNORES.get(, set()) if not any(p.lower() in ignore for p in Path(path).parts): self.log_warn(F'error calling scandir, {exception_to_string(e)}: {path}') return EmptyIterator() try: os.scandir = _patched_scandir for match in path.glob(pattern): yield match finally: os.scandir = scandir def process(self, data): meta = metavars(data) size = self.args.size size = size and range(size.start, size.stop, size.step) meta.ghost = True wild = ( == 'nt' or self.args.wild) and not self.args.tame root = self._absolute_path('.') paths = self._glob if wild else lambda mask: [self._absolute_path(mask)] do_meta = self.args.meta do_stat = size or do_meta class SkipErrors: unit = self def __init__(self): self._history: Set[type] = set() self._message: Dict[type, Optional[str]] = { ValueError: ( None ), PermissionError: ( 'access error while scanning: {}' ), OSError: ( 'system error while scanning: {}' ), FileNotFoundError: ( 'file unexpectedly not found: {}' ), Exception: ( 'unknown error while reading: {}' ), } self.path = None def reset(self, path): self._history.clear() self.path = path return self def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, et, ev, trace): if et is None: return False for t, msg in self._message.items(): if issubclass(et, t): if t not in self._history: self._history.add(t) if msg is not None: self.unit.log_info(msg.format(self.path)) return True else: return False for mask in self.args.filenames: mask = meta.format_str(mask, self.codec, [data]) self.log_debug('scanning for mask:', mask) kwargs = dict() skip_errors = SkipErrors() for path in paths(mask): skip_errors.reset(path) filesize = None with skip_errors: path = path.relative_to(root) with skip_errors: if wild and not path.is_file(): continue with skip_errors: if do_stat: stat = path.stat() filesize = stat.st_size if do_meta: kwargs.update( fsize=filesize, atime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_atime).isoformat(' ', 'seconds'), ctime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_ctime).isoformat(' ', 'seconds'), mtime=datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_mtime).isoformat(' ', 'seconds') ) if size is not None and filesize not in size: continue with skip_errors: if self.args.list: yield self.labelled(str(path).encode(self.codec), **kwargs) continue with'rb') as stream: if self.args.linewise: yield from self._read_lines(stream) elif yield from self._read_chunks(stream) else: data = self.log_info(lambda: F'reading: {path!s} ({len(data)} bytes)') yield self.labelled(data, path=path.as_posix(), **kwargs)
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Inherited members