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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools
import json
import re
from contextlib import suppress
from importlib import resources
from datetime import timedelta
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from pefile import (
from refinery.lib.dotnet.header import DotNetHeader
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit
from refinery.units.sinks.ppjson import ppjson
from import get_pe_size
from import date_from_timestamp
from refinery.lib.lcid import LCID
from refinery import data
class VIT(str, Enum):
ERR = 'unknown'
OBJ = 'object file from C'
CPP = 'object file from C++'
ASM = 'object file from assembler'
RES = 'object from CVTRES'
LNK = 'linker version'
IMP = 'dll import in library file'
EXP = 'dll export in library file'
def tag(self) -> str:
if self in (VIT.OBJ, VIT.CPP, VIT.ASM, VIT.RES):
return 'object'
if self is VIT.IMP:
return 'import'
if self is VIT.EXP:
return 'export'
if self is VIT.LNK:
return 'linker'
return 'unknown'
class VersionInfo:
pid: str
ver: str
err: bool
def __str__(self):
return F'{self.ver} [{}]'
def __bool__(self):
return not self.err
with resources.path(data, 'rich.json') as path:
with'r') as stream:
RICH = json.load(stream)
class ShortPID(str, Enum):
LNK = 'LINKER' # Linker
EXP = 'EXPORT' # Exports
IMP = 'IMPORT' # Imports
OBJ = 'OBJECT' # Object
PHX = 'PHOENX' # Phoenix
VB6 = 'VB6OBJ' # VB6
def __str__(self):
width = max(len(item.value) for item in self.__class__)
return F'{self.value:>{width}}'
def get_rich_short_pid(pid: str) -> ShortPID:
pid = pid.upper()
if pid.startswith('UTC'):
return ShortPID.UTC
if pid.startswith('CVTRES'):
return ShortPID.RES
if pid.startswith('CVTOMF'):
return ShortPID.OMF
if pid.startswith('CVTPGD'):
return ShortPID.PGD
if pid.startswith('LINKER'):
return ShortPID.LNK
if pid.startswith('EXPORT'):
return ShortPID.EXP
if pid.startswith('IMPORT'):
return ShortPID.IMP
if pid.startswith('IMPLIB'):
return ShortPID.IMP
if pid.startswith('ALIASOBJ'):
return ShortPID.OBJ
if pid.startswith('RESOURCE'):
return ShortPID.RES
if pid.startswith('PHX'):
return ShortPID.PHX
if pid.startswith('PHOENIX'):
return ShortPID.PHX
if pid.startswith('MASM'):
return ShortPID.ASM
if pid.startswith('ILASM'):
return ShortPID.MIL
if pid.startswith('VISUALBASIC'):
return ShortPID.VB6
raise LookupError(pid)
def get_rich_info(vid: int) -> VersionInfo:
pid = vid >> 0x10
ver = vid & 0xFFFF
ver = RICH['ver'].get(F'{ver:04X}')
pid = RICH['pid'].get(F'{pid:04X}')
err = ver is None and pid is None
if ver is not None:
suffix = ver.get('ver')
ver = ver['ide']
if suffix:
ver = F'{ver} {suffix}'
ver = 'Unknown Version'
pid = pid or 'Unknown Type'
return VersionInfo(pid, ver, err)
class pemeta(Unit):
Extract metadata from PE files. By default, all information except for imports and exports are
def __init__(
self, custom : Arg('-c', '--custom',
help='Unless enabled, all default categories will be extracted.') = False,
debug : Arg.Switch('-D', help='Parse the PDB path from the debug directory.') = False,
dotnet : Arg.Switch('-N', help='Parse the .NET header.') = False,
signatures : Arg.Switch('-S', help='Parse digital signatures.') = False,
timestamps : Arg.Counts('-T', help='Extract time stamps. Specify twice for more detail.') = 0,
version : Arg.Switch('-V', help='Parse the VERSION resource.') = False,
header : Arg.Switch('-H', help='Parse base data from the PE header.') = False,
exports : Arg.Counts('-E', help='List all exported functions. Specify twice to include addresses.') = 0,
imports : Arg.Counts('-I', help='List all imported functions. Specify twice to include addresses.') = 0,
tabular : Arg.Switch('-t', help='Print information in a table rather than as JSON') = False,
timeraw : Arg.Switch('-r', help='Extract time stamps as numbers instead of human-readable format.') = False,
if not custom and not any((debug, dotnet, signatures, timestamps, version, header)):
debug = dotnet = signatures = timestamps = version = header = True
def _ensure_string(cls, x):
if not isinstance(x, str):
x = repr(x) if not isinstance(x, bytes) else x.decode(cls.codec, 'backslashreplace')
return x
def _parse_pedict(cls, bin):
return dict((
cls._ensure_string(key).replace(" ", ""),
) for key, val in bin.items() if val)
def parse_signature(cls, data: bytearray) -> dict:
Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about
time stamp and code signing certificates that are attached to the input PE file.
from refinery.units.formats.pkcs7 import pkcs7
signature = data | pkcs7 | json.loads
except Exception as E:
raise ValueError(F'PKCS7 parser failed with error: {E!s}')
info = {}
def _value(doc: dict, require_type=None):
if require_type is not None:
if doc.get('type', None) != require_type:
raise LookupError
value = doc.get('value', None)
value = [value] if value else doc.get('values', [])
if not value:
raise LookupError
return value[0]
def find_timestamps(entry) -> dict:
if isinstance(entry, dict):
return {'Timestamp': _value(entry, 'signing_time')}
except LookupError:
for value in entry.values():
result = find_timestamps(value)
if result is None:
with suppress(KeyError):
result.setdefault('TimestampIssuer', entry['sid']['issuer']['common_name'])
return result
elif isinstance(entry, list):
for value in entry:
result = find_timestamps(value)
if result is None:
return result
timestamp_info = find_timestamps(signature)
if timestamp_info is not None:
certificates = signature['content']['certificates']
except KeyError:
return info
if len(certificates) == 1:
main_certificate = certificates[0]
certificates_with_extended_use = []
main_certificate = None
for certificate in certificates:
with suppress(Exception):
crt = certificate['tbs_certificate']
ext = [e for e in crt['extensions'] if e['extn_id'] == 'extended_key_usage' and e['extn_value'] != ['time_stamping']]
key = [e for e in crt['extensions'] if e['extn_id'] == 'key_usage']
if ext:
if any('key_cert_sign' in e['extn_value'] for e in key):
if any('code_signing' in e['extn_value'] for e in ext):
main_certificate = certificate
if main_certificate is None and len(certificates_with_extended_use) == 1:
main_certificate = certificates_with_extended_use[0]
if main_certificate:
crt = main_certificate['tbs_certificate']
serial = crt['serial_number']
if isinstance(serial, int):
serial = F'{serial:x}'
if len(serial) % 2 != 0:
serial = F'0{serial}'
assert bytes.fromhex(serial) in data
subject = crt['subject']
location = [subject.get(t, '') for t in ('locality_name', 'state_or_province_name', 'country_name')]
if any(location):
info.update(SubjectLocation=', '.join(filter(None, location)))
for signer_info in signature['content'].get('signer_infos', ()):
if signer_info['sid']['serial_number'] != crt['serial_number']:
for attr in signer_info['signed_attrs']:
if attr['type'] == 'authenticode_info':
auth = _value(attr)
except KeyError:
valid_from = crt['validity']['not_before']
valid_until = crt['validity']['not_after']
except KeyError:
info.update(ValidFrom=valid_from, ValidUntil=valid_until)
Issuer=crt['issuer']['common_name'], Fingerprint=main_certificate['fingerprint'], Serial=serial)
return info
return info
def _pe_characteristics(self, pe: PE):
return {name for name, mask in image_characteristics
if pe.FILE_HEADER.Characteristics & mask}
def _pe_address_width(self, pe: PE, default=16) -> int:
if 'IMAGE_FILE_16BIT_MACHINE' in self._pe_characteristics(pe):
return 4
return 8
elif MACHINE_TYPE[pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine] in [
return 16
return default
def _vint(self, pe: PE, value: int):
if not self.args.tabular:
return value
aw = self._pe_address_width(pe)
return F'0x{value:0{aw}X}'
def parse_version(self, pe: PE, data=None) -> dict:
Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about
the version resource of an input PE file, if available.
string_table_entries = []
for FileInfo in pe.FileInfo:
for FileInfoEntry in FileInfo:
with suppress(AttributeError):
for StringTableEntry in FileInfoEntry.StringTable:
StringTableEntryParsed = self._parse_pedict(StringTableEntry.entries)
with suppress(AttributeError):
LangID = StringTableEntry.entries.get('LangID', None) or StringTableEntry.LangID
LangID = int(LangID, 0x10) if not isinstance(LangID, int) else LangID
LangHi = LangID >> 0x10
LangLo = LangID & 0xFFFF
Language = LCID.get(LangHi, 'Language Neutral')
Charset = self._CHARSET.get(LangLo, 'Unknown Charset')
for key in StringTableEntryParsed:
if key.endswith('Version'):
value = StringTableEntryParsed[key]
separator = ', '
if re.match(F'\\d+({re.escape(separator)}\\d+){{3}}', value):
StringTableEntryParsed[key] = '.'.join(value.split(separator))
if not string_table_entries:
return None
elif len(string_table_entries) == 1:
return string_table_entries[0]
return string_table_entries
def parse_exports(self, pe: PE, data=None, include_addresses=False) -> list:
base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
info = []
for k, exp in enumerate(pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols):
if not
name = F'@{k}'
name ='ascii')
item = {'Name': name, 'Address': self._vint(pe, exp.address + base)} if include_addresses else name
return info
def parse_imports(self, pe: PE, data=None, include_addresses=False) -> list:
info = {}
dirs = []
for name in [
with suppress(AttributeError):
dirs.append(getattr(pe, name))
for idd in itertools.chain(*dirs):
dll: bytes = idd.dll
dll = dll.decode('ascii')
if dll.lower().endswith('.dll'):
dll = dll[:~3]
imports: list[str] = info.setdefault(dll, [])
with suppress(AttributeError):
symbols = idd.imports
with suppress(AttributeError):
symbols = idd.entries
for imp in symbols:
name: bytes =
name = name and name.decode('ascii') or F'@{imp.ordinal}'
if not include_addresses:
imports.append(dict(Name=name, Address=self._vint(pe, imp.address)))
except Exception as e:
self.log_warn(F'error parsing {name}: {e!s}')
return info
def parse_header(self, pe: PE, data=None) -> dict:
def format_macro_name(name: str, prefix, convert=True):
name = name.split('_')[prefix:]
if convert:
for k, part in enumerate(name):
name[k] = part.upper() if len(part) <= 3 else part.capitalize()
return ' '.join(name)
major = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorOperatingSystemVersion
minor = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorOperatingSystemVersion
version = self._WINVER.get(major, {0: 'Unknown'})
MinimumOS = version[minor]
except LookupError:
MinimumOS = version[0]
header_information = {
'Machine': format_macro_name(MACHINE_TYPE[pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine], 3, False),
'Subsystem': format_macro_name(SUBSYSTEM_TYPE[pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Subsystem], 2),
'MinimumOS': MinimumOS,
export_name =
if isinstance(export_name, bytes):
export_name = export_name.decode('utf8')
if not export_name.isprintable():
export_name = None
except Exception:
export_name = None
if export_name:
header_information['ExportName'] = export_name
rich_header = pe.parse_rich_header()
rich = []
if rich_header:
it = rich_header.get('values', [])
if self.args.tabular:
cw = max(len(F'{c:d}') for c in it[1::2])
for idv, count in zip(it[0::2], it[1::2]):
info = get_rich_info(idv)
if not info:
pid =
if self.args.tabular:
short_pid = get_rich_short_pid(pid)
rich.append(F'[{idv:08x}] {count:>0{cw}d} {short_pid!s} {info.ver}')
'Counter': count,
'Encoded': F'{idv:08x}',
'Library': pid,
'Product': info.ver,
header_information['RICH'] = rich
characteristics = self._pe_characteristics(pe)
for typespec, flag in {
if flag in characteristics:
header_information['Type'] = typespec
base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
header_information['ImageBase'] = self._vint(pe, base)
header_information['ImageSize'] = get_pe_size(pe)
header_information['Bits'] = 4 * self._pe_address_width(pe, 16)
header_information['EntryPoint'] = self._vint(pe, pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint + base)
return header_information
def parse_time_stamps(self, pe: PE, raw_time_stamps: bool, more_detail: bool) -> dict:
Extracts time stamps from the PE header (link time), as well as from the imports,
exports, debug, and resource directory. The resource time stamp is also parsed as
a DOS time stamp and returned as the "Delphi" time stamp.
if raw_time_stamps:
def dt(ts): return ts
dt = date_from_timestamp
info = {}
with suppress(AttributeError):
for dir_name, _dll, info_key in [
('DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT', 'dll', 'Import'), # noqa
('DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT', 'dll', 'Symbol'), # noqa
('DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT', 'name', 'Module'), # noqa
impts = {}
for entry in getattr(pe, dir_name, []):
ts = 0
with suppress(AttributeError):
ts = entry.struct.dwTimeDateStamp
with suppress(AttributeError):
ts = entry.struct.TimeDateStamp
if ts == 0 or ts == 0xFFFFFFFF:
name = getattr(entry, _dll, B'').decode()
if name.lower().endswith('.dll'):
name = name[:-4]
impts[name] = dt(ts)
if not impts:
if not more_detail:
dmin = min(impts.values())
dmax = max(impts.values())
small_delta = 2 * 60 * 60
if not raw_time_stamps:
small_delta = timedelta(seconds=small_delta)
if dmax - dmin < small_delta:
impts = dmin
info[info_key] = impts
with suppress(AttributeError):
Export = pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.struct.TimeDateStamp
if Export: info.update(Export=dt(Export))
with suppress(AttributeError):
res_timestamp = pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE.struct.TimeDateStamp
if res_timestamp:
with suppress(ValueError):
from refinery.units.misc.datefix import datefix
dos = datefix.dostime(res_timestamp)
def norm(value):
if isinstance(value, list):
return [norm(v) for v in value]
if isinstance(value, dict):
return {k: norm(v) for k, v in value.items()}
if isinstance(value, int):
return value
return str(value)
return {key: norm(value) for key, value in info.items()}
def parse_dotnet(self, pe: PE, data):
Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about
the .NET metadata of an input PE file.
header = DotNetHeader(data, pe=pe)
tables = header.meta.Streams.Tables
info = dict(
info['Flags'] = [name for name, check in header.head.KnownFlags.items() if check]
if len(tables.Assembly) == 1:
assembly = tables.Assembly[0]
entry = self._vint(pe, header.head.EntryPointToken + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase)
except AttributeError:
if len(tables.Module) == 1:
module = tables.Module[0]
return info
def parse_debug(self, pe: PE, data=None):
result = {}
if DEBUG_TYPE.get(dbg.struct.Type, None) != 'IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW':
with suppress(Exception):
pdb = dbg.entry.PdbFileName
if 0 in pdb:
pdb = pdb[:pdb.index(0)]
return result
def process(self, data):
result = {}
pe = PE(data=data, fast_load=True)
for switch, resolver, name in [
(self.args.debug, self.parse_debug, 'Debug'), # noqa
(self.args.dotnet, self.parse_dotnet, 'DotNet'), # noqa
(self.args.header, self.parse_header, 'Header'), # noqa
(self.args.version, self.parse_version, 'Version'), # noqa
(self.args.imports, self.parse_imports, 'Imports'), # noqa
(self.args.exports, self.parse_exports, 'Exports'), # noqa
if not switch:
self.log_debug(F'parsing: {name}')
args = pe, data
if switch > 1:
args = *args, True
info = resolver(*args)
except Exception as E:
self.log_info(F'failed to obtain {name}: {E!s}')
if info:
result[name] = info
signature = {}
if self.args.timestamps or self.args.signatures:
with suppress(Exception):
from import pesig
signature = self.parse_signature(next(data | pesig))
if self.args.timestamps:
ts = self.parse_time_stamps(pe, self.args.timeraw, self.args.timestamps > 1)
with suppress(KeyError):
if signature and self.args.signatures:
result['Signature'] = signature
if result:
yield from ppjson(tabular=self.args.tabular)._pretty_output(result, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
0x0000: '7-bit ASCII',
0x03A4: 'Japan (Shift ? JIS X-0208)',
0x03B5: 'Korea (Shift ? KSC 5601)',
0x03B6: 'Taiwan (Big5)',
0x04B0: 'Unicode',
0x04E2: 'Latin-2 (Eastern European)',
0x04E3: 'Cyrillic',
0x04E4: 'Multilingual',
0x04E5: 'Greek',
0x04E6: 'Turkish',
0x04E7: 'Hebrew',
0x04E8: 'Arabic',
3: {
0x00: 'Windows NT 3',
0x0A: 'Windows NT 3.1',
0x32: 'Windows NT 3.5',
0x33: 'Windows NT 3.51',
4: {
0x00: 'Windows 95',
0x0A: 'Windows 98',
5: {
0x00: 'Windows 2000',
0x5A: 'Windows Me',
0x01: 'Windows XP',
0x02: 'Windows Server 2003',
6: {
0x00: 'Windows Vista',
0x01: 'Windows 7',
0x02: 'Windows 8',
0x03: 'Windows 8.1',
10: {
0x00: 'Windows 10',
def get_rich_short_pid(pid)
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def get_rich_short_pid(pid: str) -> ShortPID: pid = pid.upper() if pid.startswith('UTC'): return ShortPID.UTC if pid.startswith('CVTRES'): return ShortPID.RES if pid.startswith('CVTOMF'): return ShortPID.OMF if pid.startswith('CVTPGD'): return ShortPID.PGD if pid.startswith('LINKER'): return ShortPID.LNK if pid.startswith('EXPORT'): return ShortPID.EXP if pid.startswith('IMPORT'): return ShortPID.IMP if pid.startswith('IMPLIB'): return ShortPID.IMP if pid.startswith('ALIASOBJ'): return ShortPID.OBJ if pid.startswith('RESOURCE'): return ShortPID.RES if pid.startswith('PHX'): return ShortPID.PHX if pid.startswith('PHOENIX'): return ShortPID.PHX if pid.startswith('MASM'): return ShortPID.ASM if pid.startswith('ILASM'): return ShortPID.MIL if pid.startswith('VISUALBASIC'): return ShortPID.VB6 raise LookupError(pid)
def get_rich_info(vid)
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def get_rich_info(vid: int) -> VersionInfo: pid = vid >> 0x10 ver = vid & 0xFFFF ver = RICH['ver'].get(F'{ver:04X}') pid = RICH['pid'].get(F'{pid:04X}') err = ver is None and pid is None if ver is not None: suffix = ver.get('ver') ver = ver['ide'] if suffix: ver = F'{ver} {suffix}' else: ver = 'Unknown Version' pid = pid or 'Unknown Type' return VersionInfo(pid, ver, err)
class VIT (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class VIT(str, Enum): ERR = 'unknown' OBJ = 'object file from C' CPP = 'object file from C++' ASM = 'object file from assembler' RES = 'object from CVTRES' LNK = 'linker version' IMP = 'dll import in library file' EXP = 'dll export in library file' @property def tag(self) -> str: if self in (VIT.OBJ, VIT.CPP, VIT.ASM, VIT.RES): return 'object' if self is VIT.IMP: return 'import' if self is VIT.EXP: return 'export' if self is VIT.LNK: return 'linker' else: return 'unknown'
- builtins.str
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var ERR
var OBJ
var CPP
var ASM
var RES
var LNK
var IMP
var EXP
Instance variables
var tag
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@property def tag(self) -> str: if self in (VIT.OBJ, VIT.CPP, VIT.ASM, VIT.RES): return 'object' if self is VIT.IMP: return 'import' if self is VIT.EXP: return 'export' if self is VIT.LNK: return 'linker' else: return 'unknown'
class VersionInfo (pid, ver, err)
VersionInfo(pid: str, ver: str, err: bool)
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class VersionInfo: pid: str ver: str err: bool def __str__(self): return F'{self.ver} [{}]' def __bool__(self): return not self.err
Class variables
var pid
var ver
var err
class ShortPID (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class ShortPID(str, Enum): UTC = 'STDLIB' # STDLIBC RES = 'CVTRES' # Cvt/RES OMF = 'CVTOMF' # Cvt/OMF PGD = 'CVTPGD' # Cvt/PGD LNK = 'LINKER' # Linker EXP = 'EXPORT' # Exports IMP = 'IMPORT' # Imports OBJ = 'OBJECT' # Object PHX = 'PHOENX' # Phoenix ASM = 'MASM' # MASM MIL = 'MSIL' # MSIL VB6 = 'VB6OBJ' # VB6 def __str__(self): width = max(len(item.value) for item in self.__class__) return F'{self.value:>{width}}'
- builtins.str
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var UTC
var RES
var OMF
var PGD
var LNK
var EXP
var IMP
var OBJ
var PHX
var ASM
var MIL
var VB6
class pemeta (custom=False, debug=False, dotnet=False, signatures=False, timestamps=0, version=False, header=False, exports=0, imports=0, tabular=False, timeraw=False)
Extract metadata from PE files. By default, all information except for imports and exports are extracted.
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class pemeta(Unit): """ Extract metadata from PE files. By default, all information except for imports and exports are extracted. """ def __init__( self, custom : Arg('-c', '--custom', help='Unless enabled, all default categories will be extracted.') = False, debug : Arg.Switch('-D', help='Parse the PDB path from the debug directory.') = False, dotnet : Arg.Switch('-N', help='Parse the .NET header.') = False, signatures : Arg.Switch('-S', help='Parse digital signatures.') = False, timestamps : Arg.Counts('-T', help='Extract time stamps. Specify twice for more detail.') = 0, version : Arg.Switch('-V', help='Parse the VERSION resource.') = False, header : Arg.Switch('-H', help='Parse base data from the PE header.') = False, exports : Arg.Counts('-E', help='List all exported functions. Specify twice to include addresses.') = 0, imports : Arg.Counts('-I', help='List all imported functions. Specify twice to include addresses.') = 0, tabular : Arg.Switch('-t', help='Print information in a table rather than as JSON') = False, timeraw : Arg.Switch('-r', help='Extract time stamps as numbers instead of human-readable format.') = False, ): if not custom and not any((debug, dotnet, signatures, timestamps, version, header)): debug = dotnet = signatures = timestamps = version = header = True super().__init__( debug=debug, dotnet=dotnet, signatures=signatures, timestamps=timestamps, version=version, header=header, imports=imports, exports=exports, timeraw=timeraw, tabular=tabular, ) @classmethod def _ensure_string(cls, x): if not isinstance(x, str): x = repr(x) if not isinstance(x, bytes) else x.decode(cls.codec, 'backslashreplace') return x @classmethod def _parse_pedict(cls, bin): return dict(( cls._ensure_string(key).replace(" ", ""), cls._ensure_string(val) ) for key, val in bin.items() if val) @classmethod def parse_signature(cls, data: bytearray) -> dict: """ Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about time stamp and code signing certificates that are attached to the input PE file. """ from refinery.units.formats.pkcs7 import pkcs7 try: signature = data | pkcs7 | json.loads except Exception as E: raise ValueError(F'PKCS7 parser failed with error: {E!s}') info = {} def _value(doc: dict, require_type=None): if require_type is not None: if doc.get('type', None) != require_type: raise LookupError value = doc.get('value', None) value = [value] if value else doc.get('values', []) if not value: raise LookupError return value[0] def find_timestamps(entry) -> dict: if isinstance(entry, dict): try: return {'Timestamp': _value(entry, 'signing_time')} except LookupError: pass for value in entry.values(): result = find_timestamps(value) if result is None: continue with suppress(KeyError): result.setdefault('TimestampIssuer', entry['sid']['issuer']['common_name']) return result elif isinstance(entry, list): for value in entry: result = find_timestamps(value) if result is None: continue return result timestamp_info = find_timestamps(signature) if timestamp_info is not None: info.update(timestamp_info) try: certificates = signature['content']['certificates'] except KeyError: return info if len(certificates) == 1: main_certificate = certificates[0] else: certificates_with_extended_use = [] main_certificate = None for certificate in certificates: with suppress(Exception): crt = certificate['tbs_certificate'] ext = [e for e in crt['extensions'] if e['extn_id'] == 'extended_key_usage' and e['extn_value'] != ['time_stamping']] key = [e for e in crt['extensions'] if e['extn_id'] == 'key_usage'] if ext: certificates_with_extended_use.append(certificate) if any('key_cert_sign' in e['extn_value'] for e in key): continue if any('code_signing' in e['extn_value'] for e in ext): main_certificate = certificate break if main_certificate is None and len(certificates_with_extended_use) == 1: main_certificate = certificates_with_extended_use[0] if main_certificate: crt = main_certificate['tbs_certificate'] serial = crt['serial_number'] if isinstance(serial, int): serial = F'{serial:x}' if len(serial) % 2 != 0: serial = F'0{serial}' assert bytes.fromhex(serial) in data subject = crt['subject'] location = [subject.get(t, '') for t in ('locality_name', 'state_or_province_name', 'country_name')] info.update(Subject=subject['common_name']) if any(location): info.update(SubjectLocation=', '.join(filter(None, location))) for signer_info in signature['content'].get('signer_infos', ()): try: if signer_info['sid']['serial_number'] != crt['serial_number']: continue for attr in signer_info['signed_attrs']: if attr['type'] == 'authenticode_info': auth = _value(attr) info.update(ProgramName=auth['programName']) info.update(MoreInfo=auth['moreInfo']) except KeyError: continue try: valid_from = crt['validity']['not_before'] valid_until = crt['validity']['not_after'] except KeyError: pass else: info.update(ValidFrom=valid_from, ValidUntil=valid_until) info.update( Issuer=crt['issuer']['common_name'], Fingerprint=main_certificate['fingerprint'], Serial=serial) return info return info def _pe_characteristics(self, pe: PE): return {name for name, mask in image_characteristics if pe.FILE_HEADER.Characteristics & mask} def _pe_address_width(self, pe: PE, default=16) -> int: if 'IMAGE_FILE_16BIT_MACHINE' in self._pe_characteristics(pe): return 4 elif MACHINE_TYPE[pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine] in ['IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386']: return 8 elif MACHINE_TYPE[pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine] in [ 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64', 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64', ]: return 16 else: return default def _vint(self, pe: PE, value: int): if not self.args.tabular: return value aw = self._pe_address_width(pe) return F'0x{value:0{aw}X}' def parse_version(self, pe: PE, data=None) -> dict: """ Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about the version resource of an input PE file, if available. """ pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE']]) string_table_entries = [] for FileInfo in pe.FileInfo: for FileInfoEntry in FileInfo: with suppress(AttributeError): for StringTableEntry in FileInfoEntry.StringTable: StringTableEntryParsed = self._parse_pedict(StringTableEntry.entries) with suppress(AttributeError): LangID = StringTableEntry.entries.get('LangID', None) or StringTableEntry.LangID LangID = int(LangID, 0x10) if not isinstance(LangID, int) else LangID LangHi = LangID >> 0x10 LangLo = LangID & 0xFFFF Language = LCID.get(LangHi, 'Language Neutral') Charset = self._CHARSET.get(LangLo, 'Unknown Charset') StringTableEntryParsed.update( LangID=F'{LangID:08X}', Charset=Charset, Language=Language ) for key in StringTableEntryParsed: if key.endswith('Version'): value = StringTableEntryParsed[key] separator = ', ' if re.match(F'\\d+({re.escape(separator)}\\d+){{3}}', value): StringTableEntryParsed[key] = '.'.join(value.split(separator)) string_table_entries.append(StringTableEntryParsed) if not string_table_entries: return None elif len(string_table_entries) == 1: return string_table_entries[0] else: return string_table_entries def parse_exports(self, pe: PE, data=None, include_addresses=False) -> list: pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT']]) base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase info = [] for k, exp in enumerate(pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols): if not name = F'@{k}' else: name ='ascii') item = {'Name': name, 'Address': self._vint(pe, exp.address + base)} if include_addresses else name info.append(item) return info def parse_imports(self, pe: PE, data=None, include_addresses=False) -> list: info = {} dirs = [] for name in [ 'DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT', 'DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT', ]: pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[DIRECTORY_ENTRY[F'IMAGE_{name}']]) with suppress(AttributeError): dirs.append(getattr(pe, name)) self.log_warn(dirs) for idd in itertools.chain(*dirs): dll: bytes = idd.dll dll = dll.decode('ascii') if dll.lower().endswith('.dll'): dll = dll[:~3] imports: list[str] = info.setdefault(dll, []) with suppress(AttributeError): symbols = idd.imports with suppress(AttributeError): symbols = idd.entries try: for imp in symbols: name: bytes = name = name and name.decode('ascii') or F'@{imp.ordinal}' if not include_addresses: imports.append(name) else: imports.append(dict(Name=name, Address=self._vint(pe, imp.address))) except Exception as e: self.log_warn(F'error parsing {name}: {e!s}') return info def parse_header(self, pe: PE, data=None) -> dict: def format_macro_name(name: str, prefix, convert=True): name = name.split('_')[prefix:] if convert: for k, part in enumerate(name): name[k] = part.upper() if len(part) <= 3 else part.capitalize() return ' '.join(name) major = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorOperatingSystemVersion minor = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorOperatingSystemVersion version = self._WINVER.get(major, {0: 'Unknown'}) try: MinimumOS = version[minor] except LookupError: MinimumOS = version[0] header_information = { 'Machine': format_macro_name(MACHINE_TYPE[pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine], 3, False), 'Subsystem': format_macro_name(SUBSYSTEM_TYPE[pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Subsystem], 2), 'MinimumOS': MinimumOS, } pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[ DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT'], ]) try: export_name = if isinstance(export_name, bytes): export_name = export_name.decode('utf8') if not export_name.isprintable(): export_name = None except Exception: export_name = None if export_name: header_information['ExportName'] = export_name rich_header = pe.parse_rich_header() rich = [] if rich_header: it = rich_header.get('values', []) if self.args.tabular: cw = max(len(F'{c:d}') for c in it[1::2]) for idv, count in zip(it[0::2], it[1::2]): info = get_rich_info(idv) if not info: continue pid = if self.args.tabular: short_pid = get_rich_short_pid(pid) rich.append(F'[{idv:08x}] {count:>0{cw}d} {short_pid!s} {info.ver}') else: rich.append({ 'Counter': count, 'Encoded': F'{idv:08x}', 'Library': pid, 'Product': info.ver, }) header_information['RICH'] = rich characteristics = self._pe_characteristics(pe) for typespec, flag in { 'EXE': 'IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE', 'DLL': 'IMAGE_FILE_DLL', 'SYS': 'IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM' }.items(): if flag in characteristics: header_information['Type'] = typespec base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase header_information['ImageBase'] = self._vint(pe, base) header_information['ImageSize'] = get_pe_size(pe) header_information['Bits'] = 4 * self._pe_address_width(pe, 16) header_information['EntryPoint'] = self._vint(pe, pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint + base) return header_information def parse_time_stamps(self, pe: PE, raw_time_stamps: bool, more_detail: bool) -> dict: """ Extracts time stamps from the PE header (link time), as well as from the imports, exports, debug, and resource directory. The resource time stamp is also parsed as a DOS time stamp and returned as the "Delphi" time stamp. """ if raw_time_stamps: def dt(ts): return ts else: dt = date_from_timestamp pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[ DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT'], DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT'], DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT'], DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT'], DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG'], DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE'] ]) info = {} with suppress(AttributeError): info.update(Linker=dt(pe.FILE_HEADER.TimeDateStamp)) for dir_name, _dll, info_key in [ ('DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT', 'dll', 'Import'), # noqa ('DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT', 'dll', 'Symbol'), # noqa ('DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT', 'name', 'Module'), # noqa ]: impts = {} for entry in getattr(pe, dir_name, []): ts = 0 with suppress(AttributeError): ts = entry.struct.dwTimeDateStamp with suppress(AttributeError): ts = entry.struct.TimeDateStamp if ts == 0 or ts == 0xFFFFFFFF: continue name = getattr(entry, _dll, B'').decode() if name.lower().endswith('.dll'): name = name[:-4] impts[name] = dt(ts) if not impts: continue if not more_detail: dmin = min(impts.values()) dmax = max(impts.values()) small_delta = 2 * 60 * 60 if not raw_time_stamps: small_delta = timedelta(seconds=small_delta) if dmax - dmin < small_delta: impts = dmin info[info_key] = impts with suppress(AttributeError): Export = pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.struct.TimeDateStamp if Export: info.update(Export=dt(Export)) with suppress(AttributeError): res_timestamp = pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE.struct.TimeDateStamp if res_timestamp: with suppress(ValueError): from refinery.units.misc.datefix import datefix dos = datefix.dostime(res_timestamp) info.update(Delphi=dos) info.update(RsrcTS=dt(res_timestamp)) def norm(value): if isinstance(value, list): return [norm(v) for v in value] if isinstance(value, dict): return {k: norm(v) for k, v in value.items()} if isinstance(value, int): return value return str(value) return {key: norm(value) for key, value in info.items()} def parse_dotnet(self, pe: PE, data): """ Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about the .NET metadata of an input PE file. """ header = DotNetHeader(data, pe=pe) tables = header.meta.Streams.Tables info = dict( RuntimeVersion=F'{header.head.MajorRuntimeVersion}.{header.head.MinorRuntimeVersion}', Version=F'{header.meta.MajorVersion}.{header.meta.MinorVersion}', VersionString=header.meta.VersionString ) info['Flags'] = [name for name, check in header.head.KnownFlags.items() if check] if len(tables.Assembly) == 1: assembly = tables.Assembly[0] info.update( AssemblyName=assembly.Name, Release='{}.{}.{}.{}'.format( assembly.MajorVersion, assembly.MinorVersion, assembly.BuildNumber, assembly.RevisionNumber ) ) try: entry = self._vint(pe, header.head.EntryPointToken + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase) info.update(EntryPoint=entry) except AttributeError: pass if len(tables.Module) == 1: module = tables.Module[0] info.update(ModuleName=module.Name) return info def parse_debug(self, pe: PE, data=None): result = {} pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[ DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG']]) for dbg in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG: if DEBUG_TYPE.get(dbg.struct.Type, None) != 'IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW': continue with suppress(Exception): pdb = dbg.entry.PdbFileName if 0 in pdb: pdb = pdb[:pdb.index(0)] result.update( PdbPath=pdb.decode(self.codec), PdbAge=dbg.entry.Age ) return result def process(self, data): result = {} pe = PE(data=data, fast_load=True) for switch, resolver, name in [ (self.args.debug, self.parse_debug, 'Debug'), # noqa (self.args.dotnet, self.parse_dotnet, 'DotNet'), # noqa (self.args.header, self.parse_header, 'Header'), # noqa (self.args.version, self.parse_version, 'Version'), # noqa (self.args.imports, self.parse_imports, 'Imports'), # noqa (self.args.exports, self.parse_exports, 'Exports'), # noqa ]: if not switch: continue self.log_debug(F'parsing: {name}') args = pe, data if switch > 1: args = *args, True try: info = resolver(*args) except Exception as E: self.log_info(F'failed to obtain {name}: {E!s}') continue if info: result[name] = info signature = {} if self.args.timestamps or self.args.signatures: with suppress(Exception): from import pesig signature = self.parse_signature(next(data | pesig)) if self.args.timestamps: ts = self.parse_time_stamps(pe, self.args.timeraw, self.args.timestamps > 1) with suppress(KeyError): ts.update(Signed=signature['Timestamp']) result.update(TimeStamp=ts) if signature and self.args.signatures: result['Signature'] = signature if result: yield from ppjson(tabular=self.args.tabular)._pretty_output(result, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) _CHARSET = { 0x0000: '7-bit ASCII', 0x03A4: 'Japan (Shift ? JIS X-0208)', 0x03B5: 'Korea (Shift ? KSC 5601)', 0x03B6: 'Taiwan (Big5)', 0x04B0: 'Unicode', 0x04E2: 'Latin-2 (Eastern European)', 0x04E3: 'Cyrillic', 0x04E4: 'Multilingual', 0x04E5: 'Greek', 0x04E6: 'Turkish', 0x04E7: 'Hebrew', 0x04E8: 'Arabic', } _WINVER = { 3: { 0x00: 'Windows NT 3', 0x0A: 'Windows NT 3.1', 0x32: 'Windows NT 3.5', 0x33: 'Windows NT 3.51', }, 4: { 0x00: 'Windows 95', 0x0A: 'Windows 98', }, 5: { 0x00: 'Windows 2000', 0x5A: 'Windows Me', 0x01: 'Windows XP', 0x02: 'Windows Server 2003', }, 6: { 0x00: 'Windows Vista', 0x01: 'Windows 7', 0x02: 'Windows 8', 0x03: 'Windows 8.1', }, 10: { 0x00: 'Windows 10', } }
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Static methods
def parse_signature(data)
Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about time stamp and code signing certificates that are attached to the input PE file.
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@classmethod def parse_signature(cls, data: bytearray) -> dict: """ Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about time stamp and code signing certificates that are attached to the input PE file. """ from refinery.units.formats.pkcs7 import pkcs7 try: signature = data | pkcs7 | json.loads except Exception as E: raise ValueError(F'PKCS7 parser failed with error: {E!s}') info = {} def _value(doc: dict, require_type=None): if require_type is not None: if doc.get('type', None) != require_type: raise LookupError value = doc.get('value', None) value = [value] if value else doc.get('values', []) if not value: raise LookupError return value[0] def find_timestamps(entry) -> dict: if isinstance(entry, dict): try: return {'Timestamp': _value(entry, 'signing_time')} except LookupError: pass for value in entry.values(): result = find_timestamps(value) if result is None: continue with suppress(KeyError): result.setdefault('TimestampIssuer', entry['sid']['issuer']['common_name']) return result elif isinstance(entry, list): for value in entry: result = find_timestamps(value) if result is None: continue return result timestamp_info = find_timestamps(signature) if timestamp_info is not None: info.update(timestamp_info) try: certificates = signature['content']['certificates'] except KeyError: return info if len(certificates) == 1: main_certificate = certificates[0] else: certificates_with_extended_use = [] main_certificate = None for certificate in certificates: with suppress(Exception): crt = certificate['tbs_certificate'] ext = [e for e in crt['extensions'] if e['extn_id'] == 'extended_key_usage' and e['extn_value'] != ['time_stamping']] key = [e for e in crt['extensions'] if e['extn_id'] == 'key_usage'] if ext: certificates_with_extended_use.append(certificate) if any('key_cert_sign' in e['extn_value'] for e in key): continue if any('code_signing' in e['extn_value'] for e in ext): main_certificate = certificate break if main_certificate is None and len(certificates_with_extended_use) == 1: main_certificate = certificates_with_extended_use[0] if main_certificate: crt = main_certificate['tbs_certificate'] serial = crt['serial_number'] if isinstance(serial, int): serial = F'{serial:x}' if len(serial) % 2 != 0: serial = F'0{serial}' assert bytes.fromhex(serial) in data subject = crt['subject'] location = [subject.get(t, '') for t in ('locality_name', 'state_or_province_name', 'country_name')] info.update(Subject=subject['common_name']) if any(location): info.update(SubjectLocation=', '.join(filter(None, location))) for signer_info in signature['content'].get('signer_infos', ()): try: if signer_info['sid']['serial_number'] != crt['serial_number']: continue for attr in signer_info['signed_attrs']: if attr['type'] == 'authenticode_info': auth = _value(attr) info.update(ProgramName=auth['programName']) info.update(MoreInfo=auth['moreInfo']) except KeyError: continue try: valid_from = crt['validity']['not_before'] valid_until = crt['validity']['not_after'] except KeyError: pass else: info.update(ValidFrom=valid_from, ValidUntil=valid_until) info.update( Issuer=crt['issuer']['common_name'], Fingerprint=main_certificate['fingerprint'], Serial=serial) return info return info
def parse_version(self, pe, data=None)
Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about the version resource of an input PE file, if available.
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def parse_version(self, pe: PE, data=None) -> dict: """ Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about the version resource of an input PE file, if available. """ pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE']]) string_table_entries = [] for FileInfo in pe.FileInfo: for FileInfoEntry in FileInfo: with suppress(AttributeError): for StringTableEntry in FileInfoEntry.StringTable: StringTableEntryParsed = self._parse_pedict(StringTableEntry.entries) with suppress(AttributeError): LangID = StringTableEntry.entries.get('LangID', None) or StringTableEntry.LangID LangID = int(LangID, 0x10) if not isinstance(LangID, int) else LangID LangHi = LangID >> 0x10 LangLo = LangID & 0xFFFF Language = LCID.get(LangHi, 'Language Neutral') Charset = self._CHARSET.get(LangLo, 'Unknown Charset') StringTableEntryParsed.update( LangID=F'{LangID:08X}', Charset=Charset, Language=Language ) for key in StringTableEntryParsed: if key.endswith('Version'): value = StringTableEntryParsed[key] separator = ', ' if re.match(F'\\d+({re.escape(separator)}\\d+){{3}}', value): StringTableEntryParsed[key] = '.'.join(value.split(separator)) string_table_entries.append(StringTableEntryParsed) if not string_table_entries: return None elif len(string_table_entries) == 1: return string_table_entries[0] else: return string_table_entries
def parse_exports(self, pe, data=None, include_addresses=False)
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def parse_exports(self, pe: PE, data=None, include_addresses=False) -> list: pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT']]) base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase info = [] for k, exp in enumerate(pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols): if not name = F'@{k}' else: name ='ascii') item = {'Name': name, 'Address': self._vint(pe, exp.address + base)} if include_addresses else name info.append(item) return info
def parse_imports(self, pe, data=None, include_addresses=False)
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def parse_imports(self, pe: PE, data=None, include_addresses=False) -> list: info = {} dirs = [] for name in [ 'DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT', 'DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT', ]: pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[DIRECTORY_ENTRY[F'IMAGE_{name}']]) with suppress(AttributeError): dirs.append(getattr(pe, name)) self.log_warn(dirs) for idd in itertools.chain(*dirs): dll: bytes = idd.dll dll = dll.decode('ascii') if dll.lower().endswith('.dll'): dll = dll[:~3] imports: list[str] = info.setdefault(dll, []) with suppress(AttributeError): symbols = idd.imports with suppress(AttributeError): symbols = idd.entries try: for imp in symbols: name: bytes = name = name and name.decode('ascii') or F'@{imp.ordinal}' if not include_addresses: imports.append(name) else: imports.append(dict(Name=name, Address=self._vint(pe, imp.address))) except Exception as e: self.log_warn(F'error parsing {name}: {e!s}') return info
def parse_header(self, pe, data=None)
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def parse_header(self, pe: PE, data=None) -> dict: def format_macro_name(name: str, prefix, convert=True): name = name.split('_')[prefix:] if convert: for k, part in enumerate(name): name[k] = part.upper() if len(part) <= 3 else part.capitalize() return ' '.join(name) major = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MajorOperatingSystemVersion minor = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.MinorOperatingSystemVersion version = self._WINVER.get(major, {0: 'Unknown'}) try: MinimumOS = version[minor] except LookupError: MinimumOS = version[0] header_information = { 'Machine': format_macro_name(MACHINE_TYPE[pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine], 3, False), 'Subsystem': format_macro_name(SUBSYSTEM_TYPE[pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Subsystem], 2), 'MinimumOS': MinimumOS, } pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[ DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT'], ]) try: export_name = if isinstance(export_name, bytes): export_name = export_name.decode('utf8') if not export_name.isprintable(): export_name = None except Exception: export_name = None if export_name: header_information['ExportName'] = export_name rich_header = pe.parse_rich_header() rich = [] if rich_header: it = rich_header.get('values', []) if self.args.tabular: cw = max(len(F'{c:d}') for c in it[1::2]) for idv, count in zip(it[0::2], it[1::2]): info = get_rich_info(idv) if not info: continue pid = if self.args.tabular: short_pid = get_rich_short_pid(pid) rich.append(F'[{idv:08x}] {count:>0{cw}d} {short_pid!s} {info.ver}') else: rich.append({ 'Counter': count, 'Encoded': F'{idv:08x}', 'Library': pid, 'Product': info.ver, }) header_information['RICH'] = rich characteristics = self._pe_characteristics(pe) for typespec, flag in { 'EXE': 'IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE', 'DLL': 'IMAGE_FILE_DLL', 'SYS': 'IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM' }.items(): if flag in characteristics: header_information['Type'] = typespec base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase header_information['ImageBase'] = self._vint(pe, base) header_information['ImageSize'] = get_pe_size(pe) header_information['Bits'] = 4 * self._pe_address_width(pe, 16) header_information['EntryPoint'] = self._vint(pe, pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint + base) return header_information
def parse_time_stamps(self, pe, raw_time_stamps, more_detail)
Extracts time stamps from the PE header (link time), as well as from the imports, exports, debug, and resource directory. The resource time stamp is also parsed as a DOS time stamp and returned as the "Delphi" time stamp.
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def parse_time_stamps(self, pe: PE, raw_time_stamps: bool, more_detail: bool) -> dict: """ Extracts time stamps from the PE header (link time), as well as from the imports, exports, debug, and resource directory. The resource time stamp is also parsed as a DOS time stamp and returned as the "Delphi" time stamp. """ if raw_time_stamps: def dt(ts): return ts else: dt = date_from_timestamp pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[ DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT'], DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT'], DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT'], DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT'], DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG'], DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE'] ]) info = {} with suppress(AttributeError): info.update(Linker=dt(pe.FILE_HEADER.TimeDateStamp)) for dir_name, _dll, info_key in [ ('DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT', 'dll', 'Import'), # noqa ('DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT', 'dll', 'Symbol'), # noqa ('DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT', 'name', 'Module'), # noqa ]: impts = {} for entry in getattr(pe, dir_name, []): ts = 0 with suppress(AttributeError): ts = entry.struct.dwTimeDateStamp with suppress(AttributeError): ts = entry.struct.TimeDateStamp if ts == 0 or ts == 0xFFFFFFFF: continue name = getattr(entry, _dll, B'').decode() if name.lower().endswith('.dll'): name = name[:-4] impts[name] = dt(ts) if not impts: continue if not more_detail: dmin = min(impts.values()) dmax = max(impts.values()) small_delta = 2 * 60 * 60 if not raw_time_stamps: small_delta = timedelta(seconds=small_delta) if dmax - dmin < small_delta: impts = dmin info[info_key] = impts with suppress(AttributeError): Export = pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.struct.TimeDateStamp if Export: info.update(Export=dt(Export)) with suppress(AttributeError): res_timestamp = pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE.struct.TimeDateStamp if res_timestamp: with suppress(ValueError): from refinery.units.misc.datefix import datefix dos = datefix.dostime(res_timestamp) info.update(Delphi=dos) info.update(RsrcTS=dt(res_timestamp)) def norm(value): if isinstance(value, list): return [norm(v) for v in value] if isinstance(value, dict): return {k: norm(v) for k, v in value.items()} if isinstance(value, int): return value return str(value) return {key: norm(value) for key, value in info.items()}
def parse_dotnet(self, pe, data)
Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about the .NET metadata of an input PE file.
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def parse_dotnet(self, pe: PE, data): """ Extracts a JSON-serializable and human-readable dictionary with information about the .NET metadata of an input PE file. """ header = DotNetHeader(data, pe=pe) tables = header.meta.Streams.Tables info = dict( RuntimeVersion=F'{header.head.MajorRuntimeVersion}.{header.head.MinorRuntimeVersion}', Version=F'{header.meta.MajorVersion}.{header.meta.MinorVersion}', VersionString=header.meta.VersionString ) info['Flags'] = [name for name, check in header.head.KnownFlags.items() if check] if len(tables.Assembly) == 1: assembly = tables.Assembly[0] info.update( AssemblyName=assembly.Name, Release='{}.{}.{}.{}'.format( assembly.MajorVersion, assembly.MinorVersion, assembly.BuildNumber, assembly.RevisionNumber ) ) try: entry = self._vint(pe, header.head.EntryPointToken + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase) info.update(EntryPoint=entry) except AttributeError: pass if len(tables.Module) == 1: module = tables.Module[0] info.update(ModuleName=module.Name) return info
def parse_debug(self, pe, data=None)
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def parse_debug(self, pe: PE, data=None): result = {} pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[ DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG']]) for dbg in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG: if DEBUG_TYPE.get(dbg.struct.Type, None) != 'IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW': continue with suppress(Exception): pdb = dbg.entry.PdbFileName if 0 in pdb: pdb = pdb[:pdb.index(0)] result.update( PdbPath=pdb.decode(self.codec), PdbAge=dbg.entry.Age ) return result
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