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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Generator, Iterable, Optional
from import OverlayUnit, Arg
from import RSRC
from refinery.lib.executable import Executable
from refinery.lib.argformats import percent
from refinery.lib.meta import TerseSizeInt as TI, SizeInt
import zlib
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from pefile import PE, Structure, SectionStructure, DIRECTORY_ENTRY
_KB = 1000
_MB = _KB * _KB
_STRIP = TI(10 * _MB)
_ASCII = Executable.ascii
class BrokenLink(Exception):
class pedebloat(OverlayUnit):
Removes junk or excess data from PE files and returns the stripped executable. By default, only
the PE overlay is considered; use the flags `-r` and `-s` to also consider resources and entire
sections. Any buffer is only considered for removal if it exceeds a certain size. If this
condition is met, a binary search is performed to determine the offset inside the buffer up to
which the compression ratio is above a certain threshold; everything beyond that point is then
removed. By setting the threshold compression ratio to 1, each large buffer is removed entirely.
def __init__(
*names: Arg(type=str),
resources: Arg.Switch('-r', help='Strip large resources.') = False,
sections : Arg.Switch('-s', help='Strip large sections.') = False,
trim_code: Arg.Switch('-X', help='Lift the exception on code sections for stripping.') = False,
trim_rsrc: Arg.Switch('-Y', help='Lift the exception on rsrc sections for stripping.') = False,
threshold: Arg('-t', metavar='T', type=percent, help=(
'Trailing data from resources and sections is stripped until the compression ratio '
'of the remaining data rises above this threshold. The default value is {default}. '
'Set this to 1 to ignore the limit entirely and trim every structure as much as '
'possible without violating alignment. Setting this value to 0 will only strip repeated '
'occurrences of the last byte.')) = 0.05,
size_limit: Arg.Number('-l', help=(
'Structures below this size are not stripped. Default is {default!r}.')) = _STRIP,
keep_limit: Arg.Switch('-k', help=(
'Do not strip structures to below the above size limit.')) = False,
aggressive: Arg.Switch('-a', help=(
'Equivalent to -srt1: Strip large sections and resources aggressively.')) = False,
if aggressive:
sections = True
resources = True
threshold = 1
def _right_strip_data(self, data: memoryview, alignment=1, block_size=_MB) -> int:
if not data:
return 0
threshold = self.args.threshold
data_overhang = len(data) % alignment
result = data_overhang
if 0 < threshold < 1:
def compression_ratio(offset: int):
ratio = len(zlib.compress(data[:offset], level=1)) / offset
self.log_debug(F'compressing {SizeInt(offset)!r} ratio={ratio:6.4f}')
return ratio
upper = len(data)
lower = result
if compression_ratio(upper) <= threshold:
while block_size < upper - lower:
pivot = (lower + upper) // 2
ratio = compression_ratio(pivot)
if ratio > threshold:
lower = pivot + 1
upper = pivot
if abs(ratio - threshold) < 1e-10:
result = upper
elif threshold == 0:
result = len(data)
elif threshold == 1:
result = 0
while result > 1 and data[result - 2] == data[result - 1]:
result -= 1
result = max(result, data_overhang)
if self.args.keep_limit:
result = max(result, self.args.size_limit)
result = result + (data_overhang - result) % alignment
if result > len(data):
excess = result - len(data)
excess = excess + (-excess % alignment)
result = result - excess
return result
def _adjust_offsets(self, pe: PE, gap_offset: int, gap_size: int):
base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
alignment = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment
rva_offset = pe.get_rva_from_offset(gap_offset)
tva_offset = rva_offset + base
section = pe.get_section_by_offset(gap_offset)
new_section_size = section.SizeOfRawData - gap_size
if new_section_size % alignment != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
F'trimming 0x{gap_size:X} bytes from section {_ASCII(section.Name)} of size 0x{section.SizeOfRawData:X} '
F'violates required section alignment of 0x{alignment:X} bytes')
inside_section_offset = gap_offset - section.PointerToRawData
if inside_section_offset > new_section_size:
overlap = inside_section_offset - new_section_size
raise RuntimeError(F'trimming from section {_ASCII(section.Name)}; data extends {overlap} beyond section')
rva_lbound = section.VirtualAddress
rva_ubound = section.VirtualAddress + section.Misc_VirtualSize - 1
tva_lbound = rva_lbound + base
tva_ubound = rva_ubound + base
def adjust_attributes_of_structure(
structure: Structure,
gap_offset: int,
valid_values_lower_bound: Optional[int],
valid_values_upper_bound: Optional[int],
attributes: Iterable[str]
for attribute in attributes:
old_value = getattr(structure, attribute, 0)
if old_value <= gap_offset:
if valid_values_lower_bound is not None and old_value < valid_values_lower_bound:
if valid_values_upper_bound is not None and old_value > valid_values_upper_bound:
new_value = old_value - gap_size
if new_value < gap_offset:
raise BrokenLink(F'attribute {attribute} points into removed region')
self.log_debug(F'adjusting field in {}: {attribute}')
setattr(structure, attribute, new_value)
it: Iterable[Structure] = iter(pe.__structures__)
remove = []
for index, structure in enumerate(it):
old_offset = structure.get_file_offset()
new_offset = old_offset - gap_offset
if old_offset > gap_offset:
if old_offset < gap_offset + gap_size:
self.log_debug(F'removing structure {}; starts inside removed region')
if isinstance(structure, SectionStructure) and new_offset % alignment != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
F'structure {} would be moved to offset 0x{new_offset:X}, '
F'violating section alignment value 0x{alignment:X}.')
adjust_attributes_of_structure(structure, rva_offset, rva_lbound, rva_ubound, (
adjust_attributes_of_structure(structure, tva_offset, tva_lbound, tva_ubound, (
adjust_attributes_of_structure(structure, gap_offset, None, None, (
except BrokenLink as error:
self.log_debug(F'removing structure {}; {error!s}')
for attribute in (
if not hasattr(structure, attribute):
self.log_warn(F'potential offset in structure {} ignored: {attribute}')
while remove:
index = remove.pop()
pe.__structures__[index:index + 1] = []
section.SizeOfRawData = new_section_size
def _trim_sections(self, pe: PE, data: bytearray) -> int:
S = self.args.size_limit
P = self.args.names
trimmed = 0
for section in pe.sections:
section: SectionStructure
offset = section.PointerToRawData
name = _ASCII(section.Name)
if not self.args.trim_code and name.lower() in ('.text', '.code'):
self.log_debug(F'skipping code section {name}; specify --trim-code to override.')
if not self.args.trim_rsrc and name.lower() == '.rsrc':
self.log_debug(F'skipping rsrc section {name}; specify --trim-rsrc to override.')
old_size = section.SizeOfRawData
if old_size <= S and not any(fnmatch(name, p) for p in P):
self.log_debug(F'criteria not satisfied for section: {SizeInt(old_size)!r} {name}')
new_size = self._right_strip_data(
memoryview(data)[offset:offset + old_size],
if new_size == old_size:
self.log_info(F'stripping section {name} from {TI(old_size)!r} to {TI(new_size)!r}')
gap_size = old_size - new_size
gap_offset = offset + new_size
if gap_size <= 0:
self._adjust_offsets(pe, gap_offset, gap_size)
trimmed += gap_size
data[gap_offset:gap_offset + gap_size] = []
return trimmed
def _trim_pe_resources(self, pe: PE, data: bytearray) -> int:
S = self.args.size_limit
P = self.args.names
trimmed = 0
def find_bloated_resources(pe: PE, directory, level: int = 0, *path) -> Generator[Structure, None, None]:
for entry in directory.entries:
name = getattr(entry, 'name')
numeric = getattr(entry, 'id')
if not name:
if level == 0 and numeric in iter(RSRC):
name = RSRC(
elif numeric is not None:
name = str(numeric)
name = name and str(name) or '?'
if entry.struct.DataIsDirectory:
yield from find_bloated_resources(pe,, level + 1, *path, name)
struct: Structure =
name = '/'.join((*path, name))
if struct.Size <= S and not any(fnmatch(name, p) for p in P):
self.log_debug(F'criteria not satisfied for resource: {SizeInt(struct.Size)!r} {name}')
yield name, struct
except AttributeError:
return 0
for name, resource in find_bloated_resources(pe, resources):
offset = pe.get_offset_from_rva(resource.OffsetToData)
old_size = resource.Size
new_size = self._right_strip_data(
memoryview(data)[offset:offset + old_size],
self.log_info(F'stripping resource {name} from {old_size} to {new_size}')
gap_size = old_size - new_size
gap_offset = offset + new_size
if gap_size <= 0:
resource.Size = new_size
self._adjust_offsets(pe, gap_offset, gap_size)
trimmed += gap_size
data[gap_offset:gap_offset + gap_size] = []
self.log_info(F'trimming size of resource data directory by {TI(trimmed)!r}')
return trimmed
def process(self, data: bytearray) -> bytearray:
overlay_offset = self._get_size(data)
if len(data) - overlay_offset >= self.args.size_limit:
view = memoryview(data)
overlay_length = self._right_strip_data(view[overlay_offset:])
body_size = overlay_offset + overlay_length
data[body_size:] = []
except Exception:
data = data[:body_size]
if not self.args.resources and not self.args.sections:
return data
pe = PE(data=data, fast_load=True)
total = len(data)
trimmed = 0
view = pe.__data__
copy = False
if not isinstance(view, bytearray):
view = memoryview(view)
view[0] = 0x4D
except Exception:
copy = True
view = bytearray(pe.__data__)
if self.args.resources:
trimmed += self._trim_pe_resources(pe, view)
if self.args.sections:
trimmed += self._trim_sections(pe, view)
if copy:
pe.__data__ = view
data = pe.write()
end = total - trimmed
if end < len(data):
self.log_warn(F'output contains {len(data) - end} trailing bytes')
return data
class BrokenLink (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class BrokenLink(Exception): pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class pedebloat (*names, certificate=False, directories=False, memdump=False, resources=False, sections=False, trim_code=False, trim_rsrc=False, threshold=0.05, size_limit=10.0 MB, keep_limit=False, aggressive=False)
Removes junk or excess data from PE files and returns the stripped executable. By default, only the PE overlay is considered; use the flags
to also consider resources and entire sections. Any buffer is only considered for removal if it exceeds a certain size. If this condition is met, a binary search is performed to determine the offset inside the buffer up to which the compression ratio is above a certain threshold; everything beyond that point is then removed. By setting the threshold compression ratio to 1, each large buffer is removed entirely.Expand source code Browse git
class pedebloat(OverlayUnit): """ Removes junk or excess data from PE files and returns the stripped executable. By default, only the PE overlay is considered; use the flags `-r` and `-s` to also consider resources and entire sections. Any buffer is only considered for removal if it exceeds a certain size. If this condition is met, a binary search is performed to determine the offset inside the buffer up to which the compression ratio is above a certain threshold; everything beyond that point is then removed. By setting the threshold compression ratio to 1, each large buffer is removed entirely. """ def __init__( self, *names: Arg(type=str), certificate=False, directories=False, memdump=False, resources: Arg.Switch('-r', help='Strip large resources.') = False, sections : Arg.Switch('-s', help='Strip large sections.') = False, trim_code: Arg.Switch('-X', help='Lift the exception on code sections for stripping.') = False, trim_rsrc: Arg.Switch('-Y', help='Lift the exception on rsrc sections for stripping.') = False, threshold: Arg('-t', metavar='T', type=percent, help=( 'Trailing data from resources and sections is stripped until the compression ratio ' 'of the remaining data rises above this threshold. The default value is {default}. ' 'Set this to 1 to ignore the limit entirely and trim every structure as much as ' 'possible without violating alignment. Setting this value to 0 will only strip repeated ' 'occurrences of the last byte.')) = 0.05, size_limit: Arg.Number('-l', help=( 'Structures below this size are not stripped. Default is {default!r}.')) = _STRIP, keep_limit: Arg.Switch('-k', help=( 'Do not strip structures to below the above size limit.')) = False, aggressive: Arg.Switch('-a', help=( 'Equivalent to -srt1: Strip large sections and resources aggressively.')) = False, ): if aggressive: sections = True resources = True threshold = 1 super().__init__( certificate, directories, memdump, sections=sections, resources=resources, size_limit=size_limit, keep_limit=keep_limit, threshold=threshold, trim_rsrc=trim_rsrc, trim_code=trim_code, names=names, ) def _right_strip_data(self, data: memoryview, alignment=1, block_size=_MB) -> int: if not data: return 0 threshold = self.args.threshold data_overhang = len(data) % alignment result = data_overhang if 0 < threshold < 1: def compression_ratio(offset: int): ratio = len(zlib.compress(data[:offset], level=1)) / offset self.log_debug(F'compressing {SizeInt(offset)!r} ratio={ratio:6.4f}') return ratio upper = len(data) lower = result if compression_ratio(upper) <= threshold: while block_size < upper - lower: pivot = (lower + upper) // 2 ratio = compression_ratio(pivot) if ratio > threshold: lower = pivot + 1 continue upper = pivot if abs(ratio - threshold) < 1e-10: break result = upper elif threshold == 0: result = len(data) elif threshold == 1: result = 0 while result > 1 and data[result - 2] == data[result - 1]: result -= 1 result = max(result, data_overhang) if self.args.keep_limit: result = max(result, self.args.size_limit) result = result + (data_overhang - result) % alignment if result > len(data): excess = result - len(data) excess = excess + (-excess % alignment) result = result - excess return result def _adjust_offsets(self, pe: PE, gap_offset: int, gap_size: int): base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase alignment = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment rva_offset = pe.get_rva_from_offset(gap_offset) tva_offset = rva_offset + base section = pe.get_section_by_offset(gap_offset) new_section_size = section.SizeOfRawData - gap_size if new_section_size % alignment != 0: raise RuntimeError( F'trimming 0x{gap_size:X} bytes from section {_ASCII(section.Name)} of size 0x{section.SizeOfRawData:X} ' F'violates required section alignment of 0x{alignment:X} bytes') inside_section_offset = gap_offset - section.PointerToRawData if inside_section_offset > new_section_size: overlap = inside_section_offset - new_section_size raise RuntimeError(F'trimming from section {_ASCII(section.Name)}; data extends {overlap} beyond section') rva_lbound = section.VirtualAddress rva_ubound = section.VirtualAddress + section.Misc_VirtualSize - 1 tva_lbound = rva_lbound + base tva_ubound = rva_ubound + base def adjust_attributes_of_structure( structure: Structure, gap_offset: int, valid_values_lower_bound: Optional[int], valid_values_upper_bound: Optional[int], attributes: Iterable[str] ): for attribute in attributes: old_value = getattr(structure, attribute, 0) if old_value <= gap_offset: continue if valid_values_lower_bound is not None and old_value < valid_values_lower_bound: continue if valid_values_upper_bound is not None and old_value > valid_values_upper_bound: continue new_value = old_value - gap_size if new_value < gap_offset: raise BrokenLink(F'attribute {attribute} points into removed region') self.log_debug(F'adjusting field in {}: {attribute}') setattr(structure, attribute, new_value) it: Iterable[Structure] = iter(pe.__structures__) remove = [] for index, structure in enumerate(it): old_offset = structure.get_file_offset() new_offset = old_offset - gap_offset if old_offset > gap_offset: if old_offset < gap_offset + gap_size: self.log_debug(F'removing structure {}; starts inside removed region') remove.append(index) continue if isinstance(structure, SectionStructure) and new_offset % alignment != 0: raise RuntimeError( F'structure {} would be moved to offset 0x{new_offset:X}, ' F'violating section alignment value 0x{alignment:X}.') structure.set_file_offset(new_offset) try: adjust_attributes_of_structure(structure, rva_offset, rva_lbound, rva_ubound, ( 'OffsetToData', 'AddressOfData', 'VirtualAddress', 'AddressOfNames', 'AddressOfNameOrdinals', 'AddressOfFunctions', 'AddressOfEntryPoint', 'AddressOfRawData', 'BaseOfCode', 'BaseOfData', )) adjust_attributes_of_structure(structure, tva_offset, tva_lbound, tva_ubound, ( 'StartAddressOfRawData', 'EndAddressOfRawData', 'AddressOfIndex', 'AddressOfCallBacks', )) adjust_attributes_of_structure(structure, gap_offset, None, None, ( 'OffsetModuleName', 'PointerToRawData', )) except BrokenLink as error: self.log_debug(F'removing structure {}; {error!s}') remove.append(index) continue for attribute in ( 'CvHeaderOffset', 'OffsetIn2Qwords', 'OffsetInQwords', 'Offset', 'OffsetLow', 'OffsetHigh' ): if not hasattr(structure, attribute): continue self.log_warn(F'potential offset in structure {} ignored: {attribute}') while remove: index = remove.pop() pe.__structures__[index:index + 1] = [] section.SizeOfRawData = new_section_size def _trim_sections(self, pe: PE, data: bytearray) -> int: S = self.args.size_limit P = self.args.names trimmed = 0 for section in pe.sections: section: SectionStructure offset = section.PointerToRawData name = _ASCII(section.Name) if not self.args.trim_code and name.lower() in ('.text', '.code'): self.log_debug(F'skipping code section {name}; specify --trim-code to override.') continue if not self.args.trim_rsrc and name.lower() == '.rsrc': self.log_debug(F'skipping rsrc section {name}; specify --trim-rsrc to override.') continue old_size = section.SizeOfRawData if old_size <= S and not any(fnmatch(name, p) for p in P): self.log_debug(F'criteria not satisfied for section: {SizeInt(old_size)!r} {name}') continue new_size = self._right_strip_data( memoryview(data)[offset:offset + old_size], pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment) if new_size == old_size: continue self.log_info(F'stripping section {name} from {TI(old_size)!r} to {TI(new_size)!r}') gap_size = old_size - new_size gap_offset = offset + new_size if gap_size <= 0: continue self._adjust_offsets(pe, gap_offset, gap_size) trimmed += gap_size data[gap_offset:gap_offset + gap_size] = [] return trimmed def _trim_pe_resources(self, pe: PE, data: bytearray) -> int: S = self.args.size_limit P = self.args.names trimmed = 0 def find_bloated_resources(pe: PE, directory, level: int = 0, *path) -> Generator[Structure, None, None]: for entry in directory.entries: name = getattr(entry, 'name') numeric = getattr(entry, 'id') if not name: if level == 0 and numeric in iter(RSRC): name = RSRC( elif numeric is not None: name = str(numeric) name = name and str(name) or '?' if entry.struct.DataIsDirectory: yield from find_bloated_resources(pe,, level + 1, *path, name) continue struct: Structure = name = '/'.join((*path, name)) if struct.Size <= S and not any(fnmatch(name, p) for p in P): self.log_debug(F'criteria not satisfied for resource: {SizeInt(struct.Size)!r} {name}') continue yield name, struct RSRC_INDEX = DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE'] pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[RSRC_INDEX]) try: resources = pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE except AttributeError: return 0 for name, resource in find_bloated_resources(pe, resources): offset = pe.get_offset_from_rva(resource.OffsetToData) old_size = resource.Size new_size = self._right_strip_data( memoryview(data)[offset:offset + old_size], pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment) self.log_info(F'stripping resource {name} from {old_size} to {new_size}') gap_size = old_size - new_size gap_offset = offset + new_size if gap_size <= 0: continue resource.Size = new_size self._adjust_offsets(pe, gap_offset, gap_size) trimmed += gap_size data[gap_offset:gap_offset + gap_size] = [] pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY[RSRC_INDEX].Size -= trimmed self.log_info(F'trimming size of resource data directory by {TI(trimmed)!r}') return trimmed def process(self, data: bytearray) -> bytearray: overlay_offset = self._get_size(data) if len(data) - overlay_offset >= self.args.size_limit: view = memoryview(data) overlay_length = self._right_strip_data(view[overlay_offset:]) body_size = overlay_offset + overlay_length try: data[body_size:] = [] except Exception: data = data[:body_size] if not self.args.resources and not self.args.sections: return data pe = PE(data=data, fast_load=True) total = len(data) trimmed = 0 view = pe.__data__ copy = False if not isinstance(view, bytearray): view = memoryview(view) try: view[0] = 0x4D except Exception: copy = True view = bytearray(pe.__data__) if self.args.resources: trimmed += self._trim_pe_resources(pe, view) if self.args.sections: trimmed += self._trim_sections(pe, view) if copy: pe.__data__ = view data = pe.write() end = total - trimmed if end < len(data): self.log_warn(F'output contains {len(data) - end} trailing bytes') return data
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Inherited members