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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from fnmatch import fnmatch

import re
import io
import defusedxml
import functools

from refinery.units import Arg, Unit
from refinery.lib.structures import MemoryFile
from import NoLogging

    from pyxlsb2.records import SheetRecord


def _ref2rc(ref: str):
    match = re.match(R'^([A-Z]+)(\d+)$', ref)
    if not match:
        raise ValueError
    col = functools.reduce(lambda acc, c: (acc * 26) + c, (ord(c) - 0x40 for c in match[1]), 0)
    row = int(match[2], 10)
    return row, col

def _rc2ref(row: int, col: int):
    if row <= 0:
        raise ValueError
    if col <= 0:
        raise ValueError
    alphabetic = ''
    while col:
        col, letter = divmod(col - 1, 26)
        alphabetic = chr(0x41 + letter) + alphabetic
    return F'{alphabetic}{row}'

class SheetReference:

    def _parse_sheet(self, token: str):
            sheet, token = token.rsplit('#', 1)
        except ValueError:
            sheet = None
                sheet = int(sheet, 0) - 1
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                if sheet[0] in ('"', "'") and sheet[~0] == sheet[0] and len(sheet) > 2:
                    sheet = sheet[1:~1]
        return sheet, token

    def _parse_range(self, token):
            start, end = token.split(':')
            return start, end
        except ValueError:
            return token, token

    def _parse_token(token):
            row, col = _ref2rc(token)
        except ValueError:
            row, col = (int(x, 0) for x in token.split('.'))
        if row <= 0:
            raise ValueError(F'row must be positive, {row} is an invalid value')
        if col <= 0:
            raise ValueError(F'col must be positive, {col} is an invalid value')
        return row, col

    def __init__(self, sheet_reference=None):
        self.lbound = 1, 1
        self.ubound = None
        if sheet_reference is None:
            self.sheet = None
        self.sheet, token = self._parse_sheet(sheet_reference)
        if not token:
            start, stop = (self._parse_token(x) for x in self._parse_range(token))
        except Exception:
            self.sheet = sheet_reference
            row_min = min(start[0], stop[0])
            col_min = min(start[1], stop[1])
            row_max = max(start[0], stop[0])
            col_max = max(start[1], stop[1])
            self.lbound = (row_min, col_min)
            self.ubound = (row_max, col_max)

    def match(self, index: int, name: str):
        if self.sheet is None:
            return True
        if isinstance(self.sheet, int):
            return self.sheet == index
        return self.sheet == name or fnmatch(name, self.sheet)

    def cells(self, row_max, col_max):
        if self.ubound is not None:
            row_max, col_max = self.ubound
        row, col = self.lbound
        colstart = col
        while True:
            yield row, col
            if col < col_max:
                col += 1
            elif row < row_max:
                row, col = row + 1, colstart

    def __contains__(self, ref):
        if self.ubound is None:
            return True
        if not isinstance(ref, tuple):
            ref = self._parse_token(ref)
        row, col = ref
        if row not in range(self.lbound[0], self.ubound[0] + 1):
            return False
        if col not in range(self.lbound[1], self.ubound[1] + 1):
            return False
        return True

class xlxtr(Unit):
    Extract data from Microsoft Excel documents, both Legacy and new XML type documents. A sheet reference is of the form `B1` or `1.2`,
    both specifying the first cell of the second column. A cell range can be specified as `B1:C12`, or `1.2:C12`, or `1.2:12.3`. Finally,
    the unit will always refer to the first sheet in the document and to change this, specify the sheet name or index separated by a
    hashtag, i.e. `sheet#B1:C12` or `1#B1:C12`. Note that indices are 1-based. To get all elements of one sheet, use `sheet#`. The unit
    If parsing a sheet reference fails, the script will assume that the given reference specifies a sheet.
    def __init__(self, *references: Arg(metavar='reference', type=SheetReference, help=(
        'A sheet reference to be extracted. '
        'If no sheet references are given, the unit lists all sheet names.'
        if not references:
            references = [SheetReference('*')]

    @Unit.Requires('xlrd2', 'formats', 'office', 'extended')
    def _xlrd():
        import xlrd2
        return xlrd2

    @Unit.Requires('openpyxl', 'formats', 'office', 'extended')
    def _openpyxl():
        import openpyxl
        return openpyxl

    @Unit.Requires('pyxlsb2', 'formats', 'office', 'extended')
    def _pyxlsb2():
        import pyxlsb2
        return pyxlsb2

    def _rcmatch(self, sheet_index, sheet_name, row, col):
        assert row > 0
        assert col > 0
        if not self.args.references:
            return True
        for ref in self.args.references:
            ref: SheetReference
            if not ref.match(sheet_index, sheet_name):
            if (row, col) in ref:
                return True
            return False

    def _get_value(self, sheet_index, sheet, callable, row, col):
        if col <= 0 or row <= 0:
            raise ValueError(F'invalid cell reference ({row}, {col}) - indices must be positive numbers')
        if not self._rcmatch(sheet_index, sheet, row, col):
            value = callable(row - 1, col - 1)
        except IndexError:
        if not value:
        if isinstance(value, float):
            if float(int(value)) == value:
                value = int(value)
        yield self.labelled(
            ref=_rc2ref(row, col),

    def _process_pyxlsb2(self, data):
        with self._pyxlsb2.open_workbook(MemoryFile(data)) as wb:
            for ref in self.args.references:
                ref: SheetReference
                for k, rec in enumerate(wb.sheets):
                    rec: SheetRecord
                    name =
                    if not ref.match(k, name):
                    sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(name)
                    rows = list(sheet.rows())
                    nrows = len(rows)
                    ncols = max((len(r) for r in rows), default=0)
                    for row, col in ref.cells(nrows, ncols):
                        def get(row, col):
                            return rows[row][col].v
                        yield from self._get_value(k, name, get, row, col)

    def _process_xlrd(self, data):
        with io.StringIO() as logfile:
            vb = max(self.log_level.verbosity - 1, 0)
            wb = self._xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=data, logfile=logfile, verbosity=vb, on_demand=True)
            for entry in logfile:
                entry = entry.strip()
                if'^[A-Z]+:', entry) or '***' in entry:
        for ref in self.args.references:
            ref: SheetReference
            for k, name in enumerate(wb.sheet_names()):
                if not ref.match(k, name):
                sheet = wb.sheet_by_name(name)
                self.log_info(F'iterating {sheet.ncols} columns and {sheet.nrows} rows')
                for row, col in ref.cells(sheet.nrows, sheet.ncols):
                    yield from self._get_value(k, name, sheet.cell_value, row, col)

    def _process_openpyxl(self, data):
        with NoLogging():
            workbook = self._openpyxl.load_workbook(MemoryFile(data), read_only=True)
        for ref in self.args.references:
            ref: SheetReference
            for k, name in enumerate(workbook.sheetnames):
                if not ref.match(k, name):
                sheet = workbook[name]
                with NoLogging():
                    cells = [row for row in sheet.iter_rows(values_only=True)]
                nrows = len(cells)
                ncols = max((len(row) for row in cells), default=0)
                for row, col in ref.cells(nrows, ncols):
                    yield from self._get_value(k, name, lambda r, c: cells[r][c], row, col)

    def process(self, data):
        last_error = None
        for name, processor in (
            ('openpyxl', self._process_openpyxl),
            ('xlrd', self._process_xlrd),
            ('pyxlsb2', self._process_pyxlsb2),
                yield from processor(data)
            except Exception as e:
                last_error = e
                self.log_debug(F'failed processing with {name}: {e!s}')
            raise last_error


class SheetReference (sheet_reference=None)
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class SheetReference:

    def _parse_sheet(self, token: str):
            sheet, token = token.rsplit('#', 1)
        except ValueError:
            sheet = None
                sheet = int(sheet, 0) - 1
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                if sheet[0] in ('"', "'") and sheet[~0] == sheet[0] and len(sheet) > 2:
                    sheet = sheet[1:~1]
        return sheet, token

    def _parse_range(self, token):
            start, end = token.split(':')
            return start, end
        except ValueError:
            return token, token

    def _parse_token(token):
            row, col = _ref2rc(token)
        except ValueError:
            row, col = (int(x, 0) for x in token.split('.'))
        if row <= 0:
            raise ValueError(F'row must be positive, {row} is an invalid value')
        if col <= 0:
            raise ValueError(F'col must be positive, {col} is an invalid value')
        return row, col

    def __init__(self, sheet_reference=None):
        self.lbound = 1, 1
        self.ubound = None
        if sheet_reference is None:
            self.sheet = None
        self.sheet, token = self._parse_sheet(sheet_reference)
        if not token:
            start, stop = (self._parse_token(x) for x in self._parse_range(token))
        except Exception:
            self.sheet = sheet_reference
            row_min = min(start[0], stop[0])
            col_min = min(start[1], stop[1])
            row_max = max(start[0], stop[0])
            col_max = max(start[1], stop[1])
            self.lbound = (row_min, col_min)
            self.ubound = (row_max, col_max)

    def match(self, index: int, name: str):
        if self.sheet is None:
            return True
        if isinstance(self.sheet, int):
            return self.sheet == index
        return self.sheet == name or fnmatch(name, self.sheet)

    def cells(self, row_max, col_max):
        if self.ubound is not None:
            row_max, col_max = self.ubound
        row, col = self.lbound
        colstart = col
        while True:
            yield row, col
            if col < col_max:
                col += 1
            elif row < row_max:
                row, col = row + 1, colstart

    def __contains__(self, ref):
        if self.ubound is None:
            return True
        if not isinstance(ref, tuple):
            ref = self._parse_token(ref)
        row, col = ref
        if row not in range(self.lbound[0], self.ubound[0] + 1):
            return False
        if col not in range(self.lbound[1], self.ubound[1] + 1):
            return False
        return True


def match(self, index, name)
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def match(self, index: int, name: str):
    if self.sheet is None:
        return True
    if isinstance(self.sheet, int):
        return self.sheet == index
    return self.sheet == name or fnmatch(name, self.sheet)
def cells(self, row_max, col_max)
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def cells(self, row_max, col_max):
    if self.ubound is not None:
        row_max, col_max = self.ubound
    row, col = self.lbound
    colstart = col
    while True:
        yield row, col
        if col < col_max:
            col += 1
        elif row < row_max:
            row, col = row + 1, colstart
class xlxtr (*references)

Extract data from Microsoft Excel documents, both Legacy and new XML type documents. A sheet reference is of the form B1 or 1.2, both specifying the first cell of the second column. A cell range can be specified as B1:C12, or 1.2:C12, or 1.2:12.3. Finally, the unit will always refer to the first sheet in the document and to change this, specify the sheet name or index separated by a hashtag, i.e. sheet#B1:C12 or 1#B1:C12. Note that indices are 1-based. To get all elements of one sheet, use sheet#. The unit If parsing a sheet reference fails, the script will assume that the given reference specifies a sheet.

Expand source code Browse git
class xlxtr(Unit):
    Extract data from Microsoft Excel documents, both Legacy and new XML type documents. A sheet reference is of the form `B1` or `1.2`,
    both specifying the first cell of the second column. A cell range can be specified as `B1:C12`, or `1.2:C12`, or `1.2:12.3`. Finally,
    the unit will always refer to the first sheet in the document and to change this, specify the sheet name or index separated by a
    hashtag, i.e. `sheet#B1:C12` or `1#B1:C12`. Note that indices are 1-based. To get all elements of one sheet, use `sheet#`. The unit
    If parsing a sheet reference fails, the script will assume that the given reference specifies a sheet.
    def __init__(self, *references: Arg(metavar='reference', type=SheetReference, help=(
        'A sheet reference to be extracted. '
        'If no sheet references are given, the unit lists all sheet names.'
        if not references:
            references = [SheetReference('*')]

    @Unit.Requires('xlrd2', 'formats', 'office', 'extended')
    def _xlrd():
        import xlrd2
        return xlrd2

    @Unit.Requires('openpyxl', 'formats', 'office', 'extended')
    def _openpyxl():
        import openpyxl
        return openpyxl

    @Unit.Requires('pyxlsb2', 'formats', 'office', 'extended')
    def _pyxlsb2():
        import pyxlsb2
        return pyxlsb2

    def _rcmatch(self, sheet_index, sheet_name, row, col):
        assert row > 0
        assert col > 0
        if not self.args.references:
            return True
        for ref in self.args.references:
            ref: SheetReference
            if not ref.match(sheet_index, sheet_name):
            if (row, col) in ref:
                return True
            return False

    def _get_value(self, sheet_index, sheet, callable, row, col):
        if col <= 0 or row <= 0:
            raise ValueError(F'invalid cell reference ({row}, {col}) - indices must be positive numbers')
        if not self._rcmatch(sheet_index, sheet, row, col):
            value = callable(row - 1, col - 1)
        except IndexError:
        if not value:
        if isinstance(value, float):
            if float(int(value)) == value:
                value = int(value)
        yield self.labelled(
            ref=_rc2ref(row, col),

    def _process_pyxlsb2(self, data):
        with self._pyxlsb2.open_workbook(MemoryFile(data)) as wb:
            for ref in self.args.references:
                ref: SheetReference
                for k, rec in enumerate(wb.sheets):
                    rec: SheetRecord
                    name =
                    if not ref.match(k, name):
                    sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(name)
                    rows = list(sheet.rows())
                    nrows = len(rows)
                    ncols = max((len(r) for r in rows), default=0)
                    for row, col in ref.cells(nrows, ncols):
                        def get(row, col):
                            return rows[row][col].v
                        yield from self._get_value(k, name, get, row, col)

    def _process_xlrd(self, data):
        with io.StringIO() as logfile:
            vb = max(self.log_level.verbosity - 1, 0)
            wb = self._xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=data, logfile=logfile, verbosity=vb, on_demand=True)
            for entry in logfile:
                entry = entry.strip()
                if'^[A-Z]+:', entry) or '***' in entry:
        for ref in self.args.references:
            ref: SheetReference
            for k, name in enumerate(wb.sheet_names()):
                if not ref.match(k, name):
                sheet = wb.sheet_by_name(name)
                self.log_info(F'iterating {sheet.ncols} columns and {sheet.nrows} rows')
                for row, col in ref.cells(sheet.nrows, sheet.ncols):
                    yield from self._get_value(k, name, sheet.cell_value, row, col)

    def _process_openpyxl(self, data):
        with NoLogging():
            workbook = self._openpyxl.load_workbook(MemoryFile(data), read_only=True)
        for ref in self.args.references:
            ref: SheetReference
            for k, name in enumerate(workbook.sheetnames):
                if not ref.match(k, name):
                sheet = workbook[name]
                with NoLogging():
                    cells = [row for row in sheet.iter_rows(values_only=True)]
                nrows = len(cells)
                ncols = max((len(row) for row in cells), default=0)
                for row, col in ref.cells(nrows, ncols):
                    yield from self._get_value(k, name, lambda r, c: cells[r][c], row, col)

    def process(self, data):
        last_error = None
        for name, processor in (
            ('openpyxl', self._process_openpyxl),
            ('xlrd', self._process_xlrd),
            ('pyxlsb2', self._process_pyxlsb2),
                yield from processor(data)
            except Exception as e:
                last_error = e
                self.log_debug(F'failed processing with {name}: {e!s}')
            raise last_error


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members