Module refinery.units.formats.macho.machometa
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Iterable, Dict, List, TYPE_CHECKING
from hashlib import md5
import plistlib
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit
from import pemeta
from refinery.units.sinks.ppjson import ppjson
from import NoLogging
from refinery.lib.structures import MemoryFile
from ktool import Image
from ktool.loader import Symbol
from ktool.codesign import BlobIndex, SuperBlob
CS_ADHOC = 0x0000_0002
class machometa(Unit):
Extract metadata from Mach-O files.
def __init__(
self, all: Arg('-c', '--custom',
help='Unless enabled, all default categories will be extracted.') = True,
header: Arg('-H', help='Parse basic data from the Mach-O header.') = False,
linked_images: Arg('-K', help='Parse all library images linked by the Mach-O.') = False,
signatures: Arg('-S', help='Parse signature and entitlement information.') = False,
version: Arg('-V', help='Parse version information from the Mach-O load commands.') = False,
load_commands: Arg('-D', help='Parse load commands from the Mach-O header.') = False,
exports: Arg('-E', help='List all exported functions.') = False,
imports: Arg('-I', help='List all imported functions.') = False,
tabular: Arg('-t', help='Print information in a table rather than as JSON') = False,
header=all or header,
linked_images=all or linked_images,
version=all or version,
signatures=all or signatures,
@Unit.Requires('k2l>=2.0', 'all')
def _ktool():
import ktool
import ktool.macho
import ktool.codesign
return ktool
def compute_symhash(self, macho_image: Image) -> Dict:
def _symbols(symbols: Iterable[Symbol]):
for sym in symbols:
if sym.types:
yield sym.fullname
symbols = sorted(set(_symbols(macho_image.symbol_table.ext)))
symbols: str = ','.join(symbols)
return md5(symbols.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
def parse_macho_header(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict:
info = {}
macho_header = macho_image.macho_header
dyld_header = macho_image.macho_header.dyld_header
if dyld_header is not None:
info['Type'] = dyld_header.type_name
info['Magic'] = dyld_header.magic
info['CPUType'] =
info['CPUSubType'] =
info['FileType'] =
info['LoadCount'] = dyld_header.loadcnt
info['LoadSize'] = dyld_header.loadsize
info['Flags'] = [ for flag in macho_header.flags]
info['Reserved'] = dyld_header.reserved
return info
def parse_linked_images(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict:
load_command_images = {}
linked_images = macho_image.linked_images
LOAD_COMMAND = self._ktool.macho.LOAD_COMMAND
for linked_image in linked_images:
load_command_name = LOAD_COMMAND(linked_image.cmd.cmd).name
load_command_images.setdefault(load_command_name, []).append(linked_image.install_name)
return load_command_images
def parse_signature(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict:
_km = self._ktool.macho
_kc = self._ktool.codesign
class CodeDirectoryBlob(_km.Struct):
'magic': _km.uint32_t,
'length': _km.uint32_t,
'version': _km.uint32_t,
'flags': _km.uint32_t,
'hashOffset': _km.uint32_t,
'identOffset': _km.uint32_t,
'nSpecialSlots': _km.uint32_t,
'nCodeSlots': _km.uint32_t,
'codeLimit': _km.uint32_t,
'hashSize': _km.uint8_t,
'hashType': _km.uint8_t,
'platform': _km.uint8_t,
'pageSize': _km.uint8_t,
'spare2': _km.uint32_t
def __init__(self, byte_order='little'):
self.magic = 0
self.length = 0
self.version = 0
self.flags = 0
self.hashOffset = 0
self.identOffset = 0
self.nSpecialSlots = 0
self.nCodeSlots = 0
self.codeLimit = 0
self.hashSize = 0
self.hashType = 0
self.platform = 0
self.pageSize = 0
self.spare2 = 0
info = {}
if macho_image.codesign_info is not None:
superblob: SuperBlob = macho_image.codesign_info.superblob
for blob in macho_image.codesign_info.slots:
blob: BlobIndex
# ktool does not include code for extracting Blobs of types
# so we must do it ourselves here.
if blob.type == _kc.CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY:
start = + blob.offset
codedirectory_blob = macho_image.read_struct(start, CodeDirectoryBlob)
# Ad-hoc signing
flags = _kc.swap_32(codedirectory_blob.flags)
if flags & CS_ADHOC != 0:
info['AdHocSigned'] = True
info['AdHocSigned'] = False
# Signature identifier
identifier_offset = _kc.swap_32(codedirectory_blob.identOffset)
identifier_data = macho_image.read_cstr(start + identifier_offset)
info['SignatureIdentifier'] = identifier_data
if blob.type == 0x10000: # CSSLOT_CMS_SIGNATURE
start = + blob.offset
blob_data = macho_image.read_struct(start, _kc.Blob)
blob_data.magic = _kc.swap_32(blob_data.magic)
blob_data.length = _kc.swap_32(blob_data.length)
cms_signature = macho_image.read_bytearray(start + _kc.Blob.SIZE, blob_data.length - _kc.Blob.SIZE)
if len(cms_signature) != 0:
parsed_cms_signature = pemeta.parse_signature(bytearray(cms_signature))
info['Signature'] = parsed_cms_signature
except ValueError as pkcs7_parse_error:
self.log_warn(F'Could not parse the data in CSSLOT_CMS_SIGNATURE as valid PKCS7 data: {pkcs7_parse_error!s}')
if macho_image.codesign_info.req_dat is not None:
# TODO: Parse the requirements blob,
# which is encoded according to the code signing requirements language:
info['Requirements'] = macho_image.codesign_info.req_dat.hex()
if macho_image.codesign_info.entitlements is not None:
entitlements: str = macho_image.codesign_info.entitlements
if entitlements:
entitlements = plistlib.loads(entitlements.encode('utf8'))
except Exception as error:
self.log_warn(F'failed to parse entitlements: {error!s}')
info['Entitlements'] = entitlements
return info
def parse_version(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict:
info = {}
load_commands = macho_image.macho_header.load_commands
SVC = self._ktool.macho.source_version_command
BVC = self._ktool.macho.build_version_command
for load_command in load_commands:
if isinstance(load_command, SVC):
if 'SourceVersion' not in info:
info['SourceVersion'] = load_command.version
self.log_warn('More than one load command of type source_version_command found; the MachO file is possibly malformed')
elif isinstance(load_command, BVC):
if 'BuildVersion' not in info:
info['BuildVersion'] = {}
info['BuildVersion']['Platform'] =
info['BuildVersion']['MinOS'] = F'{macho_image.minos.x}.{macho_image.minos.y}.{macho_image.minos.z}'
info['BuildVersion']['SDK'] = F'{macho_image.sdk_version.x}.{macho_image.sdk_version.y}.{macho_image.sdk_version.z}'
info['BuildVersion']['Ntools'] = load_command.ntools
self.log_warn('More than one load command of type build_version_command found; the MachO file is possibly malformed')
return info
def parse_load_commands(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> List:
info = []
load_commands = macho_image.macho_header.load_commands
for load_command in load_commands:
return info
def parse_imports(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> List:
info = []
for imp in macho_image.imports:
return info
def parse_exports(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> List:
info = []
for exp in macho_image.exports:
return info
def process(self, data: bytearray):
result = {}
ktool = self._ktool
with NoLogging(NoLogging.Mode.ALL):
macho = ktool.load_macho_file(fp=MemoryFile(memoryview(data)), use_mmaped_io=False)
if macho.type is ktool.MachOFileType.FAT:
result['FileType'] = 'FAT'
elif macho.type is ktool.MachOFileType.THIN:
result['FileType'] = 'THIN'
slices = []
for macho_slice in macho.slices:
slice_result = {}
macho_image = ktool.load_image(fp=macho_slice)
for switch, resolver, name in [
(self.args.header, self.parse_macho_header, 'Header'),
(self.args.linked_images, self.parse_linked_images, 'LinkedImages'),
(self.args.signatures, self.parse_signature, 'Signatures'),
(self.args.version, self.parse_version, 'Version'),
(self.args.load_commands, self.parse_load_commands, 'LoadCommands'),
(self.args.imports, self.parse_imports, 'Imports'),
(self.args.exports, self.parse_exports, 'Exports'),
if not switch:
self.log_debug(F'parsing: {name}')
info = resolver(macho_image, data)
except Exception as E:
self.log_info(F'failed to obtain {name}: {E!s}')
if info:
slice_result[name] = info
if macho_image.uuid is not None:
uuid: bytes = macho_image.uuid
slice_result['UUID'] = uuid.hex()
slice_result['SymHash'] = self.compute_symhash(macho_image)
slice_result['BaseName'] = macho_image.base_name
slice_result['InstallName'] = macho_image.install_name
if slices:
result['Slices'] = slices
yield from ppjson(tabular=self.args.tabular)._pretty_output(result, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
class machometa (all=True, header=False, linked_images=False, signatures=False, version=False, load_commands=False, exports=False, imports=False, tabular=False)
Extract metadata from Mach-O files.
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class machometa(Unit): """ Extract metadata from Mach-O files. """ def __init__( self, all: Arg('-c', '--custom', help='Unless enabled, all default categories will be extracted.') = True, header: Arg('-H', help='Parse basic data from the Mach-O header.') = False, linked_images: Arg('-K', help='Parse all library images linked by the Mach-O.') = False, signatures: Arg('-S', help='Parse signature and entitlement information.') = False, version: Arg('-V', help='Parse version information from the Mach-O load commands.') = False, load_commands: Arg('-D', help='Parse load commands from the Mach-O header.') = False, exports: Arg('-E', help='List all exported functions.') = False, imports: Arg('-I', help='List all imported functions.') = False, tabular: Arg('-t', help='Print information in a table rather than as JSON') = False, ): super().__init__( header=all or header, linked_images=all or linked_images, version=all or version, signatures=all or signatures, load_commands=load_commands, imports=imports, exports=exports, tabular=tabular, ) @Unit.Requires('k2l>=2.0', 'all') def _ktool(): import ktool import ktool.macho import ktool.codesign return ktool def compute_symhash(self, macho_image: Image) -> Dict: def _symbols(symbols: Iterable[Symbol]): for sym in symbols: if sym.types: continue yield sym.fullname symbols = sorted(set(_symbols(macho_image.symbol_table.ext))) symbols: str = ','.join(symbols) return md5(symbols.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() def parse_macho_header(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict: info = {} macho_header = macho_image.macho_header dyld_header = macho_image.macho_header.dyld_header if dyld_header is not None: info['Type'] = dyld_header.type_name info['Magic'] = dyld_header.magic info['CPUType'] = info['CPUSubType'] = info['FileType'] = info['LoadCount'] = dyld_header.loadcnt info['LoadSize'] = dyld_header.loadsize info['Flags'] = [ for flag in macho_header.flags] info['Reserved'] = dyld_header.reserved return info def parse_linked_images(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict: load_command_images = {} linked_images = macho_image.linked_images LOAD_COMMAND = self._ktool.macho.LOAD_COMMAND for linked_image in linked_images: load_command_name = LOAD_COMMAND(linked_image.cmd.cmd).name load_command_images.setdefault(load_command_name, []).append(linked_image.install_name) return load_command_images def parse_signature(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict: _km = self._ktool.macho _kc = self._ktool.codesign class CodeDirectoryBlob(_km.Struct): FIELDS = { 'magic': _km.uint32_t, 'length': _km.uint32_t, 'version': _km.uint32_t, 'flags': _km.uint32_t, 'hashOffset': _km.uint32_t, 'identOffset': _km.uint32_t, 'nSpecialSlots': _km.uint32_t, 'nCodeSlots': _km.uint32_t, 'codeLimit': _km.uint32_t, 'hashSize': _km.uint8_t, 'hashType': _km.uint8_t, 'platform': _km.uint8_t, 'pageSize': _km.uint8_t, 'spare2': _km.uint32_t } def __init__(self, byte_order='little'): super().__init__(byte_order=byte_order) self.magic = 0 self.length = 0 self.version = 0 self.flags = 0 self.hashOffset = 0 self.identOffset = 0 self.nSpecialSlots = 0 self.nCodeSlots = 0 self.codeLimit = 0 self.hashSize = 0 self.hashType = 0 self.platform = 0 self.pageSize = 0 self.spare2 = 0 info = {} if macho_image.codesign_info is not None: superblob: SuperBlob = macho_image.codesign_info.superblob for blob in macho_image.codesign_info.slots: blob: BlobIndex # ktool does not include code for extracting Blobs of types # CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY, CSSLOT_CMS_SIGNATURE # so we must do it ourselves here. if blob.type == _kc.CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY: start = + blob.offset codedirectory_blob = macho_image.read_struct(start, CodeDirectoryBlob) # Ad-hoc signing flags = _kc.swap_32(codedirectory_blob.flags) if flags & CS_ADHOC != 0: info['AdHocSigned'] = True else: info['AdHocSigned'] = False # Signature identifier identifier_offset = _kc.swap_32(codedirectory_blob.identOffset) identifier_data = macho_image.read_cstr(start + identifier_offset) info['SignatureIdentifier'] = identifier_data if blob.type == 0x10000: # CSSLOT_CMS_SIGNATURE start = + blob.offset blob_data = macho_image.read_struct(start, _kc.Blob) blob_data.magic = _kc.swap_32(blob_data.magic) blob_data.length = _kc.swap_32(blob_data.length) cms_signature = macho_image.read_bytearray(start + _kc.Blob.SIZE, blob_data.length - _kc.Blob.SIZE) if len(cms_signature) != 0: try: parsed_cms_signature = pemeta.parse_signature(bytearray(cms_signature)) info['Signature'] = parsed_cms_signature except ValueError as pkcs7_parse_error: self.log_warn(F'Could not parse the data in CSSLOT_CMS_SIGNATURE as valid PKCS7 data: {pkcs7_parse_error!s}') if macho_image.codesign_info.req_dat is not None: # TODO: Parse the requirements blob, # which is encoded according to the code signing requirements language: # info['Requirements'] = macho_image.codesign_info.req_dat.hex() if macho_image.codesign_info.entitlements is not None: entitlements: str = macho_image.codesign_info.entitlements if entitlements: try: entitlements = plistlib.loads(entitlements.encode('utf8')) except Exception as error: self.log_warn(F'failed to parse entitlements: {error!s}') else: info['Entitlements'] = entitlements return info def parse_version(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict: info = {} load_commands = macho_image.macho_header.load_commands SVC = self._ktool.macho.source_version_command BVC = self._ktool.macho.build_version_command for load_command in load_commands: if isinstance(load_command, SVC): if 'SourceVersion' not in info: info['SourceVersion'] = load_command.version else: self.log_warn('More than one load command of type source_version_command found; the MachO file is possibly malformed') elif isinstance(load_command, BVC): if 'BuildVersion' not in info: info['BuildVersion'] = {} info['BuildVersion']['Platform'] = info['BuildVersion']['MinOS'] = F'{macho_image.minos.x}.{macho_image.minos.y}.{macho_image.minos.z}' info['BuildVersion']['SDK'] = F'{macho_image.sdk_version.x}.{macho_image.sdk_version.y}.{macho_image.sdk_version.z}' info['BuildVersion']['Ntools'] = load_command.ntools else: self.log_warn('More than one load command of type build_version_command found; the MachO file is possibly malformed') return info def parse_load_commands(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> List: info = [] load_commands = macho_image.macho_header.load_commands for load_command in load_commands: info.append(load_command.serialize()) return info def parse_imports(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> List: info = [] for imp in macho_image.imports: info.append( return info def parse_exports(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> List: info = [] for exp in macho_image.exports: info.append( return info def process(self, data: bytearray): result = {} ktool = self._ktool with NoLogging(NoLogging.Mode.ALL): macho = ktool.load_macho_file(fp=MemoryFile(memoryview(data)), use_mmaped_io=False) if macho.type is ktool.MachOFileType.FAT: result['FileType'] = 'FAT' elif macho.type is ktool.MachOFileType.THIN: result['FileType'] = 'THIN' slices = [] for macho_slice in macho.slices: slice_result = {} macho_image = ktool.load_image(fp=macho_slice) for switch, resolver, name in [ (self.args.header, self.parse_macho_header, 'Header'), (self.args.linked_images, self.parse_linked_images, 'LinkedImages'), (self.args.signatures, self.parse_signature, 'Signatures'), (self.args.version, self.parse_version, 'Version'), (self.args.load_commands, self.parse_load_commands, 'LoadCommands'), (self.args.imports, self.parse_imports, 'Imports'), (self.args.exports, self.parse_exports, 'Exports'), ]: if not switch: continue self.log_debug(F'parsing: {name}') try: info = resolver(macho_image, data) except Exception as E: self.log_info(F'failed to obtain {name}: {E!s}') continue if info: slice_result[name] = info if macho_image.uuid is not None: uuid: bytes = macho_image.uuid slice_result['UUID'] = uuid.hex() slice_result['SymHash'] = self.compute_symhash(macho_image) slice_result['BaseName'] = macho_image.base_name slice_result['InstallName'] = macho_image.install_name slices.append(slice_result) if slices: result['Slices'] = slices yield from ppjson(tabular=self.args.tabular)._pretty_output(result, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
def compute_symhash(self, macho_image)
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def compute_symhash(self, macho_image: Image) -> Dict: def _symbols(symbols: Iterable[Symbol]): for sym in symbols: if sym.types: continue yield sym.fullname symbols = sorted(set(_symbols(macho_image.symbol_table.ext))) symbols: str = ','.join(symbols) return md5(symbols.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
def parse_macho_header(self, macho_image, data=None)
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def parse_macho_header(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict: info = {} macho_header = macho_image.macho_header dyld_header = macho_image.macho_header.dyld_header if dyld_header is not None: info['Type'] = dyld_header.type_name info['Magic'] = dyld_header.magic info['CPUType'] = info['CPUSubType'] = info['FileType'] = info['LoadCount'] = dyld_header.loadcnt info['LoadSize'] = dyld_header.loadsize info['Flags'] = [ for flag in macho_header.flags] info['Reserved'] = dyld_header.reserved return info
def parse_linked_images(self, macho_image, data=None)
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def parse_linked_images(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict: load_command_images = {} linked_images = macho_image.linked_images LOAD_COMMAND = self._ktool.macho.LOAD_COMMAND for linked_image in linked_images: load_command_name = LOAD_COMMAND(linked_image.cmd.cmd).name load_command_images.setdefault(load_command_name, []).append(linked_image.install_name) return load_command_images
def parse_signature(self, macho_image, data=None)
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def parse_signature(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict: _km = self._ktool.macho _kc = self._ktool.codesign class CodeDirectoryBlob(_km.Struct): FIELDS = { 'magic': _km.uint32_t, 'length': _km.uint32_t, 'version': _km.uint32_t, 'flags': _km.uint32_t, 'hashOffset': _km.uint32_t, 'identOffset': _km.uint32_t, 'nSpecialSlots': _km.uint32_t, 'nCodeSlots': _km.uint32_t, 'codeLimit': _km.uint32_t, 'hashSize': _km.uint8_t, 'hashType': _km.uint8_t, 'platform': _km.uint8_t, 'pageSize': _km.uint8_t, 'spare2': _km.uint32_t } def __init__(self, byte_order='little'): super().__init__(byte_order=byte_order) self.magic = 0 self.length = 0 self.version = 0 self.flags = 0 self.hashOffset = 0 self.identOffset = 0 self.nSpecialSlots = 0 self.nCodeSlots = 0 self.codeLimit = 0 self.hashSize = 0 self.hashType = 0 self.platform = 0 self.pageSize = 0 self.spare2 = 0 info = {} if macho_image.codesign_info is not None: superblob: SuperBlob = macho_image.codesign_info.superblob for blob in macho_image.codesign_info.slots: blob: BlobIndex # ktool does not include code for extracting Blobs of types # CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY, CSSLOT_CMS_SIGNATURE # so we must do it ourselves here. if blob.type == _kc.CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY: start = + blob.offset codedirectory_blob = macho_image.read_struct(start, CodeDirectoryBlob) # Ad-hoc signing flags = _kc.swap_32(codedirectory_blob.flags) if flags & CS_ADHOC != 0: info['AdHocSigned'] = True else: info['AdHocSigned'] = False # Signature identifier identifier_offset = _kc.swap_32(codedirectory_blob.identOffset) identifier_data = macho_image.read_cstr(start + identifier_offset) info['SignatureIdentifier'] = identifier_data if blob.type == 0x10000: # CSSLOT_CMS_SIGNATURE start = + blob.offset blob_data = macho_image.read_struct(start, _kc.Blob) blob_data.magic = _kc.swap_32(blob_data.magic) blob_data.length = _kc.swap_32(blob_data.length) cms_signature = macho_image.read_bytearray(start + _kc.Blob.SIZE, blob_data.length - _kc.Blob.SIZE) if len(cms_signature) != 0: try: parsed_cms_signature = pemeta.parse_signature(bytearray(cms_signature)) info['Signature'] = parsed_cms_signature except ValueError as pkcs7_parse_error: self.log_warn(F'Could not parse the data in CSSLOT_CMS_SIGNATURE as valid PKCS7 data: {pkcs7_parse_error!s}') if macho_image.codesign_info.req_dat is not None: # TODO: Parse the requirements blob, # which is encoded according to the code signing requirements language: # info['Requirements'] = macho_image.codesign_info.req_dat.hex() if macho_image.codesign_info.entitlements is not None: entitlements: str = macho_image.codesign_info.entitlements if entitlements: try: entitlements = plistlib.loads(entitlements.encode('utf8')) except Exception as error: self.log_warn(F'failed to parse entitlements: {error!s}') else: info['Entitlements'] = entitlements return info
def parse_version(self, macho_image, data=None)
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def parse_version(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> Dict: info = {} load_commands = macho_image.macho_header.load_commands SVC = self._ktool.macho.source_version_command BVC = self._ktool.macho.build_version_command for load_command in load_commands: if isinstance(load_command, SVC): if 'SourceVersion' not in info: info['SourceVersion'] = load_command.version else: self.log_warn('More than one load command of type source_version_command found; the MachO file is possibly malformed') elif isinstance(load_command, BVC): if 'BuildVersion' not in info: info['BuildVersion'] = {} info['BuildVersion']['Platform'] = info['BuildVersion']['MinOS'] = F'{macho_image.minos.x}.{macho_image.minos.y}.{macho_image.minos.z}' info['BuildVersion']['SDK'] = F'{macho_image.sdk_version.x}.{macho_image.sdk_version.y}.{macho_image.sdk_version.z}' info['BuildVersion']['Ntools'] = load_command.ntools else: self.log_warn('More than one load command of type build_version_command found; the MachO file is possibly malformed') return info
def parse_load_commands(self, macho_image, data=None)
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def parse_load_commands(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> List: info = [] load_commands = macho_image.macho_header.load_commands for load_command in load_commands: info.append(load_command.serialize()) return info
def parse_imports(self, macho_image, data=None)
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def parse_imports(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> List: info = [] for imp in macho_image.imports: info.append( return info
def parse_exports(self, macho_image, data=None)
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def parse_exports(self, macho_image: Image, data=None) -> List: info = [] for exp in macho_image.exports: info.append( return info
Inherited members