Module refinery.units.formats.exe.vstack
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Dict, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
import re
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit
from refinery.lib.executable import align, Arch, BO, Executable, Range, ExecutableCodeBlob
from refinery.lib.types import bounds, INF
from refinery.lib.meta import SizeInt
from import NoLogging
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Iterator
from capstone import Cs
from unicorn import Uc
from intervaltree import IntervalTree, Interval
class EmuState:
executable: Executable
writes: IntervalTree
expected_address: int
stack: Range
blob: bool
disassembler: Optional[Cs] = None
waiting: int = 0
callstack: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
retaddr: Optional[int] = None
stop: Optional[int] = None
previous_address: int = 0
sp_register: int = 0
ip_register: int = 0
rv_register: int = 0
callstack_ceiling: int = 0
allocations: List[Range] = field(default_factory=list)
ticks: int = field(default_factory=lambda: INF)
max_wait: int = 0
max_loop: int = 0
visits: Dict[int, int] = field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(int))
last_read: Optional[int] = None
def disassemble(self, address: int, size: int):
if self.disassembler is None:
return None
pos = self.executable.location_from_address(address).physical.position
end = pos + size
return next(self.disassembler.disasm(
bytes([pos:end]), address, 1))
except Exception:
return None
def log(self, msg: str) -> str:
_width = len(str(self.max_wait))
_depth = len(self.callstack)
return F'[wait={self.waiting:0{_width}d}] [call={_depth}] {self.fmt(self.previous_address)}: {msg}'
def fmt(self, address: int) -> str:
return F'0x{address:0{self.executable.pointer_size // 4}X}'
class vstack(Unit):
The unit emulates instructions at a given address in the input executable (PE/ELF/MachO) and
extracts data patches that are written to the stack during emulation. Emulation is halted as
soon as a certain number of instructions has not performed any memory writes, or when an error
occurs. By default, most registers are set to the current location in the emulated stack.
However, if you want to initialize certain registers differently, you can set an environment
variable to the desired value.
@Unit.Requires('intervaltree', 'default', 'extended')
def _intervaltree():
import intervaltree
return intervaltree
@Unit.Requires('unicorn==2.0.1.post1', 'default', 'extended')
def _unicorn():
with NoLogging():
import unicorn
import unicorn.x86_const
import unicorn.arm64_const
import unicorn.mips_const
import unicorn.sparc_const
import unicorn.ppc_const
except ImportError:
return unicorn
@Unit.Requires('capstone', 'default', 'extended')
def _capstone():
import capstone
return capstone
def __init__(
*address: Arg.Number(metavar='start', help='Specify the (virtual) addresses of a stack string instruction sequences.'),
stop: Arg.Number('-s', metavar='stop', help='Optional: Stop when reaching this address.') = None,
base: Arg.Number('-b', metavar='Addr', help='Optionally specify a custom base address B.') = None,
arch: Arg.Option('-a', help='Specify for blob inputs: {choices}', choices=Arch) = Arch.X32,
meta_registers: Arg.Switch('-r', help='Consume register initialization values from the chunk\'s metadata.') = False,
timeout: Arg.Number('-t', help='Optionally stop emulating after a given number of instructions.') = None,
patch_range: Arg.Bounds('-p', metavar='MIN:MAX',
help='Extract only patches that are in the given range, default is {default}.') = slice(5, None),
write_range: Arg.Bounds('-n', metavar='MIN:MAX',
help='Log only writes whose size is in the given range, default is {default}.') = slice(1, None),
wait: Arg.Number('-w', help=(
'When this many instructions did not write to memory, emulation is halted. The default is {default}.')) = 20,
wait_calls: Arg.Switch('-c', group='CALL',
help='Wait indefinitely when inside a function call.') = False,
skip_calls: Arg.Counts('-C', group='CALL',
help='Skip function calls entirely. Use twice to treat each call as allocating memory.') = 0,
stack_size: Arg.Number('-S', help='Optionally specify the stack size. The default is 0x{default:X}.') = 0x10000,
block_size: Arg.Number('-B', help='Standard memory block size for the emulator, 0x{default:X} by default.') = 0x1000,
max_visits: Arg.Number('-V', help='Maximum number of times a code address is visited. Default is {default}.') = 0x1000,
log_writes_in_calls: Arg.Switch('-W', help='Log writes of values that occur in functions calls.') = False,
log_stack_addresses: Arg.Switch('-X', help='Log writes of values that are stack addresses.') = False,
log_other_addresses: Arg.Switch('-Y', help='Log writes of values that are addresses to mapped segments.') = False,
log_zero_overwrites: Arg.Switch('-Z', help='Log writes of zeros to memory that contained nonzero values.') = False,
log_stack_cookies : Arg.Switch('-E', help='Log writes that look like stack cookies.') = False,
address=address or [0],
arch=Arg.AsOption(arch, Arch),
def _find_stack_location(self, exe: Executable):
stack_size = self.args.stack_size
memory_max = 1 << exe.pointer_size
space = exe.image_defined_address_space()
aligned = align(stack_size, space.upper)
if aligned + stack_size < memory_max:
return aligned
aligned = align(stack_size, space.lower - stack_size, down=True)
if aligned > 0:
return aligned
raise RuntimeError('The primitive method used to map stack memory has failed.')
def process(self, data):
uc = self._unicorn
blob = False
exe = Executable.Load(data, self.args.base)
except ValueError:
exe = ExecutableCodeBlob(data, self.args.base, self.args.arch)
blob = True
arch = exe.arch()
width = exe.pointer_size // 4
block_size = self.args.block_size
stack_size = self.args.stack_size
stack_addr = self._find_stack_location(exe)
self.log_info(F'mapping {SizeInt(stack_size)!r} of stack at 0x{stack_addr:X}')
image = memoryview(data)
disassembler = self._capstone.Cs(*self._cs_arch(arch, exe.byte_order()))
register_values = {}
if arch in (Arch.PPC32, Arch.PPC64):
sp = uc.ppc_const.UC_PPC_REG_1
rv = uc.ppc_const.UC_PPC_REG_3
ip = uc.ppc_const.UC_PPC_REG_PC
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError('The installed unicorn version does not support the PPC architecture.')
sp, ip, rv = {
Arch.X32 : (
Arch.X64 : (
Arch.ARM32 : (
Arch.ARM64 : (
Arch.MIPS16 : (
Arch.MIPS32 : (
Arch.MIPS64 : (
Arch.SPARC32 : (
Arch.SPARC64 : (
if self.args.meta_registers:
from refinery.lib.meta import metavars
meta = metavars(data)
for module in [uc.x86_const, uc.arm_const, uc.mips_const, uc.sparc_const]:
md: Dict[str, Any] = module.__dict__
for name, register in md.items():
u, *_, kind, name = name.split('_')
except Exception:
if kind != 'REG' or u != 'UC':
for var, value in list(meta.items()):
if var.upper() != name:
register_values[register] = value
for address in self.args.address:
emulator = uc.Uc(*self._uc_arch(arch, exe.byte_order()))
stack = Range(stack_addr, stack_addr + 3 * stack_size)
emulator.mem_map(stack.lower, len(stack))
emulator.reg_write(sp, stack.lower + 2 * len(stack) // 3)
if arch is Arch.X32:
for reg in [
emulator.reg_write(reg, stack_addr + stack_size)
if arch is Arch.X64:
for reg in [
emulator.reg_write(reg, stack_addr + stack_size)
for reg, value in register_values.items():
emulator.reg_write(reg, value)
for segment in exe.segments():
pmem = segment.physical
vmem = segment.virtual
emulator.mem_map(vmem.lower, align(block_size, len(vmem)))
emulator.mem_write(vmem.lower, bytes(image[pmem.slice()]))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as error:
if address in vmem:
self.log_info(F'error mapping segment [{vmem.lower:0{width}X}-{vmem.upper:0{width}X}]: {error!s}')
tree = self._intervaltree.IntervalTree()
state = EmuState(
exe, tree, address, stack, blob, disassembler,
timeout = self.args.timeout
if timeout is not None:
self.log_info(F'setting timeout of {timeout} steps')
state.ticks = timeout
emulator.hook_add(uc.UC_HOOK_CODE, self._hook_code, user_data=state)
emulator.hook_add(uc.UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE, self._hook_mem_write, user_data=state, )
emulator.hook_add(uc.UC_HOOK_MEM_READ_AFTER, self._hook_mem_read, user_data=state, )
emulator.hook_add(uc.UC_HOOK_INSN_INVALID, self._hook_insn_error, user_data=state)
emulator.hook_add(uc.UC_HOOK_MEM_INVALID, self._hook_mem_error, user_data=state)
end_of_code = exe.location_from_address(address)
emulator.emu_start(address, end_of_code)
except uc.UcError:
it: Iterator[Interval] = iter(tree)
for interval in it:
size = interval.end - interval.begin - 1
if size not in bounds[self.args.patch_range]:
patch = emulator.mem_read(interval.begin, size)
except uc.UcError as error:
self.log_info(F'error reading 0x{interval.begin:0{width}X}:{size}: {error!s}')
if not any(patch):
self.log_info(F'memory patch at {state.fmt(interval.begin)} of size {size}')
yield patch
def _hook_mem_read(self, emu: Uc, access: int, address: int, size: int, value: int, state: EmuState):
mask = (1 << (size * 8)) - 1
state.last_read = value & mask
def _hook_mem_write(self, emu: Uc, access: int, address: int, size: int, value: int, state: EmuState):
mask = (1 << (size * 8)) - 1
unsigned_value = value & mask
if unsigned_value == state.expected_address:
callstack = state.callstack
state.retaddr = unsigned_value
if not self.args.skip_calls:
if not callstack:
state.callstack_ceiling = emu.reg_read(state.sp_register)
state.retaddr = None
skipped = False
if (
not self.args.log_stack_cookies
and emu.reg_read(state.sp_register) ^ unsigned_value == state.last_read
skipped = 'stack cookie'
elif size not in bounds[self.args.write_range]:
skipped = 'size excluded'
elif (
state.callstack_ceiling > 0
and not self.args.log_writes_in_calls
and address in range(state.callstack_ceiling - 0x200, state.callstack_ceiling)
skipped = 'inside call'
elif not self.args.log_stack_addresses and unsigned_value in state.stack:
skipped = 'stack address'
elif not self.args.log_other_addresses and not state.blob:
for s in state.executable.sections():
if address in s.virtual:
skipped = F'write to section {}'
if (
not skipped
and unsigned_value == 0
and is not None
and self.args.log_zero_overwrites is False
if any(emu.mem_read(address, size)):
skipped = 'zero overwrite'
except Exception:
if not skipped:
state.writes.addi(address, address + size + 1)
state.waiting = 0
def info():
data = unsigned_value.to_bytes(size, state.executable.byte_order().value)
ph = state.executable.pointer_size // 4
pt = state.executable.pointer_size // 8
h = data.hex().upper()
t = re.sub('[^!-~]', '.', data.decode('latin1'))
msg = state.log(F'{state.fmt(address)} <- {h:_<{ph}} {t:_<{pt}}')
if skipped:
msg = F'{msg} (ignored: {skipped})'
return msg
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return False
def _hook_insn_error(self, emu: Uc, state: EmuState):
self.log_debug('aborting emulation; instruction error')
return False
def _hook_mem_error(self, emu: Uc, access: int, address: int, size: int, value: int, state: EmuState):
bs = self.args.block_size
emu.mem_map(align(bs, address, down=True), 2 * bs)
except Exception:
self.log_info(state.log(F'{state.fmt(address)} :: MEMORY ERROR'))
return False
return True
def _hook_code(self, emu: Uc, address: int, size: int, state: EmuState):
state.ticks -= 1
state.visits[address] += 1
if state.visits[address] > state.max_loop > 0:
F'aborting emulation: 0x{address:0{state.executable.pointer_size // 8}X}'
F' was visited more than {state.max_loop} times.')
return False
if address == state.stop or state.ticks == 0:
return False
waiting = state.waiting
callstack = state.callstack
depth = len(callstack)
state.previous_address = address
retaddr = state.retaddr
state.retaddr = None
if address != state.expected_address:
if retaddr is not None and self.args.skip_calls:
if self.args.skip_calls > 1:
stack_size = self.args.stack_size
block_size = self.args.block_size
rv = state.rv_register
alloc_addr = align(block_size, state.allocations[-1].upper)
state.allocations.append(Range(alloc_addr, alloc_addr + stack_size))
emu.mem_map(alloc_addr, stack_size)
emu.reg_write(rv, alloc_addr)
ip = state.ip_register
sp = state.sp_register
ps = state.executable.pointer_size // 8
emu.reg_write(ip, retaddr)
emu.reg_write(sp, emu.reg_read(sp) + ps)
if depth and address == callstack[-1]:
depth -= 1
if depth == 0:
state.callstack_ceiling = 0
state.expected_address = address
elif retaddr is not None and not self.args.skip_calls:
# The present address was moved to the stack but we did not branch.
# This is not quite accurate, of course: We could be calling the
# next instruction. However, that sort of code is usually not really
# a function call anyway, but rather a way to get the IP.
if waiting > self.args.wait:
return False
if not depth or not self.args.wait_calls:
state.waiting += 1
state.expected_address += size
instruction = state.disassemble(address, size)
if instruction:
instruction = F'{instruction.mnemonic} {instruction.op_str}'
self.log_debug(state.log('unrecognized instruction, aborting'))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return False
def _uc_arch(self, arch: Arch, bo: Optional[BO] = None) -> Tuple[int, int]:
uc = self._unicorn
arch, mode = {
Arch.X32 : (uc.UC_ARCH_X86, uc.UC_MODE_32), # noqa
Arch.X64 : (uc.UC_ARCH_X86, uc.UC_MODE_64), # noqa
Arch.ARM32 : (uc.UC_ARCH_ARM, uc.UC_MODE_ARM), # noqa
Arch.ARM64 : (uc.UC_ARCH_ARM, uc.UC_MODE_THUMB), # noqa
Arch.MIPS16 : (uc.UC_ARCH_MIPS, uc.UC_MODE_16), # noqa
Arch.MIPS32 : (uc.UC_ARCH_MIPS, uc.UC_MODE_32), # noqa
Arch.MIPS64 : (uc.UC_ARCH_MIPS, uc.UC_MODE_64), # noqa
Arch.PPC32 : (uc.UC_ARCH_PPC, uc.UC_MODE_32), # noqa
Arch.PPC64 : (uc.UC_ARCH_PPC, uc.UC_MODE_64), # noqa
Arch.SPARC32 : (uc.UC_ARCH_SPARC, uc.UC_MODE_32), # noqa
Arch.SPARC64 : (uc.UC_ARCH_SPARC, uc.UC_MODE_V9), # noqa
if bo is not None:
mode |= {
return arch, mode
def _cs_arch(self, arch: Arch, bo: Optional[BO] = None) -> Tuple[int, int]:
cs = self._capstone
arch, mode = {
Arch.X32 : (cs.CS_ARCH_X86, cs.CS_MODE_32), # noqa
Arch.X64 : (cs.CS_ARCH_X86, cs.CS_MODE_64), # noqa
Arch.ARM32 : (cs.CS_ARCH_ARM, cs.CS_MODE_ARM), # noqa
Arch.ARM64 : (cs.CS_ARCH_ARM, cs.CS_MODE_THUMB), # noqa
Arch.MIPS16 : (cs.CS_ARCH_MIPS, cs.CS_MODE_16), # noqa
Arch.MIPS32 : (cs.CS_ARCH_MIPS, cs.CS_MODE_32), # noqa
Arch.MIPS64 : (cs.CS_ARCH_MIPS, cs.CS_MODE_64), # noqa
Arch.PPC32 : (cs.CS_ARCH_PPC, cs.CS_MODE_32), # noqa
Arch.PPC64 : (cs.CS_ARCH_PPC, cs.CS_MODE_64), # noqa
Arch.SPARC32 : (cs.CS_ARCH_SPARC, cs.CS_MODE_32), # noqa
Arch.SPARC64 : (cs.CS_ARCH_SPARC, cs.CS_MODE_V9), # noqa
if bo is not None:
mode |= {
return arch, mode
class EmuState (executable, writes, expected_address, stack, blob, disassembler=None, waiting=0, callstack=<factory>, retaddr=None, stop=None, previous_address=0, sp_register=0, ip_register=0, rv_register=0, callstack_ceiling=0, allocations=<factory>, ticks=<factory>, max_wait=0, max_loop=0, visits=<factory>, last_read=None)
EmuState(executable: 'Executable', writes: 'IntervalTree', expected_address: 'int', stack: 'Range', blob: 'bool', disassembler: 'Optional[Cs]' = None, waiting: 'int' = 0, callstack: 'List[int]' =
, retaddr: 'Optional[int]' = None, stop: 'Optional[int]' = None, previous_address: 'int' = 0, sp_register: 'int' = 0, ip_register: 'int' = 0, rv_register: 'int' = 0, callstack_ceiling: 'int' = 0, allocations: 'List[Range]' = , ticks: 'int' = , max_wait: 'int' = 0, max_loop: 'int' = 0, visits: 'Dict[int, int]' = , last_read: 'Optional[int]' = None) Expand source code Browse git
class EmuState: executable: Executable writes: IntervalTree expected_address: int stack: Range blob: bool disassembler: Optional[Cs] = None waiting: int = 0 callstack: List[int] = field(default_factory=list) retaddr: Optional[int] = None stop: Optional[int] = None previous_address: int = 0 sp_register: int = 0 ip_register: int = 0 rv_register: int = 0 callstack_ceiling: int = 0 allocations: List[Range] = field(default_factory=list) ticks: int = field(default_factory=lambda: INF) max_wait: int = 0 max_loop: int = 0 visits: Dict[int, int] = field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(int)) last_read: Optional[int] = None def disassemble(self, address: int, size: int): if self.disassembler is None: return None try: pos = self.executable.location_from_address(address).physical.position end = pos + size return next(self.disassembler.disasm( bytes([pos:end]), address, 1)) except Exception: return None def log(self, msg: str) -> str: _width = len(str(self.max_wait)) _depth = len(self.callstack) return F'[wait={self.waiting:0{_width}d}] [call={_depth}] {self.fmt(self.previous_address)}: {msg}' def fmt(self, address: int) -> str: return F'0x{address:0{self.executable.pointer_size // 4}X}'
Class variables
var executable
var writes
var expected_address
var stack
var blob
var callstack
var allocations
var ticks
var visits
var disassembler
var waiting
var retaddr
var stop
var previous_address
var sp_register
var ip_register
var rv_register
var callstack_ceiling
var max_wait
var max_loop
var last_read
def disassemble(self, address, size)
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def disassemble(self, address: int, size: int): if self.disassembler is None: return None try: pos = self.executable.location_from_address(address).physical.position end = pos + size return next(self.disassembler.disasm( bytes([pos:end]), address, 1)) except Exception: return None
def log(self, msg)
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def log(self, msg: str) -> str: _width = len(str(self.max_wait)) _depth = len(self.callstack) return F'[wait={self.waiting:0{_width}d}] [call={_depth}] {self.fmt(self.previous_address)}: {msg}'
def fmt(self, address)
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def fmt(self, address: int) -> str: return F'0x{address:0{self.executable.pointer_size // 4}X}'
class vstack (*address, stop=None, base=None, arch=Arch.X32, meta_registers=False, timeout=None, patch_range=slice(5, None, None), write_range=slice(1, None, None), wait=20, wait_calls=False, skip_calls=0, stack_size=65536, block_size=4096, max_visits=4096, log_writes_in_calls=False, log_stack_addresses=False, log_other_addresses=False, log_zero_overwrites=False, log_stack_cookies=False)
The unit emulates instructions at a given address in the input executable (PE/ELF/MachO) and extracts data patches that are written to the stack during emulation. Emulation is halted as soon as a certain number of instructions has not performed any memory writes, or when an error occurs. By default, most registers are set to the current location in the emulated stack. However, if you want to initialize certain registers differently, you can set an environment variable to the desired value.
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class vstack(Unit): """ The unit emulates instructions at a given address in the input executable (PE/ELF/MachO) and extracts data patches that are written to the stack during emulation. Emulation is halted as soon as a certain number of instructions has not performed any memory writes, or when an error occurs. By default, most registers are set to the current location in the emulated stack. However, if you want to initialize certain registers differently, you can set an environment variable to the desired value. """ @Unit.Requires('intervaltree', 'default', 'extended') def _intervaltree(): import intervaltree return intervaltree @Unit.Requires('unicorn==2.0.1.post1', 'default', 'extended') def _unicorn(): with NoLogging(): import unicorn import unicorn.x86_const import unicorn.arm64_const import unicorn.mips_const import unicorn.sparc_const try: import unicorn.ppc_const except ImportError: pass return unicorn @Unit.Requires('capstone', 'default', 'extended') def _capstone(): import capstone return capstone def __init__( self, *address: Arg.Number(metavar='start', help='Specify the (virtual) addresses of a stack string instruction sequences.'), stop: Arg.Number('-s', metavar='stop', help='Optional: Stop when reaching this address.') = None, base: Arg.Number('-b', metavar='Addr', help='Optionally specify a custom base address B.') = None, arch: Arg.Option('-a', help='Specify for blob inputs: {choices}', choices=Arch) = Arch.X32, meta_registers: Arg.Switch('-r', help='Consume register initialization values from the chunk\'s metadata.') = False, timeout: Arg.Number('-t', help='Optionally stop emulating after a given number of instructions.') = None, patch_range: Arg.Bounds('-p', metavar='MIN:MAX', help='Extract only patches that are in the given range, default is {default}.') = slice(5, None), write_range: Arg.Bounds('-n', metavar='MIN:MAX', help='Log only writes whose size is in the given range, default is {default}.') = slice(1, None), wait: Arg.Number('-w', help=( 'When this many instructions did not write to memory, emulation is halted. The default is {default}.')) = 20, wait_calls: Arg.Switch('-c', group='CALL', help='Wait indefinitely when inside a function call.') = False, skip_calls: Arg.Counts('-C', group='CALL', help='Skip function calls entirely. Use twice to treat each call as allocating memory.') = 0, stack_size: Arg.Number('-S', help='Optionally specify the stack size. The default is 0x{default:X}.') = 0x10000, block_size: Arg.Number('-B', help='Standard memory block size for the emulator, 0x{default:X} by default.') = 0x1000, max_visits: Arg.Number('-V', help='Maximum number of times a code address is visited. Default is {default}.') = 0x1000, log_writes_in_calls: Arg.Switch('-W', help='Log writes of values that occur in functions calls.') = False, log_stack_addresses: Arg.Switch('-X', help='Log writes of values that are stack addresses.') = False, log_other_addresses: Arg.Switch('-Y', help='Log writes of values that are addresses to mapped segments.') = False, log_zero_overwrites: Arg.Switch('-Z', help='Log writes of zeros to memory that contained nonzero values.') = False, log_stack_cookies : Arg.Switch('-E', help='Log writes that look like stack cookies.') = False, ): super().__init__( address=address or [0], stop=stop, base=base, arch=Arg.AsOption(arch, Arch), meta_registers=meta_registers, timeout=timeout, patch_range=patch_range, write_range=write_range, wait=wait, stack_size=stack_size, wait_calls=wait_calls, skip_calls=skip_calls, block_size=block_size, max_visits=max_visits, log_writes_in_calls=log_writes_in_calls, log_stack_addresses=log_stack_addresses, log_other_addresses=log_other_addresses, log_zero_overwrites=log_zero_overwrites, log_stack_cookies=log_stack_cookies ) def _find_stack_location(self, exe: Executable): stack_size = self.args.stack_size memory_max = 1 << exe.pointer_size space = exe.image_defined_address_space() aligned = align(stack_size, space.upper) if aligned + stack_size < memory_max: return aligned aligned = align(stack_size, space.lower - stack_size, down=True) if aligned > 0: return aligned raise RuntimeError('The primitive method used to map stack memory has failed.') def process(self, data): uc = self._unicorn blob = False try: exe = Executable.Load(data, self.args.base) except ValueError: exe = ExecutableCodeBlob(data, self.args.base, self.args.arch) blob = True arch = exe.arch() width = exe.pointer_size // 4 block_size = self.args.block_size stack_size = self.args.stack_size stack_addr = self._find_stack_location(exe) self.log_info(F'mapping {SizeInt(stack_size)!r} of stack at 0x{stack_addr:X}') image = memoryview(data) disassembler = self._capstone.Cs(*self._cs_arch(arch, exe.byte_order())) register_values = {} if arch in (Arch.PPC32, Arch.PPC64): try: sp = uc.ppc_const.UC_PPC_REG_1 rv = uc.ppc_const.UC_PPC_REG_3 ip = uc.ppc_const.UC_PPC_REG_PC except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('The installed unicorn version does not support the PPC architecture.') else: sp, ip, rv = { Arch.X32 : ( uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_ESP, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EIP, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EAX, ), Arch.X64 : ( uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RSP, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RIP, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RAX, ), Arch.ARM32 : ( uc.arm_const.UC_ARM_REG_SP, uc.arm_const.UC_ARM_REG_IP, uc.arm_const.UC_ARM_REG_R0, ), Arch.ARM64 : ( uc.arm_const.UC_ARM_REG_SP, uc.arm_const.UC_ARM_REG_IP, uc.arm_const.UC_ARM_REG_R0, ), Arch.MIPS16 : ( uc.mips_const.UC_MIPS_REG_SP, uc.mips_const.UC_MIPS_REG_PC, uc.mips_const.UC_MIPS_REG_0, ), Arch.MIPS32 : ( uc.mips_const.UC_MIPS_REG_SP, uc.mips_const.UC_MIPS_REG_PC, uc.mips_const.UC_MIPS_REG_V0, ), Arch.MIPS64 : ( uc.mips_const.UC_MIPS_REG_SP, uc.mips_const.UC_MIPS_REG_PC, uc.mips_const.UC_MIPS_REG_V0, ), Arch.SPARC32 : ( uc.sparc_const.UC_SPARC_REG_SP, uc.sparc_const.UC_SPARC_REG_PC, uc.sparc_const.UC_SPARC_REG_O0, ), Arch.SPARC64 : ( uc.sparc_const.UC_SPARC_REG_SP, uc.sparc_const.UC_SPARC_REG_PC, uc.sparc_const.UC_SPARC_REG_O0, ), }[arch] if self.args.meta_registers: from refinery.lib.meta import metavars meta = metavars(data) for module in [uc.x86_const, uc.arm_const, uc.mips_const, uc.sparc_const]: md: Dict[str, Any] = module.__dict__ for name, register in md.items(): try: u, *_, kind, name = name.split('_') except Exception: continue if kind != 'REG' or u != 'UC': continue for var, value in list(meta.items()): if var.upper() != name: continue meta.discard(var) register_values[register] = value break for address in self.args.address: emulator = uc.Uc(*self._uc_arch(arch, exe.byte_order())) stack = Range(stack_addr, stack_addr + 3 * stack_size) emulator.mem_map(stack.lower, len(stack)) emulator.reg_write(sp, stack.lower + 2 * len(stack) // 3) if arch is Arch.X32: for reg in [ uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EAX, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EBX, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_ECX, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EDX, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_ESI, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EDI, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EBP, ]: emulator.reg_write(reg, stack_addr + stack_size) if arch is Arch.X64: for reg in [ uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RAX, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RBX, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RCX, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RDX, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RSI, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RDI, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RBP, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_R8, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_R9, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_R10, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_R11, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_R12, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_R13, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_R14, uc.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_R15, ]: emulator.reg_write(reg, stack_addr + stack_size) for reg, value in register_values.items(): emulator.reg_write(reg, value) for segment in exe.segments(): pmem = segment.physical vmem = segment.virtual try: emulator.mem_map(vmem.lower, align(block_size, len(vmem))) emulator.mem_write(vmem.lower, bytes(image[pmem.slice()])) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception as error: if address in vmem: raise self.log_info(F'error mapping segment [{vmem.lower:0{width}X}-{vmem.upper:0{width}X}]: {error!s}') tree = self._intervaltree.IntervalTree() state = EmuState( exe, tree, address, stack, blob, disassembler, stop=self.args.stop, sp_register=sp, ip_register=ip, rv_register=rv, allocations=[stack], max_wait=self.args.wait, max_loop=self.args.max_visits, ) timeout = self.args.timeout if timeout is not None: self.log_info(F'setting timeout of {timeout} steps') state.ticks = timeout emulator.hook_add(uc.UC_HOOK_CODE, self._hook_code, user_data=state) emulator.hook_add(uc.UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE, self._hook_mem_write, user_data=state, ) emulator.hook_add(uc.UC_HOOK_MEM_READ_AFTER, self._hook_mem_read, user_data=state, ) emulator.hook_add(uc.UC_HOOK_INSN_INVALID, self._hook_insn_error, user_data=state) emulator.hook_add(uc.UC_HOOK_MEM_INVALID, self._hook_mem_error, user_data=state) end_of_code = exe.location_from_address(address) try: emulator.emu_start(address, end_of_code) except uc.UcError: pass it: Iterator[Interval] = iter(tree) for interval in it: size = interval.end - interval.begin - 1 if size not in bounds[self.args.patch_range]: continue try: patch = emulator.mem_read(interval.begin, size) except uc.UcError as error: self.log_info(F'error reading 0x{interval.begin:0{width}X}:{size}: {error!s}') continue if not any(patch): continue self.log_info(F'memory patch at {state.fmt(interval.begin)} of size {size}') yield patch def _hook_mem_read(self, emu: Uc, access: int, address: int, size: int, value: int, state: EmuState): mask = (1 << (size * 8)) - 1 state.last_read = value & mask def _hook_mem_write(self, emu: Uc, access: int, address: int, size: int, value: int, state: EmuState): try: mask = (1 << (size * 8)) - 1 unsigned_value = value & mask if unsigned_value == state.expected_address: callstack = state.callstack state.retaddr = unsigned_value if not self.args.skip_calls: if not callstack: state.callstack_ceiling = emu.reg_read(state.sp_register) callstack.append(unsigned_value) return else: state.retaddr = None skipped = False if ( not self.args.log_stack_cookies and emu.reg_read(state.sp_register) ^ unsigned_value == state.last_read ): skipped = 'stack cookie' elif size not in bounds[self.args.write_range]: skipped = 'size excluded' elif ( state.callstack_ceiling > 0 and not self.args.log_writes_in_calls and address in range(state.callstack_ceiling - 0x200, state.callstack_ceiling) ): skipped = 'inside call' elif not self.args.log_stack_addresses and unsigned_value in state.stack: skipped = 'stack address' elif not self.args.log_other_addresses and not state.blob: for s in state.executable.sections(): if address in s.virtual: skipped = F'write to section {}' break if ( not skipped and unsigned_value == 0 and is not None and self.args.log_zero_overwrites is False ): try: if any(emu.mem_read(address, size)): skipped = 'zero overwrite' except Exception: pass if not skipped: state.writes.addi(address, address + size + 1) state.writes.merge_overlaps() state.waiting = 0 def info(): data = unsigned_value.to_bytes(size, state.executable.byte_order().value) ph = state.executable.pointer_size // 4 pt = state.executable.pointer_size // 8 h = data.hex().upper() t = re.sub('[^!-~]', '.', data.decode('latin1')) msg = state.log(F'{state.fmt(address)} <- {h:_<{ph}} {t:_<{pt}}') if skipped: msg = F'{msg} (ignored: {skipped})' return msg self.log_info(info) except KeyboardInterrupt: emu.emu_stop() return False def _hook_insn_error(self, emu: Uc, state: EmuState): self.log_debug('aborting emulation; instruction error') emu.emu_stop() return False def _hook_mem_error(self, emu: Uc, access: int, address: int, size: int, value: int, state: EmuState): bs = self.args.block_size try: emu.mem_map(align(bs, address, down=True), 2 * bs) except Exception: self.log_info(state.log(F'{state.fmt(address)} :: MEMORY ERROR')) return False else: return True def _hook_code(self, emu: Uc, address: int, size: int, state: EmuState): try: state.ticks -= 1 state.visits[address] += 1 if state.visits[address] > state.max_loop > 0: self.log_info( F'aborting emulation: 0x{address:0{state.executable.pointer_size // 8}X}' F' was visited more than {state.max_loop} times.') emu.emu_stop() return False if address == state.stop or state.ticks == 0: emu.emu_stop() return False waiting = state.waiting callstack = state.callstack depth = len(callstack) state.previous_address = address retaddr = state.retaddr state.retaddr = None if address != state.expected_address: if retaddr is not None and self.args.skip_calls: if self.args.skip_calls > 1: stack_size = self.args.stack_size block_size = self.args.block_size rv = state.rv_register alloc_addr = align(block_size, state.allocations[-1].upper) state.allocations.append(Range(alloc_addr, alloc_addr + stack_size)) emu.mem_map(alloc_addr, stack_size) emu.reg_write(rv, alloc_addr) ip = state.ip_register sp = state.sp_register ps = state.executable.pointer_size // 8 emu.reg_write(ip, retaddr) emu.reg_write(sp, emu.reg_read(sp) + ps) return if depth and address == callstack[-1]: depth -= 1 state.callstack.pop() if depth == 0: state.callstack_ceiling = 0 state.expected_address = address elif retaddr is not None and not self.args.skip_calls: # The present address was moved to the stack but we did not branch. # This is not quite accurate, of course: We could be calling the # next instruction. However, that sort of code is usually not really # a function call anyway, but rather a way to get the IP. callstack.pop() if waiting > self.args.wait: emu.emu_stop() return False if not depth or not self.args.wait_calls: state.waiting += 1 state.expected_address += size instruction = state.disassemble(address, size) if instruction: instruction = F'{instruction.mnemonic} {instruction.op_str}' self.log_debug(state.log(instruction)) else: self.log_debug(state.log('unrecognized instruction, aborting')) emu.emu_stop() except KeyboardInterrupt: emu.emu_stop() return False def _uc_arch(self, arch: Arch, bo: Optional[BO] = None) -> Tuple[int, int]: uc = self._unicorn arch, mode = { Arch.X32 : (uc.UC_ARCH_X86, uc.UC_MODE_32), # noqa Arch.X64 : (uc.UC_ARCH_X86, uc.UC_MODE_64), # noqa Arch.ARM32 : (uc.UC_ARCH_ARM, uc.UC_MODE_ARM), # noqa Arch.ARM64 : (uc.UC_ARCH_ARM, uc.UC_MODE_THUMB), # noqa Arch.MIPS16 : (uc.UC_ARCH_MIPS, uc.UC_MODE_16), # noqa Arch.MIPS32 : (uc.UC_ARCH_MIPS, uc.UC_MODE_32), # noqa Arch.MIPS64 : (uc.UC_ARCH_MIPS, uc.UC_MODE_64), # noqa Arch.PPC32 : (uc.UC_ARCH_PPC, uc.UC_MODE_32), # noqa Arch.PPC64 : (uc.UC_ARCH_PPC, uc.UC_MODE_64), # noqa Arch.SPARC32 : (uc.UC_ARCH_SPARC, uc.UC_MODE_32), # noqa Arch.SPARC64 : (uc.UC_ARCH_SPARC, uc.UC_MODE_V9), # noqa }[arch] if bo is not None: mode |= { BO.BE: uc.UC_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN, BO.LE: uc.UC_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN, }[bo] return arch, mode def _cs_arch(self, arch: Arch, bo: Optional[BO] = None) -> Tuple[int, int]: cs = self._capstone arch, mode = { Arch.X32 : (cs.CS_ARCH_X86, cs.CS_MODE_32), # noqa Arch.X64 : (cs.CS_ARCH_X86, cs.CS_MODE_64), # noqa Arch.ARM32 : (cs.CS_ARCH_ARM, cs.CS_MODE_ARM), # noqa Arch.ARM64 : (cs.CS_ARCH_ARM, cs.CS_MODE_THUMB), # noqa Arch.MIPS16 : (cs.CS_ARCH_MIPS, cs.CS_MODE_16), # noqa Arch.MIPS32 : (cs.CS_ARCH_MIPS, cs.CS_MODE_32), # noqa Arch.MIPS64 : (cs.CS_ARCH_MIPS, cs.CS_MODE_64), # noqa Arch.PPC32 : (cs.CS_ARCH_PPC, cs.CS_MODE_32), # noqa Arch.PPC64 : (cs.CS_ARCH_PPC, cs.CS_MODE_64), # noqa Arch.SPARC32 : (cs.CS_ARCH_SPARC, cs.CS_MODE_32), # noqa Arch.SPARC64 : (cs.CS_ARCH_SPARC, cs.CS_MODE_V9), # noqa }[arch] if bo is not None: mode |= { BO.BE: cs.CS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN, BO.LE: cs.CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN, }[bo] return arch, mode
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Inherited members