Module refinery.units.encoding.uuenc
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools
import pathlib
import re
from refinery.units import Unit, RefineryPartialResult
from refinery.lib.structures import MemoryFile
from refinery.lib import chunks
from refinery.lib.meta import metavars
class uuenc(Unit):
Unit for uuencode.
def process(self, data):
header =
B'^begin ([0-7]{3}) (.*?)$', data, flags=re.M)
if header is None:
raise ValueError('invalid uu header')
output = bytearray()
view = memoryview(data)
breaks = [m.end() for m in iter(re.finditer(B'^', data, flags=re.M))]
eol = False
for k, br in enumerate(itertools.islice(breaks, 1, None)):
if eol and view[br:br + 3] == b'end':
path = header[2]
if path != B'-':
output = self.labelled(output, path=path)
return output
count = view[br] - 0x20
if count not in range(0x41):
raise ValueError(F'Invalid length encoding 0x{view[br]:02X} in line {k}.')
count %= 0x40
cursor = len(output)
q, r = divmod(count, 3)
q += int(bool(r))
end = br + 1 + q * 4
for b in range(br + 1, end, 4):
chunk = 0
for j in range(4):
character = view[b + j]
if character not in range(0x21, 0x61):
raise ValueError(F'Invalid character 0x{character:02X} in line {k}.')
chunk = ((character - 0x20) % 0x40) | (chunk << 6)
output.extend(chunk.to_bytes(3, 'big'))
del output[cursor + count:]
eol = count == 0
if len(output) < cursor + count:
raise RefineryPartialResult(F'Data truncated in line {k}', output)
def reverse(self, data):
meta = metavars(data)
path = meta.get('path', None)
name = path and pathlib.Path(path).name or '-'
view = memoryview(data)
with MemoryFile() as stream:
stream.write(B'begin 666 ')
for k in range(0, len(view), 45):
slice = view[k:k + 45]
stream.write_byte(0x20 + len(slice))
for chunk in chunks.unpack(slice, 3, bigendian=True, pad=True):
for j in range(3, -1, -1):
stream.write_byte(0x20 + (((chunk >> j * 6) & 0x3F) or 0x40))
return stream.getvalue()
def handles(self, data):
if len(data) < 16:
return False
if data[:6] == B'begin ':
return set(data[6:9]) <= set(B'01234567')
class uuenc
Unit for uuencode.
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class uuenc(Unit): """ Unit for uuencode. """ def process(self, data): header = B'^begin ([0-7]{3}) (.*?)$', data, flags=re.M) if header is None: raise ValueError('invalid uu header') output = bytearray() view = memoryview(data) breaks = [m.end() for m in iter(re.finditer(B'^', data, flags=re.M))] eol = False for k, br in enumerate(itertools.islice(breaks, 1, None)): if eol and view[br:br + 3] == b'end': path = header[2] if path != B'-': output = self.labelled(output, path=path) return output count = view[br] - 0x20 if count not in range(0x41): raise ValueError(F'Invalid length encoding 0x{view[br]:02X} in line {k}.') count %= 0x40 cursor = len(output) q, r = divmod(count, 3) q += int(bool(r)) end = br + 1 + q * 4 for b in range(br + 1, end, 4): chunk = 0 for j in range(4): character = view[b + j] if character not in range(0x21, 0x61): raise ValueError(F'Invalid character 0x{character:02X} in line {k}.') chunk = ((character - 0x20) % 0x40) | (chunk << 6) output.extend(chunk.to_bytes(3, 'big')) del output[cursor + count:] eol = count == 0 if len(output) < cursor + count: break raise RefineryPartialResult(F'Data truncated in line {k}', output) def reverse(self, data): meta = metavars(data) path = meta.get('path', None) name = path and pathlib.Path(path).name or '-' view = memoryview(data) with MemoryFile() as stream: stream.write(B'begin 666 ') stream.write(name.encode(self.codec)) for k in range(0, len(view), 45): slice = view[k:k + 45] stream.write_byte(0x0A) stream.write_byte(0x20 + len(slice)) for chunk in chunks.unpack(slice, 3, bigendian=True, pad=True): for j in range(3, -1, -1): stream.write_byte(0x20 + (((chunk >> j * 6) & 0x3F) or 0x40)) stream.write(B'\n`\nend\n') return stream.getvalue() @classmethod def handles(self, data): if len(data) < 16: return False if data[:6] == B'begin ': return set(data[6:9]) <= set(B'01234567')
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Inherited members