Module refinery.units.crypto.keyderive.mspdb

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from refinery.units.crypto.keyderive import KeyDerivation

class mspdb(KeyDerivation):
    An implementation of the PasswordDeriveBytes routine available from the .NET
    standard library. According to documentation, it is an extension of PBKDF1.
    def __init__(self, size, salt, iter=100, hash='SHA1'):
        self.superinit(super(), **vars())

    def process(self, data):
        if self.codec != 'UTF8':
            data = data.decode(self.codec).encode('UTF8')
        data += self.args.salt
        for _ in range(self.args.iter - 1):
            data =
        counter, seedhash = 1, data
        data =
        while len(data) < self.args.size:
            data +='%d%s' % (counter, seedhash)).digest()
            counter += 1
        return data[:self.args.size]


class mspdb (size, salt, iter=100, hash='SHA1')

An implementation of the PasswordDeriveBytes routine available from the .NET standard library. According to documentation, it is an extension of PBKDF1.

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class mspdb(KeyDerivation):
    An implementation of the PasswordDeriveBytes routine available from the .NET
    standard library. According to documentation, it is an extension of PBKDF1.
    def __init__(self, size, salt, iter=100, hash='SHA1'):
        self.superinit(super(), **vars())

    def process(self, data):
        if self.codec != 'UTF8':
            data = data.decode(self.codec).encode('UTF8')
        data += self.args.salt
        for _ in range(self.args.iter - 1):
            data =
        counter, seedhash = 1, data
        data =
        while len(data) < self.args.size:
            data +='%d%s' % (counter, seedhash)).digest()
            counter += 1
        return data[:self.args.size]


Class variables

var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies

Inherited members