Module refinery.units.compression.mscf
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Callable, Optional
import zlib
import enum
from refinery.lib.structures import StructReader, MemoryFile
from refinery.lib.decompression import make_huffman_decode_table, read_huffman_symbol, BitBufferedReader
from refinery.units import Unit
XPRESS_NUM_CHARS = 256 # noqa
XPRESS_MAX_OFFSET = 65535 # noqa
XPRESS_MAX_MATCH_LEN = 65538 # noqa
class MODE(enum.IntEnum):
MSZIP = 2 # noqa
XPRESS = 3 # noqa
XPRESS_HUFF = 4 # noqa
LZMS = 5 # noqa
class mscf(Unit):
The Microsoft Compression Format unit implements the format and algorithms used by the Microsoft
Compression API. The implementation for LZMS is currently missing, but MSZIP and XPRESS (both
with and without Huffman table) are supported. This pure Python implementation is very slow when
compared to native code, so decompressing very large inputs can take several minutes.
_SIGNATURE = B'\x0A\x51\xE5\xC0'
def __init__(
mode: Unit.Arg.Option(choices=MODE, help=(
'Manually select decompression mode ({choices}); by default the unit attempts to derive the '
'mode from the header, but this will fail for raw streams. However, even if a header is '
'found, a manually specified mode will take precedence.')) = None,
mode = Unit.Arg.AsOption(mode, MODE)
def process(self, data):
mode: MODE = self.args.mode
with StructReader(memoryview(data)) as reader, MemoryFile() as writer:
reader: StructReader[memoryview]
check = zlib.crc32(reader.peek(6))
magic =
if magic != self._SIGNATURE:
if mode is None:
F'data starts with {magic.hex().upper()} rather than the expected sequence '
F'{self._SIGNATURE.hex().upper()}; this could be a raw stream.')
handler = self._get_handler(mode)
handler(reader, writer, None)
return writer.getbuffer()
header_size = reader.u16()
if header_size != 24:
self.log_warn(F'the header size {header_size} was not equal to 24')
crc32byte = reader.u8()
check = zlib.crc32(reader.peek(0x11), check) & 0xFF
if check != crc32byte:
self.log_warn(F'the CRC32 check byte was {crc32byte}, computed value was {check}')
_mode_code = reader.u8()
_mode = MODE(_mode_code)
except ValueError:
msg = F'header contains unknown compression type code {_mode_code}'
if mode is None:
raise ValueError(msg)
if mode is not None and mode != _mode:
logger = self.log_warn
logger = self.log_info
mode = _mode
logger(F'header specifies algorithm {}')
self.log_info(F'using algorithm {}')
decompress = self._get_handler(mode)
final_size = reader.u32()
_unknown_1 = reader.u32()
chunk_size = reader.u32()
_unknown_2 = reader.u32()
if _unknown_1 != 0:
self.log_warn(F'unknown value 1 was unexpectedly nonzero: 0x{_unknown_1:08X}')
if _unknown_2 != 0:
self.log_warn(F'unknown value 2 was unexpectedly nonzero: 0x{_unknown_2:08X}')
self.log_debug(F'final size: 0x{final_size:08X}')
self.log_debug(F'chunk size: 0x{chunk_size:08X}')
if chunk_size > COMPRESS_MAX_CHUNK:
raise ValueError('the header chunk size is greater than the maximum value')
while len(writer) < final_size:
src_size = reader.u32()
src_data =
if len(src_data) != src_size:
raise IndexError(F'Attempted to read {src_size} bytes, but got only {len(src_data)}.')
if src_size + len(writer) == final_size:
self.log_debug(F'final chunk is uncompressed, appending {src_size} raw bytes to output')
self.log_debug(F'reading chunk of size {src_size}')
start = writer.tell()
chunk = StructReader(src_data)
target = min(chunk_size, final_size - len(writer))
decompress(chunk, writer, target)
written = writer.tell() - start
if written != target:
raise RuntimeError(F'decompressed output had unexpected size {written} instead of {chunk_size}')
if not reader.eof:
self.log_info(F'compression complete with {reader.remaining_bytes} bytes remaining in input')
return writer.getbuffer()
def _get_handler(self, mode: MODE) -> Callable[[StructReader, MemoryFile, Optional[int]], None]:
decompress = {
mode.MSZIP : self._decompress_mszip,
mode.XPRESS_HUFF : self._decompress_xpress_huffman,
mode.XPRESS : self._decompress_xpress,
}.get(mode, None)
if decompress is None:
raise NotImplementedError(F'algorithm {} is not yet implemented')
return decompress
def _decompress_mszip(self, reader: StructReader, writer: MemoryFile, target: Optional[int] = None):
header = bytes(
if header != B'CK':
raise ValueError(F'chunk did not begin with CK header, got {header!r} instead')
decompress = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS, zdict=writer.getbuffer())
def _decompress_xpress_huffman(
reader: StructReader,
writer: MemoryFile,
target: Optional[int] = None,
max_chunk_size: int = 0x10000
) -> None:
limit = writer.tell()
if target is not None:
target += limit
while not reader.eof:
if reader.remaining_bytes < XPRESS_NUM_SYMBOLS // 2:
raise IndexError(
F'There are only {reader.remaining_bytes} bytes reamining in the input buffer,'
F' but at least {XPRESS_NUM_SYMBOLS // 2} are required to read a Huffman table.')
table = bytearray(reader.read_integer(4) for _ in range(XPRESS_NUM_SYMBOLS))
table = make_huffman_decode_table(table, XPRESS_TABLEBITS, XPRESS_MAX_CODEWORD_LEN)
limit = limit + max_chunk_size
flags = BitBufferedReader(reader, 16)
while True:
position = writer.tell()
if position == target:
if reader.remaining_bytes:
self.log_info(F'chunk decompressed with {reader.remaining_bytes} bytes remaining in input buffer')
if position >= limit:
if position > limit:
limit = position
self.log_info(F'decompression of one chunk generated more than the limit of {max_chunk_size} bytes')
sym = read_huffman_symbol(flags, table, XPRESS_TABLEBITS, XPRESS_MAX_CODEWORD_LEN)
except EOFError:
self.log_debug('end of file while reading huffman symbol')
length = sym & 0xF
offsetlog = (sym >> 4) & 0xF
if reader.eof:
offset = (1 << offsetlog) |
if length == 0xF:
nudge = reader.read_byte()
if nudge < 0xFF:
length += nudge
length = reader.u16() or reader.u32()
writer.replay(offset, length)
def _decompress_xpress(self, reader: StructReader, writer: MemoryFile, target: Optional[int] = None) -> bytearray:
if target is not None:
target += writer.tell()
flags = BitBufferedReader(reader)
nibble_cache = None
while not reader.eof:
if target is not None and writer.tell() >= target:
if not
offset, length = divmod(reader.u16(), 8)
offset += 1
if length == 7:
length = nibble_cache
if length is None:
length_pair = reader.u8()
nibble_cache = length_pair >> 4
length = length_pair & 0xF
nibble_cache = None
if length == 15:
length = reader.u8()
if length == 0xFF:
length = reader.u16() or reader.u32()
length -= 22
if length < 0:
raise RuntimeError(F'Invalid match length of {length} for long delta sequence')
length += 15
length += 7
length += 3
writer.replay(offset, length)
def handles(cls, data: bytearray) -> Optional[bool]:
sig = cls._SIGNATURE
if data[:len(sig)] == sig:
return True
class MODE (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class MODE(enum.IntEnum): MSZIP = 2 # noqa XPRESS = 3 # noqa XPRESS_HUFF = 4 # noqa LZMS = 5 # noqa
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var LZMS
class mscf (mode=None)
The Microsoft Compression Format unit implements the format and algorithms used by the Microsoft Compression API. The implementation for LZMS is currently missing, but MSZIP and XPRESS (both with and without Huffman table) are supported. This pure Python implementation is very slow when compared to native code, so decompressing very large inputs can take several minutes.
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class mscf(Unit): """ The Microsoft Compression Format unit implements the format and algorithms used by the Microsoft Compression API. The implementation for LZMS is currently missing, but MSZIP and XPRESS (both with and without Huffman table) are supported. This pure Python implementation is very slow when compared to native code, so decompressing very large inputs can take several minutes. """ _SIGNATURE = B'\x0A\x51\xE5\xC0' def __init__( self, mode: Unit.Arg.Option(choices=MODE, help=( 'Manually select decompression mode ({choices}); by default the unit attempts to derive the ' 'mode from the header, but this will fail for raw streams. However, even if a header is ' 'found, a manually specified mode will take precedence.')) = None, ): mode = Unit.Arg.AsOption(mode, MODE) super().__init__(mode=mode) def process(self, data): mode: MODE = self.args.mode with StructReader(memoryview(data)) as reader, MemoryFile() as writer: reader: StructReader[memoryview] check = zlib.crc32(reader.peek(6)) magic = if magic != self._SIGNATURE: if mode is None: self.log_warn( F'data starts with {magic.hex().upper()} rather than the expected sequence ' F'{self._SIGNATURE.hex().upper()}; this could be a raw stream.') else: handler = self._get_handler(mode) handler(reader, writer, None) return writer.getbuffer() header_size = reader.u16() if header_size != 24: self.log_warn(F'the header size {header_size} was not equal to 24') crc32byte = reader.u8() check = zlib.crc32(reader.peek(0x11), check) & 0xFF if check != crc32byte: self.log_warn(F'the CRC32 check byte was {crc32byte}, computed value was {check}') _mode_code = reader.u8() try: _mode = MODE(_mode_code) except ValueError: msg = F'header contains unknown compression type code {_mode_code}' if mode is None: raise ValueError(msg) else: self.log_warn(msg) else: if mode is not None and mode != _mode: logger = self.log_warn else: logger = self.log_info mode = _mode logger(F'header specifies algorithm {}') self.log_info(F'using algorithm {}') decompress = self._get_handler(mode) final_size = reader.u32() _unknown_1 = reader.u32() chunk_size = reader.u32() _unknown_2 = reader.u32() if _unknown_1 != 0: self.log_warn(F'unknown value 1 was unexpectedly nonzero: 0x{_unknown_1:08X}') if _unknown_2 != 0: self.log_warn(F'unknown value 2 was unexpectedly nonzero: 0x{_unknown_2:08X}') self.log_debug(F'final size: 0x{final_size:08X}') self.log_debug(F'chunk size: 0x{chunk_size:08X}') if chunk_size > COMPRESS_MAX_CHUNK: raise ValueError('the header chunk size is greater than the maximum value') while len(writer) < final_size: src_size = reader.u32() src_data = if len(src_data) != src_size: raise IndexError(F'Attempted to read {src_size} bytes, but got only {len(src_data)}.') if src_size + len(writer) == final_size: self.log_debug(F'final chunk is uncompressed, appending {src_size} raw bytes to output') writer.write(src_data) break self.log_debug(F'reading chunk of size {src_size}') start = writer.tell() chunk = StructReader(src_data) target = min(chunk_size, final_size - len(writer)) decompress(chunk, writer, target) writer.flush() written = writer.tell() - start if written != target: raise RuntimeError(F'decompressed output had unexpected size {written} instead of {chunk_size}') if not reader.eof: self.log_info(F'compression complete with {reader.remaining_bytes} bytes remaining in input') return writer.getbuffer() def _get_handler(self, mode: MODE) -> Callable[[StructReader, MemoryFile, Optional[int]], None]: decompress = { mode.MSZIP : self._decompress_mszip, mode.XPRESS_HUFF : self._decompress_xpress_huffman, mode.XPRESS : self._decompress_xpress, }.get(mode, None) if decompress is None: raise NotImplementedError(F'algorithm {} is not yet implemented') return decompress def _decompress_mszip(self, reader: StructReader, writer: MemoryFile, target: Optional[int] = None): header = bytes( if header != B'CK': raise ValueError(F'chunk did not begin with CK header, got {header!r} instead') decompress = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS, zdict=writer.getbuffer()) writer.write(decompress.decompress( writer.write(decompress.flush()) def _decompress_xpress_huffman( self, reader: StructReader, writer: MemoryFile, target: Optional[int] = None, max_chunk_size: int = 0x10000 ) -> None: limit = writer.tell() if target is not None: target += limit while not reader.eof: if reader.remaining_bytes < XPRESS_NUM_SYMBOLS // 2: raise IndexError( F'There are only {reader.remaining_bytes} bytes reamining in the input buffer,' F' but at least {XPRESS_NUM_SYMBOLS // 2} are required to read a Huffman table.') table = bytearray(reader.read_integer(4) for _ in range(XPRESS_NUM_SYMBOLS)) table = make_huffman_decode_table(table, XPRESS_TABLEBITS, XPRESS_MAX_CODEWORD_LEN) limit = limit + max_chunk_size flags = BitBufferedReader(reader, 16) while True: position = writer.tell() if position == target: if reader.remaining_bytes: self.log_info(F'chunk decompressed with {reader.remaining_bytes} bytes remaining in input buffer') return if position >= limit: if position > limit: limit = position self.log_info(F'decompression of one chunk generated more than the limit of {max_chunk_size} bytes') flags.collect() break try: sym = read_huffman_symbol(flags, table, XPRESS_TABLEBITS, XPRESS_MAX_CODEWORD_LEN) except EOFError: self.log_debug('end of file while reading huffman symbol') break if sym < XPRESS_NUM_CHARS: writer.write_byte(sym) continue length = sym & 0xF offsetlog = (sym >> 4) & 0xF flags.collect() if reader.eof: break offset = (1 << offsetlog) | if length == 0xF: nudge = reader.read_byte() if nudge < 0xFF: length += nudge else: length = reader.u16() or reader.u32() length += XPRESS_MIN_MATCH_LEN writer.replay(offset, length) def _decompress_xpress(self, reader: StructReader, writer: MemoryFile, target: Optional[int] = None) -> bytearray: if target is not None: target += writer.tell() flags = BitBufferedReader(reader) nibble_cache = None while not reader.eof: if target is not None and writer.tell() >= target: return if not writer.write( continue offset, length = divmod(reader.u16(), 8) offset += 1 if length == 7: length = nibble_cache if length is None: length_pair = reader.u8() nibble_cache = length_pair >> 4 length = length_pair & 0xF else: nibble_cache = None if length == 15: length = reader.u8() if length == 0xFF: length = reader.u16() or reader.u32() length -= 22 if length < 0: raise RuntimeError(F'Invalid match length of {length} for long delta sequence') length += 15 length += 7 length += 3 writer.replay(offset, length) @classmethod def handles(cls, data: bytearray) -> Optional[bool]: sig = cls._SIGNATURE if data[:len(sig)] == sig: return True
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Inherited members