Module refinery.units.compression.decompress
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import ByteString, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Dict
from enum import IntFlag
from refinery.units import Arg, Unit, RefineryPartialResult
from refinery.lib.types import INF
from .ap import aplib
from .blz import blz
from .brotli import brotli
from .bz2 import bz2
from .jcalg import jcalg
from .lz import _auto_decompress_lzma as lzma
from .lz4 import lz4
from .lzjb import lzjb
from .lznt1 import lznt1
from .lzo import lzo
from .szdd import szdd
from .zl import zl
from .qlz import qlz
from .lzf import lzf
from .lzw import lzw
from .nrv import nrv2b, nrv2d, nrv2e
from .zstd import zstd
class _R(IntFlag):
InvalidData = 0b00000 # noqa
NotMangled = 0b00001 # noqa
ValidData = 0b00010 # noqa
KnownFormat = 0b00100 # noqa
HadOutput = 0b01000 # noqa
HadNoErrors = 0b10000 # noqa
Candidate = 0b00110 # noqa
Successful = 0b11000 # noqa
def total(self):
return self.value.bit_count()
def summary(self):
if self is _R.InvalidData:
return 'invalid'
elif _R.HadNoErrors & self:
return 'success'
elif _R.HadOutput & self:
return 'partial'
return 'failure'
def brief(self):
return ''.join(
t if self & x else ' '
for t, x in {
'V': _R.ValidData,
'F': _R.KnownFormat,
'O': _R.HadOutput,
'K': _R.HadNoErrors
class decompress(Unit):
Attempts all available decompression units against the input and returns
the output of the first successful one. If none succeeds, the data is
returned unaltered. The process is heavily biased against LZNT1 decompression
due to a large tendency for LZNT1 false positives.
def __init__(
prepend: Arg.Switch('-P', '--no-prepend', off=True, help=(
'By default, if decompression fails, the unit attempts to prefix '
'the data with all possible values of a single byte and decompress '
'the result. This behavior can be disabled with this flag.')
) = True,
tolerance: Arg.Number('-t', help=(
'Maximum number of bytes to strip from the beginning of the data; '
'The default value is 12.')
) = 12,
max_ratio: Arg('-m', metavar='R', help=(
'To determine whether a decompression algorithm was successful, the '
'ratio of compressed size to decompressed size may at most be as large '
'as this number, a floating point value R; default value is {default}.')
) = 1.0,
min_ratio: Arg('-n', metavar='R', help=(
'Require that compression ratios must be at least as large as R. This '
'is a "too good to be true" heuristic against algorithms like lznt1 '
'that can produce false positives. The default is {default}.')
) = 0.0001,
strict_limits: Arg('-l', action='store_true', help=(
'For recognized formats, i.e. when a magic signature is present, the '
'above limits are disabled by default. Activate this flag to enforce '
'them in every case.')
) = False
if min_ratio <= 0:
raise ValueError('The compression factor must be nonnegative.')
self.engines: List[Unit] = [
engine.assemble() for engine in [
zstd, szdd, bz2, zl, lzf, lzma, lzw, jcalg, lzo, aplib, qlz, brotli, blz, lzjb, lz4, lznt1, nrv2e, nrv2d, nrv2b]
for engine in self.engines:
def process(self, data):
data = memoryview(data)
class Decompression(NamedTuple):
engine: Unit
rating: _R
result: Optional[ByteString] = None
cutoff: int = 0
prefix: Optional[int] = None
def __str__(self):
status = self.rating.summary
engine =
prefix = self.prefix
if prefix is not None:
prefix = F'0x{prefix:02X}'
return F'prefix={prefix}, cutoff=0x{self.cutoff:02X}, [{status}] engine={engine}'
def __len__(self):
return len(self.result)
def ratio(self):
if not self.result:
return INF
return len(data) / len(self)
def unmodified(self):
return self.prefix is None and self.cutoff == 0
def method(self):
if self.args.prepend:
buffer = bytearray(1 + len(data))
buffer[1:] = data
best_by_rating: Dict[_R, Decompression] = {}
def best_current_rating():
return max(best_by_rating, default=_R.InvalidData)
def decompress(engine: Unit, cutoff: int = 0, prefix: Optional[int] = None, careful: bool = False):
ingest = data[cutoff:]
rating = _R.ValidData
if cutoff == 0 and prefix is None and not careful:
rating |= _R.NotMangled
if prefix is not None:
buffer[0] = prefix
ingest = buffer
is_handled = engine.handles(ingest)
if is_handled is True:
rating |= _R.KnownFormat
if is_handled is False:
return Decompression(engine, _R.InvalidData, None, cutoff, prefix)
result = next(engine.act(ingest))
except RefineryPartialResult as pr:
rating |= _R.HadOutput
result = pr.partial
except Exception:
result = None
rating |= _R.Successful
return Decompression(engine, rating, result, cutoff, prefix)
def update(new: Decompression, discard_if_too_good=False):
ratio = new.ratio
if self.args.strict_limits or not new.rating & _R.KnownFormat:
if ratio > self.args.max_ratio:
if ratio < self.args.min_ratio:
best = best_by_rating.get(new.rating, None)
prefix = new.prefix
if prefix is not None:
prefix = F'0x{prefix:02X}'
if new.unmodified and best and not best.unmodified:
threshold = 1
threshold = 0.95
if not best or len(new) < len(best):
q = 0
q = len(best) / len(new)
ratio *= 100
brief = new.rating.brief
if q < threshold:
if best and discard_if_too_good:
if q < 0.5:
if new.rating & _R.Successful != _R.Successful:
F'[switch] [{brief}] [q={q:07.4f}] compression ratio {ratio:07.4f}% with: {new!s}')
best_by_rating[new.rating] = new
F'[reject] [{brief}] [q={q:07.4f}] compression ratio {ratio:07.4f}% with: {new!s}')
for engine in self.engines:
self.log_debug(F'attempting engine: {}')
careful = isinstance(engine, (lznt1, lzf, lzjb))
for t in range(self.args.tolerance + 1):
if best_current_rating() >= _R.Successful and careful and t > 0:
update(decompress(engine, t, None, careful), careful)
if self.args.prepend and best_current_rating() < _R.Successful:
for p in range(0x100):
update(decompress(engine, 0, p, careful), careful)
for r in sorted(best_by_rating, reverse=True):
if dc := best_by_rating[r]:
if not dc.rating & _R.HadOutput:
self.log_info(F'settling on {dc.method} decompression, cutoff={dc.cutoff} and prefix={dc.prefix}.')
if dc.rating & _R.NotMangled:
self.log_info('supporting evidence: no modifications to the buffer were necessary')
if dc.rating & _R.KnownFormat:
self.log_info('supporting evidence: found a known magic signature')
if dc.rating & _R.HadNoErrors:
self.log_info('supporting evidence: engine produced output without errors')
elif dc.rating & _R.HadOutput:
self.log_info('supporting evidence: there were errors, but the engine produced output')
if not dc.rating & _R.Successful:
self.log_info('the only decompression with result returned only a partial result.')
return self.labelled(dc.result, method=dc.method)
raise ValueError('no compression engine worked')
class decompress (prepend=True, tolerance=12, max_ratio=1.0, min_ratio=0.0001, strict_limits=False)
Attempts all available decompression units against the input and returns the output of the first successful one. If none succeeds, the data is returned unaltered. The process is heavily biased against LZNT1 decompression due to a large tendency for LZNT1 false positives.
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class decompress(Unit): """ Attempts all available decompression units against the input and returns the output of the first successful one. If none succeeds, the data is returned unaltered. The process is heavily biased against LZNT1 decompression due to a large tendency for LZNT1 false positives. """ def __init__( self, prepend: Arg.Switch('-P', '--no-prepend', off=True, help=( 'By default, if decompression fails, the unit attempts to prefix ' 'the data with all possible values of a single byte and decompress ' 'the result. This behavior can be disabled with this flag.') ) = True, tolerance: Arg.Number('-t', help=( 'Maximum number of bytes to strip from the beginning of the data; ' 'The default value is 12.') ) = 12, max_ratio: Arg('-m', metavar='R', help=( 'To determine whether a decompression algorithm was successful, the ' 'ratio of compressed size to decompressed size may at most be as large ' 'as this number, a floating point value R; default value is {default}.') ) = 1.0, min_ratio: Arg('-n', metavar='R', help=( 'Require that compression ratios must be at least as large as R. This ' 'is a "too good to be true" heuristic against algorithms like lznt1 ' 'that can produce false positives. The default is {default}.') ) = 0.0001, strict_limits: Arg('-l', action='store_true', help=( 'For recognized formats, i.e. when a magic signature is present, the ' 'above limits are disabled by default. Activate this flag to enforce ' 'them in every case.') ) = False ): if min_ratio <= 0: raise ValueError('The compression factor must be nonnegative.') super().__init__( tolerance=tolerance, prepend=prepend, min_ratio=min_ratio, max_ratio=max_ratio, strict_limits=strict_limits, ) self.engines: List[Unit] = [ engine.assemble() for engine in [ zstd, szdd, bz2, zl, lzf, lzma, lzw, jcalg, lzo, aplib, qlz, brotli, blz, lzjb, lz4, lznt1, nrv2e, nrv2d, nrv2b] ] for engine in self.engines: engine.log_detach() def process(self, data): data = memoryview(data) class Decompression(NamedTuple): engine: Unit rating: _R result: Optional[ByteString] = None cutoff: int = 0 prefix: Optional[int] = None def __str__(self): status = self.rating.summary engine = prefix = self.prefix if prefix is not None: prefix = F'0x{prefix:02X}' return F'prefix={prefix}, cutoff=0x{self.cutoff:02X}, [{status}] engine={engine}' def __len__(self): return len(self.result) @property def ratio(self): if not self.result: return INF return len(data) / len(self) @property def unmodified(self): return self.prefix is None and self.cutoff == 0 @property def method(self): return if self.args.prepend: buffer = bytearray(1 + len(data)) buffer[1:] = data best_by_rating: Dict[_R, Decompression] = {} def best_current_rating(): return max(best_by_rating, default=_R.InvalidData) def decompress(engine: Unit, cutoff: int = 0, prefix: Optional[int] = None, careful: bool = False): ingest = data[cutoff:] rating = _R.ValidData if cutoff == 0 and prefix is None and not careful: rating |= _R.NotMangled if prefix is not None: buffer[0] = prefix ingest = buffer is_handled = engine.handles(ingest) if is_handled is True: rating |= _R.KnownFormat if is_handled is False: return Decompression(engine, _R.InvalidData, None, cutoff, prefix) try: result = next(engine.act(ingest)) except RefineryPartialResult as pr: rating |= _R.HadOutput result = pr.partial except Exception: result = None else: rating |= _R.Successful return Decompression(engine, rating, result, cutoff, prefix) def update(new: Decompression, discard_if_too_good=False): ratio = new.ratio if self.args.strict_limits or not new.rating & _R.KnownFormat: if ratio > self.args.max_ratio: return if ratio < self.args.min_ratio: return best = best_by_rating.get(new.rating, None) prefix = new.prefix if prefix is not None: prefix = F'0x{prefix:02X}' if new.unmodified and best and not best.unmodified: threshold = 1 else: threshold = 0.95 if not best or len(new) < len(best): q = 0 else: q = len(best) / len(new) ratio *= 100 brief = new.rating.brief if q < threshold: if best and discard_if_too_good: if q < 0.5: return if new.rating & _R.Successful != _R.Successful: return self.log_info(lambda: F'[switch] [{brief}] [q={q:07.4f}] compression ratio {ratio:07.4f}% with: {new!s}') best_by_rating[new.rating] = new else: self.log_debug(lambda: F'[reject] [{brief}] [q={q:07.4f}] compression ratio {ratio:07.4f}% with: {new!s}') for engine in self.engines: self.log_debug(F'attempting engine: {}') careful = isinstance(engine, (lznt1, lzf, lzjb)) for t in range(self.args.tolerance + 1): if best_current_rating() >= _R.Successful and careful and t > 0: break update(decompress(engine, t, None, careful), careful) if self.args.prepend and best_current_rating() < _R.Successful: for p in range(0x100): update(decompress(engine, 0, p, careful), careful) for r in sorted(best_by_rating, reverse=True): if dc := best_by_rating[r]: if not dc.rating & _R.HadOutput: continue self.log_info(F'settling on {dc.method} decompression, cutoff={dc.cutoff} and prefix={dc.prefix}.') if dc.rating & _R.NotMangled: self.log_info('supporting evidence: no modifications to the buffer were necessary') if dc.rating & _R.KnownFormat: self.log_info('supporting evidence: found a known magic signature') if dc.rating & _R.HadNoErrors: self.log_info('supporting evidence: engine produced output without errors') elif dc.rating & _R.HadOutput: self.log_info('supporting evidence: there were errors, but the engine produced output') if not dc.rating & _R.Successful: self.log_info('the only decompression with result returned only a partial result.') return self.labelled(dc.result, method=dc.method) raise ValueError('no compression engine worked')
Class variables
var required_dependencies
var optional_dependencies
Inherited members