Module refinery.lib.loader

Functions to help dynamically load refinery units.

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to help dynamically load refinery units.
from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import importlib
import pkgutil
import shlex
import logging
import pathlib

import refinery

from typing import Dict, Generator, Type, TypeVar
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

_T = TypeVar('_T')

    from refinery.units import Executable, Unit
    from types import ModuleType

class EntryNotFound(NameError):

def get_all_entry_points() -> Generator[Type[Unit], None, None]:
    The function returns an iterator over all entry points, i.e.
    all subclasses of the `refinery.units.Entry` class.
    path = 'refinery.units'
    root = __import__(path).units
    mark = root.Entry

    def iterate(parent: ModuleType, path: str, is_package: bool = True) -> Generator[Type[Unit], None, None]:
        for attr in dir(parent):
            item = getattr(parent, attr)
            if getattr(item, '__module__', None) != path:
            if getattr(item, '__name__', '_').startswith('_'):
            if isinstance(item, type) and issubclass(item, mark) and item is not mark:
                yield item
        if not is_package:
        for _, name, is_package in pkgutil.iter_modules(parent.__path__):
            mp = F'{path}.{name}'
                module = getattr(parent, name)
            except ModuleNotFoundError as error:
                logging.error(F'could not load {mp} because {} is missing.')
            except Exception as error:
                logging.error(F'could not load {mp} due to unknown error: {error!s}')
                yield from iterate(module, mp, is_package)

    yield from iterate(root, path)

@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1, typed=True)
def get_entry_point_map() -> Dict[str, Executable]:
    Returns a dictionary of all available unit names, mapping to the class that implements it.
    The dictionary is cached.
    return { exe for exe in get_all_entry_points()}

def get_entry_point(name: str) -> Executable:
    Retrieve a refinery entry point by name.
        return getattr(refinery, name)
    except AttributeError:

    def get_subclasses(cls: Type[_T]) -> Generator[Type[_T], None, None]:
        for sc in cls.__subclasses__():
            yield sc
            yield from get_subclasses(sc)
    for sc in get_subclasses(refinery.Unit):
        if == name:
            return sc

        return get_entry_point_map()[name]
    except KeyError:
        raise EntryNotFound(F'no entry point named "{name}" was found.')

def resolve(name: str) -> Executable:
    Attempts to import the unit with the given name from the refinery package
    and falls back to using `refinery.lib.loader.get_entry_point` if this fails.
    Raises `refinery.lib.loader.EntryNotFound` if the entry is not found.
        unit = refinery.load(name)
    except ImportError:
        unit = None
    return unit or get_entry_point(name)

def load(name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Unit:
    Loads the unit specified by `name`, initialized with the given arguments
    and keyword arguments.
    entry = get_entry_point(name)
    return entry.assemble(*args, **kwargs)

def load_commandline(command: str) -> Unit:
    Returns a unit as it would be loaded from a given command line string.
    module, *arguments = shlex.split(command)
    return load(module, *arguments)

def load_detached(command: str) -> Unit:
    Returns a unit as it would be loaded from a given command line string,
    except that the unit has been detached from the default log level.
    return load_commandline(command).log_detach()

def load_pipeline(commandline: str, pipe='|') -> Unit:
    Parses a complete pipeline as given on the command line.
    pipeline = None
    command = []
    for parsed, token in zip(
        shlex.split(commandline, posix=True),
        shlex.split(commandline, posix=False)
        if token == parsed and pipe in token:
            tail, *rest = token.split(pipe)
            *rest, parsed = rest
            if tail:
            pipeline |= load(*command)
            for name in rest:
                pipeline |= load(pathlib.Path(name).stem)
            if not parsed:
        if not command:
            parsed = pathlib.Path(parsed).stem
    if command:
        pipeline |= load(*command)
    elif not pipeline:
        return load('nop')
    return pipeline


def get_all_entry_points()

The function returns an iterator over all entry points, i.e. all subclasses of the Entry class.

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def get_all_entry_points() -> Generator[Type[Unit], None, None]:
    The function returns an iterator over all entry points, i.e.
    all subclasses of the `refinery.units.Entry` class.
    path = 'refinery.units'
    root = __import__(path).units
    mark = root.Entry

    def iterate(parent: ModuleType, path: str, is_package: bool = True) -> Generator[Type[Unit], None, None]:
        for attr in dir(parent):
            item = getattr(parent, attr)
            if getattr(item, '__module__', None) != path:
            if getattr(item, '__name__', '_').startswith('_'):
            if isinstance(item, type) and issubclass(item, mark) and item is not mark:
                yield item
        if not is_package:
        for _, name, is_package in pkgutil.iter_modules(parent.__path__):
            mp = F'{path}.{name}'
                module = getattr(parent, name)
            except ModuleNotFoundError as error:
                logging.error(F'could not load {mp} because {} is missing.')
            except Exception as error:
                logging.error(F'could not load {mp} due to unknown error: {error!s}')
                yield from iterate(module, mp, is_package)

    yield from iterate(root, path)
def get_entry_point_map()

Returns a dictionary of all available unit names, mapping to the class that implements it. The dictionary is cached.

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@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1, typed=True)
def get_entry_point_map() -> Dict[str, Executable]:
    Returns a dictionary of all available unit names, mapping to the class that implements it.
    The dictionary is cached.
    return { exe for exe in get_all_entry_points()}
def get_entry_point(name)

Retrieve a refinery entry point by name.

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def get_entry_point(name: str) -> Executable:
    Retrieve a refinery entry point by name.
        return getattr(refinery, name)
    except AttributeError:

    def get_subclasses(cls: Type[_T]) -> Generator[Type[_T], None, None]:
        for sc in cls.__subclasses__():
            yield sc
            yield from get_subclasses(sc)
    for sc in get_subclasses(refinery.Unit):
        if == name:
            return sc

        return get_entry_point_map()[name]
    except KeyError:
        raise EntryNotFound(F'no entry point named "{name}" was found.')
def resolve(name)

Attempts to import the unit with the given name from the refinery package and falls back to using get_entry_point() if this fails. Raises EntryNotFound if the entry is not found.

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def resolve(name: str) -> Executable:
    Attempts to import the unit with the given name from the refinery package
    and falls back to using `refinery.lib.loader.get_entry_point` if this fails.
    Raises `refinery.lib.loader.EntryNotFound` if the entry is not found.
        unit = refinery.load(name)
    except ImportError:
        unit = None
    return unit or get_entry_point(name)
def load(name, *args, **kwargs)

Loads the unit specified by name, initialized with the given arguments and keyword arguments.

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def load(name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Unit:
    Loads the unit specified by `name`, initialized with the given arguments
    and keyword arguments.
    entry = get_entry_point(name)
    return entry.assemble(*args, **kwargs)
def load_commandline(command)

Returns a unit as it would be loaded from a given command line string.

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def load_commandline(command: str) -> Unit:
    Returns a unit as it would be loaded from a given command line string.
    module, *arguments = shlex.split(command)
    return load(module, *arguments)
def load_detached(command)

Returns a unit as it would be loaded from a given command line string, except that the unit has been detached from the default log level.

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def load_detached(command: str) -> Unit:
    Returns a unit as it would be loaded from a given command line string,
    except that the unit has been detached from the default log level.
    return load_commandline(command).log_detach()
def load_pipeline(commandline, pipe='|')

Parses a complete pipeline as given on the command line.

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def load_pipeline(commandline: str, pipe='|') -> Unit:
    Parses a complete pipeline as given on the command line.
    pipeline = None
    command = []
    for parsed, token in zip(
        shlex.split(commandline, posix=True),
        shlex.split(commandline, posix=False)
        if token == parsed and pipe in token:
            tail, *rest = token.split(pipe)
            *rest, parsed = rest
            if tail:
            pipeline |= load(*command)
            for name in rest:
                pipeline |= load(pathlib.Path(name).stem)
            if not parsed:
        if not command:
            parsed = pathlib.Path(parsed).stem
    if command:
        pipeline |= load(*command)
    elif not pipeline:
        return load('nop')
    return pipeline


class EntryNotFound (*args, **kwargs)

Name not found globally.

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class EntryNotFound(NameError):


  • builtins.NameError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException