Module refinery.lib.inno.ifps
The code is based on the logic implemented in IFPSTools:
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The code is based on the logic implemented in IFPSTools:
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import enum
import io
import itertools
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS, update_wrapper
from refinery.lib.structures import Struct, StructReader
from refinery.lib.inno.symbols import IFPSAPI, IFPSClasses, IFPSEvents
from refinery.lib.types import CaseInsensitiveDict
_E = TypeVar('_E', bound=Type[enum.Enum])
_C = TypeVar('_C', bound=Type)
_TAB = '\x20\x20'
def extended(_data: bytes):
if len(_data) != 10:
raise ValueError
data = int.from_bytes(_data, 'little')
sign = data >> 79
data = data ^ (sign << 79)
sign = -1.0 if sign else +1.0
exponent = data >> 64
data = data ^ (exponent << 64)
if exponent == 0:
if data == 0:
return sign * 0
exponent = -16382
elif exponent == 0b111111111111111:
if data == 0:
return sign * float('Inf')
return sign * float('NaN')
exponent = exponent - 16383
mantissa = data / (1 << 64)
return sign * mantissa * (2 ** exponent)
def represent(cls: _E) -> _E:
cls.__repr__ = lambda self: F'{self.__class__.__name__}.{}'
cls. __str__ = lambda self:
return cls
class Op(enum.IntEnum):
Assign = 0x00 # noqa
Calculate = 0x01 # noqa
Push = 0x02 # noqa
PushVar = 0x03 # noqa
Pop = 0x04 # noqa
Call = 0x05 # noqa
Jump = 0x06 # noqa
JumpTrue = 0x07 # noqa
JumpFalse = 0x08 # noqa
Ret = 0x09 # noqa
StackType = 0x0A # noqa
PushType = 0x0B # noqa
Compare = 0x0C # noqa
CallVar = 0x0D # noqa
SetPtr = 0x0E # noqa
BooleanNot = 0x0F # noqa
Neg = 0x10 # noqa
SetFlag = 0x11 # noqa
JumpFlag = 0x12 # noqa
PushEH = 0x13 # noqa
PopEH = 0x14 # noqa
IntegerNot = 0x15 # noqa
SetPtrToCopy = 0x16 # noqa
Inc = 0x17 # noqa
Dec = 0x18 # noqa
JumpPop1 = 0x19 # noqa
JumpPop2 = 0x1A # noqa
Nop = 0xFF # noqa
_INVALID = 0xDD # noqa
def FromInt(cls, code: int):
return cls(code)
except ValueError:
return cls._INVALID
class AOp(enum.IntEnum):
Add = 0
Sub = 1
Mul = 2
Div = 3
Mod = 4
Shl = 5
Shr = 6
And = 7
BOr = 8
Xor = 9
def __str__(self):
glyph = ('+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '<<', '>>', '&', '|', '^')[self]
return F'{glyph}='
class COp(enum.IntEnum):
GE = 0
LE = 1
GT = 2
LT = 3
NE = 4
EQ = 5
IN = 6
IS = 7
def __str__(self):
return ('>=', '<=', '>', '<', '!=', '==', 'in', 'is')[self]
class TC(enum.IntEnum):
ReturnAddress = 0x00 # noqa
U08 = 0x01 # noqa
S08 = 0x02 # noqa
U16 = 0x03 # noqa
S16 = 0x04 # noqa
U32 = 0x05 # noqa
S32 = 0x06 # noqa
Single = 0x07 # noqa
Double = 0x08 # noqa
Extended = 0x09 # noqa
AnsiString = 0x0A # noqa
Record = 0x0B # noqa
Array = 0x0C # noqa
Pointer = 0x0D # noqa
PChar = 0x0E # noqa
ResourcePointer = 0x0F # noqa
Variant = 0x10 # noqa
S64 = 0x11 # noqa
Char = 0x12 # noqa
WideString = 0x13 # noqa
WideChar = 0x14 # noqa
ProcPtr = 0x15 # noqa
StaticArray = 0x16 # noqa
Set = 0x17 # noqa
Currency = 0x18 # noqa
Class = 0x19 # noqa
Interface = 0x1A # noqa
NotificationVariant = 0x1B # noqa
UnicodeString = 0x1C # noqa
Enum = 0x81 # noqa
Type = 0x82 # noqa
ExtClass = 0x83 # noqa
def primitive(self) -> bool:
return self not in {
def container(self) -> bool:
return self in {
def width(self):
return {
TC.Variant : 0x10,
TC.Char : 0x01,
TC.S08 : 0x01,
TC.U08 : 0x01,
TC.WideChar : 0x02,
TC.S16 : 0x02,
TC.U16 : 0x02,
TC.WideString : 0x04,
TC.UnicodeString : 0x04,
TC.Interface : 0x04,
TC.Class : 0x04,
TC.PChar : 0x04,
TC.AnsiString : 0x04,
TC.Single : 0x04,
TC.S32 : 0x04,
TC.U32 : 0x04,
TC.ProcPtr : 0x0C,
TC.Currency : 0x08,
TC.Pointer : 0x0C,
TC.Double : 0x08,
TC.S64 : 0x08,
TC.Extended : 0x0A,
TC.ReturnAddress : 0x1C,
}.get(self, 0)
class IFPSTypeMixin:
symbol: Optional[str] = None
attributes: Optional[List[Attribute]] = None
def __str__(self):
if self.symbol is not None:
return self.symbol
return super().__str__()
class IFPSTypeBase(abc.ABC):
code: TC
def simple(self, nested=False):
return True
def indexed(self):
return self.code in (
def display(self, indent=0):
return indent * _TAB +
def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[type]:
def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None):
def primitive(self) -> bool:
return self.code.primitive
def container(self) -> bool:
return self.code.container
def __str__(self):
return self.display(0)
def ifpstype(cls: _C) -> Union[_C, Type[IFPSTypeMixin]]:
cls = dataclass(cls)
mix = type(cls.__qualname__, (IFPSTypeMixin, cls), {})
assigned = set(WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) - {'__annotations__'}
update_wrapper(mix, cls, assigned=assigned, updated=())
return dataclass(mix)
class TPrimitive(IFPSTypeBase):
def py_type(self, *_) -> Optional[type]:
return {
TC.ReturnAddress : int,
TC.U08 : int,
TC.S08 : int,
TC.U16 : int,
TC.S16 : int,
TC.U32 : int,
TC.S32 : int,
TC.Single : float,
TC.Double : float,
TC.Extended : float,
TC.AnsiString : str,
TC.Pointer : VariableBase,
TC.PChar : str,
TC.ResourcePointer : VariableBase,
TC.Variant : object,
TC.S64 : int,
TC.Char : str,
TC.WideString : str,
TC.WideChar : str,
TC.Currency : float,
TC.UnicodeString : str,
TC.Enum : int,
TC.Type : IFPSType,
def default(self, *_):
if self.code in (TC.Char, TC.WideChar, TC.PChar):
return '\0'
tc = self.py_type()
if issubclass(tc, (int, float, str)):
return tc()
class TProcPtr(IFPSTypeBase):
void: bool
args: tuple[DeclSpecParam, ...]
def py_type(self, *_):
return None
def default(self, *_):
return None
def display(self, indent=0):
name = super().display(indent)
args = []
for k, spec in enumerate(self.args, 1):
arg = F'Arg{k}'
if not spec.const:
arg = F'*{arg}'
if spec.type is not None:
arg = F'{spec.type!s} {arg}'
args = ', '.join(args)
return F'{name}({args})'
class TInterface(IFPSTypeBase):
uuid: UUID
def py_type(self, *_):
return object
def default(self, *_):
return None
def display(self, indent=0):
display = super().display(indent)
return F'{display}({self.uuid!s})'
class TClass(IFPSTypeBase):
name: str
def py_type(self, *_):
return None
def default(self, *_):
return None
class TSet(IFPSTypeBase):
size: int
def py_type(self, *_):
return int
def default(self, *_):
return 0
def size_in_bytes(self):
q, r = divmod(self.size, 8)
return q + (r and 1 or 0)
def display(self, indent=0):
display = super().display(indent)
return F'{display}({self.size})'
class TArray(IFPSTypeBase):
type: TPrimitive
def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None):
if key is None:
return list
return self.type.py_type()
def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None):
if key is None:
return []
return self.type.default()
def display(self, indent=0):
display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}'
return F'array of {display}'
def simple(self, nested=False):
return self.type.simple(nested)
class TStaticArray(IFPSTypeBase):
type: TPrimitive
size: int
offset: Optional[int] = None
def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None):
if key is None:
return list
return self.type.py_type(key)
def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None):
if key is None:
return [self.type.default() for _ in range(self.size)]
return self.type.default()
def display(self, indent=0):
display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}'
return F'{display}[{self.size}]'
def simple(self, nested=False):
return self.type.simple(nested)
class TRecord(IFPSTypeBase):
members: Tuple[TPrimitive, ...]
def size(self):
return len(self.members)
def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None):
if key is None:
return list
return self.members[key].py_type()
def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None):
if key is None:
return [member.default() for member in self.members]
return self.members[key].default()
def simple(self, nested=False):
if nested:
return False
if len(self.members) > 10:
return False
return all(m.simple(True) for m in self.members)
def display(self, indent=0):
output = io.StringIO()
output.write(indent * _TAB)
output.write('struct {')
if self.simple():
output.write(', '.join(str(m) for m in self.members))
for k, member in enumerate(self.members):
if k > 0:
output.write(member.display(indent + 1))
if self.members:
output.write(F'\n{_TAB * indent}')
return output.getvalue()
IFPSType = Union[
class Value(NamedTuple):
type: IFPSType
value: Union[str, int, float, bytes, Function]
def convert(self, *_):
return self.type.py_type()
def default(self, *_):
return self.type.default()
def __repr__(self):
value = self.value
if isinstance(value, bytes):
value = value.hex()
return F'{}({value!r})'
def __str__(self):
v = self.value
if isinstance(v, Function):
return F'&{v!s}'
return repr(v)
class Attribute(NamedTuple):
name: str
fields: Tuple[Value, ...]
def __repr__(self):
name =
if self.fields:
name += '[{}]'.format(','.join(repr(f) for f in self.fields))
return name
class DeclSpecParam:
const: bool
type: Optional[TPrimitive] = None
name: Optional[str] = None
class CallType(str, enum.Enum):
Symbol = 'symbol'
Procedure = 'procedure'
Function = 'function'
def __str__(self):
return self.value
class DeclSpec:
void: bool
parameters: List[DeclSpecParam] = field(default_factory=list)
name: str = ''
calling_convention: Optional[str] = None
return_type: Optional[IFPSType] = None
module: Optional[str] = None
classname: Optional[str] = None
delay_load: bool = False
vtable_index: Optional[int] = None
load_with_altered_search_path: bool = False
is_property: bool = False
def argc(self):
return len(self.parameters)
def represent(self, name: str, ref: bool = False, rel: bool = False):
def pparam(k: int, p: DeclSpecParam):
name = or F'{VariantType.Argument!s}{k}'
if p.type is not None:
name = F'{name}: {p.type!s}'
if not p.const:
name = F'*{name}'
return name
if and name in
name =
spec = name
if self.vtable_index is not None:
spec = F'{}[{self.vtable_index}]'
if not rel and self.classname:
spec = F'{self.classname}.{spec}'
if not rel and self.module:
spec = F'{self.module}::{spec}'
if not ref:
if self.delay_load:
spec = F'__delay_load {spec}'
if self.calling_convention:
spec = F'__{self.calling_convention} {spec}'
spec = F'{self.type} {spec}'
args = self.parameters
args = args and ', '.join(pparam(*t) for t in enumerate(args, 1)) or ''
spec = F'{spec}({args})'
if self.return_type:
spec = F'{spec}: {self.return_type!s}'
return spec
def type(self):
return CallType.Procedure if self.void else CallType.Function
def __repr__(self):
return self.represent( or '(*)')
def ParseF(cls, reader: StructReader[bytes], load_flags: bool):
def ascii():
return reader.read_c_string('latin1')
def boolean():
return bool(reader.u8())
def cc():
return {
0: 'register',
1: 'pascal',
2: 'cdecl',
3: 'stdcall',
}.get(reader.u8(), cls.calling_convention)
def read_parameters():
nonlocal void
void = not boolean()
parameters.extend(DeclSpecParam(not b) for b in
void = True
name = None
properties = {}
parameters = []
if reader.readif(b'dll:'):
if (module := ascii()).lower().endswith('.dll'):
module = module[:-4]
name = ascii()
if load_flags:
properties.update(delay_load=boolean(), load_with_altered_search_path=boolean())
elif reader.readif(b'class:'):
if reader.remaining_bytes == 1:
spec = reader.peek(1)
void = False
name = {
b'+': 'CastToType',
B'-': 'SetNil'
properties.update(classname='Class', calling_convention='pascal')
name = reader.read_terminated_array(b'|').decode('latin1')
if name[-1] == '@':
name = name[:-1]
elif reader.readif(b'intf:.'):
name = 'CoInterface'
return cls(void, parameters, name=name, **properties)
def ParseE(cls, data: bytes, ipfs: IFPSFile):
decl = data.split(B'\x20')
return_type = int(decl.pop(0))
except Exception:
void = True
void = return_type < 0
if not void:
return_type = ipfs.types[return_type]
return_type = None
parameters = []
for param in decl:
i = int(param[1:])
except Exception:
tv = None
tv = ipfs.types[i]
DeclSpecParam(param[:1] == B'@', tv))
return cls(void, parameters, return_type=return_type)
class Function:
symbol: str
decl: Optional[DeclSpec]
body: Optional[List[Instruction]] = None
attributes: Optional[List[Attribute]] = None
_bbs: Optional[Dict[int, BasicBlock]] = None
_ins: Optional[Dict[int, Instruction]] = None
def name(self):
symbol = self.symbol
if (decl := self.decl) and (name := and (symbol in name):
symbol = name
return symbol
def code(self):
if code := self._ins:
return code
self._ins = code = {i.offset: i for i in self.body}
return code
def reference(self, rel: bool = False) -> str:
if self.decl is None:
return self.symbol
return self.decl.represent(self.symbol, ref=True, rel=rel)
def __repr__(self):
if self.decl is None:
return F'symbol {self.symbol}'
return self.decl.represent(self.symbol)
def __str__(self):
return self.reference()
def type(self):
if self.decl is None:
return CallType.Symbol
return self.decl.type
def get_basic_blocks(self) -> Dict[int, BasicBlock]:
if (bbs := self._bbs) is not None:
return bbs
if self.body is None:
bbs = self._bbs = {}
return bbs
bbs: Dict[int, BasicBlock] = {0: (bb := BasicBlock(0))}
self._bbs = bbs
for insn in self.body:
bb = bbs[insn.offset]
except KeyError:
if insn.jumptarget:
nb = bbs[insn.offset] = BasicBlock(insn.offset)
nb.sources[bb.offset] = bb
bb.targets[nb.offset] = nb
bb = nb
if not insn.branches:
targets = [insn.operands[0]]
sequence = insn.offset + insn.size
if not insn.jumps and insn.opcode != Op.Ret:
for t in targets:
if not (bt := bbs.get(t)):
bt = bbs[t] = BasicBlock(t)
bb.targets[t] = bt
bt.sources[bb.offset] = bb
for offset, bb in list(bbs.items()):
if bb.body:
del bbs[offset]
for source in bb.sources.values():
source.targets.pop(offset, None)
visited: set[int] = set()
errored: set[int] = set()
def trace_stack(offset: int, stack: Optional[int]):
if offset in errored:
bb = bbs[offset]
if bb.stack is not None and stack != bb.stack:
stack = None
if stack is None:
elif offset in visited:
bb.stack = stack
body = [] if stack is None else bb.body
for insn in body:
insn.stack = stack
stack += insn.stack_delta
for t in bb.targets:
trace_stack(t, stack)
trace_stack(0, 0)
for insn in self.body:
if (stack := insn.stack) is None:
for k, op in enumerate(insn.operands):
if not isinstance(op, Operand):
if not (v := op.variant) or v.type != VariantType.Local:
if v.index <= stack:
raise IndexError(
F'Instruction {op!s} at offset 0x{insn.offset:X} in function {} has '
F'variant operand {k} whose index {v.index} exceeds the stack depth {stack}.')
return bbs
class VariableBase:
type: IFPSType
spec: Variant
def __init__(self, type: IFPSType, spec: Variant):
self.type = type
self.spec = spec
def __str__(self):
return F'{self.spec}: {self.type!s}'
class OperandType(enum.IntEnum):
Variant = 0
Value = 1
IndexedByInt = 2
IndexedByVar = 3
class EHType(enum.IntEnum):
Try = 0
Finally = 1
Catch = 2
SecondFinally = 3
class NewEH(enum.IntEnum):
Finally = 0
CatchAt = 1
SecondFinally = 2
End = 3
class VariantType(str, enum.Enum):
Global = 'GlobalVar'
Local = 'LocalVar'
Argument = 'Argument'
def __repr__(self):
def __str__(self):
return self.value
class Variant(NamedTuple):
index: int
type: VariantType
def __repr__(self):
if self.index == 0 and self.type == VariantType.Argument:
return 'ReturnValue'
return F'{self.type!s}{self.index}'
class Operand(NamedTuple):
type: OperandType
variant: Optional[Variant] = None
value: Optional[Value] = None
index: Optional[Union[Variant, int]] = None
def __repr__(self):
return self.__tostring(repr)
def __str__(self):
return self.__tostring(str)
def immediate(self):
return self.type == OperandType.Value
def __tostring(self, converter):
if self.type is OperandType.Value:
return converter(self.value)
if self.type is OperandType.Variant:
return converter(self.variant)
if self.type is OperandType.IndexedByInt:
return F'{converter(self.variant)}[0x{self.index:02X}]'
if self.type is OperandType.IndexedByVar:
return F'{converter(self.variant)}[{self.index!s}]'
raise RuntimeError(F'Unexpected OperandType {self.type!r} in {self.__class__.__name__}')
_Op_Maxlen = max(len( for op in Op)
_Op_StackD = {
Op.Push : +1,
Op.PushVar : +1,
Op.PushType : +1,
Op.Pop : -1,
Op.JumpPop1 : -1,
Op.JumpPop2 : -2,
class Instruction:
offset: int
opcode: Op
size: int = 0
stack: Optional[int] = None
operands: List[Union[str, bool, int, float, Operand, IFPSType, Function, None]] = field(default_factory=list)
operator: Optional[Union[AOp, COp]] = None
jumptarget: bool = False
def op(self, index: int):
arg = self.operands[index]
if not isinstance(arg, Operand):
raise TypeError
return arg
def branches(self):
return self.opcode in (
def jumps(self):
return self.opcode in (
def stack_delta(self):
return _Op_StackD.get(self.opcode, 0)
def oprep(self, labels: Optional[dict[int, str]] = None):
if self.branches:
dst = self.operands[0]
if not labels or not (label := labels.get(dst)):
label = F'0x{dst:X}'
var = [str(op) for op in self.operands[1:]]
return ', '.join((label, *var))
elif self.opcode is Op.PushEH:
ops = []
for op, name in reversed(list(zip(self.operands, NewEH))):
if op is None:
return '\x20'.join(ops)
elif self.opcode is Op.PopEH:
return F'End{EHType(self.operands[0])}'
elif self.opcode is Op.SetFlag:
rep, negated = self.operands
return F'!{rep}' if negated else str(rep)
elif self.opcode is Op.Compare:
dst, a, b = self.operands
return F'{dst!s} := {a!s} {self.operator!s} {b!s}'
elif self.opcode is Op.Calculate:
dst, src = self.operands
return F'{dst!s} {self.operator!s} {src!s}'
elif self.opcode in (Op.Assign, Op.SetPtr, Op.SetPtrToCopy):
dst, src = self.operands
return F'{dst!s} := {src!s}'
return ', '.join(str(op) for op in self.operands)
def pretty(self, labels: Optional[dict[int, str]] = None):
return F'{self.opcode!s:<{_Op_Maxlen}}{_TAB}{self.oprep(labels)}'.strip()
def __repr__(self):
return F'{}({self.oprep()})'
def __str__(self):
return self.pretty()
class BasicBlock:
offset: int
stack: Optional[int] = None
body: List[Instruction] = field(default_factory=list)
sources: Dict[int, BasicBlock] = field(default_factory=dict)
targets: Dict[int, BasicBlock] = field(default_factory=dict)
def stack_delta(self):
return sum(insn.stack_delta for insn in self.body)
def size(self):
return sum(insn.size for insn in self.body)
class FTag(enum.IntFlag):
External = 0b0001
Exported = 0b0010
HasAttrs = 0b0100
def check(self, v):
return bool(self & v)
class IFPSFile(Struct):
MinVer = 12
MaxVer = 23
Magic = B'IFPS'
def __init__(self, reader: StructReader[memoryview], codec: str = 'latin1', unicode: bool = True):
self.codec = codec
self.unicode = unicode
self.types: List[IFPSType] = []
self.functions: List[Function] = []
self.globals: List[VariableBase] = []
self.strings: List[str] = []
self.reader = reader
if reader.remaining_bytes < 28:
raise ValueError('Less than 28 bytes in file, not enough data to parse.')
magic =
if magic != self.Magic:
raise ValueError(F'Invalid magic sequence: {magic.hex()}')
self.version = reader.u32()
self.count_types = reader.u32()
self.count_functions = reader.u32()
self.count_variables = reader.u32()
self.entry = reader.u32()
self.import_size = reader.u32()
self.void = False
if self.version not in range(self.MinVer, self.MaxVer + 1):
raise NotImplementedError(
F'This IFPS file has version {self.version}, which is not in the supported range '
self._known_type_names = {
TC.U08 : {'Byte', 'Boolean'},
TC.S08 : {'ShortInt'},
TC.U16 : {'Word'},
TC.S16 : {'SmallInt'},
TC.S32 : {'Integer', 'LongInt'},
TC.U32 : {'LongWord', 'Cardinal', 'HWND', 'TSetupProcessorArchitecture'},
TC.Char : {'AnsiChar'},
TC.PChar : {'PAnsiChar'},
TC.S64 : {'Int64'},
del self._known_type_names
def _name_types(self, missing_types: Optional[set[str]] = None):
tbn: dict[str, IFPSType] = CaseInsensitiveDict()
self.types_by_name = tbn
for t in self.types:
name = str(t)
code = t.code
known = self._known_type_names.get(code)
if known:
tbn[name] = t
if missing_types:
def add_type(name: str, type: IFPSType):
tbn[name] = type
return type
def make_string(name: str = 'String'):
return tbn[name]
except KeyError:
for type in tbn.values():
if type.code in (
code = TC.WideString if self.unicode else TC.AnsiString
type = TPrimitive(code, symbol=name)
return add_type(name, type)
for name in tbn:
if 'TGUID' in missing_types:
missing_types |= {'LongWord', 'Word', 'Byte'}
for code in TC:
name =
if name not in missing_types:
add_type(name, TPrimitive(code, symbol=name))
for code, names in self._known_type_names.items():
for name in names:
if name not in missing_types:
add_type(name, TPrimitive(code, symbol=name))
for name in [
if name not in missing_types:
add_type(name, TClass(TC.Class, name, symbol=name))
if (name := 'String') in missing_types:
if (name := 'AnyString') in missing_types:
if (name := 'TArrayOfString') in missing_types:
add_type(name, TArray(TC.Array, make_string()))
if (name := 'IUnknown') in missing_types:
add_type(name, TInterface(TC.Interface, UUID('{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}')))
if (name := 'TGUID') in missing_types:
add_type(name, TRecord(TC.Record, (
TStaticArray(tbn['Byte'], 8)
), symbol=name))
def _load_types(self):
def _normalize(n: str):
return IFPSClasses.Types.get(n.casefold(), n)
reader = self.reader
types = self.types
for k in range(self.count_types):
typecode = reader.u8()
exported = bool(typecode & 0x80)
typecode = typecode & 0x7F
code = TC(typecode)
except ValueError as V:
raise ValueError(F'Unknown type code value 0x{typecode:02X}.') from V
if code in (TC.Class, TC.ExtClass):
t = TClass(code, _normalize(reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()))
elif code is TC.ProcPtr:
spec = reader.read_length_prefixed()
void = bool(spec[0])
args = tuple(DeclSpecParam(not b) for b in spec[1:])
t = TProcPtr(code, void, args)
elif code is TC.Interface:
guid = UUID(bytes=bytes(
t = TInterface(code, guid)
elif code is TC.Set:
t = TSet(code, reader.u32())
elif code is TC.StaticArray:
type = types[reader.u32()]
size = reader.u32()
offset = None if self.version <= 22 else reader.u32()
t = TStaticArray(code, type, size, offset)
elif code is TC.Array:
t = TArray(code, types[reader.u32()])
elif code is TC.Record:
length = reader.u32()
members = tuple(types[reader.u32()] for _ in range(length))
t = TRecord(code, members, symbol=F'RECORD{k}')
t = TPrimitive(code,
if exported:
t.symbol = _normalize(reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii())
if self.version <= 21: = _normalize(reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii())
if self.version >= 21:
t.attributes = list(self._read_attributes())
def _read_value(self, reader: Optional[StructReader] = None) -> Value:
if reader is None:
reader = self.reader
type = self.types[reader.u32()]
size = type.code.width
processor: Optional[Callable[[], Union[int, float, str, bytes]]] = {
TC.U08 : reader.u8,
TC.S08 : reader.i8,
TC.U16 : reader.u16,
TC.S16 : reader.i16,
TC.U32 : reader.u32,
TC.S32 : reader.i32,
TC.S64 : reader.i64,
TC.Single : reader.f32,
TC.Double : reader.f64,
TC.Extended : lambda: extended(,
TC.AnsiString : lambda: reader.read_length_prefixed(encoding=self.codec),
TC.PChar : lambda: reader.read_length_prefixed(encoding=self.codec),
TC.WideString : reader.read_length_prefixed_utf16,
TC.UnicodeString : reader.read_length_prefixed_utf16,
TC.Char : lambda: chr(reader.u8()),
TC.WideChar : lambda: chr(reader.u16()),
TC.ProcPtr : lambda: self.functions[reader.u32() - 1],
TC.Set : lambda: int.from_bytes(, 'little'),
TC.Currency : lambda: reader.u64() / 10_000,
}.get(type.code, None)
if processor is not None:
data = processor()
elif size > 0:
data = bytes(
raise ValueError(F'Unable to read attribute of type {type!s}.')
if isinstance(data, str) and data not in self.strings:
return Value(type, data)
def _read_attributes(self) -> Generator[Attribute, None, None]:
reader = self.reader
count = reader.u32()
for _ in range(count):
name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
fields = tuple(self._read_value() for _ in range(reader.u32()))
yield Attribute(name, fields)
def _load_functions(self):
def _signature(name: str, decl: Optional[DeclSpec]):
signature = IFPSAPI.get(name, IFPSEvents.get(name)) if name else None
if decl and decl.classname and (ic := IFPSClasses.Classes.get(decl.classname)):
signature = ic.members.get(, signature)
decl.classname =
return signature
reader = self.reader
rewind = reader.tell()
width = len(F'{self.count_functions:X}')
missing_types = set()
load_flags = (self.version >= 23)
reparsed = False
all_void = True
all_long = True
has_dll_imports = False
while True:
for k in range(self.count_functions):
decl = None
body = None
name = F'F{k:0{width}X}'
tags = reader.u8()
attributes = None
exported = FTag.Exported.check(tags)
if FTag.External.check(tags):
name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii(8)
if exported:
read = StructReader(bytes(reader.read_length_prefixed()))
decl = DeclSpec.ParseF(read, load_flags)
if not reparsed and decl.module is not None:
has_dll_imports = True
# inno: 0d13564460b4cca289ac60221e86ca5719d7217a8eb76671b4b2a8407c2af6b4
# ifps: 6c211c02652317903b23c827cbc311a258fcd6197eec6a3d2f91986bd8accb0e
# This script reports version 22 and therefore, load_flags starts as False.
# However, it should be true; the reasons are unclear. The code below is
# an attempt to identify incorrect load_flags values heuristically. When
# there are no __delay_load functions present, reading them with load_flags
# set to False will result in only procedures (void=True) with at least
# 2 arguments.
if not decl.void:
all_void = False
if len(decl.parameters) < 2:
all_long = False
offset = reader.u32()
length = reader.u32()
if exported:
name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
decl = DeclSpec.ParseE(bytes(reader.read_length_prefixed()), self)
self.void = decl.void
self.void = False
with reader.detour(offset):
body = list(self._parse_bytecode(
if FTag.HasAttrs.check(tags):
attributes = list(self._read_attributes())
fn = Function(name, decl, body, exported, attributes)
if has_dll_imports and all_long and all_void and not reparsed:
load_flags = True
reparsed = True
for function in self.functions:
name = function.symbol
decl = function.decl
if (signature := _signature(name, decl)) and decl and signature.argc == decl.argc:
for old, new in itertools.zip_longest(decl.parameters, signature.parameters):
if not new:
if old and (t := old.type):
t.symbol = new.type
if t := self.types_by_name.get(new.type):
t.symbol = new.type
if sr := signature.return_type:
if (dr := decl.return_type) or (dr := self.types_by_name.get(sr)):
dr.symbol = sr
self.type_name_conflicts = self._name_types(missing_types)
for function in self.functions:
decl = function.decl
if signature := _signature(, decl):
decl = decl or DeclSpec(True)
decl.void = signature.void
parameters = decl.parameters
if signature.argc != len(parameters):
decl.parameters = parameters = [DeclSpecParam(True) for _ in range(signature.argc)]
for old, new in zip(parameters, signature.parameters):
if old.type is None:
old.type = self.types_by_name.get(new.type) = or
old.const = new.const
function.symbol = =
if (rt := signature.return_type) and (decl.return_type is None):
decl.return_type = self.types_by_name.get(rt, decl.return_type)
function.decl = decl
for function in self.functions:
if function.body is None:
for instruction in function.body:
if instruction.opcode is Op.Call:
t: Function = self.functions[instruction.operands[0]]
instruction.operands[0] = t
def _load_variables(self):
reader = self.reader
for index in range(self.count_variables):
code = reader.u32()
spec = Variant(index, VariantType.Global)
if reader.u8() & 1:
spec = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()
self.globals.append(VariableBase(self.types[code], spec))
def _read_variant(self, index: int) -> Variant:
if index < 0x40000000:
return Variant(index, VariantType.Global)
index -= 0x60000000
if index >= 0:
return Variant(index, VariantType.Local)
index = -index if self.void else ~index
return Variant(index, VariantType.Argument)
def _read_operand(self, reader: StructReader) -> Operand:
ot = OperandType(reader.u8())
kw = {}
if ot is OperandType.Variant:
if ot is OperandType.Value:
if ot >= OperandType.IndexedByInt:
index = reader.u32()
if ot is OperandType.IndexedByVar:
index = self._read_variant(index)
return Operand(ot, **kw)
def _parse_bytecode(self, data: memoryview) -> Generator[Instruction, None, None]:
disassembly: Dict[int, Instruction] = OrderedDict()
reader = StructReader(data)
argcount = {
Op.Assign: 2,
Op.CallVar: 1,
Op.Dec: 1,
Op.Inc: 1,
Op.BooleanNot: 1,
Op.Neg: 1,
Op.IntegerNot: 1,
Op.SetPtrToCopy: 2,
Op.SetPtr: 2,
while not reader.eof:
def arg(k=1):
for _ in range(k):
addr = reader.tell()
cval = reader.u8()
code = Op.FromInt(cval)
insn = Instruction(addr, code)
args = insn.operands
disassembly[insn.offset] = insn
aryness = argcount.get(code)
if aryness is not None:
elif code in (Op.Ret, Op.Nop, Op.Pop):
elif code is Op.Calculate:
insn.operator = AOp(reader.u8())
elif code in (Op.Push, Op.PushVar):
elif code in (Op.Jump, Op.JumpFlag):
target = reader.i32()
args.append(reader.tell() + target)
elif code is Op.Call:
elif code in (Op.JumpTrue, Op.JumpFalse):
target = reader.i32()
val = self._read_operand(reader)
args.append(reader.tell() + target)
elif code is Op.JumpPop1:
target = reader.i32()
args.append(reader.tell() + target)
elif code is Op.JumpPop2:
target = reader.i32()
args.append(reader.tell() + target)
elif code is Op.StackType:
elif code is Op.PushType:
elif code is Op.Compare:
insn.operator = COp(reader.u8())
elif code is Op.SetFlag:
elif code is Op.PushEH:
args.extend(reader.i32() for _ in range(4))
for k, a in enumerate(args):
args[k] = a + reader.tell() if a >= 0 else None
elif code is Op.PopEH:
elif code is Op._INVALID:
raise ValueError(F'Unsupported opcode: 0x{cval:02X}')
raise ValueError(F'Unhandled opcode: {}')
insn.size = reader.tell() - addr
for k, instruction in enumerate(disassembly.values()):
if not instruction.branches:
target = instruction.operands[0]
disassembly[target].jumptarget = True
except KeyError as K:
raise RuntimeError(
F'The jump target of instruction {k} at 0x{instruction.offset:X} is invalid; '
F'the invalid instruction is a {} to 0x{target:X}.'
) from K
yield from disassembly.values()
def __str__(self):
return self.disassembly()
def disassembly(self) -> str:
def sortkey(f: Function):
d = (d.module or '', d.classname or '', d.void) if (d := f.decl) else ('', '', True)
return (*d,
for function in self.functions:
classes: dict[str, dict[str, Function]] = {}
external: list[Function] = []
internal: list[Function] = []
for t in self.types:
if isinstance(t, TClass):
classes[] = {}
for function in self.functions:
if (decl := function.decl) and (name := decl.classname):
members = classes[name]
except KeyError:
members = classes[name] = {}
members[] = function
dl = internal if function.body else external
output = io.StringIO()
_omax = max((
max(insn.offset for insn in fn.body)
for fn in self.functions if fn.body
), default=0)
_smax = max((
max(insn.stack for insn in fn.body if insn.stack is not None)
for fn in self.functions if fn.body
), default=0)
_omax = max(len(self.types), len(self.globals), _omax)
_omax = len(F'{_omax:X}')
_smax = len(F'{_smax:d}')
if classes:
for name, members in classes.items():
if not members:
output.write(F'external class {name};\n')
for name, members in classes.items():
if not members:
output.write(F'external class {name}')
if members:
for spec in members.values():
output.write(F'\n{_TAB}{spec.decl.represent(spec.symbol, rel=True)}')
if self.types:
for type in self.types:
if type.code != TC.Record and type.symbol in (, None):
if isinstance(type, TClass):
output.write(F'typedef {type.symbol} = {type.display()}\n')
if self.globals:
for variable in self.globals:
output.write(F'global {variable!s}\n')
if external:
for function in external:
output.write(F'external {function!r}\n')
if internal:
for function in internal:
labels = [insn.offset for insn in function.body if insn.jumptarget]
labelw = max(len(str(len(labels))), 2)
labeld = {v: F'JumpDestination{k:0{labelw}d}' for k, v in enumerate(labels, 1)}
labelc = 0
for instruction in function.body:
stack = instruction.stack
stack = '?' * _smax if stack is None else F'{stack:>{_smax}d}'
if instruction.jumptarget:
labelc += 1
return output.getvalue().strip()
def extended(_data)
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def extended(_data: bytes): if len(_data) != 10: raise ValueError data = int.from_bytes(_data, 'little') sign = data >> 79 data = data ^ (sign << 79) sign = -1.0 if sign else +1.0 exponent = data >> 64 data = data ^ (exponent << 64) if exponent == 0: if data == 0: return sign * 0 exponent = -16382 elif exponent == 0b111111111111111: if data == 0: return sign * float('Inf') else: return sign * float('NaN') else: exponent = exponent - 16383 mantissa = data / (1 << 64) return sign * mantissa * (2 ** exponent)
def represent(cls)
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def represent(cls: _E) -> _E: cls.__repr__ = lambda self: F'{self.__class__.__name__}.{}' cls. __str__ = lambda self: return cls
def ifpstype(cls)
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def ifpstype(cls: _C) -> Union[_C, Type[IFPSTypeMixin]]: cls = dataclass(cls) mix = type(cls.__qualname__, (IFPSTypeMixin, cls), {}) assigned = set(WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) - {'__annotations__'} update_wrapper(mix, cls, assigned=assigned, updated=()) return dataclass(mix)
class Op (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class Op(enum.IntEnum): Assign = 0x00 # noqa Calculate = 0x01 # noqa Push = 0x02 # noqa PushVar = 0x03 # noqa Pop = 0x04 # noqa Call = 0x05 # noqa Jump = 0x06 # noqa JumpTrue = 0x07 # noqa JumpFalse = 0x08 # noqa Ret = 0x09 # noqa StackType = 0x0A # noqa PushType = 0x0B # noqa Compare = 0x0C # noqa CallVar = 0x0D # noqa SetPtr = 0x0E # noqa BooleanNot = 0x0F # noqa Neg = 0x10 # noqa SetFlag = 0x11 # noqa JumpFlag = 0x12 # noqa PushEH = 0x13 # noqa PopEH = 0x14 # noqa IntegerNot = 0x15 # noqa SetPtrToCopy = 0x16 # noqa Inc = 0x17 # noqa Dec = 0x18 # noqa JumpPop1 = 0x19 # noqa JumpPop2 = 0x1A # noqa Nop = 0xFF # noqa _INVALID = 0xDD # noqa @classmethod def FromInt(cls, code: int): try: return cls(code) except ValueError: return cls._INVALID
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Assign
var Calculate
var Push
var PushVar
var Pop
var Call
var Jump
var JumpTrue
var JumpFalse
var Ret
var StackType
var PushType
var Compare
var CallVar
var SetPtr
var BooleanNot
var Neg
var SetFlag
var JumpFlag
var PushEH
var PopEH
var IntegerNot
var SetPtrToCopy
var Inc
var Dec
var JumpPop1
var JumpPop2
var Nop
Static methods
def FromInt(code)
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@classmethod def FromInt(cls, code: int): try: return cls(code) except ValueError: return cls._INVALID
class AOp (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class AOp(enum.IntEnum): Add = 0 Sub = 1 Mul = 2 Div = 3 Mod = 4 Shl = 5 Shr = 6 And = 7 BOr = 8 Xor = 9 def __str__(self): glyph = ('+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '<<', '>>', '&', '|', '^')[self] return F'{glyph}='
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Add
var Sub
var Mul
var Div
var Mod
var Shl
var Shr
var And
var BOr
var Xor
class COp (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class COp(enum.IntEnum): GE = 0 LE = 1 GT = 2 LT = 3 NE = 4 EQ = 5 IN = 6 IS = 7 def __str__(self): return ('>=', '<=', '>', '<', '!=', '==', 'in', 'is')[self]
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var GE
var LE
var GT
var LT
var NE
var EQ
var IN
var IS
class TC (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class TC(enum.IntEnum): ReturnAddress = 0x00 # noqa U08 = 0x01 # noqa S08 = 0x02 # noqa U16 = 0x03 # noqa S16 = 0x04 # noqa U32 = 0x05 # noqa S32 = 0x06 # noqa Single = 0x07 # noqa Double = 0x08 # noqa Extended = 0x09 # noqa AnsiString = 0x0A # noqa Record = 0x0B # noqa Array = 0x0C # noqa Pointer = 0x0D # noqa PChar = 0x0E # noqa ResourcePointer = 0x0F # noqa Variant = 0x10 # noqa S64 = 0x11 # noqa Char = 0x12 # noqa WideString = 0x13 # noqa WideChar = 0x14 # noqa ProcPtr = 0x15 # noqa StaticArray = 0x16 # noqa Set = 0x17 # noqa Currency = 0x18 # noqa Class = 0x19 # noqa Interface = 0x1A # noqa NotificationVariant = 0x1B # noqa UnicodeString = 0x1C # noqa Enum = 0x81 # noqa Type = 0x82 # noqa ExtClass = 0x83 # noqa @property def primitive(self) -> bool: return self not in { TC.Class, TC.ProcPtr, TC.Interface, TC.Set, TC.StaticArray, TC.Array, TC.Record, } @property def container(self) -> bool: return self in { TC.StaticArray, TC.Array, TC.Record, } @property def width(self): return { TC.Variant : 0x10, TC.Char : 0x01, TC.S08 : 0x01, TC.U08 : 0x01, TC.WideChar : 0x02, TC.S16 : 0x02, TC.U16 : 0x02, TC.WideString : 0x04, TC.UnicodeString : 0x04, TC.Interface : 0x04, TC.Class : 0x04, TC.PChar : 0x04, TC.AnsiString : 0x04, TC.Single : 0x04, TC.S32 : 0x04, TC.U32 : 0x04, TC.ProcPtr : 0x0C, TC.Currency : 0x08, TC.Pointer : 0x0C, TC.Double : 0x08, TC.S64 : 0x08, TC.Extended : 0x0A, TC.ReturnAddress : 0x1C, }.get(self, 0)
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var ReturnAddress
var U08
var S08
var U16
var S16
var U32
var S32
var Single
var Double
var Extended
var AnsiString
var Record
var Array
var Pointer
var PChar
var ResourcePointer
var Variant
var S64
var Char
var WideString
var WideChar
var ProcPtr
var StaticArray
var Set
var Currency
var Class
var Interface
var NotificationVariant
var UnicodeString
var Enum
var Type
var ExtClass
Instance variables
var primitive
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@property def primitive(self) -> bool: return self not in { TC.Class, TC.ProcPtr, TC.Interface, TC.Set, TC.StaticArray, TC.Array, TC.Record, }
var container
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@property def container(self) -> bool: return self in { TC.StaticArray, TC.Array, TC.Record, }
var width
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@property def width(self): return { TC.Variant : 0x10, TC.Char : 0x01, TC.S08 : 0x01, TC.U08 : 0x01, TC.WideChar : 0x02, TC.S16 : 0x02, TC.U16 : 0x02, TC.WideString : 0x04, TC.UnicodeString : 0x04, TC.Interface : 0x04, TC.Class : 0x04, TC.PChar : 0x04, TC.AnsiString : 0x04, TC.Single : 0x04, TC.S32 : 0x04, TC.U32 : 0x04, TC.ProcPtr : 0x0C, TC.Currency : 0x08, TC.Pointer : 0x0C, TC.Double : 0x08, TC.S64 : 0x08, TC.Extended : 0x0A, TC.ReturnAddress : 0x1C, }.get(self, 0)
class IFPSTypeMixin (symbol=None, attributes=None)
IFPSTypeMixin(symbol: 'Optional[str]' = None, attributes: 'Optional[List[Attribute]]' = None)
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class IFPSTypeMixin: symbol: Optional[str] = None attributes: Optional[List[Attribute]] = None def __str__(self): if self.symbol is not None: return self.symbol return super().__str__()
Class variables
var symbol
var attributes
class IFPSTypeBase (code)
IFPSTypeBase(code: 'TC')
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class IFPSTypeBase(abc.ABC): code: TC def simple(self, nested=False): return True def indexed(self): return self.code in ( TC.StaticArray, TC.Array, TC.Record, ) def display(self, indent=0): return indent * _TAB + @abc.abstractmethod def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[type]: ... @abc.abstractmethod def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None): ... @property def primitive(self) -> bool: return self.code.primitive @property def container(self) -> bool: return self.code.container def __str__(self): return self.display(0)
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var code
Instance variables
var primitive
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@property def primitive(self) -> bool: return self.code.primitive
var container
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@property def container(self) -> bool: return self.code.container
def simple(self, nested=False)
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def simple(self, nested=False): return True
def indexed(self)
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def indexed(self): return self.code in ( TC.StaticArray, TC.Array, TC.Record, )
def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0): return indent * _TAB +
def py_type(self, key=None)
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@abc.abstractmethod def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[type]: ...
def default(self, key=None)
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@abc.abstractmethod def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None): ...
class TPrimitive (code)
TPrimitive(code: 'TC')
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class TPrimitive(IFPSTypeBase): def py_type(self, *_) -> Optional[type]: return { TC.ReturnAddress : int, TC.U08 : int, TC.S08 : int, TC.U16 : int, TC.S16 : int, TC.U32 : int, TC.S32 : int, TC.Single : float, TC.Double : float, TC.Extended : float, TC.AnsiString : str, TC.Pointer : VariableBase, TC.PChar : str, TC.ResourcePointer : VariableBase, TC.Variant : object, TC.S64 : int, TC.Char : str, TC.WideString : str, TC.WideChar : str, TC.Currency : float, TC.UnicodeString : str, TC.Enum : int, TC.Type : IFPSType, }.get(self.code) def default(self, *_): if self.code in (TC.Char, TC.WideChar, TC.PChar): return '\0' tc = self.py_type() if issubclass(tc, (int, float, str)): return tc()
- IFPSTypeBase
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var code
def py_type(self, *_)
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def py_type(self, *_) -> Optional[type]: return { TC.ReturnAddress : int, TC.U08 : int, TC.S08 : int, TC.U16 : int, TC.S16 : int, TC.U32 : int, TC.S32 : int, TC.Single : float, TC.Double : float, TC.Extended : float, TC.AnsiString : str, TC.Pointer : VariableBase, TC.PChar : str, TC.ResourcePointer : VariableBase, TC.Variant : object, TC.S64 : int, TC.Char : str, TC.WideString : str, TC.WideChar : str, TC.Currency : float, TC.UnicodeString : str, TC.Enum : int, TC.Type : IFPSType, }.get(self.code)
def default(self, *_)
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def default(self, *_): if self.code in (TC.Char, TC.WideChar, TC.PChar): return '\0' tc = self.py_type() if issubclass(tc, (int, float, str)): return tc()
class TProcPtr (code, void, args)
TProcPtr(code: 'TC', void: 'bool', args: 'tuple[DeclSpecParam, …]')
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class TProcPtr(IFPSTypeBase): void: bool args: tuple[DeclSpecParam, ...] def py_type(self, *_): return None def default(self, *_): return None def display(self, indent=0): name = super().display(indent) args = [] for k, spec in enumerate(self.args, 1): arg = F'Arg{k}' if not spec.const: arg = F'*{arg}' if spec.type is not None: arg = F'{spec.type!s} {arg}' args.append(arg) args = ', '.join(args) return F'{name}({args})'
- IFPSTypeBase
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var void
var args
def py_type(self, *_)
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def py_type(self, *_): return None
def default(self, *_)
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def default(self, *_): return None
def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0): name = super().display(indent) args = [] for k, spec in enumerate(self.args, 1): arg = F'Arg{k}' if not spec.const: arg = F'*{arg}' if spec.type is not None: arg = F'{spec.type!s} {arg}' args.append(arg) args = ', '.join(args) return F'{name}({args})'
class TInterface (code, uuid)
TInterface(code: 'TC', uuid: 'UUID')
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class TInterface(IFPSTypeBase): uuid: UUID def py_type(self, *_): return object def default(self, *_): return None def display(self, indent=0): display = super().display(indent) return F'{display}({self.uuid!s})'
- IFPSTypeBase
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var uuid
def py_type(self, *_)
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def py_type(self, *_): return object
def default(self, *_)
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def default(self, *_): return None
def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0): display = super().display(indent) return F'{display}({self.uuid!s})'
class TClass (code, name)
TClass(code: 'TC', name: 'str')
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class TClass(IFPSTypeBase): name: str def py_type(self, *_): return None def default(self, *_): return None
- IFPSTypeBase
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var name
def py_type(self, *_)
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def py_type(self, *_): return None
def default(self, *_)
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def default(self, *_): return None
class TSet (code, size)
TSet(code: 'TC', size: 'int')
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class TSet(IFPSTypeBase): size: int def py_type(self, *_): return int def default(self, *_): return 0 @property def size_in_bytes(self): q, r = divmod(self.size, 8) return q + (r and 1 or 0) def display(self, indent=0): display = super().display(indent) return F'{display}({self.size})'
- IFPSTypeBase
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var size
Instance variables
var size_in_bytes
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@property def size_in_bytes(self): q, r = divmod(self.size, 8) return q + (r and 1 or 0)
def py_type(self, *_)
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def py_type(self, *_): return int
def default(self, *_)
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def default(self, *_): return 0
def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0): display = super().display(indent) return F'{display}({self.size})'
class TArray (code, type)
TArray(code: 'TC', type: 'TPrimitive')
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class TArray(IFPSTypeBase): type: TPrimitive def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return list return self.type.py_type() def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return [] return self.type.default() def display(self, indent=0): display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}' return F'array of {display}' def simple(self, nested=False): return self.type.simple(nested)
- IFPSTypeBase
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var type
def py_type(self, key=None)
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def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return list return self.type.py_type()
def default(self, key=None)
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def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return [] return self.type.default()
def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0): display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}' return F'array of {display}'
def simple(self, nested=False)
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def simple(self, nested=False): return self.type.simple(nested)
class TStaticArray (code, type, size, offset=None)
TStaticArray(code: 'TC', type: 'TPrimitive', size: 'int', offset: 'Optional[int]' = None)
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class TStaticArray(IFPSTypeBase): type: TPrimitive size: int offset: Optional[int] = None def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return list return self.type.py_type(key) def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return [self.type.default() for _ in range(self.size)] return self.type.default() def display(self, indent=0): display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}' return F'{display}[{self.size}]' def simple(self, nested=False): return self.type.simple(nested)
- IFPSTypeBase
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var type
var size
var offset
def py_type(self, key=None)
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def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return list return self.type.py_type(key)
def default(self, key=None)
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def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return [self.type.default() for _ in range(self.size)] return self.type.default()
def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0): display = F'{_TAB * indent}{self.type!s}' return F'{display}[{self.size}]'
def simple(self, nested=False)
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def simple(self, nested=False): return self.type.simple(nested)
class TRecord (code, members)
TRecord(code: 'TC', members: 'Tuple[TPrimitive, …]')
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class TRecord(IFPSTypeBase): members: Tuple[TPrimitive, ...] @property def size(self): return len(self.members) def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return list return self.members[key].py_type() def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return [member.default() for member in self.members] return self.members[key].default() def simple(self, nested=False): if nested: return False if len(self.members) > 10: return False return all(m.simple(True) for m in self.members) def display(self, indent=0): output = io.StringIO() output.write(indent * _TAB) output.write('struct {') if self.simple(): output.write(', '.join(str(m) for m in self.members)) else: for k, member in enumerate(self.members): if k > 0: output.write(',') output.write('\n') output.write(member.display(indent + 1)) if self.members: output.write(F'\n{_TAB * indent}') output.write('}') return output.getvalue()
- IFPSTypeBase
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var members
Instance variables
var size
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@property def size(self): return len(self.members)
def py_type(self, key=None)
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def py_type(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return list return self.members[key].py_type()
def default(self, key=None)
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def default(self, key: Optional[int] = None): if key is None: return [member.default() for member in self.members] return self.members[key].default()
def simple(self, nested=False)
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def simple(self, nested=False): if nested: return False if len(self.members) > 10: return False return all(m.simple(True) for m in self.members)
def display(self, indent=0)
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def display(self, indent=0): output = io.StringIO() output.write(indent * _TAB) output.write('struct {') if self.simple(): output.write(', '.join(str(m) for m in self.members)) else: for k, member in enumerate(self.members): if k > 0: output.write(',') output.write('\n') output.write(member.display(indent + 1)) if self.members: output.write(F'\n{_TAB * indent}') output.write('}') return output.getvalue()
class Value (type, value)
Value(type, value)
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class Value(NamedTuple): type: IFPSType value: Union[str, int, float, bytes, Function] def convert(self, *_): return self.type.py_type() def default(self, *_): return self.type.default() def __repr__(self): value = self.value if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.hex() return F'{}({value!r})' def __str__(self): v = self.value if isinstance(v, Function): return F'&{v!s}' return repr(v)
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var type
Alias for field number 0
var value
Alias for field number 1
def convert(self, *_)
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def convert(self, *_): return self.type.py_type()
def default(self, *_)
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def default(self, *_): return self.type.default()
class Attribute (name, fields)
Attribute(name, fields)
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class Attribute(NamedTuple): name: str fields: Tuple[Value, ...] def __repr__(self): name = if self.fields: name += '[{}]'.format(','.join(repr(f) for f in self.fields)) return name
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var name
Alias for field number 0
var fields
Alias for field number 1
class DeclSpecParam (const, type=None, name=None)
DeclSpecParam(const: 'bool', type: 'Optional[TPrimitive]' = None, name: 'Optional[str]' = None)
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class DeclSpecParam: const: bool type: Optional[TPrimitive] = None name: Optional[str] = None
Class variables
var const
var type
var name
class CallType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class CallType(str, enum.Enum): Symbol = 'symbol' Procedure = 'procedure' Function = 'function' def __str__(self): return self.value
- builtins.str
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Symbol
var Procedure
var Function
class DeclSpec (void, parameters=<factory>, name='', calling_convention=None, return_type=None, module=None, classname=None, delay_load=False, vtable_index=None, load_with_altered_search_path=False, is_property=False)
DeclSpec(void: 'bool', parameters: 'List[DeclSpecParam]' =
, name: 'str' = '', calling_convention: 'Optional[str]' = None, return_type: 'Optional[IFPSType]' = None, module: 'Optional[str]' = None, classname: 'Optional[str]' = None, delay_load: 'bool' = False, vtable_index: 'Optional[int]' = None, load_with_altered_search_path: 'bool' = False, is_property: 'bool' = False) Expand source code Browse git
class DeclSpec: void: bool parameters: List[DeclSpecParam] = field(default_factory=list) name: str = '' calling_convention: Optional[str] = None return_type: Optional[IFPSType] = None module: Optional[str] = None classname: Optional[str] = None delay_load: bool = False vtable_index: Optional[int] = None load_with_altered_search_path: bool = False is_property: bool = False @property def argc(self): return len(self.parameters) def represent(self, name: str, ref: bool = False, rel: bool = False): def pparam(k: int, p: DeclSpecParam): name = or F'{VariantType.Argument!s}{k}' if p.type is not None: name = F'{name}: {p.type!s}' if not p.const: name = F'*{name}' return name if and name in name = spec = name if self.vtable_index is not None: spec = F'{}[{self.vtable_index}]' if not rel and self.classname: spec = F'{self.classname}.{spec}' if not rel and self.module: spec = F'{self.module}::{spec}' if not ref: if self.delay_load: spec = F'__delay_load {spec}' if self.calling_convention: spec = F'__{self.calling_convention} {spec}' spec = F'{self.type} {spec}' args = self.parameters args = args and ', '.join(pparam(*t) for t in enumerate(args, 1)) or '' spec = F'{spec}({args})' if self.return_type: spec = F'{spec}: {self.return_type!s}' return spec @property def type(self): return CallType.Procedure if self.void else CallType.Function def __repr__(self): return self.represent( or '(*)') @classmethod def ParseF(cls, reader: StructReader[bytes], load_flags: bool): def ascii(): return reader.read_c_string('latin1') def boolean(): return bool(reader.u8()) def cc(): return { 0: 'register', 1: 'pascal', 2: 'cdecl', 3: 'stdcall', }.get(reader.u8(), cls.calling_convention) def read_parameters(): nonlocal void void = not boolean() parameters.extend(DeclSpecParam(not b) for b in void = True name = None properties = {} parameters = [] if reader.readif(b'dll:'): reader.readif(B'files:') if (module := ascii()).lower().endswith('.dll'): module = module[:-4] properties.update(module=module) name = ascii() properties.update(calling_convention=cc()) if load_flags: properties.update(delay_load=boolean(), load_with_altered_search_path=boolean()) read_parameters() elif reader.readif(b'class:'): if reader.remaining_bytes == 1: spec = reader.peek(1) void = False parameters.append(DeclSpecParam(False)) name = { b'+': 'CastToType', B'-': 'SetNil' }.get(spec) properties.update(classname='Class', calling_convention='pascal') else: properties.update(classname=reader.read_terminated_array(b'|').decode('latin1')) name = reader.read_terminated_array(b'|').decode('latin1') if name[-1] == '@': properties.update(is_property=True) name = name[:-1] properties.update(calling_convention=cc()) read_parameters() elif reader.readif(b'intf:.'): name = 'CoInterface' properties.update(vtable_index=reader.u32()) properties.update(calling_convention=cc()) read_parameters() else: read_parameters() return cls(void, parameters, name=name, **properties) @classmethod def ParseE(cls, data: bytes, ipfs: IFPSFile): decl = data.split(B'\x20') try: return_type = int(decl.pop(0)) except Exception: void = True else: void = return_type < 0 if not void: return_type = ipfs.types[return_type] else: return_type = None parameters = [] for param in decl: try: i = int(param[1:]) except Exception: tv = None else: tv = ipfs.types[i] parameters.append( DeclSpecParam(param[:1] == B'@', tv)) return cls(void, parameters, return_type=return_type)
Class variables
var void
var parameters
var name
var calling_convention
var return_type
var module
var classname
var delay_load
var vtable_index
var load_with_altered_search_path
var is_property
Static methods
def ParseF(reader, load_flags)
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@classmethod def ParseF(cls, reader: StructReader[bytes], load_flags: bool): def ascii(): return reader.read_c_string('latin1') def boolean(): return bool(reader.u8()) def cc(): return { 0: 'register', 1: 'pascal', 2: 'cdecl', 3: 'stdcall', }.get(reader.u8(), cls.calling_convention) def read_parameters(): nonlocal void void = not boolean() parameters.extend(DeclSpecParam(not b) for b in void = True name = None properties = {} parameters = [] if reader.readif(b'dll:'): reader.readif(B'files:') if (module := ascii()).lower().endswith('.dll'): module = module[:-4] properties.update(module=module) name = ascii() properties.update(calling_convention=cc()) if load_flags: properties.update(delay_load=boolean(), load_with_altered_search_path=boolean()) read_parameters() elif reader.readif(b'class:'): if reader.remaining_bytes == 1: spec = reader.peek(1) void = False parameters.append(DeclSpecParam(False)) name = { b'+': 'CastToType', B'-': 'SetNil' }.get(spec) properties.update(classname='Class', calling_convention='pascal') else: properties.update(classname=reader.read_terminated_array(b'|').decode('latin1')) name = reader.read_terminated_array(b'|').decode('latin1') if name[-1] == '@': properties.update(is_property=True) name = name[:-1] properties.update(calling_convention=cc()) read_parameters() elif reader.readif(b'intf:.'): name = 'CoInterface' properties.update(vtable_index=reader.u32()) properties.update(calling_convention=cc()) read_parameters() else: read_parameters() return cls(void, parameters, name=name, **properties)
def ParseE(data, ipfs)
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@classmethod def ParseE(cls, data: bytes, ipfs: IFPSFile): decl = data.split(B'\x20') try: return_type = int(decl.pop(0)) except Exception: void = True else: void = return_type < 0 if not void: return_type = ipfs.types[return_type] else: return_type = None parameters = [] for param in decl: try: i = int(param[1:]) except Exception: tv = None else: tv = ipfs.types[i] parameters.append( DeclSpecParam(param[:1] == B'@', tv)) return cls(void, parameters, return_type=return_type)
Instance variables
var argc
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@property def argc(self): return len(self.parameters)
var type
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@property def type(self): return CallType.Procedure if self.void else CallType.Function
def represent(self, name, ref=False, rel=False)
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def represent(self, name: str, ref: bool = False, rel: bool = False): def pparam(k: int, p: DeclSpecParam): name = or F'{VariantType.Argument!s}{k}' if p.type is not None: name = F'{name}: {p.type!s}' if not p.const: name = F'*{name}' return name if and name in name = spec = name if self.vtable_index is not None: spec = F'{}[{self.vtable_index}]' if not rel and self.classname: spec = F'{self.classname}.{spec}' if not rel and self.module: spec = F'{self.module}::{spec}' if not ref: if self.delay_load: spec = F'__delay_load {spec}' if self.calling_convention: spec = F'__{self.calling_convention} {spec}' spec = F'{self.type} {spec}' args = self.parameters args = args and ', '.join(pparam(*t) for t in enumerate(args, 1)) or '' spec = F'{spec}({args})' if self.return_type: spec = F'{spec}: {self.return_type!s}' return spec
class Function (symbol, decl, body=None, attributes=None)
Function(symbol: 'str', decl: 'Optional[DeclSpec]', body: 'Optional[List[Instruction]]' = None, attributes: 'Optional[List[Attribute]]' = None, _bbs: 'Optional[Dict[int, BasicBlock]]' = None, _ins: 'Optional[Dict[int, Instruction]]' = None)
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class Function: symbol: str decl: Optional[DeclSpec] body: Optional[List[Instruction]] = None attributes: Optional[List[Attribute]] = None _bbs: Optional[Dict[int, BasicBlock]] = None _ins: Optional[Dict[int, Instruction]] = None @property def name(self): symbol = self.symbol if (decl := self.decl) and (name := and (symbol in name): symbol = name return symbol @property def code(self): if code := self._ins: return code self._ins = code = {i.offset: i for i in self.body} return code def reference(self, rel: bool = False) -> str: if self.decl is None: return self.symbol return self.decl.represent(self.symbol, ref=True, rel=rel) def __repr__(self): if self.decl is None: return F'symbol {self.symbol}' return self.decl.represent(self.symbol) def __str__(self): return self.reference() @property def type(self): if self.decl is None: return CallType.Symbol return self.decl.type def get_basic_blocks(self) -> Dict[int, BasicBlock]: if (bbs := self._bbs) is not None: return bbs if self.body is None: bbs = self._bbs = {} return bbs bbs: Dict[int, BasicBlock] = {0: (bb := BasicBlock(0))} self._bbs = bbs for insn in self.body: try: bb = bbs[insn.offset] except KeyError: if insn.jumptarget: nb = bbs[insn.offset] = BasicBlock(insn.offset) nb.sources[bb.offset] = bb bb.targets[nb.offset] = nb bb = nb bb.body.append(insn) if not insn.branches: continue targets = [insn.operands[0]] sequence = insn.offset + insn.size if not insn.jumps and insn.opcode != Op.Ret: targets.append(sequence) for t in targets: if not (bt := bbs.get(t)): bt = bbs[t] = BasicBlock(t) bb.targets[t] = bt bt.sources[bb.offset] = bb for offset, bb in list(bbs.items()): if bb.body: continue del bbs[offset] for source in bb.sources.values(): source.targets.pop(offset, None) visited: set[int] = set() errored: set[int] = set() def trace_stack(offset: int, stack: Optional[int]): if offset in errored: return bb = bbs[offset] if bb.stack is not None and stack != bb.stack: stack = None if stack is None: errored.add(offset) elif offset in visited: return else: visited.add(offset) bb.stack = stack body = [] if stack is None else bb.body for insn in body: insn.stack = stack stack += insn.stack_delta for t in bb.targets: trace_stack(t, stack) trace_stack(0, 0) for insn in self.body: if (stack := insn.stack) is None: continue for k, op in enumerate(insn.operands): if not isinstance(op, Operand): continue if not (v := op.variant) or v.type != VariantType.Local: continue if v.index <= stack: continue raise IndexError( F'Instruction {op!s} at offset 0x{insn.offset:X} in function {} has ' F'variant operand {k} whose index {v.index} exceeds the stack depth {stack}.') return bbs
Class variables
var symbol
var decl
var body
var attributes
Instance variables
var name
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@property def name(self): symbol = self.symbol if (decl := self.decl) and (name := and (symbol in name): symbol = name return symbol
var code
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@property def code(self): if code := self._ins: return code self._ins = code = {i.offset: i for i in self.body} return code
var type
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@property def type(self): if self.decl is None: return CallType.Symbol return self.decl.type
def reference(self, rel=False)
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def reference(self, rel: bool = False) -> str: if self.decl is None: return self.symbol return self.decl.represent(self.symbol, ref=True, rel=rel)
def get_basic_blocks(self)
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def get_basic_blocks(self) -> Dict[int, BasicBlock]: if (bbs := self._bbs) is not None: return bbs if self.body is None: bbs = self._bbs = {} return bbs bbs: Dict[int, BasicBlock] = {0: (bb := BasicBlock(0))} self._bbs = bbs for insn in self.body: try: bb = bbs[insn.offset] except KeyError: if insn.jumptarget: nb = bbs[insn.offset] = BasicBlock(insn.offset) nb.sources[bb.offset] = bb bb.targets[nb.offset] = nb bb = nb bb.body.append(insn) if not insn.branches: continue targets = [insn.operands[0]] sequence = insn.offset + insn.size if not insn.jumps and insn.opcode != Op.Ret: targets.append(sequence) for t in targets: if not (bt := bbs.get(t)): bt = bbs[t] = BasicBlock(t) bb.targets[t] = bt bt.sources[bb.offset] = bb for offset, bb in list(bbs.items()): if bb.body: continue del bbs[offset] for source in bb.sources.values(): source.targets.pop(offset, None) visited: set[int] = set() errored: set[int] = set() def trace_stack(offset: int, stack: Optional[int]): if offset in errored: return bb = bbs[offset] if bb.stack is not None and stack != bb.stack: stack = None if stack is None: errored.add(offset) elif offset in visited: return else: visited.add(offset) bb.stack = stack body = [] if stack is None else bb.body for insn in body: insn.stack = stack stack += insn.stack_delta for t in bb.targets: trace_stack(t, stack) trace_stack(0, 0) for insn in self.body: if (stack := insn.stack) is None: continue for k, op in enumerate(insn.operands): if not isinstance(op, Operand): continue if not (v := op.variant) or v.type != VariantType.Local: continue if v.index <= stack: continue raise IndexError( F'Instruction {op!s} at offset 0x{insn.offset:X} in function {} has ' F'variant operand {k} whose index {v.index} exceeds the stack depth {stack}.') return bbs
class VariableBase (type, spec)
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class VariableBase: type: IFPSType spec: Variant def __init__(self, type: IFPSType, spec: Variant): self.type = type self.spec = spec def __str__(self): return F'{self.spec}: {self.type!s}'
Class variables
var type
var spec
class OperandType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class OperandType(enum.IntEnum): Variant = 0 Value = 1 IndexedByInt = 2 IndexedByVar = 3
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Variant
var Value
var IndexedByInt
var IndexedByVar
class EHType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class EHType(enum.IntEnum): Try = 0 Finally = 1 Catch = 2 SecondFinally = 3
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Try
var Finally
var Catch
var SecondFinally
class NewEH (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class NewEH(enum.IntEnum): Finally = 0 CatchAt = 1 SecondFinally = 2 End = 3
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Finally
var CatchAt
var SecondFinally
var End
class VariantType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class VariantType(str, enum.Enum): Global = 'GlobalVar' Local = 'LocalVar' Argument = 'Argument' def __repr__(self): return def __str__(self): return self.value
- builtins.str
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Global
var Local
var Argument
class Variant (index, type)
Variant(index, type)
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class Variant(NamedTuple): index: int type: VariantType def __repr__(self): if self.index == 0 and self.type == VariantType.Argument: return 'ReturnValue' return F'{self.type!s}{self.index}'
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var index
Alias for field number 0
var type
Alias for field number 1
class Operand (type, variant=None, value=None, index=None)
Operand(type, variant, value, index)
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class Operand(NamedTuple): type: OperandType variant: Optional[Variant] = None value: Optional[Value] = None index: Optional[Union[Variant, int]] = None def __repr__(self): return self.__tostring(repr) def __str__(self): return self.__tostring(str) @property def immediate(self): return self.type == OperandType.Value def __tostring(self, converter): if self.type is OperandType.Value: return converter(self.value) if self.type is OperandType.Variant: return converter(self.variant) if self.type is OperandType.IndexedByInt: return F'{converter(self.variant)}[0x{self.index:02X}]' if self.type is OperandType.IndexedByVar: return F'{converter(self.variant)}[{self.index!s}]' raise RuntimeError(F'Unexpected OperandType {self.type!r} in {self.__class__.__name__}')
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var type
Alias for field number 0
var variant
Alias for field number 1
var value
Alias for field number 2
var index
Alias for field number 3
var immediate
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@property def immediate(self): return self.type == OperandType.Value
class Instruction (offset, opcode, size=0, stack=None, operands=<factory>, operator=None, jumptarget=False)
Instruction(offset: 'int', opcode: 'Op', size: 'int' = 0, stack: 'Optional[int]' = None, operands: 'List[Union[str, bool, int, float, Operand, IFPSType, Function, None]]' =
, operator: 'Optional[Union[AOp, COp]]' = None, jumptarget: 'bool' = False) Expand source code Browse git
class Instruction: offset: int opcode: Op size: int = 0 stack: Optional[int] = None operands: List[Union[str, bool, int, float, Operand, IFPSType, Function, None]] = field(default_factory=list) operator: Optional[Union[AOp, COp]] = None jumptarget: bool = False def op(self, index: int): arg = self.operands[index] if not isinstance(arg, Operand): raise TypeError return arg @property def branches(self): return self.opcode in ( Op.Jump, Op.JumpFalse, Op.JumpTrue, Op.JumpFlag, Op.JumpPop1, Op.JumpPop2, ) @property def jumps(self): return self.opcode in ( Op.Jump, Op.JumpPop1, Op.JumpPop2, ) @property def stack_delta(self): return _Op_StackD.get(self.opcode, 0) def oprep(self, labels: Optional[dict[int, str]] = None): if self.branches: dst = self.operands[0] if not labels or not (label := labels.get(dst)): label = F'0x{dst:X}' var = [str(op) for op in self.operands[1:]] return ', '.join((label, *var)) elif self.opcode is Op.PushEH: ops = [] for op, name in reversed(list(zip(self.operands, NewEH))): if op is None: continue ops.append(F'{name}:0x{op:X}') return '\x20'.join(ops) elif self.opcode is Op.PopEH: return F'End{EHType(self.operands[0])}' elif self.opcode is Op.SetFlag: rep, negated = self.operands return F'!{rep}' if negated else str(rep) elif self.opcode is Op.Compare: dst, a, b = self.operands return F'{dst!s} := {a!s} {self.operator!s} {b!s}' elif self.opcode is Op.Calculate: dst, src = self.operands return F'{dst!s} {self.operator!s} {src!s}' elif self.opcode in (Op.Assign, Op.SetPtr, Op.SetPtrToCopy): dst, src = self.operands return F'{dst!s} := {src!s}' else: return ', '.join(str(op) for op in self.operands) def pretty(self, labels: Optional[dict[int, str]] = None): return F'{self.opcode!s:<{_Op_Maxlen}}{_TAB}{self.oprep(labels)}'.strip() def __repr__(self): return F'{}({self.oprep()})' def __str__(self): return self.pretty()
Class variables
var offset
var opcode
var operands
var size
var stack
var operator
var jumptarget
Instance variables
var branches
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@property def branches(self): return self.opcode in ( Op.Jump, Op.JumpFalse, Op.JumpTrue, Op.JumpFlag, Op.JumpPop1, Op.JumpPop2, )
var jumps
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@property def jumps(self): return self.opcode in ( Op.Jump, Op.JumpPop1, Op.JumpPop2, )
var stack_delta
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@property def stack_delta(self): return _Op_StackD.get(self.opcode, 0)
def op(self, index)
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def op(self, index: int): arg = self.operands[index] if not isinstance(arg, Operand): raise TypeError return arg
def oprep(self, labels=None)
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def oprep(self, labels: Optional[dict[int, str]] = None): if self.branches: dst = self.operands[0] if not labels or not (label := labels.get(dst)): label = F'0x{dst:X}' var = [str(op) for op in self.operands[1:]] return ', '.join((label, *var)) elif self.opcode is Op.PushEH: ops = [] for op, name in reversed(list(zip(self.operands, NewEH))): if op is None: continue ops.append(F'{name}:0x{op:X}') return '\x20'.join(ops) elif self.opcode is Op.PopEH: return F'End{EHType(self.operands[0])}' elif self.opcode is Op.SetFlag: rep, negated = self.operands return F'!{rep}' if negated else str(rep) elif self.opcode is Op.Compare: dst, a, b = self.operands return F'{dst!s} := {a!s} {self.operator!s} {b!s}' elif self.opcode is Op.Calculate: dst, src = self.operands return F'{dst!s} {self.operator!s} {src!s}' elif self.opcode in (Op.Assign, Op.SetPtr, Op.SetPtrToCopy): dst, src = self.operands return F'{dst!s} := {src!s}' else: return ', '.join(str(op) for op in self.operands)
def pretty(self, labels=None)
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def pretty(self, labels: Optional[dict[int, str]] = None): return F'{self.opcode!s:<{_Op_Maxlen}}{_TAB}{self.oprep(labels)}'.strip()
class BasicBlock (offset, stack=None, body=<factory>, sources=<factory>, targets=<factory>)
BasicBlock(offset: 'int', stack: 'Optional[int]' = None, body: 'List[Instruction]' =
, sources: 'Dict[int, BasicBlock]' = , targets: 'Dict[int, BasicBlock]' = ) Expand source code Browse git
class BasicBlock: offset: int stack: Optional[int] = None body: List[Instruction] = field(default_factory=list) sources: Dict[int, BasicBlock] = field(default_factory=dict) targets: Dict[int, BasicBlock] = field(default_factory=dict) @property def stack_delta(self): return sum(insn.stack_delta for insn in self.body) @property def size(self): return sum(insn.size for insn in self.body)
Class variables
var offset
var body
var sources
var targets
var stack
Instance variables
var stack_delta
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@property def stack_delta(self): return sum(insn.stack_delta for insn in self.body)
var size
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@property def size(self): return sum(insn.size for insn in self.body)
class FTag (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class FTag(enum.IntFlag): External = 0b0001 Exported = 0b0010 HasAttrs = 0b0100 def check(self, v): return bool(self & v)
- enum.IntFlag
- enum.Flag
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var External
var Exported
var HasAttrs
def check(self, v)
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def check(self, v): return bool(self & v)
class IFPSFile (reader, codec='latin1', unicode=True)
A class to parse structured data. A
class can be instantiated as follows:foo = Struct(data, bar=29)
The initialization routine of the structure will be called with a single argument
. If the objectdata
is already aStructReader
, then it will be passed asreader
. Otherwise, the argument will be wrapped in aStructReader
. Additional arguments to the struct are passed through.Expand source code Browse git
class IFPSFile(Struct): MinVer = 12 MaxVer = 23 Magic = B'IFPS' def __init__(self, reader: StructReader[memoryview], codec: str = 'latin1', unicode: bool = True): self.codec = codec self.unicode = unicode self.types: List[IFPSType] = [] self.functions: List[Function] = [] self.globals: List[VariableBase] = [] self.strings: List[str] = [] self.reader = reader if reader.remaining_bytes < 28: raise ValueError('Less than 28 bytes in file, not enough data to parse.') magic = if magic != self.Magic: raise ValueError(F'Invalid magic sequence: {magic.hex()}') self.version = reader.u32() self.count_types = reader.u32() self.count_functions = reader.u32() self.count_variables = reader.u32() self.entry = reader.u32() self.import_size = reader.u32() self.void = False if self.version not in range(self.MinVer, self.MaxVer + 1): raise NotImplementedError( F'This IFPS file has version {self.version}, which is not in the supported range ' F'[{self.MinVer},{self.MaxVer}].') self._known_type_names = { TC.U08 : {'Byte', 'Boolean'}, TC.S08 : {'ShortInt'}, TC.U16 : {'Word'}, TC.S16 : {'SmallInt'}, TC.S32 : {'Integer', 'LongInt'}, TC.U32 : {'LongWord', 'Cardinal', 'HWND', 'TSetupProcessorArchitecture'}, TC.Char : {'AnsiChar'}, TC.PChar : {'PAnsiChar'}, TC.S64 : {'Int64'}, } self._load_types() self._name_types() self._load_functions() self._load_variables() del self._known_type_names def _name_types(self, missing_types: Optional[set[str]] = None): tbn: dict[str, IFPSType] = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.types_by_name = tbn for t in self.types: name = str(t) code = t.code known = self._known_type_names.get(code) if known: known.discard(name) tbn[name] = t if missing_types: def add_type(name: str, type: IFPSType): tbn[name] = type self.types.append(type) return type def make_string(name: str = 'String'): try: return tbn[name] except KeyError: pass for type in tbn.values(): if type.code in ( TC.AnsiString, TC.WideString, TC.UnicodeString, ): break else: code = TC.WideString if self.unicode else TC.AnsiString type = TPrimitive(code, symbol=name) return add_type(name, type) for name in tbn: missing_types.discard(name) if 'TGUID' in missing_types: missing_types |= {'LongWord', 'Word', 'Byte'} for code in TC: name = if name not in missing_types: continue missing_types.discard(name) add_type(name, TPrimitive(code, symbol=name)) for code, names in self._known_type_names.items(): for name in names: if name not in missing_types: continue missing_types.discard(name) add_type(name, TPrimitive(code, symbol=name)) for name in [ 'TVarType', 'TInputQueryWizardPage', 'TInputOptionWizardPage', 'TInputDirWizardPage', 'TInputFileWizardPage', 'TOutputMsgWizardPage', 'TOutputMsgMemoWizardPage', 'TOutputProgressWizardPage', 'TOutputMarqueeProgressWizardPage', 'TDownloadWizardPage', 'ExtractionWizardPage', 'TWizardPage', 'TSetupForm', 'TComponent', 'TNewNotebookPage', ]: if name not in missing_types: continue add_type(name, TClass(TC.Class, name, symbol=name)) if (name := 'String') in missing_types: make_string(name) if (name := 'AnyString') in missing_types: make_string(name) if (name := 'TArrayOfString') in missing_types: add_type(name, TArray(TC.Array, make_string())) if (name := 'IUnknown') in missing_types: add_type(name, TInterface(TC.Interface, UUID('{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'))) if (name := 'TGUID') in missing_types: add_type(name, TRecord(TC.Record, ( tbn['LongWord'], tbn['Word'], tbn['Word'], TStaticArray(tbn['Byte'], 8) ), symbol=name)) def _load_types(self): def _normalize(n: str): return IFPSClasses.Types.get(n.casefold(), n) reader = self.reader types = self.types for k in range(self.count_types): typecode = reader.u8() exported = bool(typecode & 0x80) typecode = typecode & 0x7F try: code = TC(typecode) except ValueError as V: raise ValueError(F'Unknown type code value 0x{typecode:02X}.') from V if code in (TC.Class, TC.ExtClass): t = TClass(code, _normalize(reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii())) elif code is TC.ProcPtr: spec = reader.read_length_prefixed() void = bool(spec[0]) args = tuple(DeclSpecParam(not b) for b in spec[1:]) t = TProcPtr(code, void, args) elif code is TC.Interface: guid = UUID(bytes=bytes( t = TInterface(code, guid) elif code is TC.Set: t = TSet(code, reader.u32()) elif code is TC.StaticArray: type = types[reader.u32()] size = reader.u32() offset = None if self.version <= 22 else reader.u32() t = TStaticArray(code, type, size, offset) elif code is TC.Array: t = TArray(code, types[reader.u32()]) elif code is TC.Record: length = reader.u32() members = tuple(types[reader.u32()] for _ in range(length)) t = TRecord(code, members, symbol=F'RECORD{k}') else: t = TPrimitive(code, if exported: t.symbol = _normalize(reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()) if self.version <= 21: = _normalize(reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii()) types.append(t) if self.version >= 21: t.attributes = list(self._read_attributes()) def _read_value(self, reader: Optional[StructReader] = None) -> Value: if reader is None: reader = self.reader type = self.types[reader.u32()] size = type.code.width processor: Optional[Callable[[], Union[int, float, str, bytes]]] = { TC.U08 : reader.u8, TC.S08 : reader.i8, TC.U16 : reader.u16, TC.S16 : reader.i16, TC.U32 : reader.u32, TC.S32 : reader.i32, TC.S64 : reader.i64, TC.Single : reader.f32, TC.Double : reader.f64, TC.Extended : lambda: extended(, TC.AnsiString : lambda: reader.read_length_prefixed(encoding=self.codec), TC.PChar : lambda: reader.read_length_prefixed(encoding=self.codec), TC.WideString : reader.read_length_prefixed_utf16, TC.UnicodeString : reader.read_length_prefixed_utf16, TC.Char : lambda: chr(reader.u8()), TC.WideChar : lambda: chr(reader.u16()), TC.ProcPtr : lambda: self.functions[reader.u32() - 1], TC.Set : lambda: int.from_bytes(, 'little'), TC.Currency : lambda: reader.u64() / 10_000, }.get(type.code, None) if processor is not None: data = processor() elif size > 0: data = bytes( else: raise ValueError(F'Unable to read attribute of type {type!s}.') if isinstance(data, str) and data not in self.strings: self.strings.append(data) return Value(type, data) def _read_attributes(self) -> Generator[Attribute, None, None]: reader = self.reader count = reader.u32() for _ in range(count): name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii() fields = tuple(self._read_value() for _ in range(reader.u32())) yield Attribute(name, fields) def _load_functions(self): def _signature(name: str, decl: Optional[DeclSpec]): signature = IFPSAPI.get(name, IFPSEvents.get(name)) if name else None if decl and decl.classname and (ic := IFPSClasses.Classes.get(decl.classname)): signature = ic.members.get(, signature) decl.classname = return signature reader = self.reader rewind = reader.tell() width = len(F'{self.count_functions:X}') missing_types = set() load_flags = (self.version >= 23) reparsed = False all_void = True all_long = True has_dll_imports = False while True: for k in range(self.count_functions): decl = None body = None name = F'F{k:0{width}X}' tags = reader.u8() attributes = None exported = FTag.Exported.check(tags) if FTag.External.check(tags): name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii(8) if exported: read = StructReader(bytes(reader.read_length_prefixed())) decl = DeclSpec.ParseF(read, load_flags) if not reparsed and decl.module is not None: has_dll_imports = True # inno: 0d13564460b4cca289ac60221e86ca5719d7217a8eb76671b4b2a8407c2af6b4 # ifps: 6c211c02652317903b23c827cbc311a258fcd6197eec6a3d2f91986bd8accb0e # This script reports version 22 and therefore, load_flags starts as False. # However, it should be true; the reasons are unclear. The code below is # an attempt to identify incorrect load_flags values heuristically. When # there are no __delay_load functions present, reading them with load_flags # set to False will result in only procedures (void=True) with at least # 2 arguments. if not decl.void: all_void = False if len(decl.parameters) < 2: all_long = False else: offset = reader.u32() length = reader.u32() if exported: name = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii() decl = DeclSpec.ParseE(bytes(reader.read_length_prefixed()), self) self.void = decl.void else: self.void = False with reader.detour(offset): body = list(self._parse_bytecode( if FTag.HasAttrs.check(tags): attributes = list(self._read_attributes()) fn = Function(name, decl, body, exported, attributes) self.functions.append(fn) if has_dll_imports and all_long and all_void and not reparsed: load_flags = True reparsed = True reader.seekset(rewind) self.functions.clear() else: break for function in self.functions: name = function.symbol decl = function.decl if (signature := _signature(name, decl)) and decl and signature.argc == decl.argc: for old, new in itertools.zip_longest(decl.parameters, signature.parameters): if not new: break if old and (t := old.type): t.symbol = new.type continue if t := self.types_by_name.get(new.type): t.symbol = new.type else: missing_types.add(new.type) if sr := signature.return_type: if (dr := decl.return_type) or (dr := self.types_by_name.get(sr)): dr.symbol = sr else: missing_types.add(sr) self.type_name_conflicts = self._name_types(missing_types) for function in self.functions: decl = function.decl if signature := _signature(, decl): decl = decl or DeclSpec(True) decl.void = signature.void parameters = decl.parameters if signature.argc != len(parameters): decl.parameters = parameters = [DeclSpecParam(True) for _ in range(signature.argc)] for old, new in zip(parameters, signature.parameters): if old.type is None: old.type = self.types_by_name.get(new.type) = or old.const = new.const function.symbol = = if (rt := signature.return_type) and (decl.return_type is None): decl.return_type = self.types_by_name.get(rt, decl.return_type) function.decl = decl for function in self.functions: if function.body is None: continue for instruction in function.body: if instruction.opcode is Op.Call: t: Function = self.functions[instruction.operands[0]] instruction.operands[0] = t def _load_variables(self): reader = self.reader for index in range(self.count_variables): code = reader.u32() spec = Variant(index, VariantType.Global) if reader.u8() & 1: spec = reader.read_length_prefixed_ascii() self.globals.append(VariableBase(self.types[code], spec)) def _read_variant(self, index: int) -> Variant: if index < 0x40000000: return Variant(index, VariantType.Global) index -= 0x60000000 if index >= 0: return Variant(index, VariantType.Local) index = -index if self.void else ~index return Variant(index, VariantType.Argument) def _read_operand(self, reader: StructReader) -> Operand: ot = OperandType(reader.u8()) kw = {} if ot is OperandType.Variant: kw.update(variant=self._read_variant(reader.u32())) if ot is OperandType.Value: kw.update(value=self._read_value(reader)) if ot >= OperandType.IndexedByInt: kw.update(variant=self._read_variant(reader.u32())) index = reader.u32() if ot is OperandType.IndexedByVar: index = self._read_variant(index) kw.update(index=index) return Operand(ot, **kw) def _parse_bytecode(self, data: memoryview) -> Generator[Instruction, None, None]: disassembly: Dict[int, Instruction] = OrderedDict() reader = StructReader(data) argcount = { Op.Assign: 2, Op.CallVar: 1, Op.Dec: 1, Op.Inc: 1, Op.BooleanNot: 1, Op.Neg: 1, Op.IntegerNot: 1, Op.SetPtrToCopy: 2, Op.SetPtr: 2, } while not reader.eof: def arg(k=1): for _ in range(k): args.append(self._read_operand(reader)) addr = reader.tell() cval = reader.u8() code = Op.FromInt(cval) insn = Instruction(addr, code) args = insn.operands disassembly[insn.offset] = insn aryness = argcount.get(code) if aryness is not None: arg(aryness) elif code in (Op.Ret, Op.Nop, Op.Pop): pass elif code is Op.Calculate: insn.operator = AOp(reader.u8()) arg(2) elif code in (Op.Push, Op.PushVar): arg() elif code in (Op.Jump, Op.JumpFlag): target = reader.i32() args.append(reader.tell() + target) elif code is Op.Call: args.append(reader.u32()) elif code in (Op.JumpTrue, Op.JumpFalse): target = reader.i32() val = self._read_operand(reader) args.append(reader.tell() + target) args.append(val) elif code is Op.JumpPop1: target = reader.i32() args.append(reader.tell() + target) elif code is Op.JumpPop2: target = reader.i32() args.append(reader.tell() + target) elif code is Op.StackType: args.append(self._read_variant(reader.u32())) args.append(reader.u32()) elif code is Op.PushType: args.append(self.types[reader.u32()]) elif code is Op.Compare: insn.operator = COp(reader.u8()) arg(3) elif code is Op.SetFlag: arg() args.append(bool(reader.u8())) elif code is Op.PushEH: args.extend(reader.i32() for _ in range(4)) for k, a in enumerate(args): args[k] = a + reader.tell() if a >= 0 else None elif code is Op.PopEH: args.append(reader.u8()) elif code is Op._INVALID: raise ValueError(F'Unsupported opcode: 0x{cval:02X}') else: raise ValueError(F'Unhandled opcode: {}') insn.size = reader.tell() - addr for k, instruction in enumerate(disassembly.values()): if not instruction.branches: continue target = instruction.operands[0] try: disassembly[target].jumptarget = True except KeyError as K: raise RuntimeError( F'The jump target of instruction {k} at 0x{instruction.offset:X} is invalid; ' F'the invalid instruction is a {} to 0x{target:X}.' ) from K yield from disassembly.values() def __str__(self): return self.disassembly() def disassembly(self) -> str: def sortkey(f: Function): d = (d.module or '', d.classname or '', d.void) if (d := f.decl) else ('', '', True) return (*d, for function in self.functions: function.get_basic_blocks() classes: dict[str, dict[str, Function]] = {} external: list[Function] = [] internal: list[Function] = [] for t in self.types: if isinstance(t, TClass): classes[] = {} for function in self.functions: if (decl := function.decl) and (name := decl.classname): try: members = classes[name] except KeyError: members = classes[name] = {} members[] = function continue dl = internal if function.body else external dl.append(function) external.sort(key=sortkey) output = io.StringIO() _omax = max(( max(insn.offset for insn in fn.body) for fn in self.functions if fn.body ), default=0) _smax = max(( max(insn.stack for insn in fn.body if insn.stack is not None) for fn in self.functions if fn.body ), default=0) _omax = max(len(self.types), len(self.globals), _omax) _omax = len(F'{_omax:X}') _smax = len(F'{_smax:d}') if classes: for name, members in classes.items(): if not members: output.write(F'external class {name};\n') output.write('\n') for name, members in classes.items(): if not members: continue output.write(F'external class {name}') if members: for spec in members.values(): output.write(F'\n{_TAB}{spec.decl.represent(spec.symbol, rel=True)}') output.write('\nend') output.write(';\n\n') if self.types: for type in self.types: if type.code != TC.Record and type.symbol in (, None): continue if isinstance(type, TClass): continue output.write(F'typedef {type.symbol} = {type.display()}\n') output.write('\n') if self.globals: for variable in self.globals: output.write(F'global {variable!s}\n') output.write('\n') if external: for function in external: output.write(F'external {function!r}\n') output.write('\n') if internal: for function in internal: output.write(F'{function!r}\nbegin\n') labels = [insn.offset for insn in function.body if insn.jumptarget] labelw = max(len(str(len(labels))), 2) labeld = {v: F'JumpDestination{k:0{labelw}d}' for k, v in enumerate(labels, 1)} labelc = 0 for instruction in function.body: stack = instruction.stack stack = '?' * _smax if stack is None else F'{stack:>{_smax}d}' if instruction.jumptarget: output.write(F'{labeld[labels[labelc]]}:\n') labelc += 1 output.write(F'{_TAB}0x{instruction.offset:0{_omax}X}{_TAB}{stack}{_TAB}{instruction.pretty(labeld)}\n') output.write('end;\n\n') return output.getvalue().strip()
Class variables
var MinVer
var MaxVer
var Magic
def disassembly(self)
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def disassembly(self) -> str: def sortkey(f: Function): d = (d.module or '', d.classname or '', d.void) if (d := f.decl) else ('', '', True) return (*d, for function in self.functions: function.get_basic_blocks() classes: dict[str, dict[str, Function]] = {} external: list[Function] = [] internal: list[Function] = [] for t in self.types: if isinstance(t, TClass): classes[] = {} for function in self.functions: if (decl := function.decl) and (name := decl.classname): try: members = classes[name] except KeyError: members = classes[name] = {} members[] = function continue dl = internal if function.body else external dl.append(function) external.sort(key=sortkey) output = io.StringIO() _omax = max(( max(insn.offset for insn in fn.body) for fn in self.functions if fn.body ), default=0) _smax = max(( max(insn.stack for insn in fn.body if insn.stack is not None) for fn in self.functions if fn.body ), default=0) _omax = max(len(self.types), len(self.globals), _omax) _omax = len(F'{_omax:X}') _smax = len(F'{_smax:d}') if classes: for name, members in classes.items(): if not members: output.write(F'external class {name};\n') output.write('\n') for name, members in classes.items(): if not members: continue output.write(F'external class {name}') if members: for spec in members.values(): output.write(F'\n{_TAB}{spec.decl.represent(spec.symbol, rel=True)}') output.write('\nend') output.write(';\n\n') if self.types: for type in self.types: if type.code != TC.Record and type.symbol in (, None): continue if isinstance(type, TClass): continue output.write(F'typedef {type.symbol} = {type.display()}\n') output.write('\n') if self.globals: for variable in self.globals: output.write(F'global {variable!s}\n') output.write('\n') if external: for function in external: output.write(F'external {function!r}\n') output.write('\n') if internal: for function in internal: output.write(F'{function!r}\nbegin\n') labels = [insn.offset for insn in function.body if insn.jumptarget] labelw = max(len(str(len(labels))), 2) labeld = {v: F'JumpDestination{k:0{labelw}d}' for k, v in enumerate(labels, 1)} labelc = 0 for instruction in function.body: stack = instruction.stack stack = '?' * _smax if stack is None else F'{stack:>{_smax}d}' if instruction.jumptarget: output.write(F'{labeld[labels[labelc]]}:\n') labelc += 1 output.write(F'{_TAB}0x{instruction.offset:0{_omax}X}{_TAB}{stack}{_TAB}{instruction.pretty(labeld)}\n') output.write('end;\n\n') return output.getvalue().strip()