Module refinery.lib.inno.emulator
An emulator for Inno Setup executables. The implementation is unlikely to be 100% correct as it was engineered by making various malicious scripts execute reasonably well, not by implementing an exact copy of the (only) reference implementation. This is grew and grew as I wrote it and seems mildly insane in hindsight.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
An emulator for Inno Setup executables. The implementation is unlikely to be 100% correct as it
was engineered by making various malicious scripts execute reasonably well, not by implementing
an exact copy of [the (only) reference implementation][PS]. This is grew and grew as I wrote it
and seems mildly insane in hindsight.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import (
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import auto, Enum, IntFlag
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from string import Formatter
from time import process_time
from urllib.parse import unquote
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from import cached_property
from refinery.lib.types import CaseInsensitiveDict
from refinery.lib.inno.archive import InnoArchive, Flags
from refinery.lib.types import AST, INF, NoMask
from refinery.lib.patterns import formats
from refinery.lib.inno.ifps import (
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import inspect
import io
import math
import operator
import random
import re
import struct
import time
_T = TypeVar('_T')
class OleObject:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __repr__(self):
return F'OleObject({!r})'
def __str__(self):
class Variable(VariableBase, Generic[_T]):
type: IFPSType
spec: Optional[Variant]
data: Optional[Union[List[Variable], _T]]
path: Tuple[int, ...]
def container(self):
return self.type.container
def pointer(self):
return self.type.code == TC.Pointer
def __len__(self):
return len(
def __bool__(self):
return True
def __getitem__(self, key: int):
var = self.deref()
if var.container:
def __setitem__(self, key: int, v: _T):
var = self.deref()
if var.container:
else:[key] = var._wrap(v)
def at(self, k: int):
return self.deref().data[k]
def deref(var):
while True:
val =
if not isinstance(val, Variable):
return var
var = val
def __init__(
type: IFPSType,
spec: Optional[Variant] = None,
path: Tuple[int, ...] = (),
data: Optional[Union[_T, List]] = None
super().__init__(type, spec)
self.path = path
self._int_size = _size = {
TC.U08: +1,
TC.U16: +1,
TC.U32: +1,
TC.S08: -1,
TC.S16: -1,
TC.S32: -1,
TC.S64: -1,
}.get((code := type.code), 0) * code.width
if _size:
bits = abs(_size) * 8
umax = (1 << bits)
self._int_bits = bits
self._int_mask = umax - 1
if _size < 0:
self._int_good = range(-(umax >> 1), (umax >> 1))
self._int_good = range(umax)
self._int_mask = NoMask
self._int_bits = INF
self._int_good = AST
if data is None:
def default(type: IFPSType, *sub_path):
if isinstance(type, TRecord):
return [Variable(t, spec, (*path, *sub_path, k)) for k, t in enumerate(type.members)]
if isinstance(type, TStaticArray):
t = type.type
return [Variable(t, spec, (*path, *sub_path, k)) for k in range(type.size)]
if isinstance(type, TArray):
return []
if sub_path:
return Variable(type, spec, (*path, *sub_path))
return type.default() = default(type)
def _wrap(self, value: Union[Value, _T], key: Optional[int] = None) -> _T:
if (t := self.type.py_type(key)) and not isinstance(value, t):
if issubclass(t, int):
if isinstance(value, str) and len(value) == 1:
return ord(value[0])
if isinstance(value, float):
return int(value)
elif isinstance(value, int):
if issubclass(t, str):
return chr(value)
if issubclass(t, float):
return float(value)
raise TypeError(F'Assigning value {value!r} to variable of type {self.type}.')
if s := self._int_size and value not in self._int_good:
mask = self._int_mask
value &= mask
if s < 0 and (value >> (self._int_bits - 1)):
value = -(-value & mask)
return value
def resize(self, n: int):
t = self.type
m = n - len(
if t.code != TC.Array:
if t.code not in (TC.StaticArray, TC.Record):
raise TypeError
if n == t.size:
raise ValueError(F'Attempt to resize {t} of size {t.size} to {n}.')
if m <= 0:
for k in range(m):, self.spec, (*self.path, k)))
def setptr(self, var: Variable, copy: bool = False):
if not self.pointer:
raise TypeError
if not isinstance(var, Variable):
raise TypeError
if copy:
var = Variable(var.type, data=var.get()) = var
def set(
value: Union[_T, Sequence, Variable],
if isinstance(value, Variable):
if value.container:
dst = self.deref()
if not dst.container:
raise TypeError(F'Attempting to assign container type {value.type} to non-container {self.type}.')
for k, v in enumerate([k].set(v)
if value.pointer:
if self.pointer: =
value = value.get()
if isinstance(value, (Enum, Value)):
value = value.value
if self.pointer:
return self.deref().set(value)
elif self.container:
if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError
for k, v in enumerate(value):[k].set(v)
else: = self._wrap(value)
def get(self) -> _T:
if self.pointer:
return self.deref().get()
if self.container:
data: List[Variable] =
return [v.get() for v in data]
def name(self):
if self.spec is None:
return 'Unbound'
name = F'{self.spec!s}'
for k in self.path:
name = F'{name}[{k}]'
return name
def __repr__(self):
rep =
if (val := is None:
return rep
if self.type.code is TC.Set:
val = F'{val:b}'
elif self.pointer:
val: Variable
return F'{rep} -> {}'
elif isinstance(val, (str, int, float, list)):
val = repr(self.get())
return rep
return F'{rep} = {val}'
class NeedSymbol(NotImplementedError):
class OpCodeNotImplemented(NotImplementedError):
class EmulatorException(RuntimeError):
class AbortEmulation(Exception):
class IFPSException(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, msg: str, parent: Optional[BaseException] = None):
self.parent = parent
class EmulatorTimeout(TimeoutError):
class EmulatorExecutionLimit(TimeoutError):
class EmulatorMaxStack(MemoryError):
class EmulatorMaxCalls(MemoryError):
class ExceptionHandler:
finally_one: Optional[int]
catch_error: Optional[int]
finally_two: Optional[int]
handler_end: int
current: EHType = EHType.Try
class IFPSEmulatedFunction(NamedTuple):
call: Callable
spec: List[bool]
static: bool
void: bool = False
def argc(self):
return len(self.spec)
class IFPSEmulatorConfig:
x64: bool = True
admin: bool = True
windows_os_version: Tuple[int, int, int] = (10, 0, 10240)
windows_sp_version: Tuple[int, int] = (2, 0)
throw_abort: bool = False
trace_calls: bool = False
log_passwords: bool = True
wizard_silent: bool = True
max_opcodes: int = 0
max_seconds: int = 60
start_time: datetime = field(
milliseconds_per_instruction: float = 0.001
sleep_scale: float = 0.0
max_data_stack: int = 1_000_000
max_call_stack: int = 4096
environment: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
user_name: str = 'Frank'
host_name: str = 'Frank-PC'
inno_name: str = 'ThisInstall'
language: str = 'en'
executable: str = 'C:\\Install.exe'
install_to: str = 'I:\\'
lcid: int = 0x0409
def cwd(self):
return Path(self.executable).parent
class TSetupStep(int, Enum):
ssPreInstall = 0
ssInstall = auto()
ssPostInstall = auto()
ssDone = auto()
class TSplitType(int, Enum):
stAll = 0
stExcludeEmpty = auto()
stExcludeLastEmpty = auto()
class TUninstallStep(int, Enum):
usAppMutexCheck = 0
usUninstall = auto()
usPostUninstall = auto()
usDone = auto()
class TSetupProcessorArchitecture(int, Enum):
paUnknown = 0
paX86 = auto()
paX64 = auto()
paArm32 = auto()
paArm64 = auto()
class PageID(int, Enum):
wpWelcome = 1
wpLicense = auto()
wpPassword = auto()
wpInfoBefore = auto()
wpUserInfo = auto()
wpSelectDir = auto()
wpSelectComponents = auto()
wpSelectProgramGroup = auto()
wpSelectTasks = auto()
wpReady = auto()
wpPreparing = auto()
wpInstalling = auto()
wpInfoAfter = auto()
wpFinished = auto()
class IFPSCall(NamedTuple):
name: str
args: tuple
class FPUControl(IntFlag):
InvalidOperation = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_000001 # noqa
DenormalizedOperand = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_000010 # noqa
ZeroDivide = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_000100 # noqa
Overflow = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_001000 # noqa
Underflow = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_010000 # noqa
PrecisionError = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_100000 # noqa
Reserved1 = 0b0_00_0_00_00_01_000000 # noqa
Reserved2 = 0b0_00_0_00_00_10_000000 # noqa
ExtendPrecision = 0b0_00_0_00_01_00_000000 # noqa
DoublePrecision = 0b0_00_0_00_10_00_000000 # noqa
MaxPrecision = 0b0_00_0_00_11_00_000000 # noqa
RoundDown = 0b0_00_0_01_00_00_000000 # noqa
RoundUp = 0b0_00_0_10_00_00_000000 # noqa
RoundTowardZero = 0b0_00_0_11_00_00_000000 # noqa
AffineInfinity = 0b0_00_1_00_00_00_000000 # noqa
Reserved3 = 0b0_01_0_00_00_00_000000 # noqa
Reserved4 = 0b0_10_0_00_00_00_000000 # noqa
ReservedBits = 0b0_11_0_00_00_11_000000 # noqa
class IFPSEmulator:
def __init__(
archive: Union[InnoArchive, IFPSFile],
options: Optional[IFPSEmulatorConfig] = None,
if isinstance(archive, InnoArchive):
self.inno = archive
self.ifps = ifps = archive.ifps
self.inno = None
self.ifps = ifps = archive
self.config = options or IFPSEmulatorConfig(**more)
self.globals = [Variable(v.type, v.spec) for v in ifps.globals]
self.stack: List[Variable] = []
self.trace: List[IFPSCall] = []
self.passwords: Set[str] = set()
self.jumpflag = False
self.fpucw = FPUControl(0)
self.clock = 0
self.seconds_slept = 0.0
self.mutexes: Set[str] = set()
self.symbols: Dict[str, Function] = CaseInsensitiveDict()
for pfn in ifps.functions:
self.symbols[] = pfn
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
def unimplemented(self, function: Function):
raise NeedSymbol(
def emulate_function(self, function: Function, *args):
decl = function.decl
if decl is None:
raise NotImplementedError(F'Do not know how to call {function!s}.')
if (n := len(decl.parameters)) != (m := len(args)):
raise ValueError(
F'Function {function!s} expects {n} arguments, only {m} were given.')
for index, (argument, parameter) in enumerate(zip(args, decl.parameters), 1):
variable = Variable(parameter.type, Variant(index, VariantType.Local))
if not decl.void:
result = Variable(decl.return_type, Variant(0, VariantType.Argument))
if not decl.void:
return result.get()
def call(self, function: Function):
def operator_div(a, b):
return a // b if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int) else a / b
def operator_in(a, b):
return a in b
def getvar(op: Union[Variant, Operand]) -> Variable:
if not isinstance(op, Operand):
v = op
k = None
elif op.type is OperandType.Value:
raise TypeError('Attempting to retrieve variable for an immediate operand.')
v = op.variant
k = op.index
if op.type is OperandType.IndexedByVar:
k = getvar(k).get()
t, i = v.type, v.index
if t is VariantType.Argument:
if function.decl.void:
i -= 1
var = self.stack[sp - i]
elif t is VariantType.Global:
var = self.globals[i]
elif t is VariantType.Local:
var = self.stack[sp + i]
raise TypeError
if k is not None:
var =
return var
def getval(op: Operand):
if op.immediate:
return op.value.value
return getvar(op).get()
def setval(op: Operand, new):
if op.immediate:
raise RuntimeError('attempt to assign to an immediate')
class CallState(NamedTuple):
fn: Function
ip: int
sp: int
eh: List[ExceptionHandler]
callstack: List[CallState] = []
exec_start = process_time()
ip: int = 0
sp: int = len(self.stack) - 1
pending_exception = None
exceptions = []
while True:
if 0 < self.config.max_data_stack < len(callstack):
raise EmulatorMaxCalls
if function.body is None:
decl = function.decl
name =
tcls = decl and (decl.classname or decl.module)
tcls = tcls or ''
registry: Dict[str, IFPSEmulatedFunction] = self.external_symbols.get(tcls, {})
handler = registry.get(name)
if handler:
void = handler.void
argc = handler.argc
elif decl:
void = decl.void
argc = decl.argc
void = True
argc = 0
rpos = 0 if void else 1
args = [self.stack[~k] for k in range(rpos, argc + rpos)]
except IndexError:
raise EmulatorException(
F'Cannot call {function!s}; {argc} arguments + {rpos} return values expected,'
F' but stack size is only {len(self.stack)}.')
if self.config.trace_calls:
self.trace.append(IFPSCall(str(function), tuple(a.get() for a in args)))
if handler is None:
if decl and (decl.void != handler.void or decl.argc != handler.argc):
raise RuntimeError(F'Handler for {function!s} does not match the declaration.')
for k, (var, byref) in enumerate(zip(args, handler.spec)):
if not byref:
args[k] = var.get()
if not handler.static:
args.insert(0, self)
return_value =*args)
except BaseException as b:
pending_exception = IFPSException(F'Error calling {}: {b!s}', b)
if not handler.void:
if not callstack:
if pending_exception is None:
raise pending_exception
function, ip, sp, exceptions = callstack.pop()
while insn := function.code.get(ip, None):
if 0 < self.config.max_seconds < process_time() - exec_start:
raise EmulatorTimeout
if 0 < self.config.max_opcodes < self.clock:
raise EmulatorExecutionLimit
if 0 < self.config.max_data_stack < len(self.stack):
raise EmulatorMaxStack
if pe := pending_exception:
pending_exception = None
raise pe
opc = insn.opcode
ip += insn.size
self.clock += 1
if opc == Op.Nop:
elif opc == Op.Assign:
dst = getvar(insn.op(0))
src = insn.op(1)
if src.immediate:
elif opc == Op.Calculate:
calculate = {
AOp.Add: operator.add,
AOp.Sub: operator.sub,
AOp.Mul: operator.mul,
AOp.Div: operator_div,
AOp.Mod: operator.mod,
AOp.Shl: operator.lshift,
AOp.Shr: operator.rshift,
AOp.And: operator.and_,
AOp.BOr: operator.or_,
AOp.Xor: operator.xor,
src = insn.op(1)
dst = insn.op(0)
sv = getval(src)
dv = getval(dst)
fpu = isinstance(sv, float) or isinstance(dv, float)
result = calculate(dv, sv)
if fpu and not isinstance(result, float):
raise FloatingPointError
except FloatingPointError as FPE:
if not self.fpucw & FPUControl.InvalidOperation:
result = float('nan')
raise IFPSException('invalid operation', FPE) from FPE
except OverflowError as OFE:
if fpu and self.fpucw & FPUControl.Overflow:
result = float('nan')
raise IFPSException('arithmetic overflow', OFE) from OFE
except ZeroDivisionError as ZDE:
if fpu and self.fpucw & FPUControl.ZeroDivide:
result = float('nan')
raise IFPSException('division by zero', ZDE) from ZDE
setval(dst, result)
elif opc == Op.Push:
# TODO: I do not actually know how this works
elif opc == Op.PushVar:
elif opc == Op.Pop:
self.temp = self.stack.pop()
elif opc == Op.Call:
callstack.append(CallState(function, ip, sp, exceptions))
function = insn.operands[0]
ip = 0
sp = len(self.stack) - 1
exceptions = []
elif opc == Op.Jump:
ip = insn.operands[0]
elif opc == Op.JumpTrue:
if getval(insn.op(1)):
ip = insn.operands[0]
elif opc == Op.JumpFalse:
if not getval(insn.op(1)):
ip = insn.operands[0]
elif opc == Op.Ret:
del self.stack[sp + 1:]
if not callstack:
function, ip, sp, exceptions = callstack.pop()
elif opc == Op.StackType:
raise OpCodeNotImplemented(str(opc))
elif opc == Op.PushType:
Variant(len(self.stack) - sp, VariantType.Local)
elif opc == Op.Compare:
compare = {
COp.LE: operator.le,
COp.EQ: operator.eq,
COp.IN: operator_in,
COp.IS: operator.is_,
d = getvar(insn.op(0))
a = getval(insn.op(1))
b = getval(insn.op(2))
d.set(compare(a, b))
elif opc == Op.CallVar:
pfn = getval(insn.op(0))
if isinstance(pfn, int):
pfn = self.ifps.functions[pfn]
if isinstance(pfn, Function):
elif opc in (Op.SetPtr, Op.SetPtrToCopy):
copy = False
if opc == Op.SetPtrToCopy:
copy = True
dst = getvar(insn.op(0))
src = getvar(insn.op(1))
dst.setptr(src, copy=copy)
elif opc == Op.BooleanNot:
setval(a := insn.op(0), not getval(a))
elif opc == Op.IntegerNot:
setval(a := insn.op(0), ~getval(a))
elif opc == Op.Neg:
setval(a := insn.op(0), -getval(a))
elif opc == Op.SetFlag:
condition, negated = insn.operands
self.jumpflag = getval(condition) ^ negated
elif opc == Op.JumpFlag:
if self.jumpflag:
ip = insn.operands[0]
elif opc == Op.PushEH:
elif opc == Op.PopEH:
tp = None
et = EHType(insn.operands[0])
eh = exceptions[-1]
if eh.current != et:
raise RuntimeError(F'Expected {eh.current} block to end, but {et} was ended instead.')
while tp is None:
if et is None:
raise RuntimeError
tp, et = {
EHType.Catch : (eh.finally_one, EHType.Finally),
EHType.Try : (eh.finally_one, EHType.Finally),
EHType.Finally : (eh.finally_two, EHType.SecondFinally),
EHType.SecondFinally : (eh.handler_end, None),
eh.current = et
ip = tp
if et is None:
elif opc == Op.Inc:
setval(a := insn.op(0), getval(a) + 1)
elif opc == Op.Dec:
setval(a := insn.op(0), getval(a) - 1)
elif opc == Op.JumpPop1:
ip = insn.operands[0]
elif opc == Op.JumpPop2:
ip = insn.operands[0]
raise RuntimeError(F'Function contains invalid opcode at 0x{ip:X}.')
except IFPSException as EE:
eh = exceptions[-1]
except IndexError:
raise EE
et = EHType.Try
tp = None
while tp is None:
if et is None:
raise RuntimeError
tp, et = {
EHType.Try : (eh.catch_error, EHType.Catch),
EHType.Catch : (eh.finally_one, EHType.Finally),
EHType.Finally : (eh.finally_two, EHType.SecondFinally),
EHType.SecondFinally : (eh.handler_end, None),
if et is None:
raise EE
eh.current = et
ip = tp
except AbortEmulation:
except EmulatorException:
# except Exception as RE:
# raise EmulatorException(
# F'In {function.symbol} at 0x{insn.offset:X} (cycle {cycle}), '
# F'emulation of {insn!r} failed: {RE!s}')
if ip is None:
raise RuntimeError(F'Instruction pointer moved out of bounds to 0x{ip:X}.')
external_symbols: ClassVar[
Dict[str, # class name for methods or empty string for functions
Dict[str, IFPSEmulatedFunction]] # method or function name to emulation info
] = CaseInsensitiveDict()
def external(*args, static=True, __reg: dict = external_symbols, **kwargs):
def decorator(pfn):
signature = inspect.signature(pfn)
name: str = kwargs.get('name', pfn.__name__)
csep: str = '.'
if csep not in name:
csep = '__'
classname, _, name = name.rpartition(csep)
if (registry := __reg.get(classname)) is None:
registry = __reg[classname] = CaseInsensitiveDict()
void = kwargs.get('void', signature.return_annotation == signature.empty)
parameters: List[bool] = []
specs = iter(signature.parameters.values())
if not static:
for spec in specs:
hint = eval(spec.annotation)
except Exception as E:
raise RuntimeError(F'Invalid signature: {signature}') from E
if not isinstance(hint, type):
hint = get_origin(hint)
var = isinstance(hint, type) and issubclass(hint, Variable)
registry[name] = e = IFPSEmulatedFunction(pfn, parameters, static, void)
aliases = kwargs.get('alias', [])
if isinstance(aliases, str):
aliases = [aliases]
for name in aliases:
registry[name] = e
if static:
pfn = staticmethod(pfn)
return pfn
return decorator(args[0]) if args else decorator
def TPasswordEdit__Text(self, value: str) -> str:
if value:
return value
def kernel32__GetTickCount() -> int:
return time.monotonic_ns() // 1_000_000
def user32__GetSystemMetrics(index: int) -> int:
if index == 80:
return 1
if index == 43:
return 2
return 0
def IsX86Compatible() -> bool:
return True
def Terminated() -> bool:
return False
def IsAdmin(self) -> bool:
return self.config.admin
@external(static=False, alias='Sleep')
def kernel32__Sleep(self, ms: int):
seconds = ms / 1000.0
self.seconds_slept += seconds
time.sleep(seconds * self.config.sleep_scale)
def Random(top: int) -> int:
return random.randrange(0, top)
def WStrGet(string: Variable[str], index: int) -> str:
if index <= 0:
raise ValueError
return string[index - 1:index]
def WStrSet(char: str, index: int, dst: Variable[str]):
old = dst.get()
index -= 1
dst.set(old[:index] + char + old[index:])
def GetEnv(self, name: str) -> str:
return self.config.environment.get(name, F'%{name}%')
def Beep():
def Abort(self):
if self.config.throw_abort:
raise AbortEmulation
def DirExists(path: str) -> bool:
return True
def ForceDirectories(path: str) -> bool:
return True
def LoadStringFromFile(path: str, out: Variable[str]) -> bool:
return True
def LoadStringsFromFile(path: str, out: Variable[str]) -> bool:
return True
def constant_map(self) -> dict[str, str]:
tmp = random.choices('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', k=5)
cfg = self.config
map = {
'app' : cfg.install_to,
'win' : R'C:\Windows',
'sys' : R'C:\Windows\System',
'sysnative' : R'C:\Windows\System32',
'src' : str(Path(cfg.executable).parent),
'sd' : R'C:',
'commonpf' : R'C:\Program Files',
'commoncf' : R'C:\Program Files\Common Files',
'tmp' : RF'C:\Windows\Temp\IS-{tmp}',
'commonfonts' : R'C:\Windows\Fonts',
'dao' : R'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO',
'dotnet11' : R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322',
'dotnet20' : R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0',
'dotnet2032' : R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0',
'dotnet40' : R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319',
'dotnet4032' : R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319',
'group' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Start Menu\Programs\{cfg.inno_name}',
'localappdata' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\AppData\Local',
'userappdata' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\AppData\Roaming',
'userdesktop' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Desktop',
'userdocs' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Documents',
'userfavourites' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Favourites',
'usersavedgames' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Saved Games',
'usersendto' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\SendTo',
'userstartmenu' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Start Menu',
'userprograms' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Start Menu\Programs',
'userstartup' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Start Menu\Programs\Startup',
'usertemplates' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Templates',
'commonappdata' : R'C:\ProgramData',
'commondesktop' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Desktop',
'commondocs' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Documents',
'commonstartmenu' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu',
'commonprograms' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs',
'commonstartup' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup',
'commontemplates' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates',
'cmd' : R'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe',
'computername' : cfg.host_name,
'groupname' : cfg.inno_name,
'hwnd' : '0',
'wizardhwnd' : '0',
'language' : cfg.language,
'srcexe' : cfg.executable,
'sysuserinfoname' : '{sysuserinfoname}',
'sysuserinfoorg' : '{sysuserinfoorg}',
'userinfoname' : '{userinfoname}',
'userinfoorg' : '{userinfoorg}',
'userinfoserial' : '{userinfoserial}',
'username' : cfg.user_name,
'log' : '',
if (inno := self.inno) is None or (inno.setup_info.Header.Flags & Flags.Uninstallable):
map['uninstallexe'] = RF'{cfg.install_to}\unins000.exe'
if cfg.x64:
map['syswow64'] = R'C:\Windows\SysWOW64'
map['commonpf32'] = R'C:\Program Files (x86)'
map['commoncf32'] = R'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files'
map['commonpf64'] = R'C:\Program Files'
map['commoncf64'] = R'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
map['dotnet2064'] = R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.0'
map['dotnet4064'] = R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319'
map['syswow64'] = R'C:\Windows\System32'
map['commonpf32'] = R'C:\Program Files'
map['commoncf32'] = R'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
if cfg.windows_os_version[0] >= 10:
map['userfonts'] = RF'{map["localappdata"]}\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts'
if cfg.windows_os_version[0] >= 7:
map['usercf'] = RF'{map["localappdata"]}\Programs\Common'
map['userpf'] = RF'{map["localappdata"]}\Programs'
for auto_var, admin_var, user_var in [
('autoappdata', 'commonappdata', 'userappdata', ), # noqa
('autocf', 'commoncf', 'usercf', ), # noqa
('autocf32', 'commoncf32', 'usercf', ), # noqa
('autocf64', 'commoncf64', 'usercf', ), # noqa
('autodesktop', 'commondesktop', 'userdesktop', ), # noqa
('autodocs', 'commondocs', 'userdocs', ), # noqa
('autofonts', 'commonfonts', 'userfonts', ), # noqa
('autopf', 'commonpf', 'userpf', ), # noqa
('autopf32', 'commonpf32', 'userpf', ), # noqa
('autopf64', 'commonpf64', 'userpf', ), # noqa
('autoprograms', 'commonprograms', 'userprograms', ), # noqa
('autostartmenu', 'commonstartmenu', 'userstartmenu', ), # noqa
('autostartup', 'commonstartup', 'userstartup', ), # noqa
('autotemplates', 'commontemplates', 'usertemplates', ), # noqa
map[auto_var] = map[admin_var] if cfg.admin else map[user_var]
except KeyError:
for legacy, new in [
('cf', 'commoncf', ), # noqa
('cf32', 'commoncf32', ), # noqa
('cf64', 'commoncf64', ), # noqa
('fonts', 'commonfonts', ), # noqa
('pf', 'commonpf', ), # noqa
('pf32', 'commonpf32', ), # noqa
('pf64', 'commonpf64', ), # noqa
('sendto', 'usersendto', ), # noqa
map[legacy] = map[new]
except KeyError:
return map
def ExpandConstant(self, string: str) -> str:
return self.expand_constant(string)
def ExpandConstantEx(self, string: str, custom_var: str, custom_val: str) -> str:
return self.expand_constant(string, custom_var, custom_val)
def expand_constant(
string: str,
custom_var: Optional[str] = None,
custom_val: Optional[str] = None,
unescape: bool = False
config = self.config
expand = partial(self.expand_constant, unescape=True)
with io.StringIO() as result:
constants = self.constant_map
formatter = Formatter()
backslash = False
for prefix, spec, modifier, conversion in formatter.parse(string):
if backslash and prefix[:1] == '\\':
prefix = prefix[1:]
if unescape:
prefix = unquote(prefix)
if spec is None:
elif spec == '\\':
if modifier or conversion:
raise IFPSException('Invalid format string.', ValueError(string))
value = spec
elif spec == custom_var:
value = custom_val
elif spec.startswith('%'):
name, p, default = spec[1:].partition('|')
name = expand(name)
default = expand(default)
value = config.environment[name]
except KeyError:
value = default if p else F'%{name}%'
elif spec == 'drive':
value = self.ExtractFileDrive(expand(modifier))
elif spec == 'ini':
# {ini:Filename,Section,Key|DefaultValue}
_, _, default = modifier.partition('|')
value = expand(default)
elif spec == 'cm':
# {cm:LaunchProgram,Inno Setup}
# The example above translates to "Launch Inno Setup" if English is the active language.
name, _, args = modifier.partition(',')
value = self.CustomMessage(expand(name))
elif spec == 'reg':
# {reg:HKXX\SubkeyName,ValueName|DefaultValue}
_, _, default = modifier.partition('|')
value = expand(default)
elif spec == 'param':
# {param:ParamName|DefaultValue}
_, _, default = modifier.partition('|')
value = expand(default)
value = constants[spec]
except KeyError as KE:
raise IFPSException(F'invalid format field {spec}', KE) from KE
backslash = value.endswith('\\')
return result.getvalue()
def DeleteFile(path: str) -> bool:
return True
def FileExists(file_name: str) -> bool:
return False
def Log(log: str):
def Inc(p: Variable[Variable[int]]):
p.set(p.get() + 1)
def Dec(p: Variable[Variable[int]]):
p.set(p.get() - 1)
def FindFirst(file_name: str, frec: Variable) -> bool:
return False
def Trunc(x: float) -> float:
return math.trunc(x)
def GetSpaceOnDisk(
path: str,
in_megabytes: bool,
avail: Variable[int],
space: Variable[int],
) -> bool:
_a = 3_000_000
_t = 5_000_000
if not in_megabytes:
_a *= 1000
_t *= 1000
return True
def GetSpaceOnDisk64(
path: str,
avail: Variable[int],
space: Variable[int],
) -> bool:
return True
def Exec(
exe: str,
cmd: str,
cwd: str,
show: int,
wait: int,
out: Variable[int],
) -> bool:
return True
def GetCmdTail() -> str:
return ''
def ParamCount() -> int:
return 0
def ParamStr(index: int) -> str:
return ''
def ActiveLanguage() -> str:
return 'en'
def CustomMessage(self, msg_name: str) -> str:
by_language = {}
for msg in self.inno.setup_info.Messages:
if msg.EncodedName == msg_name:
lng = msg.Language.Name
if lng == self.config.language:
return msg.Value
by_language[lng] = msg.Value
return by_language[0]
except KeyError:
return next(iter(by_language.values()))
except StopIteration:
raise IFPSException(F'Custom message with name {msg_name} not found.')
def FmtMessage(fmt: str, args: List[str]) -> str:
fmt = fmt.replace('{', '{{')
fmt = fmt.replace('}', '}}')
fmt = '%'.join(re.sub('%(\\d+)', '{\\1}', p) for p in fmt.split('%%'))
return fmt.format(*args)
def Format(fmt: str, args: List[Union[str, int, float]]) -> str:
formatted = fmt % tuple(args)
except Exception:
raise IFPSException('invalid format')
return formatted
def SetupMessage(self, id: int) -> str:
return self.inno.setup_info.Messages[id].Value
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
return ''
@external(static=False, alias=['Is64BitInstallMode', 'IsX64Compatible', 'IsX64OS'])
def IsWin64(self) -> bool:
return self.config.x64
def IsX86OS(self) -> bool:
return not self.config.x64
def RaiseException(msg: str):
raise IFPSException(msg)
def ProcessorArchitecture(self) -> int:
if self.config.x64:
return TSetupProcessorArchitecture.paX64.value
return TSetupProcessorArchitecture.paX86.value
def GetUserNameString(self) -> str:
return self.config.user_name
def GetComputerNameString(self) -> str:
return self.config.host_name
def GetUILanguage(self) -> str:
return self.config.lcid
def GetArrayLength(array: Variable) -> int:
array = array.deref()
return len(array)
def SetArrayLength(array: Variable, n: int):
a = array.deref()
def WizardForm(self) -> object:
return self
def Unassigned() -> None:
return None
def Null() -> None:
return None
def Set8087CW(self, cw: int):
self.fpucw = FPUControl(cw)
def Get8087CW(self) -> int:
return self.fpucw.value
def GetDateTimeString(
fmt: str,
date_separator: str,
time_separator: str,
) -> str:
now = self.config.start_time
now = now + timedelta(
milliseconds=(self.config.milliseconds_per_instruction * self.clock))
now = now + timedelta(seconds=self.seconds_slept)
date_separator = date_separator.lstrip('\0')
time_separator = time_separator.lstrip('\0')
def dt(m: re.Match[str]):
spec = m[1]
ampm = m[2]
if ampm:
am, _, pm = ampm.partition('/')
spec = spec.upper()
suffix = now.strftime('%p').lower()
suffix = {'am': am, 'pm': pm}[suffix]
suffix = ''
if spec == 'dddddd' or spec == 'ddddd':
if spec == 't':
return now.time().isoformat('minutes')
if spec == 'tt':
return now.time().isoformat('seconds')
if spec == 'd':
return str(
if spec == 'm':
return str(now.month)
if spec == 'h':
return str(now.hour)
if spec == 'n':
return str(now.minute)
if spec == 's':
return str(now.second)
if spec == 'H':
return now.strftime('%I').lstrip('0') + suffix
if spec == '/':
return date_separator or spec
if spec == ':':
return time_separator or spec
return now.strftime({
'dddd' : '%A',
'ddd' : '%a',
'dd' : '%d',
'mmmm' : '%B',
'mmm' : '%b',
'mm' : '%m',
'yyyy' : '%Y',
'yy' : '%y',
'hh' : '%H',
'HH' : '%I' + suffix,
'nn' : '%M',
'ss' : '%S',
}.get(spec, m[0]))
split = re.split(F'({formats.string!s})', fmt)
for k in range(0, len(split), 2):
split[k] = re.sub('([dmyhnst]+)((?:[aA][mM]?/[pP][mM]?)?)', dt, split[k])
for k in range(1, len(split), 2):
split[k] = split[k][1:-1]
return ''.join(split)
def Chr(b: int) -> str:
return chr(b)
def Ord(c: str) -> int:
return ord(c)
def Copy(string: str, index: int, count: int) -> str:
index -= 1
return string[index:index + count]
def Length(string: str) -> int:
return len(string)
def Lowercase(string: str) -> str:
return string.lower()
def Uppercase(string: str) -> str:
return string.upper()
def StringOfChar(c: str, count: int) -> str:
return c * count
def Delete(string: Variable[str], index: int, count: int):
index -= 1
old = string.get()
string.set(old[:index] + old[index + count:])
def Insert(string: str, dest: Variable[str], index: int):
index -= 1
old = dest.get()
dest.set(old[:index] + string + old[index:])
def StringChange(self, string: Variable[str], old: str, new: str) -> int:
return self.StringChangeEx(string, old, new, False)
def StringChangeEx(string: Variable[str], old: str, new: str, _: bool) -> int:
haystack = string.get()
count = haystack.count(old)
string.set(haystack.replace(old, new))
return count
def Pos(string: str, sub: str) -> int:
return string.find(sub) + 1
def AddQuotes(string: str) -> str:
if string and (string[0] != '"' or string[~0] != '"') and ' ' in string:
string = F'"{string}"'
return string
def RemoveQuotes(string: str) -> str:
if string and string[0] == '"' and string[~0] == '"':
string = string[1:-1]
return string
def CompareText(self, a: str, b: str) -> int:
return self.CompareStr(a.casefold(), b.casefold())
def CompareStr(a: str, b: str) -> int:
if a > b:
return +1
if a < b:
return -1
return 0
def SameText(a: str, b: str) -> bool:
return a.casefold() == b.casefold()
def SameStr(a: str, b: str) -> bool:
return a == b
def IsWildcard(pattern: str) -> bool:
return '*' in pattern or '?' in pattern
def WildcardMatch(text: str, pattern: str) -> bool:
return fnmatch.fnmatch(text, pattern)
def Trim(string: str) -> str:
return string.strip()
def TrimLeft(string: str) -> str:
return string.lstrip()
def TrimRight(string: str) -> str:
return string.rstrip()
def StringJoin(sep: str, values: List[str]) -> str:
return sep.join(values)
def StringSplitEx(string: str, separators: List[str], quote: str, how: TSplitType) -> List[str]:
if not quote:
parts = [string]
quote = re.escape(quote)
parts = re.split(F'({quote}.*?{quote})', string)
sep = '|'.join(re.escape(s) for s in separators)
out = []
if how == TSplitType.stExcludeEmpty:
sep = F'(?:{sep})+'
for k in range(0, len(parts)):
if k & 1 == 1:
out.extend(re.split(sep, string))
if how == TSplitType.stExcludeLastEmpty:
for k in reversed(range(len(out))):
if not out[k]:
return out
def StringSplit(self, string: str, separators: List[str], how: TSplitType) -> List[str]:
return self.StringSplitEx(string, separators, None, how)
def StrToInt(s: str) -> int:
return int(s)
def StrToIntDef(s: str, d: int) -> int:
return int(s)
except Exception:
return d
def StrToFloat(s: str) -> float:
return float(s)
def IntToStr(i: int) -> str:
return str(i)
def StrToVersion(s: str, v: Variable[int]) -> bool:
packed = bytes(map(int, s.split('.')))
except Exception:
return False
if len(packed) != 4:
return False
v.set(int.from_bytes(packed, 'little'))
return True
def CharLength(string: str, index: int) -> int:
return 1
def AddBackslash(string: str) -> str:
if string and string[~0] != '\\':
string = F'{string}\\'
return string
def AddPeriod(string: str) -> str:
if string and string[~0] != '.':
string = F'{string}.'
return string
def RemoveBackslashUnlessRoot(self, string: str) -> str:
path = Path(string)
if len( == 1:
return str(path)
return self.RemoveBackslash(string)
def RemoveBackslash(string: str) -> str:
return string.rstrip('\\/')
def ChangeFileExt(name: str, ext: str) -> str:
if not ext.startswith('.'):
ext = F'.{ext}'
return str(Path(name).with_suffix(ext))
def ExtractFileExt(name: str) -> str:
return Path(name).suffix
def ExtractFileDir(name: str) -> str:
dirname = str(Path(name).parent)
return '' if dirname == '.' else dirname
def ExtractFileName(name: str) -> str:
if name:
name = Path(name).parts[-1]
return name
def ExtractFileDrive(name: str) -> str:
if name:
parts = Path(name).parts
if len(parts) >= 2 and parts[0] == '\\' and parts[1] == '?':
parts = parts[2:]
if parts[0] == '\\':
if len(parts) >= 3:
return '\\'.join(parts[:3])
root = parts[0]
if len(root) == 2 and root[1] == ':':
return root
return ''
def ExtractRelativePath(base: str, dst: str) -> str:
return str(Path(dst).relative_to(base))
@external(static=False, alias='ExpandUNCFileName')
def ExpandFileName(self, name: str) -> str:
if self.ExtractFileDrive(name):
return name
return str(self.config.cwd / name)
def SetLength(string: Variable[str], size: int):
old = string.get()
old = old.ljust(size, '\0')
def CharToOemBuff(string: str) -> str:
return string
def Utf8Encode(string: str) -> str:
return string.encode('utf8').decode('latin1')
def Utf8Decode(string: str) -> str:
return string.encode('latin1').decode('utf8')
def GetMD5OfString(string: str) -> str:
return hashlib.md5(string.encode('latin1')).hexdigest()
def GetMD5OfUnicodeString(string: str) -> str:
return hashlib.md5(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
def GetSHA1OfString(string: str) -> str:
return hashlib.sha1(string.encode('latin1')).hexdigest()
def GetSHA1OfUnicodeString(string: str) -> str:
return hashlib.sha1(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
def GetSHA256OfString(string: str) -> str:
return hashlib.sha256(string.encode('latin1')).hexdigest()
def GetSHA256OfUnicodeString(string: str) -> str:
return hashlib.sha256(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
def SysErrorMessage(code: int) -> str:
return F'[description for error {code:08X}]'
def MinimizePathName(path: str, font: object, max_len: int) -> str:
return path
def CheckForMutexes(self, mutexes: str) -> bool:
return any(m in self.mutexes for m in mutexes.split(','))
def CreateMutex(self, name: str):
def GetWinDir(self) -> str:
return self.expand_constant('{win}')
def GetSystemDir(self) -> str:
return self.expand_constant('{sys}')
def GetWindowsVersion(self) -> int:
version = int.from_bytes(
struct.pack('>BBH', *self.config.windows_os_version), 'big')
return version
def GetWindowsVersionEx(self, tv: Variable[Union[int, bool]]):
tv[0], tv[1], tv[2] = self.config.windows_os_version # noqa
tv[3], tv[4] = self.config.windows_sp_version # noqa
tv[5], tv[6], tv[7] = True, 0, 0
def GetWindowsVersionString(self) -> str:
return '{0}.{1:02d}.{2:04d}'.format(*self.config.windows_os_version)
def CreateOleObject(name: str) -> OleObject:
return OleObject(name)
def GetActiveOleObject(name: str) -> OleObject:
return OleObject(name)
def IDispatchInvoke(ole: OleObject, prop_set: bool, name: str, value: Any) -> int:
return 0
def FindWindowByClassName(name: str) -> int:
return 0
def WizardSilent(self) -> bool:
return self.config.wizard_silent
def SizeOf(self, var: Variable) -> int:
if var.pointer:
return (self.config.x64 + 1) * 4
if var.container:
return sum(self.SizeOf(x) for x in
return var.type.code.width
del external
class InnoSetupEmulator(IFPSEmulator):
def emulate_installation(self, password=''):
class SetupDispatcher:
InitializeSetup: Callable
InitializeWizard: Callable
CurStepChanged: Callable
ShouldSkipPage: Callable
CurPageChanged: Callable
PrepareToInstall: Callable
CheckPassword: Callable
NextButtonClick: Callable
DeinitializeSetup: Callable
def __getattr__(_, name):
return (lambda *a: self.emulate_function(pfn, *a)) if (
pfn := self.symbols.get(name)
) else (lambda *_: False)
Setup = SetupDispatcher()
for page in PageID:
if not Setup.ShouldSkipPage(page):
if page == PageID.wpPreparing:
if page == PageID.wpPassword:
if page == PageID.wpPreparing:
if page == PageID.wpInfoAfter:
def unimplemented(self, function: Function):
decl = function.decl
if decl is None:
if not decl.void:
rc = 1
rv = self.stack[-1]
if not rv.container:
rt = rv.type.py_type()
if isinstance(rt, type) and issubclass(rt, int):
rc = 0
for k in range(rc, rc + len(decl.parameters)):
ptr: Variable[Variable] = self.stack[-k]
if not ptr.pointer:
var = ptr.deref()
if var.container:
vt = var.type.py_type()
if isinstance(vt, type) and issubclass(vt, int):
class OleObject (name)
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class OleObject: def __init__(self, name): = name def __repr__(self): return F'OleObject({!r})' def __str__(self): return
class Variable (type, spec=None, path=(), data=None)
Abstract base class for generic types.
A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as::
class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def getitem(self, key: KT) -> VT: … # Etc.
This class can then be used as follows::
def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default
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class Variable(VariableBase, Generic[_T]): type: IFPSType spec: Optional[Variant] data: Optional[Union[List[Variable], _T]] path: Tuple[int, ...] @property def container(self): return self.type.container @property def pointer(self): return self.type.code == TC.Pointer def __len__(self): return len( def __bool__(self): return True def __getitem__(self, key: int): var = self.deref() if var.container: return else: return[key] def __setitem__(self, key: int, v: _T): var = self.deref() if var.container: else:[key] = var._wrap(v) def at(self, k: int): return self.deref().data[k] def deref(var): while True: val = if not isinstance(val, Variable): return var var = val def __init__( self, type: IFPSType, spec: Optional[Variant] = None, path: Tuple[int, ...] = (), data: Optional[Union[_T, List]] = None ): super().__init__(type, spec) self.path = path self._int_size = _size = { TC.U08: +1, TC.U16: +1, TC.U32: +1, TC.S08: -1, TC.S16: -1, TC.S32: -1, TC.S64: -1, }.get((code := type.code), 0) * code.width if _size: bits = abs(_size) * 8 umax = (1 << bits) self._int_bits = bits self._int_mask = umax - 1 if _size < 0: self._int_good = range(-(umax >> 1), (umax >> 1)) else: self._int_good = range(umax) else: self._int_mask = NoMask self._int_bits = INF self._int_good = AST if data is None: def default(type: IFPSType, *sub_path): if isinstance(type, TRecord): return [Variable(t, spec, (*path, *sub_path, k)) for k, t in enumerate(type.members)] if isinstance(type, TStaticArray): t = type.type return [Variable(t, spec, (*path, *sub_path, k)) for k in range(type.size)] if isinstance(type, TArray): return [] if sub_path: return Variable(type, spec, (*path, *sub_path)) else: return type.default() = default(type) else: self.set(data) def _wrap(self, value: Union[Value, _T], key: Optional[int] = None) -> _T: if (t := self.type.py_type(key)) and not isinstance(value, t): if issubclass(t, int): if isinstance(value, str) and len(value) == 1: return ord(value[0]) if isinstance(value, float): return int(value) elif isinstance(value, int): if issubclass(t, str): return chr(value) if issubclass(t, float): return float(value) raise TypeError(F'Assigning value {value!r} to variable of type {self.type}.') if s := self._int_size and value not in self._int_good: mask = self._int_mask value &= mask if s < 0 and (value >> (self._int_bits - 1)): value = -(-value & mask) return value def resize(self, n: int): t = self.type m = n - len( if t.code != TC.Array: if t.code not in (TC.StaticArray, TC.Record): raise TypeError if n == t.size: return raise ValueError(F'Attempt to resize {t} of size {t.size} to {n}.') if m <= 0: del[n:] return for k in range(m):, self.spec, (*self.path, k))) def setptr(self, var: Variable, copy: bool = False): if not self.pointer: raise TypeError if not isinstance(var, Variable): raise TypeError if copy: var = Variable(var.type, data=var.get()) = var def set( self, value: Union[_T, Sequence, Variable], ): if isinstance(value, Variable): if value.container: dst = self.deref() if not dst.container: raise TypeError(F'Attempting to assign container type {value.type} to non-container {self.type}.') dst.resize(len(value)) for k, v in enumerate([k].set(v) return if value.pointer: if self.pointer: = else: self.set(value.deref()) return value = value.get() if isinstance(value, (Enum, Value)): value = value.value if self.pointer: return self.deref().set(value) elif self.container: if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError self.resize(len(value)) for k, v in enumerate(value):[k].set(v) else: = self._wrap(value) def get(self) -> _T: if self.pointer: return self.deref().get() if self.container: data: List[Variable] = return [v.get() for v in data] return @property def name(self): if self.spec is None: return 'Unbound' name = F'{self.spec!s}' for k in self.path: name = F'{name}[{k}]' return name def __repr__(self): rep = if (val := is None: return rep if self.type.code is TC.Set: val = F'{val:b}' elif self.pointer: val: Variable return F'{rep} -> {}' elif isinstance(val, (str, int, float, list)): val = repr(self.get()) else: return rep return F'{rep} = {val}'
- VariableBase
- typing.Generic
Class variables
var type
var spec
var data
var path
Instance variables
var container
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@property def container(self): return self.type.container
var pointer
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@property def pointer(self): return self.type.code == TC.Pointer
var name
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@property def name(self): if self.spec is None: return 'Unbound' name = F'{self.spec!s}' for k in self.path: name = F'{name}[{k}]' return name
def at(self, k)
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def at(self, k: int): return self.deref().data[k]
def deref(var)
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def deref(var): while True: val = if not isinstance(val, Variable): return var var = val
def resize(self, n)
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def resize(self, n: int): t = self.type m = n - len( if t.code != TC.Array: if t.code not in (TC.StaticArray, TC.Record): raise TypeError if n == t.size: return raise ValueError(F'Attempt to resize {t} of size {t.size} to {n}.') if m <= 0: del[n:] return for k in range(m):, self.spec, (*self.path, k)))
def setptr(self, var, copy=False)
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def setptr(self, var: Variable, copy: bool = False): if not self.pointer: raise TypeError if not isinstance(var, Variable): raise TypeError if copy: var = Variable(var.type, data=var.get()) = var
def set(self, value)
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def set( self, value: Union[_T, Sequence, Variable], ): if isinstance(value, Variable): if value.container: dst = self.deref() if not dst.container: raise TypeError(F'Attempting to assign container type {value.type} to non-container {self.type}.') dst.resize(len(value)) for k, v in enumerate([k].set(v) return if value.pointer: if self.pointer: = else: self.set(value.deref()) return value = value.get() if isinstance(value, (Enum, Value)): value = value.value if self.pointer: return self.deref().set(value) elif self.container: if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError self.resize(len(value)) for k, v in enumerate(value):[k].set(v) else: = self._wrap(value)
def get(self)
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def get(self) -> _T: if self.pointer: return self.deref().get() if self.container: data: List[Variable] = return [v.get() for v in data] return
class NeedSymbol (*args, **kwargs)
Method or function hasn't been implemented yet.
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class NeedSymbol(NotImplementedError): pass
- builtins.NotImplementedError
- builtins.RuntimeError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class OpCodeNotImplemented (*args, **kwargs)
Method or function hasn't been implemented yet.
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class OpCodeNotImplemented(NotImplementedError): pass
- builtins.NotImplementedError
- builtins.RuntimeError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class EmulatorException (*args, **kwargs)
Unspecified run-time error.
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class EmulatorException(RuntimeError): pass
- builtins.RuntimeError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class AbortEmulation (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class AbortEmulation(Exception): pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class IFPSException (msg, parent=None)
Unspecified run-time error.
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class IFPSException(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, msg: str, parent: Optional[BaseException] = None): super().__init__(msg) self.parent = parent
- builtins.RuntimeError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class EmulatorTimeout (*args, **kwargs)
Timeout expired.
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class EmulatorTimeout(TimeoutError): pass
- builtins.TimeoutError
- builtins.OSError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class EmulatorExecutionLimit (*args, **kwargs)
Timeout expired.
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class EmulatorExecutionLimit(TimeoutError): pass
- builtins.TimeoutError
- builtins.OSError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class EmulatorMaxStack (*args, **kwargs)
Out of memory.
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class EmulatorMaxStack(MemoryError): pass
- builtins.MemoryError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class EmulatorMaxCalls (*args, **kwargs)
Out of memory.
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class EmulatorMaxCalls(MemoryError): pass
- builtins.MemoryError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class ExceptionHandler (finally_one, catch_error, finally_two, handler_end, current=Try)
ExceptionHandler(finally_one: 'Optional[int]', catch_error: 'Optional[int]', finally_two: 'Optional[int]', handler_end: 'int', current: 'EHType' = EHType.Try)
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class ExceptionHandler: finally_one: Optional[int] catch_error: Optional[int] finally_two: Optional[int] handler_end: int current: EHType = EHType.Try
Class variables
var finally_one
var catch_error
var finally_two
var handler_end
var current
class IFPSEmulatedFunction (call, spec, static, void=False)
IFPSEmulatedFunction(call, spec, static, void)
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class IFPSEmulatedFunction(NamedTuple): call: Callable spec: List[bool] static: bool void: bool = False @property def argc(self): return len(self.spec)
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var call
Alias for field number 0
var spec
Alias for field number 1
var static
Alias for field number 2
var void
Alias for field number 3
var argc
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@property def argc(self): return len(self.spec)
class IFPSEmulatorConfig (x64=True, admin=True, windows_os_version=(10, 0, 10240), windows_sp_version=(2, 0), throw_abort=False, trace_calls=False, log_passwords=True, wizard_silent=True, max_opcodes=0, max_seconds=60, start_time=<factory>, milliseconds_per_instruction=0.001, sleep_scale=0.0, max_data_stack=1000000, max_call_stack=4096, environment=<factory>, user_name='Frank', host_name='Frank-PC', inno_name='ThisInstall', language='en', executable='C:\\Install.exe', install_to='I:\\', lcid=1033)
IFPSEmulatorConfig(x64: 'bool' = True, admin: 'bool' = True, windows_os_version: 'Tuple[int, int, int]' = (10, 0, 10240), windows_sp_version: 'Tuple[int, int]' = (2, 0), throw_abort: 'bool' = False, trace_calls: 'bool' = False, log_passwords: 'bool' = True, wizard_silent: 'bool' = True, max_opcodes: 'int' = 0, max_seconds: 'int' = 60, start_time: 'datetime' =
, milliseconds_per_instruction: 'float' = 0.001, sleep_scale: 'float' = 0.0, max_data_stack: 'int' = 1000000, max_call_stack: 'int' = 4096, environment: 'Dict[str, str]' = , user_name: 'str' = 'Frank', host_name: 'str' = 'Frank-PC', inno_name: 'str' = 'ThisInstall', language: 'str' = 'en', executable: 'str' = 'C:\Install.exe', install_to: 'str' = 'I:\', lcid: 'int' = 1033) Expand source code Browse git
class IFPSEmulatorConfig: x64: bool = True admin: bool = True windows_os_version: Tuple[int, int, int] = (10, 0, 10240) windows_sp_version: Tuple[int, int] = (2, 0) throw_abort: bool = False trace_calls: bool = False log_passwords: bool = True wizard_silent: bool = True max_opcodes: int = 0 max_seconds: int = 60 start_time: datetime = field( milliseconds_per_instruction: float = 0.001 sleep_scale: float = 0.0 max_data_stack: int = 1_000_000 max_call_stack: int = 4096 environment: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) user_name: str = 'Frank' host_name: str = 'Frank-PC' inno_name: str = 'ThisInstall' language: str = 'en' executable: str = 'C:\\Install.exe' install_to: str = 'I:\\' lcid: int = 0x0409 @property def cwd(self): return Path(self.executable).parent
Class variables
var start_time
var environment
var x64
var admin
var windows_os_version
var windows_sp_version
var throw_abort
var trace_calls
var log_passwords
var wizard_silent
var max_opcodes
var max_seconds
var milliseconds_per_instruction
var sleep_scale
var max_data_stack
var max_call_stack
var user_name
var host_name
var inno_name
var language
var executable
var install_to
var lcid
Instance variables
var cwd
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@property def cwd(self): return Path(self.executable).parent
class TSetupStep (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class TSetupStep(int, Enum): ssPreInstall = 0 ssInstall = auto() ssPostInstall = auto() ssDone = auto()
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var ssPreInstall
var ssInstall
var ssPostInstall
var ssDone
class TSplitType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class TSplitType(int, Enum): stAll = 0 stExcludeEmpty = auto() stExcludeLastEmpty = auto()
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var stAll
var stExcludeEmpty
var stExcludeLastEmpty
class TUninstallStep (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class TUninstallStep(int, Enum): usAppMutexCheck = 0 usUninstall = auto() usPostUninstall = auto() usDone = auto()
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var usAppMutexCheck
var usUninstall
var usPostUninstall
var usDone
class TSetupProcessorArchitecture (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class TSetupProcessorArchitecture(int, Enum): paUnknown = 0 paX86 = auto() paX64 = auto() paArm32 = auto() paArm64 = auto()
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var paUnknown
var paX86
var paX64
var paArm32
var paArm64
class PageID (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class PageID(int, Enum): wpWelcome = 1 wpLicense = auto() wpPassword = auto() wpInfoBefore = auto() wpUserInfo = auto() wpSelectDir = auto() wpSelectComponents = auto() wpSelectProgramGroup = auto() wpSelectTasks = auto() wpReady = auto() wpPreparing = auto() wpInstalling = auto() wpInfoAfter = auto() wpFinished = auto()
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var wpWelcome
var wpLicense
var wpPassword
var wpInfoBefore
var wpUserInfo
var wpSelectDir
var wpSelectComponents
var wpSelectProgramGroup
var wpSelectTasks
var wpReady
var wpPreparing
var wpInstalling
var wpInfoAfter
var wpFinished
class IFPSCall (name, args)
IFPSCall(name, args)
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class IFPSCall(NamedTuple): name: str args: tuple
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var name
Alias for field number 0
var args
Alias for field number 1
class FPUControl (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class FPUControl(IntFlag): InvalidOperation = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_000001 # noqa DenormalizedOperand = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_000010 # noqa ZeroDivide = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_000100 # noqa Overflow = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_001000 # noqa Underflow = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_010000 # noqa PrecisionError = 0b0_00_0_00_00_00_100000 # noqa Reserved1 = 0b0_00_0_00_00_01_000000 # noqa Reserved2 = 0b0_00_0_00_00_10_000000 # noqa ExtendPrecision = 0b0_00_0_00_01_00_000000 # noqa DoublePrecision = 0b0_00_0_00_10_00_000000 # noqa MaxPrecision = 0b0_00_0_00_11_00_000000 # noqa RoundDown = 0b0_00_0_01_00_00_000000 # noqa RoundUp = 0b0_00_0_10_00_00_000000 # noqa RoundTowardZero = 0b0_00_0_11_00_00_000000 # noqa AffineInfinity = 0b0_00_1_00_00_00_000000 # noqa Reserved3 = 0b0_01_0_00_00_00_000000 # noqa Reserved4 = 0b0_10_0_00_00_00_000000 # noqa ReservedBits = 0b0_11_0_00_00_11_000000 # noqa
- enum.IntFlag
- enum.Flag
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var InvalidOperation
var DenormalizedOperand
var ZeroDivide
var Overflow
var Underflow
var PrecisionError
var Reserved1
var Reserved2
var ExtendPrecision
var DoublePrecision
var MaxPrecision
var RoundDown
var RoundUp
var RoundTowardZero
var AffineInfinity
var Reserved3
var Reserved4
var ReservedBits
class IFPSEmulator (archive, options=None, **more)
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class IFPSEmulator: def __init__( self, archive: Union[InnoArchive, IFPSFile], options: Optional[IFPSEmulatorConfig] = None, **more ): if isinstance(archive, InnoArchive): self.inno = archive self.ifps = ifps = archive.ifps else: self.inno = None self.ifps = ifps = archive self.config = options or IFPSEmulatorConfig(**more) self.globals = [Variable(v.type, v.spec) for v in ifps.globals] self.stack: List[Variable] = [] self.trace: List[IFPSCall] = [] self.passwords: Set[str] = set() self.jumpflag = False self.fpucw = FPUControl(0) self.clock = 0 self.seconds_slept = 0.0 self.mutexes: Set[str] = set() self.symbols: Dict[str, Function] = CaseInsensitiveDict() for pfn in ifps.functions: self.symbols[] = pfn def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def unimplemented(self, function: Function): raise NeedSymbol( def emulate_function(self, function: Function, *args): self.stack.clear() decl = function.decl if decl is None: raise NotImplementedError(F'Do not know how to call {function!s}.') if (n := len(decl.parameters)) != (m := len(args)): raise ValueError( F'Function {function!s} expects {n} arguments, only {m} were given.') for index, (argument, parameter) in enumerate(zip(args, decl.parameters), 1): variable = Variable(parameter.type, Variant(index, VariantType.Local)) variable.set(argument) self.stack.append(variable) self.stack.reverse() if not decl.void: result = Variable(decl.return_type, Variant(0, VariantType.Argument)) self.stack.append(result) self.stack.clear() if not decl.void: return result.get() def call(self, function: Function): def operator_div(a, b): return a // b if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int) else a / b def operator_in(a, b): return a in b def getvar(op: Union[Variant, Operand]) -> Variable: if not isinstance(op, Operand): v = op k = None elif op.type is OperandType.Value: raise TypeError('Attempting to retrieve variable for an immediate operand.') else: v = op.variant k = op.index if op.type is OperandType.IndexedByVar: k = getvar(k).get() t, i = v.type, v.index if t is VariantType.Argument: if function.decl.void: i -= 1 var = self.stack[sp - i] elif t is VariantType.Global: var = self.globals[i] elif t is VariantType.Local: var = self.stack[sp + i] else: raise TypeError if k is not None: var = return var def getval(op: Operand): if op.immediate: return op.value.value return getvar(op).get() def setval(op: Operand, new): if op.immediate: raise RuntimeError('attempt to assign to an immediate') getvar(op).set(new) class CallState(NamedTuple): fn: Function ip: int sp: int eh: List[ExceptionHandler] callstack: List[CallState] = [] exec_start = process_time() ip: int = 0 sp: int = len(self.stack) - 1 pending_exception = None exceptions = [] while True: if 0 < self.config.max_data_stack < len(callstack): raise EmulatorMaxCalls if function.body is None: decl = function.decl name = tcls = decl and (decl.classname or decl.module) tcls = tcls or '' registry: Dict[str, IFPSEmulatedFunction] = self.external_symbols.get(tcls, {}) handler = registry.get(name) if handler: void = handler.void argc = handler.argc elif decl: void = decl.void argc = decl.argc else: void = True argc = 0 try: rpos = 0 if void else 1 args = [self.stack[~k] for k in range(rpos, argc + rpos)] except IndexError: raise EmulatorException( F'Cannot call {function!s}; {argc} arguments + {rpos} return values expected,' F' but stack size is only {len(self.stack)}.') if self.config.trace_calls: self.trace.append(IFPSCall(str(function), tuple(a.get() for a in args))) if handler is None: self.unimplemented(function) else: if decl and (decl.void != handler.void or decl.argc != handler.argc): raise RuntimeError(F'Handler for {function!s} does not match the declaration.') for k, (var, byref) in enumerate(zip(args, handler.spec)): if not byref: args[k] = var.get() if not handler.static: args.insert(0, self) try: return_value =*args) except BaseException as b: pending_exception = IFPSException(F'Error calling {}: {b!s}', b) else: if not handler.void: self.stack[-1].set(return_value) if not callstack: if pending_exception is None: return raise pending_exception function, ip, sp, exceptions = callstack.pop() continue while insn := function.code.get(ip, None): if 0 < self.config.max_seconds < process_time() - exec_start: raise EmulatorTimeout if 0 < self.config.max_opcodes < self.clock: raise EmulatorExecutionLimit if 0 < self.config.max_data_stack < len(self.stack): raise EmulatorMaxStack try: if pe := pending_exception: pending_exception = None raise pe opc = insn.opcode ip += insn.size self.clock += 1 if opc == Op.Nop: continue elif opc == Op.Assign: dst = getvar(insn.op(0)) src = insn.op(1) if src.immediate: dst.set(src.value) else: dst.set(getvar(src)) elif opc == Op.Calculate: calculate = { AOp.Add: operator.add, AOp.Sub: operator.sub, AOp.Mul: operator.mul, AOp.Div: operator_div, AOp.Mod: operator.mod, AOp.Shl: operator.lshift, AOp.Shr: operator.rshift, AOp.And: operator.and_, AOp.BOr: operator.or_, AOp.Xor: operator.xor, }[insn.operator] src = insn.op(1) dst = insn.op(0) sv = getval(src) dv = getval(dst) fpu = isinstance(sv, float) or isinstance(dv, float) try: result = calculate(dv, sv) if fpu and not isinstance(result, float): raise FloatingPointError except FloatingPointError as FPE: if not self.fpucw & FPUControl.InvalidOperation: result = float('nan') else: raise IFPSException('invalid operation', FPE) from FPE except OverflowError as OFE: if fpu and self.fpucw & FPUControl.Overflow: result = float('nan') else: raise IFPSException('arithmetic overflow', OFE) from OFE except ZeroDivisionError as ZDE: if fpu and self.fpucw & FPUControl.ZeroDivide: result = float('nan') else: raise IFPSException('division by zero', ZDE) from ZDE setval(dst, result) elif opc == Op.Push: # TODO: I do not actually know how this works self.stack.append(getval(insn.op(0))) elif opc == Op.PushVar: self.stack.append(getvar(insn.op(0))) elif opc == Op.Pop: self.temp = self.stack.pop() elif opc == Op.Call: callstack.append(CallState(function, ip, sp, exceptions)) function = insn.operands[0] ip = 0 sp = len(self.stack) - 1 exceptions = [] break elif opc == Op.Jump: ip = insn.operands[0] elif opc == Op.JumpTrue: if getval(insn.op(1)): ip = insn.operands[0] elif opc == Op.JumpFalse: if not getval(insn.op(1)): ip = insn.operands[0] elif opc == Op.Ret: del self.stack[sp + 1:] if not callstack: return function, ip, sp, exceptions = callstack.pop() break elif opc == Op.StackType: raise OpCodeNotImplemented(str(opc)) elif opc == Op.PushType: self.stack.append(Variable( insn.operands[0], Variant(len(self.stack) - sp, VariantType.Local) )) elif opc == Op.Compare: compare = { COp.GE:, COp.LE: operator.le, COp.GT:, COp.LT:, COp.NE:, COp.EQ: operator.eq, COp.IN: operator_in, COp.IS: operator.is_, }[insn.operator] d = getvar(insn.op(0)) a = getval(insn.op(1)) b = getval(insn.op(2)) d.set(compare(a, b)) elif opc == Op.CallVar: pfn = getval(insn.op(0)) if isinstance(pfn, int): pfn = self.ifps.functions[pfn] if isinstance(pfn, Function): elif opc in (Op.SetPtr, Op.SetPtrToCopy): copy = False if opc == Op.SetPtrToCopy: copy = True dst = getvar(insn.op(0)) src = getvar(insn.op(1)) dst.setptr(src, copy=copy) elif opc == Op.BooleanNot: setval(a := insn.op(0), not getval(a)) elif opc == Op.IntegerNot: setval(a := insn.op(0), ~getval(a)) elif opc == Op.Neg: setval(a := insn.op(0), -getval(a)) elif opc == Op.SetFlag: condition, negated = insn.operands self.jumpflag = getval(condition) ^ negated elif opc == Op.JumpFlag: if self.jumpflag: ip = insn.operands[0] elif opc == Op.PushEH: exceptions.append(ExceptionHandler(*insn.operands)) elif opc == Op.PopEH: tp = None et = EHType(insn.operands[0]) eh = exceptions[-1] if eh.current != et: raise RuntimeError(F'Expected {eh.current} block to end, but {et} was ended instead.') while tp is None: if et is None: raise RuntimeError tp, et = { EHType.Catch : (eh.finally_one, EHType.Finally), EHType.Try : (eh.finally_one, EHType.Finally), EHType.Finally : (eh.finally_two, EHType.SecondFinally), EHType.SecondFinally : (eh.handler_end, None), }[et] eh.current = et ip = tp if et is None: exceptions.pop() elif opc == Op.Inc: setval(a := insn.op(0), getval(a) + 1) elif opc == Op.Dec: setval(a := insn.op(0), getval(a) - 1) elif opc == Op.JumpPop1: self.stack.pop() ip = insn.operands[0] elif opc == Op.JumpPop2: self.stack.pop() self.stack.pop() ip = insn.operands[0] else: raise RuntimeError(F'Function contains invalid opcode at 0x{ip:X}.') except IFPSException as EE: try: eh = exceptions[-1] except IndexError: raise EE et = EHType.Try tp = None while tp is None: if et is None: raise RuntimeError tp, et = { EHType.Try : (eh.catch_error, EHType.Catch), EHType.Catch : (eh.finally_one, EHType.Finally), EHType.Finally : (eh.finally_two, EHType.SecondFinally), EHType.SecondFinally : (eh.handler_end, None), }[et] if et is None: raise EE eh.current = et ip = tp except AbortEmulation: raise except EmulatorException: raise # except Exception as RE: # raise EmulatorException( # F'In {function.symbol} at 0x{insn.offset:X} (cycle {cycle}), ' # F'emulation of {insn!r} failed: {RE!s}') if ip is None: raise RuntimeError(F'Instruction pointer moved out of bounds to 0x{ip:X}.') external_symbols: ClassVar[ Dict[str, # class name for methods or empty string for functions Dict[str, IFPSEmulatedFunction]] # method or function name to emulation info ] = CaseInsensitiveDict() def external(*args, static=True, __reg: dict = external_symbols, **kwargs): def decorator(pfn): signature = inspect.signature(pfn) name: str = kwargs.get('name', pfn.__name__) csep: str = '.' if csep not in name: csep = '__' classname, _, name = name.rpartition(csep) if (registry := __reg.get(classname)) is None: registry = __reg[classname] = CaseInsensitiveDict() void = kwargs.get('void', signature.return_annotation == signature.empty) parameters: List[bool] = [] specs = iter(signature.parameters.values()) if not static: next(specs) for spec in specs: try: hint = eval(spec.annotation) except Exception as E: raise RuntimeError(F'Invalid signature: {signature}') from E if not isinstance(hint, type): hint = get_origin(hint) var = isinstance(hint, type) and issubclass(hint, Variable) parameters.append(var) registry[name] = e = IFPSEmulatedFunction(pfn, parameters, static, void) aliases = kwargs.get('alias', []) if isinstance(aliases, str): aliases = [aliases] for name in aliases: registry[name] = e if static: pfn = staticmethod(pfn) return pfn return decorator(args[0]) if args else decorator @external(static=False) def TPasswordEdit__Text(self, value: str) -> str: if value: self.passwords.add(value) return value @external def kernel32__GetTickCount() -> int: return time.monotonic_ns() // 1_000_000 @external def user32__GetSystemMetrics(index: int) -> int: if index == 80: return 1 if index == 43: return 2 return 0 @external def IsX86Compatible() -> bool: return True @external(alias=[ 'sArm64', 'IsArm32Compatible', 'Debugging', 'IsUninstaller', ]) def Terminated() -> bool: return False @external(static=False) def IsAdmin(self) -> bool: return self.config.admin @external(static=False, alias='Sleep') def kernel32__Sleep(self, ms: int): seconds = ms / 1000.0 self.seconds_slept += seconds time.sleep(seconds * self.config.sleep_scale) @external def Random(top: int) -> int: return random.randrange(0, top) @external(alias='StrGet') def WStrGet(string: Variable[str], index: int) -> str: if index <= 0: raise ValueError return string[index - 1:index] @external(alias='StrSet') def WStrSet(char: str, index: int, dst: Variable[str]): old = dst.get() index -= 1 dst.set(old[:index] + char + old[index:]) @external(static=False) def GetEnv(self, name: str) -> str: return self.config.environment.get(name, F'%{name}%') @external def Beep(): pass @external(static=False) def Abort(self): if self.config.throw_abort: raise AbortEmulation @external def DirExists(path: str) -> bool: return True @external def ForceDirectories(path: str) -> bool: return True @external(alias='LoadStringFromLockedFile') def LoadStringFromFile(path: str, out: Variable[str]) -> bool: return True @external(alias='LoadStringsFromLockedFile') def LoadStringsFromFile(path: str, out: Variable[str]) -> bool: return True @cached_property def constant_map(self) -> dict[str, str]: tmp = random.choices('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', k=5) cfg = self.config map = { 'app' : cfg.install_to, 'win' : R'C:\Windows', 'sys' : R'C:\Windows\System', 'sysnative' : R'C:\Windows\System32', 'src' : str(Path(cfg.executable).parent), 'sd' : R'C:', 'commonpf' : R'C:\Program Files', 'commoncf' : R'C:\Program Files\Common Files', 'tmp' : RF'C:\Windows\Temp\IS-{tmp}', 'commonfonts' : R'C:\Windows\Fonts', 'dao' : R'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO', 'dotnet11' : R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322', 'dotnet20' : R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0', 'dotnet2032' : R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0', 'dotnet40' : R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319', 'dotnet4032' : R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319', 'group' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Start Menu\Programs\{cfg.inno_name}', 'localappdata' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\AppData\Local', 'userappdata' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\AppData\Roaming', 'userdesktop' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Desktop', 'userdocs' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Documents', 'userfavourites' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Favourites', 'usersavedgames' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Saved Games', 'usersendto' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\SendTo', 'userstartmenu' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Start Menu', 'userprograms' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Start Menu\Programs', 'userstartup' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Start Menu\Programs\Startup', 'usertemplates' : RF'C:\Users\{cfg.user_name}\Templates', 'commonappdata' : R'C:\ProgramData', 'commondesktop' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Desktop', 'commondocs' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Documents', 'commonstartmenu' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu', 'commonprograms' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs', 'commonstartup' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup', 'commontemplates' : R'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates', 'cmd' : R'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe', 'computername' : cfg.host_name, 'groupname' : cfg.inno_name, 'hwnd' : '0', 'wizardhwnd' : '0', 'language' : cfg.language, 'srcexe' : cfg.executable, 'sysuserinfoname' : '{sysuserinfoname}', 'sysuserinfoorg' : '{sysuserinfoorg}', 'userinfoname' : '{userinfoname}', 'userinfoorg' : '{userinfoorg}', 'userinfoserial' : '{userinfoserial}', 'username' : cfg.user_name, 'log' : '', } if (inno := self.inno) is None or (inno.setup_info.Header.Flags & Flags.Uninstallable): map['uninstallexe'] = RF'{cfg.install_to}\unins000.exe' if cfg.x64: map['syswow64'] = R'C:\Windows\SysWOW64' map['commonpf32'] = R'C:\Program Files (x86)' map['commoncf32'] = R'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files' map['commonpf64'] = R'C:\Program Files' map['commoncf64'] = R'C:\Program Files\Common Files' map['dotnet2064'] = R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.0' map['dotnet4064'] = R'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319' else: map['syswow64'] = R'C:\Windows\System32' map['commonpf32'] = R'C:\Program Files' map['commoncf32'] = R'C:\Program Files\Common Files' if cfg.windows_os_version[0] >= 10: map['userfonts'] = RF'{map["localappdata"]}\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts' if cfg.windows_os_version[0] >= 7: map['usercf'] = RF'{map["localappdata"]}\Programs\Common' map['userpf'] = RF'{map["localappdata"]}\Programs' for auto_var, admin_var, user_var in [ ('autoappdata', 'commonappdata', 'userappdata', ), # noqa ('autocf', 'commoncf', 'usercf', ), # noqa ('autocf32', 'commoncf32', 'usercf', ), # noqa ('autocf64', 'commoncf64', 'usercf', ), # noqa ('autodesktop', 'commondesktop', 'userdesktop', ), # noqa ('autodocs', 'commondocs', 'userdocs', ), # noqa ('autofonts', 'commonfonts', 'userfonts', ), # noqa ('autopf', 'commonpf', 'userpf', ), # noqa ('autopf32', 'commonpf32', 'userpf', ), # noqa ('autopf64', 'commonpf64', 'userpf', ), # noqa ('autoprograms', 'commonprograms', 'userprograms', ), # noqa ('autostartmenu', 'commonstartmenu', 'userstartmenu', ), # noqa ('autostartup', 'commonstartup', 'userstartup', ), # noqa ('autotemplates', 'commontemplates', 'usertemplates', ), # noqa ]: try: map[auto_var] = map[admin_var] if cfg.admin else map[user_var] except KeyError: continue for legacy, new in [ ('cf', 'commoncf', ), # noqa ('cf32', 'commoncf32', ), # noqa ('cf64', 'commoncf64', ), # noqa ('fonts', 'commonfonts', ), # noqa ('pf', 'commonpf', ), # noqa ('pf32', 'commonpf32', ), # noqa ('pf64', 'commonpf64', ), # noqa ('sendto', 'usersendto', ), # noqa ]: try: map[legacy] = map[new] except KeyError: continue return map @external(static=False) def ExpandConstant(self, string: str) -> str: return self.expand_constant(string) @external(static=False) def ExpandConstantEx(self, string: str, custom_var: str, custom_val: str) -> str: return self.expand_constant(string, custom_var, custom_val) def expand_constant( self, string: str, custom_var: Optional[str] = None, custom_val: Optional[str] = None, unescape: bool = False ): config = self.config expand = partial(self.expand_constant, unescape=True) with io.StringIO() as result: constants = self.constant_map formatter = Formatter() backslash = False for prefix, spec, modifier, conversion in formatter.parse(string): if backslash and prefix[:1] == '\\': prefix = prefix[1:] if unescape: prefix = unquote(prefix) result.write(prefix) if spec is None: continue elif spec == '\\': if modifier or conversion: raise IFPSException('Invalid format string.', ValueError(string)) value = spec elif spec == custom_var: value = custom_val elif spec.startswith('%'): name, p, default = spec[1:].partition('|') name = expand(name) default = expand(default) try: value = config.environment[name] except KeyError: value = default if p else F'%{name}%' elif spec == 'drive': value = self.ExtractFileDrive(expand(modifier)) elif spec == 'ini': # {ini:Filename,Section,Key|DefaultValue} _, _, default = modifier.partition('|') value = expand(default) elif spec == 'cm': # {cm:LaunchProgram,Inno Setup} # The example above translates to "Launch Inno Setup" if English is the active language. name, _, args = modifier.partition(',') value = self.CustomMessage(expand(name)) elif spec == 'reg': # {reg:HKXX\SubkeyName,ValueName|DefaultValue} _, _, default = modifier.partition('|') value = expand(default) elif spec == 'param': # {param:ParamName|DefaultValue} _, _, default = modifier.partition('|') value = expand(default) else: try: value = constants[spec] except KeyError as KE: raise IFPSException(F'invalid format field {spec}', KE) from KE backslash = value.endswith('\\') result.write(value) return result.getvalue() @external def DeleteFile(path: str) -> bool: return True @external def FileExists(file_name: str) -> bool: return False @external def Log(log: str): ... @external def Inc(p: Variable[Variable[int]]): p.set(p.get() + 1) @external def Dec(p: Variable[Variable[int]]): p.set(p.get() - 1) @external def FindFirst(file_name: str, frec: Variable) -> bool: return False @external def Trunc(x: float) -> float: return math.trunc(x) @external def GetSpaceOnDisk( path: str, in_megabytes: bool, avail: Variable[int], space: Variable[int], ) -> bool: _a = 3_000_000 _t = 5_000_000 if not in_megabytes: _a *= 1000 _t *= 1000 avail.set(_a) space.set(_t) return True @external def GetSpaceOnDisk64( path: str, avail: Variable[int], space: Variable[int], ) -> bool: avail.set(3_000_000_000) space.set(5_000_000_000) return True @external def Exec( exe: str, cmd: str, cwd: str, show: int, wait: int, out: Variable[int], ) -> bool: out.set(0) return True @external def GetCmdTail() -> str: return '' @external def ParamCount() -> int: return 0 @external def ParamStr(index: int) -> str: return '' @external def ActiveLanguage() -> str: return 'en' @external(static=False) def CustomMessage(self, msg_name: str) -> str: by_language = {} for msg in self.inno.setup_info.Messages: if msg.EncodedName == msg_name: lng = msg.Language.Name if lng == self.config.language: return msg.Value by_language[lng] = msg.Value try: return by_language[0] except KeyError: pass try: return next(iter(by_language.values())) except StopIteration: raise IFPSException(F'Custom message with name {msg_name} not found.') @external def FmtMessage(fmt: str, args: List[str]) -> str: fmt = fmt.replace('{', '{{') fmt = fmt.replace('}', '}}') fmt = '%'.join(re.sub('%(\\d+)', '{\\1}', p) for p in fmt.split('%%')) return fmt.format(*args) @external def Format(fmt: str, args: List[Union[str, int, float]]) -> str: try: formatted = fmt % tuple(args) except Exception: raise IFPSException('invalid format') else: return formatted @external(static=False) def SetupMessage(self, id: int) -> str: try: return self.inno.setup_info.Messages[id].Value except (AttributeError, IndexError): return '' @external(static=False, alias=['Is64BitInstallMode', 'IsX64Compatible', 'IsX64OS']) def IsWin64(self) -> bool: return self.config.x64 @external(static=False) def IsX86OS(self) -> bool: return not self.config.x64 @external def RaiseException(msg: str): raise IFPSException(msg) @external(static=False) def ProcessorArchitecture(self) -> int: if self.config.x64: return TSetupProcessorArchitecture.paX64.value else: return TSetupProcessorArchitecture.paX86.value @external(static=False) def GetUserNameString(self) -> str: return self.config.user_name @external(static=False) def GetComputerNameString(self) -> str: return self.config.host_name @external(static=False) def GetUILanguage(self) -> str: return self.config.lcid @external def GetArrayLength(array: Variable) -> int: array = array.deref() return len(array) @external def SetArrayLength(array: Variable, n: int): a = array.deref() a.resize(n) @external(static=False) def WizardForm(self) -> object: return self @external def Unassigned() -> None: return None @external def Null() -> None: return None @external(static=False) def Set8087CW(self, cw: int): self.fpucw = FPUControl(cw) @external(static=False) def Get8087CW(self) -> int: return self.fpucw.value @external(static=False) def GetDateTimeString( self, fmt: str, date_separator: str, time_separator: str, ) -> str: now = self.config.start_time now = now + timedelta( milliseconds=(self.config.milliseconds_per_instruction * self.clock)) now = now + timedelta(seconds=self.seconds_slept) date_separator = date_separator.lstrip('\0') time_separator = time_separator.lstrip('\0') def dt(m: re.Match[str]): spec = m[1] ampm = m[2] if ampm: am, _, pm = ampm.partition('/') spec = spec.upper() suffix = now.strftime('%p').lower() suffix = {'am': am, 'pm': pm}[suffix] else: suffix = '' if spec == 'dddddd' or spec == 'ddddd': return if spec == 't': return now.time().isoformat('minutes') if spec == 'tt': return now.time().isoformat('seconds') if spec == 'd': return str( if spec == 'm': return str(now.month) if spec == 'h': return str(now.hour) if spec == 'n': return str(now.minute) if spec == 's': return str(now.second) if spec == 'H': return now.strftime('%I').lstrip('0') + suffix if spec == '/': return date_separator or spec if spec == ':': return time_separator or spec return now.strftime({ 'dddd' : '%A', 'ddd' : '%a', 'dd' : '%d', 'mmmm' : '%B', 'mmm' : '%b', 'mm' : '%m', 'yyyy' : '%Y', 'yy' : '%y', 'hh' : '%H', 'HH' : '%I' + suffix, 'nn' : '%M', 'ss' : '%S', }.get(spec, m[0])) split = re.split(F'({formats.string!s})', fmt) for k in range(0, len(split), 2): split[k] = re.sub('([dmyhnst]+)((?:[aA][mM]?/[pP][mM]?)?)', dt, split[k]) for k in range(1, len(split), 2): split[k] = split[k][1:-1] return ''.join(split) @external def Chr(b: int) -> str: return chr(b) @external def Ord(c: str) -> int: return ord(c) @external def Copy(string: str, index: int, count: int) -> str: index -= 1 return string[index:index + count] @external def Length(string: str) -> int: return len(string) @external(alias='AnsiLowercase') def Lowercase(string: str) -> str: return string.lower() @external(alias='AnsiUppercase') def Uppercase(string: str) -> str: return string.upper() @external def StringOfChar(c: str, count: int) -> str: return c * count @external def Delete(string: Variable[str], index: int, count: int): index -= 1 old = string.get() string.set(old[:index] + old[index + count:]) @external def Insert(string: str, dest: Variable[str], index: int): index -= 1 old = dest.get() dest.set(old[:index] + string + old[index:]) @external(static=False) def StringChange(self, string: Variable[str], old: str, new: str) -> int: return self.StringChangeEx(string, old, new, False) @external def StringChangeEx(string: Variable[str], old: str, new: str, _: bool) -> int: haystack = string.get() count = haystack.count(old) string.set(haystack.replace(old, new)) return count @external def Pos(string: str, sub: str) -> int: return string.find(sub) + 1 @external def AddQuotes(string: str) -> str: if string and (string[0] != '"' or string[~0] != '"') and ' ' in string: string = F'"{string}"' return string @external def RemoveQuotes(string: str) -> str: if string and string[0] == '"' and string[~0] == '"': string = string[1:-1] return string @external(static=False) def CompareText(self, a: str, b: str) -> int: return self.CompareStr(a.casefold(), b.casefold()) @external def CompareStr(a: str, b: str) -> int: if a > b: return +1 if a < b: return -1 return 0 @external def SameText(a: str, b: str) -> bool: return a.casefold() == b.casefold() @external def SameStr(a: str, b: str) -> bool: return a == b @external def IsWildcard(pattern: str) -> bool: return '*' in pattern or '?' in pattern @external def WildcardMatch(text: str, pattern: str) -> bool: return fnmatch.fnmatch(text, pattern) @external def Trim(string: str) -> str: return string.strip() @external def TrimLeft(string: str) -> str: return string.lstrip() @external def TrimRight(string: str) -> str: return string.rstrip() @external def StringJoin(sep: str, values: List[str]) -> str: return sep.join(values) @external def StringSplitEx(string: str, separators: List[str], quote: str, how: TSplitType) -> List[str]: if not quote: parts = [string] else: quote = re.escape(quote) parts = re.split(F'({quote}.*?{quote})', string) sep = '|'.join(re.escape(s) for s in separators) out = [] if how == TSplitType.stExcludeEmpty: sep = F'(?:{sep})+' for k in range(0, len(parts)): if k & 1 == 1: out.append(parts[k]) continue out.extend(re.split(sep, string)) if how == TSplitType.stExcludeLastEmpty: for k in reversed(range(len(out))): if not out[k]: out.pop(k) break return out @external(static=False) def StringSplit(self, string: str, separators: List[str], how: TSplitType) -> List[str]: return self.StringSplitEx(string, separators, None, how) @external(alias='StrToInt64') def StrToInt(s: str) -> int: return int(s) @external(alias='StrToInt64Def') def StrToIntDef(s: str, d: int) -> int: try: return int(s) except Exception: return d @external def StrToFloat(s: str) -> float: return float(s) @external(alias='FloatToStr') def IntToStr(i: int) -> str: return str(i) @external def StrToVersion(s: str, v: Variable[int]) -> bool: try: packed = bytes(map(int, s.split('.'))) except Exception: return False if len(packed) != 4: return False v.set(int.from_bytes(packed, 'little')) return True @external def CharLength(string: str, index: int) -> int: return 1 @external def AddBackslash(string: str) -> str: if string and string[~0] != '\\': string = F'{string}\\' return string @external def AddPeriod(string: str) -> str: if string and string[~0] != '.': string = F'{string}.' return string @external(static=False) def RemoveBackslashUnlessRoot(self, string: str) -> str: path = Path(string) if len( == 1: return str(path) return self.RemoveBackslash(string) @external def RemoveBackslash(string: str) -> str: return string.rstrip('\\/') @external def ChangeFileExt(name: str, ext: str) -> str: if not ext.startswith('.'): ext = F'.{ext}' return str(Path(name).with_suffix(ext)) @external def ExtractFileExt(name: str) -> str: return Path(name).suffix @external(alias='ExtractFilePath') def ExtractFileDir(name: str) -> str: dirname = str(Path(name).parent) return '' if dirname == '.' else dirname @external def ExtractFileName(name: str) -> str: if name: name = Path(name).parts[-1] return name @external def ExtractFileDrive(name: str) -> str: if name: parts = Path(name).parts if len(parts) >= 2 and parts[0] == '\\' and parts[1] == '?': parts = parts[2:] if parts[0] == '\\': if len(parts) >= 3: return '\\'.join(parts[:3]) else: root = parts[0] if len(root) == 2 and root[1] == ':': return root return '' @external def ExtractRelativePath(base: str, dst: str) -> str: return str(Path(dst).relative_to(base)) @external(static=False, alias='ExpandUNCFileName') def ExpandFileName(self, name: str) -> str: if self.ExtractFileDrive(name): return name return str(self.config.cwd / name) @external def SetLength(string: Variable[str], size: int): old = string.get() old = old.ljust(size, '\0') string.set(old[:size]) @external(alias='OemToCharBuff') def CharToOemBuff(string: str) -> str: # TODO return string @external def Utf8Encode(string: str) -> str: return string.encode('utf8').decode('latin1') @external def Utf8Decode(string: str) -> str: return string.encode('latin1').decode('utf8') @external def GetMD5OfString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.md5(string.encode('latin1')).hexdigest() @external def GetMD5OfUnicodeString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.md5(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() @external def GetSHA1OfString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.sha1(string.encode('latin1')).hexdigest() @external def GetSHA1OfUnicodeString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.sha1(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() @external def GetSHA256OfString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.sha256(string.encode('latin1')).hexdigest() @external def GetSHA256OfUnicodeString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.sha256(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() @external def SysErrorMessage(code: int) -> str: return F'[description for error {code:08X}]' @external def MinimizePathName(path: str, font: object, max_len: int) -> str: return path @external(static=False) def CheckForMutexes(self, mutexes: str) -> bool: return any(m in self.mutexes for m in mutexes.split(',')) @external(static=False) def CreateMutex(self, name: str): self.mutexes.add(name) @external(static=False) def GetWinDir(self) -> str: return self.expand_constant('{win}') @external(static=False) def GetSystemDir(self) -> str: return self.expand_constant('{sys}') @external(static=False) def GetWindowsVersion(self) -> int: version = int.from_bytes( struct.pack('>BBH', *self.config.windows_os_version), 'big') return version @external(static=False) def GetWindowsVersionEx(self, tv: Variable[Union[int, bool]]): tv[0], tv[1], tv[2] = self.config.windows_os_version # noqa tv[3], tv[4] = self.config.windows_sp_version # noqa tv[5], tv[6], tv[7] = True, 0, 0 @external(static=False) def GetWindowsVersionString(self) -> str: return '{0}.{1:02d}.{2:04d}'.format(*self.config.windows_os_version) @external def CreateOleObject(name: str) -> OleObject: return OleObject(name) @external def GetActiveOleObject(name: str) -> OleObject: return OleObject(name) @external def IDispatchInvoke(ole: OleObject, prop_set: bool, name: str, value: Any) -> int: return 0 @external def FindWindowByClassName(name: str) -> int: return 0 @external(static=False) def WizardSilent(self) -> bool: return self.config.wizard_silent @external(static=False) def SizeOf(self, var: Variable) -> int: if var.pointer: return (self.config.x64 + 1) * 4 if var.container: return sum(self.SizeOf(x) for x in return var.type.code.width del external
Class variables
var external_symbols
Static methods
def kernel32__GetTickCount()
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@external def kernel32__GetTickCount() -> int: return time.monotonic_ns() // 1_000_000
def user32__GetSystemMetrics(index)
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@external def user32__GetSystemMetrics(index: int) -> int: if index == 80: return 1 if index == 43: return 2 return 0
def IsX86Compatible()
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@external def IsX86Compatible() -> bool: return True
def Terminated()
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@external(alias=[ 'sArm64', 'IsArm32Compatible', 'Debugging', 'IsUninstaller', ]) def Terminated() -> bool: return False
def Random(top)
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@external def Random(top: int) -> int: return random.randrange(0, top)
def WStrGet(string, index)
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@external(alias='StrGet') def WStrGet(string: Variable[str], index: int) -> str: if index <= 0: raise ValueError return string[index - 1:index]
def WStrSet(char, index, dst)
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@external(alias='StrSet') def WStrSet(char: str, index: int, dst: Variable[str]): old = dst.get() index -= 1 dst.set(old[:index] + char + old[index:])
def Beep()
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@external def Beep(): pass
def DirExists(path)
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@external def DirExists(path: str) -> bool: return True
def ForceDirectories(path)
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@external def ForceDirectories(path: str) -> bool: return True
def LoadStringFromFile(path, out)
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@external(alias='LoadStringFromLockedFile') def LoadStringFromFile(path: str, out: Variable[str]) -> bool: return True
def LoadStringsFromFile(path, out)
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@external(alias='LoadStringsFromLockedFile') def LoadStringsFromFile(path: str, out: Variable[str]) -> bool: return True
def DeleteFile(path)
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@external def DeleteFile(path: str) -> bool: return True
def FileExists(file_name)
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@external def FileExists(file_name: str) -> bool: return False
def Log(log)
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@external def Log(log: str): ...
def Inc(p)
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@external def Inc(p: Variable[Variable[int]]): p.set(p.get() + 1)
def Dec(p)
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@external def Dec(p: Variable[Variable[int]]): p.set(p.get() - 1)
def FindFirst(file_name, frec)
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@external def FindFirst(file_name: str, frec: Variable) -> bool: return False
def Trunc(x)
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@external def Trunc(x: float) -> float: return math.trunc(x)
def GetSpaceOnDisk(path, in_megabytes, avail, space)
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@external def GetSpaceOnDisk( path: str, in_megabytes: bool, avail: Variable[int], space: Variable[int], ) -> bool: _a = 3_000_000 _t = 5_000_000 if not in_megabytes: _a *= 1000 _t *= 1000 avail.set(_a) space.set(_t) return True
def GetSpaceOnDisk64(path, avail, space)
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@external def GetSpaceOnDisk64( path: str, avail: Variable[int], space: Variable[int], ) -> bool: avail.set(3_000_000_000) space.set(5_000_000_000) return True
def Exec(exe, cmd, cwd, show, wait, out)
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@external def Exec( exe: str, cmd: str, cwd: str, show: int, wait: int, out: Variable[int], ) -> bool: out.set(0) return True
def GetCmdTail()
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@external def GetCmdTail() -> str: return ''
def ParamCount()
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@external def ParamCount() -> int: return 0
def ParamStr(index)
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@external def ParamStr(index: int) -> str: return ''
def ActiveLanguage()
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@external def ActiveLanguage() -> str: return 'en'
def FmtMessage(fmt, args)
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@external def FmtMessage(fmt: str, args: List[str]) -> str: fmt = fmt.replace('{', '{{') fmt = fmt.replace('}', '}}') fmt = '%'.join(re.sub('%(\\d+)', '{\\1}', p) for p in fmt.split('%%')) return fmt.format(*args)
def Format(fmt, args)
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@external def Format(fmt: str, args: List[Union[str, int, float]]) -> str: try: formatted = fmt % tuple(args) except Exception: raise IFPSException('invalid format') else: return formatted
def RaiseException(msg)
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@external def RaiseException(msg: str): raise IFPSException(msg)
def GetArrayLength(array)
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@external def GetArrayLength(array: Variable) -> int: array = array.deref() return len(array)
def SetArrayLength(array, n)
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@external def SetArrayLength(array: Variable, n: int): a = array.deref() a.resize(n)
def Unassigned()
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@external def Unassigned() -> None: return None
def Null()
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@external def Null() -> None: return None
def Chr(b)
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@external def Chr(b: int) -> str: return chr(b)
def Ord(c)
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@external def Ord(c: str) -> int: return ord(c)
def Copy(string, index, count)
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@external def Copy(string: str, index: int, count: int) -> str: index -= 1 return string[index:index + count]
def Length(string)
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@external def Length(string: str) -> int: return len(string)
def Lowercase(string)
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@external(alias='AnsiLowercase') def Lowercase(string: str) -> str: return string.lower()
def Uppercase(string)
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@external(alias='AnsiUppercase') def Uppercase(string: str) -> str: return string.upper()
def StringOfChar(c, count)
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@external def StringOfChar(c: str, count: int) -> str: return c * count
def Delete(string, index, count)
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@external def Delete(string: Variable[str], index: int, count: int): index -= 1 old = string.get() string.set(old[:index] + old[index + count:])
def Insert(string, dest, index)
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@external def Insert(string: str, dest: Variable[str], index: int): index -= 1 old = dest.get() dest.set(old[:index] + string + old[index:])
def StringChangeEx(string, old, new, _)
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@external def StringChangeEx(string: Variable[str], old: str, new: str, _: bool) -> int: haystack = string.get() count = haystack.count(old) string.set(haystack.replace(old, new)) return count
def Pos(string, sub)
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@external def Pos(string: str, sub: str) -> int: return string.find(sub) + 1
def AddQuotes(string)
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@external def AddQuotes(string: str) -> str: if string and (string[0] != '"' or string[~0] != '"') and ' ' in string: string = F'"{string}"' return string
def RemoveQuotes(string)
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@external def RemoveQuotes(string: str) -> str: if string and string[0] == '"' and string[~0] == '"': string = string[1:-1] return string
def CompareStr(a, b)
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@external def CompareStr(a: str, b: str) -> int: if a > b: return +1 if a < b: return -1 return 0
def SameText(a, b)
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@external def SameText(a: str, b: str) -> bool: return a.casefold() == b.casefold()
def SameStr(a, b)
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@external def SameStr(a: str, b: str) -> bool: return a == b
def IsWildcard(pattern)
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@external def IsWildcard(pattern: str) -> bool: return '*' in pattern or '?' in pattern
def WildcardMatch(text, pattern)
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@external def WildcardMatch(text: str, pattern: str) -> bool: return fnmatch.fnmatch(text, pattern)
def Trim(string)
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@external def Trim(string: str) -> str: return string.strip()
def TrimLeft(string)
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@external def TrimLeft(string: str) -> str: return string.lstrip()
def TrimRight(string)
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@external def TrimRight(string: str) -> str: return string.rstrip()
def StringJoin(sep, values)
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@external def StringJoin(sep: str, values: List[str]) -> str: return sep.join(values)
def StringSplitEx(string, separators, quote, how)
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@external def StringSplitEx(string: str, separators: List[str], quote: str, how: TSplitType) -> List[str]: if not quote: parts = [string] else: quote = re.escape(quote) parts = re.split(F'({quote}.*?{quote})', string) sep = '|'.join(re.escape(s) for s in separators) out = [] if how == TSplitType.stExcludeEmpty: sep = F'(?:{sep})+' for k in range(0, len(parts)): if k & 1 == 1: out.append(parts[k]) continue out.extend(re.split(sep, string)) if how == TSplitType.stExcludeLastEmpty: for k in reversed(range(len(out))): if not out[k]: out.pop(k) break return out
def StrToInt(s)
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@external(alias='StrToInt64') def StrToInt(s: str) -> int: return int(s)
def StrToIntDef(s, d)
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@external(alias='StrToInt64Def') def StrToIntDef(s: str, d: int) -> int: try: return int(s) except Exception: return d
def StrToFloat(s)
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@external def StrToFloat(s: str) -> float: return float(s)
def IntToStr(i)
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@external(alias='FloatToStr') def IntToStr(i: int) -> str: return str(i)
def StrToVersion(s, v)
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@external def StrToVersion(s: str, v: Variable[int]) -> bool: try: packed = bytes(map(int, s.split('.'))) except Exception: return False if len(packed) != 4: return False v.set(int.from_bytes(packed, 'little')) return True
def CharLength(string, index)
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@external def CharLength(string: str, index: int) -> int: return 1
def AddBackslash(string)
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@external def AddBackslash(string: str) -> str: if string and string[~0] != '\\': string = F'{string}\\' return string
def AddPeriod(string)
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@external def AddPeriod(string: str) -> str: if string and string[~0] != '.': string = F'{string}.' return string
def RemoveBackslash(string)
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@external def RemoveBackslash(string: str) -> str: return string.rstrip('\\/')
def ChangeFileExt(name, ext)
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@external def ChangeFileExt(name: str, ext: str) -> str: if not ext.startswith('.'): ext = F'.{ext}' return str(Path(name).with_suffix(ext))
def ExtractFileExt(name)
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@external def ExtractFileExt(name: str) -> str: return Path(name).suffix
def ExtractFileDir(name)
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@external(alias='ExtractFilePath') def ExtractFileDir(name: str) -> str: dirname = str(Path(name).parent) return '' if dirname == '.' else dirname
def ExtractFileName(name)
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@external def ExtractFileName(name: str) -> str: if name: name = Path(name).parts[-1] return name
def ExtractFileDrive(name)
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@external def ExtractFileDrive(name: str) -> str: if name: parts = Path(name).parts if len(parts) >= 2 and parts[0] == '\\' and parts[1] == '?': parts = parts[2:] if parts[0] == '\\': if len(parts) >= 3: return '\\'.join(parts[:3]) else: root = parts[0] if len(root) == 2 and root[1] == ':': return root return ''
def ExtractRelativePath(base, dst)
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@external def ExtractRelativePath(base: str, dst: str) -> str: return str(Path(dst).relative_to(base))
def SetLength(string, size)
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@external def SetLength(string: Variable[str], size: int): old = string.get() old = old.ljust(size, '\0') string.set(old[:size])
def CharToOemBuff(string)
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@external(alias='OemToCharBuff') def CharToOemBuff(string: str) -> str: # TODO return string
def Utf8Encode(string)
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@external def Utf8Encode(string: str) -> str: return string.encode('utf8').decode('latin1')
def Utf8Decode(string)
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@external def Utf8Decode(string: str) -> str: return string.encode('latin1').decode('utf8')
def GetMD5OfString(string)
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@external def GetMD5OfString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.md5(string.encode('latin1')).hexdigest()
def GetMD5OfUnicodeString(string)
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@external def GetMD5OfUnicodeString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.md5(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
def GetSHA1OfString(string)
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@external def GetSHA1OfString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.sha1(string.encode('latin1')).hexdigest()
def GetSHA1OfUnicodeString(string)
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@external def GetSHA1OfUnicodeString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.sha1(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
def GetSHA256OfString(string)
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@external def GetSHA256OfString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.sha256(string.encode('latin1')).hexdigest()
def GetSHA256OfUnicodeString(string)
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@external def GetSHA256OfUnicodeString(string: str) -> str: return hashlib.sha256(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
def SysErrorMessage(code)
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@external def SysErrorMessage(code: int) -> str: return F'[description for error {code:08X}]'
def MinimizePathName(path, font, max_len)
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@external def MinimizePathName(path: str, font: object, max_len: int) -> str: return path
def CreateOleObject(name)
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@external def CreateOleObject(name: str) -> OleObject: return OleObject(name)
def GetActiveOleObject(name)
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@external def GetActiveOleObject(name: str) -> OleObject: return OleObject(name)
def IDispatchInvoke(ole, prop_set, name, value)
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@external def IDispatchInvoke(ole: OleObject, prop_set: bool, name: str, value: Any) -> int: return 0
def FindWindowByClassName(name)
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@external def FindWindowByClassName(name: str) -> int: return 0
Instance variables
var constant_map
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def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: return self if self.attrname is None: raise TypeError( "Cannot use cached_property instance without calling __set_name__ on it.") try: cache = instance.__dict__ except AttributeError: # not all objects have __dict__ (e.g. class defines slots) msg = ( f"No '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} " f"instance to cache {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND) if val is _NOT_FOUND: with self.lock: # check if another thread filled cache while we awaited lock val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND) if val is _NOT_FOUND: val = self.func(instance) try: cache[self.attrname] = val except TypeError: msg = ( f"The '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} instance " f"does not support item assignment for caching {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None return val
def unimplemented(self, function)
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def unimplemented(self, function: Function): raise NeedSymbol(
def emulate_function(self, function, *args)
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def emulate_function(self, function: Function, *args): self.stack.clear() decl = function.decl if decl is None: raise NotImplementedError(F'Do not know how to call {function!s}.') if (n := len(decl.parameters)) != (m := len(args)): raise ValueError( F'Function {function!s} expects {n} arguments, only {m} were given.') for index, (argument, parameter) in enumerate(zip(args, decl.parameters), 1): variable = Variable(parameter.type, Variant(index, VariantType.Local)) variable.set(argument) self.stack.append(variable) self.stack.reverse() if not decl.void: result = Variable(decl.return_type, Variant(0, VariantType.Argument)) self.stack.append(result) self.stack.clear() if not decl.void: return result.get()
def call(self, function)
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def call(self, function: Function): def operator_div(a, b): return a // b if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int) else a / b def operator_in(a, b): return a in b def getvar(op: Union[Variant, Operand]) -> Variable: if not isinstance(op, Operand): v = op k = None elif op.type is OperandType.Value: raise TypeError('Attempting to retrieve variable for an immediate operand.') else: v = op.variant k = op.index if op.type is OperandType.IndexedByVar: k = getvar(k).get() t, i = v.type, v.index if t is VariantType.Argument: if function.decl.void: i -= 1 var = self.stack[sp - i] elif t is VariantType.Global: var = self.globals[i] elif t is VariantType.Local: var = self.stack[sp + i] else: raise TypeError if k is not None: var = return var def getval(op: Operand): if op.immediate: return op.value.value return getvar(op).get() def setval(op: Operand, new): if op.immediate: raise RuntimeError('attempt to assign to an immediate') getvar(op).set(new) class CallState(NamedTuple): fn: Function ip: int sp: int eh: List[ExceptionHandler] callstack: List[CallState] = [] exec_start = process_time() ip: int = 0 sp: int = len(self.stack) - 1 pending_exception = None exceptions = [] while True: if 0 < self.config.max_data_stack < len(callstack): raise EmulatorMaxCalls if function.body is None: decl = function.decl name = tcls = decl and (decl.classname or decl.module) tcls = tcls or '' registry: Dict[str, IFPSEmulatedFunction] = self.external_symbols.get(tcls, {}) handler = registry.get(name) if handler: void = handler.void argc = handler.argc elif decl: void = decl.void argc = decl.argc else: void = True argc = 0 try: rpos = 0 if void else 1 args = [self.stack[~k] for k in range(rpos, argc + rpos)] except IndexError: raise EmulatorException( F'Cannot call {function!s}; {argc} arguments + {rpos} return values expected,' F' but stack size is only {len(self.stack)}.') if self.config.trace_calls: self.trace.append(IFPSCall(str(function), tuple(a.get() for a in args))) if handler is None: self.unimplemented(function) else: if decl and (decl.void != handler.void or decl.argc != handler.argc): raise RuntimeError(F'Handler for {function!s} does not match the declaration.') for k, (var, byref) in enumerate(zip(args, handler.spec)): if not byref: args[k] = var.get() if not handler.static: args.insert(0, self) try: return_value =*args) except BaseException as b: pending_exception = IFPSException(F'Error calling {}: {b!s}', b) else: if not handler.void: self.stack[-1].set(return_value) if not callstack: if pending_exception is None: return raise pending_exception function, ip, sp, exceptions = callstack.pop() continue while insn := function.code.get(ip, None): if 0 < self.config.max_seconds < process_time() - exec_start: raise EmulatorTimeout if 0 < self.config.max_opcodes < self.clock: raise EmulatorExecutionLimit if 0 < self.config.max_data_stack < len(self.stack): raise EmulatorMaxStack try: if pe := pending_exception: pending_exception = None raise pe opc = insn.opcode ip += insn.size self.clock += 1 if opc == Op.Nop: continue elif opc == Op.Assign: dst = getvar(insn.op(0)) src = insn.op(1) if src.immediate: dst.set(src.value) else: dst.set(getvar(src)) elif opc == Op.Calculate: calculate = { AOp.Add: operator.add, AOp.Sub: operator.sub, AOp.Mul: operator.mul, AOp.Div: operator_div, AOp.Mod: operator.mod, AOp.Shl: operator.lshift, AOp.Shr: operator.rshift, AOp.And: operator.and_, AOp.BOr: operator.or_, AOp.Xor: operator.xor, }[insn.operator] src = insn.op(1) dst = insn.op(0) sv = getval(src) dv = getval(dst) fpu = isinstance(sv, float) or isinstance(dv, float) try: result = calculate(dv, sv) if fpu and not isinstance(result, float): raise FloatingPointError except FloatingPointError as FPE: if not self.fpucw & FPUControl.InvalidOperation: result = float('nan') else: raise IFPSException('invalid operation', FPE) from FPE except OverflowError as OFE: if fpu and self.fpucw & FPUControl.Overflow: result = float('nan') else: raise IFPSException('arithmetic overflow', OFE) from OFE except ZeroDivisionError as ZDE: if fpu and self.fpucw & FPUControl.ZeroDivide: result = float('nan') else: raise IFPSException('division by zero', ZDE) from ZDE setval(dst, result) elif opc == Op.Push: # TODO: I do not actually know how this works self.stack.append(getval(insn.op(0))) elif opc == Op.PushVar: self.stack.append(getvar(insn.op(0))) elif opc == Op.Pop: self.temp = self.stack.pop() elif opc == Op.Call: callstack.append(CallState(function, ip, sp, exceptions)) function = insn.operands[0] ip = 0 sp = len(self.stack) - 1 exceptions = [] break elif opc == Op.Jump: ip = insn.operands[0] elif opc == Op.JumpTrue: if getval(insn.op(1)): ip = insn.operands[0] elif opc == Op.JumpFalse: if not getval(insn.op(1)): ip = insn.operands[0] elif opc == Op.Ret: del self.stack[sp + 1:] if not callstack: return function, ip, sp, exceptions = callstack.pop() break elif opc == Op.StackType: raise OpCodeNotImplemented(str(opc)) elif opc == Op.PushType: self.stack.append(Variable( insn.operands[0], Variant(len(self.stack) - sp, VariantType.Local) )) elif opc == Op.Compare: compare = { COp.GE:, COp.LE: operator.le, COp.GT:, COp.LT:, COp.NE:, COp.EQ: operator.eq, COp.IN: operator_in, COp.IS: operator.is_, }[insn.operator] d = getvar(insn.op(0)) a = getval(insn.op(1)) b = getval(insn.op(2)) d.set(compare(a, b)) elif opc == Op.CallVar: pfn = getval(insn.op(0)) if isinstance(pfn, int): pfn = self.ifps.functions[pfn] if isinstance(pfn, Function): elif opc in (Op.SetPtr, Op.SetPtrToCopy): copy = False if opc == Op.SetPtrToCopy: copy = True dst = getvar(insn.op(0)) src = getvar(insn.op(1)) dst.setptr(src, copy=copy) elif opc == Op.BooleanNot: setval(a := insn.op(0), not getval(a)) elif opc == Op.IntegerNot: setval(a := insn.op(0), ~getval(a)) elif opc == Op.Neg: setval(a := insn.op(0), -getval(a)) elif opc == Op.SetFlag: condition, negated = insn.operands self.jumpflag = getval(condition) ^ negated elif opc == Op.JumpFlag: if self.jumpflag: ip = insn.operands[0] elif opc == Op.PushEH: exceptions.append(ExceptionHandler(*insn.operands)) elif opc == Op.PopEH: tp = None et = EHType(insn.operands[0]) eh = exceptions[-1] if eh.current != et: raise RuntimeError(F'Expected {eh.current} block to end, but {et} was ended instead.') while tp is None: if et is None: raise RuntimeError tp, et = { EHType.Catch : (eh.finally_one, EHType.Finally), EHType.Try : (eh.finally_one, EHType.Finally), EHType.Finally : (eh.finally_two, EHType.SecondFinally), EHType.SecondFinally : (eh.handler_end, None), }[et] eh.current = et ip = tp if et is None: exceptions.pop() elif opc == Op.Inc: setval(a := insn.op(0), getval(a) + 1) elif opc == Op.Dec: setval(a := insn.op(0), getval(a) - 1) elif opc == Op.JumpPop1: self.stack.pop() ip = insn.operands[0] elif opc == Op.JumpPop2: self.stack.pop() self.stack.pop() ip = insn.operands[0] else: raise RuntimeError(F'Function contains invalid opcode at 0x{ip:X}.') except IFPSException as EE: try: eh = exceptions[-1] except IndexError: raise EE et = EHType.Try tp = None while tp is None: if et is None: raise RuntimeError tp, et = { EHType.Try : (eh.catch_error, EHType.Catch), EHType.Catch : (eh.finally_one, EHType.Finally), EHType.Finally : (eh.finally_two, EHType.SecondFinally), EHType.SecondFinally : (eh.handler_end, None), }[et] if et is None: raise EE eh.current = et ip = tp except AbortEmulation: raise except EmulatorException: raise # except Exception as RE: # raise EmulatorException( # F'In {function.symbol} at 0x{insn.offset:X} (cycle {cycle}), ' # F'emulation of {insn!r} failed: {RE!s}') if ip is None: raise RuntimeError(F'Instruction pointer moved out of bounds to 0x{ip:X}.')
def TPasswordEdit__Text(self, value)
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@external(static=False) def TPasswordEdit__Text(self, value: str) -> str: if value: self.passwords.add(value) return value
def IsAdmin(self)
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@external(static=False) def IsAdmin(self) -> bool: return self.config.admin
def kernel32__Sleep(self, ms)
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@external(static=False, alias='Sleep') def kernel32__Sleep(self, ms: int): seconds = ms / 1000.0 self.seconds_slept += seconds time.sleep(seconds * self.config.sleep_scale)
def GetEnv(self, name)
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@external(static=False) def GetEnv(self, name: str) -> str: return self.config.environment.get(name, F'%{name}%')
def Abort(self)
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@external(static=False) def Abort(self): if self.config.throw_abort: raise AbortEmulation
def ExpandConstant(self, string)
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@external(static=False) def ExpandConstant(self, string: str) -> str: return self.expand_constant(string)
def ExpandConstantEx(self, string, custom_var, custom_val)
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@external(static=False) def ExpandConstantEx(self, string: str, custom_var: str, custom_val: str) -> str: return self.expand_constant(string, custom_var, custom_val)
def expand_constant(self, string, custom_var=None, custom_val=None, unescape=False)
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def expand_constant( self, string: str, custom_var: Optional[str] = None, custom_val: Optional[str] = None, unescape: bool = False ): config = self.config expand = partial(self.expand_constant, unescape=True) with io.StringIO() as result: constants = self.constant_map formatter = Formatter() backslash = False for prefix, spec, modifier, conversion in formatter.parse(string): if backslash and prefix[:1] == '\\': prefix = prefix[1:] if unescape: prefix = unquote(prefix) result.write(prefix) if spec is None: continue elif spec == '\\': if modifier or conversion: raise IFPSException('Invalid format string.', ValueError(string)) value = spec elif spec == custom_var: value = custom_val elif spec.startswith('%'): name, p, default = spec[1:].partition('|') name = expand(name) default = expand(default) try: value = config.environment[name] except KeyError: value = default if p else F'%{name}%' elif spec == 'drive': value = self.ExtractFileDrive(expand(modifier)) elif spec == 'ini': # {ini:Filename,Section,Key|DefaultValue} _, _, default = modifier.partition('|') value = expand(default) elif spec == 'cm': # {cm:LaunchProgram,Inno Setup} # The example above translates to "Launch Inno Setup" if English is the active language. name, _, args = modifier.partition(',') value = self.CustomMessage(expand(name)) elif spec == 'reg': # {reg:HKXX\SubkeyName,ValueName|DefaultValue} _, _, default = modifier.partition('|') value = expand(default) elif spec == 'param': # {param:ParamName|DefaultValue} _, _, default = modifier.partition('|') value = expand(default) else: try: value = constants[spec] except KeyError as KE: raise IFPSException(F'invalid format field {spec}', KE) from KE backslash = value.endswith('\\') result.write(value) return result.getvalue()
def CustomMessage(self, msg_name)
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@external(static=False) def CustomMessage(self, msg_name: str) -> str: by_language = {} for msg in self.inno.setup_info.Messages: if msg.EncodedName == msg_name: lng = msg.Language.Name if lng == self.config.language: return msg.Value by_language[lng] = msg.Value try: return by_language[0] except KeyError: pass try: return next(iter(by_language.values())) except StopIteration: raise IFPSException(F'Custom message with name {msg_name} not found.')
def SetupMessage(self, id)
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@external(static=False) def SetupMessage(self, id: int) -> str: try: return self.inno.setup_info.Messages[id].Value except (AttributeError, IndexError): return ''
def IsWin64(self)
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@external(static=False, alias=['Is64BitInstallMode', 'IsX64Compatible', 'IsX64OS']) def IsWin64(self) -> bool: return self.config.x64
def IsX86OS(self)
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@external(static=False) def IsX86OS(self) -> bool: return not self.config.x64
def ProcessorArchitecture(self)
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@external(static=False) def ProcessorArchitecture(self) -> int: if self.config.x64: return TSetupProcessorArchitecture.paX64.value else: return TSetupProcessorArchitecture.paX86.value
def GetUserNameString(self)
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@external(static=False) def GetUserNameString(self) -> str: return self.config.user_name
def GetComputerNameString(self)
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@external(static=False) def GetComputerNameString(self) -> str: return self.config.host_name
def GetUILanguage(self)
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@external(static=False) def GetUILanguage(self) -> str: return self.config.lcid
def WizardForm(self)
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@external(static=False) def WizardForm(self) -> object: return self
def Set8087CW(self, cw)
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@external(static=False) def Set8087CW(self, cw: int): self.fpucw = FPUControl(cw)
def Get8087CW(self)
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@external(static=False) def Get8087CW(self) -> int: return self.fpucw.value
def GetDateTimeString(self, fmt, date_separator, time_separator)
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@external(static=False) def GetDateTimeString( self, fmt: str, date_separator: str, time_separator: str, ) -> str: now = self.config.start_time now = now + timedelta( milliseconds=(self.config.milliseconds_per_instruction * self.clock)) now = now + timedelta(seconds=self.seconds_slept) date_separator = date_separator.lstrip('\0') time_separator = time_separator.lstrip('\0') def dt(m: re.Match[str]): spec = m[1] ampm = m[2] if ampm: am, _, pm = ampm.partition('/') spec = spec.upper() suffix = now.strftime('%p').lower() suffix = {'am': am, 'pm': pm}[suffix] else: suffix = '' if spec == 'dddddd' or spec == 'ddddd': return if spec == 't': return now.time().isoformat('minutes') if spec == 'tt': return now.time().isoformat('seconds') if spec == 'd': return str( if spec == 'm': return str(now.month) if spec == 'h': return str(now.hour) if spec == 'n': return str(now.minute) if spec == 's': return str(now.second) if spec == 'H': return now.strftime('%I').lstrip('0') + suffix if spec == '/': return date_separator or spec if spec == ':': return time_separator or spec return now.strftime({ 'dddd' : '%A', 'ddd' : '%a', 'dd' : '%d', 'mmmm' : '%B', 'mmm' : '%b', 'mm' : '%m', 'yyyy' : '%Y', 'yy' : '%y', 'hh' : '%H', 'HH' : '%I' + suffix, 'nn' : '%M', 'ss' : '%S', }.get(spec, m[0])) split = re.split(F'({formats.string!s})', fmt) for k in range(0, len(split), 2): split[k] = re.sub('([dmyhnst]+)((?:[aA][mM]?/[pP][mM]?)?)', dt, split[k]) for k in range(1, len(split), 2): split[k] = split[k][1:-1] return ''.join(split)
def StringChange(self, string, old, new)
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@external(static=False) def StringChange(self, string: Variable[str], old: str, new: str) -> int: return self.StringChangeEx(string, old, new, False)
def CompareText(self, a, b)
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@external(static=False) def CompareText(self, a: str, b: str) -> int: return self.CompareStr(a.casefold(), b.casefold())
def StringSplit(self, string, separators, how)
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@external(static=False) def StringSplit(self, string: str, separators: List[str], how: TSplitType) -> List[str]: return self.StringSplitEx(string, separators, None, how)
def RemoveBackslashUnlessRoot(self, string)
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@external(static=False) def RemoveBackslashUnlessRoot(self, string: str) -> str: path = Path(string) if len( == 1: return str(path) return self.RemoveBackslash(string)
def ExpandFileName(self, name)
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@external(static=False, alias='ExpandUNCFileName') def ExpandFileName(self, name: str) -> str: if self.ExtractFileDrive(name): return name return str(self.config.cwd / name)
def CheckForMutexes(self, mutexes)
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@external(static=False) def CheckForMutexes(self, mutexes: str) -> bool: return any(m in self.mutexes for m in mutexes.split(','))
def CreateMutex(self, name)
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@external(static=False) def CreateMutex(self, name: str): self.mutexes.add(name)
def GetWinDir(self)
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@external(static=False) def GetWinDir(self) -> str: return self.expand_constant('{win}')
def GetSystemDir(self)
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@external(static=False) def GetSystemDir(self) -> str: return self.expand_constant('{sys}')
def GetWindowsVersion(self)
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@external(static=False) def GetWindowsVersion(self) -> int: version = int.from_bytes( struct.pack('>BBH', *self.config.windows_os_version), 'big') return version
def GetWindowsVersionEx(self, tv)
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@external(static=False) def GetWindowsVersionEx(self, tv: Variable[Union[int, bool]]): tv[0], tv[1], tv[2] = self.config.windows_os_version # noqa tv[3], tv[4] = self.config.windows_sp_version # noqa tv[5], tv[6], tv[7] = True, 0, 0
def GetWindowsVersionString(self)
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@external(static=False) def GetWindowsVersionString(self) -> str: return '{0}.{1:02d}.{2:04d}'.format(*self.config.windows_os_version)
def WizardSilent(self)
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@external(static=False) def WizardSilent(self) -> bool: return self.config.wizard_silent
def SizeOf(self, var)
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@external(static=False) def SizeOf(self, var: Variable) -> int: if var.pointer: return (self.config.x64 + 1) * 4 if var.container: return sum(self.SizeOf(x) for x in return var.type.code.width
class InnoSetupEmulator (archive, options=None, **more)
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class InnoSetupEmulator(IFPSEmulator): def emulate_installation(self, password=''): class SetupDispatcher: InitializeSetup: Callable InitializeWizard: Callable CurStepChanged: Callable ShouldSkipPage: Callable CurPageChanged: Callable PrepareToInstall: Callable CheckPassword: Callable NextButtonClick: Callable DeinitializeSetup: Callable def __getattr__(_, name): return (lambda *a: self.emulate_function(pfn, *a)) if ( pfn := self.symbols.get(name) ) else (lambda *_: False) Setup = SetupDispatcher() Setup.InitializeSetup() Setup.InitializeWizard() Setup.CurStepChanged(TSetupStep.ssPreInstall) for page in PageID: if not Setup.ShouldSkipPage(page): Setup.CurPageChanged(page) if page == PageID.wpPreparing: Setup.PrepareToInstall(False) if page == PageID.wpPassword: Setup.CheckPassword(password) Setup.NextButtonClick(page) if page == PageID.wpPreparing: Setup.CurStepChanged(TSetupStep.ssInstall) if page == PageID.wpInfoAfter: Setup.CurStepChanged(TSetupStep.ssPostInstall) Setup.CurStepChanged(TSetupStep.ssDone) Setup.DeinitializeSetup() def unimplemented(self, function: Function): decl = function.decl if decl is None: return if not decl.void: rc = 1 rv = self.stack[-1] if not rv.container: rt = rv.type.py_type() if isinstance(rt, type) and issubclass(rt, int): rv.set(1) else: rc = 0 for k in range(rc, rc + len(decl.parameters)): ptr: Variable[Variable] = self.stack[-k] if not ptr.pointer: continue var = ptr.deref() if var.container: continue vt = var.type.py_type() if isinstance(vt, type) and issubclass(vt, int): var.set(1)
Class variables
var external_symbols
def emulate_installation(self, password='')
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def emulate_installation(self, password=''): class SetupDispatcher: InitializeSetup: Callable InitializeWizard: Callable CurStepChanged: Callable ShouldSkipPage: Callable CurPageChanged: Callable PrepareToInstall: Callable CheckPassword: Callable NextButtonClick: Callable DeinitializeSetup: Callable def __getattr__(_, name): return (lambda *a: self.emulate_function(pfn, *a)) if ( pfn := self.symbols.get(name) ) else (lambda *_: False) Setup = SetupDispatcher() Setup.InitializeSetup() Setup.InitializeWizard() Setup.CurStepChanged(TSetupStep.ssPreInstall) for page in PageID: if not Setup.ShouldSkipPage(page): Setup.CurPageChanged(page) if page == PageID.wpPreparing: Setup.PrepareToInstall(False) if page == PageID.wpPassword: Setup.CheckPassword(password) Setup.NextButtonClick(page) if page == PageID.wpPreparing: Setup.CurStepChanged(TSetupStep.ssInstall) if page == PageID.wpInfoAfter: Setup.CurStepChanged(TSetupStep.ssPostInstall) Setup.CurStepChanged(TSetupStep.ssDone) Setup.DeinitializeSetup()
def unimplemented(self, function)
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def unimplemented(self, function: Function): decl = function.decl if decl is None: return if not decl.void: rc = 1 rv = self.stack[-1] if not rv.container: rt = rv.type.py_type() if isinstance(rt, type) and issubclass(rt, int): rv.set(1) else: rc = 0 for k in range(rc, rc + len(decl.parameters)): ptr: Variable[Variable] = self.stack[-k] if not ptr.pointer: continue var = ptr.deref() if var.container: continue vt = var.type.py_type() if isinstance(vt, type) and issubclass(vt, int): var.set(1)