
Miscellaneous helper functions.

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Miscellaneous helper functions.
import datetime
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import os
import sys
import io
import warnings
import re

from typing import ByteString, Callable, Generator, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar
from math import log
from enum import IntFlag

_T = TypeVar('_T')

def lookahead(iterator: Iterable[_T]) -> Generator[Tuple[bool, _T], None, None]:
    Implements a new iterator from a given one which returns elements `(last, item)` where each
    `item` is taken from the original iterator and `last` is a boolean indicating whether this is
    the last item.
    last = False
    it = iter(iterator)
        peek = next(it)
    except StopIteration:
    while not last:
        item = peek
            peek = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
            last = True
        yield last, item

def get_terminal_size(default=0):
    Returns the size of the currently attached terminal. If the environment variable
    `REFINERY_TERM_SIZE` is set to an integer value, it takes prescedence. If the width of the
    terminal cannot be determined or if the width is less than 8 characters, the function
    returns zero.
    from refinery.lib.environment import environment
    ev_terminal_size = environment.term_size.value
    if ev_terminal_size > 0:
        return ev_terminal_size
    width = default
    for stream in (sys.stderr, sys.stdout):
        if stream.isatty():
                width = os.get_terminal_size(stream.fileno()).columns
            except Exception:
                width = default
    return default if width < 2 else width - 1

def terminalfit(text: str, delta: int = 0, width: int = 0, parsep: str = '\n\n', **kw) -> str:
    Reformats text to fit the given width while not mangling bullet point lists.
    import textwrap
    import re

    width = width or get_terminal_size()
    width = width - delta

    def isol(t): return re.match(R'^\(\d+\)|\d+[.:;]', t)
    def isul(t): return t.startswith('-') or t.startswith('*')
    def issp(t): return t.startswith('  ')

    text = text.replace('\r', '')

    def bulletpoint(line):
        wrapped = textwrap.wrap(line, width - 2, **kw)
        indent = '  ' if isul(line) else '   '
        wrapped[1:] = ['{}{}'.format(indent, line) for line in wrapped[1:]]
        return '\n'.join(wrapped)

    def fitted(paragraphs):
        for k, p in enumerate(paragraphs):
            if p.startswith(' '):
                yield p
            ol, ul = isol(p), isul(p)
            if ol or ul:
                input_lines = p.splitlines(keepends=False)
                unwrapped_line = input_lines[0].rstrip()
                lines = []
                if (ol and all(isol(t) or issp(t) for t in input_lines) or ul and all(isul(t) or issp(t) for t in input_lines)):
                    for line in input_lines[1:]:
                        if not (ol and isol(line) or ul and isul(line)):
                            unwrapped_line += ' ' + line.strip()
                        unwrapped_line = line.rstrip()
                    yield '\n'.join(lines)
            yield '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(p, width, **kw))

    return parsep.join(fitted(text.split('\n\n')))

def documentation(unit):
    Return the documentation string of a given unit as it should be displayed on the command line.
    Certain pdoc3-specific reference strings are removed.
    import re
    docs = inspect.getdoc(unit)
    docs = re.sub(R'`refinery\.(?:\w+\.)*(\w+)`', R'\1', docs)
    return docs.replace('`', '')

def begin(iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> Optional[Tuple[_T, Iterable[_T]]]:
    Iterates the first element of an iterator and returns None if this fails. Otherwise, it returns
    both the first element and a new iterable which will return the same elements as the input.
        body = iter(iterable)
        head = next(body)
    except StopIteration:
        return None
        def _fused():
            yield head
            yield from body
        return head, _fused()

def skipfirst(iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> Generator[_T, None, None]:
    Returns an interable where the first element of the input iterable was skipped.
    it = iter(iterable)
    yield from it

def autoinvoke(method: Callable[..., _T], keywords: dict) -> _T:
    For each parameter that `method` expects, this function looks for an entry in `keywords` which
    has the same name as that parameter. `autoinvoke` then calls `method` with all matching
    parameters forwarded in the appropriate manner.

    kwdargs = {}
    posargs = []
    varargs = []
    kwdjoin = False

    for p in inspect.signature(method).parameters.values():
        if p.kind is p.VAR_KEYWORD:
            kwdjoin = True
            value = keywords.pop(
        except KeyError:
            if p.kind is p.VAR_KEYWORD:
            value = p.default
            if value is p.empty:
                raise ValueError(F'missing required parameter {}')
        if p.kind is p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD or p.kind is p.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
            if value == p.default:
                # when equality holds, we force identity
                value = p.default
        elif p.kind is p.VAR_POSITIONAL:
            varargs = value
        elif p.kind is p.KEYWORD_ONLY:
            kwdargs[] = value

    if kwdjoin:

    return method(*posargs, *varargs, **kwdargs)

def entropy_fallback(data: ByteString) -> float:
    This method is called by `` when the `numpy` module is not available.
    It computes the shannon entropy of the input byte string and is written in pure Python.
    if isinstance(data, memoryview):
        # this copy is better than re-implementing count in Python for memory views
        data = bytes(data)
    histogram = {b: data.count(b) for b in range(0x100)}
    S = [histogram[b] / len(data) for b in histogram]
    return 0.0 + -sum(p * log(p, 2) for p in S if p) / 8.0

def entropy(data: ByteString) -> float:
    Computes the entropy of `data` over the alphabet of all bytes.
    if not data:
        return 0.0
        import numpy
    except ImportError:
        return entropy_fallback(data)
    hist = numpy.unique(memoryview(data), return_counts=True)[1]
    prob = hist / len(data)
    # 8 bits are the maximum number of bits of information in a byte
    return 0.0 - (numpy.log2(prob) * prob).sum() / 8.0

def index_of_coincidence(data: bytearray) -> float:
    Computes the index of coincidence of `data` over the alphabet of all bytes.
    if not data:
        return 0.0
    N = len(data)
    if N < 2:
        return 0.0
        import numpy
    except ImportError:
        C = [data.count(b) for b in range(0x100)]
        C = numpy.histogram(
            numpy.frombuffer(data, dtype=numpy.uint8),
    d = 1 / N / (N - 1)
    return float(sum(x * (x - 1) * d for x in C))

def isstream(obj) -> bool:
    Tests whether `obj` is a stream. This is currently done by simply testing whether the object
    has an attribute called `read`.
    return hasattr(obj, 'read')

def isbuffer(obj) -> bool:
    Test whether `obj` is an object that supports the buffer API, like a bytes or bytearray object.
        with memoryview(obj):
            return True
    except TypeError:
        return False

def splitchunks(
    data: ByteString,
    size: int,
    step: Optional[int] = None,
    truncate: bool = False
) -> Iterable[ByteString]:
    Split `data` into chunks of size `size`. The cursor advances by `step` bytes after extracting a
    block, the default value for `step` is equal to `size`. The boolean parameter `truncate`
    specifies whether any chunks of size smaller than `size` are generated or whether to abort as
    soon as the last complete chunk of the given size is extracted.
    if step is None:
        step = size
    if len(data) <= size:
        if not truncate or len(data) == size:
            yield data
    for k in range(0, len(data), step):
        chunk = data[k:k + size]
        if not chunk:
        if len(chunk) < size and truncate:
        yield chunk

def make_buffer_mutable(data: ByteString):
    Returns a mutable version of the input data. Already mutable inputs are returned
    as themselves, i.e. no copy operation occurs in these cases.
    if isinstance(data, bytearray):
        return data
    if isinstance(data, memoryview) and not data.readonly:
        return data
    return bytearray(data)

def infinitize(it):
    if not isinstance(it, (
        if not hasattr(it, '__iter__') and not hasattr(it, '__next__'):
            it = (it, )
        return itertools.cycle(it)
    return it

    cached_property = functools.cached_property
except AttributeError:
    def cached_property(p):
        return property(functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1)(p))

class NoLogging:
    A context manager to prevent various unwanted kinds of logging messages to appear.
    The class is initialized with a given mode that encodes the logging channels to be
    suppressed. After the context is exited, the original logging behavior is restored.

    class Mode(IntFlag):
        A set of flags for different logging mechanisms to be suppressed.
        STD_OUT = 0b0001
        """Silence the standard output channel."""
        STD_ERR = 0b0010
        """Silence the standard error channel."""
        WARNING = 0b0100
        """Silence the Python warning module."""
        LOGGING = 0b1000
        """Silence the Python logging module."""
        ALL     = 0b1111 # noqa
        """Silence all known logging mechanisms."""

    def __init__(self, mode: Mode = Mode.WARNING | Mode.LOGGING):
        self.mode = mode

    def __enter__(self):
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.LOGGING:
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.WARNING:
            self._warning_filters = list(warnings.filters)
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.STD_ERR:
            self._stderr = sys.stderr
            sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(open(os.devnull, 'wb'), encoding='latin1')
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.STD_OUT:
            self._stdout = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(open(os.devnull, 'wb'), encoding='latin1')
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *_):
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.LOGGING:
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.WARNING:
            warnings.filters[:] = self._warning_filters
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.STD_ERR:
            sys.stderr = self._stderr
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.STD_OUT:
            sys.stdout = self._stdout

class NotOne(LookupError):
    A custom exception raised by `` if the input iterator does not yield
    exactly one element. The property `empty` indicates whether the iterator was empty; if it is
    false, then the exception was raised because the iterator contained more than one element.
    def __init__(self, empty: bool):
        how = 'none' if empty else 'more'
        super().__init__(F'Expected a single item, but the iterator was {how}')
        self.empty = empty

def one(iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> _T:
    The function expects the input `iterable` to be an iterable that yields exactly one element
    and returns that element. Raises `` for invalid inputs.
    it = iter(iterable)
        top = next(it)
    except StopIteration:
        raise NotOne(True)
    except StopIteration:
        return top
        raise NotOne(False)

def isodate(iso: str) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
    Convert an input date string in ISO format to a `datetime` object. Contains fallbacks for early
    Python versions.
    if len(iso) not in range(16, 25):
        return None
    iso = iso[:19].replace(' ', 'T', 1)
            return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(iso)
        except AttributeError:
            return datetime.datetime.strptime(iso, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    except ValueError:
        return None

def date_from_timestamp(ts: int):
    Convert a UTC timestamp to a datetime object.
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
        dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, datetime.UTC)
        dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts)
    return dt.replace(tzinfo=None)

def integers_of_slice(s: slice) -> Iterable[int]:
    Returns an iterable that iterates the integers in the range given by the input slice.
    if s.stop is None:
        return itertools.count(s.start or 0, s.step or 1)
        return range(s.start or 0, s.stop, s.step or 1)

def normalize_word_separators(words: str, unified_separator: str, strip: bool = True):
    For a sequence of words separated by whitespace, punctuation, slashes, dashes or underscores,
    normalize all occurrences of one or more of these separators to one given symbol. Leading and
    trailing occurrences of separators are removed.
    normalized = re.sub('[-\\s_.,;:/\\\\]+', unified_separator, words)
    if strip:
        normalized = normalized.strip(unified_separator)
    return normalized

def normalize_to_display(words: str, strip: bool = True):
    Normalizes all separators to dashes.
    return normalize_word_separators(words, '-', strip)

def normalize_to_identifier(words: str, strip: bool = True):
    Normalizes all separators to underscores.
    return normalize_word_separators(words, '_', strip)

def typename(thing):
    Determines the name of the type of an object.
    if not isinstance(thing, type):
        thing = type(thing)
    mro = [c for c in thing.__mro__ if c is not object]
    if mro:
        thing = mro[~0]
        return thing.__name__
    except AttributeError:
        return repr(thing)

def exception_to_string(exception: BaseException, default=None) -> str:
    Attempts to convert a given exception to a good description that can be exposed to the user.
    if not exception.args:
        return exception.__class__.__name__
    it = (a for a in exception.args if isinstance(a, str))
    if default is None:
        default = str(exception)
    return max(it, key=len, default=default).strip()

def nopdoc(obj: object):
    This decorator can be applied to any object to exclude it from the automatically generated
    pdoc: dict = sys.modules[obj.__module__].__dict__.setdefault('__pdoc__', {})
    pdoc[obj.__qualname__] = False
    return obj


def lookahead(iterator)

Implements a new iterator from a given one which returns elements (last, item) where each item is taken from the original iterator and last is a boolean indicating whether this is the last item.

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def lookahead(iterator: Iterable[_T]) -> Generator[Tuple[bool, _T], None, None]:
    Implements a new iterator from a given one which returns elements `(last, item)` where each
    `item` is taken from the original iterator and `last` is a boolean indicating whether this is
    the last item.
    last = False
    it = iter(iterator)
        peek = next(it)
    except StopIteration:
    while not last:
        item = peek
            peek = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
            last = True
        yield last, item
def get_terminal_size(default=0)

Returns the size of the currently attached terminal. If the environment variable REFINERY_TERM_SIZE is set to an integer value, it takes prescedence. If the width of the terminal cannot be determined or if the width is less than 8 characters, the function returns zero.

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def get_terminal_size(default=0):
    Returns the size of the currently attached terminal. If the environment variable
    `REFINERY_TERM_SIZE` is set to an integer value, it takes prescedence. If the width of the
    terminal cannot be determined or if the width is less than 8 characters, the function
    returns zero.
    from refinery.lib.environment import environment
    ev_terminal_size = environment.term_size.value
    if ev_terminal_size > 0:
        return ev_terminal_size
    width = default
    for stream in (sys.stderr, sys.stdout):
        if stream.isatty():
                width = os.get_terminal_size(stream.fileno()).columns
            except Exception:
                width = default
    return default if width < 2 else width - 1
def terminalfit(text, delta=0, width=0, parsep='\n\n', **kw)

Reformats text to fit the given width while not mangling bullet point lists.

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def terminalfit(text: str, delta: int = 0, width: int = 0, parsep: str = '\n\n', **kw) -> str:
    Reformats text to fit the given width while not mangling bullet point lists.
    import textwrap
    import re

    width = width or get_terminal_size()
    width = width - delta

    def isol(t): return re.match(R'^\(\d+\)|\d+[.:;]', t)
    def isul(t): return t.startswith('-') or t.startswith('*')
    def issp(t): return t.startswith('  ')

    text = text.replace('\r', '')

    def bulletpoint(line):
        wrapped = textwrap.wrap(line, width - 2, **kw)
        indent = '  ' if isul(line) else '   '
        wrapped[1:] = ['{}{}'.format(indent, line) for line in wrapped[1:]]
        return '\n'.join(wrapped)

    def fitted(paragraphs):
        for k, p in enumerate(paragraphs):
            if p.startswith(' '):
                yield p
            ol, ul = isol(p), isul(p)
            if ol or ul:
                input_lines = p.splitlines(keepends=False)
                unwrapped_line = input_lines[0].rstrip()
                lines = []
                if (ol and all(isol(t) or issp(t) for t in input_lines) or ul and all(isul(t) or issp(t) for t in input_lines)):
                    for line in input_lines[1:]:
                        if not (ol and isol(line) or ul and isul(line)):
                            unwrapped_line += ' ' + line.strip()
                        unwrapped_line = line.rstrip()
                    yield '\n'.join(lines)
            yield '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(p, width, **kw))

    return parsep.join(fitted(text.split('\n\n')))
def documentation(unit)

Return the documentation string of a given unit as it should be displayed on the command line. Certain pdoc3-specific reference strings are removed.

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def documentation(unit):
    Return the documentation string of a given unit as it should be displayed on the command line.
    Certain pdoc3-specific reference strings are removed.
    import re
    docs = inspect.getdoc(unit)
    docs = re.sub(R'`refinery\.(?:\w+\.)*(\w+)`', R'\1', docs)
    return docs.replace('`', '')
def begin(iterable)

Iterates the first element of an iterator and returns None if this fails. Otherwise, it returns both the first element and a new iterable which will return the same elements as the input.

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def begin(iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> Optional[Tuple[_T, Iterable[_T]]]:
    Iterates the first element of an iterator and returns None if this fails. Otherwise, it returns
    both the first element and a new iterable which will return the same elements as the input.
        body = iter(iterable)
        head = next(body)
    except StopIteration:
        return None
        def _fused():
            yield head
            yield from body
        return head, _fused()
def skipfirst(iterable)

Returns an interable where the first element of the input iterable was skipped.

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def skipfirst(iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> Generator[_T, None, None]:
    Returns an interable where the first element of the input iterable was skipped.
    it = iter(iterable)
    yield from it
def autoinvoke(method, keywords)

For each parameter that method expects, this function looks for an entry in keywords which has the same name as that parameter. autoinvoke() then calls method with all matching parameters forwarded in the appropriate manner.

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def autoinvoke(method: Callable[..., _T], keywords: dict) -> _T:
    For each parameter that `method` expects, this function looks for an entry in `keywords` which
    has the same name as that parameter. `autoinvoke` then calls `method` with all matching
    parameters forwarded in the appropriate manner.

    kwdargs = {}
    posargs = []
    varargs = []
    kwdjoin = False

    for p in inspect.signature(method).parameters.values():
        if p.kind is p.VAR_KEYWORD:
            kwdjoin = True
            value = keywords.pop(
        except KeyError:
            if p.kind is p.VAR_KEYWORD:
            value = p.default
            if value is p.empty:
                raise ValueError(F'missing required parameter {}')
        if p.kind is p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD or p.kind is p.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
            if value == p.default:
                # when equality holds, we force identity
                value = p.default
        elif p.kind is p.VAR_POSITIONAL:
            varargs = value
        elif p.kind is p.KEYWORD_ONLY:
            kwdargs[] = value

    if kwdjoin:

    return method(*posargs, *varargs, **kwdargs)
def entropy_fallback(data)

This method is called by entropy() when the numpy module is not available. It computes the shannon entropy of the input byte string and is written in pure Python.

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def entropy_fallback(data: ByteString) -> float:
    This method is called by `` when the `numpy` module is not available.
    It computes the shannon entropy of the input byte string and is written in pure Python.
    if isinstance(data, memoryview):
        # this copy is better than re-implementing count in Python for memory views
        data = bytes(data)
    histogram = {b: data.count(b) for b in range(0x100)}
    S = [histogram[b] / len(data) for b in histogram]
    return 0.0 + -sum(p * log(p, 2) for p in S if p) / 8.0
def entropy(data)

Computes the entropy of data over the alphabet of all bytes.

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def entropy(data: ByteString) -> float:
    Computes the entropy of `data` over the alphabet of all bytes.
    if not data:
        return 0.0
        import numpy
    except ImportError:
        return entropy_fallback(data)
    hist = numpy.unique(memoryview(data), return_counts=True)[1]
    prob = hist / len(data)
    # 8 bits are the maximum number of bits of information in a byte
    return 0.0 - (numpy.log2(prob) * prob).sum() / 8.0
def index_of_coincidence(data)

Computes the index of coincidence of data over the alphabet of all bytes.

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def index_of_coincidence(data: bytearray) -> float:
    Computes the index of coincidence of `data` over the alphabet of all bytes.
    if not data:
        return 0.0
    N = len(data)
    if N < 2:
        return 0.0
        import numpy
    except ImportError:
        C = [data.count(b) for b in range(0x100)]
        C = numpy.histogram(
            numpy.frombuffer(data, dtype=numpy.uint8),
    d = 1 / N / (N - 1)
    return float(sum(x * (x - 1) * d for x in C))
def isstream(obj)

Tests whether obj is a stream. This is currently done by simply testing whether the object has an attribute called read.

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def isstream(obj) -> bool:
    Tests whether `obj` is a stream. This is currently done by simply testing whether the object
    has an attribute called `read`.
    return hasattr(obj, 'read')
def isbuffer(obj)

Test whether obj is an object that supports the buffer API, like a bytes or bytearray object.

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def isbuffer(obj) -> bool:
    Test whether `obj` is an object that supports the buffer API, like a bytes or bytearray object.
        with memoryview(obj):
            return True
    except TypeError:
        return False
def splitchunks(data, size, step=None, truncate=False)

Split data into chunks of size size. The cursor advances by step bytes after extracting a block, the default value for step is equal to size. The boolean parameter truncate specifies whether any chunks of size smaller than size are generated or whether to abort as soon as the last complete chunk of the given size is extracted.

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def splitchunks(
    data: ByteString,
    size: int,
    step: Optional[int] = None,
    truncate: bool = False
) -> Iterable[ByteString]:
    Split `data` into chunks of size `size`. The cursor advances by `step` bytes after extracting a
    block, the default value for `step` is equal to `size`. The boolean parameter `truncate`
    specifies whether any chunks of size smaller than `size` are generated or whether to abort as
    soon as the last complete chunk of the given size is extracted.
    if step is None:
        step = size
    if len(data) <= size:
        if not truncate or len(data) == size:
            yield data
    for k in range(0, len(data), step):
        chunk = data[k:k + size]
        if not chunk:
        if len(chunk) < size and truncate:
        yield chunk
def make_buffer_mutable(data)

Returns a mutable version of the input data. Already mutable inputs are returned as themselves, i.e. no copy operation occurs in these cases.

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def make_buffer_mutable(data: ByteString):
    Returns a mutable version of the input data. Already mutable inputs are returned
    as themselves, i.e. no copy operation occurs in these cases.
    if isinstance(data, bytearray):
        return data
    if isinstance(data, memoryview) and not data.readonly:
        return data
    return bytearray(data)
def infinitize(it)
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def infinitize(it):
    if not isinstance(it, (
        if not hasattr(it, '__iter__') and not hasattr(it, '__next__'):
            it = (it, )
        return itertools.cycle(it)
    return it
def one(iterable)

The function expects the input iterable to be an iterable that yields exactly one element and returns that element. Raises NotOne for invalid inputs.

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def one(iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> _T:
    The function expects the input `iterable` to be an iterable that yields exactly one element
    and returns that element. Raises `` for invalid inputs.
    it = iter(iterable)
        top = next(it)
    except StopIteration:
        raise NotOne(True)
    except StopIteration:
        return top
        raise NotOne(False)
def isodate(iso)

Convert an input date string in ISO format to a datetime object. Contains fallbacks for early Python versions.

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def isodate(iso: str) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
    Convert an input date string in ISO format to a `datetime` object. Contains fallbacks for early
    Python versions.
    if len(iso) not in range(16, 25):
        return None
    iso = iso[:19].replace(' ', 'T', 1)
            return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(iso)
        except AttributeError:
            return datetime.datetime.strptime(iso, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    except ValueError:
        return None
def date_from_timestamp(ts)

Convert a UTC timestamp to a datetime object.

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def date_from_timestamp(ts: int):
    Convert a UTC timestamp to a datetime object.
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
        dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, datetime.UTC)
        dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts)
    return dt.replace(tzinfo=None)
def integers_of_slice(s)

Returns an iterable that iterates the integers in the range given by the input slice.

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def integers_of_slice(s: slice) -> Iterable[int]:
    Returns an iterable that iterates the integers in the range given by the input slice.
    if s.stop is None:
        return itertools.count(s.start or 0, s.step or 1)
        return range(s.start or 0, s.stop, s.step or 1)
def normalize_word_separators(words, unified_separator, strip=True)

For a sequence of words separated by whitespace, punctuation, slashes, dashes or underscores, normalize all occurrences of one or more of these separators to one given symbol. Leading and trailing occurrences of separators are removed.

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def normalize_word_separators(words: str, unified_separator: str, strip: bool = True):
    For a sequence of words separated by whitespace, punctuation, slashes, dashes or underscores,
    normalize all occurrences of one or more of these separators to one given symbol. Leading and
    trailing occurrences of separators are removed.
    normalized = re.sub('[-\\s_.,;:/\\\\]+', unified_separator, words)
    if strip:
        normalized = normalized.strip(unified_separator)
    return normalized
def normalize_to_display(words, strip=True)

Normalizes all separators to dashes.

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def normalize_to_display(words: str, strip: bool = True):
    Normalizes all separators to dashes.
    return normalize_word_separators(words, '-', strip)
def normalize_to_identifier(words, strip=True)

Normalizes all separators to underscores.

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def normalize_to_identifier(words: str, strip: bool = True):
    Normalizes all separators to underscores.
    return normalize_word_separators(words, '_', strip)
def typename(thing)

Determines the name of the type of an object.

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def typename(thing):
    Determines the name of the type of an object.
    if not isinstance(thing, type):
        thing = type(thing)
    mro = [c for c in thing.__mro__ if c is not object]
    if mro:
        thing = mro[~0]
        return thing.__name__
    except AttributeError:
        return repr(thing)
def exception_to_string(exception, default=None)

Attempts to convert a given exception to a good description that can be exposed to the user.

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def exception_to_string(exception: BaseException, default=None) -> str:
    Attempts to convert a given exception to a good description that can be exposed to the user.
    if not exception.args:
        return exception.__class__.__name__
    it = (a for a in exception.args if isinstance(a, str))
    if default is None:
        default = str(exception)
    return max(it, key=len, default=default).strip()
def nopdoc(obj)

This decorator can be applied to any object to exclude it from the automatically generated documentation.

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def nopdoc(obj: object):
    This decorator can be applied to any object to exclude it from the automatically generated
    pdoc: dict = sys.modules[obj.__module__].__dict__.setdefault('__pdoc__', {})
    pdoc[obj.__qualname__] = False
    return obj


class NoLogging (mode=Mode.LOGGING|WARNING)

A context manager to prevent various unwanted kinds of logging messages to appear. The class is initialized with a given mode that encodes the logging channels to be suppressed. After the context is exited, the original logging behavior is restored.

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class NoLogging:
    A context manager to prevent various unwanted kinds of logging messages to appear.
    The class is initialized with a given mode that encodes the logging channels to be
    suppressed. After the context is exited, the original logging behavior is restored.

    class Mode(IntFlag):
        A set of flags for different logging mechanisms to be suppressed.
        STD_OUT = 0b0001
        """Silence the standard output channel."""
        STD_ERR = 0b0010
        """Silence the standard error channel."""
        WARNING = 0b0100
        """Silence the Python warning module."""
        LOGGING = 0b1000
        """Silence the Python logging module."""
        ALL     = 0b1111 # noqa
        """Silence all known logging mechanisms."""

    def __init__(self, mode: Mode = Mode.WARNING | Mode.LOGGING):
        self.mode = mode

    def __enter__(self):
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.LOGGING:
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.WARNING:
            self._warning_filters = list(warnings.filters)
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.STD_ERR:
            self._stderr = sys.stderr
            sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(open(os.devnull, 'wb'), encoding='latin1')
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.STD_OUT:
            self._stdout = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(open(os.devnull, 'wb'), encoding='latin1')
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *_):
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.LOGGING:
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.WARNING:
            warnings.filters[:] = self._warning_filters
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.STD_ERR:
            sys.stderr = self._stderr
        if self.mode & NoLogging.Mode.STD_OUT:
            sys.stdout = self._stdout

Class variables

var Mode

A set of flags for different logging mechanisms to be suppressed.

class NotOne (empty)

A custom exception raised by one() if the input iterator does not yield exactly one element. The property empty indicates whether the iterator was empty; if it is false, then the exception was raised because the iterator contained more than one element.

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class NotOne(LookupError):
    A custom exception raised by `` if the input iterator does not yield
    exactly one element. The property `empty` indicates whether the iterator was empty; if it is
    false, then the exception was raised because the iterator contained more than one element.
    def __init__(self, empty: bool):
        how = 'none' if empty else 'more'
        super().__init__(F'Expected a single item, but the iterator was {how}')
        self.empty = empty


  • builtins.LookupError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException