Module refinery.lib.thirdparty.pcode2code

The code of this module is based on the source code of pcode2code, originally available at the following location:

The following is the original docstring:

pcode2code is a module aiming at decompiling VBA pcode. It's based on Dr. Vesselin Vladimirov Bontchev(@VessOnSecurity)'s tool pcodedmp, which makes the disassembly, while this module is only an interface to print out readable VBA code. How it works: Basically, pcodedmp gives out a bytecode interpretation, representing operations made on a somewhat stack, with opcodes translation. This program simply parses the opcodes and manipulates the stack to rectonstruct the original VBA code. Author: Nicolas Zilio - @Big5_sec License: GPL

The code was altered and modified for work within Binary Refinery, but remains subject to the original license text, which is as follows:

                  Version 3, 29 June 2007

a vba p-code decompiler based on pcodedmp
Copyright (C) 2019  Nicolas Zilio

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see:

The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. But first, please read:

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#!/usr/bin/env python
The code of this module is based on the source code of pcode2code, originally
available at the following location:

The following is the original docstring:

pcode2code is a module aiming at decompiling VBA pcode. It's based on Dr. Vesselin
Vladimirov Bontchev(@VessOnSecurity)'s tool pcodedmp, which makes the disassembly,
while this module is only an interface to print out readable VBA code.
 How it works:
Basically, pcodedmp gives out a bytecode interpretation, representing operations
made on a somewhat stack, with opcodes translation. This program simply parses the
opcodes and manipulates the stack to rectonstruct the original VBA code.
 Author: Nicolas Zilio - @Big5_sec
 License: GPL

The code was altered and modified for work within Binary Refinery, but remains
subject to the original license text, which is as follows:

                     GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
                      Version 3, 29 June 2007

    a vba p-code decompiler based on pcodedmp
    Copyright (C) 2019  Nicolas Zilio

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see:

  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read:
import struct

class Pcode2codeException(Exception):
    Simply a custom exception class, permitting to make the difference between generic python exceptions and the one we are pushing

class Stack:
    Our stack class. Used to implement the operations made in the VBA bytecode, which is somehow stack based

    def __init__(self):
        self.stack = []

    def pop(self):
        if len(self.stack) == 0:
            return None
        return self.stack.pop()

    def push(self, item):

    def size(self):
        return len(self.stack)

    def top(self):
        return self.stack[-1]

    def bottom(self):
        return self.stack[0]

    def clearstack(self):
        self.stack = []

class Operations:

    def __init__(self, opstack: Stack):
        self.opstack = opstack
        # number of blocks that will be ignored for indentation
        self.unindented = 0
        # current indentation level
        self.indentlevel = 0
        # boolean indicating if indentation level should be increased after the current command
        self.indentincrease_future = False
        # boolean indicating to print all stack, like in one liner cases
        self.has_bos = False
        # boolean indicating if we are on a onelineif. In this case, closing should not be treated the same as other if blocks
        self.onelineif = False
        self.ops = {
            'Imp'                   : self.imp,
            'Eqv'                   : self.eqv,
            'Xor'                   : self.xor,
            'Or'                    : self.or_,
            'And'                   : self.and_,
            'Eq'                    : self.eq,
            'Ne'                    :,
            'Le'                    : self.le,
            'Ge'                    :,
            'Lt'                    :,
            'Gt'                    :,
            'Add'                   : self.add,
            'Sub'                   : self.sub,
            'Mod'                   : self.mod,
            'IDiv'                  : self.idiv,
            'Mul'                   : self.mul,
            'Div'                   : self.div,
            'Concat'                : self.concat,
            'Like'                  :,
            'Pwr'                   : self.pwr,
            'Is'                    : self.is_,
            'Not'                   : self.not_,
            'UMi'                   : self.umi,
            'FnAbs'                 : self.fnabs,
            'FnFix'                 : self.fnfix,
            'FnInt'                 : self.fnint,
            'FnSgn'                 : self.fnsgn,
            'FnLen'                 : self.fnlen,
            'FnLenB'                : self.fnlenb,
            'Paren'                 : self.paren,
            'Sharp'                 :,
            'LdLHS'                 : self.ldlhs,
            'Ld'                    : self.ld,
            'MemLd'                 : self.memld,
            'DictLd'                : self.dictld,
            'IndexLd'               : self.indexld,
            'ArgsLd'                : self.argsld,
            'ArgsMemLd'             : self.argsmemld,
            'ArgsDictLd'            : self.argsdictld,
            'St'                    :,
            'MemSt'                 : self.memst,
            'DictSt'                : self.dictst,
            'IndexSt'               : self.indexst,
            'ArgsSt'                : self.argsst,
            'ArgsMemSt'             : self.argsmemst,
            'ArgsDictSt'            : self.argsdictst,
            'Set'                   : self.set_,
            'Memset'                : self.memset,
            'Dictset'               : self.dictset,
            'Indexset'              : self.indexset,
            'ArgsSet'               : self.argsset,
            'ArgsMemSet'            : self.argsmemset,
            'ArgsDictSet'           : self.argsdictset,
            'MemLdWith'             : self.memldwith,
            'DictLdWith'            : self.dictldwith,
            'ArgsMemLdWith'         : self.argsmemldwith,
            'ArgsDictLdWith'        : self.argsdictldwith,
            'MemStWith'             : self.memstwith,
            'DictStWith'            : self.dictstwith,
            'ArgsMemStWith'         : self.argsmemstwith,
            'ArgsDictStWith'        : self.argsdictstwith,
            'MemSetWith'            : self.memsetwith,
            'DictSetWith'           : self.dictsetwith,
            'ArgsMemSetWith'        : self.argsmemsetwith,
            'ArgsDictSetWith'       : self.argsdictsetwith,
            'ArgsCall'              : self.argscall,
            'ArgsMemCall'           : self.argsmemcall,
            'ArgsMemCallWith'       : self.argsmemcallwith,
            'ArgsArray'             : self.argsarray,
            'Assert'                : self.assert_,
            'BoS'                   : self.bos,
            'BoSImplicit'           : self.bosimplicit,
            'BoL'                   : self.bol,
            'LdAddressOf'           : self.ldaddressof,
            'MemAddressOf'          : self.memaddressof,
            'Case'                  :,
            'CaseTo'                : self.caseto,
            'CaseGt'                : self.casegt,
            'CaseLt'                : self.caselt,
            'CaseGe'                : self.casege,
            'CaseLe'                : self.casele,
            'CaseNe'                : self.casene,
            'CaseEq'                : self.caseeq,
            'CaseElse'              : self.caseelse,
            'CaseDone'              : self.casedone,
            'Circle'                :,
            'Close'                 : self.close,
            'CloseAll'              : self.closeall,
            'Coerce'                : self.coerce_,
            'CoerceVar'             : self.coercevar,
            'Context'               : self.context,
            'Debug'                 : self.debug,
            'DefType'               : self.deftype,
            'Dim'                   : self.dim,
            'DimImplicit'           : self.dimimplicit,
            'Do'                    :,
            'DoEvents'              : self.doevents,
            'DoUnitil'              : self.dounitil,
            'DoWhile'               : self.dowhile,
            'Else'                  : self.else_,
            'ElseBlock'             : self.elseblock,
            'ElseIfBlock'           : self.elseifblock,
            'ElseIfTypeBlock'       : self.elseiftypeblock,
            'End'                   : self.end,
            'EndContext'            : self.endcontext,
            'EndFunc'               : self.endfunc,
            'EndIf'                 : self.endif,
            'EndIfBlock'            : self.endifblock,
            'EndImmediate'          : self.endimmediate,
            'EndProp'               : self.endprop,
            'EndSelect'             : self.endselect,
            'EndSub'                : self.endsub,
            'EndType'               : self.endtype,
            'EndWith'               : self.endwith,
            'Erase'                 : self.erase,
            'Error'                 : self.error,
            'EventDecl'             : self.eventdecl,
            'RaiseEvent'            : self.raiseevent,
            'ArgsMemRaiseEvent'     : self.argsmemraiseevent,
            'ArgsMemRaiseEventWith' : self.argsmemraiseeventwith,
            'ExitDo'                : self.exitdo,
            'ExitFor'               : self.exitfor,
            'ExitFunc'              : self.exitfunc,
            'ExitProp'              : self.exitprop,
            'ExitSub'               : self.exitsub,
            'FnCurDir'              : self.fncurdir,
            'FnDir'                 : self.fndir,
            'Empty0'                : self.empty0,
            'Empty1'                : self.empty1,
            'FnError'               : self.fnerror,
            'FnFormat'              : self.fnformat,
            'FnFreeFile'            : self.fnfreefile,
            'FnInStr'               : self.fninstr,
            'FnInStr3'              : self.fninstr3,
            'FnInStr4'              : self.fninstr4,
            'FnInStrB'              : self.fninstrb,
            'FnInStrB3'             : self.fninstrb3,
            'FnInStrB4'             : self.fninstrb4,
            'FnLBound'              : self.fnlbound,
            'FnMid'                 : self.fnmid,
            'FnMidB'                : self.fnmidb,
            'FnStrComp'             : self.fnstrcomp,
            'FnStrComp3'            : self.fnstrcomp3,
            'FnStringVar'           : self.fnstringvar,
            'FnStringStr'           : self.fnstringstr,
            'FnUBound'              : self.fnubound,
            'For'                   : self.for_,
            'ForEach'               : self.foreach,
            'ForEachAs'             : self.foreachas,
            'ForStep'               : self.forstep,
            'FuncDefn'              : self.funcdefn,
            'FuncDefnSave'          : self.funcdefnsave,
            'GetRec'                : self.getrec,
            'GoSub'                 : self.gosub,
            'GoTo'                  : self.goto,
            'If'                    : self.if_,
            'IfBlock'               : self.ifblock,
            'TypeOf'                : self.typeof,
            'IfTypeBlock'           : self.iftypeblock,
            'Implements'            : self.implements,
            'Input'                 : self.input_,
            'InputDone'             : self.inputdone,
            'InputItem'             : self.inputItem,
            'Label'                 : self.label,
            'Let'                   : self.let,
            'Line'                  : self.line,
            'LineCont'              : self.linecont,
            'LineInput'             : self.lineInput,
            'LineNum'               : self.linenum,
            'LitCy'                 : self.litcy,
            'LitDate'               : self.litdate,
            'LitDefault'            : self.litdefault,
            'LitDI2'                : self.litdi2,
            'LitDI4'                : self.litdi4,
            'LitDI8'                : self.litdi8,
            'LitHI2'                : self.lithi2,
            'LitHI4'                : self.lithi4,
            'LitHI8'                : self.lithi8,
            'LitNothing'            : self.litnothing,
            'LitOI2'                : self.litoi2,
            'LitOI4'                : self.litoi4,
            'LitOI8'                : self.litoi8,
            'LitR4'                 : self.litr4,
            'LitR8'                 : self.litr8,
            'LitSmallI2'            : self.litsmalli2,
            'LitStr'                : self.litstr,
            'LitVarSpecial'         : self.litvarspecial,
            'Lock'                  : self.lock,
            'Loop'                  : self.loop,
            'LoopUntil'             : self.loopuntil,
            'LoopWhile'             : self.loopwhile,
            'LSet'                  : self.lset,
            'Me'                    :,
            'MeImplicit'            : self.meimplicit,
            'MemRedim'              : self.memredim,
            'MemRedimWith'          : self.memredimwith,
            'MemRedimAs'            : self.memredimas,
            'MemRedimAsWith'        : self.memredimaswith,
            'Mid'                   : self.mid,
            'MidB'                  : self.midb,
            'Name'                  :,
            'New'                   :,
            'Next'                  : self.next_,
            'NextVar'               : self.nextvar,
            'OnError'               : self.onerror,
            'OnGosub'               : self.ongosub,
            'OnGoto'                : self.ongoto,
            'Open'                  : self.open_,
            'Option'                : self.option,
            'OptionBase'            : self.optionbase,
            'ParamByVal'            : self.parambyval,
            'ParamOmitted'          : self.paramomitted,
            'ParamNamed'            : self.paramnamed,
            'PrintChan'             : self.printchan,
            'PrintComma'            : self.printcomma,
            'PrintEoS'              : self.printeos,
            'PrintItemComma'        : self.printitemcomma,
            'PrintItemNL'           : self.printitemnl,
            'PrintItemSemi'         : self.printitemsemi,
            'PrintNL'               : self.printnl,
            'PrintObj'              : self.printobj,
            'PrintSemi'             : self.printsemi,
            'PrintSpc'              : self.printspc,
            'PrintTab'              : self.printtab,
            'PrintTabComma'         : self.printtabcomma,
            'PSet'                  : self.pset,
            'PutRec'                : self.putrec,
            'QuoteRem'              : self.quoterem,
            'Redim'                 : self.redim,
            'RedimAs'               : self.redimas,
            'Reparse'               : self.reparse,
            'Rem'                   : self.rem,
            'Resume'                : self.resume,
            'Return'                : self.return_,
            'RSet'                  : self.rset,
            'Scale'                 : self.scale,
            'Seek'                  :,
            'SelectCase'            : self.selectcase,
            'SelectIs'              : self.selectis,
            'SelectType'            : self.selecttype,
            'SetStmt'               : self.setstmt,
            'Stack'                 : self.stack,
            'Stop'                  : self.stop,
            'Type'                  : self.type_,
            'Unlock'                : self.unlock,
            'VarDefn'               : self.vardefn,
            'Wend'                  : self.wend,
            'While'                 : self.while_,
            'With'                  : self.with_,
            'WriteChan'             : self.writechan,
            'ConstFuncExpr'         : self.constfuncexpr,
            'LbConst'               : self.lbconst,
            'LbIf'                  : self.lbif,
            'LbElse'                : self.lbelse,
            'LbElseIf'              : self.lbelseif,
            'LbEndIf'               : self.lbendif,
            'LbMark'                : self.lbmark,
            'EndForVariable'        : self.endforvariable,
            'StartForVariable'      : self.startforvariable,
            'NewRedim'              : self.newredim,
            'StartWithExpr'         : self.startwithexpr,
            'SetOrSt'               : self.setorst,
            'EndEnum'               : self.endenum,
            'Illegal'               : self.illegal,
            'NewLine'               : self.newline

    def imp(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Imp ' + arg2

    def eqv(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Eqv ' + arg2

    def xor(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Xor ' + arg2

    def or_(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Or ' + arg2

    def and_(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' And ' + arg2

    def eq(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' = ' + arg2

    def ne(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' <> ' + arg2

    def le(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' <= ' + arg2

    def ge(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' >= ' + arg2

    def lt(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' < ' + arg2

    def gt(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' > ' + arg2

    # ex opeline: "Add"
    # gets the two values on stack, pop them, add them and push again
    def add(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' + ' + arg2

    def sub(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' - ' + arg2

    def mod(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Mod ' + arg2

    def idiv(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' \\ ' + arg2

    def mul(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' * ' + arg2

    def div(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' / ' + arg2

    def concat(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' & ' + arg2

    def like(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Like ' + arg2

    def pwr(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' ^ ' + arg2

    def is_(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Is ' + arg2

    def not_(self):
        val = 'Not ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def umi(self):
        val = '-' + self.opstack.pop()

    def fnabs(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'Abs(' + arg + ')'

    def fnfix(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'Fix(' + arg + ')'

    def fnint(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'int(' + arg + ')'

    def fnsgn(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'Sgn(' + arg + ')'

    def fnlen(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'Len(' + arg + ')'

    def fnlenb(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'LenB(' + arg + ')'

    def paren(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = '(' + arg + ')'

    def sharp(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = '#' + arg

    def ldlhs(self):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented ldlhs')

    def ld(self, var):
        command defining a variable
        example: X = Y
             # Ld Y
             # St X
        if var == 'id_FFFF': #hacky way to do it because me does not seem to be fully
            var = 'Me'       #parsed by pcodedmp

    def memld(self, var):
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var

    def dictld(self, var):
        cf fields and collections, also index???
        example: Debug.Print rsTable!Title
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # Ld rsTable
             # DictLd Title
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push(self.opstack.pop()+ '!' + var)

    def indexld(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented indexld')

    def argsld(self, varname, numparams):
        val = varname + '('
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    def argsmemld(self, var, numparams):
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    def argsdictld(self, var, numparams):
        command used when an index of an object with an argument is accessed
        example: Debug.Print myobj!toto("titi") 
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
             # Ld myobj
             # ArgsDictLd toto 0x0001
             # PrintItemNL
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    # example line : Function giqw(str As String) As Variant: Dim bytes() As Byte: bytes = str: giqw = bytes: End Function
    # op line:
    # Line #13:
    #     FuncDefn (Function giqw(str As String) As Variant)
    #     BoS 0x0000 
    #     Dim 
    #     VarDefn bytes (As Byte)
    #     BoS 0x0000 
    #     Ld str 
    #     St bytes 
    #     BoS 0x0000 
    #     Ld bytes 
    #     St giqw 
    #     BoS 0x0000 
    #     EndFunc 
    def st(self, arg):
        param = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg + ' = ' + param

    def memst(self, var):
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var
        val = val + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def dictst(self, var):
        command used when an index is defined directly
        example: myobj!titi = "toto"
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # Ld myobj
             # DictSt titi
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def indexst(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented indexst')

    # TODO: to check
    def argsst(self, var, numparams):
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = var + '(' + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'

        param2 = self.opstack.pop()
        val += ' = ' + param2

    def argsmemst(self, var, numparams):
        #TODO: to check
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.'
        nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + var + '(' + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'

        param2 = self.opstack.pop()
        val += ' = ' + param2

    def argsdictst(self, var, numparams):
        used when an index of an obj with an argument is defined
        example: myobj!titi2("toto") = "toto"
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # Ld myobj
             # ArgsDictSt titi2 0x0001
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '!' 
        nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + var + '(' + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'

        param2 = self.opstack.pop()
        val += ' = ' + param2
    def set_(self, var):
        val = 'Set ' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def memset(self, var):
        obtained when a property of an object is set
        example: Set YourObject.Text = lobject
             # SetStmt
             # Ld lobject
             # Ld YourObject
             # Memset Text
        val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()
    def dictset(self, var):
        obtained when an index of an object is set
        example: Set YourObject!Text = lobject
             # SetStmt
             # Ld lobject
             # Ld YourObject
             # Dictset Text
        val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def indexset(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented indexset')

    def argsset(self, var, nb):
        obtained when an argument of an object is set
        example: Set YourObject(ggg) = lobject
             # SetStmt
             # Ld lobject
             # Ld ggg
             # ArgsSet YourObject 0x0001
        val = 'Set ' + var + '(' + self.opstack.pop() + ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def argsmemset(self, var, numparams):
        obtained when an argument of a property of an object is set
        example: Set YourObject.Text2("titi") = lobject
             # SetStmt
             # Ld lobject
             # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
             # Ld YourObject
             # ArgsMemSet Text2 0x0001
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def argsdictset(self, var, numparams):
        obtained when an argument of a property of an object is set
        example: Set YourObject.Text2("titi") = lobject
             # SetStmt
             # Ld lobject
             # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
             # Ld YourObject
             # ArgsMemSet Text2 0x0001
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def memldwith(self, var):
        command defining a part of an object like .<prop>
        example: with blah <....> .Name 
        gives:  # MemLdWith Name
        self.opstack.push('.' + var)

    def dictldwith(self, var):
        accessing an index in a with block
        example: With <smth>.... Debug.Print !au_lname ... end with
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # DictLdWith au_lname
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push('!' + var)

    def argsmemldwith(self, var, numparams):
        example: .CodePane.SetSelection .ProcStartLine(sProc, ProcType) + lLine, 1, .ProcStartLine(sProc, ProcType) + lLine + 1, 1
             # Ld sProc
             # Ld ProcType
             # ArgsMemLdWith ProcStartLine 0x0002
             # Ld lLine
             # Add
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Ld sProc
             # Ld ProcType
             # ArgsMemLdWith ProcStartLine 0x0002
             # Ld lLine
             # Add
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Add
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # MemLdWith CodePane
             # ArgsMemCall SetSelection 0x0004
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = '.' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    def argsdictldwith(self, var, numparams):
        command used when an index of an object with an argument is accessed with a with block
        example: With myobj ... Debug.Print !toto("titi") ... end with
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
             # ArgsDictLdWith toto 0x0001
             # PrintItemNL
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = '!' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    def memstwith(self, var):
        command defining a part of an object like .<prop> = <smthg>
        example: .Name = "Coho Vineyard"
             # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
             # MemStWith Name
        self.opstack.push('.' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def dictstwith(self, var):
        command defining a part of an object like !<index> = <smthg>
        example: With ... !Name = "Coho Vineyard" ... end with
             # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
             # DictStWith Name
        self.opstack.push('!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def argsmemstwith(self, var, numparams):
        command defining a property of an object with arguments in a with statement
        example: With ... .Name(1,2) = b ... end with
             # Ld B
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # LitDI2 0x0002
             # ArgsMemStWith Name 0x0002
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = '.' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def argsdictstwith(self, var, *args):
        command defining a part of an object like !<index> = <smthg> in a with block
        example: !Name = "Coho Vineyard"
             # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
             # DictStWith Name
        self.opstack.push('!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def memsetwith(self, var):
        command defining a set on an index of an object in a with block
        example: with <smth> ... Set .Name = "Coho Vineyard"
             # SetStmt
             # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
             # memSetWith Name
        self.opstack.push('Set .' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def dictsetwith(self, var):
        command defining a set on an index of an object in a with block
        example: with <smth> ... Set !Name = "Coho Vineyard"
             # SetStmt
             # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
             # DictSetWith Name
        self.opstack.push('Set !' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def argsmemsetwith(self, var, numparams):
        command defining a set on an index with an argument of an object in a with block
        example: with <smth> ... Set .nini("gg", "ff", "uu") = "toto"
             # SetStmt
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "gg"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "ff"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "uu"
             # ArgsMemSetWith nini 0x0003
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'Set !' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def argsdictsetwith(self, var, numparams):
        command defining a set on an index with an argument of an object in a with block
        example: with <smth> ... Set !nini("gg", "ff", "uu") = "toto"
             # SetStmt
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "gg"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "ff"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "uu"
             # ArgsDictSetWith nini 0x0003
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'Set !' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def argscall(self, *args):

        if args[0] == '(Call)':
            nb_parameters = int(args[2],16)
            val = 'Call ' + args[1] + '('
            end_val = ')'
            val = args[0]
            nb_parameters = int(args[1],16)           
            end_val = ''
        params = []
        #print 'func:' + funcname
        #print 'nbparameters : ' + str(nb_parameters)
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            if ((params[0].startswith('(')) or (args[0] == '(Call)')):               
                val = val + params[0]
                val = val + ' ' + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += end_val

    def argsmemcall(self, *args):
        command to call a function of an object
        example: ayUBnLK01, 0
        gives : 
           # Ld ayUBnLK01
           # LitDI2 0x0000
           # Ld a43g0xT
           # ArgsMemCall run 0x0002
        args = list(args)
        parenthesis = False
        if args[0] == '(Call)':
            val = 'Call ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + args[0] + '('
            parenthesis = True
            val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + args[0]

        nb_parameters = int(args[1],16)           
        end_val = ''
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            if params[0].startswith('('):               
                val = val + params[0]
                end_val = ')'
                if not parenthesis:
                    val = val + ' ' +params[0]
                    val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        if parenthesis == True:
            end_val = ')'
        self.opstack.push(val + end_val)

    def argsmemcallwith(self, *args):
        command when a function of an object is called in a with definition
        example: With a ... call .a(1,2) ... end with
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # LitDI2 0x0002
             # ArgsMemCallWith (Call) a 0x0002
        parenthesis = False
        args = list(args)
        if args[0] == '(Call)':
            parenthesis = True
            val = 'Call .' + args[0] + '('
            val = '.' + args[0]
        nb_parameters = int(args[1],16)           
        end_val = ''
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            if params[0].startswith('('):               
                val = val + params[0]
                end_val = ')'
                if not parenthesis:
                    val = val + ' ' + params[0]
                    val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param

        if parenthesis:
            end_val = ')'
        self.opstack.push(val + end_val)

    def argsarray(self, var, numparams):
        val = var + '('
        nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    def assert_(self):
        command for debug.asser
        example: Debug.Assert blnAssert
        gives : 
              # Ld blnAssert
              # Assert
        self.opstack.push('Debug.Assert ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def bos(self, valarg):
        arg = int(valarg,16)
        if arg == 0:
            val = self.opstack.pop() + ':'
        self.has_bos = True

    def bosimplicit(self, *args):
        appears useless, but in this case we still need to print whole stack
        example: If Mid$(theString, i, 1) <> Chr$(0) Then Exit For
             # Ld theString
             # Ld i
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # ArgsLd Mid$ 0x0003
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # ArgsLd Chr$ 0x0001
             # Ne
             # If
             # BoSImplicit
             # ExitFor
             # EndIf
        self.has_bos = True
    def bol(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented bol')

    def ldaddressof(self, var):
        command for AddressOf keyword
        example: EnumFontFamilies hDC, vbNullString, AddressOf EnumFontFamProc, LB
             # Ld hDC
             # Ld vbNullString
             # LdAddressOf EnumFontFamProc
             # Ld LB
             # ArgsCall EnumFontFamilies 0x0004
        self.opstack.push('AddressOf ' + var)

    def memaddressof(self, var):
        command for AddressOf keyword on a property of an object
        example: MsgBox AddressOf myobj.toto
             # Ld myobj
             # MemAddressOf toto
             # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
        self.opstack.push('AddressOf ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var)

    def case(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is one value 
        example: Case 0
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # Case
             # CaseDone

        self.opstack.push('Case ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def caseto(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is from one value to one other value
        example: Case 0 To 30
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # CaseTo
             # CaseDone
        val = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Case ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' To ' + val)

    def casegt(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is lower than a value
        example: Case Is > 100
             # LitDI2 0x0064
             # CaseGt
             # CaseDone
        self.opstack.push('Case Is > ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def caselt(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is lower than a value
        example: Case Is < 0
             # LitDI2 0x0002
             # CaseLt
             # CaseDone
        self.opstack.push('Case Is < ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def casege(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is greater or equal than a value
        example: TODO: to check
        self.opstack.push('Case Is >= ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def casele(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is lower or equal than a value
        example: TODO: to check
        self.opstack.push('Case Is <= ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def casene(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is different to a value
        example: TODO: to check
        self.opstack.push('Case Is <> ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def caseeq(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is equal to a value
        example: TODO: to check
        self.opstack.push('Case Is = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def caseelse(self):
        command defining a "Case Else" stmt
        example: Case Else
             # CaseElse
        self.opstack.push('Case Else')

    def casedone(self):
        #pass on purpose, please see previous examples

    def circle(self, useless):
        command used when the circle method of an object is called
        example: Me.Circle (sngHCtr, sngVCtr), sngRadius
             # Ld sngHCtr
             # Ld sngVCtr
             # Ld sngRadius
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # Ld id_FFFF
             # Circle 0x001E
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.Circle ('
        params = []
        for i in range(7):
        params = params[::-1]

        val += params[0] + ', ' + params[1] + '), ' + params[2]
        all_empty = True
        for param in params[3:]:
            if param != '0':
                all_empty = False

        if all_empty:
            for param in params[3:]:
                if param == '0':
                    val = val + ', <tbr>'
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val = val.replace(', <tbr>' , '')

    def close(self, numparams):
        val = 'Close '
        nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param

    def closeall(self):
        command used when close is called with no arguments, effectively closing all files
        example: Close
        gives: # CloseAll

    def coerce_(self, arg):
        command used for variable conversion
        example1: MyLong2 = CLng(MyVal2)
             # Ld MyVal2
             # Coerce (Lng)
             # St MyLong2
        example2: MyInt = CInt(MyDouble)
             # Ld MyDouble
             # Coerce (Int)
             # St MyInt
        if arg == '(Str)':
            self.opstack.push('CStr(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Var)':
            self.opstack.push('CVar(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Sng)':
            self.opstack.push('CSng(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Lng)':
            self.opstack.push('CLng(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Int)':
            self.opstack.push('CInt(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Dbl)':
            self.opstack.push('CDbl(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Date)':
            self.opstack.push('CDate(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Cur)':
            self.opstack.push('CCur(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Byte)':
            self.opstack.push('CByte(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Bool)':
            self.opstack.push('CBool(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
            raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented coerce')
    def coercevar(self, arg):
        example1: MyError = CVErr(32767)
        gives: # CoerceVar (Err)
        if arg == '(Err)':
            self.opstack.push('CVErr(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
            raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented coercevar')

    def context(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented context')

    def debug(self):
        seems used to invoke debug object
        example: Debug.Print MyVar
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # Ld MyVar
             # PrintItemNL

    def deftype(self, *args):
        command used when def<type> is used.
        TODO: bytes to know ranges appear random. How to do it?
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented deftype')

    # Dim hiz7dgus As String
    # Private Const DefaultBufferSize& = 32768
    # Private CRC_32_Tab(0 To 255) As Long
    # ======================
    # Line #7:
    #   Dim 
    #   VarDefn hiz7dgus (As String)
    # Line #8:
    # Line #9:
    #   Dim (Private Const) 
    #   LitDI4 0x8000 0x0000 
    #   VarDefn DefaultBufferSize
    # Line #10:
    # Line #11:
    #   Dim (Private) 
    #   LitDI2 0x0000 
    #   LitDI2 0x00FF 
    #   VarDefn CRC_32_Tab (As Long)
    def dim(self, *args):
        # args is a tuple, we treat it only when its not empty
        # example of args : (As String), (As Long)...
        if args != ():
            val = args[0]
            for arg in args[1:]:
                val += ' ' + arg
            val = val[1:-1]
            val = 'Dim'

    def dimimplicit(self):

    def do(self):
        command handling "Do" keyword
        example: Do (we have then the loop and so on)
             # Do
        self.indentincrease_future = True

    def doevents(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented doevents')

    def dounitil(self):
        command handling "do until" definitions
        example: Do Until Response = "youpi"
             # Ld Response
             # ListStr 0x0005 "youpi"
             # Eq
             # DoUnitil
        self.opstack.push('Do Until ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentincrease_future = True

    def dowhile(self):
        command handling "do while" definitions
        example: Do While Reponse <> "youpi"
             # Ld Response
             # LitStr 0x0005 "youpi"
             # Ne
             # DoWhile
        self.opstack.push('Do While ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentincrease_future = True

    def else_(self):
        command used for a "else" in a if oneliner
        example: If X < 4 Then MsgBox "hi" Else MsgBox "ho"
             # Ld X
             # LitDI2 0x0004
             # Lt
             # If
             # BoSImplicit
             # LitStr 0x0002 "hi"
             # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
             # Else
             # BoSImplicit
             # LitStr 0x0002 "Ho"
             # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
             # EndIf

    def elseblock(self):
        command defining a new "else" for a block
        example: Else
        gives: #Else
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
        self.indentincrease_future = True

    def elseifblock(self):
        command defining a new "else if" block
        example: ElseIf dayW = DayOfWeek.Thursday Then
             # Ld dayW
             # Ld DayOfWeek
             # MemLd Thursday
             # Eq
             # ElseIfBlock
        self.opstack.push('ElseIf ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
        self.indentincrease_future = True

    def elseiftypeblock(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented elseiftypeblock')

    def end(self):

    def endcontext(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented endcontext')

    def endfunc(self):
        self.opstack.push('End Function')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endif(self):
        if self.onelineif == True:
            self.onelineif = False
            self.opstack.push('End If')
            self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endifblock(self):
        self.opstack.push('End If')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endimmediate(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented endimmediate')

    def endprop(self):
        command handling the end of a property
        example: End Property
        self.opstack.push('End Property')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel -1

    def endselect(self):
        command defining a stmt of "End Select", closing a select case.
        example: End Select
             # EndSelect
        self.opstack.push('End Select')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endsub(self):
        self.opstack.push('End Sub')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endtype(self):
        command to end a new type definition
        example: End Type
        self.opstack.push('End Type')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endwith(self):
        command to end a new with definition
        example: End With
        gives: #EndWith
        self.opstack.push('End With')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def erase(self, nb_params):
        command for Erase function keyword
        example: Erase threeDimArray, twoDimArray
             # Ld threeDimArray
             # Ld twoDimArray
             # Erase 0x0002
        nb_args = int(nb_params, 16)
        val = ''
        params = []
        for i in range(nb_args):
            params = params[::-1]
        val = params[0]
        if nb_args > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param

        self.opstack.push('Erase ' + val)

    def error(self):
        command used for Error keyword
        example: Error 11
             # LitDI2 0x000B
             # Error
        self.opstack.push('Error ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def eventdecl(self, *args):
        command for declaring a new event in VBA
        example: Event LogonCompleted(UserName As String)
        gives : 
           # EventDecl (Sub LogonCompleted(UserName As String))
        val = args[1]
        for arg in args[2:-1]: #strip parenthesis
            val += ' ' + arg
        self.opstack.push('Event ' + val + ' ' + args[-1][:-1])

    def raiseevent(self, evt_name, nb_params):
        command when RaiseEvent is used
        example: RaiseEvent LogonCompleted("AntoineJean")
             # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan"
             # RaiseEvent LogonCompleted 0x0001
        nb_args = int(nb_params, 16)
        val = ''
        params = []
        if nb_args > 0:
            for i in range(nb_args):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = '('+ params[0]
            if nb_args > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'
        self.opstack.push('RaiseEvent ' + evt_name + val)

    def argsmemraiseevent(self, var, numparams):
        command used when a raiseevent is called on a property of an object
        example: RaiseEvent myobj.LogonCompleted("AntoineJan")
             # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan"
             # Ld myobj
             # ArgsMemRaiseEvent LogonCompleted 0x0001
        nb_args = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'RaiseEvent ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_args > 0:
            for i in range(nb_args):
            params = params[::-1]
            val += params[0]
            if nb_args > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'

    def argsmemraiseeventwith(self, var, numparams):
        command used when a raiseevent is called on a property of an object within a with block
        example: with myobj ... RaiseEvent .LogonCompleted("AntoineJan") ... end with
             # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan"
             # ArgsMemRaiseEventWith LogonCompleted 0x0001
        nb_args = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'RaiseEvent .' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_args > 0:
            for i in range(nb_args):
            params = params[::-1]
            val += params[0]
            if nb_args > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'
    def exitdo(self):
        #TODO: comment
        self.opstack.push('Exit Do')

    def exitfor(self):
        #TODO: comment
        self.opstack.push('Exit For')

    def exitfunc(self):
        #TODO: comment
        self.opstack.push('Exit Function')
    def exitprop(self):
        #TODO: comment
        self.opstack.push('Exit Property')
    def exitsub(self):
        #TODO: comment
        self.opstack.push('Exit Sub')
    def fncurdir(self, *args):
        #val = 'CurDir(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')'
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fncurdir')
    def fndir(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fndir')
    def empty0(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented empty0')
    def empty1(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented empty1')
    def fnerror(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnerror')
    def fnformat(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented format')
    def fnfreefile(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnfreefile')
    def fninstr(self):
        command used when calling Instr function with 2 arguments
        example: MyPos = InStr(SearchString, SearchChar)
             # Ld SearchString
             # Ld SearchChar
             # FnInStr
             # St MyPos
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Instr(' + self.opstack.pop() + ', ' + arg2 + ')')
    def fninstr3(self):
        command used when calling Instr function with 3 arguments
        example: MyPos = InStr(1, SearchString, "W")
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Ld SearchString
             # LitStr 0x0001 "W"
             # FnInStr3
             # St MyPos
        arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Instr(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ')')
    def fninstr4(self):
        command used when calling Instr function with 4 arguments
        example: MyPos = InStr(4, SearchString, SearchChar, 1)
             # LitDI2 0x0004
             # Ld SearchString
             # Ld SearchChar
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # FnInStr4
             # St MyPos
        arg4 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Instr(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ', ' + arg4 + ')')
    def fninstrb(self):
        command used when calling InstrB function with 2 arguments
        example: TODO: make sure here
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('InstrB(' + self.opstack.pop() + ', ' + arg2 + ')')

    def fninstrb3(self):
        command used when calling InstrB function with 3 arguments
        example: TODO: make sure here

        arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('InstrB(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ')')

    def fninstrb4(self):
        command used when calling InstrB function with 4 arguments
        example: TODO: make sure here

        arg4 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Instr(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ', ' + arg4 + ')')
    def fnlbound(self, arg):
        command indicating the use of the LBound function
        strangely enough, there is an indication of the number of arguments to be popped out of the stack
        but this number is not good.
        example: Lower = LBound(TwoDArray, 2)
             # Ld TwoDArray
             # LitDI2 0x0002
             # FnLBound 0x0001
             # St Lower
        nb_parameters = int(arg,16) + 1
        params = []
        val = '('
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'
        val = 'LBound' + val
    def fnmid(self):
        val = 'Mid(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')'
    def fnmidb(self):
        val = 'MidB(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')'
    def fnstrcomp(self):
        command used when strcomp function with 2 arguments is called
        example: MyComp = StrComp(MyStr2, MyStr1)
             # Ld MyStr2
             # Ld MyStr1
             # FnStrComp
             # St MyComp
        str2 = self.opstack.pop()
        str1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('StrComp(' + str1 + ', ' + str2 + ')')
    def fnstrcomp3(self):
        command used when strcomp function with 3 arguments is called
        example: MyComp = StrComp(MyStr1, MyStr2, 0)
             # Ld MyStr1
             # Ld MyStr2
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # FnStrComp3
             # St MyComp
        third_arg = self.opstack.pop()
        str2 = self.opstack.pop()
        str1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('StrComp(' + str1 + ', ' + str2 + ', ' + third_arg + ')')
    def fnstringvar(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnstringvar')
    def fnstringstr(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnstringstr')
    def fnubound(self, arg):
        command used when calling Ubound function
        example: uL = UBound(sb_)
             # Ld sb_ 
             # FnUBound 0x0000 
             # St uL
        nb_parameters = int(arg,16) + 1
        params = []
        val = '('
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'
        val = 'UBound' + val
    def for_(self):
        maxvar = self.opstack.pop()
        minvar = self.opstack.pop()
        loopvar = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'For ' + loopvar + ' = ' + minvar + ' To ' + maxvar
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def foreach(self):
        command defining a new for each loop definition
        example: For Each MyObject In MyClasses
             # StartForVariable
             # Ld MyObject
             # EndForVariable
             # Ld MyClasses
             # ForEach
        collect = self.opstack.pop()
        loopvar = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'For Each ' + loopvar + ' In ' + collect
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def foreachas(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented foreachas')
    def forstep(self):
        step = self.opstack.pop()
        maxvar = self.opstack.pop()
        minvar = self.opstack.pop()
        loopvar = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'For ' + loopvar + ' = ' + minvar + ' To ' + maxvar + ' Step ' + step
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def funcdefn(self, *args: str):
        val = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[1:-1]
        if not val.startswith('Declare'):
            self.indentincrease_future = True
    def funcdefnsave(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented funcdefnsave')
    def getrec(self):
        command to Get from a channel with a record: get channel, record, var
        example: Get #1, RecordNumber, MyRecord
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Ld RecordNumber
             # Ld MyRecord
             # GetRec
        record = self.opstack.pop()
        record_num = self.opstack.pop()
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        if chan is not None:
            self.opstack.push('Get ' + chan + ', ' + record_num + ', ' + record)
            self.opstack.push('Get ' + record_num + ', , ' + record) # kindly ugly
    def gosub(self, var):
        command used when gosub is used
        example: If Num > 0 Then GoSub MyRoutine 
             # Ld Num
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # Gt
             # If
             # BoSImplicit
             # GoSub MyRoutine
             # EndIf
        self.opstack.push('GoSub ' + var)
    def goto(self, var):
        command used when a goto <label> is defined
        example: GoTo label1
        gives: # GoTo label1
        self.opstack.push('GoTo ' + var)

    def if_(self, *args):
        val = 'If ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then'
        self.onelineif = True
    def ifblock(self):
        val = 'If ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then'
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def typeof(self, *args):
        command used when TypeOf function is used
        TODO: associated type is obscure for now
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented typeof')
    def iftypeblock(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented iftypeblock')
    def implements(self, *args):
        command used when Implements instruction is used
        TODO: associated type is obscure for now        
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented implements')
    def input_(self):
        command used when Input function is called
        example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Input
             # Ld MyString
             # InputItem
             # Ld MyNumber
             # InputItem
             # InputDone        
        self.opstack.push('Input ' + self.opstack.pop())
    def inputdone(self):
        command used when Input function is called
        example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Input
             # Ld MyString
             # InputItem
             # Ld MyNumber
             # InputItem
             # InputDone        
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            val += elmt

    def inputItem(self):
        command used when Input function is called
        example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Input
             # Ld MyString
             # InputItem
             # Ld MyNumber
             # InputItem
             # InputDone        
        self.opstack.push(', ' + self.opstack.pop())
    def label(self, arg):
        command defining a new label
        example: MyString:
             # Label MyString
    def let(self, *args):
        command used when let keywork is used
        example: Let MyStr  = "Hello World"
             # Let
             # LitStr 0x000B "Hello World"
             # St MyStr
        self.has_bos = True #we use this hackish way to print it even if not in stack top

    def line(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented line')
    def linecont(self, *args):
        #pass on purpose
    def lineInput(self):
        command used when Line Input instruction is used (to read one line at a time a file)
        example: Line Input #1, TextLine
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Ld TextLine
             # LineInput
        var = self.opstack.pop()
        num_file = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Line Input #' + num_file + ', ' + var)
    def linenum(self, *args):
        # ignoring this seems to work fine.
    def litcy(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented litcy')
    def litdate(self, *args):
        command to define a date literal
        TODO: but wtf how to get date?
        example1: MyDate = #2/12/1969#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA780 0x40D8
        example2: MyDate = #2/12/1970#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0x02C0 0x40D9
        example3: MyDate = #2/12/1971#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0x5E00 0x40D9
        example4: MyDate = #2/11/1969#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA740 0x40D8
        example5: MyDate = #2/10/1969#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA700 0x40D8
        example6: MyDate = #3/12/1969#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xAE80 0x40D8
        example7: MyDate = #4/12/1969#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xB640 0x40D8

        1 year = 23360 (0x5b40) si on fait last2bytes.first2bytes
        1 month = 64 (0x40) sur second octet
        1 day = 
        raise Pcode2codeException('a date is defined here, but it cannot be reconstructed')
    def litdefault(self):
        appears to be useless
        example: Open "TESTFILE" For Output As #1 
             # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # LitDefault
             # Open (For Output)
        example2: Lock #1, RecordNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Ld RecordNumber
             # LitDefault
             # Lock
        example3: same for unlock
        #pass on purpose

    # integer representation on 2 bytes (decimal base10)
    def litdi2(self, value):

    # integer representation on 4 bytes (decimal base10)
    def litdi4(self, byte1, byte2):
        val = int(byte2+byte1[2:], 16)
    def litdi8(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented litdi8')
    def lithi2(self, byte):
        val = byte[2:]
        while val.startswith('0') and len(val) > 1:
            val = val[1:]
        val = '&H' + val
    def lithi4(self, byte1, byte2):
        val = byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
        while val.startswith('0') and len(val) > 1:
            val = val[1:]
        val = '&H' + val
    def lithi8(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented lithi8')
    def litnothing(self):
        command defining the "Nothing" variable
        example: Set Inst = Nothing
             # SetStmt
             # LitNothing
             # Set Inst
    def litoi2(self, value):
        command used when an octal is defined on a two bytes byte array
        example: B = &O1
             # LitOI2 0x0001
             # St B
        var = int(value,16)
        var2 = str(oct(var))[2:]
        self.opstack.push('&O' + var2)
    def litoi4(self, byte1, byte2):
        command used when an octal is defined on a two bytes byte array
        example: B = &O12345644444
             # LitOI4 0x4924 0x5397
             # St B
        val = byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
        var = int(val,16)
        var2 = str(oct(var))[2:]
        self.opstack.push('&O' + var2)
    def litoi8(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented litoi8')
    def litr4(self, byte1, byte2):
        command used when a floating point on 32 bit is declared
        val = byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
        self.opstack.push(str(struct.unpack("!f", bytes.fromhex(val))[0]))
    def litr8(self, byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4):
        command used when a floating point on 64 bit is declared
        val = byte4[2:]+byte3[2:]+byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
        self.opstack.push(str(struct.unpack("!d", bytes.fromhex(val))[0]))
    def litsmalli2(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented malli2')
    def litstr(self, mylen, *args):
        val = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        if len(val)>=2:
            #assert(val[0]=='"' and val[-1]=='"')
            val = val[1:-1]
            val = val.replace('"', '""')
            val = '"' + val + '"'

    def litvarspecial(self, var):
    def lock(self):
        command to lock a record
        example: Lock #1, RecordNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Ld RecordNumber
             # LitDefault
             # Lock
        if self.opstack.size() == 3:
            last_record = self.opstack.pop()
            first_record = self.opstack.pop()
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Lock ' + chan + ', ' + first_record + ' To ' + last_record)
        elif self.opstack.size() == 2:
            record = self.opstack.pop()
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Lock ' + chan + ', ' + record)
        elif self.opstack.size() == 1:
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Lock ' + chan)
    def loop(self):
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def loopuntil(self):
        command defining a loop until statement for "do"
        example: Loop Until TheName = ""
             # Ld TheName
             # LitStr 0x0000 ""
             # Eq
             # LoopUntil
        self.opstack.push('Loop Until ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def loopwhile(self):
        command handling " while" definitions
        example: Loop While Reponse = 5
             # Ld Response
             # LitDI2  0x0005
             # Eq
             # LoopWhile
        self.opstack.push('Loop While ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def lset(self):
        command for RSet keyword
        example: LSet MyString = "Right->"
             # LitStr 0x0007 "Right->"
             # Ld MyString
             # RSet
        var = self.opstack.pop()
        val = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('LSet ' + var + ' = ' + val)
    def me(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented me')
    def meimplicit(self, *args):
        command used when the object is the current form
        example: Print 
             # MeImplicit
             # PrintObj
             # PrintNL
        self.opstack.push('MeImplicit') #just pushing a specific marker to change treatment later
    def memredim(self, *args):
        command used when a property of an object is redim
        example: ReDim
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # Ld myobj
             # MemRedim foo 0x0001 (As Variant)
        val = self.opstack.pop()
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + val + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val2 = 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val2 += 'Preserve '
            val2 += val + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val = val2

        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'
    def memredimwith(self, *args):
        command used when a property of an object is redim within a with
        example: with myobj ... ReDim .foo(30) .. end with
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # MemRedimWith foo 0x0001 (As Variant)
        val = ''
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val += 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val += 'Preserve '
            val += '.' + args[0] + '('

        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'

    def memredimas(self, *args):
        command used when a redim is defined on a property of an object with a As in the end
        example: ReDim myobj.mytab(50) As Double
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x003C
             # Ld myobj
             # MemRedimAs Tab 0x0001 (As Double)
        val = self.opstack.pop()
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + val + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val2 = 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val2 += 'Preserve '
            val2 += val + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val = val2
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'

        args.pop(0) #remove var
        args.pop(0) # remove nb_params
        if len(args)> 0: # do we have smthng like "(As <type>)"
            if args[-1] != 'Variant)':
                val += ' ' + args[0][1:] + ' ' + args[1][:-1]
    def memredimaswith(self, *args):
        command used when a redim is defined on a property of an object with a As in the end, within a with block
        example: With myobj ... ReDim .mytab(70) As Integer ... End With 
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x0046
             # MemRedimAsWith Tab 0x0001 (As Integer)
        val = ''
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val += 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val += 'Preserve '
            val += '.' + args[0] + '('
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'

        args.pop(0) #remove var
        args.pop(0) # remove nb_params
        if len(args)> 0: # do we have smthng like "(As <type>)"
            if args[-1] != 'Variant)':
                val += ' ' + args[0][1:] + ' ' + args[1][:-1]
    def mid(self):
        command used when Mid funtion is used to set a sub string part, e.g. as an instruction
        example: Mid(MyString, 5, 3) = "fox"
             # LitStr 0x0003 "fox"
             # Ld MyString
             # LitDI2 0x0005
             # LitDI2 0x0003
             # Mid
        if self.opstack.size() > 3:
            length = self.opstack.pop()
            start = self.opstack.pop()
            obj = self.opstack.pop()
            str1 = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Mid(' + obj + ', ' + start + ', ' + length + ') = ' + str1)
            start = self.opstack.pop()
            obj = self.opstack.pop()
            str1 = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Mid(' + obj + ', ' + start + ') = ' + str1)            
    def midb(self):
        command used when Mid funtion is used to set a sub string part, e.g as an instruction
        example: MidB(MyString, 5, 3) = "fox"
             # LitStr 0x0003 "fox"
             # Ld MyString
             # LitDI2 0x0005
             # LitDI2 0x0003
             # MidB
        if self.opstack.size() > 3:
            length = self.opstack.pop()
            start = self.opstack.pop()
            obj = self.opstack.pop()
            str1 = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('MidB(' + obj + ', ' + start + ', ' + length + ') = ' + str1)
            start = self.opstack.pop()
            obj = self.opstack.pop()
            str1 = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('MidB(' + obj + ', ' + start + ') = ' + str1)            

    def name(self):
        command for the name keyword, permitting to rename variables
        example: Name OldName As NewName
             # Ld OldName
             # Ld NewName
             # Name
        newname = self.opstack.pop()
        oldname = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Name ' + oldname + ' As ' + newname) 
    def new(self, var):
        self.opstack.push('New ' + var)
    def next_(self):
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
        self.indentincrease_future = False
    def nextvar(self):
        self.opstack.push('Next ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def onerror(self, *args):
        command defining "on error" statements
        example1: On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
             # OnError ErrorHandler
        example2: On Error GoTo 0
             # OnError (GoTo 0)
        example3: On Error Resume Next
             # OnError (Resume Next)
        if args[0] == '(Resume':
            self.opstack.push('On Error Resume Next')
        elif args[0] == '(GoTo':
            self.opstack.push('On Error GoTo 0')
            #TODO: to check
            self.opstack.push('On Error GoTo ' + args[0])
    def ongosub(self, nb, *args):
        command used for gosub on a variable
        example: On Number GoSub Sub1, Sub2
             # Ld Number
             # OnGoSub 0x0004 Sub1, Sub2
        val = 'On ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' GoSub '
        val2 = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val2 += ' ' + arg
        self.opstack.push(val + val2)
    def ongoto(self, nb, *args):
        command used for goto on a variable
        example: On Number GoTo Line1, Line2
             # Ld Number
             # OnGoto 0x0004 Line1, Line2
        val = 'On ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' GoTo '
        val2 = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val2 += ' ' + arg
        self.opstack.push(val + val2)
    def open_(self, *args):
        command used for Open function
        example: Open "TESTFILE" For Output As #1
             # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # LitDefault
             # Open (For Output)
        example2: Open "TESTFILE" For Binary Access Write Lock Write As #1
             # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # LitDefault
             # Open (For Binary Access Write Lock Write)
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        val = args[0][1:] # avoid parenthesis
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[:-1] #avoid parenthesis
        self.opstack.push('Open ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' ' + val + ' As ' + chan)
    def option(self, *args):
        command for option keyword
        example: Option Explicit
        gives : 
           # Option (Explicit)
        example2: Option Compare Binary
        gives :
           # Option (Compare Binary)
        val = args[0][1:]
        if len(args)>1:
            for arg in args[1:]: #strip parenthesis
                val += ' ' + arg
        self.opstack.push('Option ' + val[:-1])
    def optionbase(self):
        used in the following case: when a table dimension is not declared from base to end, but only size;
        to treat it, we will push a magic value on stack like for dim and dimimplicit, and vardef will treat it directly
        example1: Dim MyArray(20)
             # Dim
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x0014
             # VarDefn MyArray
    def parambyval(self):
        command used when Byval keyword is used
        example: a ByVal b
             # Ld B
             # ParamByVal
             # ArgsCall a 0x0001
        self.opstack.push('ByVal ' + self.opstack.pop())
    def paramomitted(self):
        command used when a parameter is left blank in a function call
        example: MsgBox Msg, , "Deferred Error Test"
             # Ld Msg
             # ParamOmitted
             # LitStr 0x0013 "Deferred Error Test"
             # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0003
    def paramnamed(self, var):
        command used when a call is made with named parameters
        example: MyClasses.Add Item:=Inst, Key:=CStr(Num)
             # Ld Inst
             # ParamNamed Item
             # Ld Num
             # Coerce (Str)
             # ParamNamed Key
             # Ld MyClasses
             # ArgsMemCall Add 0x0002
        self.opstack.push(var + ':=' + self.opstack.pop())
    def printchan(self):
        command defining "print" to a channel
        example: Print #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # PrintChan
             # Ld MyBool
             # PrintItemSemi
             # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push('Print ' +self.opstack.pop() + ',')
    def printcomma(self, *args):
        command used when a colon is used in Print
        example: Debug.Print Spc(30), "Thirty spaces later...
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # PrintSpc
             # PrintComma
             # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
             # PrintItemNL
    def printeos(self):
        used at the end of some print when there is nothing, instead of printitemnl
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            if ((elmt == ';') or (elmt == ',')) and (elmts.index(elmt) != 1):
                val+= elmt
                val += ' ' + elmt

    def printitemcomma(self):
        command defining ",", used for example when writing 
        example: Write #1, "Hello World", 234
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # WriteChan
             # LitStr 0x000B "Hello World"
             # PrintItemComma
             # LitDI2 0x00EA
             # PrintItemNL
             # QuoteRem 0x0020 0x001C " Write comma-delimited data."
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            val += ' ' + elmt
        self.opstack.push(val + ',')
    def printitemnl(self):
        TODO: not sure what's it is used for
        example1: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # WriteChan
             # Ld MyBool
             # PrintItemSemi
             # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
             # PrintItemNL
        example2:  Debug.Print i
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # Ld i
             # PrintItemNL
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            if ((elmt == ';') or (elmt == ',')) and (elmts.index(elmt) != 1):
                val+= elmt
                val += ' ' + elmt
    def printitemsemi(self):
        command defining ";", used for example when writing 
        example: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # WriteChan
             # Ld MyBool
             # PrintItemSemi
             # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
             # PrintItemNL
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            val += ' ' + elmt
        self.opstack.push(val + ';')
    def printnl(self):
        really not sure about this one
        example: Write #1,     
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # WriteChan
             # PrintNL
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            val += ' ' + elmt
    def printobj(self):
        appears to call the print method of an object
        example:  Debug.Print i
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # Ld i
             # PrintItemNL
        if == 'MeImplicit':
            self.opstack.push(self.opstack.pop() + '.Print')
    def printsemi(self, *args):
        command used when a semicolon is used in Print
        example: Debug.Print Spc(30); "Thirty spaces later...
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # PrintSpc
             # PrintSemi
             # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
             # PrintItemNL
    def printspc(self):
        command used when SPC(n) is used in Print
        example: Debug.Print Spc(30); "Thirty spaces later...
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # PrintSpc
             # PrintSemi
             # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push('Spc(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    def printtab(self, *args):
        command used when Tab(n) is used in Print
        example: Debug.Print Tab(30); "Thirty spaces later...
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # PrintTab
             # PrintSemi
             # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push('Tab(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    def printtabcomma(self):
        command used when Tab with no arg is used in Print
        example: Debug.Print Tab, "Thirty spaces later...
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # PrintTabComma
             # PrintComma
             # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
             # PrintItemNL
    def pset(self, numparams):
        command used when the pset method of an object is called
        example: Me.PSet (intI, sngMidPt)
             # Ld intI
             # Ld sngMidPt
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # Ld id_FFFF
             # PSet 0x0002
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.PSet('
        first_arg = self.opstack.pop()
        if first_arg != '0':
            val += first_arg + ', '
        nb_args = int(numparams, 16)
        params = []
        if nb_args > 0:
            for i in range(nb_args):
            params = params[::-1]

            val += params[0]
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
        val +=')'
    def putrec(self):
        command to Put to a channel with a record: Put channel, record, var
        example: Put #1, RecordNumber, MyRecord
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Ld RecordNumber
             # Ld MyRecord
             # PutRec
        record = self.opstack.pop()
        record_num = self.opstack.pop()
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push(F'Put {chan}, {record_num}, {record}')
    def quoterem(self, val1, lenvar, *args):
        command handling comments definition with '
        multiple cases:
        example : MsgBox "toto" 'a message to send
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
             # QuoteRem 0x000F 0x11

        example : TODO macaroni
        gives: TODO macaroni
        val = "'" + args[0][1:]
        for arg in args[1:] :
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[:-1]
        if self.opstack.size() != 0:
            val = self.opstack.pop() + ' ' + val

    def redim(self, *args):
        command used when redim function is used
        example : ReDim temp(4)
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x0004
             # Redim temp 0x0001 (As Variant)
        val = ''
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + args[0] + '('
            val += 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val += 'Preserve '
            val += args[0] + '('
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'

    def redimas(self, *args):
        command used when a redim is defined with a As in the end
        example: ReDim mytab(50) As Double
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x0032
             # RedimAs mytab 0x0001 (As Double)
        val = ''
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + args[0] + '('
            val += 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val += 'Preserve '
            val += args[0] + '('
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'

        args.pop(0) #remove var
        args.pop(0) # remove nb_params
        if len(args)> 0: # do we have smthng like "(As <type>)"
            if args[-1] != 'Variant)':
                val += ' ' + args[0][1:] + ' ' + args[1][:-1]
    def reparse(self, *args):
        opcode used when a non valid statement is employed
        val = args[1][1:]
        for arg in args[2:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[:-1] # avoid double quotes

    def rem(self, *args):
        command for Rem keyword
        example: Rem This entire line is a comment
        gives:  # Rem 0x001F " This entire line is a comment."
        val = args[2] # avoid space+double quote
        for arg in args[3:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[:-1] #avoid double quote
        self.opstack.push('Rem ' + val)
    def resume(self, *args):
        command used when resume keyword is used 
        example1: Resume
        gives: # Resume
        example2: Resume Next
        gives: # Resume (Next)
        example3: Resume titi
        gives: # Resume titi
        if args == ():
            if args[0] == '(Next)':
                self.opstack.push('Resume Next')
                self.opstack.push('Resume ' + args[0])
    def return_(self):
        #TODO: comment
    def rset(self):
        command for RSet keyword
        example: RSet MyString = "Right->"
             # LitStr 0x0007 "Right->"
             # Ld MyString
             # RSet
        var = self.opstack.pop()
        val = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('RSet ' + var + ' = ' + val)
    def scale(self, *args):
        command used when an object scale method is used
        example: Me.Scale 
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # Ld sngNewH
             # Ld sngNewV
             # Ld id_FFFF
             # Scale 0x0000
        TODO: what to do with this command?
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented scale')
    def seek(self):
        opcode used when seek is used to search in a file
        example: Seek #1, 2
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # LitDI2 0x0002
             # Seek
        data = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Seek ' + self.opstack.pop() + ', ' + data)
    def selectcase(self):
        command handling a "select case" definition against a variable
        example : Select Case x
             # Ld x
             # SelectCase
        self.opstack.push('Select Case ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def selectis(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented selectis')
    def selecttype(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented selecttype')
    def setstmt(self):
        # TODO: comment
        #pass on purpose
    def stack(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented stack')
    def stop(self):
        #TODO: comment
    def type_(self, *args):
        command for Type keyword, #TODO: beware because it's also used for enum keyword
        example: Type EmployeeRecord
        gives : 
           # Type EmployeeRecord
        if args[0] == '(Private)':
            self.opstack.push('Private Type ' + args[1])
        elif args[0] == '(Public)':
            self.opstack.push('Public Type ' + args[1])
            self.opstack.push('Type ' + args[0])
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def unlock(self):
        command to unlock a record
        example: Unlock #1, RecordNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Ld RecordNumber
             # LitDefault
             # Unlock
        if self.opstack.size() == 3:
            last_record = self.opstack.pop()
            first_record = self.opstack.pop()
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Unlock ' + chan + ', ' + first_record + ' To ' + last_record)
        elif self.opstack.size() == 2:
            record = self.opstack.pop()
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Unlock ' + chan + ', ' + record)
        elif self.opstack.size() == 1:
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Unlock ' + chan)

    # Dim hiz7dgus As String
    # Private Const DefaultBufferSize& = 32768
    # Private CRC_32_Tab(0 To 255) As Long
    # ======================
    # Line #7:
    #   Dim 
    #   VarDefn hiz7dgus (As String)
    # Line #8:
    # Line #9:
    #   Dim (Private Const) 
    #   LitDI4 0x8000 0x0000 
    #   VarDefn DefaultBufferSize
    # Line #10:
    # Line #11:
    #   Dim (Private) 
    #   LitDI2 0x0000 
    #   LitDI2 0x00FF 
    #   VarDefn CRC_32_Tab (As Long)
    def vardefn(self, *args):      
        ending =''
        args = list(args) #quite ugly, but fu...
        if args[0] == '(WithEvents)':
            var = args.pop(0)[1:-1] + ' ' + args.pop(0)
            var = args.pop(0)

        spaces = 1
        if len(args) > 0:
            if args[-1].startswith('0x'):
                spaces = int(args.pop(-1),16) #TODO: treat spaces there
            ending = args[0]
            for arg in args[1:]:
                ending += ' ' + arg
            ending = ' ' + ending[1:-1]

        # first we check if this is only one literal definition
        # in this case, we get Dim definitions and we are all set up
        stacktop = self.opstack.pop()

        if stacktop == 'DimImplicit': #case where dim is implicit, 
            val = var + ending  # we have pushed in this case 'DimImplicit' on stack

        # in this case we have a single variable declaration
        decls = ['Dim', 'Private', 'Public', 'Protected', 'Friend', 'Protected Friend', 'Shared', 'Shadows', 'Static', 'ReadOnly']
        if stacktop in decls:
            val = stacktop + ' ' + var + ending

            # in this case, our variable is either a table, or there is also some const declarations
            # if so, walk the stack and check for declaration
            values = []

            # gather all stack
            while self.opstack.size() > 0:
            values = values[::-1]

            # if we have multiple vardefn with dim, then we are here
            # because all previous vardef should have been pushed correctly on stack
            if len(values) == 1 :
                for decl in decls:
                    if values[0].startswith(decl):
                        val = values[0] +', ' + var + ending
            # if const is used for declaration, then a value is attributed to variable
            # appears somehow not possible to declare a table as const, so far so good, no need to check this case
            if 'Const' in values[0]:
                val = values.pop(0)
                end_val = ' = ' + values.pop(0)
                if len(values) > 0:
                    # how to say what is dimensions to what is attribution
                    #val = 'Undefined variable declaration'
                    raise Pcode2codeException('undefined variable declaration')
                    val = val + ' ' + var + ending + end_val
            #so here we have a table
            val = ''
            if values[0] in decls: #first we check if this is the first definition
                val += values.pop(0) + ' ' + var + '('
            elif values[0] == 'DimImplicit': #not sure about this one
                val += var + '('
                #next we check for a previous declaration
                prev_decl = False
                for decl in decls:
                    if values[0].startswith(decl):
                        val += values.pop(0) +', ' + var + '('
                        prev_decl = True
                if prev_decl is False: #in this case, nothing before
                    val+= var + '('

            #first occurence
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

            #other occurences
            while len(values) > 0:
                val += ', '
                curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
                curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
                if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                    val += curr_val2 
                    val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

            val += ')' + ending

    def wend(self):
        command handling end of while loop "Wend"
        example: Wend
        gives : 
              # Wend
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def while_(self):
        command handling "while" loops definitions
        example: While numero <= 12
             # Ld numero
             # LitDI2 0x000C
             # Le
             # While
        self.opstack.push('While ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def with_(self):
        command handling "with" definitions
        example: with theWindow 
             # StartWithExpr
             # Ld theWindow
             # With
        self.opstack.push('With ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def writechan(self):
        command defining "write" to a channel
        example: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # WriteChan
             # Ld MyBool
             # PrintItemSemi
             # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push('Write ' +self.opstack.pop() + ',')
    def constfuncexpr(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented constfuncexpr')
    def lbconst(self, var):
        opcode used when #Const is used
        example: #Const x = y
             # LbMark
             # Ld B
             # LbConst a
        self.opstack.push('#Const ' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())
    def lbif(self):
        opcode used when #If is used
        example: #If a = b Then
             # LbMark
             # Ld a
             # Ld B
             # Eq
             # LbIf
        self.opstack.push('#If ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then')
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def lbelse(self):
        opcode used when #Else is used
        example: #Else 
        gives: lbElse
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def lbelseif(self):
        opcode used when #Elseif is used
        example: #ElseIf a = c Then
             # LbMark
             # Ld a
             # Ld c
             # Eq
             # LbElseIf
        self.opstack.push('#ElseIf ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def lbendif(self):
        opcode used when "#End If" is used
        example: #End If
        gives: #LbEndIf
        self.opstack.push('#End If')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def lbmark(self):
        appears to be used to indicate the start of a lb statement, appears quite useless
        pass #pass on purposes

    def endforvariable(self):
        This command ends out a for loop variable definition. Gives nothing interesting in fact
        example: TODO macaroni
        gives: TODO macaroni
        #pass on purposes
    def startforvariable(self):
        This command starts out a for loop variable definition. Gives nothing interesting in fact
        example: TODO macaroni
        gives: TODO macaroni
        #pass on purposes
    def newredim(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented newredim')
    def startwithexpr(self):
        used like startforvariable, eg, simply an indicator of when a with variable is declared.
        pretty useless for us.
        example: With theWindow
             # StartWithExpr
             # Ld theWindow
             # With
        #pass on purposes
    def setorst(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented setorst')
    def endenum(self):
        command to end an enum
        example: End Enum
        self.opstack.push('End Enum')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def illegal(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented illegal')

    def newline(self):
        defines a blank line. Used for internal processing, for blank streams and lines
    def clearstack(self):

    def getstacktop(self):

    def getstackpop(self):
        return self.opstack.pop()

    def getstacksize(self):
        return self.opstack.size()

    def increaseindentlevel_future(self):
        when we increase the indent level, we need to first print out the line, and then to increase the indent level. 
        to do so, when a line has been printed, this function checks if the indent level need to be increased and do so.
        if self.unindented > 0:
            self.unindented -= 1
        elif self.indentincrease_future:
            self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel + 1
        self.indentincrease_future = False
    def getindentlevel(self):
         function retrieving the class indentlevel parameter, used to print out code with correct indent
        return self.indentlevel

    def hasbos(self):
        return self.has_bos

    def resethasbos(self):
        self.has_bos = False
class Parser:

    def __init__(self, myinput):
        self.myinput = myinput  # input to be processed, is always a dump of pcodedmp module there
        self.opstack = Stack()  # vba bytecode is somewhat stack based, so we declare a new one 
        self.operations = Operations(self.opstack) # all operations that can be found in vba bytecode
        self.output = ''        # the output of global processing
        self.output_queue = []
        self.unindented = 0

    def queueLineOutput(self, line, linenum, print_linenum=False, has_end=True):
        self.output_queue.append((line, linenum, print_linenum, has_end))

    def addlineOutput(self, line, linenum, print_linenum=False, has_end=True, _checking_queue=False):
            Because we can choose what is the output for our module, this function somehow bufferize the
            output before it's printed in the latter.
        if not line.strip():
        while not _checking_queue and self.output_queue:
            self.addlineOutput(*self.output_queue.pop(), True)
        if print_linenum:
            self.output += str(linenum) + ': '           
        if not has_end:
            self.output += line
        self.output += line + '\n' 

    def getOutput(self):
        simply a getter to output, used in the end of global processing
        return self.output

    def parseInput(self):
            Function parsing pcodedmp dump to create a dictionary of all lines of the input with the operation lines associated.
            Basically, to explain, a pcodedmp dump would look like so:
               ' Line #7:
               '   Dim 
               '   VarDefn hiz7dgus (As String)
            Here the first line gives out the line number, and the rest are operation lines.
        splittedInput = self.myinput.splitlines()
        lines = {}
        i = 0
        started = False
        streams = {}
        laststream = None
        opelinesblock = []
        # we parse each lines, and cut them by line blocks, to put them in "lines"
        #TODO: simplify
        for inputLine in splittedInput:
            inputLine = inputLine.strip()

            if 'VBA/' in inputLine and inputLine.endswith('bytes'): # here we have a new stream in the document
                if laststream is None: #eg first occurence
                    laststream = inputLine
                    if opelinesblock == []:
                        opelinesblock = ['NewLine']
                    lines[i] = opelinesblock
                    streams[laststream] = lines
                    opelinesblock = []
                    i = 0
                    lines = {}
                    started = False
                    laststream = inputLine
            if inputLine.startswith('Line #'): # here is our new line block
                started = True
                if not inputLine.startswith('Line #0'):
                    if opelinesblock == []:             # when line is blank, it still appears in dump
                        opelinesblock = ['NewLine']     # so we treat it with a special new operation
                                                        # saying line is blank
                    lines[i] = opelinesblock
                opelinesblock = []
                if started:

        if opelinesblock == []:
            opelinesblock = ['NewLine']
        lines[i] = opelinesblock
        streams[laststream] = lines

        self.myinput = streams

    def parseOpLine(self, inputLine):
            function to parse an operation line.
            to avoid using costly regexp, we split each operation line. The first element is always the operation
            to do, and the rest is potential args. In case there are args, they will be reconstructed by the underlying operation.
        linelist = inputLine.split()
        ope = linelist[0]
        args = linelist[1:]
        func = self.operations.ops[ope]

    def processInput(self, print_linenum):
            When the input has been <<parsed>>, this function process it to disassemble the input, by calling parseOpLine for each line. 
            It is basically only a printing function.
              - print_linenum: boolean indicating if line numbers should be printed in the output or not. Please refer to function named "process"
        for stream in self.myinput.keys():
            if stream:
                self.queueLineOutput('# DECOMPILED STREAM : ' + stream, 0)
            unindented = 0
            for linenum, oplines in self.myinput[stream].items():
                for line in oplines:
                    if line.startswith('FuncDefn'):
                        unindented += 1
                    if line.startswith('EndFunc') or line.startswith('EndSub'):
                        unindented -= 1
            self.operations.unindented = unindented
            for linenum in self.myinput[stream]:
                    for opline in self.myinput[stream][linenum]:
                    if self.operations.hasbos():
                        output_parts = []
                        while self.operations.getstacksize() > 0:
                        output_parts = output_parts[::-1]
                        self.addlineOutput(self.operations.getindentlevel() * '  ', linenum, print_linenum, False)
                        for part in output_parts[:-1]:
                            self.addlineOutput(part + ' ', linenum, has_end=False)
                        self.addlineOutput(output_parts[-1], linenum)
                        self.addlineOutput(self.operations.getindentlevel() * '  ' + self.operations.getstacktop(), linenum, print_linenum)
                except Pcode2codeException as e:
                    self.addlineOutput("' pcode2code, cannot process line "+ str(linenum) + ' : ' + str(e), linenum, print_linenum)
                    for opline in self.myinput[stream][linenum]:
                        self.addlineOutput("'\t# " + opline, linenum)
                except Exception as e:
                    self.addlineOutput("' a generic exception occured at line " + str(linenum) + ": " + str(e), linenum, print_linenum)
                    for opline in self.myinput[stream][linenum]:
                        self.addlineOutput("'\t# " + opline, linenum)


class Pcode2codeException (*args, **kwargs)

Simply a custom exception class, permitting to make the difference between generic python exceptions and the one we are pushing

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class Pcode2codeException(Exception):
    Simply a custom exception class, permitting to make the difference between generic python exceptions and the one we are pushing


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Stack

Our stack class. Used to implement the operations made in the VBA bytecode, which is somehow stack based

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class Stack:
    Our stack class. Used to implement the operations made in the VBA bytecode, which is somehow stack based

    def __init__(self):
        self.stack = []

    def pop(self):
        if len(self.stack) == 0:
            return None
        return self.stack.pop()

    def push(self, item):

    def size(self):
        return len(self.stack)

    def top(self):
        return self.stack[-1]

    def bottom(self):
        return self.stack[0]

    def clearstack(self):
        self.stack = []


def pop(self)
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def pop(self):
    if len(self.stack) == 0:
        return None
    return self.stack.pop()
def push(self, item)
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def push(self, item):
def size(self)
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def size(self):
    return len(self.stack)
def top(self)
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def top(self):
    return self.stack[-1]
def bottom(self)
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def bottom(self):
    return self.stack[0]
def clearstack(self)
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def clearstack(self):
    self.stack = []
class Operations (opstack)
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class Operations:

    def __init__(self, opstack: Stack):
        self.opstack = opstack
        # number of blocks that will be ignored for indentation
        self.unindented = 0
        # current indentation level
        self.indentlevel = 0
        # boolean indicating if indentation level should be increased after the current command
        self.indentincrease_future = False
        # boolean indicating to print all stack, like in one liner cases
        self.has_bos = False
        # boolean indicating if we are on a onelineif. In this case, closing should not be treated the same as other if blocks
        self.onelineif = False
        self.ops = {
            'Imp'                   : self.imp,
            'Eqv'                   : self.eqv,
            'Xor'                   : self.xor,
            'Or'                    : self.or_,
            'And'                   : self.and_,
            'Eq'                    : self.eq,
            'Ne'                    :,
            'Le'                    : self.le,
            'Ge'                    :,
            'Lt'                    :,
            'Gt'                    :,
            'Add'                   : self.add,
            'Sub'                   : self.sub,
            'Mod'                   : self.mod,
            'IDiv'                  : self.idiv,
            'Mul'                   : self.mul,
            'Div'                   : self.div,
            'Concat'                : self.concat,
            'Like'                  :,
            'Pwr'                   : self.pwr,
            'Is'                    : self.is_,
            'Not'                   : self.not_,
            'UMi'                   : self.umi,
            'FnAbs'                 : self.fnabs,
            'FnFix'                 : self.fnfix,
            'FnInt'                 : self.fnint,
            'FnSgn'                 : self.fnsgn,
            'FnLen'                 : self.fnlen,
            'FnLenB'                : self.fnlenb,
            'Paren'                 : self.paren,
            'Sharp'                 :,
            'LdLHS'                 : self.ldlhs,
            'Ld'                    : self.ld,
            'MemLd'                 : self.memld,
            'DictLd'                : self.dictld,
            'IndexLd'               : self.indexld,
            'ArgsLd'                : self.argsld,
            'ArgsMemLd'             : self.argsmemld,
            'ArgsDictLd'            : self.argsdictld,
            'St'                    :,
            'MemSt'                 : self.memst,
            'DictSt'                : self.dictst,
            'IndexSt'               : self.indexst,
            'ArgsSt'                : self.argsst,
            'ArgsMemSt'             : self.argsmemst,
            'ArgsDictSt'            : self.argsdictst,
            'Set'                   : self.set_,
            'Memset'                : self.memset,
            'Dictset'               : self.dictset,
            'Indexset'              : self.indexset,
            'ArgsSet'               : self.argsset,
            'ArgsMemSet'            : self.argsmemset,
            'ArgsDictSet'           : self.argsdictset,
            'MemLdWith'             : self.memldwith,
            'DictLdWith'            : self.dictldwith,
            'ArgsMemLdWith'         : self.argsmemldwith,
            'ArgsDictLdWith'        : self.argsdictldwith,
            'MemStWith'             : self.memstwith,
            'DictStWith'            : self.dictstwith,
            'ArgsMemStWith'         : self.argsmemstwith,
            'ArgsDictStWith'        : self.argsdictstwith,
            'MemSetWith'            : self.memsetwith,
            'DictSetWith'           : self.dictsetwith,
            'ArgsMemSetWith'        : self.argsmemsetwith,
            'ArgsDictSetWith'       : self.argsdictsetwith,
            'ArgsCall'              : self.argscall,
            'ArgsMemCall'           : self.argsmemcall,
            'ArgsMemCallWith'       : self.argsmemcallwith,
            'ArgsArray'             : self.argsarray,
            'Assert'                : self.assert_,
            'BoS'                   : self.bos,
            'BoSImplicit'           : self.bosimplicit,
            'BoL'                   : self.bol,
            'LdAddressOf'           : self.ldaddressof,
            'MemAddressOf'          : self.memaddressof,
            'Case'                  :,
            'CaseTo'                : self.caseto,
            'CaseGt'                : self.casegt,
            'CaseLt'                : self.caselt,
            'CaseGe'                : self.casege,
            'CaseLe'                : self.casele,
            'CaseNe'                : self.casene,
            'CaseEq'                : self.caseeq,
            'CaseElse'              : self.caseelse,
            'CaseDone'              : self.casedone,
            'Circle'                :,
            'Close'                 : self.close,
            'CloseAll'              : self.closeall,
            'Coerce'                : self.coerce_,
            'CoerceVar'             : self.coercevar,
            'Context'               : self.context,
            'Debug'                 : self.debug,
            'DefType'               : self.deftype,
            'Dim'                   : self.dim,
            'DimImplicit'           : self.dimimplicit,
            'Do'                    :,
            'DoEvents'              : self.doevents,
            'DoUnitil'              : self.dounitil,
            'DoWhile'               : self.dowhile,
            'Else'                  : self.else_,
            'ElseBlock'             : self.elseblock,
            'ElseIfBlock'           : self.elseifblock,
            'ElseIfTypeBlock'       : self.elseiftypeblock,
            'End'                   : self.end,
            'EndContext'            : self.endcontext,
            'EndFunc'               : self.endfunc,
            'EndIf'                 : self.endif,
            'EndIfBlock'            : self.endifblock,
            'EndImmediate'          : self.endimmediate,
            'EndProp'               : self.endprop,
            'EndSelect'             : self.endselect,
            'EndSub'                : self.endsub,
            'EndType'               : self.endtype,
            'EndWith'               : self.endwith,
            'Erase'                 : self.erase,
            'Error'                 : self.error,
            'EventDecl'             : self.eventdecl,
            'RaiseEvent'            : self.raiseevent,
            'ArgsMemRaiseEvent'     : self.argsmemraiseevent,
            'ArgsMemRaiseEventWith' : self.argsmemraiseeventwith,
            'ExitDo'                : self.exitdo,
            'ExitFor'               : self.exitfor,
            'ExitFunc'              : self.exitfunc,
            'ExitProp'              : self.exitprop,
            'ExitSub'               : self.exitsub,
            'FnCurDir'              : self.fncurdir,
            'FnDir'                 : self.fndir,
            'Empty0'                : self.empty0,
            'Empty1'                : self.empty1,
            'FnError'               : self.fnerror,
            'FnFormat'              : self.fnformat,
            'FnFreeFile'            : self.fnfreefile,
            'FnInStr'               : self.fninstr,
            'FnInStr3'              : self.fninstr3,
            'FnInStr4'              : self.fninstr4,
            'FnInStrB'              : self.fninstrb,
            'FnInStrB3'             : self.fninstrb3,
            'FnInStrB4'             : self.fninstrb4,
            'FnLBound'              : self.fnlbound,
            'FnMid'                 : self.fnmid,
            'FnMidB'                : self.fnmidb,
            'FnStrComp'             : self.fnstrcomp,
            'FnStrComp3'            : self.fnstrcomp3,
            'FnStringVar'           : self.fnstringvar,
            'FnStringStr'           : self.fnstringstr,
            'FnUBound'              : self.fnubound,
            'For'                   : self.for_,
            'ForEach'               : self.foreach,
            'ForEachAs'             : self.foreachas,
            'ForStep'               : self.forstep,
            'FuncDefn'              : self.funcdefn,
            'FuncDefnSave'          : self.funcdefnsave,
            'GetRec'                : self.getrec,
            'GoSub'                 : self.gosub,
            'GoTo'                  : self.goto,
            'If'                    : self.if_,
            'IfBlock'               : self.ifblock,
            'TypeOf'                : self.typeof,
            'IfTypeBlock'           : self.iftypeblock,
            'Implements'            : self.implements,
            'Input'                 : self.input_,
            'InputDone'             : self.inputdone,
            'InputItem'             : self.inputItem,
            'Label'                 : self.label,
            'Let'                   : self.let,
            'Line'                  : self.line,
            'LineCont'              : self.linecont,
            'LineInput'             : self.lineInput,
            'LineNum'               : self.linenum,
            'LitCy'                 : self.litcy,
            'LitDate'               : self.litdate,
            'LitDefault'            : self.litdefault,
            'LitDI2'                : self.litdi2,
            'LitDI4'                : self.litdi4,
            'LitDI8'                : self.litdi8,
            'LitHI2'                : self.lithi2,
            'LitHI4'                : self.lithi4,
            'LitHI8'                : self.lithi8,
            'LitNothing'            : self.litnothing,
            'LitOI2'                : self.litoi2,
            'LitOI4'                : self.litoi4,
            'LitOI8'                : self.litoi8,
            'LitR4'                 : self.litr4,
            'LitR8'                 : self.litr8,
            'LitSmallI2'            : self.litsmalli2,
            'LitStr'                : self.litstr,
            'LitVarSpecial'         : self.litvarspecial,
            'Lock'                  : self.lock,
            'Loop'                  : self.loop,
            'LoopUntil'             : self.loopuntil,
            'LoopWhile'             : self.loopwhile,
            'LSet'                  : self.lset,
            'Me'                    :,
            'MeImplicit'            : self.meimplicit,
            'MemRedim'              : self.memredim,
            'MemRedimWith'          : self.memredimwith,
            'MemRedimAs'            : self.memredimas,
            'MemRedimAsWith'        : self.memredimaswith,
            'Mid'                   : self.mid,
            'MidB'                  : self.midb,
            'Name'                  :,
            'New'                   :,
            'Next'                  : self.next_,
            'NextVar'               : self.nextvar,
            'OnError'               : self.onerror,
            'OnGosub'               : self.ongosub,
            'OnGoto'                : self.ongoto,
            'Open'                  : self.open_,
            'Option'                : self.option,
            'OptionBase'            : self.optionbase,
            'ParamByVal'            : self.parambyval,
            'ParamOmitted'          : self.paramomitted,
            'ParamNamed'            : self.paramnamed,
            'PrintChan'             : self.printchan,
            'PrintComma'            : self.printcomma,
            'PrintEoS'              : self.printeos,
            'PrintItemComma'        : self.printitemcomma,
            'PrintItemNL'           : self.printitemnl,
            'PrintItemSemi'         : self.printitemsemi,
            'PrintNL'               : self.printnl,
            'PrintObj'              : self.printobj,
            'PrintSemi'             : self.printsemi,
            'PrintSpc'              : self.printspc,
            'PrintTab'              : self.printtab,
            'PrintTabComma'         : self.printtabcomma,
            'PSet'                  : self.pset,
            'PutRec'                : self.putrec,
            'QuoteRem'              : self.quoterem,
            'Redim'                 : self.redim,
            'RedimAs'               : self.redimas,
            'Reparse'               : self.reparse,
            'Rem'                   : self.rem,
            'Resume'                : self.resume,
            'Return'                : self.return_,
            'RSet'                  : self.rset,
            'Scale'                 : self.scale,
            'Seek'                  :,
            'SelectCase'            : self.selectcase,
            'SelectIs'              : self.selectis,
            'SelectType'            : self.selecttype,
            'SetStmt'               : self.setstmt,
            'Stack'                 : self.stack,
            'Stop'                  : self.stop,
            'Type'                  : self.type_,
            'Unlock'                : self.unlock,
            'VarDefn'               : self.vardefn,
            'Wend'                  : self.wend,
            'While'                 : self.while_,
            'With'                  : self.with_,
            'WriteChan'             : self.writechan,
            'ConstFuncExpr'         : self.constfuncexpr,
            'LbConst'               : self.lbconst,
            'LbIf'                  : self.lbif,
            'LbElse'                : self.lbelse,
            'LbElseIf'              : self.lbelseif,
            'LbEndIf'               : self.lbendif,
            'LbMark'                : self.lbmark,
            'EndForVariable'        : self.endforvariable,
            'StartForVariable'      : self.startforvariable,
            'NewRedim'              : self.newredim,
            'StartWithExpr'         : self.startwithexpr,
            'SetOrSt'               : self.setorst,
            'EndEnum'               : self.endenum,
            'Illegal'               : self.illegal,
            'NewLine'               : self.newline

    def imp(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Imp ' + arg2

    def eqv(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Eqv ' + arg2

    def xor(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Xor ' + arg2

    def or_(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Or ' + arg2

    def and_(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' And ' + arg2

    def eq(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' = ' + arg2

    def ne(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' <> ' + arg2

    def le(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' <= ' + arg2

    def ge(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' >= ' + arg2

    def lt(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' < ' + arg2

    def gt(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' > ' + arg2

    # ex opeline: "Add"
    # gets the two values on stack, pop them, add them and push again
    def add(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' + ' + arg2

    def sub(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' - ' + arg2

    def mod(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Mod ' + arg2

    def idiv(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' \\ ' + arg2

    def mul(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' * ' + arg2

    def div(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' / ' + arg2

    def concat(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' & ' + arg2

    def like(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Like ' + arg2

    def pwr(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' ^ ' + arg2

    def is_(self):
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg1 + ' Is ' + arg2

    def not_(self):
        val = 'Not ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def umi(self):
        val = '-' + self.opstack.pop()

    def fnabs(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'Abs(' + arg + ')'

    def fnfix(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'Fix(' + arg + ')'

    def fnint(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'int(' + arg + ')'

    def fnsgn(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'Sgn(' + arg + ')'

    def fnlen(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'Len(' + arg + ')'

    def fnlenb(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'LenB(' + arg + ')'

    def paren(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = '(' + arg + ')'

    def sharp(self):
        arg = self.opstack.pop()
        val = '#' + arg

    def ldlhs(self):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented ldlhs')

    def ld(self, var):
        command defining a variable
        example: X = Y
             # Ld Y
             # St X
        if var == 'id_FFFF': #hacky way to do it because me does not seem to be fully
            var = 'Me'       #parsed by pcodedmp

    def memld(self, var):
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var

    def dictld(self, var):
        cf fields and collections, also index???
        example: Debug.Print rsTable!Title
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # Ld rsTable
             # DictLd Title
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push(self.opstack.pop()+ '!' + var)

    def indexld(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented indexld')

    def argsld(self, varname, numparams):
        val = varname + '('
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    def argsmemld(self, var, numparams):
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    def argsdictld(self, var, numparams):
        command used when an index of an object with an argument is accessed
        example: Debug.Print myobj!toto("titi") 
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
             # Ld myobj
             # ArgsDictLd toto 0x0001
             # PrintItemNL
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    # example line : Function giqw(str As String) As Variant: Dim bytes() As Byte: bytes = str: giqw = bytes: End Function
    # op line:
    # Line #13:
    #     FuncDefn (Function giqw(str As String) As Variant)
    #     BoS 0x0000 
    #     Dim 
    #     VarDefn bytes (As Byte)
    #     BoS 0x0000 
    #     Ld str 
    #     St bytes 
    #     BoS 0x0000 
    #     Ld bytes 
    #     St giqw 
    #     BoS 0x0000 
    #     EndFunc 
    def st(self, arg):
        param = self.opstack.pop()
        val = arg + ' = ' + param

    def memst(self, var):
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var
        val = val + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def dictst(self, var):
        command used when an index is defined directly
        example: myobj!titi = "toto"
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # Ld myobj
             # DictSt titi
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def indexst(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented indexst')

    # TODO: to check
    def argsst(self, var, numparams):
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = var + '(' + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'

        param2 = self.opstack.pop()
        val += ' = ' + param2

    def argsmemst(self, var, numparams):
        #TODO: to check
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.'
        nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + var + '(' + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'

        param2 = self.opstack.pop()
        val += ' = ' + param2

    def argsdictst(self, var, numparams):
        used when an index of an obj with an argument is defined
        example: myobj!titi2("toto") = "toto"
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # Ld myobj
             # ArgsDictSt titi2 0x0001
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '!' 
        nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + var + '(' + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'

        param2 = self.opstack.pop()
        val += ' = ' + param2
    def set_(self, var):
        val = 'Set ' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def memset(self, var):
        obtained when a property of an object is set
        example: Set YourObject.Text = lobject
             # SetStmt
             # Ld lobject
             # Ld YourObject
             # Memset Text
        val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()
    def dictset(self, var):
        obtained when an index of an object is set
        example: Set YourObject!Text = lobject
             # SetStmt
             # Ld lobject
             # Ld YourObject
             # Dictset Text
        val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def indexset(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented indexset')

    def argsset(self, var, nb):
        obtained when an argument of an object is set
        example: Set YourObject(ggg) = lobject
             # SetStmt
             # Ld lobject
             # Ld ggg
             # ArgsSet YourObject 0x0001
        val = 'Set ' + var + '(' + self.opstack.pop() + ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def argsmemset(self, var, numparams):
        obtained when an argument of a property of an object is set
        example: Set YourObject.Text2("titi") = lobject
             # SetStmt
             # Ld lobject
             # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
             # Ld YourObject
             # ArgsMemSet Text2 0x0001
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def argsdictset(self, var, numparams):
        obtained when an argument of a property of an object is set
        example: Set YourObject.Text2("titi") = lobject
             # SetStmt
             # Ld lobject
             # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
             # Ld YourObject
             # ArgsMemSet Text2 0x0001
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def memldwith(self, var):
        command defining a part of an object like .<prop>
        example: with blah <....> .Name 
        gives:  # MemLdWith Name
        self.opstack.push('.' + var)

    def dictldwith(self, var):
        accessing an index in a with block
        example: With <smth>.... Debug.Print !au_lname ... end with
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # DictLdWith au_lname
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push('!' + var)

    def argsmemldwith(self, var, numparams):
        example: .CodePane.SetSelection .ProcStartLine(sProc, ProcType) + lLine, 1, .ProcStartLine(sProc, ProcType) + lLine + 1, 1
             # Ld sProc
             # Ld ProcType
             # ArgsMemLdWith ProcStartLine 0x0002
             # Ld lLine
             # Add
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Ld sProc
             # Ld ProcType
             # ArgsMemLdWith ProcStartLine 0x0002
             # Ld lLine
             # Add
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Add
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # MemLdWith CodePane
             # ArgsMemCall SetSelection 0x0004
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = '.' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    def argsdictldwith(self, var, numparams):
        command used when an index of an object with an argument is accessed with a with block
        example: With myobj ... Debug.Print !toto("titi") ... end with
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
             # ArgsDictLdWith toto 0x0001
             # PrintItemNL
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = '!' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    def memstwith(self, var):
        command defining a part of an object like .<prop> = <smthg>
        example: .Name = "Coho Vineyard"
             # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
             # MemStWith Name
        self.opstack.push('.' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def dictstwith(self, var):
        command defining a part of an object like !<index> = <smthg>
        example: With ... !Name = "Coho Vineyard" ... end with
             # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
             # DictStWith Name
        self.opstack.push('!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def argsmemstwith(self, var, numparams):
        command defining a property of an object with arguments in a with statement
        example: With ... .Name(1,2) = b ... end with
             # Ld B
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # LitDI2 0x0002
             # ArgsMemStWith Name 0x0002
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = '.' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def argsdictstwith(self, var, *args):
        command defining a part of an object like !<index> = <smthg> in a with block
        example: !Name = "Coho Vineyard"
             # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
             # DictStWith Name
        self.opstack.push('!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def memsetwith(self, var):
        command defining a set on an index of an object in a with block
        example: with <smth> ... Set .Name = "Coho Vineyard"
             # SetStmt
             # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
             # memSetWith Name
        self.opstack.push('Set .' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def dictsetwith(self, var):
        command defining a set on an index of an object in a with block
        example: with <smth> ... Set !Name = "Coho Vineyard"
             # SetStmt
             # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
             # DictSetWith Name
        self.opstack.push('Set !' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def argsmemsetwith(self, var, numparams):
        command defining a set on an index with an argument of an object in a with block
        example: with <smth> ... Set .nini("gg", "ff", "uu") = "toto"
             # SetStmt
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "gg"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "ff"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "uu"
             # ArgsMemSetWith nini 0x0003
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'Set !' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def argsdictsetwith(self, var, numparams):
        command defining a set on an index with an argument of an object in a with block
        example: with <smth> ... Set !nini("gg", "ff", "uu") = "toto"
             # SetStmt
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "gg"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "ff"
             # LitStr 0x0002 "uu"
             # ArgsDictSetWith nini 0x0003
        nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'Set !' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()

    def argscall(self, *args):

        if args[0] == '(Call)':
            nb_parameters = int(args[2],16)
            val = 'Call ' + args[1] + '('
            end_val = ')'
            val = args[0]
            nb_parameters = int(args[1],16)           
            end_val = ''
        params = []
        #print 'func:' + funcname
        #print 'nbparameters : ' + str(nb_parameters)
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            if ((params[0].startswith('(')) or (args[0] == '(Call)')):               
                val = val + params[0]
                val = val + ' ' + params[0]

            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += end_val

    def argsmemcall(self, *args):
        command to call a function of an object
        example: ayUBnLK01, 0
        gives : 
           # Ld ayUBnLK01
           # LitDI2 0x0000
           # Ld a43g0xT
           # ArgsMemCall run 0x0002
        args = list(args)
        parenthesis = False
        if args[0] == '(Call)':
            val = 'Call ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + args[0] + '('
            parenthesis = True
            val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + args[0]

        nb_parameters = int(args[1],16)           
        end_val = ''
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            if params[0].startswith('('):               
                val = val + params[0]
                end_val = ')'
                if not parenthesis:
                    val = val + ' ' +params[0]
                    val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        if parenthesis == True:
            end_val = ')'
        self.opstack.push(val + end_val)

    def argsmemcallwith(self, *args):
        command when a function of an object is called in a with definition
        example: With a ... call .a(1,2) ... end with
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # LitDI2 0x0002
             # ArgsMemCallWith (Call) a 0x0002
        parenthesis = False
        args = list(args)
        if args[0] == '(Call)':
            parenthesis = True
            val = 'Call .' + args[0] + '('
            val = '.' + args[0]
        nb_parameters = int(args[1],16)           
        end_val = ''
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            if params[0].startswith('('):               
                val = val + params[0]
                end_val = ')'
                if not parenthesis:
                    val = val + ' ' + params[0]
                    val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param

        if parenthesis:
            end_val = ')'
        self.opstack.push(val + end_val)

    def argsarray(self, var, numparams):
        val = var + '('
        nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    def assert_(self):
        command for debug.asser
        example: Debug.Assert blnAssert
        gives : 
              # Ld blnAssert
              # Assert
        self.opstack.push('Debug.Assert ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def bos(self, valarg):
        arg = int(valarg,16)
        if arg == 0:
            val = self.opstack.pop() + ':'
        self.has_bos = True

    def bosimplicit(self, *args):
        appears useless, but in this case we still need to print whole stack
        example: If Mid$(theString, i, 1) <> Chr$(0) Then Exit For
             # Ld theString
             # Ld i
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # ArgsLd Mid$ 0x0003
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # ArgsLd Chr$ 0x0001
             # Ne
             # If
             # BoSImplicit
             # ExitFor
             # EndIf
        self.has_bos = True
    def bol(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented bol')

    def ldaddressof(self, var):
        command for AddressOf keyword
        example: EnumFontFamilies hDC, vbNullString, AddressOf EnumFontFamProc, LB
             # Ld hDC
             # Ld vbNullString
             # LdAddressOf EnumFontFamProc
             # Ld LB
             # ArgsCall EnumFontFamilies 0x0004
        self.opstack.push('AddressOf ' + var)

    def memaddressof(self, var):
        command for AddressOf keyword on a property of an object
        example: MsgBox AddressOf myobj.toto
             # Ld myobj
             # MemAddressOf toto
             # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
        self.opstack.push('AddressOf ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var)

    def case(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is one value 
        example: Case 0
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # Case
             # CaseDone

        self.opstack.push('Case ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def caseto(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is from one value to one other value
        example: Case 0 To 30
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # CaseTo
             # CaseDone
        val = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Case ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' To ' + val)

    def casegt(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is lower than a value
        example: Case Is > 100
             # LitDI2 0x0064
             # CaseGt
             # CaseDone
        self.opstack.push('Case Is > ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def caselt(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is lower than a value
        example: Case Is < 0
             # LitDI2 0x0002
             # CaseLt
             # CaseDone
        self.opstack.push('Case Is < ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def casege(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is greater or equal than a value
        example: TODO: to check
        self.opstack.push('Case Is >= ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def casele(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is lower or equal than a value
        example: TODO: to check
        self.opstack.push('Case Is <= ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def casene(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is different to a value
        example: TODO: to check
        self.opstack.push('Case Is <> ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def caseeq(self):
        command handling choice in select case where choice is equal to a value
        example: TODO: to check
        self.opstack.push('Case Is = ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def caseelse(self):
        command defining a "Case Else" stmt
        example: Case Else
             # CaseElse
        self.opstack.push('Case Else')

    def casedone(self):
        #pass on purpose, please see previous examples

    def circle(self, useless):
        command used when the circle method of an object is called
        example: Me.Circle (sngHCtr, sngVCtr), sngRadius
             # Ld sngHCtr
             # Ld sngVCtr
             # Ld sngRadius
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # Ld id_FFFF
             # Circle 0x001E
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.Circle ('
        params = []
        for i in range(7):
        params = params[::-1]

        val += params[0] + ', ' + params[1] + '), ' + params[2]
        all_empty = True
        for param in params[3:]:
            if param != '0':
                all_empty = False

        if all_empty:
            for param in params[3:]:
                if param == '0':
                    val = val + ', <tbr>'
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val = val.replace(', <tbr>' , '')

    def close(self, numparams):
        val = 'Close '
        nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
        params = []
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param

    def closeall(self):
        command used when close is called with no arguments, effectively closing all files
        example: Close
        gives: # CloseAll

    def coerce_(self, arg):
        command used for variable conversion
        example1: MyLong2 = CLng(MyVal2)
             # Ld MyVal2
             # Coerce (Lng)
             # St MyLong2
        example2: MyInt = CInt(MyDouble)
             # Ld MyDouble
             # Coerce (Int)
             # St MyInt
        if arg == '(Str)':
            self.opstack.push('CStr(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Var)':
            self.opstack.push('CVar(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Sng)':
            self.opstack.push('CSng(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Lng)':
            self.opstack.push('CLng(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Int)':
            self.opstack.push('CInt(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Dbl)':
            self.opstack.push('CDbl(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Date)':
            self.opstack.push('CDate(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Cur)':
            self.opstack.push('CCur(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Byte)':
            self.opstack.push('CByte(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        elif arg == '(Bool)':
            self.opstack.push('CBool(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
            raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented coerce')
    def coercevar(self, arg):
        example1: MyError = CVErr(32767)
        gives: # CoerceVar (Err)
        if arg == '(Err)':
            self.opstack.push('CVErr(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
            raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented coercevar')

    def context(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented context')

    def debug(self):
        seems used to invoke debug object
        example: Debug.Print MyVar
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # Ld MyVar
             # PrintItemNL

    def deftype(self, *args):
        command used when def<type> is used.
        TODO: bytes to know ranges appear random. How to do it?
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented deftype')

    # Dim hiz7dgus As String
    # Private Const DefaultBufferSize& = 32768
    # Private CRC_32_Tab(0 To 255) As Long
    # ======================
    # Line #7:
    #   Dim 
    #   VarDefn hiz7dgus (As String)
    # Line #8:
    # Line #9:
    #   Dim (Private Const) 
    #   LitDI4 0x8000 0x0000 
    #   VarDefn DefaultBufferSize
    # Line #10:
    # Line #11:
    #   Dim (Private) 
    #   LitDI2 0x0000 
    #   LitDI2 0x00FF 
    #   VarDefn CRC_32_Tab (As Long)
    def dim(self, *args):
        # args is a tuple, we treat it only when its not empty
        # example of args : (As String), (As Long)...
        if args != ():
            val = args[0]
            for arg in args[1:]:
                val += ' ' + arg
            val = val[1:-1]
            val = 'Dim'

    def dimimplicit(self):

    def do(self):
        command handling "Do" keyword
        example: Do (we have then the loop and so on)
             # Do
        self.indentincrease_future = True

    def doevents(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented doevents')

    def dounitil(self):
        command handling "do until" definitions
        example: Do Until Response = "youpi"
             # Ld Response
             # ListStr 0x0005 "youpi"
             # Eq
             # DoUnitil
        self.opstack.push('Do Until ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentincrease_future = True

    def dowhile(self):
        command handling "do while" definitions
        example: Do While Reponse <> "youpi"
             # Ld Response
             # LitStr 0x0005 "youpi"
             # Ne
             # DoWhile
        self.opstack.push('Do While ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentincrease_future = True

    def else_(self):
        command used for a "else" in a if oneliner
        example: If X < 4 Then MsgBox "hi" Else MsgBox "ho"
             # Ld X
             # LitDI2 0x0004
             # Lt
             # If
             # BoSImplicit
             # LitStr 0x0002 "hi"
             # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
             # Else
             # BoSImplicit
             # LitStr 0x0002 "Ho"
             # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
             # EndIf

    def elseblock(self):
        command defining a new "else" for a block
        example: Else
        gives: #Else
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
        self.indentincrease_future = True

    def elseifblock(self):
        command defining a new "else if" block
        example: ElseIf dayW = DayOfWeek.Thursday Then
             # Ld dayW
             # Ld DayOfWeek
             # MemLd Thursday
             # Eq
             # ElseIfBlock
        self.opstack.push('ElseIf ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
        self.indentincrease_future = True

    def elseiftypeblock(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented elseiftypeblock')

    def end(self):

    def endcontext(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented endcontext')

    def endfunc(self):
        self.opstack.push('End Function')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endif(self):
        if self.onelineif == True:
            self.onelineif = False
            self.opstack.push('End If')
            self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endifblock(self):
        self.opstack.push('End If')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endimmediate(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented endimmediate')

    def endprop(self):
        command handling the end of a property
        example: End Property
        self.opstack.push('End Property')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel -1

    def endselect(self):
        command defining a stmt of "End Select", closing a select case.
        example: End Select
             # EndSelect
        self.opstack.push('End Select')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endsub(self):
        self.opstack.push('End Sub')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endtype(self):
        command to end a new type definition
        example: End Type
        self.opstack.push('End Type')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def endwith(self):
        command to end a new with definition
        example: End With
        gives: #EndWith
        self.opstack.push('End With')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def erase(self, nb_params):
        command for Erase function keyword
        example: Erase threeDimArray, twoDimArray
             # Ld threeDimArray
             # Ld twoDimArray
             # Erase 0x0002
        nb_args = int(nb_params, 16)
        val = ''
        params = []
        for i in range(nb_args):
            params = params[::-1]
        val = params[0]
        if nb_args > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param

        self.opstack.push('Erase ' + val)

    def error(self):
        command used for Error keyword
        example: Error 11
             # LitDI2 0x000B
             # Error
        self.opstack.push('Error ' + self.opstack.pop())

    def eventdecl(self, *args):
        command for declaring a new event in VBA
        example: Event LogonCompleted(UserName As String)
        gives : 
           # EventDecl (Sub LogonCompleted(UserName As String))
        val = args[1]
        for arg in args[2:-1]: #strip parenthesis
            val += ' ' + arg
        self.opstack.push('Event ' + val + ' ' + args[-1][:-1])

    def raiseevent(self, evt_name, nb_params):
        command when RaiseEvent is used
        example: RaiseEvent LogonCompleted("AntoineJean")
             # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan"
             # RaiseEvent LogonCompleted 0x0001
        nb_args = int(nb_params, 16)
        val = ''
        params = []
        if nb_args > 0:
            for i in range(nb_args):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = '('+ params[0]
            if nb_args > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'
        self.opstack.push('RaiseEvent ' + evt_name + val)

    def argsmemraiseevent(self, var, numparams):
        command used when a raiseevent is called on a property of an object
        example: RaiseEvent myobj.LogonCompleted("AntoineJan")
             # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan"
             # Ld myobj
             # ArgsMemRaiseEvent LogonCompleted 0x0001
        nb_args = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'RaiseEvent ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_args > 0:
            for i in range(nb_args):
            params = params[::-1]
            val += params[0]
            if nb_args > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'

    def argsmemraiseeventwith(self, var, numparams):
        command used when a raiseevent is called on a property of an object within a with block
        example: with myobj ... RaiseEvent .LogonCompleted("AntoineJan") ... end with
             # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan"
             # ArgsMemRaiseEventWith LogonCompleted 0x0001
        nb_args = int(numparams, 16)
        val = 'RaiseEvent .' + var + '('
        params = []
        if nb_args > 0:
            for i in range(nb_args):
            params = params[::-1]
            val += params[0]
            if nb_args > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
            val += ')'
    def exitdo(self):
        #TODO: comment
        self.opstack.push('Exit Do')

    def exitfor(self):
        #TODO: comment
        self.opstack.push('Exit For')

    def exitfunc(self):
        #TODO: comment
        self.opstack.push('Exit Function')
    def exitprop(self):
        #TODO: comment
        self.opstack.push('Exit Property')
    def exitsub(self):
        #TODO: comment
        self.opstack.push('Exit Sub')
    def fncurdir(self, *args):
        #val = 'CurDir(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')'
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fncurdir')
    def fndir(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fndir')
    def empty0(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented empty0')
    def empty1(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented empty1')
    def fnerror(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnerror')
    def fnformat(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented format')
    def fnfreefile(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnfreefile')
    def fninstr(self):
        command used when calling Instr function with 2 arguments
        example: MyPos = InStr(SearchString, SearchChar)
             # Ld SearchString
             # Ld SearchChar
             # FnInStr
             # St MyPos
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Instr(' + self.opstack.pop() + ', ' + arg2 + ')')
    def fninstr3(self):
        command used when calling Instr function with 3 arguments
        example: MyPos = InStr(1, SearchString, "W")
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Ld SearchString
             # LitStr 0x0001 "W"
             # FnInStr3
             # St MyPos
        arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Instr(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ')')
    def fninstr4(self):
        command used when calling Instr function with 4 arguments
        example: MyPos = InStr(4, SearchString, SearchChar, 1)
             # LitDI2 0x0004
             # Ld SearchString
             # Ld SearchChar
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # FnInStr4
             # St MyPos
        arg4 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Instr(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ', ' + arg4 + ')')
    def fninstrb(self):
        command used when calling InstrB function with 2 arguments
        example: TODO: make sure here
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('InstrB(' + self.opstack.pop() + ', ' + arg2 + ')')

    def fninstrb3(self):
        command used when calling InstrB function with 3 arguments
        example: TODO: make sure here

        arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('InstrB(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ')')

    def fninstrb4(self):
        command used when calling InstrB function with 4 arguments
        example: TODO: make sure here

        arg4 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
        arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Instr(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ', ' + arg4 + ')')
    def fnlbound(self, arg):
        command indicating the use of the LBound function
        strangely enough, there is an indication of the number of arguments to be popped out of the stack
        but this number is not good.
        example: Lower = LBound(TwoDArray, 2)
             # Ld TwoDArray
             # LitDI2 0x0002
             # FnLBound 0x0001
             # St Lower
        nb_parameters = int(arg,16) + 1
        params = []
        val = '('
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'
        val = 'LBound' + val
    def fnmid(self):
        val = 'Mid(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')'
    def fnmidb(self):
        val = 'MidB(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')'
    def fnstrcomp(self):
        command used when strcomp function with 2 arguments is called
        example: MyComp = StrComp(MyStr2, MyStr1)
             # Ld MyStr2
             # Ld MyStr1
             # FnStrComp
             # St MyComp
        str2 = self.opstack.pop()
        str1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('StrComp(' + str1 + ', ' + str2 + ')')
    def fnstrcomp3(self):
        command used when strcomp function with 3 arguments is called
        example: MyComp = StrComp(MyStr1, MyStr2, 0)
             # Ld MyStr1
             # Ld MyStr2
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # FnStrComp3
             # St MyComp
        third_arg = self.opstack.pop()
        str2 = self.opstack.pop()
        str1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('StrComp(' + str1 + ', ' + str2 + ', ' + third_arg + ')')
    def fnstringvar(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnstringvar')
    def fnstringstr(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnstringstr')
    def fnubound(self, arg):
        command used when calling Ubound function
        example: uL = UBound(sb_)
             # Ld sb_ 
             # FnUBound 0x0000 
             # St uL
        nb_parameters = int(arg,16) + 1
        params = []
        val = '('
        if nb_parameters > 0:
            for i in range(nb_parameters):
            params = params[::-1]
            val = val + params[0]
            if nb_parameters > 1:
                for param in params[1:]:
                    val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'
        val = 'UBound' + val
    def for_(self):
        maxvar = self.opstack.pop()
        minvar = self.opstack.pop()
        loopvar = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'For ' + loopvar + ' = ' + minvar + ' To ' + maxvar
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def foreach(self):
        command defining a new for each loop definition
        example: For Each MyObject In MyClasses
             # StartForVariable
             # Ld MyObject
             # EndForVariable
             # Ld MyClasses
             # ForEach
        collect = self.opstack.pop()
        loopvar = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'For Each ' + loopvar + ' In ' + collect
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def foreachas(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented foreachas')
    def forstep(self):
        step = self.opstack.pop()
        maxvar = self.opstack.pop()
        minvar = self.opstack.pop()
        loopvar = self.opstack.pop()
        val = 'For ' + loopvar + ' = ' + minvar + ' To ' + maxvar + ' Step ' + step
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def funcdefn(self, *args: str):
        val = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[1:-1]
        if not val.startswith('Declare'):
            self.indentincrease_future = True
    def funcdefnsave(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented funcdefnsave')
    def getrec(self):
        command to Get from a channel with a record: get channel, record, var
        example: Get #1, RecordNumber, MyRecord
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Ld RecordNumber
             # Ld MyRecord
             # GetRec
        record = self.opstack.pop()
        record_num = self.opstack.pop()
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        if chan is not None:
            self.opstack.push('Get ' + chan + ', ' + record_num + ', ' + record)
            self.opstack.push('Get ' + record_num + ', , ' + record) # kindly ugly
    def gosub(self, var):
        command used when gosub is used
        example: If Num > 0 Then GoSub MyRoutine 
             # Ld Num
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # Gt
             # If
             # BoSImplicit
             # GoSub MyRoutine
             # EndIf
        self.opstack.push('GoSub ' + var)
    def goto(self, var):
        command used when a goto <label> is defined
        example: GoTo label1
        gives: # GoTo label1
        self.opstack.push('GoTo ' + var)

    def if_(self, *args):
        val = 'If ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then'
        self.onelineif = True
    def ifblock(self):
        val = 'If ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then'
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def typeof(self, *args):
        command used when TypeOf function is used
        TODO: associated type is obscure for now
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented typeof')
    def iftypeblock(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented iftypeblock')
    def implements(self, *args):
        command used when Implements instruction is used
        TODO: associated type is obscure for now        
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented implements')
    def input_(self):
        command used when Input function is called
        example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Input
             # Ld MyString
             # InputItem
             # Ld MyNumber
             # InputItem
             # InputDone        
        self.opstack.push('Input ' + self.opstack.pop())
    def inputdone(self):
        command used when Input function is called
        example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Input
             # Ld MyString
             # InputItem
             # Ld MyNumber
             # InputItem
             # InputDone        
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            val += elmt

    def inputItem(self):
        command used when Input function is called
        example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Input
             # Ld MyString
             # InputItem
             # Ld MyNumber
             # InputItem
             # InputDone        
        self.opstack.push(', ' + self.opstack.pop())
    def label(self, arg):
        command defining a new label
        example: MyString:
             # Label MyString
    def let(self, *args):
        command used when let keywork is used
        example: Let MyStr  = "Hello World"
             # Let
             # LitStr 0x000B "Hello World"
             # St MyStr
        self.has_bos = True #we use this hackish way to print it even if not in stack top

    def line(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented line')
    def linecont(self, *args):
        #pass on purpose
    def lineInput(self):
        command used when Line Input instruction is used (to read one line at a time a file)
        example: Line Input #1, TextLine
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Ld TextLine
             # LineInput
        var = self.opstack.pop()
        num_file = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Line Input #' + num_file + ', ' + var)
    def linenum(self, *args):
        # ignoring this seems to work fine.
    def litcy(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented litcy')
    def litdate(self, *args):
        command to define a date literal
        TODO: but wtf how to get date?
        example1: MyDate = #2/12/1969#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA780 0x40D8
        example2: MyDate = #2/12/1970#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0x02C0 0x40D9
        example3: MyDate = #2/12/1971#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0x5E00 0x40D9
        example4: MyDate = #2/11/1969#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA740 0x40D8
        example5: MyDate = #2/10/1969#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA700 0x40D8
        example6: MyDate = #3/12/1969#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xAE80 0x40D8
        example7: MyDate = #4/12/1969#
        gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xB640 0x40D8

        1 year = 23360 (0x5b40) si on fait last2bytes.first2bytes
        1 month = 64 (0x40) sur second octet
        1 day = 
        raise Pcode2codeException('a date is defined here, but it cannot be reconstructed')
    def litdefault(self):
        appears to be useless
        example: Open "TESTFILE" For Output As #1 
             # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # LitDefault
             # Open (For Output)
        example2: Lock #1, RecordNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Ld RecordNumber
             # LitDefault
             # Lock
        example3: same for unlock
        #pass on purpose

    # integer representation on 2 bytes (decimal base10)
    def litdi2(self, value):

    # integer representation on 4 bytes (decimal base10)
    def litdi4(self, byte1, byte2):
        val = int(byte2+byte1[2:], 16)
    def litdi8(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented litdi8')
    def lithi2(self, byte):
        val = byte[2:]
        while val.startswith('0') and len(val) > 1:
            val = val[1:]
        val = '&H' + val
    def lithi4(self, byte1, byte2):
        val = byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
        while val.startswith('0') and len(val) > 1:
            val = val[1:]
        val = '&H' + val
    def lithi8(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented lithi8')
    def litnothing(self):
        command defining the "Nothing" variable
        example: Set Inst = Nothing
             # SetStmt
             # LitNothing
             # Set Inst
    def litoi2(self, value):
        command used when an octal is defined on a two bytes byte array
        example: B = &O1
             # LitOI2 0x0001
             # St B
        var = int(value,16)
        var2 = str(oct(var))[2:]
        self.opstack.push('&O' + var2)
    def litoi4(self, byte1, byte2):
        command used when an octal is defined on a two bytes byte array
        example: B = &O12345644444
             # LitOI4 0x4924 0x5397
             # St B
        val = byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
        var = int(val,16)
        var2 = str(oct(var))[2:]
        self.opstack.push('&O' + var2)
    def litoi8(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented litoi8')
    def litr4(self, byte1, byte2):
        command used when a floating point on 32 bit is declared
        val = byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
        self.opstack.push(str(struct.unpack("!f", bytes.fromhex(val))[0]))
    def litr8(self, byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4):
        command used when a floating point on 64 bit is declared
        val = byte4[2:]+byte3[2:]+byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
        self.opstack.push(str(struct.unpack("!d", bytes.fromhex(val))[0]))
    def litsmalli2(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented malli2')
    def litstr(self, mylen, *args):
        val = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        if len(val)>=2:
            #assert(val[0]=='"' and val[-1]=='"')
            val = val[1:-1]
            val = val.replace('"', '""')
            val = '"' + val + '"'

    def litvarspecial(self, var):
    def lock(self):
        command to lock a record
        example: Lock #1, RecordNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Ld RecordNumber
             # LitDefault
             # Lock
        if self.opstack.size() == 3:
            last_record = self.opstack.pop()
            first_record = self.opstack.pop()
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Lock ' + chan + ', ' + first_record + ' To ' + last_record)
        elif self.opstack.size() == 2:
            record = self.opstack.pop()
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Lock ' + chan + ', ' + record)
        elif self.opstack.size() == 1:
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Lock ' + chan)
    def loop(self):
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def loopuntil(self):
        command defining a loop until statement for "do"
        example: Loop Until TheName = ""
             # Ld TheName
             # LitStr 0x0000 ""
             # Eq
             # LoopUntil
        self.opstack.push('Loop Until ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def loopwhile(self):
        command handling " while" definitions
        example: Loop While Reponse = 5
             # Ld Response
             # LitDI2  0x0005
             # Eq
             # LoopWhile
        self.opstack.push('Loop While ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1

    def lset(self):
        command for RSet keyword
        example: LSet MyString = "Right->"
             # LitStr 0x0007 "Right->"
             # Ld MyString
             # RSet
        var = self.opstack.pop()
        val = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('LSet ' + var + ' = ' + val)
    def me(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented me')
    def meimplicit(self, *args):
        command used when the object is the current form
        example: Print 
             # MeImplicit
             # PrintObj
             # PrintNL
        self.opstack.push('MeImplicit') #just pushing a specific marker to change treatment later
    def memredim(self, *args):
        command used when a property of an object is redim
        example: ReDim
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # Ld myobj
             # MemRedim foo 0x0001 (As Variant)
        val = self.opstack.pop()
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + val + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val2 = 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val2 += 'Preserve '
            val2 += val + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val = val2

        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'
    def memredimwith(self, *args):
        command used when a property of an object is redim within a with
        example: with myobj ... ReDim .foo(30) .. end with
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # MemRedimWith foo 0x0001 (As Variant)
        val = ''
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val += 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val += 'Preserve '
            val += '.' + args[0] + '('

        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'

    def memredimas(self, *args):
        command used when a redim is defined on a property of an object with a As in the end
        example: ReDim myobj.mytab(50) As Double
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x003C
             # Ld myobj
             # MemRedimAs Tab 0x0001 (As Double)
        val = self.opstack.pop()
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + val + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val2 = 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val2 += 'Preserve '
            val2 += val + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val = val2
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'

        args.pop(0) #remove var
        args.pop(0) # remove nb_params
        if len(args)> 0: # do we have smthng like "(As <type>)"
            if args[-1] != 'Variant)':
                val += ' ' + args[0][1:] + ' ' + args[1][:-1]
    def memredimaswith(self, *args):
        command used when a redim is defined on a property of an object with a As in the end, within a with block
        example: With myobj ... ReDim .mytab(70) As Integer ... End With 
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x0046
             # MemRedimAsWith Tab 0x0001 (As Integer)
        val = ''
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + '.' + args[0] + '('
            val += 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val += 'Preserve '
            val += '.' + args[0] + '('
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'

        args.pop(0) #remove var
        args.pop(0) # remove nb_params
        if len(args)> 0: # do we have smthng like "(As <type>)"
            if args[-1] != 'Variant)':
                val += ' ' + args[0][1:] + ' ' + args[1][:-1]
    def mid(self):
        command used when Mid funtion is used to set a sub string part, e.g. as an instruction
        example: Mid(MyString, 5, 3) = "fox"
             # LitStr 0x0003 "fox"
             # Ld MyString
             # LitDI2 0x0005
             # LitDI2 0x0003
             # Mid
        if self.opstack.size() > 3:
            length = self.opstack.pop()
            start = self.opstack.pop()
            obj = self.opstack.pop()
            str1 = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Mid(' + obj + ', ' + start + ', ' + length + ') = ' + str1)
            start = self.opstack.pop()
            obj = self.opstack.pop()
            str1 = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Mid(' + obj + ', ' + start + ') = ' + str1)            
    def midb(self):
        command used when Mid funtion is used to set a sub string part, e.g as an instruction
        example: MidB(MyString, 5, 3) = "fox"
             # LitStr 0x0003 "fox"
             # Ld MyString
             # LitDI2 0x0005
             # LitDI2 0x0003
             # MidB
        if self.opstack.size() > 3:
            length = self.opstack.pop()
            start = self.opstack.pop()
            obj = self.opstack.pop()
            str1 = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('MidB(' + obj + ', ' + start + ', ' + length + ') = ' + str1)
            start = self.opstack.pop()
            obj = self.opstack.pop()
            str1 = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('MidB(' + obj + ', ' + start + ') = ' + str1)            

    def name(self):
        command for the name keyword, permitting to rename variables
        example: Name OldName As NewName
             # Ld OldName
             # Ld NewName
             # Name
        newname = self.opstack.pop()
        oldname = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Name ' + oldname + ' As ' + newname) 
    def new(self, var):
        self.opstack.push('New ' + var)
    def next_(self):
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
        self.indentincrease_future = False
    def nextvar(self):
        self.opstack.push('Next ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def onerror(self, *args):
        command defining "on error" statements
        example1: On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
             # OnError ErrorHandler
        example2: On Error GoTo 0
             # OnError (GoTo 0)
        example3: On Error Resume Next
             # OnError (Resume Next)
        if args[0] == '(Resume':
            self.opstack.push('On Error Resume Next')
        elif args[0] == '(GoTo':
            self.opstack.push('On Error GoTo 0')
            #TODO: to check
            self.opstack.push('On Error GoTo ' + args[0])
    def ongosub(self, nb, *args):
        command used for gosub on a variable
        example: On Number GoSub Sub1, Sub2
             # Ld Number
             # OnGoSub 0x0004 Sub1, Sub2
        val = 'On ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' GoSub '
        val2 = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val2 += ' ' + arg
        self.opstack.push(val + val2)
    def ongoto(self, nb, *args):
        command used for goto on a variable
        example: On Number GoTo Line1, Line2
             # Ld Number
             # OnGoto 0x0004 Line1, Line2
        val = 'On ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' GoTo '
        val2 = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val2 += ' ' + arg
        self.opstack.push(val + val2)
    def open_(self, *args):
        command used for Open function
        example: Open "TESTFILE" For Output As #1
             # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # LitDefault
             # Open (For Output)
        example2: Open "TESTFILE" For Binary Access Write Lock Write As #1
             # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # LitDefault
             # Open (For Binary Access Write Lock Write)
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        val = args[0][1:] # avoid parenthesis
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[:-1] #avoid parenthesis
        self.opstack.push('Open ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' ' + val + ' As ' + chan)
    def option(self, *args):
        command for option keyword
        example: Option Explicit
        gives : 
           # Option (Explicit)
        example2: Option Compare Binary
        gives :
           # Option (Compare Binary)
        val = args[0][1:]
        if len(args)>1:
            for arg in args[1:]: #strip parenthesis
                val += ' ' + arg
        self.opstack.push('Option ' + val[:-1])
    def optionbase(self):
        used in the following case: when a table dimension is not declared from base to end, but only size;
        to treat it, we will push a magic value on stack like for dim and dimimplicit, and vardef will treat it directly
        example1: Dim MyArray(20)
             # Dim
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x0014
             # VarDefn MyArray
    def parambyval(self):
        command used when Byval keyword is used
        example: a ByVal b
             # Ld B
             # ParamByVal
             # ArgsCall a 0x0001
        self.opstack.push('ByVal ' + self.opstack.pop())
    def paramomitted(self):
        command used when a parameter is left blank in a function call
        example: MsgBox Msg, , "Deferred Error Test"
             # Ld Msg
             # ParamOmitted
             # LitStr 0x0013 "Deferred Error Test"
             # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0003
    def paramnamed(self, var):
        command used when a call is made with named parameters
        example: MyClasses.Add Item:=Inst, Key:=CStr(Num)
             # Ld Inst
             # ParamNamed Item
             # Ld Num
             # Coerce (Str)
             # ParamNamed Key
             # Ld MyClasses
             # ArgsMemCall Add 0x0002
        self.opstack.push(var + ':=' + self.opstack.pop())
    def printchan(self):
        command defining "print" to a channel
        example: Print #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # PrintChan
             # Ld MyBool
             # PrintItemSemi
             # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push('Print ' +self.opstack.pop() + ',')
    def printcomma(self, *args):
        command used when a colon is used in Print
        example: Debug.Print Spc(30), "Thirty spaces later...
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # PrintSpc
             # PrintComma
             # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
             # PrintItemNL
    def printeos(self):
        used at the end of some print when there is nothing, instead of printitemnl
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            if ((elmt == ';') or (elmt == ',')) and (elmts.index(elmt) != 1):
                val+= elmt
                val += ' ' + elmt

    def printitemcomma(self):
        command defining ",", used for example when writing 
        example: Write #1, "Hello World", 234
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # WriteChan
             # LitStr 0x000B "Hello World"
             # PrintItemComma
             # LitDI2 0x00EA
             # PrintItemNL
             # QuoteRem 0x0020 0x001C " Write comma-delimited data."
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            val += ' ' + elmt
        self.opstack.push(val + ',')
    def printitemnl(self):
        TODO: not sure what's it is used for
        example1: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # WriteChan
             # Ld MyBool
             # PrintItemSemi
             # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
             # PrintItemNL
        example2:  Debug.Print i
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # Ld i
             # PrintItemNL
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            if ((elmt == ';') or (elmt == ',')) and (elmts.index(elmt) != 1):
                val+= elmt
                val += ' ' + elmt
    def printitemsemi(self):
        command defining ";", used for example when writing 
        example: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # WriteChan
             # Ld MyBool
             # PrintItemSemi
             # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
             # PrintItemNL
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            val += ' ' + elmt
        self.opstack.push(val + ';')
    def printnl(self):
        really not sure about this one
        example: Write #1,     
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # WriteChan
             # PrintNL
        elmts = []
        while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
        elmts = elmts[::-1]
        val = elmts[0]
        for elmt in elmts[1:]:
            val += ' ' + elmt
    def printobj(self):
        appears to call the print method of an object
        example:  Debug.Print i
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # Ld i
             # PrintItemNL
        if == 'MeImplicit':
            self.opstack.push(self.opstack.pop() + '.Print')
    def printsemi(self, *args):
        command used when a semicolon is used in Print
        example: Debug.Print Spc(30); "Thirty spaces later...
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # PrintSpc
             # PrintSemi
             # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
             # PrintItemNL
    def printspc(self):
        command used when SPC(n) is used in Print
        example: Debug.Print Spc(30); "Thirty spaces later...
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # PrintSpc
             # PrintSemi
             # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push('Spc(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    def printtab(self, *args):
        command used when Tab(n) is used in Print
        example: Debug.Print Tab(30); "Thirty spaces later...
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # LitDI2 0x001E
             # PrintTab
             # PrintSemi
             # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push('Tab(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    def printtabcomma(self):
        command used when Tab with no arg is used in Print
        example: Debug.Print Tab, "Thirty spaces later...
             # Debug
             # PrintObj
             # PrintTabComma
             # PrintComma
             # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
             # PrintItemNL
    def pset(self, numparams):
        command used when the pset method of an object is called
        example: Me.PSet (intI, sngMidPt)
             # Ld intI
             # Ld sngMidPt
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # Ld id_FFFF
             # PSet 0x0002
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.PSet('
        first_arg = self.opstack.pop()
        if first_arg != '0':
            val += first_arg + ', '
        nb_args = int(numparams, 16)
        params = []
        if nb_args > 0:
            for i in range(nb_args):
            params = params[::-1]

            val += params[0]
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
        val +=')'
    def putrec(self):
        command to Put to a channel with a record: Put channel, record, var
        example: Put #1, RecordNumber, MyRecord
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Ld RecordNumber
             # Ld MyRecord
             # PutRec
        record = self.opstack.pop()
        record_num = self.opstack.pop()
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push(F'Put {chan}, {record_num}, {record}')
    def quoterem(self, val1, lenvar, *args):
        command handling comments definition with '
        multiple cases:
        example : MsgBox "toto" 'a message to send
             # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
             # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
             # QuoteRem 0x000F 0x11

        example : TODO macaroni
        gives: TODO macaroni
        val = "'" + args[0][1:]
        for arg in args[1:] :
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[:-1]
        if self.opstack.size() != 0:
            val = self.opstack.pop() + ' ' + val

    def redim(self, *args):
        command used when redim function is used
        example : ReDim temp(4)
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x0004
             # Redim temp 0x0001 (As Variant)
        val = ''
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + args[0] + '('
            val += 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val += 'Preserve '
            val += args[0] + '('
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'

    def redimas(self, *args):
        command used when a redim is defined with a As in the end
        example: ReDim mytab(50) As Double
             # OptionBase
             # LitDI2 0x0032
             # RedimAs mytab 0x0001 (As Double)
        val = ''
        args = list(args)
        preserve = False
        if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
            preserve = True

        nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

        values = []
        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
            val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + args[0] + '('
            val += 'ReDim '
            if preserve:
                val += 'Preserve '
            val += args[0] + '('
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')'

        args.pop(0) #remove var
        args.pop(0) # remove nb_params
        if len(args)> 0: # do we have smthng like "(As <type>)"
            if args[-1] != 'Variant)':
                val += ' ' + args[0][1:] + ' ' + args[1][:-1]
    def reparse(self, *args):
        opcode used when a non valid statement is employed
        val = args[1][1:]
        for arg in args[2:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[:-1] # avoid double quotes

    def rem(self, *args):
        command for Rem keyword
        example: Rem This entire line is a comment
        gives:  # Rem 0x001F " This entire line is a comment."
        val = args[2] # avoid space+double quote
        for arg in args[3:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[:-1] #avoid double quote
        self.opstack.push('Rem ' + val)
    def resume(self, *args):
        command used when resume keyword is used 
        example1: Resume
        gives: # Resume
        example2: Resume Next
        gives: # Resume (Next)
        example3: Resume titi
        gives: # Resume titi
        if args == ():
            if args[0] == '(Next)':
                self.opstack.push('Resume Next')
                self.opstack.push('Resume ' + args[0])
    def return_(self):
        #TODO: comment
    def rset(self):
        command for RSet keyword
        example: RSet MyString = "Right->"
             # LitStr 0x0007 "Right->"
             # Ld MyString
             # RSet
        var = self.opstack.pop()
        val = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('RSet ' + var + ' = ' + val)
    def scale(self, *args):
        command used when an object scale method is used
        example: Me.Scale 
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # LitDI2 0x0000
             # Ld sngNewH
             # Ld sngNewV
             # Ld id_FFFF
             # Scale 0x0000
        TODO: what to do with this command?
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented scale')
    def seek(self):
        opcode used when seek is used to search in a file
        example: Seek #1, 2
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # LitDI2 0x0002
             # Seek
        data = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Seek ' + self.opstack.pop() + ', ' + data)
    def selectcase(self):
        command handling a "select case" definition against a variable
        example : Select Case x
             # Ld x
             # SelectCase
        self.opstack.push('Select Case ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def selectis(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented selectis')
    def selecttype(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented selecttype')
    def setstmt(self):
        # TODO: comment
        #pass on purpose
    def stack(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented stack')
    def stop(self):
        #TODO: comment
    def type_(self, *args):
        command for Type keyword, #TODO: beware because it's also used for enum keyword
        example: Type EmployeeRecord
        gives : 
           # Type EmployeeRecord
        if args[0] == '(Private)':
            self.opstack.push('Private Type ' + args[1])
        elif args[0] == '(Public)':
            self.opstack.push('Public Type ' + args[1])
            self.opstack.push('Type ' + args[0])
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def unlock(self):
        command to unlock a record
        example: Unlock #1, RecordNumber
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # Ld RecordNumber
             # LitDefault
             # Unlock
        if self.opstack.size() == 3:
            last_record = self.opstack.pop()
            first_record = self.opstack.pop()
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Unlock ' + chan + ', ' + first_record + ' To ' + last_record)
        elif self.opstack.size() == 2:
            record = self.opstack.pop()
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Unlock ' + chan + ', ' + record)
        elif self.opstack.size() == 1:
            chan = self.opstack.pop()
            self.opstack.push('Unlock ' + chan)

    # Dim hiz7dgus As String
    # Private Const DefaultBufferSize& = 32768
    # Private CRC_32_Tab(0 To 255) As Long
    # ======================
    # Line #7:
    #   Dim 
    #   VarDefn hiz7dgus (As String)
    # Line #8:
    # Line #9:
    #   Dim (Private Const) 
    #   LitDI4 0x8000 0x0000 
    #   VarDefn DefaultBufferSize
    # Line #10:
    # Line #11:
    #   Dim (Private) 
    #   LitDI2 0x0000 
    #   LitDI2 0x00FF 
    #   VarDefn CRC_32_Tab (As Long)
    def vardefn(self, *args):      
        ending =''
        args = list(args) #quite ugly, but fu...
        if args[0] == '(WithEvents)':
            var = args.pop(0)[1:-1] + ' ' + args.pop(0)
            var = args.pop(0)

        spaces = 1
        if len(args) > 0:
            if args[-1].startswith('0x'):
                spaces = int(args.pop(-1),16) #TODO: treat spaces there
            ending = args[0]
            for arg in args[1:]:
                ending += ' ' + arg
            ending = ' ' + ending[1:-1]

        # first we check if this is only one literal definition
        # in this case, we get Dim definitions and we are all set up
        stacktop = self.opstack.pop()

        if stacktop == 'DimImplicit': #case where dim is implicit, 
            val = var + ending  # we have pushed in this case 'DimImplicit' on stack

        # in this case we have a single variable declaration
        decls = ['Dim', 'Private', 'Public', 'Protected', 'Friend', 'Protected Friend', 'Shared', 'Shadows', 'Static', 'ReadOnly']
        if stacktop in decls:
            val = stacktop + ' ' + var + ending

            # in this case, our variable is either a table, or there is also some const declarations
            # if so, walk the stack and check for declaration
            values = []

            # gather all stack
            while self.opstack.size() > 0:
            values = values[::-1]

            # if we have multiple vardefn with dim, then we are here
            # because all previous vardef should have been pushed correctly on stack
            if len(values) == 1 :
                for decl in decls:
                    if values[0].startswith(decl):
                        val = values[0] +', ' + var + ending
            # if const is used for declaration, then a value is attributed to variable
            # appears somehow not possible to declare a table as const, so far so good, no need to check this case
            if 'Const' in values[0]:
                val = values.pop(0)
                end_val = ' = ' + values.pop(0)
                if len(values) > 0:
                    # how to say what is dimensions to what is attribution
                    #val = 'Undefined variable declaration'
                    raise Pcode2codeException('undefined variable declaration')
                    val = val + ' ' + var + ending + end_val
            #so here we have a table
            val = ''
            if values[0] in decls: #first we check if this is the first definition
                val += values.pop(0) + ' ' + var + '('
            elif values[0] == 'DimImplicit': #not sure about this one
                val += var + '('
                #next we check for a previous declaration
                prev_decl = False
                for decl in decls:
                    if values[0].startswith(decl):
                        val += values.pop(0) +', ' + var + '('
                        prev_decl = True
                if prev_decl is False: #in this case, nothing before
                    val+= var + '('

            #first occurence
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

            #other occurences
            while len(values) > 0:
                val += ', '
                curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
                curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
                if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                    val += curr_val2 
                    val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

            val += ')' + ending

    def wend(self):
        command handling end of while loop "Wend"
        example: Wend
        gives : 
              # Wend
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def while_(self):
        command handling "while" loops definitions
        example: While numero <= 12
             # Ld numero
             # LitDI2 0x000C
             # Le
             # While
        self.opstack.push('While ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def with_(self):
        command handling "with" definitions
        example: with theWindow 
             # StartWithExpr
             # Ld theWindow
             # With
        self.opstack.push('With ' + self.opstack.pop())
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def writechan(self):
        command defining "write" to a channel
        example: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
             # LitDI2 0x0001
             # Sharp
             # WriteChan
             # Ld MyBool
             # PrintItemSemi
             # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
             # PrintItemNL
        self.opstack.push('Write ' +self.opstack.pop() + ',')
    def constfuncexpr(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented constfuncexpr')
    def lbconst(self, var):
        opcode used when #Const is used
        example: #Const x = y
             # LbMark
             # Ld B
             # LbConst a
        self.opstack.push('#Const ' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())
    def lbif(self):
        opcode used when #If is used
        example: #If a = b Then
             # LbMark
             # Ld a
             # Ld B
             # Eq
             # LbIf
        self.opstack.push('#If ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then')
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def lbelse(self):
        opcode used when #Else is used
        example: #Else 
        gives: lbElse
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def lbelseif(self):
        opcode used when #Elseif is used
        example: #ElseIf a = c Then
             # LbMark
             # Ld a
             # Ld c
             # Eq
             # LbElseIf
        self.opstack.push('#ElseIf ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
        self.indentincrease_future = True
    def lbendif(self):
        opcode used when "#End If" is used
        example: #End If
        gives: #LbEndIf
        self.opstack.push('#End If')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def lbmark(self):
        appears to be used to indicate the start of a lb statement, appears quite useless
        pass #pass on purposes

    def endforvariable(self):
        This command ends out a for loop variable definition. Gives nothing interesting in fact
        example: TODO macaroni
        gives: TODO macaroni
        #pass on purposes
    def startforvariable(self):
        This command starts out a for loop variable definition. Gives nothing interesting in fact
        example: TODO macaroni
        gives: TODO macaroni
        #pass on purposes
    def newredim(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented newredim')
    def startwithexpr(self):
        used like startforvariable, eg, simply an indicator of when a with variable is declared.
        pretty useless for us.
        example: With theWindow
             # StartWithExpr
             # Ld theWindow
             # With
        #pass on purposes
    def setorst(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented setorst')
    def endenum(self):
        command to end an enum
        example: End Enum
        self.opstack.push('End Enum')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    def illegal(self, *args):
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented illegal')

    def newline(self):
        defines a blank line. Used for internal processing, for blank streams and lines
    def clearstack(self):

    def getstacktop(self):

    def getstackpop(self):
        return self.opstack.pop()

    def getstacksize(self):
        return self.opstack.size()

    def increaseindentlevel_future(self):
        when we increase the indent level, we need to first print out the line, and then to increase the indent level. 
        to do so, when a line has been printed, this function checks if the indent level need to be increased and do so.
        if self.unindented > 0:
            self.unindented -= 1
        elif self.indentincrease_future:
            self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel + 1
        self.indentincrease_future = False
    def getindentlevel(self):
         function retrieving the class indentlevel parameter, used to print out code with correct indent
        return self.indentlevel

    def hasbos(self):
        return self.has_bos

    def resethasbos(self):
        self.has_bos = False


def imp(self)
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def imp(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' Imp ' + arg2
def eqv(self)
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def eqv(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' Eqv ' + arg2
def xor(self)
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def xor(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' Xor ' + arg2
def or_(self)
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def or_(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' Or ' + arg2
def and_(self)
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def and_(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' And ' + arg2
def eq(self)
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def eq(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' = ' + arg2
def ne(self)
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def ne(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' <> ' + arg2
def le(self)
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def le(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' <= ' + arg2
def ge(self)
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def ge(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' >= ' + arg2
def lt(self)
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def lt(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' < ' + arg2
def gt(self)
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def gt(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' > ' + arg2
def add(self)
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def add(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' + ' + arg2
def sub(self)
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def sub(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' - ' + arg2
def mod(self)
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def mod(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' Mod ' + arg2
def idiv(self)
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def idiv(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' \\ ' + arg2
def mul(self)
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def mul(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' * ' + arg2
def div(self)
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def div(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' / ' + arg2
def concat(self)
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def concat(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' & ' + arg2
def like(self)
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def like(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' Like ' + arg2
def pwr(self)
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def pwr(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' ^ ' + arg2
def is_(self)
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def is_(self):
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg1 + ' Is ' + arg2
def not_(self)
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def not_(self):
    val = 'Not ' + self.opstack.pop()
def umi(self)
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def umi(self):
    val = '-' + self.opstack.pop()
def fnabs(self)
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def fnabs(self):
    arg = self.opstack.pop()
    val = 'Abs(' + arg + ')'
def fnfix(self)
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def fnfix(self):
    arg = self.opstack.pop()
    val = 'Fix(' + arg + ')'
def fnint(self)
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def fnint(self):
    arg = self.opstack.pop()
    val = 'int(' + arg + ')'
def fnsgn(self)
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def fnsgn(self):
    arg = self.opstack.pop()
    val = 'Sgn(' + arg + ')'
def fnlen(self)
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def fnlen(self):
    arg = self.opstack.pop()
    val = 'Len(' + arg + ')'
def fnlenb(self)
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def fnlenb(self):
    arg = self.opstack.pop()
    val = 'LenB(' + arg + ')'
def paren(self)
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def paren(self):
    arg = self.opstack.pop()
    val = '(' + arg + ')'
def sharp(self)
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def sharp(self):
    arg = self.opstack.pop()
    val = '#' + arg
def ldlhs(self)
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def ldlhs(self):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented ldlhs')
def ld(self, var)

command defining a variable example: X = Y gives: # Ld Y # St X

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def ld(self, var):
    command defining a variable
    example: X = Y
         # Ld Y
         # St X
    if var == 'id_FFFF': #hacky way to do it because me does not seem to be fully
        var = 'Me'       #parsed by pcodedmp
def memld(self, var)
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def memld(self, var):
    val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var
def dictld(self, var)

cf fields and collections, also index??? example: Debug.Print rsTable!Title gives: # Debug # PrintObj # Ld rsTable # DictLd Title # PrintItemNL

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def dictld(self, var):
    cf fields and collections, also index???
    example: Debug.Print rsTable!Title
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # Ld rsTable
         # DictLd Title
         # PrintItemNL
    self.opstack.push(self.opstack.pop()+ '!' + var)
def indexld(self, *args)
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def indexld(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented indexld')
def argsld(self, varname, numparams)
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def argsld(self, varname, numparams):
    val = varname + '('
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]
        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ')'
def argsmemld(self, var, numparams)
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def argsmemld(self, var, numparams):
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]

        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ')'
def argsdictld(self, var, numparams)

command used when an index of an object with an argument is accessed example: Debug.Print myobj!toto("titi") gives: # Debug # PrintObj # LitStr 0x0004 "titi" # Ld myobj # ArgsDictLd toto 0x0001 # PrintItemNL

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def argsdictld(self, var, numparams):
    command used when an index of an object with an argument is accessed
    example: Debug.Print myobj!toto("titi") 
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
         # Ld myobj
         # ArgsDictLd toto 0x0001
         # PrintItemNL
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    val = self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]

        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ')'
def st(self, arg)
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def st(self, arg):
    param = self.opstack.pop()
    val = arg + ' = ' + param
def memst(self, var)
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def memst(self, var):
    val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var
    val = val + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def dictst(self, var)

command used when an index is defined directly example: myobj!titi = "toto" gives: # LitStr 0x0004 "toto" # Ld myobj # DictSt titi

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def dictst(self, var):
    command used when an index is defined directly
    example: myobj!titi = "toto"
         # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
         # Ld myobj
         # DictSt titi
    val = self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def indexst(self, *args)
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def indexst(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented indexst')
def argsst(self, var, numparams)
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def argsst(self, var, numparams):
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = var + '(' + params[0]
        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    param2 = self.opstack.pop()
    val += ' = ' + param2
def argsmemst(self, var, numparams)
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def argsmemst(self, var, numparams):
    #TODO: to check
    val = self.opstack.pop() + '.'
    nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + var + '(' + params[0]
        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    param2 = self.opstack.pop()
    val += ' = ' + param2
def argsdictst(self, var, numparams)

used when an index of an obj with an argument is defined example: myobj!titi2("toto") = "toto" gives: # LitStr 0x0004 "toto" # LitStr 0x0004 "toto" # Ld myobj # ArgsDictSt titi2 0x0001

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def argsdictst(self, var, numparams):
    used when an index of an obj with an argument is defined
    example: myobj!titi2("toto") = "toto"
         # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
         # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
         # Ld myobj
         # ArgsDictSt titi2 0x0001
    val = self.opstack.pop() + '!' 
    nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + var + '(' + params[0]
        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'

    param2 = self.opstack.pop()
    val += ' = ' + param2
def set_(self, var)
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def set_(self, var):
    val = 'Set ' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def memset(self, var)

obtained when a property of an object is set example: Set YourObject.Text = lobject gives: # SetStmt # Ld lobject # Ld YourObject # Memset Text

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def memset(self, var):
    obtained when a property of an object is set
    example: Set YourObject.Text = lobject
         # SetStmt
         # Ld lobject
         # Ld YourObject
         # Memset Text
    val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def dictset(self, var)

obtained when an index of an object is set example: Set YourObject!Text = lobject gives: # SetStmt # Ld lobject # Ld YourObject # Dictset Text

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def dictset(self, var):
    obtained when an index of an object is set
    example: Set YourObject!Text = lobject
         # SetStmt
         # Ld lobject
         # Ld YourObject
         # Dictset Text
    val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def indexset(self, *args)
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def indexset(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented indexset')
def argsset(self, var, nb)

obtained when an argument of an object is set example: Set YourObject(ggg) = lobject gives: # SetStmt # Ld lobject # Ld ggg # ArgsSet YourObject 0x0001

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def argsset(self, var, nb):
    obtained when an argument of an object is set
    example: Set YourObject(ggg) = lobject
         # SetStmt
         # Ld lobject
         # Ld ggg
         # ArgsSet YourObject 0x0001
    val = 'Set ' + var + '(' + self.opstack.pop() + ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def argsmemset(self, var, numparams)

obtained when an argument of a property of an object is set example: Set YourObject.Text2("titi") = lobject gives: # SetStmt # Ld lobject # LitStr 0x0004 "titi" # Ld YourObject # ArgsMemSet Text2 0x0001

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def argsmemset(self, var, numparams):
    obtained when an argument of a property of an object is set
    example: Set YourObject.Text2("titi") = lobject
         # SetStmt
         # Ld lobject
         # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
         # Ld YourObject
         # ArgsMemSet Text2 0x0001
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]

        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def argsdictset(self, var, numparams)

obtained when an argument of a property of an object is set example: Set YourObject.Text2("titi") = lobject gives: # SetStmt # Ld lobject # LitStr 0x0004 "titi" # Ld YourObject # ArgsMemSet Text2 0x0001

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def argsdictset(self, var, numparams):
    obtained when an argument of a property of an object is set
    example: Set YourObject.Text2("titi") = lobject
         # SetStmt
         # Ld lobject
         # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
         # Ld YourObject
         # ArgsMemSet Text2 0x0001
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    val = 'Set ' + self.opstack.pop() + '!' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]

        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def memldwith(self, var)

command defining a part of an object like . example: with blah <....> .Name gives: # MemLdWith Name

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def memldwith(self, var):
    command defining a part of an object like .<prop>
    example: with blah <....> .Name 
    gives:  # MemLdWith Name
    self.opstack.push('.' + var)
def dictldwith(self, var)

accessing an index in a with block example: With .... Debug.Print !au_lname … end with gives: # Debug # PrintObj # DictLdWith au_lname # PrintItemNL

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def dictldwith(self, var):
    accessing an index in a with block
    example: With <smth>.... Debug.Print !au_lname ... end with
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # DictLdWith au_lname
         # PrintItemNL
    self.opstack.push('!' + var)
def argsmemldwith(self, var, numparams)

example: .CodePane.SetSelection .ProcStartLine(sProc, ProcType) + lLine, 1, .ProcStartLine(sProc, ProcType) + lLine + 1, 1 gives: # Ld sProc # Ld ProcType # ArgsMemLdWith ProcStartLine 0x0002 # Ld lLine # Add # LitDI2 0x0001 # Ld sProc # Ld ProcType # ArgsMemLdWith ProcStartLine 0x0002 # Ld lLine # Add # LitDI2 0x0001 # Add # LitDI2 0x0001 # MemLdWith CodePane # ArgsMemCall SetSelection 0x0004

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def argsmemldwith(self, var, numparams):
    example: .CodePane.SetSelection .ProcStartLine(sProc, ProcType) + lLine, 1, .ProcStartLine(sProc, ProcType) + lLine + 1, 1
         # Ld sProc
         # Ld ProcType
         # ArgsMemLdWith ProcStartLine 0x0002
         # Ld lLine
         # Add
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Ld sProc
         # Ld ProcType
         # ArgsMemLdWith ProcStartLine 0x0002
         # Ld lLine
         # Add
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Add
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # MemLdWith CodePane
         # ArgsMemCall SetSelection 0x0004
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    val = '.' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]

        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ')'
def argsdictldwith(self, var, numparams)

command used when an index of an object with an argument is accessed with a with block example: With myobj … Debug.Print !toto("titi") … end with gives: # Debug # PrintObj # LitStr 0x0004 "titi" # ArgsDictLdWith toto 0x0001 # PrintItemNL

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def argsdictldwith(self, var, numparams):
    command used when an index of an object with an argument is accessed with a with block
    example: With myobj ... Debug.Print !toto("titi") ... end with
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # LitStr 0x0004 "titi"
         # ArgsDictLdWith toto 0x0001
         # PrintItemNL
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    val = '!' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]

        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ')'
def memstwith(self, var)

command defining a part of an object like . = example: .Name = "Coho Vineyard" gives: # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard" # MemStWith Name

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def memstwith(self, var):
    command defining a part of an object like .<prop> = <smthg>
    example: .Name = "Coho Vineyard"
         # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
         # MemStWith Name
    self.opstack.push('.' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())
def dictstwith(self, var)

command defining a part of an object like ! = example: With … !Name = "Coho Vineyard" … end with gives: # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard" # DictStWith Name

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def dictstwith(self, var):
    command defining a part of an object like !<index> = <smthg>
    example: With ... !Name = "Coho Vineyard" ... end with
         # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
         # DictStWith Name
    self.opstack.push('!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())
def argsmemstwith(self, var, numparams)

command defining a property of an object with arguments in a with statement example: With … .Name(1,2) = b … end with gives: # Ld B # LitDI2 0x0001 # LitDI2 0x0002 # ArgsMemStWith Name 0x0002

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def argsmemstwith(self, var, numparams):
    command defining a property of an object with arguments in a with statement
    example: With ... .Name(1,2) = b ... end with
         # Ld B
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # LitDI2 0x0002
         # ArgsMemStWith Name 0x0002
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    val = '.' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]

        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def argsdictstwith(self, var, *args)

command defining a part of an object like ! = in a with block example: !Name = "Coho Vineyard" gives: # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard" # DictStWith Name

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def argsdictstwith(self, var, *args):
    command defining a part of an object like !<index> = <smthg> in a with block
    example: !Name = "Coho Vineyard"
         # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
         # DictStWith Name
    self.opstack.push('!' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())
def memsetwith(self, var)

command defining a set on an index of an object in a with block example: with … Set .Name = "Coho Vineyard" gives: # SetStmt # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard" # memSetWith Name

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def memsetwith(self, var):
    command defining a set on an index of an object in a with block
    example: with <smth> ... Set .Name = "Coho Vineyard"
         # SetStmt
         # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
         # memSetWith Name
    self.opstack.push('Set .' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())
def dictsetwith(self, var)

command defining a set on an index of an object in a with block example: with … Set !Name = "Coho Vineyard" gives: # SetStmt # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard" # DictSetWith Name

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def dictsetwith(self, var):
    command defining a set on an index of an object in a with block
    example: with <smth> ... Set !Name = "Coho Vineyard"
         # SetStmt
         # LitStr 0x000D "Coho Vineyard"
         # DictSetWith Name
    self.opstack.push('Set !' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())
def argsmemsetwith(self, var, numparams)

command defining a set on an index with an argument of an object in a with block example: with … Set .nini("gg", "ff", "uu") = "toto" gives: # SetStmt # LitStr 0x0004 "toto" # LitStr 0x0002 "gg" # LitStr 0x0002 "ff" # LitStr 0x0002 "uu" # ArgsMemSetWith nini 0x0003

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def argsmemsetwith(self, var, numparams):
    command defining a set on an index with an argument of an object in a with block
    example: with <smth> ... Set .nini("gg", "ff", "uu") = "toto"
         # SetStmt
         # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
         # LitStr 0x0002 "gg"
         # LitStr 0x0002 "ff"
         # LitStr 0x0002 "uu"
         # ArgsMemSetWith nini 0x0003
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    val = 'Set !' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]

        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def argsdictsetwith(self, var, numparams)

command defining a set on an index with an argument of an object in a with block example: with … Set !nini("gg", "ff", "uu") = "toto" gives: # SetStmt # LitStr 0x0004 "toto" # LitStr 0x0002 "gg" # LitStr 0x0002 "ff" # LitStr 0x0002 "uu" # ArgsDictSetWith nini 0x0003

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def argsdictsetwith(self, var, numparams):
    command defining a set on an index with an argument of an object in a with block
    example: with <smth> ... Set !nini("gg", "ff", "uu") = "toto"
         # SetStmt
         # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
         # LitStr 0x0002 "gg"
         # LitStr 0x0002 "ff"
         # LitStr 0x0002 "uu"
         # ArgsDictSetWith nini 0x0003
    nb_parameters = int(numparams, 16)
    val = 'Set !' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]

        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ') = ' + self.opstack.pop()
def argscall(self, *args)
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def argscall(self, *args):

    if args[0] == '(Call)':
        nb_parameters = int(args[2],16)
        val = 'Call ' + args[1] + '('
        end_val = ')'
        val = args[0]
        nb_parameters = int(args[1],16)           
        end_val = ''
    params = []
    #print 'func:' + funcname
    #print 'nbparameters : ' + str(nb_parameters)
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        if ((params[0].startswith('(')) or (args[0] == '(Call)')):               
            val = val + params[0]
            val = val + ' ' + params[0]

        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
        val += end_val
def argsmemcall(self, *args)

command to call a function of an object example: ayUBnLK01, 0 gives : # Ld ayUBnLK01 # LitDI2 0x0000 # Ld a43g0xT # ArgsMemCall run 0x0002

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def argsmemcall(self, *args):
    command to call a function of an object
    example: ayUBnLK01, 0
    gives : 
       # Ld ayUBnLK01
       # LitDI2 0x0000
       # Ld a43g0xT
       # ArgsMemCall run 0x0002
    args = list(args)
    parenthesis = False
    if args[0] == '(Call)':
        val = 'Call ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + args[0] + '('
        parenthesis = True
        val = self.opstack.pop() + '.' + args[0]

    nb_parameters = int(args[1],16)           
    end_val = ''
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        if params[0].startswith('('):               
            val = val + params[0]
            end_val = ')'
            if not parenthesis:
                val = val + ' ' +params[0]
                val = val + params[0]
        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    if parenthesis == True:
        end_val = ')'
    self.opstack.push(val + end_val)
def argsmemcallwith(self, *args)

command when a function of an object is called in a with definition example: With a … call .a(1,2) … end with gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # LitDI2 0x0002 # ArgsMemCallWith (Call) a 0x0002

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def argsmemcallwith(self, *args):
    command when a function of an object is called in a with definition
    example: With a ... call .a(1,2) ... end with
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # LitDI2 0x0002
         # ArgsMemCallWith (Call) a 0x0002
    parenthesis = False
    args = list(args)
    if args[0] == '(Call)':
        parenthesis = True
        val = 'Call .' + args[0] + '('
        val = '.' + args[0]
    nb_parameters = int(args[1],16)           
    end_val = ''
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        if params[0].startswith('('):               
            val = val + params[0]
            end_val = ')'
            if not parenthesis:
                val = val + ' ' + params[0]
                val = val + params[0]
        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param

    if parenthesis:
        end_val = ')'
    self.opstack.push(val + end_val)
def argsarray(self, var, numparams)
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def argsarray(self, var, numparams):
    val = var + '('
    nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]
        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ')'
def assert_(self)

command for debug.asser example: Debug.Assert blnAssert gives : # Ld blnAssert # Assert

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def assert_(self):
    command for debug.asser
    example: Debug.Assert blnAssert
    gives : 
          # Ld blnAssert
          # Assert
    self.opstack.push('Debug.Assert ' + self.opstack.pop())
def bos(self, valarg)
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def bos(self, valarg):
    arg = int(valarg,16)
    if arg == 0:
        val = self.opstack.pop() + ':'
    self.has_bos = True
def bosimplicit(self, *args)

appears useless, but in this case we still need to print whole stack example: If Mid$(theString, i, 1) <> Chr$(0) Then Exit For gives: # Ld theString # Ld i # LitDI2 0x0001 # ArgsLd Mid$ 0x0003 # LitDI2 0x0000 # ArgsLd Chr$ 0x0001 # Ne # If # BoSImplicit # ExitFor # EndIf

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def bosimplicit(self, *args):
    appears useless, but in this case we still need to print whole stack
    example: If Mid$(theString, i, 1) <> Chr$(0) Then Exit For
         # Ld theString
         # Ld i
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # ArgsLd Mid$ 0x0003
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # ArgsLd Chr$ 0x0001
         # Ne
         # If
         # BoSImplicit
         # ExitFor
         # EndIf
    self.has_bos = True
def bol(self, *args)
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def bol(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented bol')
def ldaddressof(self, var)

command for AddressOf keyword example: EnumFontFamilies hDC, vbNullString, AddressOf EnumFontFamProc, LB gives: # Ld hDC # Ld vbNullString # LdAddressOf EnumFontFamProc # Ld LB # ArgsCall EnumFontFamilies 0x0004

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def ldaddressof(self, var):
    command for AddressOf keyword
    example: EnumFontFamilies hDC, vbNullString, AddressOf EnumFontFamProc, LB
         # Ld hDC
         # Ld vbNullString
         # LdAddressOf EnumFontFamProc
         # Ld LB
         # ArgsCall EnumFontFamilies 0x0004
    self.opstack.push('AddressOf ' + var)
def memaddressof(self, var)

command for AddressOf keyword on a property of an object example: MsgBox AddressOf myobj.toto gives: # Ld myobj # MemAddressOf toto # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001

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def memaddressof(self, var):
    command for AddressOf keyword on a property of an object
    example: MsgBox AddressOf myobj.toto
         # Ld myobj
         # MemAddressOf toto
         # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
    self.opstack.push('AddressOf ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var)
def case(self)

command handling choice in select case where choice is one value example: Case 0 gives: # LitDI2 0x0000 # Case # CaseDone

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def case(self):
    command handling choice in select case where choice is one value 
    example: Case 0
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # Case
         # CaseDone

    self.opstack.push('Case ' + self.opstack.pop())
def caseto(self)

command handling choice in select case where choice is from one value to one other value example: Case 0 To 30 gives: # LitDI2 0x0000 # LitDI2 0x001E # CaseTo # CaseDone

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def caseto(self):
    command handling choice in select case where choice is from one value to one other value
    example: Case 0 To 30
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # LitDI2 0x001E
         # CaseTo
         # CaseDone
    val = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('Case ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' To ' + val)
def casegt(self)

command handling choice in select case where choice is lower than a value example: Case Is > 100 gives: # LitDI2 0x0064 # CaseGt # CaseDone

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def casegt(self):
    command handling choice in select case where choice is lower than a value
    example: Case Is > 100
         # LitDI2 0x0064
         # CaseGt
         # CaseDone
    self.opstack.push('Case Is > ' + self.opstack.pop())
def caselt(self)

command handling choice in select case where choice is lower than a value example: Case Is < 0 gives: # LitDI2 0x0002 # CaseLt # CaseDone

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def caselt(self):
    command handling choice in select case where choice is lower than a value
    example: Case Is < 0
         # LitDI2 0x0002
         # CaseLt
         # CaseDone
    self.opstack.push('Case Is < ' + self.opstack.pop())
def casege(self)

command handling choice in select case where choice is greater or equal than a value example: TODO: to check gives:

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def casege(self):
    command handling choice in select case where choice is greater or equal than a value
    example: TODO: to check
    self.opstack.push('Case Is >= ' + self.opstack.pop())
def casele(self)

command handling choice in select case where choice is lower or equal than a value example: TODO: to check gives:

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def casele(self):
    command handling choice in select case where choice is lower or equal than a value
    example: TODO: to check
    self.opstack.push('Case Is <= ' + self.opstack.pop())
def casene(self)

command handling choice in select case where choice is different to a value example: TODO: to check gives:

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def casene(self):
    command handling choice in select case where choice is different to a value
    example: TODO: to check
    self.opstack.push('Case Is <> ' + self.opstack.pop())
def caseeq(self)

command handling choice in select case where choice is equal to a value example: TODO: to check gives:

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def caseeq(self):
    command handling choice in select case where choice is equal to a value
    example: TODO: to check
    self.opstack.push('Case Is = ' + self.opstack.pop())
def caseelse(self)

command defining a "Case Else" stmt example: Case Else gives: # CaseElse

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def caseelse(self):
    command defining a "Case Else" stmt
    example: Case Else
         # CaseElse
    self.opstack.push('Case Else')
def casedone(self)
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def casedone(self):
    #pass on purpose, please see previous examples
def circle(self, useless)

command used when the circle method of an object is called example: Me.Circle (sngHCtr, sngVCtr), sngRadius gives: # Ld sngHCtr # Ld sngVCtr # Ld sngRadius # LitDI2 0x0000 # LitDI2 0x0000 # LitDI2 0x0000 # LitDI2 0x0000 # Ld id_FFFF # Circle 0x001E

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def circle(self, useless):
    command used when the circle method of an object is called
    example: Me.Circle (sngHCtr, sngVCtr), sngRadius
         # Ld sngHCtr
         # Ld sngVCtr
         # Ld sngRadius
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # Ld id_FFFF
         # Circle 0x001E
    val = self.opstack.pop() + '.Circle ('
    params = []
    for i in range(7):
    params = params[::-1]

    val += params[0] + ', ' + params[1] + '), ' + params[2]
    all_empty = True
    for param in params[3:]:
        if param != '0':
            all_empty = False

    if all_empty:
        for param in params[3:]:
            if param == '0':
                val = val + ', <tbr>'
                val = val + ', ' + param
        val = val.replace(', <tbr>' , '')
def close(self, numparams)
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def close(self, numparams):
    val = 'Close '
    nb_parameters = int(numparams,16)
    params = []
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]
        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
def closeall(self)

command used when close is called with no arguments, effectively closing all files example: Close gives: # CloseAll

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def closeall(self):
    command used when close is called with no arguments, effectively closing all files
    example: Close
    gives: # CloseAll
def coerce_(self, arg)

command used for variable conversion example1: MyLong2 = CLng(MyVal2) gives: # Ld MyVal2 # Coerce (Lng) # St MyLong2 example2: MyInt = CInt(MyDouble) gives: # Ld MyDouble # Coerce (Int) # St MyInt

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def coerce_(self, arg):
    command used for variable conversion
    example1: MyLong2 = CLng(MyVal2)
         # Ld MyVal2
         # Coerce (Lng)
         # St MyLong2
    example2: MyInt = CInt(MyDouble)
         # Ld MyDouble
         # Coerce (Int)
         # St MyInt
    if arg == '(Str)':
        self.opstack.push('CStr(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    elif arg == '(Var)':
        self.opstack.push('CVar(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    elif arg == '(Sng)':
        self.opstack.push('CSng(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    elif arg == '(Lng)':
        self.opstack.push('CLng(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    elif arg == '(Int)':
        self.opstack.push('CInt(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    elif arg == '(Dbl)':
        self.opstack.push('CDbl(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    elif arg == '(Date)':
        self.opstack.push('CDate(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    elif arg == '(Cur)':
        self.opstack.push('CCur(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    elif arg == '(Byte)':
        self.opstack.push('CByte(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
    elif arg == '(Bool)':
        self.opstack.push('CBool(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented coerce')
def coercevar(self, arg)

example1: MyError = CVErr(32767) gives: # CoerceVar (Err)

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def coercevar(self, arg):
    example1: MyError = CVErr(32767)
    gives: # CoerceVar (Err)
    if arg == '(Err)':
        self.opstack.push('CVErr(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
        raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented coercevar')
def context(self, *args)
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def context(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented context')
def debug(self)

seems used to invoke debug object example: Debug.Print MyVar gives: # Debug # PrintObj # Ld MyVar # PrintItemNL

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def debug(self):
    seems used to invoke debug object
    example: Debug.Print MyVar
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # Ld MyVar
         # PrintItemNL
def deftype(self, *args)

command used when def is used. TODO: bytes to know ranges appear random. How to do it?

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def deftype(self, *args):
    command used when def<type> is used.
    TODO: bytes to know ranges appear random. How to do it?
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented deftype')
def dim(self, *args)
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def dim(self, *args):
    # args is a tuple, we treat it only when its not empty
    # example of args : (As String), (As Long)...
    if args != ():
        val = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            val += ' ' + arg
        val = val[1:-1]
        val = 'Dim'
def dimimplicit(self)
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def dimimplicit(self):
def do(self)

command handling "Do" keyword example: Do (we have then the loop and so on) gives: # Do

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def do(self):
    command handling "Do" keyword
    example: Do (we have then the loop and so on)
         # Do
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def doevents(self, *args)
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def doevents(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented doevents')
def dounitil(self)

command handling "do until" definitions example: Do Until Response = "youpi" gives: # Ld Response # ListStr 0x0005 "youpi" # Eq # DoUnitil

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def dounitil(self):
    command handling "do until" definitions
    example: Do Until Response = "youpi"
         # Ld Response
         # ListStr 0x0005 "youpi"
         # Eq
         # DoUnitil
    self.opstack.push('Do Until ' + self.opstack.pop())
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def dowhile(self)

command handling "do while" definitions example: Do While Reponse <> "youpi" gives: # Ld Response # LitStr 0x0005 "youpi" # Ne # DoWhile

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def dowhile(self):
    command handling "do while" definitions
    example: Do While Reponse <> "youpi"
         # Ld Response
         # LitStr 0x0005 "youpi"
         # Ne
         # DoWhile
    self.opstack.push('Do While ' + self.opstack.pop())
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def else_(self)

command used for a "else" in a if oneliner example: If X < 4 Then MsgBox "hi" Else MsgBox "ho" gives: # Ld X # LitDI2 0x0004 # Lt # If # BoSImplicit # LitStr 0x0002 "hi" # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001 # Else # BoSImplicit # LitStr 0x0002 "Ho" # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001 # EndIf

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def else_(self):
    command used for a "else" in a if oneliner
    example: If X < 4 Then MsgBox "hi" Else MsgBox "ho"
         # Ld X
         # LitDI2 0x0004
         # Lt
         # If
         # BoSImplicit
         # LitStr 0x0002 "hi"
         # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
         # Else
         # BoSImplicit
         # LitStr 0x0002 "Ho"
         # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
         # EndIf
def elseblock(self)

command defining a new "else" for a block example: Else gives: #Else

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def elseblock(self):
    command defining a new "else" for a block
    example: Else
    gives: #Else
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def elseifblock(self)

command defining a new "else if" block example: ElseIf dayW = DayOfWeek.Thursday Then gives: # Ld dayW # Ld DayOfWeek # MemLd Thursday # Eq # ElseIfBlock

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def elseifblock(self):
    command defining a new "else if" block
    example: ElseIf dayW = DayOfWeek.Thursday Then
         # Ld dayW
         # Ld DayOfWeek
         # MemLd Thursday
         # Eq
         # ElseIfBlock
    self.opstack.push('ElseIf ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def elseiftypeblock(self, *args)
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def elseiftypeblock(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented elseiftypeblock')
def end(self)
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def end(self):
def endcontext(self, *args)
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def endcontext(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented endcontext')
def endfunc(self)
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def endfunc(self):
    self.opstack.push('End Function')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def endif(self)
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def endif(self):
    if self.onelineif == True:
        self.onelineif = False
        self.opstack.push('End If')
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def endifblock(self)
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def endifblock(self):
    self.opstack.push('End If')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def endimmediate(self, *args)
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def endimmediate(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented endimmediate')
def endprop(self)

command handling the end of a property example: End Property gives: #EndProp

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def endprop(self):
    command handling the end of a property
    example: End Property
    self.opstack.push('End Property')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel -1
def endselect(self)

command defining a stmt of "End Select", closing a select case. example: End Select gives: # EndSelect

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def endselect(self):
    command defining a stmt of "End Select", closing a select case.
    example: End Select
         # EndSelect
    self.opstack.push('End Select')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def endsub(self)
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def endsub(self):
    self.opstack.push('End Sub')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def endtype(self)

command to end a new type definition example: End Type gives: #EndType

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def endtype(self):
    command to end a new type definition
    example: End Type
    self.opstack.push('End Type')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def endwith(self)

command to end a new with definition example: End With gives: #EndWith

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def endwith(self):
    command to end a new with definition
    example: End With
    gives: #EndWith
    self.opstack.push('End With')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def erase(self, nb_params)

command for Erase function keyword example: Erase threeDimArray, twoDimArray gives: # Ld threeDimArray # Ld twoDimArray # Erase 0x0002

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def erase(self, nb_params):
    command for Erase function keyword
    example: Erase threeDimArray, twoDimArray
         # Ld threeDimArray
         # Ld twoDimArray
         # Erase 0x0002
    nb_args = int(nb_params, 16)
    val = ''
    params = []
    for i in range(nb_args):
        params = params[::-1]
    val = params[0]
    if nb_args > 1:
        for param in params[1:]:
            val = val + ', ' + param

    self.opstack.push('Erase ' + val)
def error(self)

command used for Error keyword example: Error 11 gives: # LitDI2 0x000B # Error

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def error(self):
    command used for Error keyword
    example: Error 11
         # LitDI2 0x000B
         # Error
    self.opstack.push('Error ' + self.opstack.pop())
def eventdecl(self, *args)

command for declaring a new event in VBA example: Event LogonCompleted(UserName As String) gives : # EventDecl (Sub LogonCompleted(UserName As String))

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def eventdecl(self, *args):
    command for declaring a new event in VBA
    example: Event LogonCompleted(UserName As String)
    gives : 
       # EventDecl (Sub LogonCompleted(UserName As String))
    val = args[1]
    for arg in args[2:-1]: #strip parenthesis
        val += ' ' + arg
    self.opstack.push('Event ' + val + ' ' + args[-1][:-1])
def raiseevent(self, evt_name, nb_params)

command when RaiseEvent is used example: RaiseEvent LogonCompleted("AntoineJean") gives: # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan" # RaiseEvent LogonCompleted 0x0001

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def raiseevent(self, evt_name, nb_params):
    command when RaiseEvent is used
    example: RaiseEvent LogonCompleted("AntoineJean")
         # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan"
         # RaiseEvent LogonCompleted 0x0001
    nb_args = int(nb_params, 16)
    val = ''
    params = []
    if nb_args > 0:
        for i in range(nb_args):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = '('+ params[0]
        if nb_args > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'
    self.opstack.push('RaiseEvent ' + evt_name + val)
def argsmemraiseevent(self, var, numparams)

command used when a raiseevent is called on a property of an object example: RaiseEvent myobj.LogonCompleted("AntoineJan") gives: # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan" # Ld myobj # ArgsMemRaiseEvent LogonCompleted 0x0001

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def argsmemraiseevent(self, var, numparams):
    command used when a raiseevent is called on a property of an object
    example: RaiseEvent myobj.LogonCompleted("AntoineJan")
         # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan"
         # Ld myobj
         # ArgsMemRaiseEvent LogonCompleted 0x0001
    nb_args = int(numparams, 16)
    val = 'RaiseEvent ' + self.opstack.pop() + '.' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_args > 0:
        for i in range(nb_args):
        params = params[::-1]
        val += params[0]
        if nb_args > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'
def argsmemraiseeventwith(self, var, numparams)

command used when a raiseevent is called on a property of an object within a with block example: with myobj … RaiseEvent .LogonCompleted("AntoineJan") … end with gives: # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan" # ArgsMemRaiseEventWith LogonCompleted 0x0001

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def argsmemraiseeventwith(self, var, numparams):
    command used when a raiseevent is called on a property of an object within a with block
    example: with myobj ... RaiseEvent .LogonCompleted("AntoineJan") ... end with
         # LitStr 0x000A "AntoineJan"
         # ArgsMemRaiseEventWith LogonCompleted 0x0001
    nb_args = int(numparams, 16)
    val = 'RaiseEvent .' + var + '('
    params = []
    if nb_args > 0:
        for i in range(nb_args):
        params = params[::-1]
        val += params[0]
        if nb_args > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
        val += ')'
def exitdo(self)
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def exitdo(self):
    #TODO: comment
    self.opstack.push('Exit Do')
def exitfor(self)
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def exitfor(self):
    #TODO: comment
    self.opstack.push('Exit For')
def exitfunc(self)
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def exitfunc(self):
    #TODO: comment
    self.opstack.push('Exit Function')
def exitprop(self)
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def exitprop(self):
    #TODO: comment
    self.opstack.push('Exit Property')
def exitsub(self)
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def exitsub(self):
    #TODO: comment
    self.opstack.push('Exit Sub')
def fncurdir(self, *args)
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def fncurdir(self, *args):
    #val = 'CurDir(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')'
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fncurdir')
def fndir(self, *args)
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def fndir(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fndir')
def empty0(self, *args)
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def empty0(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented empty0')
def empty1(self, *args)
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def empty1(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented empty1')
def fnerror(self, *args)
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def fnerror(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnerror')
def fnformat(self, *args)
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def fnformat(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented format')
def fnfreefile(self, *args)
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def fnfreefile(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnfreefile')
def fninstr(self)

command used when calling Instr function with 2 arguments example: MyPos = InStr(SearchString, SearchChar) gives: # Ld SearchString # Ld SearchChar # FnInStr # St MyPos

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def fninstr(self):
    command used when calling Instr function with 2 arguments
    example: MyPos = InStr(SearchString, SearchChar)
         # Ld SearchString
         # Ld SearchChar
         # FnInStr
         # St MyPos
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('Instr(' + self.opstack.pop() + ', ' + arg2 + ')')
def fninstr3(self)

command used when calling Instr function with 3 arguments example: MyPos = InStr(1, SearchString, "W") gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Ld SearchString # LitStr 0x0001 "W" # FnInStr3 # St MyPos

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def fninstr3(self):
    command used when calling Instr function with 3 arguments
    example: MyPos = InStr(1, SearchString, "W")
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Ld SearchString
         # LitStr 0x0001 "W"
         # FnInStr3
         # St MyPos
    arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('Instr(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ')')
def fninstr4(self)

command used when calling Instr function with 4 arguments example: MyPos = InStr(4, SearchString, SearchChar, 1) gives: # LitDI2 0x0004 # Ld SearchString # Ld SearchChar # LitDI2 0x0001 # FnInStr4 # St MyPos

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def fninstr4(self):
    command used when calling Instr function with 4 arguments
    example: MyPos = InStr(4, SearchString, SearchChar, 1)
         # LitDI2 0x0004
         # Ld SearchString
         # Ld SearchChar
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # FnInStr4
         # St MyPos
    arg4 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('Instr(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ', ' + arg4 + ')')
def fninstrb(self)

command used when calling InstrB function with 2 arguments example: TODO: make sure here gives:

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def fninstrb(self):
    command used when calling InstrB function with 2 arguments
    example: TODO: make sure here
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('InstrB(' + self.opstack.pop() + ', ' + arg2 + ')')
def fninstrb3(self)

command used when calling InstrB function with 3 arguments example: TODO: make sure here gives:

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def fninstrb3(self):
    command used when calling InstrB function with 3 arguments
    example: TODO: make sure here

    arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('InstrB(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ')')
def fninstrb4(self)

command used when calling InstrB function with 4 arguments example: TODO: make sure here gives:

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def fninstrb4(self):
    command used when calling InstrB function with 4 arguments
    example: TODO: make sure here

    arg4 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg3 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg2 = self.opstack.pop()
    arg1 = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('Instr(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ', ' + arg3 + ', ' + arg4 + ')')
def fnlbound(self, arg)

command indicating the use of the LBound function strangely enough, there is an indication of the number of arguments to be popped out of the stack but this number is not good. example: Lower = LBound(TwoDArray, 2) gives: # Ld TwoDArray # LitDI2 0x0002 # FnLBound 0x0001 # St Lower

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def fnlbound(self, arg):
    command indicating the use of the LBound function
    strangely enough, there is an indication of the number of arguments to be popped out of the stack
    but this number is not good.
    example: Lower = LBound(TwoDArray, 2)
         # Ld TwoDArray
         # LitDI2 0x0002
         # FnLBound 0x0001
         # St Lower
    nb_parameters = int(arg,16) + 1
    params = []
    val = '('
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]
        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ')'
    val = 'LBound' + val
def fnmid(self)
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def fnmid(self):
    val = 'Mid(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')'
def fnmidb(self)
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def fnmidb(self):
    val = 'MidB(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')'
def fnstrcomp(self)

command used when strcomp function with 2 arguments is called example: MyComp = StrComp(MyStr2, MyStr1) gives: # Ld MyStr2 # Ld MyStr1 # FnStrComp # St MyComp

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def fnstrcomp(self):
    command used when strcomp function with 2 arguments is called
    example: MyComp = StrComp(MyStr2, MyStr1)
         # Ld MyStr2
         # Ld MyStr1
         # FnStrComp
         # St MyComp
    str2 = self.opstack.pop()
    str1 = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('StrComp(' + str1 + ', ' + str2 + ')')
def fnstrcomp3(self)

command used when strcomp function with 3 arguments is called example: MyComp = StrComp(MyStr1, MyStr2, 0) gives: # Ld MyStr1 # Ld MyStr2 # LitDI2 0x0000 # FnStrComp3 # St MyComp

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def fnstrcomp3(self):
    command used when strcomp function with 3 arguments is called
    example: MyComp = StrComp(MyStr1, MyStr2, 0)
         # Ld MyStr1
         # Ld MyStr2
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # FnStrComp3
         # St MyComp
    third_arg = self.opstack.pop()
    str2 = self.opstack.pop()
    str1 = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('StrComp(' + str1 + ', ' + str2 + ', ' + third_arg + ')')
def fnstringvar(self, *args)
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def fnstringvar(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnstringvar')
def fnstringstr(self, *args)
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def fnstringstr(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented fnstringstr')
def fnubound(self, arg)

command used when calling Ubound function example: uL = UBound(sb_) gives:
# Ld sb_ # FnUBound 0x0000 # St uL

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def fnubound(self, arg):
    command used when calling Ubound function
    example: uL = UBound(sb_)
         # Ld sb_ 
         # FnUBound 0x0000 
         # St uL
    nb_parameters = int(arg,16) + 1
    params = []
    val = '('
    if nb_parameters > 0:
        for i in range(nb_parameters):
        params = params[::-1]
        val = val + params[0]
        if nb_parameters > 1:
            for param in params[1:]:
                val = val + ', ' + param
    val += ')'
    val = 'UBound' + val
def for_(self)
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def for_(self):
    maxvar = self.opstack.pop()
    minvar = self.opstack.pop()
    loopvar = self.opstack.pop()
    val = 'For ' + loopvar + ' = ' + minvar + ' To ' + maxvar
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def foreach(self)

command defining a new for each loop definition example: For Each MyObject In MyClasses gives: # StartForVariable # Ld MyObject # EndForVariable # Ld MyClasses # ForEach

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def foreach(self):
    command defining a new for each loop definition
    example: For Each MyObject In MyClasses
         # StartForVariable
         # Ld MyObject
         # EndForVariable
         # Ld MyClasses
         # ForEach
    collect = self.opstack.pop()
    loopvar = self.opstack.pop()
    val = 'For Each ' + loopvar + ' In ' + collect
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def foreachas(self, *args)
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def foreachas(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented foreachas')
def forstep(self)
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def forstep(self):
    step = self.opstack.pop()
    maxvar = self.opstack.pop()
    minvar = self.opstack.pop()
    loopvar = self.opstack.pop()
    val = 'For ' + loopvar + ' = ' + minvar + ' To ' + maxvar + ' Step ' + step
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def funcdefn(self, *args)
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def funcdefn(self, *args: str):
    val = args[0]
    for arg in args[1:]:
        val += ' ' + arg
    val = val[1:-1]
    if not val.startswith('Declare'):
        self.indentincrease_future = True
def funcdefnsave(self, *args)
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def funcdefnsave(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented funcdefnsave')
def getrec(self)

command to Get from a channel with a record: get channel, record, var example: Get #1, RecordNumber, MyRecord gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # Ld RecordNumber # Ld MyRecord # GetRec

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def getrec(self):
    command to Get from a channel with a record: get channel, record, var
    example: Get #1, RecordNumber, MyRecord
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # Ld RecordNumber
         # Ld MyRecord
         # GetRec
    record = self.opstack.pop()
    record_num = self.opstack.pop()
    chan = self.opstack.pop()
    if chan is not None:
        self.opstack.push('Get ' + chan + ', ' + record_num + ', ' + record)
        self.opstack.push('Get ' + record_num + ', , ' + record) # kindly ugly
def gosub(self, var)

command used when gosub is used example: If Num > 0 Then GoSub MyRoutine gives: # Ld Num # LitDI2 0x0000 # Gt # If # BoSImplicit # GoSub MyRoutine # EndIf

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def gosub(self, var):
    command used when gosub is used
    example: If Num > 0 Then GoSub MyRoutine 
         # Ld Num
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # Gt
         # If
         # BoSImplicit
         # GoSub MyRoutine
         # EndIf
    self.opstack.push('GoSub ' + var)
def goto(self, var)

command used when a goto

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def goto(self, var):
    command used when a goto <label> is defined
    example: GoTo label1
    gives: # GoTo label1
    self.opstack.push('GoTo ' + var)
def if_(self, *args)
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def if_(self, *args):
    val = 'If ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then'
    self.onelineif = True
def ifblock(self)
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def ifblock(self):
    val = 'If ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then'
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def typeof(self, *args)

command used when TypeOf function is used TODO: associated type is obscure for now

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def typeof(self, *args):
    command used when TypeOf function is used
    TODO: associated type is obscure for now
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented typeof')
def iftypeblock(self, *args)
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def iftypeblock(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented iftypeblock')
def implements(self, *args)

command used when Implements instruction is used TODO: associated type is obscure for now

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def implements(self, *args):
    command used when Implements instruction is used
    TODO: associated type is obscure for now        
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented implements')
def input_(self)

command used when Input function is called example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # Input # Ld MyString # InputItem # Ld MyNumber # InputItem # InputDone

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def input_(self):
    command used when Input function is called
    example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # Input
         # Ld MyString
         # InputItem
         # Ld MyNumber
         # InputItem
         # InputDone        
    self.opstack.push('Input ' + self.opstack.pop())
def inputdone(self)

command used when Input function is called example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # Input # Ld MyString # InputItem # Ld MyNumber # InputItem # InputDone

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def inputdone(self):
    command used when Input function is called
    example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # Input
         # Ld MyString
         # InputItem
         # Ld MyNumber
         # InputItem
         # InputDone        
    elmts = []
    while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
    elmts = elmts[::-1]
    val = elmts[0]
    for elmt in elmts[1:]:
        val += elmt
def inputItem(self)

command used when Input function is called example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # Input # Ld MyString # InputItem # Ld MyNumber # InputItem # InputDone

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def inputItem(self):
    command used when Input function is called
    example : Input #1, MyString, MyNumber
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # Input
         # Ld MyString
         # InputItem
         # Ld MyNumber
         # InputItem
         # InputDone        
    self.opstack.push(', ' + self.opstack.pop())
def label(self, arg)

command defining a new label example: MyString: gives: # Label MyString

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def label(self, arg):
    command defining a new label
    example: MyString:
         # Label MyString
def let(self, *args)

command used when let keywork is used example: Let MyStr = "Hello World" gives: # Let # LitStr 0x000B "Hello World" # St MyStr

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def let(self, *args):
    command used when let keywork is used
    example: Let MyStr  = "Hello World"
         # Let
         # LitStr 0x000B "Hello World"
         # St MyStr
    self.has_bos = True #we use this hackish way to print it even if not in stack top
def line(self, *args)
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def line(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented line')
def linecont(self, *args)
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def linecont(self, *args):
    #pass on purpose
def lineInput(self)

command used when Line Input instruction is used (to read one line at a time a file) example: Line Input #1, TextLine gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Ld TextLine # LineInput

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def lineInput(self):
    command used when Line Input instruction is used (to read one line at a time a file)
    example: Line Input #1, TextLine
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Ld TextLine
         # LineInput
    var = self.opstack.pop()
    num_file = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('Line Input #' + num_file + ', ' + var)
def linenum(self, *args)
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def linenum(self, *args):
    # ignoring this seems to work fine.
def litcy(self, *args)
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def litcy(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented litcy')
def litdate(self, *args)

command to define a date literal TODO: but wtf how to get date? example1: MyDate = #2/12/1969# gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA780 0x40D8 example2: MyDate = #2/12/1970# gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0x02C0 0x40D9 example3: MyDate = #2/12/1971# gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0x5E00 0x40D9 example4: MyDate = #2/11/1969# gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA740 0x40D8 example5: MyDate = #2/10/1969# gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA700 0x40D8 example6: MyDate = #3/12/1969# gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xAE80 0x40D8 example7: MyDate = #4/12/1969# gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xB640 0x40D8

1 year = 23360 (0x5b40) si on fait last2bytes.first2bytes 1 month = 64 (0x40) sur second octet 1 day =

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def litdate(self, *args):
    command to define a date literal
    TODO: but wtf how to get date?
    example1: MyDate = #2/12/1969#
    gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA780 0x40D8
    example2: MyDate = #2/12/1970#
    gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0x02C0 0x40D9
    example3: MyDate = #2/12/1971#
    gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0x5E00 0x40D9
    example4: MyDate = #2/11/1969#
    gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA740 0x40D8
    example5: MyDate = #2/10/1969#
    gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xA700 0x40D8
    example6: MyDate = #3/12/1969#
    gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xAE80 0x40D8
    example7: MyDate = #4/12/1969#
    gives: LitDate 0x0000 0x0000 0xB640 0x40D8

    1 year = 23360 (0x5b40) si on fait last2bytes.first2bytes
    1 month = 64 (0x40) sur second octet
    1 day = 
    raise Pcode2codeException('a date is defined here, but it cannot be reconstructed')
def litdefault(self)

appears to be useless example: Open "TESTFILE" For Output As #1 gives: # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE" # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # LitDefault # Open (For Output) example2: Lock #1, RecordNumber gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # Ld RecordNumber # LitDefault # Lock example3: same for unlock

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def litdefault(self):
    appears to be useless
    example: Open "TESTFILE" For Output As #1 
         # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE"
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # LitDefault
         # Open (For Output)
    example2: Lock #1, RecordNumber
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # Ld RecordNumber
         # LitDefault
         # Lock
    example3: same for unlock
    #pass on purpose
def litdi2(self, value)
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def litdi2(self, value):
def litdi4(self, byte1, byte2)
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def litdi4(self, byte1, byte2):
    val = int(byte2+byte1[2:], 16)
def litdi8(self, *args)
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def litdi8(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented litdi8')
def lithi2(self, byte)
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def lithi2(self, byte):
    val = byte[2:]
    while val.startswith('0') and len(val) > 1:
        val = val[1:]
    val = '&H' + val
def lithi4(self, byte1, byte2)
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def lithi4(self, byte1, byte2):
    val = byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
    while val.startswith('0') and len(val) > 1:
        val = val[1:]
    val = '&H' + val
def lithi8(self, *args)
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def lithi8(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented lithi8')
def litnothing(self)

command defining the "Nothing" variable example: Set Inst = Nothing gives: # SetStmt # LitNothing # Set Inst

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def litnothing(self):
    command defining the "Nothing" variable
    example: Set Inst = Nothing
         # SetStmt
         # LitNothing
         # Set Inst
def litoi2(self, value)

command used when an octal is defined on a two bytes byte array example: B = &O1 gives: # LitOI2 0x0001 # St B

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def litoi2(self, value):
    command used when an octal is defined on a two bytes byte array
    example: B = &O1
         # LitOI2 0x0001
         # St B
    var = int(value,16)
    var2 = str(oct(var))[2:]
    self.opstack.push('&O' + var2)
def litoi4(self, byte1, byte2)

command used when an octal is defined on a two bytes byte array example: B = &O12345644444 gives: # LitOI4 0x4924 0x5397 # St B

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def litoi4(self, byte1, byte2):
    command used when an octal is defined on a two bytes byte array
    example: B = &O12345644444
         # LitOI4 0x4924 0x5397
         # St B
    val = byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
    var = int(val,16)
    var2 = str(oct(var))[2:]
    self.opstack.push('&O' + var2)
def litoi8(self, *args)
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def litoi8(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented litoi8')
def litr4(self, byte1, byte2)

command used when a floating point on 32 bit is declared

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def litr4(self, byte1, byte2):
    command used when a floating point on 32 bit is declared
    val = byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
    self.opstack.push(str(struct.unpack("!f", bytes.fromhex(val))[0]))
def litr8(self, byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4)

command used when a floating point on 64 bit is declared

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def litr8(self, byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4):
    command used when a floating point on 64 bit is declared
    val = byte4[2:]+byte3[2:]+byte2[2:]+byte1[2:]
    self.opstack.push(str(struct.unpack("!d", bytes.fromhex(val))[0]))
def litsmalli2(self, *args)
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def litsmalli2(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented malli2')
def litstr(self, mylen, *args)
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def litstr(self, mylen, *args):
    val = args[0]
    for arg in args[1:]:
        val += ' ' + arg
    if len(val)>=2:
        #assert(val[0]=='"' and val[-1]=='"')
        val = val[1:-1]
        val = val.replace('"', '""')
        val = '"' + val + '"'

def litvarspecial(self, var)
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def litvarspecial(self, var):
def lock(self)

command to lock a record example: Lock #1, RecordNumber gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # Ld RecordNumber # LitDefault # Lock

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def lock(self):
    command to lock a record
    example: Lock #1, RecordNumber
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # Ld RecordNumber
         # LitDefault
         # Lock
    if self.opstack.size() == 3:
        last_record = self.opstack.pop()
        first_record = self.opstack.pop()
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Lock ' + chan + ', ' + first_record + ' To ' + last_record)
    elif self.opstack.size() == 2:
        record = self.opstack.pop()
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Lock ' + chan + ', ' + record)
    elif self.opstack.size() == 1:
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Lock ' + chan)
def loop(self)
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def loop(self):
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def loopuntil(self)

command defining a loop until statement for "do" example: Loop Until TheName = "" gives: # Ld TheName # LitStr 0x0000 "" # Eq # LoopUntil

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def loopuntil(self):
    command defining a loop until statement for "do"
    example: Loop Until TheName = ""
         # Ld TheName
         # LitStr 0x0000 ""
         # Eq
         # LoopUntil
    self.opstack.push('Loop Until ' + self.opstack.pop())
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def loopwhile(self)

command handling " while" definitions example: Loop While Reponse = 5 gives: # Ld Response # LitDI2 0x0005 # Eq # LoopWhile

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def loopwhile(self):
    command handling " while" definitions
    example: Loop While Reponse = 5
         # Ld Response
         # LitDI2  0x0005
         # Eq
         # LoopWhile
    self.opstack.push('Loop While ' + self.opstack.pop())
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def lset(self)

command for RSet keyword example: LSet MyString = "Right->" gives: # LitStr 0x0007 "Right->" # Ld MyString # RSet

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def lset(self):
    command for RSet keyword
    example: LSet MyString = "Right->"
         # LitStr 0x0007 "Right->"
         # Ld MyString
         # RSet
    var = self.opstack.pop()
    val = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('LSet ' + var + ' = ' + val)
def me(self, *args)
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def me(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented me')
def meimplicit(self, *args)

command used when the object is the current form example: Print gives: # MeImplicit # PrintObj # PrintNL

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def meimplicit(self, *args):
    command used when the object is the current form
    example: Print 
         # MeImplicit
         # PrintObj
         # PrintNL
    self.opstack.push('MeImplicit') #just pushing a specific marker to change treatment later
def memredim(self, *args)

command used when a property of an object is redim example: ReDim gives: # OptionBase # LitDI2 0x001E # Ld myobj # MemRedim foo 0x0001 (As Variant)

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def memredim(self, *args):
    command used when a property of an object is redim
    example: ReDim
         # OptionBase
         # LitDI2 0x001E
         # Ld myobj
         # MemRedim foo 0x0001 (As Variant)
    val = self.opstack.pop()
    args = list(args)
    preserve = False
    if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
        preserve = True

    nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

    values = []
    # gather all stack
    while self.opstack.size() > 0:
    values = values[::-1]

    if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
        val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + val + '.' + args[0] + '('
        val2 = 'ReDim '
        if preserve:
            val2 += 'Preserve '
        val2 += val + '.' + args[0] + '('
        val = val2

    curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
    curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
    if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
        val += curr_val2 
        val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    while len(values) > 0:
        val += ', '
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    val += ')'
def memredimwith(self, *args)

command used when a property of an object is redim within a with example: with myobj … ReDim .foo(30) .. end with gives: # OptionBase # LitDI2 0x001E # MemRedimWith foo 0x0001 (As Variant)

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def memredimwith(self, *args):
    command used when a property of an object is redim within a with
    example: with myobj ... ReDim .foo(30) .. end with
         # OptionBase
         # LitDI2 0x001E
         # MemRedimWith foo 0x0001 (As Variant)
    val = ''
    args = list(args)
    preserve = False
    if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
        preserve = True

    nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

    values = []
    # gather all stack
    while self.opstack.size() > 0:
    values = values[::-1]

    if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
        val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + '.' + args[0] + '('
        val += 'ReDim '
        if preserve:
            val += 'Preserve '
        val += '.' + args[0] + '('

    curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
    curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
    if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
        val += curr_val2 
        val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    while len(values) > 0:
        val += ', '
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    val += ')'
def memredimas(self, *args)

command used when a redim is defined on a property of an object with a As in the end example: ReDim myobj.mytab(50) As Double gives: # OptionBase # LitDI2 0x003C # Ld myobj # MemRedimAs Tab 0x0001 (As Double)

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def memredimas(self, *args):
    command used when a redim is defined on a property of an object with a As in the end
    example: ReDim myobj.mytab(50) As Double
         # OptionBase
         # LitDI2 0x003C
         # Ld myobj
         # MemRedimAs Tab 0x0001 (As Double)
    val = self.opstack.pop()
    args = list(args)
    preserve = False
    if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
        preserve = True

    nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

    values = []
    # gather all stack
    while self.opstack.size() > 0:
    values = values[::-1]

    if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
        val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + val + '.' + args[0] + '('
        val2 = 'ReDim '
        if preserve:
            val2 += 'Preserve '
        val2 += val + '.' + args[0] + '('
        val = val2
    curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
    curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
    if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
        val += curr_val2 
        val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    while len(values) > 0:
        val += ', '
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    val += ')'

    args.pop(0) #remove var
    args.pop(0) # remove nb_params
    if len(args)> 0: # do we have smthng like "(As <type>)"
        if args[-1] != 'Variant)':
            val += ' ' + args[0][1:] + ' ' + args[1][:-1]
def memredimaswith(self, *args)

command used when a redim is defined on a property of an object with a As in the end, within a with block example: With myobj … ReDim .mytab(70) As Integer … End With gives: # OptionBase # LitDI2 0x0046 # MemRedimAsWith Tab 0x0001 (As Integer)

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def memredimaswith(self, *args):
    command used when a redim is defined on a property of an object with a As in the end, within a with block
    example: With myobj ... ReDim .mytab(70) As Integer ... End With 
         # OptionBase
         # LitDI2 0x0046
         # MemRedimAsWith Tab 0x0001 (As Integer)
    val = ''
    args = list(args)
    preserve = False
    if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
        preserve = True

    nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

    values = []
    # gather all stack
    while self.opstack.size() > 0:
    values = values[::-1]

    if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
        val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + '.' + args[0] + '('
        val += 'ReDim '
        if preserve:
            val += 'Preserve '
        val += '.' + args[0] + '('
    curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
    curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
    if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
        val += curr_val2 
        val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    while len(values) > 0:
        val += ', '
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    val += ')'

    args.pop(0) #remove var
    args.pop(0) # remove nb_params
    if len(args)> 0: # do we have smthng like "(As <type>)"
        if args[-1] != 'Variant)':
            val += ' ' + args[0][1:] + ' ' + args[1][:-1]
def mid(self)

command used when Mid funtion is used to set a sub string part, e.g. as an instruction example: Mid(MyString, 5, 3) = "fox" gives: # LitStr 0x0003 "fox" # Ld MyString # LitDI2 0x0005 # LitDI2 0x0003 # Mid

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def mid(self):
    command used when Mid funtion is used to set a sub string part, e.g. as an instruction
    example: Mid(MyString, 5, 3) = "fox"
         # LitStr 0x0003 "fox"
         # Ld MyString
         # LitDI2 0x0005
         # LitDI2 0x0003
         # Mid
    if self.opstack.size() > 3:
        length = self.opstack.pop()
        start = self.opstack.pop()
        obj = self.opstack.pop()
        str1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Mid(' + obj + ', ' + start + ', ' + length + ') = ' + str1)
        start = self.opstack.pop()
        obj = self.opstack.pop()
        str1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Mid(' + obj + ', ' + start + ') = ' + str1)            
def midb(self)

command used when Mid funtion is used to set a sub string part, e.g as an instruction example: MidB(MyString, 5, 3) = "fox" gives: # LitStr 0x0003 "fox" # Ld MyString # LitDI2 0x0005 # LitDI2 0x0003 # MidB

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def midb(self):
    command used when Mid funtion is used to set a sub string part, e.g as an instruction
    example: MidB(MyString, 5, 3) = "fox"
         # LitStr 0x0003 "fox"
         # Ld MyString
         # LitDI2 0x0005
         # LitDI2 0x0003
         # MidB
    if self.opstack.size() > 3:
        length = self.opstack.pop()
        start = self.opstack.pop()
        obj = self.opstack.pop()
        str1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('MidB(' + obj + ', ' + start + ', ' + length + ') = ' + str1)
        start = self.opstack.pop()
        obj = self.opstack.pop()
        str1 = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('MidB(' + obj + ', ' + start + ') = ' + str1)            
def name(self)

command for the name keyword, permitting to rename variables example: Name OldName As NewName gives: # Ld OldName # Ld NewName # Name

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def name(self):
    command for the name keyword, permitting to rename variables
    example: Name OldName As NewName
         # Ld OldName
         # Ld NewName
         # Name
    newname = self.opstack.pop()
    oldname = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('Name ' + oldname + ' As ' + newname) 
def new(self, var)
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def new(self, var):
    self.opstack.push('New ' + var)
def next_(self)
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def next_(self):
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    self.indentincrease_future = False
def nextvar(self)
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def nextvar(self):
    self.opstack.push('Next ' + self.opstack.pop())
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def onerror(self, *args)

command defining "on error" statements example1: On Error GoTo ErrorHandler gives: # OnError ErrorHandler example2: On Error GoTo 0 gives: # OnError (GoTo 0) example3: On Error Resume Next gives: # OnError (Resume Next)

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def onerror(self, *args):
    command defining "on error" statements
    example1: On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
         # OnError ErrorHandler
    example2: On Error GoTo 0
         # OnError (GoTo 0)
    example3: On Error Resume Next
         # OnError (Resume Next)
    if args[0] == '(Resume':
        self.opstack.push('On Error Resume Next')
    elif args[0] == '(GoTo':
        self.opstack.push('On Error GoTo 0')
        #TODO: to check
        self.opstack.push('On Error GoTo ' + args[0])
def ongosub(self, nb, *args)

command used for gosub on a variable example: On Number GoSub Sub1, Sub2 gives: # Ld Number # OnGoSub 0x0004 Sub1, Sub2

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def ongosub(self, nb, *args):
    command used for gosub on a variable
    example: On Number GoSub Sub1, Sub2
         # Ld Number
         # OnGoSub 0x0004 Sub1, Sub2
    val = 'On ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' GoSub '
    val2 = args[0]
    for arg in args[1:]:
        val2 += ' ' + arg
    self.opstack.push(val + val2)
def ongoto(self, nb, *args)

command used for goto on a variable example: On Number GoTo Line1, Line2 gives: # Ld Number # OnGoto 0x0004 Line1, Line2

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def ongoto(self, nb, *args):
    command used for goto on a variable
    example: On Number GoTo Line1, Line2
         # Ld Number
         # OnGoto 0x0004 Line1, Line2
    val = 'On ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' GoTo '
    val2 = args[0]
    for arg in args[1:]:
        val2 += ' ' + arg
    self.opstack.push(val + val2)
def open_(self, *args)

command used for Open function example: Open "TESTFILE" For Output As #1 gives: # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE" # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # LitDefault # Open (For Output) example2: Open "TESTFILE" For Binary Access Write Lock Write As #1 gives: # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE" # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # LitDefault # Open (For Binary Access Write Lock Write)

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def open_(self, *args):
    command used for Open function
    example: Open "TESTFILE" For Output As #1
         # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE"
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # LitDefault
         # Open (For Output)
    example2: Open "TESTFILE" For Binary Access Write Lock Write As #1
         # LitStr 0x0008 "TESTFILE"
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # LitDefault
         # Open (For Binary Access Write Lock Write)
    chan = self.opstack.pop()
    val = args[0][1:] # avoid parenthesis
    for arg in args[1:]:
        val += ' ' + arg
    val = val[:-1] #avoid parenthesis
    self.opstack.push('Open ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' ' + val + ' As ' + chan)
def option(self, *args)

command for option keyword example: Option Explicit gives : # Option (Explicit) example2: Option Compare Binary gives : # Option (Compare Binary)

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def option(self, *args):
    command for option keyword
    example: Option Explicit
    gives : 
       # Option (Explicit)
    example2: Option Compare Binary
    gives :
       # Option (Compare Binary)
    val = args[0][1:]
    if len(args)>1:
        for arg in args[1:]: #strip parenthesis
            val += ' ' + arg
    self.opstack.push('Option ' + val[:-1])
def optionbase(self)

used in the following case: when a table dimension is not declared from base to end, but only size; to treat it, we will push a magic value on stack like for dim and dimimplicit, and vardef will treat it directly example1: Dim MyArray(20) gives: # Dim # OptionBase # LitDI2 0x0014 # VarDefn MyArray

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def optionbase(self):
    used in the following case: when a table dimension is not declared from base to end, but only size;
    to treat it, we will push a magic value on stack like for dim and dimimplicit, and vardef will treat it directly
    example1: Dim MyArray(20)
         # Dim
         # OptionBase
         # LitDI2 0x0014
         # VarDefn MyArray
def parambyval(self)

command used when Byval keyword is used example: a ByVal b gives: # Ld B # ParamByVal # ArgsCall a 0x0001

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def parambyval(self):
    command used when Byval keyword is used
    example: a ByVal b
         # Ld B
         # ParamByVal
         # ArgsCall a 0x0001
    self.opstack.push('ByVal ' + self.opstack.pop())
def paramomitted(self)

command used when a parameter is left blank in a function call example: MsgBox Msg, , "Deferred Error Test" gives: # Ld Msg # ParamOmitted # LitStr 0x0013 "Deferred Error Test" # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0003

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def paramomitted(self):
    command used when a parameter is left blank in a function call
    example: MsgBox Msg, , "Deferred Error Test"
         # Ld Msg
         # ParamOmitted
         # LitStr 0x0013 "Deferred Error Test"
         # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0003
def paramnamed(self, var)

command used when a call is made with named parameters example: MyClasses.Add Item:=Inst, Key:=CStr(Num) gives: # Ld Inst # ParamNamed Item # Ld Num # Coerce (Str) # ParamNamed Key # Ld MyClasses # ArgsMemCall Add 0x0002

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def paramnamed(self, var):
    command used when a call is made with named parameters
    example: MyClasses.Add Item:=Inst, Key:=CStr(Num)
         # Ld Inst
         # ParamNamed Item
         # Ld Num
         # Coerce (Str)
         # ParamNamed Key
         # Ld MyClasses
         # ArgsMemCall Add 0x0002
    self.opstack.push(var + ':=' + self.opstack.pop())
def printchan(self)

command defining "print" to a channel example: Print #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value" gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # PrintChan # Ld MyBool # PrintItemSemi # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value" # PrintItemNL

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def printchan(self):
    command defining "print" to a channel
    example: Print #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # PrintChan
         # Ld MyBool
         # PrintItemSemi
         # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
         # PrintItemNL
    self.opstack.push('Print ' +self.opstack.pop() + ',')
def printcomma(self, *args)

command used when a colon is used in Print example: Debug.Print Spc(30), "Thirty spaces later… gives: # Debug # PrintObj # LitDI2 0x001E # PrintSpc # PrintComma # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later…" # PrintItemNL

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def printcomma(self, *args):
    command used when a colon is used in Print
    example: Debug.Print Spc(30), "Thirty spaces later...
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # LitDI2 0x001E
         # PrintSpc
         # PrintComma
         # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
         # PrintItemNL
def printeos(self)

used at the end of some print when there is nothing, instead of printitemnl

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def printeos(self):
    used at the end of some print when there is nothing, instead of printitemnl
    elmts = []
    while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
    elmts = elmts[::-1]
    val = elmts[0]
    for elmt in elmts[1:]:
        if ((elmt == ';') or (elmt == ',')) and (elmts.index(elmt) != 1):
            val+= elmt
            val += ' ' + elmt
def printitemcomma(self)

command defining ",", used for example when writing example: Write #1, "Hello World", 234 gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # WriteChan # LitStr 0x000B "Hello World" # PrintItemComma # LitDI2 0x00EA # PrintItemNL # QuoteRem 0x0020 0x001C " Write comma-delimited data."

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def printitemcomma(self):
    command defining ",", used for example when writing 
    example: Write #1, "Hello World", 234
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # WriteChan
         # LitStr 0x000B "Hello World"
         # PrintItemComma
         # LitDI2 0x00EA
         # PrintItemNL
         # QuoteRem 0x0020 0x001C " Write comma-delimited data."
    elmts = []
    while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
    elmts = elmts[::-1]
    val = elmts[0]
    for elmt in elmts[1:]:
        val += ' ' + elmt
    self.opstack.push(val + ',')
def printitemnl(self)

TODO: not sure what's it is used for example1: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value" gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # WriteChan # Ld MyBool # PrintItemSemi # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value" # PrintItemNL example2: Debug.Print i gives: # Debug # PrintObj # Ld i # PrintItemNL

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def printitemnl(self):
    TODO: not sure what's it is used for
    example1: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # WriteChan
         # Ld MyBool
         # PrintItemSemi
         # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
         # PrintItemNL
    example2:  Debug.Print i
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # Ld i
         # PrintItemNL
    elmts = []
    while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
    elmts = elmts[::-1]
    val = elmts[0]
    for elmt in elmts[1:]:
        if ((elmt == ';') or (elmt == ',')) and (elmts.index(elmt) != 1):
            val+= elmt
            val += ' ' + elmt
def printitemsemi(self)

command defining ";", used for example when writing example: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value" gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # WriteChan # Ld MyBool # PrintItemSemi # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value" # PrintItemNL

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def printitemsemi(self):
    command defining ";", used for example when writing 
    example: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # WriteChan
         # Ld MyBool
         # PrintItemSemi
         # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
         # PrintItemNL
    elmts = []
    while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
    elmts = elmts[::-1]
    val = elmts[0]
    for elmt in elmts[1:]:
        val += ' ' + elmt
    self.opstack.push(val + ';')
def printnl(self)

really not sure about this one example: Write #1,
gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # WriteChan # PrintNL

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def printnl(self):
    really not sure about this one
    example: Write #1,     
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # WriteChan
         # PrintNL
    elmts = []
    while self.opstack.size() >= 1:
    elmts = elmts[::-1]
    val = elmts[0]
    for elmt in elmts[1:]:
        val += ' ' + elmt
def printobj(self)

appears to call the print method of an object example: Debug.Print i gives: # Debug # PrintObj # Ld i # PrintItemNL

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def printobj(self):
    appears to call the print method of an object
    example:  Debug.Print i
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # Ld i
         # PrintItemNL
    if == 'MeImplicit':
        self.opstack.push(self.opstack.pop() + '.Print')
def printsemi(self, *args)

command used when a semicolon is used in Print example: Debug.Print Spc(30); "Thirty spaces later… gives: # Debug # PrintObj # LitDI2 0x001E # PrintSpc # PrintSemi # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later…" # PrintItemNL

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def printsemi(self, *args):
    command used when a semicolon is used in Print
    example: Debug.Print Spc(30); "Thirty spaces later...
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # LitDI2 0x001E
         # PrintSpc
         # PrintSemi
         # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
         # PrintItemNL
def printspc(self)

command used when SPC(n) is used in Print example: Debug.Print Spc(30); "Thirty spaces later… gives: # Debug # PrintObj # LitDI2 0x001E # PrintSpc # PrintSemi # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later…" # PrintItemNL

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def printspc(self):
    command used when SPC(n) is used in Print
    example: Debug.Print Spc(30); "Thirty spaces later...
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # LitDI2 0x001E
         # PrintSpc
         # PrintSemi
         # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
         # PrintItemNL
    self.opstack.push('Spc(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
def printtab(self, *args)

command used when Tab(n) is used in Print example: Debug.Print Tab(30); "Thirty spaces later… gives: # Debug # PrintObj # LitDI2 0x001E # PrintTab # PrintSemi # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later…" # PrintItemNL

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def printtab(self, *args):
    command used when Tab(n) is used in Print
    example: Debug.Print Tab(30); "Thirty spaces later...
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # LitDI2 0x001E
         # PrintTab
         # PrintSemi
         # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
         # PrintItemNL
    self.opstack.push('Tab(' + self.opstack.pop() + ')')
def printtabcomma(self)

command used when Tab with no arg is used in Print example: Debug.Print Tab, "Thirty spaces later… gives: # Debug # PrintObj # PrintTabComma # PrintComma # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later…" # PrintItemNL

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def printtabcomma(self):
    command used when Tab with no arg is used in Print
    example: Debug.Print Tab, "Thirty spaces later...
         # Debug
         # PrintObj
         # PrintTabComma
         # PrintComma
         # LitStr 0x0016 "Thirty spaces later..."
         # PrintItemNL
def pset(self, numparams)

command used when the pset method of an object is called example: Me.PSet (intI, sngMidPt) gives: # Ld intI # Ld sngMidPt # LitDI2 0x0000 # Ld id_FFFF # PSet 0x0002

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def pset(self, numparams):
    command used when the pset method of an object is called
    example: Me.PSet (intI, sngMidPt)
         # Ld intI
         # Ld sngMidPt
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # Ld id_FFFF
         # PSet 0x0002
    val = self.opstack.pop() + '.PSet('
    first_arg = self.opstack.pop()
    if first_arg != '0':
        val += first_arg + ', '
    nb_args = int(numparams, 16)
    params = []
    if nb_args > 0:
        for i in range(nb_args):
        params = params[::-1]

        val += params[0]
        for param in params[1:]:
            val = val + ', ' + param
    val +=')'
def putrec(self)

command to Put to a channel with a record: Put channel, record, var example: Put #1, RecordNumber, MyRecord gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # Ld RecordNumber # Ld MyRecord # PutRec

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def putrec(self):
    command to Put to a channel with a record: Put channel, record, var
    example: Put #1, RecordNumber, MyRecord
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # Ld RecordNumber
         # Ld MyRecord
         # PutRec
    record = self.opstack.pop()
    record_num = self.opstack.pop()
    chan = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push(F'Put {chan}, {record_num}, {record}')
def quoterem(self, val1, lenvar, *args)

command handling comments definition with ' multiple cases: example : MsgBox "toto" 'a message to send gives: # LitStr 0x0004 "toto" # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001 # QuoteRem 0x000F 0x11

example : TODO macaroni gives: TODO macaroni

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def quoterem(self, val1, lenvar, *args):
    command handling comments definition with '
    multiple cases:
    example : MsgBox "toto" 'a message to send
         # LitStr 0x0004 "toto"
         # ArgsCall MsgBox 0x0001
         # QuoteRem 0x000F 0x11

    example : TODO macaroni
    gives: TODO macaroni
    val = "'" + args[0][1:]
    for arg in args[1:] :
        val += ' ' + arg
    val = val[:-1]
    if self.opstack.size() != 0:
        val = self.opstack.pop() + ' ' + val
def redim(self, *args)

command used when redim function is used example : ReDim temp(4) gives: # OptionBase # LitDI2 0x0004 # Redim temp 0x0001 (As Variant)

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def redim(self, *args):
    command used when redim function is used
    example : ReDim temp(4)
         # OptionBase
         # LitDI2 0x0004
         # Redim temp 0x0001 (As Variant)
    val = ''
    args = list(args)
    preserve = False
    if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
        preserve = True

    nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

    values = []
    # gather all stack
    while self.opstack.size() > 0:
    values = values[::-1]

    if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
        val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + args[0] + '('
        val += 'ReDim '
        if preserve:
            val += 'Preserve '
        val += args[0] + '('
    curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
    curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
    if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
        val += curr_val2 
        val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    while len(values) > 0:
        val += ', '
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    val += ')'
def redimas(self, *args)

command used when a redim is defined with a As in the end example: ReDim mytab(50) As Double gives: # OptionBase # LitDI2 0x0032 # RedimAs mytab 0x0001 (As Double)

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def redimas(self, *args):
    command used when a redim is defined with a As in the end
    example: ReDim mytab(50) As Double
         # OptionBase
         # LitDI2 0x0032
         # RedimAs mytab 0x0001 (As Double)
    val = ''
    args = list(args)
    preserve = False
    if args[0] == '(Preserve)':
        preserve = True

    nb_params = int(args[1], 16)

    values = []
    # gather all stack
    while self.opstack.size() > 0:
    values = values[::-1]

    if values[0].startswith('ReDim'): # in case redim of multiple variables
        val = values.pop(0) + ', ' + args[0] + '('
        val += 'ReDim '
        if preserve:
            val += 'Preserve '
        val += args[0] + '('
    curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
    curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
    if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
        val += curr_val2 
        val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    while len(values) > 0:
        val += ', '
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

    val += ')'

    args.pop(0) #remove var
    args.pop(0) # remove nb_params
    if len(args)> 0: # do we have smthng like "(As <type>)"
        if args[-1] != 'Variant)':
            val += ' ' + args[0][1:] + ' ' + args[1][:-1]
def reparse(self, *args)

opcode used when a non valid statement is employed

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def reparse(self, *args):
    opcode used when a non valid statement is employed
    val = args[1][1:]
    for arg in args[2:]:
        val += ' ' + arg
    val = val[:-1] # avoid double quotes
def rem(self, *args)

command for Rem keyword example: Rem This entire line is a comment gives: # Rem 0x001F " This entire line is a comment."

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def rem(self, *args):
    command for Rem keyword
    example: Rem This entire line is a comment
    gives:  # Rem 0x001F " This entire line is a comment."
    val = args[2] # avoid space+double quote
    for arg in args[3:]:
        val += ' ' + arg
    val = val[:-1] #avoid double quote
    self.opstack.push('Rem ' + val)
def resume(self, *args)

command used when resume keyword is used example1: Resume gives: # Resume example2: Resume Next gives: # Resume (Next) example3: Resume titi gives: # Resume titi

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def resume(self, *args):
    command used when resume keyword is used 
    example1: Resume
    gives: # Resume
    example2: Resume Next
    gives: # Resume (Next)
    example3: Resume titi
    gives: # Resume titi
    if args == ():
        if args[0] == '(Next)':
            self.opstack.push('Resume Next')
            self.opstack.push('Resume ' + args[0])
def return_(self)
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def return_(self):
    #TODO: comment
def rset(self)

command for RSet keyword example: RSet MyString = "Right->" gives: # LitStr 0x0007 "Right->" # Ld MyString # RSet

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def rset(self):
    command for RSet keyword
    example: RSet MyString = "Right->"
         # LitStr 0x0007 "Right->"
         # Ld MyString
         # RSet
    var = self.opstack.pop()
    val = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('RSet ' + var + ' = ' + val)
def scale(self, *args)

command used when an object scale method is used example: Me.Scale gives: # LitDI2 0x0000 # LitDI2 0x0000 # Ld sngNewH # Ld sngNewV # Ld id_FFFF # Scale 0x0000 TODO: what to do with this command?

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def scale(self, *args):
    command used when an object scale method is used
    example: Me.Scale 
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # LitDI2 0x0000
         # Ld sngNewH
         # Ld sngNewV
         # Ld id_FFFF
         # Scale 0x0000
    TODO: what to do with this command?
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented scale')
def seek(self)

opcode used when seek is used to search in a file example: Seek #1, 2 gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # LitDI2 0x0002 # Seek

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def seek(self):
    opcode used when seek is used to search in a file
    example: Seek #1, 2
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # LitDI2 0x0002
         # Seek
    data = self.opstack.pop()
    self.opstack.push('Seek ' + self.opstack.pop() + ', ' + data)
def selectcase(self)

command handling a "select case" definition against a variable example : Select Case x gives: # Ld x # SelectCase

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def selectcase(self):
    command handling a "select case" definition against a variable
    example : Select Case x
         # Ld x
         # SelectCase
    self.opstack.push('Select Case ' + self.opstack.pop())
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def selectis(self, *args)
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def selectis(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented selectis')
def selecttype(self, *args)
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def selecttype(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented selecttype')
def setstmt(self)
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def setstmt(self):
    # TODO: comment
    #pass on purpose
def stack(self, *args)
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def stack(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented stack')
def stop(self)
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def stop(self):
    #TODO: comment
def type_(self, *args)

command for Type keyword, #TODO: beware because it's also used for enum keyword example: Type EmployeeRecord gives : # Type EmployeeRecord

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def type_(self, *args):
    command for Type keyword, #TODO: beware because it's also used for enum keyword
    example: Type EmployeeRecord
    gives : 
       # Type EmployeeRecord
    if args[0] == '(Private)':
        self.opstack.push('Private Type ' + args[1])
    elif args[0] == '(Public)':
        self.opstack.push('Public Type ' + args[1])
        self.opstack.push('Type ' + args[0])
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def unlock(self)

command to unlock a record example: Unlock #1, RecordNumber gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # Ld RecordNumber # LitDefault # Unlock

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def unlock(self):
    command to unlock a record
    example: Unlock #1, RecordNumber
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # Ld RecordNumber
         # LitDefault
         # Unlock
    if self.opstack.size() == 3:
        last_record = self.opstack.pop()
        first_record = self.opstack.pop()
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Unlock ' + chan + ', ' + first_record + ' To ' + last_record)
    elif self.opstack.size() == 2:
        record = self.opstack.pop()
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Unlock ' + chan + ', ' + record)
    elif self.opstack.size() == 1:
        chan = self.opstack.pop()
        self.opstack.push('Unlock ' + chan)
def vardefn(self, *args)
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def vardefn(self, *args):      
    ending =''
    args = list(args) #quite ugly, but fu...
    if args[0] == '(WithEvents)':
        var = args.pop(0)[1:-1] + ' ' + args.pop(0)
        var = args.pop(0)

    spaces = 1
    if len(args) > 0:
        if args[-1].startswith('0x'):
            spaces = int(args.pop(-1),16) #TODO: treat spaces there
        ending = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            ending += ' ' + arg
        ending = ' ' + ending[1:-1]

    # first we check if this is only one literal definition
    # in this case, we get Dim definitions and we are all set up
    stacktop = self.opstack.pop()

    if stacktop == 'DimImplicit': #case where dim is implicit, 
        val = var + ending  # we have pushed in this case 'DimImplicit' on stack

    # in this case we have a single variable declaration
    decls = ['Dim', 'Private', 'Public', 'Protected', 'Friend', 'Protected Friend', 'Shared', 'Shadows', 'Static', 'ReadOnly']
    if stacktop in decls:
        val = stacktop + ' ' + var + ending

        # in this case, our variable is either a table, or there is also some const declarations
        # if so, walk the stack and check for declaration
        values = []

        # gather all stack
        while self.opstack.size() > 0:
        values = values[::-1]

        # if we have multiple vardefn with dim, then we are here
        # because all previous vardef should have been pushed correctly on stack
        if len(values) == 1 :
            for decl in decls:
                if values[0].startswith(decl):
                    val = values[0] +', ' + var + ending
        # if const is used for declaration, then a value is attributed to variable
        # appears somehow not possible to declare a table as const, so far so good, no need to check this case
        if 'Const' in values[0]:
            val = values.pop(0)
            end_val = ' = ' + values.pop(0)
            if len(values) > 0:
                # how to say what is dimensions to what is attribution
                #val = 'Undefined variable declaration'
                raise Pcode2codeException('undefined variable declaration')
                val = val + ' ' + var + ending + end_val
        #so here we have a table
        val = ''
        if values[0] in decls: #first we check if this is the first definition
            val += values.pop(0) + ' ' + var + '('
        elif values[0] == 'DimImplicit': #not sure about this one
            val += var + '('
            #next we check for a previous declaration
            prev_decl = False
            for decl in decls:
                if values[0].startswith(decl):
                    val += values.pop(0) +', ' + var + '('
                    prev_decl = True
            if prev_decl is False: #in this case, nothing before
                val+= var + '('

        #first occurence
        curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
        curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
        if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
            val += curr_val2 
            val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        #other occurences
        while len(values) > 0:
            val += ', '
            curr_val1 = values.pop(0)
            curr_val2 = values.pop(0)
            if curr_val1 == 'OptionBase':
                val += curr_val2 
                val += curr_val1 + ' To ' + curr_val2 

        val += ')' + ending
def wend(self)

command handling end of while loop "Wend" example: Wend gives : # Wend

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def wend(self):
    command handling end of while loop "Wend"
    example: Wend
    gives : 
          # Wend
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def while_(self)

command handling "while" loops definitions example: While numero <= 12 gives: # Ld numero # LitDI2 0x000C # Le # While

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def while_(self):
    command handling "while" loops definitions
    example: While numero <= 12
         # Ld numero
         # LitDI2 0x000C
         # Le
         # While
    self.opstack.push('While ' + self.opstack.pop())
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def with_(self)

command handling "with" definitions example: with theWindow gives: # StartWithExpr # Ld theWindow # With

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def with_(self):
    command handling "with" definitions
    example: with theWindow 
         # StartWithExpr
         # Ld theWindow
         # With
    self.opstack.push('With ' + self.opstack.pop())
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def writechan(self)

command defining "write" to a channel example: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value" gives: # LitDI2 0x0001 # Sharp # WriteChan # Ld MyBool # PrintItemSemi # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value" # PrintItemNL

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def writechan(self):
    command defining "write" to a channel
    example: Write #1, MyBool; " is a Boolean value"
         # LitDI2 0x0001
         # Sharp
         # WriteChan
         # Ld MyBool
         # PrintItemSemi
         # LitStr 0x0013 " is a Boolean value"
         # PrintItemNL
    self.opstack.push('Write ' +self.opstack.pop() + ',')
def constfuncexpr(self, *args)
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def constfuncexpr(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented constfuncexpr')
def lbconst(self, var)

opcode used when #Const is used example: #Const x = y gives: # LbMark # Ld B # LbConst a

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def lbconst(self, var):
    opcode used when #Const is used
    example: #Const x = y
         # LbMark
         # Ld B
         # LbConst a
    self.opstack.push('#Const ' + var + ' = ' + self.opstack.pop())
def lbif(self)

opcode used when #If is used example: #If a = b Then gives: # LbMark # Ld a # Ld B # Eq # LbIf

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def lbif(self):
    opcode used when #If is used
    example: #If a = b Then
         # LbMark
         # Ld a
         # Ld B
         # Eq
         # LbIf
    self.opstack.push('#If ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then')
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def lbelse(self)

opcode used when #Else is used example: #Else gives: lbElse

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def lbelse(self):
    opcode used when #Else is used
    example: #Else 
    gives: lbElse
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def lbelseif(self)

opcode used when #Elseif is used example: #ElseIf a = c Then gives: # LbMark # Ld a # Ld c # Eq # LbElseIf

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def lbelseif(self):
    opcode used when #Elseif is used
    example: #ElseIf a = c Then
         # LbMark
         # Ld a
         # Ld c
         # Eq
         # LbElseIf
    self.opstack.push('#ElseIf ' + self.opstack.pop() + ' Then')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
    self.indentincrease_future = True
def lbendif(self)

opcode used when "#End If" is used example: #End If gives: #LbEndIf

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def lbendif(self):
    opcode used when "#End If" is used
    example: #End If
    gives: #LbEndIf
    self.opstack.push('#End If')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def lbmark(self)

appears to be used to indicate the start of a lb statement, appears quite useless

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def lbmark(self):
    appears to be used to indicate the start of a lb statement, appears quite useless
    pass #pass on purposes
def endforvariable(self)

This command ends out a for loop variable definition. Gives nothing interesting in fact example: TODO macaroni gives: TODO macaroni

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def endforvariable(self):
    This command ends out a for loop variable definition. Gives nothing interesting in fact
    example: TODO macaroni
    gives: TODO macaroni
    #pass on purposes
def startforvariable(self)

This command starts out a for loop variable definition. Gives nothing interesting in fact example: TODO macaroni gives: TODO macaroni

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def startforvariable(self):
    This command starts out a for loop variable definition. Gives nothing interesting in fact
    example: TODO macaroni
    gives: TODO macaroni
    #pass on purposes
def newredim(self, *args)
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def newredim(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented newredim')
def startwithexpr(self)

used like startforvariable, eg, simply an indicator of when a with variable is declared. pretty useless for us. example: With theWindow gives: # StartWithExpr # Ld theWindow # With

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def startwithexpr(self):
    used like startforvariable, eg, simply an indicator of when a with variable is declared.
    pretty useless for us.
    example: With theWindow
         # StartWithExpr
         # Ld theWindow
         # With
    #pass on purposes
def setorst(self, *args)
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def setorst(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented setorst')
def endenum(self)

command to end an enum example: End Enum gives: #EndEnum

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def endenum(self):
    command to end an enum
    example: End Enum
    self.opstack.push('End Enum')
    self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel - 1
def illegal(self, *args)
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def illegal(self, *args):
    raise Pcode2codeException('not implemented illegal')
def newline(self)

defines a blank line. Used for internal processing, for blank streams and lines

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def newline(self):
    defines a blank line. Used for internal processing, for blank streams and lines
def clearstack(self)
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def clearstack(self):
def getstacktop(self)
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def getstacktop(self):
def getstackpop(self)
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def getstackpop(self):
    return self.opstack.pop()
def getstacksize(self)
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def getstacksize(self):
    return self.opstack.size()
def increaseindentlevel_future(self)

when we increase the indent level, we need to first print out the line, and then to increase the indent level. to do so, when a line has been printed, this function checks if the indent level need to be increased and do so.

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def increaseindentlevel_future(self):
    when we increase the indent level, we need to first print out the line, and then to increase the indent level. 
    to do so, when a line has been printed, this function checks if the indent level need to be increased and do so.
    if self.unindented > 0:
        self.unindented -= 1
    elif self.indentincrease_future:
        self.indentlevel = self.indentlevel + 1
    self.indentincrease_future = False
def getindentlevel(self)

function retrieving the class indentlevel parameter, used to print out code with correct indent

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def getindentlevel(self):
     function retrieving the class indentlevel parameter, used to print out code with correct indent
    return self.indentlevel
def hasbos(self)
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def hasbos(self):
    return self.has_bos
def resethasbos(self)
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def resethasbos(self):
    self.has_bos = False
class Parser (myinput)
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class Parser:

    def __init__(self, myinput):
        self.myinput = myinput  # input to be processed, is always a dump of pcodedmp module there
        self.opstack = Stack()  # vba bytecode is somewhat stack based, so we declare a new one 
        self.operations = Operations(self.opstack) # all operations that can be found in vba bytecode
        self.output = ''        # the output of global processing
        self.output_queue = []
        self.unindented = 0

    def queueLineOutput(self, line, linenum, print_linenum=False, has_end=True):
        self.output_queue.append((line, linenum, print_linenum, has_end))

    def addlineOutput(self, line, linenum, print_linenum=False, has_end=True, _checking_queue=False):
            Because we can choose what is the output for our module, this function somehow bufferize the
            output before it's printed in the latter.
        if not line.strip():
        while not _checking_queue and self.output_queue:
            self.addlineOutput(*self.output_queue.pop(), True)
        if print_linenum:
            self.output += str(linenum) + ': '           
        if not has_end:
            self.output += line
        self.output += line + '\n' 

    def getOutput(self):
        simply a getter to output, used in the end of global processing
        return self.output

    def parseInput(self):
            Function parsing pcodedmp dump to create a dictionary of all lines of the input with the operation lines associated.
            Basically, to explain, a pcodedmp dump would look like so:
               ' Line #7:
               '   Dim 
               '   VarDefn hiz7dgus (As String)
            Here the first line gives out the line number, and the rest are operation lines.
        splittedInput = self.myinput.splitlines()
        lines = {}
        i = 0
        started = False
        streams = {}
        laststream = None
        opelinesblock = []
        # we parse each lines, and cut them by line blocks, to put them in "lines"
        #TODO: simplify
        for inputLine in splittedInput:
            inputLine = inputLine.strip()

            if 'VBA/' in inputLine and inputLine.endswith('bytes'): # here we have a new stream in the document
                if laststream is None: #eg first occurence
                    laststream = inputLine
                    if opelinesblock == []:
                        opelinesblock = ['NewLine']
                    lines[i] = opelinesblock
                    streams[laststream] = lines
                    opelinesblock = []
                    i = 0
                    lines = {}
                    started = False
                    laststream = inputLine
            if inputLine.startswith('Line #'): # here is our new line block
                started = True
                if not inputLine.startswith('Line #0'):
                    if opelinesblock == []:             # when line is blank, it still appears in dump
                        opelinesblock = ['NewLine']     # so we treat it with a special new operation
                                                        # saying line is blank
                    lines[i] = opelinesblock
                opelinesblock = []
                if started:

        if opelinesblock == []:
            opelinesblock = ['NewLine']
        lines[i] = opelinesblock
        streams[laststream] = lines

        self.myinput = streams

    def parseOpLine(self, inputLine):
            function to parse an operation line.
            to avoid using costly regexp, we split each operation line. The first element is always the operation
            to do, and the rest is potential args. In case there are args, they will be reconstructed by the underlying operation.
        linelist = inputLine.split()
        ope = linelist[0]
        args = linelist[1:]
        func = self.operations.ops[ope]

    def processInput(self, print_linenum):
            When the input has been <<parsed>>, this function process it to disassemble the input, by calling parseOpLine for each line. 
            It is basically only a printing function.
              - print_linenum: boolean indicating if line numbers should be printed in the output or not. Please refer to function named "process"
        for stream in self.myinput.keys():
            if stream:
                self.queueLineOutput('# DECOMPILED STREAM : ' + stream, 0)
            unindented = 0
            for linenum, oplines in self.myinput[stream].items():
                for line in oplines:
                    if line.startswith('FuncDefn'):
                        unindented += 1
                    if line.startswith('EndFunc') or line.startswith('EndSub'):
                        unindented -= 1
            self.operations.unindented = unindented
            for linenum in self.myinput[stream]:
                    for opline in self.myinput[stream][linenum]:
                    if self.operations.hasbos():
                        output_parts = []
                        while self.operations.getstacksize() > 0:
                        output_parts = output_parts[::-1]
                        self.addlineOutput(self.operations.getindentlevel() * '  ', linenum, print_linenum, False)
                        for part in output_parts[:-1]:
                            self.addlineOutput(part + ' ', linenum, has_end=False)
                        self.addlineOutput(output_parts[-1], linenum)
                        self.addlineOutput(self.operations.getindentlevel() * '  ' + self.operations.getstacktop(), linenum, print_linenum)
                except Pcode2codeException as e:
                    self.addlineOutput("' pcode2code, cannot process line "+ str(linenum) + ' : ' + str(e), linenum, print_linenum)
                    for opline in self.myinput[stream][linenum]:
                        self.addlineOutput("'\t# " + opline, linenum)
                except Exception as e:
                    self.addlineOutput("' a generic exception occured at line " + str(linenum) + ": " + str(e), linenum, print_linenum)
                    for opline in self.myinput[stream][linenum]:
                        self.addlineOutput("'\t# " + opline, linenum)


def queueLineOutput(self, line, linenum, print_linenum=False, has_end=True)
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def queueLineOutput(self, line, linenum, print_linenum=False, has_end=True):
    self.output_queue.append((line, linenum, print_linenum, has_end))
def addlineOutput(self, line, linenum, print_linenum=False, has_end=True)

Because we can choose what is the output for our module, this function somehow bufferize the output before it's printed in the latter.

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def addlineOutput(self, line, linenum, print_linenum=False, has_end=True, _checking_queue=False):
        Because we can choose what is the output for our module, this function somehow bufferize the
        output before it's printed in the latter.
    if not line.strip():
    while not _checking_queue and self.output_queue:
        self.addlineOutput(*self.output_queue.pop(), True)
    if print_linenum:
        self.output += str(linenum) + ': '           
    if not has_end:
        self.output += line
    self.output += line + '\n' 
def getOutput(self)

simply a getter to output, used in the end of global processing

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def getOutput(self):
    simply a getter to output, used in the end of global processing
    return self.output
def parseInput(self)

Function parsing pcodedmp dump to create a dictionary of all lines of the input with the operation lines associated. Basically, to explain, a pcodedmp dump would look like so: ' Line #7: ' Dim ' VarDefn hiz7dgus (As String) Here the first line gives out the line number, and the rest are operation lines.

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def parseInput(self):
        Function parsing pcodedmp dump to create a dictionary of all lines of the input with the operation lines associated.
        Basically, to explain, a pcodedmp dump would look like so:
           ' Line #7:
           '   Dim 
           '   VarDefn hiz7dgus (As String)
        Here the first line gives out the line number, and the rest are operation lines.
    splittedInput = self.myinput.splitlines()
    lines = {}
    i = 0
    started = False
    streams = {}
    laststream = None
    opelinesblock = []
    # we parse each lines, and cut them by line blocks, to put them in "lines"
    #TODO: simplify
    for inputLine in splittedInput:
        inputLine = inputLine.strip()

        if 'VBA/' in inputLine and inputLine.endswith('bytes'): # here we have a new stream in the document
            if laststream is None: #eg first occurence
                laststream = inputLine
                if opelinesblock == []:
                    opelinesblock = ['NewLine']
                lines[i] = opelinesblock
                streams[laststream] = lines
                opelinesblock = []
                i = 0
                lines = {}
                started = False
                laststream = inputLine
        if inputLine.startswith('Line #'): # here is our new line block
            started = True
            if not inputLine.startswith('Line #0'):
                if opelinesblock == []:             # when line is blank, it still appears in dump
                    opelinesblock = ['NewLine']     # so we treat it with a special new operation
                                                    # saying line is blank
                lines[i] = opelinesblock
            opelinesblock = []
            if started:

    if opelinesblock == []:
        opelinesblock = ['NewLine']
    lines[i] = opelinesblock
    streams[laststream] = lines

    self.myinput = streams
def parseOpLine(self, inputLine)

function to parse an operation line. to avoid using costly regexp, we split each operation line. The first element is always the operation to do, and the rest is potential args. In case there are args, they will be reconstructed by the underlying operation.

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def parseOpLine(self, inputLine):
        function to parse an operation line.
        to avoid using costly regexp, we split each operation line. The first element is always the operation
        to do, and the rest is potential args. In case there are args, they will be reconstructed by the underlying operation.
    linelist = inputLine.split()
    ope = linelist[0]
    args = linelist[1:]
    func = self.operations.ops[ope]
def processInput(self, print_linenum)

When the input has been <>, this function process it to disassemble the input, by calling parseOpLine for each line. It is basically only a printing function. args: - print_linenum: boolean indicating if line numbers should be printed in the output or not. Please refer to function named "process"

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def processInput(self, print_linenum):
        When the input has been <<parsed>>, this function process it to disassemble the input, by calling parseOpLine for each line. 
        It is basically only a printing function.
          - print_linenum: boolean indicating if line numbers should be printed in the output or not. Please refer to function named "process"
    for stream in self.myinput.keys():
        if stream:
            self.queueLineOutput('# DECOMPILED STREAM : ' + stream, 0)
        unindented = 0
        for linenum, oplines in self.myinput[stream].items():
            for line in oplines:
                if line.startswith('FuncDefn'):
                    unindented += 1
                if line.startswith('EndFunc') or line.startswith('EndSub'):
                    unindented -= 1
        self.operations.unindented = unindented
        for linenum in self.myinput[stream]:
                for opline in self.myinput[stream][linenum]:
                if self.operations.hasbos():
                    output_parts = []
                    while self.operations.getstacksize() > 0:
                    output_parts = output_parts[::-1]
                    self.addlineOutput(self.operations.getindentlevel() * '  ', linenum, print_linenum, False)
                    for part in output_parts[:-1]:
                        self.addlineOutput(part + ' ', linenum, has_end=False)
                    self.addlineOutput(output_parts[-1], linenum)
                    self.addlineOutput(self.operations.getindentlevel() * '  ' + self.operations.getstacktop(), linenum, print_linenum)
            except Pcode2codeException as e:
                self.addlineOutput("' pcode2code, cannot process line "+ str(linenum) + ' : ' + str(e), linenum, print_linenum)
                for opline in self.myinput[stream][linenum]:
                    self.addlineOutput("'\t# " + opline, linenum)
            except Exception as e:
                self.addlineOutput("' a generic exception occured at line " + str(linenum) + ": " + str(e), linenum, print_linenum)
                for opline in self.myinput[stream][linenum]:
                    self.addlineOutput("'\t# " + opline, linenum)