Module refinery.lib.powershell
Windows-specific module to determine whether the current Python process is running in a PowerShell process.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Windows-specific module to determine whether the current Python process is running in a PowerShell process.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TextIO
from pathlib import Path
import ctypes
import os
import enum
from refinery.lib.environment import environment
_PS1_MAGIC = B'[BRPS1]:'
class TH32CS(enum.IntEnum):
SNAPMODULE = 0x8 # noqa
SNAPPROCESS = 0x2 # noqa
class NotWindows(RuntimeError):
PowerShell support is only available on Windows; this exception is raised when the operating
system is something else.
class PROCESSENTRY32(ctypes.Structure):
The [PROCESSENTRY32]( structure.
_fields_ = [
('dwSize', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('cntUsage', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('th32ProcessID', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('th32DefaultHeapID', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)), # noqa
('th32ModuleID', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('cntThreads', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('th32ParentProcessID', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('pcPriClassBase', ctypes.c_long), # noqa
('dwFlags', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('szExeFile', ctypes.c_char * 260), # noqa
class MODULEENTRY32(ctypes.Structure):
The [MODULEENTRY32]( structure.
_fields_ = [
('dwSize', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('th32ModuleID', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('th32ProcessID', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('GlblcntUsage', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('ProccntUsage', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('modBaseAddr', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)), # noqa
('modBaseSize', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa
('hModule', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)), # noqa
('szModule', ctypes.c_char * 256), # noqa
('szExePath', ctypes.c_char * 260), # noqa
def get_parent_processes():
Returns a list of file paths that identify the images of all our parent processes.
k32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
except AttributeError:
raise NotWindows
entry = PROCESSENTRY32()
entry.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32)
snap = k32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS.SNAPPROCESS, 0)
def FullPath():
path = entry.szExeFile
procsnap = k32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS.SNAPMODULE, entry.th32ProcessID)
if procsnap:
mod.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(MODULEENTRY32)
if k32.Module32First(procsnap, ctypes.byref(mod)):
path = mod.szExePath
return path
def NextProcess():
return k32.Process32Next(snap, ctypes.byref(entry))
if not snap:
raise RuntimeError('could not create snapshot')
if not k32.Process32First(snap, ctypes.byref(entry)):
raise RuntimeError('could not iterate processes')
processes = {}
for _ in iter(NextProcess, 0):
cpid = entry.th32ProcessID
ppid = entry.th32ParentProcessID
if cpid == ppid:
processes[cpid] = ppid, bytes(FullPath()).decode('latin1')
pid = os.getpid()
loop_detection = set()
while pid in processes:
if pid in loop_detection:
pid, path = processes[pid]
yield path
def shell_supports_binref() -> bool:
This checks whether the current shell is known to support binary refinery natively. This
requires full binary and streaming STDIN/STDOUT. PowerShell 7.4 does have this, so does
the command interpreter. If the operating system is not Windows, the shell is assumed to
be compatible.
if != 'nt':
return True
for path in get_parent_processes():
path = Path(path.lower())
for part in
if not part.startswith('microsoft.powershell'):
version = part.split('_')[1]
version = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))
except Exception:
if version[:2] >= (7, 4):
return True
if path.stem == 'cmd':
return True
if path.stem == 'powershell':
return False
if path.stem == 'pwsh':
return False
except NotWindows:
return True
class Ps1Wrapper:
Boilerplace for the STDIN and STDOUT wrappers.
def __new__(cls, stream: TextIO):
sb = stream.buffer
if stream.isatty() or sb.isatty():
return sb
return super().__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, stream: TextIO):
if self is stream:
return = stream.buffer
def __getattr__(self, key):
return getattr(, key)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *a):
class PS1OutputWrapper(Ps1Wrapper):
The PowerShell STDOUT compatibility wrapper. It takes the binary output and hex encodes it.
This data is then prefixed by a special (printable) magic sequence.
_header_written = False
def write(self, data):
if not data:
import base64
if not self._header_written:
self._header_written = True
if not Ps1Wrapper.WRAPPED and not environment.silence_ps1_warning.value:
import logging
U'WARNING: PowerShell has no support for binary pipelines or streaming. Binary Refinery '
U'uses an unreliable and slow workaround: It is strongly recommended to use the command '
U'processor instead. Proceed at your own peril!\n'
F'- To silence this warning: $env:{environment.silence_ps1_warning.key}=1\n'
F'- To disable the band-aid: $env:{environment.disable_ps1_bandaid.key}=1\n'
U'- To get more information:'
view = memoryview(data)
size = 1 << 15
for k in range(0, len(view), size):[k:k + size]))
class PS1InputWrapper(Ps1Wrapper):
The PowerShell STDIN compatibility wrapper. If it receives data prefixed with the correct magic
sequence, it will hex-decode the remaining data and forward the binary result.
_init = True
def read(self, size=None):
return self.read1(size)
def read1(self, size=None):
if size is None:
size = -1
if size == 0:
return B''
if self._init:
if 0 < size < len(_PS1_MAGIC):
raise RuntimeError(F'Unexpectedly small initial read: {size}')
self._init = False
length = len(_PS1_MAGIC)
header =
if header != _PS1_MAGIC:
return header + - length, -1))
Ps1Wrapper.WRAPPED = True
if Ps1Wrapper.WRAPPED:
if size > 0:
size *= 2
import base64
return base64.b16decode(
def bandaid(codec) -> bool:
This function will invoke `refinery.lib.powershell.shell_supports_binref` to check whether
the bandaid is necessary. If so, it uses the IO wrappers in this module to wrap STDIN/STDOUT
in a compatibility layer that will make refinery work, albeit poorly.
if shell_supports_binref():
return False
import io
import sys
sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(
PS1OutputWrapper(sys.stdout), codec, line_buffering=False, write_through=True)
sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(
PS1InputWrapper(sys.stdin), codec, line_buffering=False)
return True
def get_parent_processes()
Returns a list of file paths that identify the images of all our parent processes.
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def get_parent_processes(): """ Returns a list of file paths that identify the images of all our parent processes. """ try: k32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 except AttributeError: raise NotWindows entry = PROCESSENTRY32() entry.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32) snap = k32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS.SNAPPROCESS, 0) def FullPath(): path = entry.szExeFile procsnap = k32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS.SNAPMODULE, entry.th32ProcessID) if procsnap: mod = MODULEENTRY32() mod.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(MODULEENTRY32) if k32.Module32First(procsnap, ctypes.byref(mod)): path = mod.szExePath k32.CloseHandle(procsnap) return path def NextProcess(): return k32.Process32Next(snap, ctypes.byref(entry)) if not snap: raise RuntimeError('could not create snapshot') try: if not k32.Process32First(snap, ctypes.byref(entry)): raise RuntimeError('could not iterate processes') processes = {} for _ in iter(NextProcess, 0): cpid = entry.th32ProcessID ppid = entry.th32ParentProcessID if cpid == ppid: continue processes[cpid] = ppid, bytes(FullPath()).decode('latin1') finally: k32.CloseHandle(snap) pid = os.getpid() loop_detection = set() while pid in processes: if pid in loop_detection: break loop_detection.add(pid) pid, path = processes[pid] yield path
def shell_supports_binref()
This checks whether the current shell is known to support binary refinery natively. This requires full binary and streaming STDIN/STDOUT. PowerShell 7.4 does have this, so does the command interpreter. If the operating system is not Windows, the shell is assumed to be compatible.
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def shell_supports_binref() -> bool: """ This checks whether the current shell is known to support binary refinery natively. This requires full binary and streaming STDIN/STDOUT. PowerShell 7.4 does have this, so does the command interpreter. If the operating system is not Windows, the shell is assumed to be compatible. """ if != 'nt': return True try: for path in get_parent_processes(): path = Path(path.lower()) for part in if not part.startswith('microsoft.powershell'): continue try: version = part.split('_')[1] version = tuple(map(int, version.split('.'))) except Exception: continue if version[:2] >= (7, 4): return True if path.stem == 'cmd': return True if path.stem == 'powershell': return False if path.stem == 'pwsh': return False except NotWindows: pass return True
def bandaid(codec)
This function will invoke
to check whether the bandaid is necessary. If so, it uses the IO wrappers in this module to wrap STDIN/STDOUT in a compatibility layer that will make refinery work, albeit poorly.Expand source code Browse git
def bandaid(codec) -> bool: """ This function will invoke `refinery.lib.powershell.shell_supports_binref` to check whether the bandaid is necessary. If so, it uses the IO wrappers in this module to wrap STDIN/STDOUT in a compatibility layer that will make refinery work, albeit poorly. """ if shell_supports_binref(): return False import io import sys sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper( PS1OutputWrapper(sys.stdout), codec, line_buffering=False, write_through=True) sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper( PS1InputWrapper(sys.stdin), codec, line_buffering=False) return True
class TH32CS (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class TH32CS(enum.IntEnum): SNAPMODULE = 0x8 # noqa SNAPPROCESS = 0x2 # noqa
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
class NotWindows (*args, **kwargs)
PowerShell support is only available on Windows; this exception is raised when the operating system is something else.
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class NotWindows(RuntimeError): """ PowerShell support is only available on Windows; this exception is raised when the operating system is something else. """
- builtins.RuntimeError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class PROCESSENTRY32 (*args, **kwargs)
The PROCESSENTRY32 structure.
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class PROCESSENTRY32(ctypes.Structure): """ The [PROCESSENTRY32]( structure. """ _fields_ = [ ('dwSize', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('cntUsage', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('th32ProcessID', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('th32DefaultHeapID', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)), # noqa ('th32ModuleID', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('cntThreads', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('th32ParentProcessID', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('pcPriClassBase', ctypes.c_long), # noqa ('dwFlags', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('szExeFile', ctypes.c_char * 260), # noqa ]
- _ctypes.Structure
- _ctypes._CData
Instance variables
var dwSize
Structure/Union member
var cntUsage
Structure/Union member
var th32ProcessID
Structure/Union member
var th32DefaultHeapID
Structure/Union member
var th32ModuleID
Structure/Union member
var cntThreads
Structure/Union member
var th32ParentProcessID
Structure/Union member
var pcPriClassBase
Structure/Union member
var dwFlags
Structure/Union member
var szExeFile
Structure/Union member
class MODULEENTRY32 (*args, **kwargs)
The MODULEENTRY32 structure.
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class MODULEENTRY32(ctypes.Structure): """ The [MODULEENTRY32]( structure. """ _fields_ = [ ('dwSize', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('th32ModuleID', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('th32ProcessID', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('GlblcntUsage', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('ProccntUsage', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('modBaseAddr', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)), # noqa ('modBaseSize', ctypes.c_uint32), # noqa ('hModule', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)), # noqa ('szModule', ctypes.c_char * 256), # noqa ('szExePath', ctypes.c_char * 260), # noqa ]
- _ctypes.Structure
- _ctypes._CData
Instance variables
var dwSize
Structure/Union member
var th32ModuleID
Structure/Union member
var th32ProcessID
Structure/Union member
var GlblcntUsage
Structure/Union member
var ProccntUsage
Structure/Union member
var modBaseAddr
Structure/Union member
var modBaseSize
Structure/Union member
var hModule
Structure/Union member
var szModule
Structure/Union member
var szExePath
Structure/Union member
class Ps1Wrapper (stream)
Boilerplace for the STDIN and STDOUT wrappers.
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class Ps1Wrapper: """ Boilerplace for the STDIN and STDOUT wrappers. """ WRAPPED = False def __new__(cls, stream: TextIO): sb = stream.buffer if stream.isatty() or sb.isatty(): return sb return super().__new__(cls) def __init__(self, stream: TextIO): if self is stream: return = stream.buffer def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(, key) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *a): return*a)
Class variables
class PS1OutputWrapper (stream)
The PowerShell STDOUT compatibility wrapper. It takes the binary output and hex encodes it. This data is then prefixed by a special (printable) magic sequence.
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class PS1OutputWrapper(Ps1Wrapper): """ The PowerShell STDOUT compatibility wrapper. It takes the binary output and hex encodes it. This data is then prefixed by a special (printable) magic sequence. """ _header_written = False def write(self, data): if not data: return import base64 if not self._header_written: self._header_written = True if not Ps1Wrapper.WRAPPED and not environment.silence_ps1_warning.value: import logging logging.getLogger('root').critical( U'WARNING: PowerShell has no support for binary pipelines or streaming. Binary Refinery ' U'uses an unreliable and slow workaround: It is strongly recommended to use the command ' U'processor instead. Proceed at your own peril!\n' F'- To silence this warning: $env:{environment.silence_ps1_warning.key}=1\n' F'- To disable the band-aid: $env:{environment.disable_ps1_bandaid.key}=1\n' U'- To get more information:' ) view = memoryview(data) size = 1 << 15 for k in range(0, len(view), size):[k:k + size]))
def write(self, data)
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def write(self, data): if not data: return import base64 if not self._header_written: self._header_written = True if not Ps1Wrapper.WRAPPED and not environment.silence_ps1_warning.value: import logging logging.getLogger('root').critical( U'WARNING: PowerShell has no support for binary pipelines or streaming. Binary Refinery ' U'uses an unreliable and slow workaround: It is strongly recommended to use the command ' U'processor instead. Proceed at your own peril!\n' F'- To silence this warning: $env:{environment.silence_ps1_warning.key}=1\n' F'- To disable the band-aid: $env:{environment.disable_ps1_bandaid.key}=1\n' U'- To get more information:' ) view = memoryview(data) size = 1 << 15 for k in range(0, len(view), size):[k:k + size]))
class PS1InputWrapper (stream)
The PowerShell STDIN compatibility wrapper. If it receives data prefixed with the correct magic sequence, it will hex-decode the remaining data and forward the binary result.
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class PS1InputWrapper(Ps1Wrapper): """ The PowerShell STDIN compatibility wrapper. If it receives data prefixed with the correct magic sequence, it will hex-decode the remaining data and forward the binary result. """ _init = True def read(self, size=None): return self.read1(size) def read1(self, size=None): if size is None: size = -1 if size == 0: return B'' if self._init: if 0 < size < len(_PS1_MAGIC): raise RuntimeError(F'Unexpectedly small initial read: {size}') self._init = False length = len(_PS1_MAGIC) header = if header != _PS1_MAGIC: return header + - length, -1)) Ps1Wrapper.WRAPPED = True if Ps1Wrapper.WRAPPED: if size > 0: size *= 2 import base64 return base64.b16decode( else: return
def read(self, size=None)
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def read(self, size=None): return self.read1(size)
def read1(self, size=None)
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def read1(self, size=None): if size is None: size = -1 if size == 0: return B'' if self._init: if 0 < size < len(_PS1_MAGIC): raise RuntimeError(F'Unexpectedly small initial read: {size}') self._init = False length = len(_PS1_MAGIC) header = if header != _PS1_MAGIC: return header + - length, -1)) Ps1Wrapper.WRAPPED = True if Ps1Wrapper.WRAPPED: if size > 0: size *= 2 import base64 return base64.b16decode( else: return