Module refinery.lib.inno.symbols
Contains a library of known external function symbols for the IFPS runtime in InnoSetup installers.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# flake8: noqa
Contains a library of known external function symbols for the IFPS runtime in InnoSetup installers.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional
import inspect
import re
from refinery.lib.types import CaseInsensitiveDict
class IFPSParam(NamedTuple):
name: str
type: Optional[str]
const: bool
class IFPSSignature(NamedTuple):
name: str
kind: str
parameters: tuple[IFPSParam]
return_type: Optional[str]
void: bool
modifier: Optional[str] = None
def argc(self):
return len(self.parameters)
class IFPSClass(NamedTuple):
name: str
members: dict[str, IFPSSignature]
class IFPSClassReference(NamedTuple):
Types: dict[str, str]
Classes: dict[str, IFPSClass]
class ParsingError(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, symbol: str, what: str):
super().__init__(F'{what}: {symbol}')
def parse_decl(decl: str, kind: str, void: Optional[bool] = None, modifier: Optional[str] = None):
def try_type(type: str):
if not type:
return None
type = type.strip().split()
if not type:
return None
elif len(type) == 1:
return type[0]
elif type[0] == 'array':
return 'TArray'
bo, bc = '[]' if kind == 'property' else '()'
parts = re.fullmatch(r'''(?x)
'''.format(o=re.escape(bo), c=re.escape(bc)), decl.strip())
if void is None:
void = kind == 'procedure'
if parts is None:
raise ParsingError(decl, 'Failed to parse')
parts = parts.groupdict()
name = parts['name']
type = parts['type']
type = try_type(type)
args = []
if a := parts['args']:
for group in a.split(';'):
group, _, at = group.strip().partition(': ')
kind, _, tmp = group.strip().partition(' ')
if kind in {'var', 'const'}:
group = tmp
for part in group.split(','):
args.append(IFPSParam(part.strip(), try_type(at), kind != 'var'))
return IFPSSignature(name, kind, tuple(args), type, void, modifier)
def parse_function(symbol: str) -> IFPSSignature:
kind, _, decl = symbol.strip().partition(' ')
sig = parse_decl(decl, kind)
if (sig.return_type is None) != sig.void:
raise ParsingError(symbol,
F'Voidness ({sig.void}) of {kind} conflicts with return type {sig.return_type}')
return sig
def _parse_api_functions(cls):
sym: dict[str, IFPSSignature] = CaseInsensitiveDict()
for line in inspect.cleandoc(inspect.getdoc(cls)).splitlines(False):
if not line.strip():
sig = parse_function(line)
sym[] = sig
return sym
class IFPSAPI:
procedure Inc(var P: Pointer);
procedure Dec(var P: Pointer);
function SizeOf(var P: Variant): Integer;
property WizardForm: TWizardForm;
property UninstallProgressForm: TUninstallProgressForm;
function GetCmdTail: String;
function ParamCount: Integer;
function ParamStr(Index: Integer): String;
function ActiveLanguage: String;
function CustomMessage(const MsgName: String): String;
function FmtMessage(const S: String; const Args: array of String): String;
function SetupMessage(const ID: TSetupMessageID): String;
function WizardDirValue: String;
function WizardGroupValue: String;
function WizardNoIcons: Boolean;
function WizardSetupType(const Description: Boolean): String;
function WizardSelectedComponents(const Descriptions: Boolean): String;
function WizardIsComponentSelected(const Components: String): Boolean;
function WizardSelectedTasks(const Descriptions: Boolean): String;
function WizardIsTaskSelected(const Tasks: String): Boolean;
function WizardSilent: Boolean;
function IsUninstaller: Boolean;
function UninstallSilent: Boolean;
function CurrentFilename: String;
function CurrentSourceFilename: String;
function ExpandConstant(const S: String): String;
function ExpandConstantEx(const S: String; const CustomConst, CustomValue: String): String;
function GetPreviousData(const ValueName, DefaultValueData: String): String;
function SetPreviousData(const PreviousDataKey: Integer; const ValueName, ValueData: String): Boolean;
function Terminated: Boolean;
function Debugging: Boolean;
function RegisterExtraCloseApplicationsResource(const DisableFsRedir: Boolean; const AFilename: String): Boolean;
function RmSessionStarted: Boolean;
function GetWizardForm: TWizardForm;
function GetUninstallProgressForm: TUninstallProgressForm;
function GetExceptionMessage: String;
function IsAdmin: Boolean;
function IsAdminInstallMode: Boolean;
function GetWindowsVersion: Cardinal;
function GetWindowsVersionString: String;
function IsWin64: Boolean;
function Is64BitInstallMode: Boolean;
function ProcessorArchitecture: TSetupProcessorArchitecture;
function IsArm32Compatible: Boolean;
function IsArm64: Boolean;
function IsX64Compatible: Boolean;
function IsX64OS: Boolean;
function IsX86Compatible: Boolean;
function IsX86OS: Boolean;
function InstallOnThisVersion(const MinVersion, OnlyBelowVersion: String): Boolean;
function IsDotNetInstalled(const MinVersion: TDotNetVersion; const MinServicePack: Cardinal): Boolean;
function IsMsiProductInstalled(const UpgradeCode: String; const PackedMinVersion: Int64): Boolean;
function GetEnv(const EnvVar: String): String;
function GetUserNameString: String;
function GetComputerNameString: String;
function GetUILanguage: Integer;
function FontExists(const FaceName: String): Boolean;
function FindWindowByClassName(const ClassName: String): HWND;
function FindWindowByWindowName(const WindowName: String): HWND;
function SendMessage(const Wnd: HWND; const Msg, WParam, LParam: LongInt): LongInt;
function PostMessage(const Wnd: HWND; const Msg, WParam, LParam: LongInt): Boolean;
function SendNotifyMessage(const Wnd: HWND; const Msg, WParam, LParam: LongInt): Boolean;
function RegisterWindowMessage(const Name: String): LongInt;
function SendBroadcastMessage(const Msg, WParam, LParam: LongInt): LongInt;
function PostBroadcastMessage(const Msg, WParam, LParam: LongInt): Boolean;
function SendBroadcastNotifyMessage(const Msg, WParam, LParam: LongInt): Boolean;
function CheckForMutexes(Mutexes: String): Boolean;
function CreateCallback(Method: AnyMethod): Longword;
function DLLGetLastError(): LongInt;
function Chr(B: Byte): Char;
function Ord(C: Char): Byte;
function Copy(S: AnyString; Index, Count: Integer): String;
function Length(S: AnyString): LongInt;
function Lowercase(S: AnyString): String;
function Uppercase(S: AnyString): String;
function AnsiLowercase(S: AnyString): String;
function AnsiUppercase(S: AnyString): String;
function StringOfChar(C: Char; I : LongInt): String;
function StringChange(var S: String; const FromStr, ToStr: String): Integer;
function StringChangeEx(var S: String; const FromStr, ToStr: String; const SupportDBCS: Boolean): Integer;
function Pos(SubStr, S: AnyString): Integer;
function AddQuotes(const S: String): String;
function RemoveQuotes(const S: String): String;
function ConvertPercentStr(var S: String): Boolean;
function CompareText(const S1, S2: String): Integer;
function CompareStr(const S1, S2: String): Integer;
function SameText(const S1, S2: String): Boolean;
function SameStr(const S1, S2: String): Boolean;
function IsWildcard(const Pattern: String): Boolean;
function WildcardMatch(const Text, Pattern: String): Boolean;
function Format(const Format: String; const Args: array of const): String;
function Trim(const S: AnyString): AnyString;
function TrimLeft(const S: String): String;
function TrimRight(const S: String): String;
function StringJoin(const Separator: String; const Values: TArrayOfString): String;
function StringSplit(const S: String; const Separators: TArrayOfString; const Typ: TSplitType): TArrayOfString;
function StringSplitEx(const S: String; const Separators: TArrayOfString; const Quote: Char; const Typ: TSplitType): TArrayOfString;
function StrToIntDef(S: String; Def: LongInt): LongInt;
function StrToInt(S: String): LongInt;
function StrToInt64Def(S: String; Def: Int64): Int64;
function StrToInt64(S: String): Int64;
function StrToFloat(S: String): Extended;
function IntToStr(I: Int64): String;
function FloatToStr(E: Extended): String;
function CharLength(const S: String; const Index: Integer): Integer;
function AddBackslash(const S: String): String;
function RemoveBackslashUnlessRoot(const S: String): String;
function RemoveBackslash(const S: String): String;
function AddPeriod(const S: String): String;
function ChangeFileExt(const FileName, Extension: String): String;
function ExtractFileExt(const FileName: String): String;
function ExtractFileDir(const FileName: String): String;
function ExtractFilePath(const FileName: String): String;
function ExtractFileName(const FileName: String): String;
function ExtractFileDrive(const FileName: String): String;
function ExtractRelativePath(const BaseName, DestName: String): String;
function ExpandFileName(const FileName: String): String;
function ExpandUNCFileName(const FileName: String): String;
function GetDateTimeString(const DateTimeFormat: String; const DateSeparator, TimeSeparator: Char): String;
function Utf8Encode(const S: String): AnsiString;
function Utf8Decode(const S: AnsiString): String;
function GetMD5OfString(const S: AnsiString): String;
function GetMD5OfUnicodeString(const S: String): String;
function GetSHA1OfString(const S: AnsiString): String;
function GetSHA1OfUnicodeString(const S: String): String;
function GetSHA256OfString(const S: AnsiString): String;
function GetSHA256OfUnicodeString(const S: String): String;
function SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode: Integer): String;
function MinimizePathName(const Filename: String; const Font: TFont; MaxLen: Integer): String;
function GetArrayLength(var Arr: Array): LongInt;
function Null: Variant;
function Unassigned: Variant;
function VarIsEmpty(const V: Variant): Boolean;
function VarIsClear(const V: Variant): Boolean;
function VarIsNull(const V: Variant): Boolean;
function VarType(const V: Variant): TVarType;
function VarArrayGet(var S: Variant; I: Integer): Variant;
function DirExists(const Name: String): Boolean;
function FileExists(const Name: String): Boolean;
function FileOrDirExists(const Name: String): Boolean;
function FileSize(const Name: String; var Size: Integer): Boolean;
function FileSize64(const Name: String; var Size: Int64): Boolean;
function GetSpaceOnDisk(const Path: String; const InMegabytes: Boolean; var Free, Total: Cardinal): Boolean;
function GetSpaceOnDisk64(const Path: String; var Free, Total: Int64): Boolean;
function FileSearch(const Name, DirList: String): String;
function FindFirst(const FileName: String; var FindRec: TFindRec): Boolean;
function FindNext(var FindRec: TFindRec): Boolean;
function GetCurrentDir: String;
function SetCurrentDir(const Dir: String): Boolean;
function GetWinDir: String;
function GetSystemDir: String;
function GetSysWow64Dir: String;
function GetTempDir: String;
function GetShellFolderByCSIDL(const Folder: Integer; const Create: Boolean): String;
function GetShortName(const LongName: String): String;
function GenerateUniqueName(Path: String; const Extension: String): String;
function IsProtectedSystemFile(const Filename: String): Boolean;
function GetMD5OfFile(const Filename: String): String;
function GetSHA1OfFile(const Filename: String): String;
function GetSHA256OfFile(const Filename: String): String;
function EnableFsRedirection(const Enable: Boolean): Boolean;
function Exec(const Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ResultCode: Integer): Boolean;
function ExecAsOriginalUser(const Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ResultCode: Integer): Boolean;
function ShellExec(const Verb, Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ErrorCode: Integer): Boolean;
function ShellExecAsOriginalUser(const Verb, Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ErrorCode: Integer): Boolean;
function ExtractTemporaryFiles(const Pattern: String): Integer;
function DownloadTemporaryFile(const Url, FileName, RequiredSHA256OfFile: String; const OnDownloadProgress: TOnDownloadProgress): Int64;
function DownloadTemporaryFileSize(const Url): Int64;
function DownloadTemporaryFileDate(const Url): String;
function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: String): Boolean;
function CopyFile(const ExistingFile, NewFile: String; const FailIfExists: Boolean): Boolean;
function DeleteFile(const FileName: String): Boolean;
function SetNTFSCompression(const FileOrDir: String; Compress: Boolean): Boolean;
function LoadStringFromFile(const FileName: String; var S: AnsiString): Boolean;
function LoadStringFromLockedFile(const FileName: String; var S: AnsiString): Boolean;
function LoadStringsFromFile(const FileName: String; var S: TArrayOfString): Boolean;
function LoadStringsFromLockedFile(const FileName: String; var S: TArrayOfString): Boolean;
function SaveStringToFile(const FileName: String; const S: AnsiString; const Append: Boolean): Boolean;
function SaveStringsToFile(const FileName: String; const S: TArrayOfString; const Append: Boolean): Boolean;
function SaveStringsToUTF8File(const FileName: String; const S: TArrayOfString; const Append: Boolean): Boolean;
function SaveStringsToUTF8FileWithoutBOM(const FileName: String; const S: TArrayOfString; const Append: Boolean): Boolean;
function CreateDir(const Dir: String): Boolean;
function ForceDirectories(Dir: String): Boolean;
function RemoveDir(const Dir: String): Boolean;
function DelTree(const Path: String; const IsDir, DeleteFiles, DeleteSubdirsAlso: Boolean): Boolean;
function CreateShellLink(const Filename, Description, ShortcutTo, Parameters, WorkingDir, IconFilename: String; const IconIndex, ShowCmd: Integer): String;
function UnpinShellLink(const Filename: String): Boolean;
function UnregisterServer(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String; const FailCriticalErrors: Boolean): Boolean;
function UnregisterTypeLibrary(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String): Boolean;
function DecrementSharedCount(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String): Boolean;
function ModifyPifFile(const Filename: String; const CloseOnExit: Boolean): Boolean;
function GetVersionNumbers(const Filename: String; var VersionMS, VersionLS: Cardinal): Boolean;
function GetVersionComponents(const Filename: String; var Major, Minor, Revision, Build: Word): Boolean;
function GetVersionNumbersString(const Filename: String; var Version: String): Boolean;
function GetPackedVersion(const Filename: String; var Version: Int64): Boolean;
function PackVersionNumbers(const VersionMS, VersionLS: Cardinal): Int64;
function PackVersionComponents(const Major, Minor, Revision, Build: Word): Int64;
function ComparePackedVersion(const Version1, Version2: Int64): Integer;
function SamePackedVersion(const Version1, Version2: Int64): Boolean;
function VersionToStr(const Version: Int64): String;
function StrToVersion(const Version: String; var Version: Int64): Boolean;
function RegKeyExists(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName: String): Boolean;
function RegValueExists(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String): Boolean;
function RegGetSubkeyNames(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName: String; var Names: TArrayOfString): Boolean;
function RegGetValueNames(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName: String; var Names: TArrayOfString): Boolean;
function RegQueryStringValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; var ResultStr: String): Boolean;
function RegQueryMultiStringValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; var ResultStr: String): Boolean;
function RegQueryDWordValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; var ResultDWord: Cardinal): Boolean;
function RegQueryBinaryValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; var ResultStr: AnsiString): Boolean;
function RegWriteStringValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName, Data: String): Boolean;
function RegWriteExpandStringValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName, Data: String): Boolean;
function RegWriteMultiStringValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName, Data: String): Boolean;
function RegWriteDWordValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; const Data: Cardinal): Boolean;
function RegWriteBinaryValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String; const Data: AnsiString): Boolean;
function RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(const RootKey: Integer; const SubkeyName: String): Boolean;
function RegDeleteKeyIfEmpty(const RootKey: Integer; const SubkeyName: String): Boolean;
function RegDeleteValue(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String): Boolean;
function IniKeyExists(const Section, Key, Filename: String): Boolean;
function IsIniSectionEmpty(const Section, Filename: String): Boolean;
function GetIniBool(const Section, Key: String; const Default: Boolean; const Filename: String): Boolean;
function GetIniInt(const Section, Key: String; const Default, Min, Max: LongInt; const Filename: String): LongInt;
function GetIniString(const Section, Key, Default, Filename: String): String;
function SetIniBool(const Section, Key: String; const Value: Boolean; const Filename: String): Boolean;
function SetIniInt(const Section, Key: String; const Value: LongInt; const Filename: String): Boolean;
function SetIniString(const Section, Key, Value, Filename: String): Boolean;
function CreateInputQueryPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String): TInputQueryWizardPage;
function CreateInputOptionPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String; Exclusive, ListBox: Boolean): TInputOptionWizardPage;
function CreateInputDirPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String; AAppendDir: Boolean; ANewFolderName: String): TInputDirWizardPage;
function CreateInputFilePage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String): TInputFileWizardPage;
function CreateOutputMsgPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, AMsg: String): TOutputMsgWizardPage;
function CreateOutputMsgMemoPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String; const AMsg: AnsiString): TOutputMsgMemoWizardPage;
function CreateOutputProgressPage(const ACaption, ADescription: String): TOutputProgressWizardPage;
function CreateOutputMarqueeProgressPage(const ACaption, ADescription: String): TOutputMarqueeProgressWizardPage;
function CreateDownloadPage(const ACaption, ADescription: String; const OnDownloadProgress: TOnDownloadProgress): TDownloadWizardPage;
function CreateExtractionPage(const ACaption, ADescription: String; const OnExtractionProgress: TOnExtractionProgress): ExtractionWizardPage;
function CreateCustomPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription: String): TWizardPage;
function CreateCustomForm: TSetupForm;
function PageFromID(const ID: Integer): TWizardPage;
function PageIndexFromID(const ID: Integer): Integer;
function ScaleX(X: Integer): Integer;
function ScaleY(Y: Integer): Integer;
function InitializeBitmapImageFromIcon(const BitmapImage: TBitmapImage; const IconFilename: String; const BkColor: TColor; const AscendingTrySizes: TArrayOfInteger): Boolean;
function MsgBox(const Text: String; const Typ: TMsgBoxType; const Buttons: Integer): Integer;
function SuppressibleMsgBox(const Text: String; const Typ: TMsgBoxType; const Buttons, Default: Integer): Integer;
function TaskDialogMsgBox(const Instruction, Text: String; const Typ: TMsgBoxType; const Buttons: Cardinal; const ButtonLabels: TArrayOfString; const ShieldButton: Integer): Integer;
function SuppressibleTaskDialogMsgBox(const Instruction, Text: String; const Typ: TMsgBoxType; const Buttons: Cardinal; const ButtonLabels: TArrayOfString; const ShieldButton: Integer; const Default: Integer): Integer;
function GetOpenFileName(const Prompt: String; var FileName: String; const InitialDirectory, Filter, DefaultExtension: String): Boolean;
function GetOpenFileNameMulti(const Prompt: String; var FileNameList: TStrings; const InitialDirectory, Filter, DefaultExtension: String): Boolean;
function GetSaveFileName(const Prompt: String; var FileName: String; const InitialDirectory, Filter, DefaultExtension: String): Boolean;
function BrowseForFolder(const Prompt: String; var Directory: String; const NewFolderButton: Boolean): Boolean;
function ExitSetupMsgBox: Boolean;
function SelectDisk(const DiskNumber: Integer; const AFilename: String; var Path: String): Boolean;
function CreateOleObject(const ClassName: String): Variant;
function GetActiveOleObject(const ClassName: String): Variant;
function IDispatchInvoke(Self: IDispatch; PropertySet: Boolean; const Name: String; Par: array of Variant): Variant;
function CreateComObject(const ClassID: TGUID): IUnknown;
function StringToGUID(const S: String): TGUID;
function ExecAndCaptureOutput(const Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ResultCode: Integer; var Output: TExecOutput): Boolean;
function ExecAndLogOutput(const Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ResultCode: Integer; const OnLog: TOnLog): Boolean;
function Random(const Range: Integer): Integer;
function Get8087CW: Word;
function LoadDLL(const DLLName: String; var ErrorCode: Integer): LongInt;
function CallDLLProc(const DLLHandle: LongInt; const ProcName: String; const Param1, Param2: LongInt; var Result: LongInt): Boolean;
function FreeDLL(const DLLHandle: LongInt): Boolean;
function CastStringToInteger(var S: String): LongInt;
function CastIntegerToString(const L: LongInt): String;
function MakePendingFileRenameOperationsChecksum: String;
procedure WizardSelectComponents(const Components: String);
procedure WizardSelectTasks(const Tasks: String);
procedure Abort;
procedure RaiseException(const Msg: String);
procedure ShowExceptionMessage;
procedure GetWindowsVersionEx(var Version: TWindowsVersion);
procedure CreateMutex(const Name: String);
procedure UnloadDLL(Filename: String);
procedure Delete(var S: AnyString; Index, Count: Integer);
procedure Insert(Source: AnyString; var Dest: AnyString; Index: Integer);
procedure SetLength(var S: AnyString; L: LongInt);
procedure CharToOemBuff(var S: AnsiString);
procedure OemToCharBuff(var S: AnsiString);
procedure SetArrayLength(var Arr: Array; I: LongInt);
procedure VarArraySet(C: Variant; I: Integer; var S: Variant);
procedure FindClose(var FindRec: TFindRec);
procedure ExtractTemporaryFile(const FileName: String);
procedure SetDownloadCredentials(const User, Pass: String);
procedure Extract7ZipArchive(const ArchiveFileName, DestDir: String; const FullPaths: Boolean; const OnExtractionProgress: TOnExtractionProgress);
procedure DelayDeleteFile(const Filename: String; const Tries: Integer);
procedure RegisterServer(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String; const FailCriticalErrors: Boolean);
procedure RegisterTypeLibrary(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String);
procedure IncrementSharedCount(const Is64Bit: Boolean; const Filename: String; const AlreadyExisted: Boolean);
procedure RestartReplace(const TempFile, DestFile: String);
procedure UnregisterFont(const FontName, FontFilename: String; const PerUserFont: Boolean);
procedure UnpackVersionNumbers(const Version: Int64; var VersionMS, VersionLS: Cardinal);
procedure UnpackVersionComponents(const Version: Int64; var Major, Minor, Revision, Build: Word);
procedure DeleteIniSection(const Section, Filename: String);
procedure DeleteIniEntry(const Section, Key, Filename: String);
procedure OleCheck(Result: HResult);
procedure CoFreeUnusedLibraries;
procedure Log(const S: String);
procedure Sleep(const Milliseconds: LongInt);
procedure Beep;
procedure Set8087CW(NewCW: Word);
procedure BringToFrontAndRestore;
def _parse_class_reference(cls) -> IFPSClassReference:
def add_types(spec: tuple[IFPSParam]):
for p in spec:
if p.type is not None:
types[p.type.casefold()] = p.type
classes: dict[str, IFPSClass] = CaseInsensitiveDict()
types: dict[str, str] = {}
for function in IFPSAPI.values():
for chunk in inspect.cleandoc(inspect.getdoc(cls)).split('\n\n'):
name, _, rest = chunk.partition('=')
name = name.strip()
rest = rest.strip()
types[name.casefold()] = name
cm = re.fullmatch(r'(?s)class(?:\(\w+\))?\n\s*(.*?)\s*end;', rest)
if cm is None:
body =
members = CaseInsensitiveDict()
for member in body:
kind, _, decl = member.lstrip().rstrip(';').partition(' ')
modifier = None
writable = None
if kind == 'property':
decl, _, attributes = decl.partition(';')
attributes = attributes.strip().split()
if len(attributes) == 1:
modifier = F'__{attributes[0]}_only'
writable = 'write' in attributes
sig = parse_decl(decl, kind, modifier=modifier)
if writable is True and not sig.parameters and sig.return_type:
sig = IFPSSignature(,
[IFPSParam('NewValue', sig.return_type, True)],
members[] = sig
classes[name] = IFPSClass(name, members)
return IFPSClassReference(types, classes)
class IFPSClasses:
TObject = class
constructor Create;
procedure Free;
TPersistent = class(TObject)
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent);
TComponent = class(TPersistent)
function FindComponent(AName: String): TComponent;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
property Owner: TComponent; read write;
procedure DestroyComponents;
procedure Destroying;
procedure FreeNotification(AComponent: TComponent);
procedure InsertComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
procedure RemoveComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
property Components[Index: Integer]: TComponent; read;
property ComponentCount: Integer; read;
property ComponentIndex: Integer; read write;
property ComponentState: Byte; read;
property DesignInfo: Longint; read write;
property Name: String; read write;
property Tag: Longint; read write;
TStrings = class(TPersistent)
function Add(S: String): Integer;
procedure Append(S: String);
procedure AddStrings(Strings: TStrings);
procedure Clear;
procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
function IndexOf(const S: String): Integer;
procedure Insert(Index: Integer; S: String);
property Count: Integer; read;
property Text: String; read write;
property CommaText: String; read write;
procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: String);
procedure SaveToFile(FileName: String);
property Strings[Index: Integer]: String; read write;
property Objects[Index: Integer]: TObject; read write;
TNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject);
TDuplicates = (dupIgnore, dupAccept, dupError);
TStringList = class(TStrings)
function Find(S: String; var Index: Integer): Boolean;
procedure Sort;
property Duplicates: TDuplicates; read write;
property Sorted: Boolean; read write;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnChanging: TNotifyEvent; read write;
{ Seek Origin values: soFromBeginning, soFromCurrent, soFromEnd }
TStream = class(TObject)
function Read(var Buffer: AnyString; ByteCount: Longint): Longint;
function Write(const Buffer: AnyString; ByteCount: Longint): Longint;
function Seek(Offset: Int64; Origin: Word): Int64;
procedure ReadBuffer(var Buffer: AnyString; ByteCount: Longint);
procedure WriteBuffer(const Buffer: AnyString; ByteCount: Longint);
function CopyFrom(Source: TStream; ByteCount: Int64; BufferSize: Integer): Int64;
property Position: Longint; read write;
property Size: Longint; read write;
THandleStream = class(TStream)
constructor Create(AHandle: Integer);
property Handle: Integer; read;
TFileStream = class(THandleStream)
constructor Create(Filename: String; Mode: Word);
TStringStream = class(TStream)
constructor Create(AString: String);
TGraphicsObject = class(TPersistent)
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
TBrushStyle = (bsSolid, bsClear, bsHorizontal, bsVertical, bsFDiagonal, bsBDiagonal, bsCross, bsDiagCross);
TBrush = class(TGraphicsObject)
constructor Create;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Style: TBrushStyle; read write;
TFontStyle = (fsBold, fsItalic, fsUnderline, fsStrikeOut);
TFontStyles = set of TFontStyle;
TColor = Integer;
{ TColor values: clBlack, clMaroon, clGreen, clOlive, clNavy, clPurple, clTeal, clGray, clSilver, clRed, clLime, clYellow, clBlue, clFuchsia, clAqua, clLtGray, clDkGray, clWhite, clNone, clDefault, clScrollBar, clBackground, clActiveCaption, clInactiveCaption, clMenu, clWindow, clWindowFrame, clMenuText, clWindowText, clCaptionText, clActiveBorder, clInactiveBorder, clAppWorkSpace, clHighlight, clHighlightText, clBtnFace, clBtnShadow, clGrayText, clBtnText, clInactiveCaptionText, clBtnHighlight, cl3DDkShadow, cl3DLight, clInfoText, clInfoBk, clHotLight }
TFont = class(TGraphicsObject)
constructor Create;
property Handle: Integer; read;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Height: Integer; read write;
property Name: String; read write;
property Pitch: Byte; read write;
property Size: Integer; read write;
property PixelsPerInch: Integer; read write;
property Style: TFontStyles; read write;
TPenMode = (pmBlack, pmWhite, pmNop, pmNot, pmCopy, pmNotCopy, pmMergePenNot, pmMaskPenNot, pmMergeNotPen, pmMaskNotPen, pmMerge, pmNotMerge, pmMask, pmNotMask, pmXor, pmNotXor);
TPenStyle = (psSolid, psDash, psDot, psDashDot, psDashDotDot, psClear, psInsideFrame);
TPen = class(TGraphicsObject)
constructor Create;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Mode: TPenMode; read write;
property Style: TPenStyle; read write;
property Width: Integer; read write;
TCanvas = class(TPersistent)
procedure Arc(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer);
procedure Chord(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer);
procedure Draw(X, Y: Integer; Graphic: TGraphic);
procedure Ellipse(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
procedure FloodFill(X, Y: Integer; Color: TColor; FillStyle: Byte);
procedure LineTo(X, Y: Integer);
procedure MoveTo(X, Y: Integer);
procedure Pie(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer);
procedure Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
procedure Refresh;
procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3: Integer);
function TextHeight(Text: String): Integer;
procedure TextOut(X, Y: Integer; Text: String);
function TextWidth(Text: String): Integer;
property Handle: Integer; read write;
property Pixels: Integer Integer Integer; read write;
property Brush: TBrush; read;
property CopyMode: Byte; read write;
property Font: TFont; read;
property Pen: TPen; read;
TGraphic = class(TPersistent)
procedure LoadFromFile(const Filename: String);
procedure SaveToFile(const Filename: String);
property Empty: Boolean; read write;
property Height: Integer; read write;
property Modified: Boolean; read write;
property Width: Integer; read write;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
TAlphaFormat = (afIgnored, afDefined, afPremultiplied);
HBITMAP = Integer;
TBitmap = class(TGraphic)
procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
property AlphaFormat: TAlphaFormat; read write;
property Canvas: TCanvas; read write;
property Handle: HBITMAP; read write;
TAlign = (alNone, alTop, alBottom, alLeft, alRight, alClient);
TAnchorKind = (akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom);
TAnchors = set of TAnchorKind;
TCursor = Integer;
{ TCursor values: crDefault, crNone, crArrow, crCross, crIBeam, crSizeNESW, crSizeNS, crSizeNWSE, crSizeWE, crUpArrow, crHourGlass, crDrag, crNoDrop, crHSplit, crVSplit, crMultiDrag, crSQLWait, crNo, crAppStart, crHelp, crHandPoint, crSizeAll, crHand }
TControl = class(TComponent)
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
procedure BringToFront;
procedure Hide;
procedure Invalidate;
procedure Refresh;
procedure Repaint;
procedure SendToBack;
procedure Show;
procedure Update;
procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
property Left: Integer; read write;
property Top: Integer; read write;
property Width: Integer; read write;
property Height: Integer; read write;
property Hint: String; read write;
property Align: TAlign; read write;
property ClientHeight: Longint; read write;
property ClientWidth: Longint; read write;
property ShowHint: Boolean; read write;
property Visible: Boolean; read write;
property Enabled: Boolean; read write;
property Cursor: TCursor; read write;
TWinControl = class(TControl)
property Parent: TWinControl; read write;
property ParentBackground: Boolean; read write;
property Handle: Longint; read write;
property Showing: Boolean; read;
property TabOrder: Integer; read write;
property TabStop: Boolean; read write;
function CanFocus: Boolean;
function Focused: Boolean;
property Controls[Index: Integer]: TControl; read;
property ControlCount: Integer; read;
TGraphicControl = class(TControl)
TCustomControl = class(TWinControl)
TScrollingWinControl = class(TWinControl)
procedure ScrollInView(AControl: TControl);
TFormBorderStyle = (bsNone, bsSingle, bsSizeable, bsDialog, bsToolWindow, bsSizeToolWin);
TBorderIcon = (biSystemMenu, biMinimize, biMaximize, biHelp);
TBorderIcons = set of TBorderIcon;
TConstraintSize = 0..MaxInt;
TSizeConstraints = class(TPersistent);
property MaxHeight: TConstraintSize; read write;
property MaxWidth: TConstraintSize; read write;
property MinHeight: TConstraintSize; read write;
property MinWidth: TConstraintSize; read write;
TFormStyle = (fsNormal, fsMDIChild, fsMDIForm, fsStayOnTop);
TPopupMode = (pmNone, pmAuto, pmExplicit);
TPosition = (poDesigned, poDefault, poDefaultPosOnly, poDefaultSizeOnly, poScreenCenter, poDesktopCenter, poMainFormCenter, poOwnerFormCenter);
TCloseAction = (caNone, caHide, caFree, caMinimize);
TCloseEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
TCloseQueryEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
TEShiftState = (ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl, ssLeft, ssRight, ssMiddle, ssDouble);
TShiftState = set of TEShiftState;
TKeyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
TKeyPressEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
TForm = class(TScrollingWinControl)
constructor CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent);
procedure Close;
procedure Hide;
procedure Show;
function ShowModal: Integer;
procedure Release;
property Active: Boolean; read;
property ActiveControl: TWinControl; read write;
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property AutoScroll: Boolean; read write;
property BorderIcons: TBorderIcons; read write;
property BorderStyle: TFormBorderStyle; read write;
property Caption: String; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Constraints: TSizeConstraints; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property FormStyle: TFormStyle; read write;
property KeyPreview: Boolean; read write;
property PopupMode: TPopupMode; read write;
property PopupParent: TForm; read write;
property Position: TPosition; read write;
property OnActivate: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnClose: TCloseEvent; read write;
property OnCloseQuery: TCloseQueryEvent; read write;
property OnCreate: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDestroy: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnHide: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
property OnResize: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnShow: TNotifyEvent; read write;
TCustomLabel = class(TGraphicControl)
TAlignment = (taLeftJustify, taRightJustify, taCenter);
TLabel = class(TCustomLabel)
property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
property Caption: String; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property FocusControl: TWinControl; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property WordWrap: Boolean; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
TCustomEdit = class(TWinControl)
procedure Clear;
procedure ClearSelection;
procedure SelectAll;
property Modified: Boolean; read write;
property SelLength: Integer; read write;
property SelStart: Integer; read write;
property SelText: String; read write;
property Text: String; read write;
TBorderStyle = TFormBorderStyle;
TEditCharCase = (ecNormal, ecUpperCase, ecLowerCase);
TEdit = class(TCustomEdit)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property AutoSelect: Boolean; read write;
property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
property CharCase: TEditCharCase; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property HideSelection: Boolean; read write;
property MaxLength: Integer; read write;
property PasswordChar: Char; read write;
property ReadOnly: Boolean; read write;
property Text: String; read write;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
TNewEdit = class(TEdit)
TCustomMemo = class(TCustomEdit)
property Lines: TStrings; read write;
TScrollStyle = (ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssBoth);
TMemo = class(TCustomMemo)
property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property HideSelection: Boolean; read write;
property Lines: TStrings; read write;
property MaxLength: Integer; read write;
property ReadOnly: Boolean; read write;
property ScrollBars: TScrollStyle; read write;
property WantReturns: Boolean; read write;
property WantTabs: Boolean; read write;
property WordWrap: Boolean; read write;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
TNewMemo = class(TMemo)
TCustomComboBox = class(TWinControl)
property DroppedDown: Boolean; read write;
property Items: TStrings; read write;
property ItemIndex: Integer; read write;
TComboBoxStyle = (csDropDown, csSimple, csDropDownList, csOwnerDrawFixed, csOwnerDrawVariable);
TComboBox = class(TCustomComboBox)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property DropDownCount: Integer; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property MaxLength: Integer; read write;
property Sorted: Boolean; read write;
property Style: TComboBoxStyle; read write;
property Text: String; read write;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDropDown: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
TNewComboBox = class(TComboBox)
TButtonControl = class(TWinControl)
TButton = class(TButtonControl)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property Cancel: Boolean; read write;
property Caption: String; read write;
property Default: Boolean; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property ModalResult: Longint; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
TNewButton = class(TButton)
TCustomCheckBox = class(TButtonControl)
TCheckBoxState = (cbUnchecked, cbChecked, cbGrayed);
TCheckBox = class(TCustomCheckBox)
property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
property AllowGrayed: Boolean; read write;
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property Caption: String; read write;
property Checked: Boolean; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property State: TCheckBoxState; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
TNewCheckBox = class(TCheckBox)
TRadioButton = class(TButtonControl)
property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property Caption: String; read write;
property Checked: Boolean; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
TNewRadioButton = class(TRadioButton)
TSysLinkType = (sltURL, sltID);
TSysLinkEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Link: string; LinkType: TSysLinkType);
TCustomLinkLabel = class(TWinControl)
property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
property UseVisualStyle: Boolean; read write;
property OnLinkClick: TSysLinkEvent; read write;
TLinkLabel = class(TCustomLinkLabel)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property Caption: String; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
TNewLinkLabel = class(TLinkLabel)
function AdjustHeight: Integer;
TCustomListBox = class(TWinControl)
property Items: TStrings; read write;
property ItemIndex: Integer; read write;
property SelCount: Integer; read;
property Selected[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;
TListBoxStyle = (lbStandard, lbOwnerDrawFixed, lbOwnerDrawVariable);
TListBox = class(TCustomListBox)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property MultiSelect: Boolean; read write;
property Sorted: Boolean; read write;
property Style: TListBoxStyle; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
TNewListBox = class(TListBox)
TBevelKind = (bkNone, bkTile, bkSoft, bkFlat);
TBevelShape = (bsBox, bsFrame, bsTopLine, bsBottomLine, bsLeftLine, bsRightLine, bsSpacer);
TBevelStyle = (bsLowered, bsRaised);
TBevel = class(TGraphicControl)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property Shape: TBevelShape; read write;
property Style: TBevelStyle; read write;
TCustomPanel = class(TCustomControl)
TPanelBevel = (bvNone, bvLowered, bvRaised, bvSpace);
TBevelWidth = Longint;
TBorderWidth = Longint;
TPanel = class(TCustomPanel)
property Alignment: TAlignment; read write;
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property BevelInner: TPanelBevel; read write;
property BevelKind: TBevelKind; read write;
property BevelOuter: TPanelBevel; read write;
property BevelWidth: TBevelWidth; read write;
property BorderWidth: TBorderWidth; read write;
property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
property Caption: String; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
TNewStaticText = class(TWinControl)
function AdjustHeight: Integer;
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
property Caption: String; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property FocusControl: TWinControl; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property ForceLTRReading: Boolean; read write;
property ShowAccelChar: Boolean; read write;
property WordWrap: Boolean; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
TCheckItemOperation = (coUncheck, coCheck, coCheckWithChildren);
TNewCheckListBox = class(TCustomListBox)
function AddCheckBox(const ACaption, ASubItem: String; ALevel: Byte; AChecked, AEnabled, AHasInternalChildren, ACheckWhenParentChecked: Boolean; AObject: TObject): Integer;
function AddGroup(ACaption, ASubItem: String; ALevel: Byte; AObject: TObject): Integer;
function AddRadioButton(const ACaption, ASubItem: String; ALevel: Byte; AChecked, AEnabled: Boolean; AObject: TObject): Integer;
function CheckItem(const Index: Integer; const AOperation: TCheckItemOperation): Boolean;
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property Checked[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;
property State[Index: Integer]: TCheckBoxState; read write;
property ItemCaption[Index: Integer]: String; read write;
property ItemEnabled[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;
property ItemFontStyle[Index: Integer]: TFontStyles; read write;
property ItemLevel[Index: Integer]: Byte; read;
property ItemObject[Index: Integer]: TObject; read write;
property ItemSubItem[Index: Integer]: String; read write;
property SubItemFontStyle[Index: Integer]: TFontStyles; read write;
property Flat: Boolean; read write;
property MinItemHeight: Integer; read write;
property Offset: Integer; read write;
property OnClickCheck: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property Sorted: Boolean; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
property ShowLines: Boolean; read write;
property WantTabs: Boolean; read write;
property RequireRadioSelection: Boolean; read write;
TNewProgressBarState = (npbsNormal, npbsError, npbsPaused);
TNewProgressBarStyle = (npbstNormal, npbstMarquee);
TNewProgressBar = class(TWinControl)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property Min: Longint; read write;
property Max: Longint; read write;
property Position: Longint; read write;
property State: TNewProgressBarState; read write;
property Style: TNewProgressBarStyle; read write;
property Visible: Boolean; read write;
TRichEditViewer = class(TMemo)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property BevelKind: TBevelKind; read write;
property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
property RTFText: AnsiString; write;
property UseRichEdit: Boolean; read write;
TPasswordEdit = class(TCustomEdit)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property AutoSelect: Boolean; read write;
property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle; read write;
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Font: TFont; read write;
property HideSelection: Boolean; read write;
property MaxLength: Integer; read write;
property Password: Boolean; read write;
property ReadOnly: Boolean; read write;
property Text: String; read write;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; read write;
property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; read write;
property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; read write;
TCustomFolderTreeView = class(TWinControl)
procedure ChangeDirectory(const Value: String; const CreateNewItems: Boolean);
procedure CreateNewDirectory(const ADefaultName: String);
property Directory: String; read write;
TFolderRenameEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomFolderTreeView; var NewName: String; var Accept: Boolean);
TFolderTreeView = class(TCustomFolderTreeView)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnRename: TFolderRenameEvent; read write;
TStartMenuFolderTreeView = class(TCustomFolderTreeView)
procedure SetPaths(const AUserPrograms, ACommonPrograms, AUserStartup, ACommonStartup: String);
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnRename: TFolderRenameEvent; read write;
TBitmapImage = class(TGraphicControl)
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property AutoSize: Boolean; read write;
property BackColor: TColor; read write;
property Center: Boolean; read write;
property Bitmap: TBitmap; read write;
property ReplaceColor: TColor; read write;
property ReplaceWithColor: TColor; read write;
property Stretch: Boolean; read write;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; read write;
TNewNotebook = class(TWinControl)
function FindNextPage(CurPage: TNewNotebookPage; GoForward: Boolean): TNewNotebookPage;
property Anchors: TAnchors; read write;
property PageCount: Integer; read write;
property Pages[Index: Integer]: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property ActivePage: TNewNotebookPage; read write;
TNewNotebookPage = class(TCustomControl)
property Color: TColor; read write;
property Notebook: TNewNotebook; read write;
property PageIndex: Integer; read write;
TWizardPageNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TWizardPage);
TWizardPageButtonEvent = function(Sender: TWizardPage): Boolean;
TWizardPageCancelEvent = procedure(Sender: TWizardPage; var ACancel, AConfirm: Boolean);
TWizardPageShouldSkipEvent = function(Sender: TWizardPage): Boolean;
TWizardPage = class(TComponent)
property ID: Integer; read;
property Caption: String; read write;
property Description: String; read write;
property Surface: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property SurfaceColor: TColor; read;
property SurfaceHeight: Integer; read;
property SurfaceWidth: Integer; read;
property OnActivate: TWizardPageNotifyEvent; read write;
property OnBackButtonClick: TWizardPageButtonEvent; read write;
property OnCancelButtonClick: TWizardPageCancelEvent; read write;
property OnNextButtonClick: TWizardPageButtonEvent; read write;
property OnShouldSkipPage: TWizardPageShouldSkipEvent; read write;
TInputQueryWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
function Add(const APrompt: String; const APassword: Boolean): Integer;
property Edits[Index: Integer]: TPasswordEdit; read;
property PromptLabels[Index: Integer]: TNewStaticText; read;
property SubCaptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property Values[Index: Integer]: String; read write;
TInputOptionWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
function Add(const ACaption: String): Integer;
function AddEx(const ACaption: String; const ALevel: Byte; const AExclusive: Boolean): Integer;
property CheckListBox: TNewCheckListBox; read;
property SelectedValueIndex: Integer; read write;
property SubCaptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property Values[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;
TInputDirWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
function Add(const APrompt: String): Integer;
property Buttons[Index: Integer]: TNewButton; read;
property Edits[Index: Integer]: TEdit; read;
property NewFolderName: String; read write;
property PromptLabels[Index: Integer]: TNewStaticText; read;
property SubCaptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property Values[Index: Integer]: String; read write;
TInputFileWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
function Add(const APrompt, AFilter, ADefaultExtension: String): Integer;
property Buttons[Index: Integer]: TNewButton; read;
property Edits[Index: Integer]: TEdit; read;
property PromptLabels[Index: Integer]: TNewStaticText; read;
property SubCaptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property Values[Index: Integer]: String; read write;
property IsSaveButton[Index: Integer]: Boolean; read write;
TOutputMsgWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
property MsgLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
TOutputMsgMemoWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
property RichEditViewer: TRichEditViewer; read;
property SubCaptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
TOutputProgressWizardPage = class(TWizardPage)
procedure Hide;
property Msg1Label: TNewStaticText; read;
property Msg2Label: TNewStaticText; read;
property ProgressBar: TNewProgressBar; read;
procedure SetProgress(const Position, Max: Longint);
procedure SetText(const Msg1, Msg2: String);
procedure Show;
TOutputMarqueeProgressWizardPage = class(TOutputProgressWizardPage)
procedure Animate;
TDownloadWizardPage = class(TOutputProgressWizardPage)
property AbortButton: TNewButton; read;
property AbortedByUser: Boolean; read;
procedure Add(const Url, BaseName, RequiredSHA256OfFile: String);
procedure AddEx(const Url, BaseName, RequiredSHA256OfFile, UserName, Password: String);
procedure Clear;
function Download: Int64;
property ShowBaseNameInsteadOfUrl: Boolean; read write;
TExtractionWizardPage = class(TOutputProgressWizardPage)
property AbortButton: TNewButton; read;
property AbortedByUser: Boolean; read;
procedure Add(const ArchiveFileName, DestDir: String; const FullPaths: Boolean);
procedure Clear;
procedure Extract;
property ShowArchiveInsteadOfFile: Boolean; read write;
TUIStateForm = class(TForm)
TSetupForm = class(TUIStateForm)
function CalculateButtonWidth(const ButtonCaptions: array of String): Integer;
function ShouldSizeX: Boolean;
function ShouldSizeY: Boolean;
procedure FlipSizeAndCenterIfNeeded(const ACenterInsideControl: Boolean; const CenterInsideControlCtl: TWinControl; const CenterInsideControlInsideClientArea: Boolean);
property ControlsFlipped: Boolean; read;
property FlipControlsOnShow: Boolean; read write;
property KeepSizeY: Boolean; read; write;
property RightToLeft: Boolean; read;
property SizeAndCenterOnShow: Boolean; read write;
TWizardForm = class(TSetupForm)
property CancelButton: TNewButton; read;
property NextButton: TNewButton; read;
property BackButton: TNewButton; read;
property OuterNotebook: TNotebook; read;
property InnerNotebook: TNotebook; read;
property WelcomePage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property InnerPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property FinishedPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property LicensePage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property PasswordPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property InfoBeforePage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property UserInfoPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property SelectDirPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property SelectComponentsPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property SelectProgramGroupPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property SelectTasksPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property ReadyPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property PreparingPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property InstallingPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property InfoAfterPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property DiskSpaceLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property DirEdit: TEdit; read;
property GroupEdit: TNewEdit; read;
property NoIconsCheck: TNewCheckBox; read;
property PasswordLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property PasswordEdit: TPasswordEdit; read;
property PasswordEditLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property ReadyMemo: TNewMemo; read;
property TypesCombo: TNewComboBox; read;
property Bevel: TBevel; read;
property WizardBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
property WelcomeLabel1: TNewStaticText; read;
property InfoBeforeMemo: TRichEditViewer; read;
property InfoBeforeClickLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property MainPanel: TPanel; read;
property Bevel1: TBevel; read;
property PageNameLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property PageDescriptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property WizardSmallBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
property ReadyLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property FinishedLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property YesRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
property NoRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
property WizardBitmapImage2: TBitmapImage; read;
property WelcomeLabel2: TNewStaticText; read;
property LicenseLabel1: TNewStaticText; read;
property LicenseMemo: TRichEditViewer; read;
property InfoAfterMemo: TRichEditViewer; read;
property InfoAfterClickLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property ComponentsList: TNewCheckListBox; read;
property ComponentsDiskSpaceLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property BeveledLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property StatusLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property FilenameLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property ProgressGauge: TNewProgressBar; read;
property SelectDirLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property SelectStartMenuFolderLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property SelectComponentsLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property SelectTasksLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property LicenseAcceptedRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
property LicenseNotAcceptedRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
property UserInfoNameLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property UserInfoNameEdit: TNewEdit; read;
property UserInfoOrgLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property UserInfoOrgEdit: TNewEdit; read;
property PreparingErrorBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
property PreparingLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property FinishedHeadingLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property UserInfoSerialLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property UserInfoSerialEdit: TNewEdit; read;
property TasksList: TNewCheckListBox; read;
property RunList: TNewCheckListBox; read;
property DirBrowseButton: TNewButton; read;
property GroupBrowseButton: TNewButton; read;
property SelectDirBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
property SelectGroupBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
property SelectDirBrowseLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property PreparingYesRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
property PreparingNoRadio: TNewRadioButton; read;
property PreparingMemo: TNewMemo; read;
property CurPageID: Integer; read;
function AdjustLabelHeight(ALabel: TNewStaticText): Integer;
function AdjustLinkLabelHeight(ALinkLabel: TNewLinkLabel): Integer;
procedure IncTopDecHeight(AControl: TControl; Amount: Integer);
property PrevAppDir: String; read;
TUninstallProgressForm = class(TSetupForm)
property OuterNotebook: TNewNotebook; read;
property InnerPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property InnerNotebook: TNewNotebook; read;
property InstallingPage: TNewNotebookPage; read;
property MainPanel: TPanel; read;
property PageNameLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property PageDescriptionLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property WizardSmallBitmapImage: TBitmapImage; read;
property Bevel1: TBevel; read;
property StatusLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property ProgressBar: TNewProgressBar; read;
property BeveledLabel: TNewStaticText; read;
property Bevel: TBevel; read;
property CancelButton: TNewButton; read;
IFPSEventDescriptions = {
parse_function('function InitializeSetup(): Boolean'): (
'Called during Setup initialization. Return False to abort Setup, True otherwise.'
parse_function('procedure InitializeWizard()'): (
'Initial changes to the wizard or wizard pages at startup.'
parse_function('procedure DeinitializeSetup()'): (
'Called just before Setup terminates.'
parse_function('procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep)'): (
'Used for pre-install and post-install tasks.'
parse_function('procedure CurInstallProgressChanged(CurProgress, MaxProgress: Integer)'): (
'Event function to monitor progress while Setup is extracting files.'
parse_function('function NextButtonClick(PageID: Integer): Boolean'): (
'Triggered when the setup step is advanced.'
parse_function('function BackButtonClick(PageID: Integer): Boolean'): (
'Called when the user navigates to the previous installation step.'
parse_function('procedure CancelButtonClick(PageID: Integer; var Cancel, Confirm: Boolean)'): (
'Called when the user clicks the Cancel button or closes the installer window.'
parse_function('function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean'): (
'The wizard calls this event function to determine whether or not a particular page should '
'be shown at all.'
parse_function('procedure CurPageChanged(PageID: Integer)'): (
'Called after a new wizard page (specified by PageID) is shown.'
parse_function('function CheckPassword(Password: String): Boolean'): (
'If Setup finds the CheckPassword event function in the Pascal script, it automatically '
'displays the Password page and calls CheckPassword to check passwords. Returns True to '
'accept the password and False to reject it.'
parse_function('function NeedRestart(): Boolean'): (
'Returns True to instruct Setup to prompt the user to restart the system at the end of a'
' successful installation, False otherwise.'
'function UpdateReadyMemo(Space, NewLine, MemoUserInfoInfo, MemoDirInfo, MemoTypeInfo,'
' MemoComponentsInfo, MemoGroupInfo, MemoTasksInfo: String): String'
): (
'If Setup finds this event function in the Pascal script, it is called automatically when '
'the Ready to Install wizard page becomes the active page. It should return the text to '
'be displayed in the settings memo on the Ready to Install wizard page as a single string '
'with lines separated by the NewLine parameter. Parameter Space contains a string with '
parse_function('procedure RegisterPreviousData(PreviousDataKey: Integer)'): (
'Used to store user settings entered on custom wizard pages.'
parse_function('function CheckSerial(Serial: String): Boolean'): (
'Returns True to accept a serial number and False to reject it.'
parse_function('function GetCustomSetupExitCode: Integer'): (
'Returns a number to instruct Setup to return a custom exit code.'
parse_function('function PrepareToInstall(var NeedsRestart: Boolean): String'): (
'Event function which detects and installs missing prerequisites and/or to shutdown any '
'application which is about to be updated.'
parse_function('procedure RegisterExtraCloseApplicationsResources'): (
'Used to register extra files which Setup should check for being in-use.'
parse_function('function InitializeUninstall(): Boolean'): (
'Returns False to abort Uninstall, True otherwise.'
parse_function('procedure InitializeUninstallProgressForm()'): (
'Event function to make changes to the progress form at startup.'
parse_function('procedure DeinitializeUninstall()'): (
'Called just before uninstall terminates.'
parse_function('procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep)'): (
'Used for pre-uninstall and post-uninstall tasks.'
parse_function('function UninstallNeedRestart(): Boolean'): (
'Returns True to instruct Uninstall to prompt the user to restart the system at the end of'
' a successful uninstallation, False otherwise.'
IFPSEvents = CaseInsensitiveDict()
for sig in IFPSEventDescriptions:
IFPSEvents[] = sig
def parse_decl(decl, kind, void=None, modifier=None)
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def parse_decl(decl: str, kind: str, void: Optional[bool] = None, modifier: Optional[str] = None): def try_type(type: str): if not type: return None type = type.strip().split() if not type: return None elif len(type) == 1: return type[0] elif type[0] == 'array': return 'TArray' bo, bc = '[]' if kind == 'property' else '()' parts = re.fullmatch(r'''(?x) (?P<name>\w+) (?:{o}(?P<args>.*?){c})? (?::\s(?P<type>[\w\s]+))?;? '''.format(o=re.escape(bo), c=re.escape(bc)), decl.strip()) if void is None: void = kind == 'procedure' if parts is None: raise ParsingError(decl, 'Failed to parse') parts = parts.groupdict() name = parts['name'] type = parts['type'] type = try_type(type) args = [] if a := parts['args']: for group in a.split(';'): group, _, at = group.strip().partition(': ') kind, _, tmp = group.strip().partition(' ') if kind in {'var', 'const'}: group = tmp for part in group.split(','): args.append(IFPSParam(part.strip(), try_type(at), kind != 'var')) return IFPSSignature(name, kind, tuple(args), type, void, modifier)
def parse_function(symbol)
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def parse_function(symbol: str) -> IFPSSignature: kind, _, decl = symbol.strip().partition(' ') sig = parse_decl(decl, kind) if (sig.return_type is None) != sig.void: raise ParsingError(symbol, F'Voidness ({sig.void}) of {kind} conflicts with return type {sig.return_type}') return sig
class IFPSParam (name, type, const)
IFPSParam(name, type, const)
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class IFPSParam(NamedTuple): name: str type: Optional[str] const: bool
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var name
Alias for field number 0
var type
Alias for field number 1
var const
Alias for field number 2
class IFPSSignature (name, kind, parameters, return_type, void, modifier=None)
IFPSSignature(name, kind, parameters, return_type, void, modifier)
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class IFPSSignature(NamedTuple): name: str kind: str parameters: tuple[IFPSParam] return_type: Optional[str] void: bool modifier: Optional[str] = None @property def argc(self): return len(self.parameters)
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var name
Alias for field number 0
var kind
Alias for field number 1
var parameters
Alias for field number 2
var return_type
Alias for field number 3
var void
Alias for field number 4
var modifier
Alias for field number 5
var argc
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@property def argc(self): return len(self.parameters)
class IFPSClass (name, members)
IFPSClass(name, members)
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class IFPSClass(NamedTuple): name: str members: dict[str, IFPSSignature]
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var name
Alias for field number 0
var members
Alias for field number 1
class IFPSClassReference (Types, Classes)
IFPSClassReference(Types, Classes)
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class IFPSClassReference(NamedTuple): Types: dict[str, str] Classes: dict[str, IFPSClass]
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var Types
Alias for field number 0
var Classes
Alias for field number 1
class ParsingError (symbol, what)
Unspecified run-time error.
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class ParsingError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, symbol: str, what: str): super().__init__(F'{what}: {symbol}')
- builtins.RuntimeError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException